Newspaper Page Text
Robbers Enter
The Postoffice.
Mt. Vernon has again been the
victim of a daring postoffice rob
bery at the hands of cracksmen.
This was accomplished Monday
night when the safe in the post
office at this place was blown open
by the use of some explosive, and
the cash in the draws removed,
together with stamps. Entrance
was gained through a rear window
and the main door of tie safe was
drilled with about an half-inch
drill and the explosive, proOubK
nitrogiyreerin, was inserted and
fired with a fuse ' a
was torn out by a siui'l • p
Track dogs were plac d o ilie
scene Tuesday morn; g. to no
avail, as the trail conn; u- : be
• taken up, and no clue is had is Ui
the robbers, or their whereab uls.
From Postmaster Beugimt the
loss is learned to be as follows:
Stamps to the amount of SBB6 50; i
money order fund, $556 75: postal
fund $23.68. In a book in the
sate, which was left, unnoticed,
was sllß, private funds of Post
master Beugnot.
Several years ago a smaller safe! 1
used in the post office was opened
in a similar manner.
Have You Paid
Your Taxes?
i 1
From notice upp. unng in The', i
Monitor it will be-ten (inn Tux:
Col lector Ourne i- n on ! last
t.ouncl, and it is well en ugh In
see him before the 20 >• i " iiu b
time the In mi ■ <d i x ■ • -
tor positively wail ci. -
The mattcr of tin > . u '- ’
'A i
'erniitg reui«i ■
clear in the min. s .
tax payers and for n lit
It said I but .. •• 1 lie tax
biroks will close on iii above date,
the books for registration will not > 1
close until the first week in April,!'
1910, in order to conform to the!,
new law requiring them to close
six months before the general)
election. And while Mr. Currie,;
according to law, will close his
tax books on the 20th. there will j f
still be opportunity of registering i
in time for the regular election;:
however, it is more correct to
i •
register at once—those who have j
not pei formed In duty of paying
taxes or registering
As emutru d by hose having
correct b'Hi r '‘‘H r i ition,
registrar e>ii >* bi- -na . -
ment ot lax - un- this .
time, and u ih r
ptllsorv 1 • la j, .1 ,
taxes before >e • ■ • q
for voting i
tins should n >; i
postponing this ■
they inunt. c.inm. M
have the registruti m .• ■ wills
him until his round is tini.-hec,'
and on public days will h ive tin
book at his office in Alt. Vernon,
so that there will tie ample oppor
tunity of seeing him before rh<-
tune bus elapsed, six mouths be-'
fore the general election in Octo
ber, 1910.
Rev. George F. Austin, pastor;
of the Mt Vernon Circuit, left j
Monday for Waynesboro to at
tend the Annual Conference ol !
the Methodist church. Mr. Ana. J
tin has done a good year’s wore
lo this field and ins return to the
work would please a large uuiii
b- r of friends. Ail oi the churches
in his charge made full pavmn 1
of assessments, and he will tie
able to make a splendid report.
FOUND—The place to get Or
ange®, Apples, Nuts, ftais Ilia* M.:
E. Fountain's, Mt. Vernon
I ' .
• School was suspended last Mon
day on account ot a meeting of
the teachers, trustees and county
school commissioner.
Mr. Robert Hightower of Dub
liu is in the city visiting relatives
Mr. Frank Stephens made a
short visit to Tarrytown Thanks
Mr. Burnon Williams of Dub- 1
is visiting relatives here,
Mrs. H. V. Daley has as her
..m-sts her sisters, Misses Mead
ows, of Cary, Ga.
L). Johnson and Mr. \V. Mis
l eof tins city left for Atlanta
veverdnv afternoon.
'vi e regret to bear of the illness
ot Mrs V. K. Mosley. Hope she
will soon recover.
Mr. Baty and his sister. Miss
Francis, were the guest of friends!
Imre Sunday afternoon.
Miss Myrtle Mosley carried her
little sister back to Sandersville
for treatment.
The box supper of Lothair was
a grand success and was enjoyed
very much by all.
There is to be a magic-lantern
show at thu school building soy .
t rai nights this week. Part of
•he funds will go to the school.
Our community is shadowed 1
with gloom, bearing away loved- I
ones and friends. I
Thursday, '2-lth, Mr. Archie
Williams, after a long lingering
iillness, was laid at rest in tile (
tensiiy cemetery at, Harmony
church. lie leaves a wife, one
cb- *J. an aged father and mother,
M,.. ;.miher and four sisters to
i ’.o'., Lis death.
O'e of ( ,nr oldest citizens, Mr. ,
David Giilis, died at his home ,
Tuesday morning and was buried ,
Wednesday afternoon.
We are just saddened by the a
dea'h of Mrs. R. J. Williams, one 1
of our older and most excellent,'
matrons. The deceased will be
laid to rest in the cemetery at
Harmony church.
J. M. Brooksher & Hon, the
stock men, will have a carload of
the best horses and mules in Mt.
Vernon Dec. 3. and if in need of 1
stock, do not fail to see them.
Last Tuesday evening on Sea
board t rain No. 72, going east, be
tween Glen wood and Mt. Vernon,
i pocket-book containing'
sll7 00 in currency and $55.00 in
- Finder please send to me
U enwend and receive reward.
Fietn C. Dam*.
Fireworks! Fireworks! 'rim
mo it complete line of new goods
to he found at M. E. Fountain’s.
Lodge Not iff*.
At a recent communication of
Aural Lodge No. 2559 K. it A M
the regular times of couimunica
t ion were clianged to the following
Fir«t Thursdays, 7 p. in. Third
! Saturdays, 10 a. in.
This gives two meetings a
!in * >ii th, which is thought better
: for the order. Let tin- member,
t ike due notice and be governed
■ accordingly.
We beg to inform our Montgom
ery county patrons that we will
b<» in Mt. Vernon about Dec. 2 or
55 with a carload of fine mules and
, horv-s See II- then. .). M. Brook-’
sher ik Son.
L<).sT —Money by n<it buying
, my groceries from .M. E. Foun
j tain, the Groe> r i
"ipie n Ehna of Italy, says
Kellogg Durlund in Woman’s
Home Companion for December,
"is one of ’the most 'unpopular
.queens in Europe. Her court.
: which, to meet the tastes of her
people, should be bright,, popular,!
i.rillnuit, is really the dullest, tile
most stupid in the Western world,
i have lived m many countries.
nil 1 am more or less familiar
, with all tin* courts of Europe, hut
, never have 1 heard a queen so mil
\ ersallv spoki n of is ith disrespect
ml disapproval by her own court.
Queen Elena, in an American
phrase, ‘plnvs to the gallery,’ then
retires. Slnq'gamers the wheat
a ltd ignores lie* chaff. She is;
quick to figure in dramatic ex
boils, but reluctant to submit im
i lie daily grind.
‘•Rightly or wrongly. Queen
Elena has tie* reputation among
her own people tor being tin*
'stingiest queen m Europe, Ap-i
parent lv ibis is true. She pat
ronizes almost nothingut all regu
larly, and if ooee in a while* she I
lends her name to appear ms a
public bill, ii usually means this
mid nothing more. As far as is
known, sin* gives less to charily,
in proportion to lnw means, than
•nv queen. Ii tin* world at largo
appreciated to what extent sin
hue curried her ideas of simplicity .
in dress, the glamour that siir
rounds ln*r would fade. It is im
possible to worship a dowd—es
pecially it sin- be a queen, with '
till the .splendor ami taste ol tin.*!
> (
world at her iulml.
‘ I h-dive seen her driving in tin
('ainpagmi, or <*v**u through tin
streets of Rome, when 1 would
never have believed her the ot*
cupant. of h**r exalted position had;
1 not known her. One need not
! I
is> extravagant, in clothes to to .
tasteful, but Queen Elena is not
even tasteful. Here she is in nn-i
fortunate contrast to tin* queen-;
mother who, .-.till lives in Roim\i- (
always exquisitely gowned, and
no matter how simply always
v. ith unerring taste.”
Sustained by
Supreme Courts
, - -~
The mandamus t hat wa .- ,
brought against the authorities of
ihe Union Baptist Institute to 1
compel the admission of several
children of this district, was car
ried to the Supreme Court by the;
school, and a discision was handed
down from that court about nj
week ago, susl uinmg the ruling
of Judge Martin which was that
no public school eon Id charge a
iiU(Auculution fee for the admis
sion of any of the children with-;
in tie* legal age, residing m the;
i district. This point hod been
ruled in principle before by the!
■Supremo Court, but never bad tin*
point been decided before oil tin*
same facts. All the appeals to
tin* high court h.»d been made by
municipal schools irmi tlii- is t lie
first time that the ruling lias been
1 made for tin* common public
schools of the Stall . l! is trie
ihat various schools throughout
tie* slat'* liftVY) been charging the
matriculation tee just a- the Un
ion Baptist 1 last it ii t<>d in, but iliis
. decision will tend to change that
exaction and will cause tlx* jmb
• lie schools throughout the state
to b<* just what th'*ir name signi
fies — free to ail tiie children wiib
ing tin-school district within the
legal age.
Vow is t tie t!tin- to cook your fru it '
cake. Seeded Raisins, Currants.;
Prunes and Apricots to be found
■atM. E Fountain’*, f In* grocer.
Me-srs. M. .J iikiiis and 15. 1
H i', two prominent citizens;
from Stuckey, were it Mt. Vet-;
• non yesterday.
file Americas Times-Recorder,
land it is aut liorit y on almost any
thing it treats, * ivs again it bus
been conclusively (li-mon.-t rated,
.it any t urtln*r ihinoiistrut ion we*iv
, necessary, that crops of corn can
lie raised in this section of Geor
gia that equal, if they do not ex-
i, tin* finest crops raised in tin*
j rvhest- mill most v i rgin soil of l lie
i far-famed com country of .the
6.-si. 'f„ be sure fertilizing is
required, but when tin* yield is so
abundant it is quite evident, that
tin* farmer is well repaid for the
' money expended to enrich the
soil and make it bear bountifully
of the grain. jf -
The recent contest at Albany,
in which prizes w re offered for
I i In- greatest product ion of com t"
'■he acre, resulted in a number ol
.notable ell t ries, e. in t esla l.ts coin
:mg from several cmml'n w and
proving conclusively that lln*y
had ralsiml I i*i>m eight vI o olie 11mi
ll led Mild 1 1 *ll bushel— of coVl I to
Ihe acre. Till’ prize Went to a
Thomas county mail, whose yield
was I lie filler figure.
We lio 111 it I'eeu II W llot ln*r 111 i -
rneeni contest in Terrell count v
•ii nut, hut if so it, was somewhat
nl a uip-a mt-1 nek raee bet ween lire
w iIIDeI'S. ( M.her COIIIII ies 111
•Sml Ii and Soul Invest < ieorgta liav
also euine forward wit h bumper
vi• * 1 1 1 ol corn this season. Even
here in Sum or, wi h no cuiiost.
on, aml vv it'll simply good ta rm ing
ul work stimulated by no* hopes
i‘i win publicit y and special hon
ors, extensive acreages have yield
ed tills year over fifty husjicls ' t"
the acre, Willi nil'll bringing S-V
I.'eul.s a blislii-l, It IS easy 'll) sue
rhrrt-eoru is a profitable crop,
fie se corn conrests liave'a prac
tieul result in showing to tin
fanners of ibis section that It
limy have in the past believed
t lia t tins is n< d a good corn conn- ,
try, that tin* gram cahoot, be;
raised here profitably, I liny lum
b -n misiiifi.rnied and standing
m their own light. South 1 Geor
gia’s prosperity will In- promoted
greatly as the farmers put mare
and more corn into the ground.!
Especially will this be true idle
coming year, winm there is a like
iihooff of an exeersive aen.-age id
ci d1 on and a return to lowin';
prices. fhc man who has plent y t
oi corn and outs and hay can
fi-iinl a return to cotton price's
below 10 cents far belt,-ci; than can.
tbe planter who gives his atten
tion entirely to cotton and i
forced, with lower values for Ins
-tuple, lo pay the West, high price-,
for bis iiipplies of feedstuff's.
> The young ladies of the Presby
terian Sunday school who are iu
lei'. sted in raising funds for a tew
elmreli building will li.ivn on -a >■
Grom this dale Variogs larticles
-miabli* for Glirisimas pi'esints;
also fresh home-made .candies.
See |he j r d i-pla v at Mr- J . 1,
Adam- millinery store, and help
a wort liy i 'aUse.
I Olt Slll kll l :
I llt< l'<'»}•!.V|oilt;T'*in«'|-> G iiiftly:
>• I-•/ t* •»*»' ■ iiGH iuftUf ntlli'i-of
Hli.-fift of »1 ’»iiff ■ i,n> i *'*»»»ii*v i-* iii fni f lift*
I : .Mitl I fri\ ilifti Mi* .sifiulitiii w.ll
, n .*i I'ititf iin- •<i r*«l. inpc tin •*;mim <‘<»r»liaj *..)*-
I nut in** in find my Mr.-t it-iiii. ! tr* ««(i
inv Inli*n> Imv»" iiG'ii (in,uf\ k i >
tit- publii : .it I id o-Kiiiß Mi** inniivt iHippoi t
«*' Hl\ t* ! I • «"i : !/-*'• *. I j! ' ' >„*■ »I.* ’A 1:1 . If.* --1
< -i;i<>i i IT**/in in iJm* tYii' nf f<b|fi’ -
of lll** IM 1 ro. I Mill hilt j oirif l*» IIIy IT;|'o!'«i,
mul ;iz»k fHaf iin - “V n ♦ Id* I'oiisidifH'ti «*f i.|h
; i*j*|M**ff"H»ii‘/ **l***'i toft, SVjfli hn fh* r n-evHtMi<-
(•*'» nf in, T|<r**fi tM*»ii, 1 !)■ */ tn i - ftmlfi
I A !I>' Ift si !•] -.
\\ e lriv** G- nuim* T*-xas Seed
.Oats, with aliidavit from shipper
! Buy 11.** best. Tiie Ga-sels (--11n
j pally, •Suv.uiiiah, < ia.
i ,
.let met,al and real jet buttons
'at. Mi .1 1 4 Adams’.
> Turniown I Inns.
I -’fi. «'idl (.'oi'lt.-imilUolKN.
M iss ]ti -ssie Mi* Dmims of \’i
ialin spent ii few 1 1.i yk with Mis
Frankie Calhoun tie past. week
. : Mrs. teiorgf* Conrson and Mis*
Alvmia Chill ips ol Superbm weii
i j .'♦hopping in* our town Monday.
) Miss Mattie I’llillips visitei
j Vidallll llHl Week.
I he mill lit <l.-t lighter of Mi*, nml
Mrs li. |). HeatV has lieoil ve|*\
/sink, Imt we are glud t<> lenrn thu
, il IS I 111 {>■’ >V I nor.
Miss Sylviiiiiii Willininson o
Oak I’,-irk is spending tins week
-with her mint. Miss Murtlm Cal
Messrs Marvin Flanders am
l>. 11. ()vei*hy ol I h«‘ I . I! I
v .siii-i| here Siimlav.
Mr. Ohti.i'lie I’sry of Wiens, (la
vus iu onr town hist, week.
’ ' i
Mi Waller Stephens ,■ | Sopi i
' ton visited Tarry town Thursday.
Messrs. Willie Wade and Join
K 'she I' of So perl on passed t II t'ollg I
lu i e Sunday ' hint.
Messrs. ('. \\ . I leek wo rt li, (lay
* lor lluriji.'s and Eugene Allei
spent Sunday in Vidalia.
Mr. Ito 111 i y \\ at son ot Super! ol in our touni on husiness lasi
M i—s M -ilia I’aliner of Vulalia
has Ijei'ii a-s|-imj Mr. W II (la
dle with a hie sale la-1 week,
M is- K\ a I loi n and M iss llnl I
Mart in were in onr lown Sal nrda\
If you want to Iniy slack it
i 1 gll I prices, see 11 s j|l M | . Vel'll'M*
next week and take your pick ol .
i l( t ot tile best .1. M. I trunk
*ll ■ r iV Son.
a l ..'‘l
; I ‘t »•£» \» • *:»*;. *>■ (•-fjt •:, • ••, >• I»• »w, y ts * »*J• '•
\ll * I today was Thanksgiving ! '■
ViloLlel' year has gone by, aiiotli
* r mile post in history is passed.
II lias broiig lit. a bout mu ii v
i changes—sonic of joyfulnesK and
, some ol sadness.
It was in some homes a day ot
! happy reunion, and in others!
Ale-re was a vacant chair and
* lieurts bowed down m grief.
The writer had the opportunity
and pleasure of dining a' a lioiie
.' where there were t 11 lee ge lie I'll 11 Ole- '
represented ami no missing links.
Each heart was filled with a great .
subdued joyliilness and thankful-,
ness to the I'at her ol all good j
'gifts, for this fuel, that this big;
family bad been spared to meet ■
another Thanksgiving day in re
, union, and there were no vaeaui
chairs, or saddeiie I hearts. First
■ mam t lie Ia t leu - aml mot her, t lien
foil r eli i hi ren a ml seventeen grand
children. There was a tlniiiKs
'.living -''l V ice held 111 I lie parlol
before the 1 1‘ llt 1 1 1 it lit dlllliel* Was!
spread. and <-null one fold of soim
especial tiling over which t,|ie\
, "i" giving t hanks, lint foremost
il. I lie heart of each I iblllk, Was
a gr*‘iit. thankfulness that l lev
had ben spared to meet together
a ga in.
And t lieu came dinner! I nev
i ** r saw ipiite so many good tilings
111 oil'' gl’i'llp to (-111 before. Tien-
Was II 111 pie just ice done it too.
I lie day was I,ar too short. I
tell lik'' I should have lik'd for
the sun to stand -Uill, and not
bring to a close so quickly a lav
that was so lull of jo V'oiHiesS.
|!ut it ended a- ail days must,
and the big, happy family separat
ed to go c.'Hi their wav. let u>
wish for litem many such re
II *.u! : be a day -et ipart in ! h
life of tie- writer a- one of the
i very happie-t ever
I Nov "nth, IMJ 1
November Board
The Hoard ol Education of
Montgomery County met today in
I 'gular session. Present, T. A.
’i.tefson, W. A Peterson and
>aniel Pope. The meeting was
tilled to order by T. A. Peterson,
huirnuin, and the following bits
i less disposi'd of.
The minutes of the lust regular
necting were rend and approved.
The committee appointed to
iiv pure a list of the pupils in the
>rlitmi School District and to get
lie amount of property returned
m said district for taxation
or the year ol' P.Ht'.t reported
that, they had met, with the
trustees id' said School District
uni found that according to tie
('•hool census of P.tOH there are in
»aid Dis net ninety white children
mil sixteen colored children of
ehool age, making a total of 1(11)
iiipilsatul that there were-ttiJJ,-
' !>;» win ill of properly ret nr I
Irom said Di-triel lor taxation for
t he yen r l titl'd.
.) A. Cl* 'gg appeared lie 111 I'c the
Hoard, staling that lie ami a few
iiliers lived 100 far from any of
■I outgo me r\ county schools for
mpils to walk to school ami asked
l lie Peiard lo assist them in se
aring and operat inga wagon to
t n lie 1 1 1 eirehild re ii l o school, The
t!oal'd agreed lo pay the sum of
i,"ii dollars per month to any one
Cm would furnish a team for tic
i'iliispol'l at ion of said pupils to
t nion school.
Mi. .1 f. Ila l'bi n, one of 11 c
trustees of tie* P.rowning school,
'iked tic Hoard to pay lor lumber
I hat had been used in ceiling I heir
hool house. lie Itonrd had al
ready passed an order authorizing
lu* County School Commissioner
t/i pay for said dumber upon re
ceipt ol a deed putting t it le to said
property in the Hoard of Educa
tion ot ihe county. This had been
refused by the party owning the
I he Hoard adjoiiri|i*d.
I . A I’et el soil , I'resiil'lit .
A . I! II utelieson, C. S. Is.
If nut I’rovident ially hindered,
I w ill b< in Alley, (ia., on Decem
ief li and 7, and longer il necs
-arv, to tim-h up my w-trk, and
vil I thank my patrons to call
< Icn. Yours very t rtily,
Dr. M . It. < low a rt.
120 < ’hni'ltoii W. Savannah, (Ja.
M I', 'lb (>. ( i llibs id leUlte I
semis to this otliee lie clttW of all
mormons owl, measuring live feet
I rein tip to tip. which he killed at
his place a few days ago.
The pirate bird bail killed u
! chicken, and leaving it, went
away. Mr. (iibbs placed the fowl
hi a trap and the second night
lie big night bird returned, ami
,is a eon-c<jU"iiee was captured in
l ie net "I finishing up tin- fowl.
For Snlc* or Rent.
()m* e-room house with one Hi']).
ol land attached; yard tence and
and good well of water. Also one
store house and me l-room tenant
house, good erib, stalls and 2-'»
acres ol farm laud under a good
w ire fence. Apply to
C. D. Hieiwxivi.,
M t \ eril'lll, (ill.
Not icc.
All Members of tie Farmers’
1 moll, Mt. \ t'l'lioli Eoe.'il, are re.
(pested to meet in Mt. Vernon on
tie liisi Saturday in December at
2 o’clock p. in.
A lull attendance is requested
ns important business will come,
before the hoitv.
i C. L. Hamilton, I’m,
NO. ,