The Montgomery monitor. (Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County, Ga.) 1886-current, October 28, 1909, Image 1

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    (Fit? iflmtttnr.
McLendon Case
Nearing Close.
Savannah, Ga., Oct. 20.—1 n j
the hands of Judge Charlton of
Chatham superior court now rests j
the decision of the tight over the |
Georgia railroad commissioner
ship now held oy Joseph F. Gray
and sought bv its former ocou- j
pant, Guyt McLendon. At the
conclusion of the argument of j
former Justice Lamar this after
noon Judge 'Charlton took the j
case under advisement, but re
served his decisiou which it is not
expected will be long in 'coming.
As the law requires it bo handed
down within ten days it is seen
the contestants will not long he
held in suspense, it i- recogniz
ed that Judge Charlton’s decision
will not be accepted as final re
gardless of its trend.
Col. William Garrard, who had j
not finished his argument at ad-]
journment of court yesterday,!
quickly finished this morning and
was followed by Cant. Robert M. |
Hitch, who also spoke for Mr.
Gray. He was followed in turn!
by Gen. Peter Meldrim for Mr ;
Gray, while Judge Lamar closed
the case for Mr. McLendon. Col.
Garrard said m part.:
“When a man comes with quo;
warranto he must come entirely
disentangled; he must come with l
clean hands. The difficulty when j
Mr. McLendon handled the street
railway bonds was that he received |
his brokerage commission, audit, j
so struck the general assembly, j
Under the plea of bringing money ;
into Georgia pro !>ono publico, lie
handled tht* bonds, but he took
the commission even though he j
was not supposed to be acting j
pro bono McLendon. The tribunal i
t > put McLendon back would be !
t ie legislature and that is the on- j
Jy tribunal which should have'
done so according to the law of,
the state. The legislature refused ;
and it would be outrageous to put 1
him back again.”
Capt. Hitch said: “Tn the cele- j
brated Tavlor against Becharu
case of Kentucky the United i
States supreme court unequivocal
ly and for all time decided that
there was no property right in
public office. It makes no dif
ference whether there is property
or not in office if the removal is
cause by due process of law. That!
a public office is the property of j
him to whom the duties are in
trusted is repugant to the highest !
ideal of our constitution anil if
would be incomprehensible and
would be revolting that such a.;
property right existed.”
“A man in public office cannot
only be legislated out of office but
his successor can also be legislat
ed into office. The fact that the
governor did not give Mr. McLen-l
don a hearing is now immaterial.
He had his hearing hefor the leg
islature and is now complaining!
against that body. The reporting
to the legislature by the governor,
of th«* suspension and his reasons j
therefore were sufficient and the |
law contemplates that removal
may be by the process deemed the I
most expeditions.”
General MeldnnTs argument,
was a brief resume of the main
contentions in the case. It was
an emphasis of the legal points:
involved and was presented
elearly, in few words, and was a j
summary of Mr. Gray’s position. :
The Hicks Stables.
Thoroughly prepared to stable ;
and feed stock. Feed. 2.1 cents, j
Stabling, 10 cents. Have your]
stock properly cared for. All j
trains met ami teams furnished at
all hours. Prompt service.
Hicks Livkky St.uu k>,
Mt. Vernon, Ga.
Fine R 11 10 yards, Crepe I’a
j er at Palmer Drugstore, 5 cents.
I Savannah, Ga., Oct. 20.—The
! Savannah board of trade and the)
Atlantic Coast Line railway have ;
compromised on the question of 1
j the proper weight of a barrel of)
j spirits turpentine. It svas thought 1
some time ago that the railroad
commission would have to settle |
ithis momentous question, but the
two organizations mostly concern
led got together and utter a con- j
i ference decided that 432 pounds
was about the proper weight for a
barrel of spirits and this was made
the weight.
This was more than the board
of trade thought originally should
be the weight and less than the
Coast Line announced its inten
tion of making the weight. The
incident is now closed except that
: it is expected the other roads in
terested will now want to weigh i
jby t lie same weight also ami they
I will probably do so.
j The Union Singing Convention
i will mqet with Mt. Olive Church
lon the fifth Sabbath in October;
j (31st) at 11 o’clock a. m.
According to the rulings of the 1
last convention, the matter of I
'spreading u public table will be
omitted, as it works such a hard
ship on the good ladies of the,
I community; however, all are in- 1
: vited to come, prepared to remain •
all day. J. F. McDaniel,
Teachers Here.
I Montgomery County Teachers
Institute met in the Court House
! here on Monday and was organized
with Prof. AI. L. Brittain, Super
; iutendent of Fulton County pub-!
, lie schools, as conductor and Prof, j
J. K. Anld of Erick as secretary, |
and with the following named;
1 teachers in attendance:
Messrs. G. C. Anderson, F. C.
Dame, L. Chavous, M. A. Cor- !
' nelius, \V. N. Copeland, J. R. '•
Auld, H. K. Murchison, Marshal !
A. Smith, C. R. Calahan, A. S. i
Howell, J. M. Davis, W. R. Hil
ton, Travis Eberhart, J. P. Tom-j
linson, W. A. Wood, G. W. Tlirel- j
kel, W. J. Tomlinson, Mrs. Annie 1
!L. Meeiis, Mrs. H. S. Smith, and
i Missis Pearl Rhodes, Bertha Mose
ley, Maudell Mcßae, Edith;
[Hughes, Mary Cook, Florence j
Hogan, Zenobiu Peterson, Ethel j
Hill, Mamie Conner, Janie At-,
! nette, Edna Van Cleave, Clyde
McArthur, Augusta Pybus, Janie j
Meadows, Lochie Moseley, Emma
Wilkes, Charlotte Sharpe, Camilla >
Matiire, Deka Maddox, Ruth
Krumrine, Rachel Chapman, Liz-
Izie Mae Kendall, Alice Cumtniug,
'Anita Stroud, Martha Gibson,!
Helen Sharpe, Annie Bn toy, Bes-
Isie White, Vivian Moye, Willie
Lou Cochran, Vera Moye, Mattie
Daniel, Mamie Snow, Ruth Clapp,
Julian Osborne, Susie Calhoun,
Prof. Brittain, always good, is
at his best, and the teachers are
I enjoying his lectures very much.
| These lectures embrace the
various topics taught in the com
mon schools in their many phases.
The teachers are all looking
i forward, m keen anticipation, to
his lecture on parliamentary pro-;
jeedure which is to occupy one
1 period at sometime during the Jn
j stitute.
I Some of the citizens are attend
j ing i he daily lectures and go away
j feeling repaid for the time thus
| spent.
; All are oojdially invited to nt
jtend, at any and ail times during
the week, and it will not disturb
the Inst itute in the least for them
to pass hi and out at pleasure.
Come out and hear Prof. Brit
ain. It will pay you to do so, and
he and the teachers will appre
jciate your presence.
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I Hear the Robley Male Quartet,
!at the Union Baptist Institute
this evening. Nothing better on
tile stage.
Mrs. W. B. Langford has been
j quite ill for several days.
Ladies' neckwear, jabhos and
embroidered ami lace collars, jet
hat pins, etc. Here the ladies
can be pleased with these popular
bits of finery. W. J. A T. A.
Peterson, Ailey, Ga.
Mrs. Frank M. Mcßae and
children returned last Saturday
from a visit among relatives and
friends in Savannah.
1 will be prepared to accomtno
date court visitors with lodging;
(rooms only) during court weeks.
Engage rooms early. Mrs. Janie
Mol ,ue, Mt. \ ei'noii, (la.
White and Yellow Onion Sets!
at JO cents per quart. Mount
V ernon Drug Co.
Prof. Z. T. Mann of Helena was
j mingling among friends in Mt. j
Vernon and other points in Mont
gomery county last. week. For
manV years he has taken much
i interest in education, and is a
' strong factor in the educational
interests of this section, having
taught in this county for many
I years. He is an educator of the :
old school, and a splendid gent le
IfjO New Winter Suits for Men,
Youths and Boys received this
week—direct from New York.
W. 11. McQueen.
Mr. J. Wade Johnson, president
of tiie Vidalm Loan tfc Realty Co.
j and Chus. L. Hutchens, president
j of the Calvert Mortgage <fc Deposit
I Co., of Baltimore were business
! visitors to Mt. Vernon Friday.
Palmer Drug Store is the place 1
jto get your Corks and Sealing
1 Wax.' Also Bottles, Jugs and
Barrels for syrup.
School Books—full line at Pal
mer Drug Store. All mail orders
j promptly filled.
j Miss Trail bye Johnson and Mrs.
! E. Yeomans of Viduiia were visi
tors to Mt. Vernon last week,
guests of the family of Mr. 'l'. J.
1 Thompson.
Medicamentum, seven bottles
! for 25 cents at Palmer Drug Store.
Messrs. A. L. Wheeler and N an
11. Patrick of Turrytown were in
; town yesterday. Mr. Patrick is
I manager of the firm of Patrick A*
Co., whose ad. will be seen in tins
issue. The people of the Tarry
town section are cordially invited
to give them u trial. They have
a nice line, and are doing a splen
did business.
BORDERS.—WiII be prepared
!to accommodate boarders during
I - .
icourt week. Convenientlv loca
ted and good table and beds.
Mrs. J. D. McCullough.
Col. J. B. Geiger and Mr. \V.
0. Ryuls of this place and Messrs,
li Morrison and J. A. Barlow of
; Glenwood spent a part of last
1 week hunting and fishing in Lib-’
erty county. They report game
A ,10 cents box of Stationery,
g,l for cents at the Palmer Drugi
> Store, Alley,
I Mr. C. M. Adams and sister,;
; Mrs. J. A. Powell, of Arlington,
j Ga., were recent visitors to Mt.
Vernon <>n account of tin- illm-•*
of their father, Mr. G. W. Adam-.
M milieu's Borut'-d Talejim
! Powders and Colgate’s Violet
and Cashmere Boquet Talcum
. powders, from this date, will sell
at the Palmer Drug Store in AiL-v
( for 15 cents per box.
Set* our Up-to-date Suits
buying and suv* from s2..’>o to
so.oo in price. \V. li. McQueen.
Mrs. .1.1,. Adams is visiting in
Atlanta this weak.
During the two weeks of superi- i
ior court I will accept boarders, j
and invito visitors to stop.
Mi s. .1. K. (J<icktield.
White and Vollow Onion Sots
at In conts por quart. Mount i
\ onion I >rug t Jo.
Initio Miss Hannah bright en
tertained a number of young
1 friends Monday evening.
Next Monday morning will wit
| ness the opening of t ho November |
term of Montgomery Superior
i Court, and as many cases of ini- :
portanoe. particularly those of a \
I criminal nature, are on the dohket, j
a large attendance is expected
throughout, the entire two weeks.
White and Yellow Onion Sets
at HI cents per (|nart. Mount
i Vernon 1 )rug <Jo.
This has been a gala week in
Ml. Vernon, with the teachers’
institute in session, and a larger
i number than usual present.
1 Let < oiirt visitors remember the
ferry will lie operated all night
'during the two weeks of court.
Hack combs, purses and hand
bags at, W. .1. .V T. A. l*e|.•*rson’s.
When you are in town next
week, do not fail to drop in and
see The Monitor. During the
i dull seasons, we carried a largo,
number of delinquents, and now
we will appreciate a return of the
favor by the payment of those lit
tle lulls.
Short Crop;
Good Prices .
Washington, I). (J., Oct. I'd.—
I The census bureau today issued a
report showing that b,b2*b,b l ,i| i
bales, counting round as hull
i bales, hud been ginned from the
growth of I'.Kii) to Oct, 18, as com
pared wit h (j,2'dl>, 100 for I'.MW, 1,-
120.2b.s fur IIK >7 and 1,'.Ml ,021
for loot;.
The report showed that •>I!! b.'Jb
bales had been ginned in Alabama,
as compared with 001,101 in HK)B,
027,01 b in Arkansas, as compared
with 17,108: 01,HO:; ii. Florida,
us compared with 01,027; 1,112,-
700 in Georgia, compared wit h 1,-
110.228; 111,070 in Louisiana, as
compared with 207,002; 000,111
in Mississippi, as compared with
021,000; 200,2 Id in Nort h Caro
lina, as compared with 270,222;
,020,700 in Oklahoma, as compar
ed with 102,b-.0; 022.070 in .South
(Jurolmu, us compared with 000,-
07s : 101, 100 in Tennessee, as emu- ;
pared with 1111,070; 1.<572,812 in
Texas, as compared with 2,0)7,-
700 ; and 10,700 in all ot her slates,
as compared with 20.020.
In Ibis report. 87,8-bl round
bales were included, as compared
with 101,720 for JOus, 07,007 lor
1007, and 120,111 for 1000,
j The number of sea island hales
in eluded was 00,000, as compared
with -12,010 for lOUM, 18.77-) for
1007, and 12,001 for I'.XHI.
Tic- bureau announced that the
individual returns of ginners had
altered the report of cotton gin
ned to Sept. 2d, so that the cor
rected number of bales ginned to
that date was 2,d08, IdO.
Not ice.
Tibs is not ice to the public that i
J. w. Register of Klbbcc has Hot.
been appointed nor employed by
me as a deputy, and has no au
thority to act in this capacity.
Jaiic*s Hester,
Sheriff Montgomery (Jo.
Norfolk, Va., Get. 27.—C. 11.1
Hix, formerly in charge of the
Richmond division of the Sea
board Air Line and now general
manager for the whole system
under the receivership, will retain
his present, position after the re
organization on November fourth
The report that L. G. Haas, agenti
lor t|ie receivers, was to lie ap-j
pointed to the posit ion, is denied.
11 ix’s retention is in recogni
j tinn of t,|io* splendid showing he
lias made under tiie receivership.
I lie earning power of the road
lias been increased ten per cent :
the pis for the year will show I
this gain over the income of last :
year; a satisfactory balance is j
shown notwithstanding that large |
sums have been spent on the!
maintenance of way and larger
sums on now equipment, contracts
aggregating several hundred
thousand dollars in rolling stock
liav’ng recently been awarded.
Two days following the release
of the road by the receivers,!
which has been ordered for No
vein tier first. next., all receivers’
certificates of indebtedness of
Series A It and C will lx* pay
able at the fiscal agency of the!
receivers, the Continental Trust j
! Company of Halt, i more. Fortin* 1
i convenience of the New York j
; certificate holders, Blair Jk Co., I
in New York, will he authorized
to redeem all certificates to be
paid with fully iieeruded interest.
! The receivers have given notice,
however, that, interest. - on all pa
paper payable November lourtli
shall cease on that date wlnm the ;
payment is due, whether the rcr- j are redeemed or not.
Sprcitll (’ulTCMpomluttCO.
We regret very much to learn!
of the death of Mr. Columbus 1
! Sharpe.
Mr, J. \V. Gibbs of Hack;
Brunch was in our community:
Mr. Hiram Johnson, who is ut
j tending school in Mcßae, Ga.,:
was mingling with liomefolks'
Miss Minnie Gray of Seward'
was.ii visitor at the home of Mr
L. A Crosby Sunday afternoon.
Mr. Jim Gibbs made a business'
trip to Viduiia Saturday.
M isses Bertie Crosby and |
Mamie Gibbs, Messrs. Mamie Mil*
igiui Kelley and Hiram Johnson
spent, Sunday afternoon at tlu*
home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Clif
l oil.
The ice cream supper given at 1
Cellar Crossing last, Friday night,j
was enjoyed by a large crowd.
Miss Bettie Byrd is spending a
few days with her sister, Mrs. B.
L. Morris, of Cedar Crossing.
Col. W. B. Kent ( f Mt. Vernon!
was in our community Friday and :
Sat unlay.
Mr. Arch Byrd of Savannah is I
spending a lew days w ith his !
parents, Mr. ami Mrs. J. M. Byrd. 1
I * ... ...
Messrs. 11. L. Gibbs anil Kelly
Johnson made a business trip to
Ml. Vernon Saturday.
Messrs. J. <Clifton and T. H.
Gibbs were business visitors in:
lluzleliurst. u few days ago.
Blue Belle. i
> Patrick & Company <
l VAX Tarrytown, (ia. <
l Staple and Fancy Groceries 4
> Dry Goods, Notions, 3
pi 4
> Fruits, Produce <
> <
> Fresh :ind Keliablo Goods at Fair Prices <
£ A Trial is Solicited jj
Rohley Male
- -
While it is generally understood
that the famous Rohley Main
tQuartet will appear at the I moil
baptist Institute this evening, wo
take pleasure in ugum calling es
pecial attention to the splendid
J company.
No more pleasing attraction has
j appeared on this plat form, and
if this, their second appearance
here, fails to receive a crowded
house, it will indicate something
lacking on the part of our people
—an indifference toward lugli
j class musical entertainment at. a
■popular price. Ordinarily this
class of entertainments carries an
j admission ot a dollar, hut the
: price for the season hero has been
I fixed by the local management at
bU and 2b cents, the letter lining
the rate for pupils. The Rohley
Male Quartet is all that words of
praise claim for it, and should ho
heard by a full house tonight..
The circuit and district courts
j of the United States will convene
in Savannah on Nov. ff, under di
! rectum of Judge Knn.ry Speer.
I The entire docket will he cleared
according to Judge Speer’s inten
tion, and lie will probably have
to remain here fora month. I’hi.s
will he Judge Speer’s first visit In
Savannah for the purpose of hold
ing court, since November last..
rile docket, while not. quite com
pleted, serves to give a general
i idea of I lie business to he trans
-1 acted. Assumpsit suits, damages,
'equity eases, u huge number ot
! bankruptcy cases, ami a batch of
criminal cases compose the list.
The old case of M A. Connolly
| against Oherliu M. Carter yet re
mains on the docket ot the circuit
court, while under direction <d
lion. Marion Krwin, district at
torney, the equity cases of tho
I oiled States against Carter, If.
D. Uremic and John K. Gaynor
are also still in torce.
i The suits of the Carnegie Trust
(Joinpuny against the Savannah,
Augusta and Northern railway;
I . S. Casualty Company against
'the Virginiii-Carolina Chemical
j Company; and the l. S. Cast
| ron Ripe and Foundry Co.
against the Ocean Steamship Com
pany are among the big ones to
be d ispoiled ot.
i There are ten illicit distilling
eases to be tried; two breaking in
postollires; three embezzlements
ol government funds: two viola
tions of the postal laws; while
one perjury case remains, that of
the government against Mr. Rercy
ketchnm ui connection with tes
timony in the naval stores case.
Notice 1 ! To Public.
Notice is hereby given that
! Ramiiioii’s Ferry, opposite Mount
Vernon, will he operated all night
I during the two weeks of superior
court, with a competent man in
charge. Rv order ot Hoard Com-,
missioners Roads and R-vnues
i M. <William Hland, Clerk
NO. i<)