Newspaper Page Text
3lj? iHimtiunnrrii fHmtitiir*
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Mr. Will Coleman is spending!
a few days in Savannah.
Mennen's Unrated Talcum
Powders and Colgate’s \ iolct
and Cash mere Roquet Talcum i
Powders, from this date, will sell
at the Palmer Drug Store in Alley
for 15 cents per box.
Miss Irene Haskins spent the
day with friends here Monday.
White and Yellow Union Sets
at 10 cents per quart. Mount
Vernon Drug Co.
The latest in Ladies’ and Chil
dren's belts for twenty-live and
fifty cents at. Mrs. .1. L. Adams’.
Let- court, visitors remember t he j
ferry will lie operated all night|
during the two weeks of court. I
Mcdicamentimi, seven bottles I
for 25cents at. Palmer Drug Store.
Mrs. G. F. Austin has returned
from a visit among relatives and j
friends in Florida.
Hack combs, purses and hand
hags at W. J. & T. A. Peterson’s.
HARDERS. —Will be prepared
to accommodate boarders during
court week. Conveniently loca
ted and good table and beds.
Mrs. J. D. McCullough.
White and Yellow Onion Sets |
at 10 cents per quart. Mount
Vernon Drug Co.
Little Tom Cock Held enter
tained a few of his friend at a'
birthday dinner one day last
Rev. Mr. Barr of Longpond was
a visitor to Mt. Vernon yesterday, i
Columbus, Ci,a., October 10.—
Two women wore killed antin'
third injured in a* collision bo- '
tween a Coiumbus trolley car and ;
a Central of Georgia switch on- i
gino, just above this city shortly
alter 2 o’clock.
The dead : Mrs. \V. 0 Munro
ami Mrs. Strickland.
The injured woman, who sus
tained a broken ankle and other
injuries, is now in the hospital,
and physicians have not learned
her name.
The accident occured in the |
railroad yards of the Central ofj
Georgia from Columbus to Atlan
ta and where the trolley lmn
crosses the railroad track.
The trolley car, not seeing the
backing switch engine, had start
ed across the track, when the
crash came.
The ecape of the other passen-,
gers was miraculous. The crew' of I
the switch engine was not in jured, j
The switch engine crew and the]
motorrnaii and conductor on the j
ear that was demolished, were ur-!
rested late this afternoon and |
carried to police headquarters,
where they will be held pending
investigation as to who was to
hlanie for the accident.
The motorman is YV. L. Bent-1
Jey, while the conductor was J. C.
Chandler. \\ f . J. Proctor was the ]
engineer m charge of the engine]
and Sam Hodges was foreman in
Engineer Proctor made a state
ment, the facts of which are sub
stantially as follows;
The engine was going forward,
which threw him on the opposite
side from which the street car was
coming. Just before he reached
the crossing, he receiv'd a go-
Sln-ad signal and as lie could n<<t
see anything ahead to prevent
him, he put on steam and start'd
nii'-ad. The next thing he knew
the front he was pushing crashed
into a street oar.
There were six of seven people
on the car, but only three were
Rubies’ curly bear skin caps for
i twenty-live cents at Mrs. .1. L.
: Adams’.
Mr. Tom Hester, deputy sherilV.
i made a business trip to Baxley
one day last week.
Fine Roil 10 yards, Crepe Pa
per at Palmer Drug Store, 5 cents.
A 50 cents box of Stationery
25 for cents at the Palmer Drug!
■ Store, Alley,
1 1 Ladies’ neckwear, jabbos and
embroidered and laCe collars, jet
bat pins, etc. Here the Indies
j can be pleased with these popular
hits of finery. W. J. cfc T. A.
| Peterson, Alley, Ga.
Soutliftcho and gilt braids and
i ■
j jet buttons for dress trimings at
| M rs. J L. Ada ins’.
White and Yellow Union Sets
at lo cents per cpinrt. Mount
Vernon Drug Co.
Barrettes of every dcacript inn,
including the great rage, jets,
ranging in price from 15c to 75c.
W. .1. it T. A. Peterson.
If you are looking for an up
to-date hat, call at Mrs. .1. L.
Ada ms.
150 New Winter Suits for Men,
Youths and Boys received this;
! week—direct from New York.
W. H. Mclpiecn.
j See our Up-to-date Suits before!
buying and save from $2.50 to
I $5.00 in price. W. H. MeQueon.
During the two weeks of superi
or court 1 will accept hoarders,
land invite visitors to stop.
Mrs. J. K. Cock field.
The Vidalla volunteer fire de
partment is an organization that
1 1 lie people of the city take an cs-j
, peciiil pride in; and justly so, for
1 they have ever been prompt in re- 1
j spending to the fire alarm and
| their work has saved much valu
able property from destruction
by fire. Under the direction of
Chief. L. L. Avret a splendid or
ganization has been perfected,!
and each member knows just what)
duty he is expected to perform in
case of fire. The members all take
an interest in the department as
their prompt and eifeient work
i when called upon testifies,
j Since the department has been
] organized there have been quite a
I number of fires in the city that j
would have undoubtedly assumed
serious proportions had it not |
been for the promt and effectual
work of the mem bars. As it is, ]
the property loss by fire in Vidal
ia during the past year has been ;
very slight,. Our town has as
good tire protection as many of
the smaller cities that, have reg- ;
|iilar lire departments. —Toombs)
j County Local.
Not ice.
This is notice to the public that
jj. YV. Register of Kibbee has not,
been appointed nor employed by
me as a deputy, and has no au
! thority to act in this capacity.
James Hester,
Sheriff Montgomery Cc.
The eleventh oppointment of
1 the year will be held at the Glen
wood Methodist church Saturday
; and Sunday next. There will be
‘only one more appoint mant at
this church before the Annual
Conference, held in December.
The next attraction at. the
Union Baptist Institute will be
the appearance of the famous,
Hobley Male Quartet, which will
be n<*re on the evening of Thurs-!
day, October 28. This splendid '
company has before appealedj
here, and all who heard it were
- pleased Do nut fail to go out. j
Tie* Annual meeting of the \\
R. M. U of the Daniel Assoc in-’
tion will lie held at Yidnlia Oct.
2S and 2‘Jth. And we appeal to
the sisters of every church in this
Associat ion to attend this meet-'
Till lisp,\\ A. M.
1. Devotional exercises, Mrs.
.1. A. J. Damns.
2. Call lor messengers.
5. Address and financial report,
by superintendent.
1. Fix hour of adjournment
i and meet ing and appoint com
mit tee on nominal ton.
5. How shall, tins committee '
lie appointed, by body or sup •rin
<>. Song. Adjourn,
Tnrit so a \ i*. u.
1. Devotional exercises, Mrs.
A. P. Thomas.
2. Call for messengers.
51. Reports by messengers on
state of soeiet ies.
1. Paper—“Tin*crying need of
world wide evangelization," Mrs.
5. Song.
6. Open Parliament—" Did
1 . .;
<lllr association raise its share of;
the apportionment, for the various!
departments ot state work. If not
why not? What better plan can
we use the coming year?” Mrs. .).;
it,’. Rrewton.
7. "The great need for work of
j Slate Mission Hoard in Georgia,”
Miss Eunice l pshaw .
8. Adjourn.
TH I : RSP AY EVK.MXU 7 I*. »l
1. Devotional exercises, Miss
Bessie Dumas.
Chorus —U. R. 1. girls.
Recit.ution —1 . 11. I pup'l.
• piartet —U . R. 1. girls.
Si mg.
truest ion Rox.
Reoitat ion—Louise Dickens,
Duett Vidalia folks.
Recitation- "The signet ring,”
Jewell Geiger, Gleliwood. j
Reading—" The t ravels and ex*!
■ experience of a missionary box,
•Indie Mae Mart in.
Recitat ion—‘‘Christ ian light,” j
, Re til Mae Duller, Ailey, fill.
Solo—Miss Rleen Peacock.
Dialogue box opening—Misses
Pearl Thompson, Georgia Lee and
Jadio Mae Martin, Lynns, Ga.
i. Song. Adjourn with prayer—j
| pastor.
1. Devotional exercises, Mrs, j
2. “Ifow the need for work of
State Mission Board in Georgia is |
j being met by various departments;
of stale work,” —Led by Mrs. 'l’om
Kent. Discussion.
s>. Song.
4. ‘‘Cheerful giving,” Mrs. F.
M. Smith.
5. Elect officers.
0. Time and place,
7. Song sermon, Dr. Buckholy.
1. Devotional exercises, Mrs. |
; 11 udsou.
2. ‘‘State work and workers of
Georgia.” Mrs. W. J. Neil.
ti ‘‘What are we doing to pro
mote VV. M. U. in our Aweia
tioiis,” Mrs. Mary Gunter.
4. “The other woman again.;
Where is she? What, doing? How
j can wc win her?” Mrs. W. P.
! Lake.
5. “Tithing, its bearing on the
mission problem,” Mrs, Henry.
0. Reports and remittance.
“Why quarterly reports of so
eieties to superintendents”—Led;
by Mrs. Gunter.
7- Open Parliament. “How
may we so know our God t hat we
may be strong to do exploits,”
Mrs. E P. Bouiar.
K. Question box.
ti. Chain of prayer. “That we
who are present and Hie Women
in all the churches of mtr associa
tions may lit* drawn so close to
Him that we may may know His
will for ns regarding a lost, world
and be strong to do it.”
10 Adjourn.
Address —Dr. Ruck holy.
■ All tie- brethren are most cor
dially invited to attend services
Friday 11 o’clock and 7 p. m.
Mrs. Fulton Smith, Mrs. W P
Lake and Mrs. J. L. Hart, Coin
| unttee ou order of business. j
At lanta, Oct. IS.—The Supreme
! Court began consideration to-dav
ot t In' criminal docket, consider
;mg first capital cases, in all of j
which Attorney General Hart np- ■
‘penred with the solicitor general j
ion behalf of the state.
Among the cases argued were!
those of VV. R. and Archie Lyons
convicted in Wayne county of t he
murder of Fleming Smith given
life sentences; George Leonard,
convicted of murder in Worth
county and given a life sentence;
.1. C. Tucker, convicted of murder
in Telfair county and given a life
! sentence; R. V. L. Day, convicted
jof murder in Coffee county and
given a life sentence ; Judson Joy
j ner, convicted of rape in Emanuel
[enmity ami given twenty years; |
Cleveland Westbrook, convicted!
ot murder in Tift county and sen- ;
t.enced to hang; Henry Andrews, i
convicted of murder in Tlmmas i
county ami sentenced for life.
The court will not take up the j
eivil docket lint il the first Monday
in November, at wliich I ime it will;
; begin with the Patau In circuit- and !
|go through the Stone Mountain. |
I There will he no furl her argument j
; in the court of appeals until * Mo- j
i her 251 li.
The Robley Male (Quartet is
'coming. They have been here j
j before, therefore we want tlienii
; again. They will entertain in the)
j I R. Insi itute auditorium Fri- ]
j day evening. Udnbrr 2Mth, at, S
JO Clock. Il you lull to Collie to
| this entertainment you will he j
I sorry, and so will I In just splen
;dn’l. The charges are moderate, |
125 cents foi school children and
! si) ceu t s for ot hers. I Inn’t tail to j
! hear t his splendid-quartet.
.1. C. Rrewton. i
| Unchanging Laws. |
M fe
fe Such \\<*r(‘ the statutes of tin* Meries and Persians.
& With us it’s different—wo sire always changing high-class g|
• n>o |n|
gj goods for money, and the easterner gelling goods from my w
ijs place gets the better of tlm bargain—sill the time. 8?
RS «
U ®
{2 To tret the best values goes on from season to season when I?
you make tliis store your regular buying point tor
i. • 1
Farmers’ Supplies, Dry Goods, Groceries,
I Clothing, Notions, Hardware and Stoves. I
l< u
(Jet tlie top of the market by bringing me your cotton, jpj
p P. S. —New Home Sewing Machines are still Leading. ||
P Have you bought one yet? ||
j W. 'li |
$ (Commonly known as the “old stand-by )
| _ MT. VERNON, GA. g
Owing to the fact that there
: will he a Ivceiim attraction at the'
l . 15. I on the 2St h of October, j
MissGarr’s recital in expression!
which was announced in lust ■
! week's issue for tin* 25i li of Oot.o
tier, has been postponed until
November. The exact date will
1 be announced later.
1 S|w finl ( 'olT^HpniDlPlMT.
We arc glad fro suv that, Mrs. I
L. N. Barlow was able to be car-!
ried to the home of Mr. (J. P
Mr. ami Mrs. G (', Gunner were
mingling among Je|V | >uvis friends
Mr. A. 0. Gordon and family;
j spent one day last, week at J. L. |
j Adams’.
Mr. Ed. Barlow and mother
passed through our section last
j week en route to Gleliwood to\is !
it reinlives.
Misses Florence and Loiiranie
j Moseley wcic in V nla lia slioppi ng i
I last Sat unlay.
Mr.-G P. Moseley and sons and
Mr. G. F. (.onion and sons made
a business t rip to VI d 11 1 111 one day.
I last, week.
’ Mr. F. M. Gordon spent last. (
week with his brother, Mr. A. T. j
■ Gordon,
Messrs, ihumic Meadows and J
Henry Wiggs of Vidalia were
among friends in our Meet ion me
day last week.
Mrs. G. p. Moseley and Mrs.
, W . .1. Barlow Were till* guests of
I their sister, Mrs. J. \V, Moseley,
I last Friday. —Fuss and Fun.
Amerieus, <tetober II). —Ju hu
alterent-inn resulting over the y;im-
| uing of a Wale of cotton, Madison
: Walknr, a well-known Sumter
jcounty fanner, was strnek down
lWy John Brown, a neighbor, yes
terdny evening, dentil resultin'
shortly thereafter.
According to the statement of
Mr. It row n. he was attacked Wy
Walker,win) Went him with an
| iron War. Brown finally secured
possession of the ini|ilemont and
struck Walker, death resulting
lirown at once offered to sur
render, Wul was not arrested.
The regular three days session of
jthoitumel Association began in
'(ilenw I yesterday, and will We
[continued until tomorrow night.
This is one of the strongest As
sociations of the Baptist- church,
composed of churches from Tal l -
I nail, Toomlis, Montgomery and
'Pelfair count ies, and a large niiin-
I tier of pastors, messengers and
[ visit ors arc present.
[ A large delegation from the I .
II I. wi 11 a t tend 1 1 "la v.
i Notice To l’lililic.
Notice is hereby given that
I,amnion's ferry, opposite Mount
Vernon . will lie operated all night
! during the two weeks of superior
court, with a competent, man in
, charge. Ity order of hoard (lot’ll
niissiniiers Roads and Revenues
| M (1. William Bland, <Herk.
.. - - ... - - - - -
NO. 28