Newspaper Page Text
©lie ißmtiitmnm; ilmtitor.
First Week Superior Court
Has Been Very Busy One.
Montgomery Superior Court, con- [
v«ned hero Monday morning in
its regular November Term ses-j
Him:, with Judge Martin presiding
and Solicitor Graham looking
alter the State’s interest.
The grand jury organized by
electing lion. Douglas S. McAr- j
thur foreman.
Judge Martin delivered to the
grand jury one of bis aide and ,
characteristic charges, and Tues
day called the body back to in-,
struct them more fully on the
law of gambling and violat ions of
law with reference to running
near beer saloons. He told them
that it’ any person, even if he had
a license from th*-* state to run a
near beer saloon, sold any bevel'-;
age that was intoxicating, it was
in violation of the prohibition
law even though the seller did not
know that it would produce drun
kenness*; and that he was not only J
liable to indictment by the grand
jury, hut that any citizen would
have the right to have such person !
enjoined Ivy bill of injunction
from selling any further, and such
person would forfeit his license.
The grand jury has been dili
gently at work on the matters
coming to their knowledge and up
to the present have returned quite!
a number of indictments.
Probably the most important
ease to come before the jury for i
investigation at this session is
that of Gillis and Walker for cut
ting Jim Gillig at Alamo some
time ago, from the efleets of which j
dun Gillis died in Savannah.
The court has been busily en
gaged in trying civil matters this I
week, and quite a number of cases I
have been disposed of; but it is j
not likely that the civil docket
will be cleared at this term, on j
account of a large amount of bus
iness transferred from the City .
Court to tbo Superior.
Next week the criminal docket.
■will be taken up, and it is likely
that the most, of the week will be j
consumed in trying jail cases, as
there are quite a number m jail.
Probably the most important
criminal cases to be trn-d this
court will be the one against Jor
dan Swain, and one against oii 1 i.->
and Walker, these being two mur-j
dm - eases m which the parties aroi
in jail. Then there is another,
murder case or two against neg- 1
roes in which the parties are in ,
jml, which will be for trial next i
| B. H. LEVY, Ban. & CO. I
Are now read)’ to fill MAIL g!
FOH jjj
Write for bulletins describing the new styles in A)
'- 1 V Fall and Winter Garments, and ask us to quote g'
prices on any article you might wish to purchase. j£h
vvvv*w”» r V Vnpvvvwnt-v'-nt(#) j
| The OLDEST and BIGGEST Mail | !
<*i Order House IN THE SOUTH. | j
t Judge Rent tiled his answer to
j the disbarment proceedings insli-,
! tuterl againgst him on Monday, j
j and the case was then continued
until Thursday morning?, at which
time Judge Martin stated lie would
have some Judge here to try the!
| same. Judge Martin being disqual
ified to preside in that ease on an- -
! count ot being a w itness.
Just at the hour of going to
press it is learned that the judge
j contemplated for the hearing of
! the disbarment proceeding eouid j
not be secured, and as a oonse- j
! qiience the case has been discon
tinued until the May term. This]
case has drawn considerable at
tention, and its outcome will be!
watched with interest,
j During the week there have!
! been quite a number of visiting l
attorneys in attendance upon the j
j court, among the number being: I
| Eschel Graham, W. A. Wooten, {
1 L. C. Harrell and B. M. Frizzello'
of Mcßae; Mr. Flint, Phil
Howard and H. B. Wimberly of j
Dublin; Judge Hines,of Atlanta;
j Hon. P. W. Meldriin of Savan-j
iiah; L. B. Lightfoot of Adrain;l
E. J. Giles, G. C. Jones and
: W. Sparks of Lyons; and H. L.
Williams of Baxley.
i ' i
In this issue will he seen the
new announcement of B. H. Levy,
Bro. A Go., the Savannah cloth-'
mrs. If you want a desirable suit
j of a line of fumslimgs, write them i
lor samples. They send goods on
approval, by express, and you arc ;
sure of getting something ot
standard quality and fair price d
it comes froip Levy’s. It is one |
!of the oldest firms in the South i
doing a moil order business. Hi
you have never worn a stiii from '
: this house, give them a trial this!
; fall arid winter.
I A- ii lifc-loiiß citizMi of .l/ontgomci v ,*oui,
| ty and liariujj the interests of the county a.ti‘l
j people at iicfii't, I offer nivsetf n candidate for
ji he otiiee of 7i\ Collector, .subject to the re
i Hiriotinna ol -Ui'h primary elect ion un may he ]
j hirer provided. I feel thin my long uHsnchi- j
’ lion with the affairs of the count'' '"ill merit
! the support of the people, utnl to them 1
j pledge my earnest endeavors in the fulfill- |
incut of the duties incumbent upon the office, !
j it I should lio favored with it, and to this end j
i l earnestly ask ihe support of my friends and ’
j fellow citizens. Kespoetlnliy,
11. f. COOLER. I
Not ice is hereby given that C. \V.
flack has in proper form applied to
mo for letters of adininDtra j
lion on the estate of Bertha Clark,;
late ol’ said county, deceased, and .
i this is to cite ail anil singular tie
kindred autl creditors of said de
■ cessed to show cause if any they !
j can wdi.v he should not he appointed j
I administrator on said estate and re-1
jeeive letters of aiindnisi rat ion on
rhe first Monday in December, 1909. !
i This November Ist. 1909.
Alex McArthur, Ordinary,
'©: ©©©© ©© © © ©.© ©©© ©© © ©•'©•©•© ©© ©
© 0.
© .©,.©:©: ©;©.© ©.©.© ©© © ©©© ©© 0 ©ooo 0© ©
j Mrs. W. M. Lewis of Mi V* r
non speiil Monday in the city,
guest of her parents, lion, and
Mrs. S. B. Meadows. —Toombs
i County Local.
Another splendid lot of Men’s
; and Boys’ Clothing received this
week. See it early,
W. H. McQueen,
Mt. Vernon, Ga.
Ladies’ neckwear, jabbos and
: embroidered and lace collars, jet
'hat pins, etc. Hero the lathes
lean be pleased with these popular
i bits of finery. W. J. A T. A.
Peterson, Alley, Ga.
Mr. and Mrs. \V. H. McQueen
visited in Macon last .veek, at
! tending the State Fair.
Stenographer Owen Higgs ol
| Waycross ts visiting his mother
here this week, and attending
Superior Court.
Sheriff Hester spent Friday in
Savannah on business.
Mr. J. W. McCullough, Sr., is
jin Mt. Vernon this week among:
friends and relatives. He is still
hale and hearty, even though he i
inis passed many summers.
1 will bn prepared to accommo
date conn visitors with lodging'
(rooms only) during court weeks,
j Engage rooms early. Mrs. .Lime
Mcßae, Mt. Vernon, Ga.
Mr. W. J. Smith of Soperton
| was the lirsl man to come in Mon- ;
day morning for the purpose of
j renewing his subscription to hisj
;county paper.
White aml Yellow Onion Sets
at 10 cents per quart. Mount j
Vernon Drug Co.
( BOARDERS—WiII be prepared
to accommodate boarders during 1
court week. Convenient Iv locu-i
' ted and good table and beds.
Mrs. .1. D. McCullough.
. Mr. D. A. Coleman of Alamo
' was a court visitor hero Monday, j
| '
1 Site our I p-to-date Suits before j
j buying and save from %’2 AO to;
jjjtb.Od in price. W. H., ;
J Mr, j. A. Barlow of the west |
side of the county was a visitor to!
this office Monday, bringing i’he
| Monitor a large bottle ot new
! syrup. Mr. Harlow is a good
: citizen.
Mr. John h. Claru ol Alamo,
i was a court visitor here Monday.
i White and Yellow Onion Sets;
jat 10 c-iils per quart. Mount
! Vernon Drug Co.
Mr. Otis Thigpen, a former]
{citizen of this county, but now of j
Adraiti, wots a caller at tins office
Ibis week. ll**, like numberless
[others, will keep m touch with |
1 the affairs of the county by read-!
i mg the county paper.
Mr. Jim Gibbs spent a few days'
jin Macon lust week attending the
State Fair.
Mr. R.V. M eßae spent Friday
in Savannah.
Mrs. Duncan Mcßae is visiting
j relatives and friends in Mcßae
{this week.
White and Yellow Onion Sets
;ut 10 cents per quart. Mount
j Vernon Drug Co.
Judge Tom Williams of Reitls
viiie stopped over in Mt. Vernon 1
Saturday and Sunday to visit h
daughter, Mrs. S. B. Morris. H<
was en route home from Macon,
where he attended the recent ses
sion of the Grand Lodge of Ma
sons, of which he an honored
Mr. W. S. Reid of Soperton
was a business visitor to this of
fice this week. While he does not
come down often, he believes in
the old county paper. •
i 1 >ur 111 I h>* Iwo weeks of superi
fir court I will accept boarders,
ami invite i limn to stop.
M is. .1. K. Cocklidi!.
The Indies w ill iimi a beautiful
Inn* of poplins ami mcrcrrixiid
lirocadi-H at \\ . II Mc(pn on s.
Mr. 'V. VV. Tinsley of Augusta,
represent iug tlo* Wonlmmi of the
World, is lime this week in the
interest of the order. While here
Mr. Tinsley will probably install
a eiinip of this order. There are
several camps in the county, and
surely Mt. Vernon should have
I one.
Most beautiful lino of dress
; goods in mohairs, poplins and
j Usislwneivs ill Metpieon s stole.
Mr J. W.'Morrison spent Sun
i day in Alamo.
Tax Receiver VV. Henry Clark
is mingling among friends here
i this week. Ilis many friends are
| proud of jhe record lie made this
year in compiling the lax returns
|of this county. He has made an
j excellent oflieer, and w hile lie Inis
l not published the fact that lie
| will stand for re-election, it
its sale to say that that Ins for
! tiln 1 announcement will appear in
!a few weeks lb* is thoroughly in
t 'mi'll with the people of l lie
j enmity, and according to the
j t.ime-honored custom, feds that
■ In* should be entitled to tlie usu
j al second term.
i That big lot of clothing at, W.
1 11. M' CbieeiCs IS selling “like lint
•cukes’’ —ii’s cheaper and better
than any shown here before.
Mrs. J. H. Haul'd of Bulloch
I county arrived a few days ago to
visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
! I). VV'. Kol so in.
I ..lust lor your own information
j see my offerings in dry goods,
■shoes and nobby hats. \V. 11.
.MeQiiccti, Mount. Vernon.
Mr. I'. (Tlmmas of Sanders
) vtlh* is in the cit y today.
'l’Yie Montgomery County Tcaeli
, ers’ Inst it ute on Insti Friday adopt -
eel t ie* follow ing ri'soliil ion :
1. That we wish to ext nd In
I'rof. M. I, Brittain, our estima
, hie conductor, our high apprecia
, t.ion of and ■ heartfelt thanks for
the instruct inn he has given ns
and fir the courtesies lc* has
‘shown us during the various «»•*-
! sums, and we hope we may have
; the pleasure of having him again
at ottr next meet mg.
2. That we extend our commis
sioner. Col. A B Hutcheson, /hir
I thanks for Ins courtesy mid help
i during the work.
11. That we extend our thanks
|to the people "I Mr. Vernon for
I the courtesies and hospitality
shown us during our stay here,
1. That we wish to thank the
; l.'nmn Baptist Institute for ticor
‘invitation to visit them and the
kindness extended to us.
i o. That, we extend our thinks
to the Montgomery Monitor for
the kindness and consideration
extended to us.
' .1. il. Al 1./),
Ami ,-T.\ I’yitt’s,
Co AimoTt-*: Hu Alii*,
Comm ittee,
I Mt. Vernon, Gu., Oct. 2‘J, J'JOvi.
Notice i* herebv given that Mary
A. Dennis ba~ in proper form ap-
I lied to iri<- for letter-- of admlni--
• tration on ih« e«t»>e of J. tt. Pm 1 *
\ ii., bite of said county, deceased,
and /his is to cite all and singular
the creditor* and kindred of
ceased to show cause if any- they cen
at the next reg'ilur u-iin of tin* < doi t
of Ordinary n. lie tield on the Hist
Monday in December, next, w hy -be
should not receive letters of admin
ikrration as applied for. This the Ist.
day of November. IWOH.
Alex McArthur, Ordinary.
It is with feeling of profound j
sorrow that wo chronicle t liedeuth |
of Mr. Columbus Sharp**, which j
occurred hist Sunday {morning ai
three o’eloek, as the home of his!
lather, Mr, John S. Sharpe.
Mr. Sharpe was a young man in )
the prime of vigorous manhood
and Ins demise is deeply deplored,
i No young man held the confident'*
ami respect of his acquaintances
more than he and his prospects,
.were very blight, but alas, tie |
grim messenger called and In* had
to U»>.
j He suffered with typhoid fever
• tor about three weeks, but bis!
toi 111 mb wavered, and be
met- Ins death with the lull ussu- j
ramie of a happy home in the
great beyond.
Mr. Sharpe was happily mar
ried about a year ago to Miss!
Amanda Taylor, who is left to
mourn him. Fond parents and
; many other relatives are bowed !
beneath a load of sorrow ami our!
sympathy is extendi*.i them m
i their sad bereavement.. —Toombs
County Local.
Dr. J. K. Masi'ow, the Savan
nah eye specialist, will be 111 Mt. j
i Vernon Tuesday, lit h lust,,, pro-j
i part'll to lit, glasses to many of!
Ins patrons -in this county, and j
those who need his services should
not fail to meet him here. He j
has made a visit to Mt. Vernon
and has given splendid siilisfac
lact ion in his line.
Mr. J. II Whalen of Glenwnod
i Route (b e was aiming the callers
at this office Wednesday.
Night, watchman for County
Convict ('amp. Apply at once to
.1. B. Adamson, Supt.,
Ml. Vernon, (la..
■ 1 We have I
' | |>
| no schemes |
$ , |
(#> In promote V
% 'r''
{ i' iis 111« >v cnn consist- (S)
| me «s LOW ontly i)c I
‘ '*>
<§ Quality and Service %
>| Considered %
(»> <*)
S ( *< ;
i i
'■*) JAS. F. (T'HUIE. Mc.r. (#)
i €> ft>
> Patrick & Company j
IVAXl VAX Tarrytown, Qa. J
> Staple and Fancy Groceries \
\ Dry Goods, Notions, J
> <
P* Fruits, Produce 4
> «
> Fresh and Keiiahlc (mods at Fair Prices 4
> A Trial is Solicited i
'Coming to
Ht. Vernon.
Dr. Masrow, the Kye Specialist
d Savannah,(will be at Mt. Ver
j linn Drug < lo.'s 'l'ucsdav, Nov. If.
ONK I*A N' ONLY. Those sufl'i-r
--l itig from Kye Strain, VV'eak and
liilhinied Kycs, Blurred Vision,
Headaches, etc., would do well to
consult him at this time. lie
refers you to the following whom
lie Inis recently titled w ith glasses :
j Capl. M. I*. Hughes, K. M<*-
Vrtlinr, T. K. Rogers, .1. U. Mor
ris, Mrs. VV. T. Metpmig, Mr-.
Rachel MeDowall, Mrs. .1. J.
; Koiuiluiu, Mrs. K. C. Higgs.
These a res all from your tow u
j and neighborhood: any of them
j will test ify to the reliability of
! Dr. Masrow, where he is perma
nently located at 2d West Brough
ton Street, Savannah. <Ja.
Remember the date, l'liesdav,
November fit h, ONK HAY ONLY,
: I rom 8 a. to .until I p. m.
R. S.—Those whom he has fitted
before may call and have their
glasses readjusted or changed if,
needed, free ol charge,
Rev..). H. Rabun of the Bap
tist church will itelive.' a sermon
jin the Baptist, church tit Ailev on
f I li»- I lilt tost. II a. m., in Odd
fellowship, and while it will be of
a fraternal nature, the public is
cordially invited to be present.
Ailey l.ialge of Odd Fellows
w ill meet iii their hall and march
to the church in a body. All
mem burs of the order and the
public are cordially invited to be
present. Second Sunday in No
| -
Drop in at McGticeiTa and see
the new dress goods, and that
splendid line of shoes from the
largest shoe dealers in the world.
NO. ,*<>