The Montgomery monitor. (Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County, Ga.) 1886-current, October 28, 1909, Image 5

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Atlanta, Oct. 28 —John Harper,
whose sentence of death for killing
the sheriff of Murray county was
commuted by Governor>Brown to
life imprisonment, will work with
the Fulton county convict gang.
An order, assigning Harper to
Captain J. T. Donaldson's force,
was signed by Secretary Goodloe
Yancey, of the prison commission,
on yesterday.
. But Harper is not. yet out of
the woods. Additional trouble
looms up before him in the shape
of an indictment for murder in
Fannin county. It is alleged that
lie killed a boy in that county and
escaped from there into Murray,
where he became engaged in the
trouble that led to his arrest and
conviction for the killing of
Sheriff Ben K■ • ith.
Fannin superior court is now in
session and the county author
ltes wish to secure Harper and
convey him to that county to
answer the indictment pending
against him.
Attorney Sam Hewlett, who lias
represented Harper before the
courts and tin? prison commission,
will appear before Governor
Brown and urge that Harper be
not delivered to the Fa linin'coun
ty authorities, but allowed to
serve his life sentence in the pen
itentiary. lie points out that the
governor, if he chooses to do so,
might pardon Harper of the
original offense before trial.
In the Fannin county case j
Harper is accused of killing a
young man named J. W. England
near Blue Ridge in IVK)6, about a j
year prior to the killing of Sheriff
Keith. England was shot from
ambush, as he was passing along i
a lonely country road, and the
evidence against Harper is said j
to fie purely circumstantial. Ac
cording to the supposition that,
Harper did the killing, England I
was slain through a mistake, he j
being mistaken for another man.
“We will he able »to esily prove I
Harper innocent of this charge,"
said Attorney Hewlett Friday, i
“We can establish a thorough
alibi and show that Harper was j
nowhere about the scene at the
lime of the killing. I am satis
fied Harper can be cleared of this
without, any difficulty.”
When Harper was seen in the;
Tower and asked about this case,
he replied:
“1 have no fear at all concern
ing this affair.”
Washington, L>. C., (Jet. 18.—
An investigation of pellagra
which has developed most rapidly
in the South recently will shortly
be made by officers of the Public i
Health and Marine Hospital Ser
vice and of the army. Capts.
Joseph E. Siler and Henry J.
Nichols of the medical corps of
the army have already been se
lected for this work. A meeting
of the investigating commission
will take place at Columbia, S.
C.. Nov. 8.
The Secretary of the Treasury
in his last annual report invited
attention to the probable public;
importance of pellagra and recom
mended unremitting study of
every phase of the problem of the j
disease. Surgeon General Wyman i
of tlie Public Health and Marine j
Hospital Service some time ago
announced that pellagra had been j
a meuance to the health of Italy
for more than a hundred-years. Jr
was first reported in this country
from Alabama in 1907, and the
health authorities now estimate:
the number of cases in the !. nited
States at oyer 5,000.
The surgeon general reported
that there was a universal and
profound conviction that the di
sease was in some way related to
the consumption of musty corn
ami that on account of the great
severity and high mortality of;
pellagra, and because of its ex- i
pected relationship to corn it sup
rapidly becoming a matter of
national health and economic im
portance. |
, Ur. W. J. Blalock, a prominent
: physician and business man of
i Atlanta for the past sixteen years,
> will be president of the new Kul
i j ton Nat ional Bunk, it is under
. stood from reliable sources,
i The vice presidents have not
. yet been fully determined on, but
■ it is safe to say that Julius Ba
, shinski, a well know n banker of
| Tetiniile,Ga., will be one of them.
''Others will be named from men
■ prominently identified with busi
-1; ness affairs in Atlanta and in the
state. It is said that the cashier
will be one of the best known and
most experienced bank men in
. the city. Many of the officers
■ will be Atlantans.
It is provable that the directors
will number twenty, a large per
centage of them from the sub
scription conimitte, which has
had active charge of the organ
ization from its inception. The
: committee is composed of W. J.
Blalock, Hoke Smith, W. F. Pa
til lo I). N. McCullough, J. M
Stephens, R. G. Griffin, W. E.
McCalla, W. O. Stamps, S A
Morris, W, R. McClelland, M. li.
Timmons, G. C. MeWhirter, all of
Atlanta: Julius Bashinski, of
Tennille; W. W. Heaton, of Waco
and L. B. Holt, of Sandersville.
It is announced that the sub-(
scription books wilt close in a few
days, the capital stock of #BOO-(
000 having practically been sub
I scribed. The offices are now io- (
j cated at 819 Peters building, but !
after the opening day, which will
!be determined shortly, tlie offices |
I will be moved to the temporary |
1 home of the bank m the central
part of the citv.
The Fulton National will begin j
its career with most flattering
i prospects. Stock m any of the i
i larger banks here is almost un- j
purchasable, ranging in price from i
j #2OO to 800 per share. Business!
men sav there is a splendid open- |
| ing here for another large bank
I and that it is really needed and:
bound to prosper.
Columbia, S. C. Oct. 28. Be- j
: cause lie was asked to pay #lO for;
ja plate at the luncheon which will j
i be given to President Taft on the j
| occasion of Ins visit to this city, ,
i Nov. G, Senator B. R. Tillman has ,
j declined to attend the luncheon:
| and states that he may not serve
.on the Reception Committee.
Senator Tillman says while Co- !
! lumbia is to be the nominal host
lof Mr. Taft, the city expects the
! state-at-large to pay for the Pres-1
ident’s entertainment. The letter]
;in which Senator Tillman makes
; these statements is addressed to
; the Secretary of the Columbia!
•Chamber of Commerce, who wrote!
asking Mr. Tillman if he would
i attend the luncheon. Senator!
Tillman says lie received an invi
tation to the luncheon and with it
an invitation to send a check for
Mr. Tillman continues: “This
; may be a new way of conducting
i entertainments in South Carolina ;
that will find favor in the future, ;
but it, is wholly contrary to all the
Ideas of courtesy and hospitality
that I ever heard of in this state,
and I do not propose to lend any
s aid or countenance to it.”*
Mr. Tillman in concluding his
letter says since “it seems to be;
the official scheme to ask men to
meet the President and have them j
! pay the expenses, I tell you cm
phaticallv no, 1 will not attend
the luncheon ”
Gov. Ansel and the other mem
bers of the committee in. charge
of the affair have accepted invita
tions and paid for tickets, us have :
also more than 100 prominent res
dents of South Carolina outside;
of Columbia, including I'mted
States Senator Smith and Chief
Justice Jones.
Cotton W anted.
i W<- want 1,500 bales of cotton
by Nov. 1.-r wil! pay the highest
market price for same.
i Mcßae <k Bro. I
It was recently ebargod hv tli
. j New York Evening Post that tie
• ! negroes of the South not only pay
.Wholly for their own public
schools but largely also for thbse
of the whites. This charge was
based on an alleged show ing pre
sented at the meeting of the
Ogden Education Board in Atlan
ta some tune ago by Superinten
dent Coon of the \\ lison (N. i’.l
1 , public schools. The Charlott*
' | Observer lias since quoted a denial
from Goon that be made any such
The urtiele in the New York
1 Evening Post claimed that Coon's
i figures proved tlmt two or three
1 Southern, including Geor
gia, were even worse than others
:in their unjust division of tin
j school tax money between the
white and negro schools. This;
.accounts for the p.ublicat ion of
; the truth by State School Com-,
; missiotier .Jore M. Pound.
J He shows that Georgia’s total
I receipts from all sources for pub
lic education in 1908 amounted to!
#8,780,88.0. |O. Iwo-tliirds of this
| amount went to pay the salaries
jof teachers, the white teachers ini
| white schools re. ei ring #2,2 9 :
258.12, and the negro teachers in ;
! negro schools receiving #488,209.-
89. The value of pr< iperty owned
by negroes in 1908 returned for
| taxation in Georgia was #27,042,-
J 072. If every dollar of this prop
| ert.y pay taxes as the rate of five
mills, it would mean that the;
I State secured from this source:
#187).218 80 for all State put
poses—education and everything
else. But the actual proportion;
!of taxes puid by negroes for edu
cational purposes nndert lie St ,-it =
1 apportionment which sets a-cd,
Ja tax 1.8 mills for education, was
#48,076. The receipts from p
| taxes paid bv negroes amount' d
to #77).000 in 1909. making a total
jof #128,0.0 for education from
ithat source.
According to the official figures, ;
I therefore, the 'negro schools of j
Georgia receive four times as
| much money as that race contrih
| utes tim ugh taxation toward the
(educational fund, and more than
j twice as much as the entire tax on ;
all the property of that race and
| poll tax combined.
If) spite of the animus toward
the white South frequently dis
played by the New York Evening
' Post in discussing the negro ques
tion, it is possible that that news
paper was honestly misled through
! a hasty examining of the figures
of Superintendent Coon. But if
jit shall now fail to correct its
j misleading statements, it. will;
| stand convicted of a wicked desire
to slander the white people of
Georgia and the South.— Macon
SgO.OO Itcwm’d.
1 will pay #SO (1(1 for the arre-d
and detention of Blanton Howard
until I can take him in custody.
! Wanted for the killing of Man
ning Koskey at Troup's Kerry in;
, Montgomery county, Gu., Oct. 8,
1909. Was reared in l.uuivns
(county; about 21 years old; dark
(complexion and gray eyes; lame
in one liip from rifle, wound; and
weighs about 18U pounds.
Notify J as. II i -11 a,
Sheriff Montgomery Countv,
Ml. V cruon, Gu.
{ nr.' uses w. o I. u;vv. I.i.i, $
j CANON & |
\ Cotton Factors a n<l |
j € 4
| 220 hay h SAV ASS AH, (JA. S
l (Membci H Savannah C nton ■ i
{ Handler- of I'plund, \
| J -land Florodora Gott*.-. S
- Special Attention (liven to
J L. 0. li. totii.n
| Handlers of I plain! and S- a- *
it *
Inland Bagging, 1 ies $
i au<l Twiie *
* *
Sin-nil Snln.
-'l-itagomt-rv (’omny.
1 ■ - t nWmv »i,i.• i Kitt lnnmc tloor in *
' -i .i. tin in - - ) ii, mlh\ ip Niivi-nilx r, I
unw, ii. nvi -u tin- lt-ar-ti ltitnrt of -itlw, tn tliuj
: 'in " ii, 1 lit , Ip,till 1 |i| i-nl’i, .ii-i iiaiii ,
' i-'i .. "f wliioli iln tnHiiwiiip' fri t -J
vlnsii i[il imi;
\n mnliviiliil une-l lilnl inli-res m
•» 11 vI to all lliui M'ai'l ol Tnml i
and Im-hij in tin l •„*'_* Ivi dtst in l (i. M .
"1 said (-minty mid Ininiidt il ni'<,iil,il
iins' i” n a ii script inn in a survey
Iliad' 1 li\ I! K. 11 U".'n, (-miniy. survey*-
'•!' \|- tll 11, Ivt.i, liy lands nf \\ till vi i
I Inins, ,1, » \| illtM , 11 iiidy Mi I Ini' ami
I’l l i-^[m -11 and ntliiMs. Said Irani nl
land l" - ; nyr tin* distributive si inn- nl
Mrs Kiln 11. I)nUi-s under tin- will ut
l lii'inas \ .Milli i atnl enbiaimni! ,
itui ai'ri * nii'ii nr less. Sai/I .undj
' i'd inl l'i'i‘si in said It'iict nl land
mil .. lln* inimi-s ni I!. \ iddinsHs
ni: i! a w "I # Mi s. I lia It. I Ink's
uni 1 1* \ ifd "i\ i- llm t• 11 •| it |{
A. IMI Ui-s In sa I isl'y I \vn fnrl ai ll Ii las. j
< till' issilt-tl I'l'nl, | i 1 11 - 'l l y I nllll nl Ml
Vt'i'iuin in l'a\ni'id Tin Mniini Vnr- 1
inn Hank against li. \. Ibikes. juin
: I'ipa I, aml .1. I>. .Millin'. .1. N. Tapley 1
uni Will. 11 mini, in snciirily ; a lid nin-|
issued I'l'niil lln- ,1 11 si ice's 1 mill nl j;
'ln Il'illsl District (I. M, in Ia % iii nl
rin- .Mlimit \ . i inui Hank amiinsl Ii
A lliiki-s iiiul .1. |i Millin' principals
and.l. M, Hrunkslnn' inidnrsin'. Saul i
1 |> n >| wrty tunny! ill lln- possessiuii' nl | ■
In-di-lt-iitlain ii A. Diikusaiul will- .
•'ll ll" 1 ii'f nl' ii*\ y yyi\ ' ll ai'i'nl'dill!!' t.i |;
;i\v. lias lln ~ih day nl' Ocfni»Vi\ ; J
I‘.Hi*. .lann-s I li'sii-i., J
.Slirrill Mmiiyrmni'i'y I n., tin, ;
W M. I is. Ally. Ini I'l ils. '
Sheri ll Sa In. j
I 2
<*' "■■ 1 t At t »ll t uilt-l y < ’.mill v. i 2
Will III' snlif I'l'liili- In rultrt Illillffs .d'li.'l iilu. 1
111. V, "In ill mi 'll.’ lil-.r I'll' ml:i\ 111 V tilnliil
I '.Mil I, ini tvi i'll | lit' |.-u;i ] l uni is .iC suit-, .In tUr , [
1 11 j41" ~i lii Mi l In misli, ci rtnin pi **|"Tly, ..I
tvln.-li tin- I >I!• -tv 111 i i .Isplt-li ui-sri ifiiinii:
A iinr st *y• • 111 It undivided interest ?
in .ail ilia I I ran i, nr parcel ni In ml sis-l
uati'd, IyiuK and in llm 27aih 1 i
District <i. ,M. ni said enmity iiihT <
I'milniiiiiiL! one iiumlrnd and seven- }
ll'l'ii.iii'i'csnnire nr li ssjintl liuumlnd i
as follows: On tlm north by I'a'iiils ! i
of I'". i>. McHride, nil llm snulli liy ! \
lands ni I). ,s. \y illiumsnu ami on >
' lie ivfsl bv binds ni iMrs. Sa 11 it- Mnr- i'll
t is. I.i t ioil un ami will bo sold as *
‘ lie property of i;. \V. Uurcli to sal is
iy an execution issued from llm City ?
1 -nil nl Mi, Vtu'iinu in floor of i In* "5
o, ' -Sin i 11 1 1 111 iff iy (o. vs (I. \V. ?,
I ill it-! i . I’mpei'ty p< tin Iml out by y
-ar 1 1 iIV ain i ipiiii a; in I lit! possession v.
i.T.M rHr nit A; ('o \V lit Imi no- J,
. I. yy aiv-.i a r«■ (|u 1 i;«,-tl by law. &
lin I in- :'V: Ii day t>f Spot., Mu Hi. ,'
.in lllt-r, Sinn ill' M . j
I. IS. t alhiHin. Alta , for Hills. ' C'
V . ’ -It
SlrnnH' Sale, |
~ -v v
' ' 1 “ l - M Ml' "MM' | \ i . . j g
.1-»«».. iI. I'M .ii« 'Huirt Ihhi .• 1.».r iii v,
V' ■ H " (111 I'll' ln\ ill N'»Vl til I»« I . U
• .1 ■' I! I” I' ;,:d I i.-lUm <>l snic v |u|||h ft
i. Ill's l iti l'i' i i"i csi-fi, ccittiiii | »"|'ci'jy, of, V'
-Ii ti ■ toii'iw in •, is c»m plc.t <—'lik ript'ioii: V 1
<>! Imml sit unso, |y iihimlft
!»' i. . in f!n I .'Hi' 1 1 flisfricf (i. ?!
■nil i'imilil.) :i tnl sf Ml i «M<l coiHahlillK'l ft!
‘ W'l !l <\ - 1 a. > ,1 in! .‘l-iuilf Ml*l MS 11M il lill’ §
!<‘ss aibi I"-II.I(I« ‘I ns follows: <Mi liic ?/
nortli ;<) id mo rs hi'its! liy hmds of Mis. ,
Kli/ii f *M ! Il!l oil 'llf f'MSf .|| ||(l > j {
•mill: ii-.f 1 1 . lliljtls nf Mr*,, M a I’ll ill -V
W'llMfl • a 1 oil tin- \\ n |»\- lainlsof* *{
\\ . .). i■ nw !* i . A Iso oiif f i>nM i>r |»n in ;hi
(•<• l "1 Ihi ol . i! ua If il in Ihe I ;isiii h (| is- | yt
III* '• M.of- aid rniiiif \ ooti f a IIIi
filly ai'ifs mi h* m I fmv and hoiimlfd vi
as follows : On llm north hy lands of ?‘
iI ol in* s, .as! hy land’s of L,>«-k Vj
Mann, -omh and \vms| |»\ ialids of h!
IMi/a Oarlny. All of said nn»|»frfy it
IfVh d ofi and w ill Im- sold ns fin JN
jiropi-rt;, of Kli/a l>ar|f\ to hj
;i ii t .viiMi’ jttii is s; if * I from 11 if f if y «
< our! "I Mi \'»*rnmi iii favor of .1. O. VJ
Siiiniii rV* I'h/a Onrlny. rnija riy hi
jiohdod on! h\ afforin*y for plan till ?'
and wrififu n<»' i•• of !**\ a v «£ivon as : Y* t
I’fijiiiifil hy In a . 'This iln of h da\* hi
of Octolifj . IVur.i. K
.1 a iii< x* U i sf fr. Si if r 111. -j
--\j. < I ndf iwood A f fy. lor I*l If. ,
SherilV Saln,
dnoi'id'i Mouluomici v Connly.
Wit li. sold In foil' On* . ("ill hoiii.l- iloif. in'
'll. Vni'iion on iln- firm I'ie .Uin io N."o 11,»l>■ i,,.
I..;l w- < ii Him log;il tear- us sain in tin* i
lilglicsl I»i< la. i for t a »li. .-<-i tail) priifici tv,,of I
ivilirl, rlo followin'' i- it noiniileie (Icn-ripi ion: !
(ine cell a ill gUliorsc-puwer sieaiii
"iipiia lie siiiie b;iiliuJouli used
;is nmn r Ini' a cut ott'-awal Hie saw
mill of John W. A dams, ni Iris mill.;
i ' in lie- I.T.'ll") <-. M. disiriel us
said enuuly and fill". This proper
ty, being of a bulky 'and weighty,
nature, will not In exposed pit-sale;,
as the einiiu Iniiise. hut- may be, ii’r- '
speed i| h\ plospeedx e buy el », 11 1. I In- , r
mill , i'" a afui'-said In fbl'" dull ul
sal". I.evi'd an and will '-in •’ old it i••
Hi" property ul .hiliii \\’. A daily- ujl,
satisfy an e issu.-d fn,m 111 1 -
<'i* ' nun ul Mu VeriNia in fasyp
pf the .Vila- <)il ( omjmiiy agaii'i-t
ib" -aid .lieni W. Ailauix. Is '■ y 1
made and relumed to me by E. E,
Kol I'eKt.ei', ili'pui v, fli'i— ill" olJi da v of
Member, mo:). James iik.-sI eh.
,1. li. (iejg r Ally. for HIT.
Sheriff Sale.
1 e uri'ii.—Montgoiin-rv County, - i
will In (...1(1 I'Ulorn rl," rolll't liouwe rlooi' in
Ul Vl'ili'ill on tfm Ills) I iluk'Uv 111 ’(iovnnilli i.
11l ?), J"*fw'"nn Un- legal fiotu'r "f sain,' in tie
lot'll' -I an'! br-t ljni'l"i' fn > os l l.rnradn |'|..()- ;
nils ofwlij.'i. 11*»- follow ,ll z in it mrnpji't*, *l*-,- ,
un intion:
A (mi -tialf ild* res) in inie O) 11. I'.
Eorker si. .in boib-raud one 2o li. I'.
■ am < uviii« ul Hi" laylrtE make.
Sabi engine and boiler In ing inrun, .
veiiieiii to i ransporl . will util be ex-
I bo -Jil< In lure <;u'U 1 bouse dooi'
bn* may tn- iusperfed-by pros pi el iyeV ■
purebii-ers a* 'lie 0.11 l rtln'' of Joiilj
i,i i lb" |..,:| <l (j. M. di
'" o' - lid ('uiilil . a (it! s'flfe pbefole
, " I' . .aid properly levied
"'li -"hia- Ibe pi (Cp.i t \
" * i -4,, " v
' I dll *• r < fry ( i.urt
; M •• a. (•'. ■ <>* Mafi'ftrst s..n
--' ( •. again- • Joint W’., .Vdams. (
■ a ; i, a . •un • rii" by V. ■
1 Ills I In- ill li (
James Ifexfi-r
Siiel'lif. M. G. j
L. C. L utierwoud, Atty. lot Bill. I
I Summers I
I Buggies I
I ■. . I
V Brown i
I" : - ' Il f
Wagons j
I hax* a Full Lino of fhosu Stiin<lnr<l I
« oliiolos on Hand, and in order to dost* cl
. Iln*m out, imi t»i\ing tin* Most
» • S !
So me at once if you need or 1
| will need a (mod Bugt*\ or a
j '. (iood Wajjfoii. 'lVrins right |
| * |
- L ! , ■
Vim (din Lastly ()|K‘rale |
m I his Typewriter Yourself.
wi Hon t won\ yoiu eorrcspou'lfMif:. Don twain him mvlhing '•>
•V * J' hy h.i ml* flint 1 iif, is kill 1 1 dim i<» make •»u t tlm t inu.s h;nvo *;f
•ts * him in d<i|iln, tlint In* •ain't ••tmi| # v»i iscl,
•J* Ami U'.ua Hll out legal piiii.ti’H or rnnl iiioiiioh--<»r iimlo out noeoutifs or Imtel
Vs iriomis in ymr *.wn hiiadwaiiiie; it InokM Im.l, n lhciM ..n .\mu Mfandiiig. mifoit
P"‘ , l , h‘ thi'ik am oaii’i alt'ord a Nfeiiogrnolu r Mini in HMinotiuK am big m ms.
vi -. Vmi can ui ife oul omr h it* i | *■ T*
'make out in mu mi hlimli fi - till in # .A ~
vi . mii mmiianoe pollo\ outer \mu ourd #b**^*%
|| nuanoH undo* out \mu iiocnmifs.oi fJ £ R\ M S«' |
ii hofel menu m. do miiv of ■ ■■ Pit
VP* writing you mail, on nn\ find. 9|
f XtmZtOZ TypeWri-ter
| Tile St.-niduril Writer
•V . *
ft/. \ o'i ('im \\ lip* ii u v of f Ina-ts l hhigM \oii'Miff If soil do n<>t l.upperi to fia\a- it Icnog
•g fa pi i« i I'OI voi'iiaiu nasilN h*ai'fi, wit It it lift!«-» praiotU'a*, to wri i * jin-l. a« i'h eidl.v arid '*3
Jt MS I fccfls Msan 'Xoei I op.aator oil 111,. (>JJ\|,|{. !s,<auiM dm n|J\l It UMm **
•jf -tiMflt'icd I \ !M‘W rile. Aml vmi «aiii Hno'Vcn wo I von writ. Mioiii HU pe. t.-eiit
'if ,H L'ABKK tl»Mn /my oftmr tv p.uvuir, h. ■an.*, it Im * houl Hit ~t . ,•(,,» IJ'.SrS i£
UI.MtIMI I'i d N I's fluni msi olio i t vjHMvi ir* im. sii per «- "I I to writ** ni
ff, V' idi Ih,'it II "dmi «O VI PhlT \ |‘ID INI Id' l/A< 'll I 1,, i Imi .•ounWlm
•; t< ap'"nm If «• ii/iiiai Ifno w |i. I* lon.* | .1... lit , 0,0 >pi I*ll.l fill lo opet hi Thau '•>
fti unmltine-* wliieh ‘aii.nol In adji|w|i.| in m \ |• ■< i;d *Ap;uM* with which U r >
fti to ui U<’ ahsfi m , l*< l iiisiiiatnai |m!i 'ii>, or oti<| / •m ms limit Is ♦ xeipl \ oil ltii\ c upcn-- *'*
sf; 11 > It.; c\ll■ lI «■ lo opclHlc \ HI otli mthpl ||,«* '?
(H.lVim lo tuts I i cji s* inn Ijl# •s, ».i cr >O.l .ill. Will, an WV I. ssontlih* -i/< Mini thiof.
ri ! "'d'' -'M h- do f.v.'i" . -viliiMi* die aid ol ANN lAI’LNWIVI A ,j
j t V 1 . "i, Hpc. ui| - kill, ii n| void .ioil, ".til 1 1. mil iipp' .iiaim. hadhle nml dcio . nt
vi • dm < 11. j\rllh lln I \ | ■• wnti'i !• •A Im h>< 'n , I In- l.m ve|, Ihe liihlll lome ag«‘lil. dm, 'iy
*.•/ nn iolitfiit ihe hoii f pi'oprmiot tmv who io< In own ritiug. Write ua ('5
ft/ now fill om laooklet oil die si.VU'Ui Ii:i» h lliui- of die (ifdVl It. "5
S 'The Oliver T y pew l iter (‘oiiipnny,
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