Newspaper Page Text
The Monitor i* in receipt of the
follow ini' letter from I'rof. K. L.
Worshum. Stair Entomologist. in
regard to the tour being made ol
lit** »tnt*- in behalf of the farm»*r#>
in the light against thorn- evil#-
affecting thr rollon growth, and ,
in which In* announces the date on
which hi* and other members ot
t lie department -wdl \isit Mount
Stale Hoard of F.idomology,
Atlanta, Ha., Oct. 19, |9os>.
Editor Monitor, Ml. Vernon, Gn.
Dear Sir:—
In nil effort to eliminate lllnck
Hoot or wilt disease from the cot -
ton livid* of Georgia we want to:
get hi clou** touch with the cot
ton grower* nnd give them the re*
*ult* which have heen obtained
by the Slat** department of Kn*
to mo logy in experiment# for it*
control. We have discovered how
it cun he successfully controlled
but thin disco very will be of little
practical value unless we cun get
in clone tout’ll with those who »n
interested and outline in t'-lail
method* which they will have to
The last legisbfltire appropria
ted flu.Otttj for black root for cot
ton, and wc want the mimeaof t he
cotton growers in Georgia whose
lauds are all'ecteil with tin* dis
ense in order that we can supply
them w ith some of tin- seed which
wc have developed to tin* point
where they are resistant to black
root t rom i ieorgia.
The Mexican Cotton Hull Weevil
will be in (ieorgia within tour to
live years, and il is very necessary
for us to get this disease under
control by that time; for twosm-li
severe pests at one time will ren
der cotton growing unprofitable.
In order to reach as many cot
ton growers as possible, we have
arranged a series of meetings
throughout the districts affected
with black roof of cotton, and a
copy of tin itinerary is enclosed
herewith. In addition to black;
root, other problems relating to
cotton will be discussed, such a«
boll rot or cotton authracnoHe.
cotton rust, boll weevil I, red spi
der, improvement of cotton seed .
by select ion, cure and use of cot
ton seed and cotton seed products,
fertilizers, and the importunee ot
using improved methods on the
Ist 111.
file speakers at these meetings
wdl be lion. J. 1,. Lee, State Pres
ident of Fanners’ Union; Holt.)
Tim*. G. Hudson, t'oiniuissiouei
of Agricult lire; K. L. Worsham,
State Kntoinoligist ; and we will
have with u* from time to time
linn. Marlin ('ulvm, Director of
the Georgia Kxperiment Station:
K. Gentry, U. S. Hepartmeut of
Agriculture: Dr. A M. Soule,
President State College of Agri
culture; A. ('. Lewis, \ssistHiit
State Kutoinoligist, ami others
W«• want every f irmer and every
one who is W tiling to co-operate
w 1 1 tv un 111 this work to be present f
at t lirse meet i ngs.
Very t ruly yours,
K. L. Worsham,
State Entomologist.
The public is aware that the
parly referred to by I’rof, Wor
sham has heen net ively engaged in
a canvass of the state for some
weeks: and «title it is not neces
sary to give every point visited
bv this party, The Monitor is glad
to announce that Commissioner
Hudson, Prof. Worsham, l’rcs>-
denl l-eo and other members of
the party will be in Mt. Vernon
November nth, and in Lyons on
the Oth. Superior court being in
session here, a splendid opportu
nity will b** afforded our people
of Ic-aiing the**- oflioials on sub
jects of vital interest, not only t<*
the farmers, but to the people ot
tto- state at large.
Toe aid offered the farmers liv
the ''lute and National Ih-parl
lueiils is being enlarged each year,
nod its service is being more and
more appreciated by the masses.
We trust that many will he in
Mt. Vernon November to at
tend the instructive lectores to la*
given by the above mentioned
gentlemen. Possibly citixeii* re
siding in the eastern part of tlm
county w ill take occasion to hear
them in Lyons on N<-v. Oth.
it **********
A- In Wcmor) 01
Brother II H. Mcßryde, the
subject of this sketch, was horn
Octole-r h, JMO, and died 1
August 11, I9OS. He lived t*i the
ripe old age of H7 years. Brother
, Mcllryde wns a native of Mont
gomery county and spent hi* en
tire life within its borders. H*
was n good citizen, took un active
part in public enterprises aud al
ways contributed lilierally to;
charitable institutions, within Ins
means, lb* united with the Ma- j
sinic Fraternity a number of
years ago aud war ever a faithful
and devoid brother to the princi
ples of the order, lie was a mem
of our lodge, Aural No, 2oU, fora
u urn her of years before liis death
and always took an active part in
its deliberations. Although lie
lived ipnte a long distance from
the lodge In* attended its meetings
regularly until age and infirmity
prevented lus regular attendance.
After he had become *o aged and
infirm as to be unable to attend
our meetings regularly tie took
great pleasure in sending us words
of greet ing, »nd attended w hen
ever In* was able to do *v>. He
was married on April 27th, If*-
do. to Miss Margaret Peterson]
with whom lie lived happily up tm
the time of Ins death. The fruits
of Ins marriage were s large num
ber of children, nil of whom he
lived to *«•»• adults; therefore, be
it n-#olv<-d :
Ist. That our lodge ha* lost
from its membership one of its
oldest and staunchest members.
2nd. That we extend to the
bereaved family our heartfelt
Urd. That a page of our books
of minutes be dedicated to the
memory of Hrotlier Mcßryde and
that u copy of t-lns preamole aud
these resolutions be given Ins
Tiiiii ilv. Ifespect fill I v submitted, 1
F. It. Mcßride, ]
W. A. Peterson,
.1. M. Geiger,
.1 *-sup, On., (>ct. 20.—. Surroun
ded bv a log posse of determined
men, two negroes who this morn
ing shot and killed Constable J.
iIL Helflour and escaped, are hid
ing in (he swamps near Kverett
City, (tii., w ith every indication
flint they will be captured even
tually, and. Hint summary punish
nieiil will I)** dealt <>ut to them.
Tli** officer was killed lit Mount
'Pleasant, while attempting to
arrest the negroes, who hud been:
using guns freely in the communi
As he approached them they
opened lire and lie dropped. 'The
news of the killnsg quickly spread ,
and with the aid of bloodhounds. .
a hundred men took the t rail.
The negroes have been seen
several i iines since t be killing anil i
lit is thought that it will be but a
matter of n few hours before they '
are caught.
S|*t • ’»I {'• *» *
Mr. \V. P>. Snow lias a flue lit
tle girl at Ins home, and is show- ;
mg lii«* pleasure by high steps.
Mr. and Mrs. F/nnk Fort spent'
Sunday with Mr. It. J. Tharpc.
Mr. M A. Smith came Sunday.
Surprised to s.-e him again.
Mr. Fullford was a recent visi
tor to (irlaiul.
Kditor 11. B. Folsom of The
Moiitgone-rv Monitor was* visitor
to our town Friday morning, and
while here added « number of
subscriber* to Ins list. We regard
The Monitor ns one of the best
weekly papers in the state.
\\ i* are sorry to learn of the
illr.i-ss of Mr. Anderson, but hope
to learn ot ins early recovery.
The young people enjoyed the
gi'«mnd-p**s boiling at the home
ot Mr. \V. H Tharp* Saturday,
Mr. Trudie tl men wav was the
guest of her sister, Mrs, VV. B. ]
Snow, last Sunday afternoon.
Most of our tanner* have fin
ished picking cotton. Mr. Will
lord's gin has been one of tbs
most active in the county.
There w ill be a sing at Orland
on the oth Sunday in this month.
—Beauty, i
ONE "I hn >kJ Dr
f.l | J. MSm A«il-F«i«
tw in* t-Hue W(4 rMn tnii
tbrikf that Will
! and the m " *
serer tl» detlre J
Pain is r * l * -
Hr*. J P BrhMll,
Gone t—*ss, n««.
***D rm PAWS of
25 Doaea 25 Cents
Yaur awAt [V Mike* Am* Pate hilt
arc M it twsfcenead te retwrn the pr*v* of the firtt
ptiitfi #•)>' 4 it fetit tw beoWvt >tew.
Waycross, Ga., (»<*t. 21. —lbiil
road building in South Georgia
smack* somewhat of that in tin'
African jungle. The men w!m
are working on the Hebbnrd rail
road, which is being built from
Waycroas into th** Okefenokee
swamp, have had some strange ex
perieuces, but none of them havt
been us serious as that of Charley
1 Davis last Friday night.
Mr. Davis is a track foreman
for the JJebbard Company, nnd
! live* in a camp with a* number of
other men ut the edge of tin
swamp. Friday night bethought
he would haven diversion from
j railroad building, so In- walked
across tlie country n couple of
miles to call upon a young ladv.
When returning to camp about
9:110 o'clock at night ho was start
led to see coming toward him
only a few feet away a large black
l tear.
D«* is had no firearms except a
] 112-six-shooter, so he hiked for u
tree and made Ins ascension a*-
quickly a* possible.
The bear followed him to the
(tree and made several efforts to
j climb to his victim. As the bear
j would start to climb the tree
Davis would shoot it with his *!2.
and the hear would go down,
j Finally, when all his cartridges
were gone, t he bear decided to put
i off the job until morning, and
quietly lay himself down at the
- foot of Hie tree, and remained mi
i t il morning.
All this time the poor man was
,up in the tree waiting for some
one to come a long. This did not
happen until about day light,when
two fellow workmen came along
ami frightened the bear.
Tallahassee, Fla., Oct. 21
Four negroes, two of whom at
charged w ith murder, escaped from
the lycun county jail In-re this af
ternoon bv forcing the lock <d
j their sti-sl cell and digging
through the brick wall of the
Three of the prisoners were cap
tured in the yard. Tom Graham,
charged with the murder ol W.
Islar, white, managed t.* scale
the wall around the jail and att*-r
a lively chase with bloodhounds
was captured m a swamp two
miles from the city.
The Hirer negroes found in tin
jail yard claimed that they hail
; uo intention of getting away, but
, merely crawled out in an effort to
capture Graham. Arnett** Ker
vliaw, one of these, himself charg
ed with murder, run into the front
: of the jail aud telephoned news of
the escape to the central operator,
asking that help be summoned
> immediately, as the jailer and
isheriff were absent. j
| $15,000 Stock |
I his Magnificent Display of TTi"M DtlS $
w (ieneral Merchandise is now | tPi I Mi y B I {3
offred to the* trade on the basis
fejj 10 per ct. above 1 cost, in order *mmu a AA A^
I to Hose out, and is open to the COST I
g? Bargain Hunting Public tor ill#!# ■>■ ****** *_
| Only Thirty Days. J
We carry as complete a Selection, and have Less old stock j|j
on band than any firm in this section, and in offering it to
the public at a sacrifice, we are sure it will mean the Op- jj|
port unity of the Year to Buy at Greatly Reduced Prices,
& We must call attention to our stock of ll
g i
Shoes, Clothing and Ladies’ and Children’s |jj
U Coats and Furniture. I
Everything you need—and a thousand times more 4 . To fe|
.Miss this Chance to Buy Right will Mean Your Loss. ||
5 E. T. Mcßride & Co. g
6 i
( jird of Thanks.
Mr. and Mix. .1. S. Sharpe and
family wish to thank ail fui‘ their'
kindness (luring tlm last illness j
.•uni death of their son, husband j
and brother, and especially Dr. t
1 -s and M iss finmm. May Q«><i sj
richest blessings rest upon them!
all. Mr. and Mrs. .1. S. Sharpe, j
Executor's Sale.
(ieorgia y miigomery ('minty.
I»v viriu« of an orib*r of the Court i
of (totinai y of said county, will be
-,,!d ai public outcry on the first;
Tuesday in November. tttn;l. at the
court house in said county, between i
; i he usual hours of sale, the following
described properly:
A one-sixth undivided interest in j
I.ois Nos.i, d and it in Itiock No.
•_>7 ; |,,is Nos. *» and in in Itiock No. '
bus Nos. P! am! 14 in Itiock No. .14 ,
and ho No. Rfi in Itiock No. I*i in the |
Town of l • ten wood. lilt. The sale
will coniinne from day to tlav until j
all of said property is sold. Terms j
cash. This the •Jlfli of September,!
lilou. I». s. McArthur. i
Kxecutorof A. (i. McArthur. Dec'll. '
(ieorgia. Montgomery <'minty.
To all Whom ii may < ouccrn:
Mnilie Itrowniug. guatdian of Jen- '
oic Itrowniug. Ini' in due fm in tip- !
pli. d to tin- undersigned for leave to
encroach upon (lie corpus of the es
tate of her ~aid ward and for leave
to si 11 tile laud In longing toller sllid
w ard, and said application will tie
heard on tin- Hist Monday in Novem
ber. liH t'.t. i
Alt \ McArthur. Ordinary.
Km- Year's Support .
M otiigomerv fourt of Ordinary, at !
clia in tiers. Oct. 4. IWK*.
’The appraisers appointed upon the
applicai mo ..I Mainuia < iillis. widow
ot .lob u(i ill is, lb-ci used, lor atwe lve
nloiitlis support tor herself and two
minor children, having tiled their
return, all persons concerned are
hereby cited to show cause if any
they haveai the next regular Nuvcin
ler term of iliis court why said ap
plication sinmld not m- granted.
Alex McArthur,
Office over Mt. Vernon Drug Co.
Eugene Talinurigc,
Attorney at Law,
1 The Panic is Over! I
! U if
I As an indication that the panic is over, times are prosper- Jjg
ous, and money more plentiful than ever, we note with ra
pleasure t he number of new accounts t hat are
being opened. We've opened more
new accounts since Sept. 1 than (wf
ever before in the same Jpf
period of time J»f
Let This be Your Invitation j|
to open an account with ns if you have never before done }£x
so. We will appreciate it, and you will appreciate Jc*
it, when you have tried us a while
If You Have a Deal in Prospect
I and have not enough money to swing it, call on us. Wo
will help you out. We am now making loans fa*
due in the fall of 1910 &
Mt. Vernon, (la.
These arrivals and departures published only as ]!
I information, and are not guaranteed.
! Schedule Effective January 3<l, 1909. ij
I ].v. Mt. VERNON ai.i. trains daily. j|
a. m. For Helena, Abbeville. Cordele,
. Americas, Columbus, !•
j; 8:2:2 p. m. Montgomery, and all points west. |!
n: 17 a. in. For Lyons, Collins, Savannah, ]!
j; 4 :58 p. m. and all points east. !’
For further information, reservations, rates, etc., see your
!; nearest Seaboard Ticket Agent, or write j!
K. li. STANSELL, A. G I*. A., \\
Savannah, .... ... Georgia. j;