Newspaper Page Text
dltr iJlnntgiiiiifrg iMxmttor.
Prominent West*
Side Quartet.
.... j
When four good men—candi
dates, >1 course—cull m one day,.
t<> have the county paper put them
jam up against the public, it is;
difficult to put them there just
alike, for some desire one thing,
and some another; but they want
it just, t he same.
* J ]
A little singular, too, that these
goon men should all hail from
the glorious west side of the good
old county, and vet, it is the case j
—four of them, almost in a covey,
and just ready to he flushed at
the sight, of a voter, or even the
slightest mention of u primary,
early or late.
Now, these men are not posing
as targets for a Roquet of well
chosen words: they want votes!'
and want ’em bad. and must have
’em, sooner or later.
First member of this quartet is
Judge W. Henry Clark, our worthy
Tax Receiver —the man with u
good record, serying his first, term.
Ho is anxious to serve his native
county again in this capacity, l
when lie purposes to retire (in
favor of his friends.)
The second good looking mem-i
ber is Brother A. J. Grimes, who!
enters the race with.many friends |
to say amen. He is out, for the
office of Tax Collector, having ’
withheld himself at the last cam
paign, with the understanding
that he would enter in full force i
this time.
Third, there is Mr. H. 3. P<*avy, •
another good man, who guaran
tees to fill the office of Tax Re
ceiver in a manner acceptable to
the people. He, too, Inis a strong
following. He is anxious tor the
place, and makes an earnest ap
peal for it. He will appreciate
your support.
The fourth gentleman, rejoicing
as a stroug man to run a race, is 1
Mr. P. F. Williams, whose aspira-
tions incline toward the office of
Tax Collector of his native coun
ty, and ho will make a strong pull .
for the persimmon, and is using u j
long pole with a hard knocker at- j
tached. ] (
Gentlemen, words fail me: p.o
your roots; and may countless
voters, with long ballots be with .
you, new and until after the pn-j
inary. And when the battle is
over, the old county pufjer can
still be counted as your friend—
in deed and (in need) —of all the 1
support that it can receive.
' i
For Tax Collector:
lUvins f mnerly withheld my candidacy for
ptthUi.* office at tht* iiiH'anw of ft k iklh. I arn <
now before* tin* viitora of Moutgoiaorv county >
uri i, ciudifUt (’ii Tax Collector: Rod 1 trust
that iltia ftKmai firinouneotneiii will have the
approval of those friend* who have «lre;i<ly
tomlered their HUpport, toother with tile .
support of the propio
b«* favored with thin important trunt, f pled 40 !
my bent effort# iu the diijjhaige o* 'lie <luiom
of the office, feeling that my experience in the
l»u ines« world and ray acqaaintan *e with the
public afitira at the county will merit the favor
of the public lam uninieumbred, and fin 1
lr-j'fll dihC*ha»ere of flu* dotien of the ofiic*
*l**ll be inv and motto. Ttn*titi£ that
1 iuay have opportunity of ioy appro* j
ciatioii of Hiipooit, a id placing my Candida-j
oy rtubjeet to *ach rent-iclioua a 3 may be pro
vided for the eieoiiou. 1 mi
i»«t.p9Pt tally, j
A. J. Guixhi. j
AVill Arrive at our New Stables
Monday, Dec. 13th.
Mcßae & Bro.,
The formal annuncement of
Sheriff James Hester may b«
found m The Monitor, and it is a
straight-forward appeal for the
support of the voters of the coun
ty in the approaching election.
Mr. Hester is now serving his
tirst term, and in accordance with j
the time-honored custom, feels
that his wirk in the capacity ~1
sherifl of the county warrants his
request for another term of tin*
office ,
He has made a good record, and
is giving splendid service to the j
county, and his nuinv friends and
supporter- feel that it will be no
more than justice to him that lie
have the privilege of serving an-!
other term. In accepting the id
tic, he did not, bind himself to a
oue-term service, and feels that
he is not violating any obligation
is asking for it the second term.
Sheriff Hester is a good man and
a worthy county official.
Shiloh Items.
Special CorrMpiindenra.
Mr. Rufus Clark of Fernnndia,
Fla., is visiting his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. O. J. Clark this week.
.Miss Glosie May Tapiey of;
Helena spent a few days of last
week with her aunt, Mrs. Chas.
M i mbs.
Mrs. J. J. Vaughn and daugh
ter, Victoria, are off fora few
day visit to Jeff Davis county.
They will be the guest, of Mrs.!
Vaughan’s daughter, Mrs. John
YV. Dukes.
Mr. N. J. Vaughn and brother,
John, left for Brunswick last.
Wednesday to carry down some
boats from the new railroad
The many friends will he sorry
to learn of the serious illness of
Mr. James Mitchell. We hope
he will soon be up again.
Mrs. N. J. Vaughn was having
some dental work done in Lum
ber City Saturday.
Mr. J. W. Clements and sister,
Miss Myra, spent Sunday with
their sister, Mrs. Adams.
Mr. Lee Nash and Miss (HiIT
Nash visited at the home of Mr.
Wiliie Adams Friday night.
Mrs. Graham of Springhill was
shopping in Lumber City Wed
nesday Inst,.
Mrs A. J. Vaughn is quite sick.
We hope she will soon be well
Mr Austin Wright and M issi—
Mvra Clements and Sadie Vaughn
visited near Bruce Saturday after
The young people are having an
enjoyable time going to cane
grindings around here.
Prayer meeting at Shiloh was
-veil attended last Thursday night.
We hope to see a larger crowd out
the next time.
Rev. Mills will preach at Shiloh
the next second Sunday.
Dork Kves.
( «I(‘ii\vo(m!, '2.
.Hp»*i*inl ('Jon < e*DoinioiK*M
Dear Editor, will you allow me
• a few words ill the dear old Mon
■ 1 tor.
Mr. G R Evans and brother,
YV. G. Evans, visited Ylr. B. 1
Lowery Sunday morning.
Our sc.-hool is progressing -nicely
•under the management of Mr.
Wm. J. Tomlinson.
Mrs. YY D. Lord spent a few
! hours in Alamo Friday.
Mr. O. A. Lord was mil driving
, his new mule Sunday.
Mr. 11 (l Lowery made a flying
1 rip up the road Sunday.
Mr. Jackson Lowery visitui Mr.
' .1. YV. K. Clark s Sunday.
Mr. P. Lord visited hi.-
daughter, Mrs. 11. S. Ilarville,
Mr. Earnest Nobles of near
Helena was visiting in this sce
t ion Sunday morning.
Mrs. B. 1. Lowery visited Mrs.
Mary Gtllis Saturday.
YY’e a r glad tost at <- tha t M rs. T.
.1. Tarpley is impr iving.
.Messrs. .Murdock MeDaiii-'l and
Elite Bridges were visitors at Mr.
bowery's Sunday afUM-nocn.
1 Mr. H ermuii Crimes of near
Helena was visiting in our section
Mr. A. P. Crimes has purchased
I lain a fine horse, hut the fan is it
,has horns.
Mr. Harrison Lowery has pur
chased him 11 new horse.
Preaching ut Snow Hill Sunday.
Every body is invited.
We are sorry to say that little
A. J. Grimes is sick.
Success to the editor and tin
dear old count y paper.
Miss Irene Haskins spent, lie
lay with friends here Saturday.
We are head quarters for coun
try produce. Ship us and you
will get best results. Til'.* (Jus-eli-
Compaiiy, Savannah, (la.
Miss Lillian Clifton of Perry s
Mill is visiting her cousins, Misses
Maggie Mae and Marion Lee.
Mrs. C. YY’. Fox spent, Sunday
with home folks here.
Rev. Pack of Ailey preached at
the Baptist church ln-re Sunday
'• veiling.
Mr. .YLirk Mcßae spent, Uh- day
hero wit h hones folks Sunday.
Mr. T. H. Johnson of Y'idaliu
-pent Sunday and Monday here
with Mr. Grady McAllister.
YY’e have Genuine Texas Seed
Oats, with affidavit from shipper
Buy the best. The Cassels Com
pany, Savannah, (in.
(piite u crowd of young people
were entertained at 1 lie hone-of
Mr. Fn-d .McAllister Monday
The usual 2nd Sunday services
will he held in the Methodist
church in Mt. Vernon next Sun
day morning and evening. R v.
G. F. Austin will till the pul
pit. Rev. H. < Brew ton, the
pastor for 1910, will not arrive in
Ml. Vernon until the loth inst.
FOl X f)—Tie- place to g.*t Or
anges, Apples, Nuts. Raisins. M.
E. Fountain’s, Mr. Vernon.
For Sjilo or Kent.
One b-room house with one acre
of land attached : yard fence ami
and good well of water. Also one
store house and one 4-room tenant
house, good crib, stalls and 2b
acres of farm laud under a good
wire fence. Apply to
C D. Bkowmno,
Mt. Vernou, Ga.
1 Rev. (it'i.i. K. Austin, who has j
faithfullv served t.ho Methodist
'ohuri’li ol’ tlif Mt Vernon ('ni'iiii
for the past year, was at I hi• in
(••'lit session ill ( ’onfi’fi’lK.”* Sent to;
llazlehurt, and in a few days will !
move with til' ! a ini I v to that
point.' Hi" is a n a I ili' ain I cnnse* j
crated man, and the •hurcli ha
n great uplift by Ills un
tiring laliors Many frmiids will!
regret t Ill'll' (|e|ial'l lll’e.
Mr. Austin’s siieecssor in the
work is Rev. Henry hiowloii, w ho I
a I'l l\ e oil t lie lot 11. 11'*, l 00, is ;
an aide Ilian, and the charge will (
appreciate him.
i,(lST —Money iiv not having '
my groceries from M. K. Kotin*
ta I il, I In- (ll'i icer
( harlot 1 csv illc.
Sp« rini ('ni l-. «|M>ath > m*t > .
We i'l'gi'et very much to note
the serious illness of Mrs. A til tin*
tha Moseley. Hope she will soon
recover. 1
Mr. and Mrs. .11,. Adams are
all silliles over t lie aITt val id a line
till liv hoy.
Mrs. Daisy Tomlinson of Kriok
spent- last week with her parents,,
Mr. and Mrs. .1. \\ Moseley. I
! 11
W’e gladly welcome Mr. and
Mrs. .1 no Ilalt tw anger and Missj
Hull it.* Adams hack to our I'nni
munity, alter residing in Meldrim 1
and Savniitinh lor the past, three 1
years. -
Mr. K. (lordnn is among
i those tin our sick list, t his week '
| w ith la grippe.
Mr. and M is. C. M orris are all
sin lies over the arrival of a eleven , 1
pound liov. The baby is doing c
I wadi, hut it’s mother is not doing
so well. I
M ss. - !*'loreice and leuirnnic i
Moseley spent tile Inter part, ol
last week in Vidaliu having some v
denial work done.
Mr Dennis Moseley and ni"ee, |
Miss Minnie O'Connor ol near |
Snrrenev were called to I lit) bed
side ol Mr. Moseley a niotllM,
Mrs. Aniaiitlia Moseiey, who is
j very ill.
Mr. W’. \‘. (oil h< > llll and M i.-s (
1 Ahhit* Mobil V were joined toget ll- (
i-r in l In- ledy bonds id mut rt
tuoiiy last Wednesday at the hoint
••I t lie hri<i> s, fat her, Mr. .1 h
Mobley. The happy cnllple It'll |
■in the afternoon train lor St.
| August Hit*. We wish them a life
of happiness and prosperity.
While ia t n rning I rom ('lmr* i
|i>tfevilh* Monday afternoon, Mr.
C. I’. Moseley and III*; i*(msin.
Mr. D nms M"iiey were thrown
from a buggy by a run away mule.
Tile latter reciving some yefy
painful wounds, hut I lit; lorncr
was not hurt.
Now is t lie ti me ’to cook your I mit
cake. Seeded Raisin-, ( u rraul s.
Prunes atnl Apricots to he loinel
■ at. M . K . K‘ in ti t a in's, l lie g rotter.
Miss Stella Morris hit Sunday
1 for Wild iieooehee, W'liet'e she Will
-pend several days with friends
atnl I'eiul iv< s.
The holi'-s will fi lll l a beautiful
line of poplins and mercerized
limeades at W . 11. M Rimoi s.
Mr. i’lcriiie Ai»t has returned
hoiii<: after spending ;t few day
wit h relative- near Raleigh N
Miss Klorenee llogan of <i]■ •1 1 -
wood -pent Saturday and Sunday
in the city me 'hi; gmst of Miss
Relie McAliist r.
Mr. 'k K. W iggins of Dit h m.
Ala., and sister, Mis .1.1,. II n
-oti, of Krick, were tic guests it
Mrs. .1. Iv Coekfieitl one day la-t
Dr. Rivers of Olenwood spetit
a few hours here Monday,
Last Sunday night, at various
hours, burglars entered eight or
nine houses iu Mt. Y'ernon and
- -<• 11 1- d small .mi.)o,uls. A negro
near tie* depot was also 1 1 <*i<l up
and robbed.
Ihe place seems to have beet,
liheralL put lom/a-d. M e must
-mV again, that the free use ul
buckshot will put a quietus on
1 h i- ga lie*.
S|M't'in l l ’( i| Tt *J|nMhlnlici* .
The circus was very tniu-li en
joyed by tin* young people of tie*
YV<* <1 id not htn 1* any school
lasi YY cil 1 e s*lav on at nut, of the
absence of Prof. Thi-elkd.
A pa rl y of'voting people eti joyed
a cam* grinding at Mr. Thigpen’s
* UK* 11 igllt I Ills week .
Mr. <b 11. Peterson has finished
liiswareliousc wlm-li makes four
for our ,-itv.
Mi-, Bessie Palmer was t lu* at
tract iy,* guest of Miss Blanche
M inline t il is Week .
The Epworl It League meet s
every Tuesday night at the Meth
odist church.
There will he services at t lie
Baptist church next Sunday at II
a. 111. Mild 1 p. 111 , by Rev. Howell
ol 1111 bl in.
Mr George Johnson lias just
returned from Atlanta wln-re he
purchased 11 large bill of Xint.s
M 1 Zodie Calhoun of Tarrytmvn
was mi the city Y\ * dm-day, III'
guest ol I riemls.
Mr. and Mrs. Tliunnaii Holmes
ol Rockledgt* spent >unday in tin
city wit Ii relatives.
Mr and Mrs. .1. .1 Manning
are visiting relatives in Swains
Mr. Eugene Allen of Tarrytown
was here Sunday visiting friends
Mr Bobbie Watson was out ul
town one i|ay last week on luisi
Mrs (E. YY'illiams of this city
is visiting relatives in Dublin tins
Mr. YY'. C. Futrell and children
wile I lie guest of Mrs, (Jen. Me
• rim moil yest erda v.
Miss .Inniie I’ii tre 1) entertained
sevi-rn I friends M 1 mu la y.
I)r. Lend Move of Atlanta
liel'e one day lasi week,
l-'i re works! Fi reworks ! Tln
iiiusl ci,ni j, 1 1 • 1 1- line ol new goods
In la- found at M. E. Fountain’s.]
<i> |
■ :*■
z, 7 We wish to extend to you ;i cor- &
( * dial invitation to v isit our store all <I &
{#> see it in full holiday dress, with a ®
§ Conplete Line Holiday Presents |:
$.. 1 M
■*’ We can liirnisli presents for even
>i body at prices within the reach of
all. ( omo before the best and
* prettiest of articles have •
been picked over
r *‘ ®
(Z\ U)
yJ W’c !ir«• tilwHV* ulmimm! to Imvf you visit <»ur iiliiOh P*\ *
'fi %
§ ~ I
% The Palmer Drug Store
NO. 35
December Board
Ml Vel’lioli, (01.. Dee. 1, lyo9.
The Count\ Hoard of Kducatnin
iii'-l today in regular session with
Daniel Pope, M J.'iikins and W .
A. I’etfison present. In the u*• -
sect* o( T. A. Peterson, Pres, of
l lie Hoard. Daniel pope was elect
ed President pro tein. The mm
iites of t lie last regular and me
call meeting were mad ami ap
proved, s
Messrs. I,’. .). l!ovd and (i. ■).
Wanioi'k, trustees of Turrytow n
school iuiiiic licfoi'c (Im hoard
slating that their school was
iiiiu'li larger t liau t hey had expect
aml lluif they were badly m need
of anot 1 1 ■ • r class room, seats, black*
hoard, etc., and w anted t lie Board
to aid them in the matter. \V. A.
Peterson and T. A. Peterson wen*
apiiointed to go with tin* County
School Commissioners to Tarry
town and consider tlm matter of
: building another class room, etc.
Tho colored school at Mt. Ver
non being too large for one teach
er the Count v School (Imu miss ion -
I *■ r nutliorized to pay jflD.tK)
per month on I lie salary of an
assistant teacher.
I pon mot ion tie Boa nl adjourn
'd until the next regular meeting.
I’. A Peterson, President.
A. If. lllltell**Son, ('. S. ('.
Tarry town hems.
KfM t'ittl < ‘oi l • MUornil*ll«fC,
Mr. and Mrs. D. <I. ('allioun
spent Sunday wit h t here daughter,
Mrs. I.oivery, at Soperton.
Mr. < Ia v nor hurtles of t h is pi me
visited W rightmvilie .Monday,
M iss .1 um ie Hilton of YidnitM
is spending tins week with Mis.
.1.1) I’a I mts r.
Miss (loiiper of Soperton
was in our town Mn.duv.
Dr D. P. t’-rv filled Ins regu
lar appointment ut Buck ledge
Mr. II Bruddy and Miss Madia
Canady were iiiHrried lust
S lllll l ti y at Oak Itnlge church.
Mr. I. I Davis lias _slurted to
work on ins concrete building
Mrs S. D Walker was called
in the' bed side nl her mother who
is very sii'K at R> ekledge.
There will he ail election 111
our town for mayor and council*
men on Sat unla y, Dec. I*.
K.litor II 11. Kolsolll was m
| town Friday.