The Montgomery monitor. (Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County, Ga.) 1886-current, December 09, 1909, Image 2
PUBLISHED EYF.KY THURSDAY. OFFICIAL OR<iA'« '(ONTUOMFKY COUNTY. Holered ar ill*- Poxtoflic. in M». Vernon. Ga. n-rv i-ohd-t hi Mail Mattel. H. B. FOLSOM, Editor «mt Owacr. $' a Year, in Advance. m4T I.«vnl *'I»« 1 1* mum invariably be paid n advance. at tlu I**;'*! iat»- and »« the law 4kec»*: ami i»»»i«t be in hand not latff than W»diD>da morning of th*fir«t week »* imuifirm Mt. V crnon, Thursday Morning, Dec. q, 1909. HELP THE PUBLIC ROADS TO PERMANENCY, If you can do a nytli it it; for th** building of a system of iJofnl roads for Montgomery comity, do it, if it in nothitig more Ilian to throw a shovel full of clny on the sund hnd*. Many counties of t lu- state have begun the iui|iort un t task oi building suhstfliitml roads, and there i* no reason why thix coun ty should not begin the work, which would prove of iiicstnmibb value. More ami more the value of good roads ix xeeo and iippre eiateil, and we truat that the day ix not far dial itiit w lien t lie put die roads of Mont joinery county w ill have received attention calculated to put them in a (rood condition Thix is not referring to the mere matter of working the public roadx, or censuring the present system, but we mean to say that the public roiidx id the county can and should he built by some permanent system, and when so built can la* maintained at less cost than required to work them in the present met hod . All exchange suggests that the various (?) discoveries of the North Pole were for lln* purposes of gathering matter for the lee tun* platform, to which many ex plorers have taken. Possibly the Kskinios are rubbing up on Kng hsh preparatory to a visit among the humbug loving Americans. Mt. Vernon seems to lie infest ed wdb burglars, ax, aside from the recent postotliee follberv, II number of hollies have been enter ed, with slight losses. The shot gun cure ix the best to he used tor this, and a few doses properly administered will reveal the ident ity of t lie prowlers. As t lie year closes, it im oppor tune to be framing new year reso lutions- inly about three weeks otv, and many subject* to he con sidered. If you feel the effect* id" lligll priee cotton, do nut keep it hid— pay your debt*. Not all of its are cotton raisers. Hawkinxville News Dispatch : ( A number ot our exchanges are publishing (inventor Brown's res ponse to the toast, "Georgia, at the Taft banquet in Savannah, “by request." The editors id these papers evident Is d»> not know a good thing alien they see 0 , <<r they would have printed the governor's speech without request, as ;t was acknowledged to lie the best one delivered on tin* ah *V'* named occasion. Kastman Times: —At his earn ext request, expressed previous to tils death, Win. II Lcdsome. a West Virginia hermit, who died last w**< k. wax interred 111 an an gel robe, to wliieh had been sewed two lug wings. When tinluii*! blows his horn we ho|K* the wings will not refuse to (lap. Savannah News:—l- (ioorgia growing rich? Is she prosperous? (dlance over the report of State Treasurer and State Hank Kxain iner Brown, which appears in an other column. It shows that tlu ll* posits ip. state ami national banks in Georgia have increased approximately om« hundred mil lion dollars 111 a year. The ligur ,-s arc not exact, f•»r reasons -till ed bv Mr. Brown, but there can le mi doubt that they arc accurate a» tsr as they reach and point straight to the above conclusion. K.verv bank in the state show- a healthy increase—a most gratify ing mgre.tsv— — in deposits. NO SACRIFICE REQUIRED, W huv -e,-n several men dur ing tin* ;m-t few months from Meld and North Georgia, and nearly nil of t hem have inquired for farm or farm lauds for sale— they wish to ptirchuse homes here • in our county—and judging them by tic* men from these sections who have already’ made their homes with 11*. they would make veil desirable fit l/e|ix. We hope that our land owners who have farms and farm lands lor-ale will not. ask extortionate priees, for we very inueli need more good farmers to cultivate l he fertile lands now covered with the gr iwtb of t he forest. But perhaps our land owners need a little warning. Me just ask that (hev remember tln? man ner in which the turpentine and timber—tin* great natural wealth ol this count 1 y—was disposed of at a mere song. Surely mir peo ple will profit by tin* experience d tln* past and will not let the fertile acre.- ot Toombs go ax did I In* t lirpent ine and t 1 111 I .er. When we hear a man boasting that he sold his farm in some I oiler par! of the state and in vested here in imieh better farm ; lands at about one-half tin* price lol* wliieh lie sold, We fee| called upon to warn our friends not to xeil too cheap. While we are all anxious to have good tanners I tom less favored sections become cit izens wit It ns, it does not re quire any sacrifice on our part to old at n this .*1 id, lor when men coni' li,*r<* and see that this is tin* favored section of our great state, they will pay the true worth of tie* farm laud and abide with us. Our public -eh oo ls are now as good ax any in the slate and our public roads are hemg put into tirst class condition, and there is no better place in the south ill which to live than in Wireginxs .Georgia. Let us put forth every elVor! possible to have good fann ers take up their abode with its, but make 110 sacrifice and require nolle of them,—Toombs County Local. \tluiilu .louniul: —lt is whis pered that Colonel Bryan ix wor rying whether lie should make prohibition, transmigration, pro I destination or infant baptism the v Uni issue this t line. ( Cri llin II laid: —.l udge New t Moms 1- in a mix-up with Gover nor Brown. \\ Inn we had the pleasure of hearing Judge Morris charge june» during his curly ca reer *n the bench, we did lu>t no lle.' that In i- so ca pa hie of a How - ng mistakes to occur in his court. At lanta t b rgiau :—Tin* Spring s' I K**pttldieit 11 thinks Mr. \V.*it t'‘fiiiaii"s wish is father to the thought when hi* *uv* that then* will ben division between Taft and Ib is.\. It men wlneh mav • plit the Ib'publiean organization. M;i.mi Tel. gr,qdi: —'The Span iards d*elar., nlthongh the matador 1 - ' ea-ionally wounded in a hull light, their national -port is • -- hrutul than the foot* * 1 11 o! C ■ l lilted St ites. In view of ill* tweiity-six victims since ill* s.'i-iii\ opened, it is not is t * iaughdovvo the Span -h charge a- w>* iiin'i' would have thought it w«, Atlanta Constitution:— And li*r is mi friend, Mr. Carnegie, patron d the simple Lie. haled to court lor joy-riding, and In* oniv had a short spell of it. Savannah Press: A writer in a K.chin id paper takes seriously the rumor that on account of pro hibit ion Mobil.* threatejed to se ced** from V (iL.-unu and that .Sav annah was once threatened with ' military occupancy. TJIF MOXTGOMFRY MONITOR --Til!'lf -D \ Y D! ' 0 H*"o TAX COLLECTOR’S LAST ROUND. l I will he at tlu- following places on the dates named for tin pur pose of collecting -late and comi ty taxes for tin* current year: B 1! Benton'-. N<*v. n(). n _ t an i I toremher I to s ii'cliick McArthur. D>*e. I. JO a to l Skip. . Springhill, ngt. und Dec. 'J to 0 a. 1 Clubhouse, lo ato I p in. Alex Browning's at night Dec. -J Liicicnville, Dec. 7 to 0 a m Frick, Dec. |o a m to In rn \ laiiio, |>ec. I , s 11 to •» p in. Mi. Vernon, fit h, all day Jus. T. Geigers. IJtli, at night. . Stuckey, Ttli, from 7a to am. Glen wood, 7th, 10 a to I p in Lundxburg, Sth, xa to I p m Mrs. Arthur Davis' -tore, st h from 'J t<* I p in Lot hair, Ot li, S a to L’ p m Orland, 10th, > to I p m Ortanua, loth, 'J to I p in. 1 So pertoti, 1 11 h, all da v. ' Zaldee, Dec. Bitll. It) ato ? p ill HTarrytowo, ilS’.o and night until 0 a m of | Ith K ] bbee. 11th, 10 d’,l I a to I II 111 H iggston, loth, S dill 41 to ;; 810 p. 1 R K Moseleys, ltith. 0 to II a m Lilt Sharpe's. I'tudrdo p m . Long pond, Bit h, night and until ? :s{< 1 p m of ot 17th Alley, 17th, at night. Ml Verunn, Dec. ISIh and ?otli when mv hooks will close. Reg istration ho'ikx will he with me at points. Hoping to meet every body on this mv last round, I am Yours I ruly, I). M. (bin ie, T. c. m. <:. I Rl I.K NISI. (4ttc of <»eoi y ia Moitlx«uiri \ (Niiintv. In tl»«* Suptn »r Court, Novrinto 1 TVriii, r»H‘> M. I>. lluylii B, t- of I*l ini's AirNuti \ B 1 (i. ii r.iwio, , It ffpit<» th* Court by the Dftiriofl of M l>. tlll.'lll K OH till- I *1 i .l»tit**>* M*N:i't. that t»v * I «»f nun t^:i,.- tlHf«-d ft»* 19th *lhv r»i O<‘tolj(*r, I'MO (> i; » hi>*hy t*onvr>otl »o th«- j*-i»«1 .Imiucs M; Nun a lot Os lmni Bitimtc, IvhiLf ami btfiii” in tin -I:si:i<4 (lirttrict (i. >1 of Montgomery (••»udi>. Oli Lite HD.I Ml side of tile xfli-rl limning ft -lit Alley I" Vernon via i ni'iti Id 1 fire, fronting n»i I hfr*T? 100 feel ami i nniiit ‘m k ilo feel, bounded on lie w* hi by InmU of Cefer lohrnioi.. n«ii th bv above ni u* l • tle«*|: ami f»D tf»e ejoct ami hoii'li by Ihihl I 1 .1. MeNutl, I H the plllpo-t of Bt-eniifig Mil |JANtll<Mlt of fWo (‘ellmn l»Ut»'M made bv lilt Htttdfi I*, llmbv lo flu- hh id .las. McN.*i; I I•. r ♦2'», due .lull. I, 19W», and one for C, ■> dm- 1 the Ihl day of October. I'.*Hi, both fW Mi -mi. of ♦UK), a Ibcli Maid noir> are now dm tml Hftpuid, It iw ordered Mott the Bit id <i. I* puv into thin eourt bv the li 1-» day ol m\t term Mie ju im*i|ml. intt re-t nml coifs dm- mi , n&uk hotcK. 01 show ■ utine, it .my tie b;i4 t" the , emit rut >. or that in itefaiilt Mien d b.te< »sin • • be grunted to the mud M. lb Muglo b assigm , mh .ifort-suid of -.nut mortgage, and flu* etjnity » oi 1 edcinption of Mie und (1. It. Hifby therein be for* wo biii'red and that Berviee of thiwruh ' be pel feeted on Bitid C. 11. Itiwby <ie<**M ding to huv Novtinbet >Mi. I!t09 i J. II MAIM IV .1. N. 0. <». I. C. A tnu copy of the minuft s of tins coin t .1 C. « albotin, ( 'lerk. I. IV tleigei. Attorney for M. h. Hugh *>. I )rii|i in at Mct )ueeii - and see the new dress goods, and that ‘splendid line of shoes from the largest shoe dealers in the world. ■I- - - I HEALTHY TODAY |AN INVALID TOMORROW | - a ; ail hy. r i• 11 -L (*; man nr woman liav. fa!.'-n victims : disease in (if) S Mime form. True, you uu\ l» -ni ivina . splep. Sc liul income from voiir work; v von nm i ivc c.mital ■s' invented, Imt in cus.'of smiili'ii <|.-sii!i. V" ir -omc c- i< W ami without your cure amlatt> nt mi e• - ?na\ ■•come *J • fit) liMiikrupt. Kverv man - i-n iml ds it NOW—f or I In- protection of t? 1 • .I. . ; ■ -i i t upon lum. (£\ ij\ While ,|. ferritic .t putt it oti fi in i.. ' >l-. . - -it It y^ may intervene, and tile innocent a el la , m . ••• to 3 utU r. ; The State Mutual Life | | Insurance Company | (It Koine. (.a, LAWSON E. BROWN. Special \gent SANIU:iLS\ lI.LK, (• V. >*< (5) During 190 S the surplus ot th sg: r t ;d growing 1; concern inert* tseil joS per cent I * tri-ig tl i> same ) period its gain in assets amounted i 55 per 0, nt. j ()vt*r $-40,000,000 oi ihsiinmft* in lone > \ Last Annual Statement, Di et he y . <u»S: Net Assets - - - s sI SI !.•'> {#) ) Net Surplus - - - - • ■•<’> *, | STATE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. • ' C. R. COKTKK. IV ilc'ii S? . V.' _I Home ( Mlice, Horn , tin. Lawson K. Ilrown, Special Airent j SANOERSVIId-K, t.A. i • */• I .ndj>c Not ice. At a rc(*"nt cointminieation o . Aural Lodg*- No. L'?.‘-t F. »Y A. M., the regn nr t inn -of comnutliicii t nm were ctiang**d to tin* following 1 dat *- : First I ursdayx. 7 p. in. Third Sat urda y-. I*> a. in. Tli - give- tin meetings a month, winch i- thought better for t iie or i-r ie t the mem hors take du notice anil Le governed according! v. ,lii-t Lo* vour ow n informal ion . see my nth-ring- in drv goods. - In*. - and 1101.1. v hats. W. 11. Mcipi.eii, Mount Vernon. wv»w rtMvm»«vww»wvwwmN #» 0 W. ... 1. y :.\v> 1.1.1 J 5 CANON & | \ BARNWELL I \ i i ('olton l aet orsimd j * . 5 ( ommission ; 5 Morelnmts $ I ii 5 220 Hu y I S\V i \.V Ml, (i \. i j 0 \' * * • I.' 111 b'. I • <» .tllll Ml ('• >' 1' til I'. Xeh it MR, •'; \! I * il a! c ( 'er IP! and, Se- \ 5 Island h lo I'o.h on ( 'it ton 1 1 1 I : > Spatial \tuiuion (ilvco lu ! | I . tl. B. Cotton j J Ila ml of I ’tiland and Sea- !> j 0 1 1 5 Island Rregging, I ie.x I s and Tw me <; * * .\%WUXVVUUVtA\XVU vtvuwmtw BLACKSMITH - SHOP. All kinds Repair Work. Iron alni Wood. Kiln* line ot Bieycle Material "ii Land. High-Grade ■ Repair Work on Bieycle*, Sewing 1 Maehmos. tliins, R'volvrs and ('loi'k*. See me he I ore placing *. s our work ; 1 will save you money. Work promptly ami neatly done I J. Si:LU:RS, : : AILKY, GA 1 . A. L. Limior, Attorncv nl Law, t • j MT. YKRNON, (IA. , Will I'raefiee in all the Courts of 1 1 the St ate. M. L. ( A MI Ol N, Alt v at Law, » • Mt. Vernon, Georgia- Hamilton Hlrch, Attorney ami Coun selor at Law, HcRAK, GA. . Crituin M Lid o <*• *!!• *Mg Kail . r loud Tort Cjtsi s, a Specialty. * Choice Millinery. % * The kind that pleases J J the ladies J £ The season is now on for FALL * * those attractive “ l #■ ? I have them in Sty ICS £ % Millinery , Notions , Novelties. & | MRS. J. L. ADAMS, Mt. Vernon £ i i » - - - - ■■ _ _ """"* i » * I 11 The Heyward- I ! I Williams Co. 11 .... MPimi m tso.oofl [ I Cotton Factors & Commission Merchants 1 :iG Bay Street, Lust, SAVANNAH, GA. * & B ;, oKi n K and Ties at. Attractive Prices—Ready for Shipment. The officers of this company are veterans in the cotton business. Its facilities for handling unit soiling cotton cannot be matched. Fertilizers of All Kinds l # H JMost Progress ive J Comuiission Merchants in the South in the l,| HandJin/<7] C PLAN D, SEA-ISLAND, FLORODORA > \ C/ Lid KG\ PTJAN COTTONS f* QUICK RETURNS ON CONSIGNMENTS I Correspondence Solicited, and Given Prompt Attention S John ti. Hunter, Wm. K. Psaree, Frank C. Battey. |i HUNTER, PEARCE & BATTEY, I \ Cotton Factors Naval Stores ij ! EXPERIENCED Parfnrc is ' ; HANDLERS OF —llliJL “ || !* Upland Cotton, Florodora, Allen Silk & Other Extra Staples, ij Sea-Island Cotton & Naval Stores. ;| OVER THiRTY YEARS IN BUSINESS One of Die Largest Facto rage Concerns in llie South. Each ;! Commodity handled in a Separate Department. Strictest Attention to Each. 11 * 11 ; Nitrate of Soda and Other Fertilizers, :■ Upland and Sea-Island Bagging, Ties and Twine, s i Liberal Advances made on Consignments. Money Loaned ;! | to Cotton ami Naval Stores Shippers on Auproved Security. SHIPMENTS RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. 126 Bay Street, East. SAVANNAH GA. ij t aw. tvtwwwmwwwiwwwmwtMwtwwwawaimH^ ••• j§ f You Can Easily Operate | 1 This Typewriter Yourself. 1 * 1 2 *. ■ Don’t worry your correspondent. Don’t write him anythin# 5 xy, * - - jby hand that takes mui tiirie to make nut—that may le u r<j 5 **' ’ him in «l*>ul»t that ho « ah'i * tnily-sj \ !»«f i till oni !**•_'al |>mriot's oi imi'l mi'iimH -*n iiiaKr* out im'onrdit or :*• iiuhip i> \ o toto li;< j lAiiiiu*;. It looks bad, i»il*cMh .n .voni landing. muke« ;§ V‘ Itil'te r.ifi't alt. n t! a hUuoij*! apiit.l, ttlid i* iiilt w aUibi^UoUb. \ i r.r Aiiit- out votir l«*tU-i■«. *TTT2 . V m • ■ out at Hbkitritct'-'fill in * a - .D-uia i.-p |iobr\ Hitler uir card _ a ■ « WM M m* »non uiako out ymi accounts, or K M ■ 1 \ff f* iJP \ i • * l t* \ kltld «•! V writing \<>.i iif'ti. nn an;, kind, mz** m m Ik •;* **r tlii**ko« «*Hof paper, and -pacoany I shlflAffr & a». ..u) .»u a ~ ju b .Y r'' ’■ * * VWi The Standard Visible Writer 2 S 2, H ii-.i wiit.- am of these lt.ii y» y..iir*clf if yon ilo not l.appon to h»v* s .kcnOß- *3 j rapli. i K-i >.m can casilv lf:-rn. with a little practice, to -.trio- jitit as raeidlt and '5 »• - ii> ... *n • rt- I). th. OLIV’KB. IVctfitw the OLIVF.iI l« the 5 - ni. >|W- .rite. And xnit ■•».) *«r* word vou writ*. Ab-.itt 80 per cunt £ it Mi it. t* t•l It VFIiK t linn ».i> irtlt.-r typewriter, b«v*nae it ha* about 80 per cent LFAs 2 tl! I 111 Mi COIN Ts ,ha.-i m-iv - ’!-. r n |>rt«iiii-rs. Bil ~m t KASIER t»> writ* $ « ’ ti, ...niliiT l'.»Mr*l,l' \TKD. INTUIt’ATE .1/A' HINES that r. c,uire "hit- S V’ ni -ttmi " t. i l.ii i'sl li ti« practice an t sp<eiai .kill to opeiste Than § . j.] «i.: ti. h.. ailjiutml to any special with whi- hit .» unist-sit.le jS r, t. . ii. .i d*. -n.a. •• p" i it - ', n nd.l-.iSf iHn iimerit. , s.-. pt von bm expena- 3 !.- 'Hi' IA I, n't • r-tptiriia; t>> opmst.-, V u .an alju.t the S 1.1 Vi i. i y If .ia .nai if sp».-i' -»•. i. »n ivritc on ANY r.a«. malil.-i/i-and tilifk- s Vt 1 - -pm tut lit tit t-.tlir very • 'lit*, tho aid of i.NY' EXPENSIVE AT- 2 . V* Txi’HF.tN T< r »,ss tal skill, and vour work will he neat appearing, and cleat 2 H r f is the typewriter for the doctor, the lawyer, the lnstitance aum.t.ihe 2 ■ 2i >• t the ltd pronrirtor -i am tnan who doe* h:« ow.» writine. Write u» fi o<■» /• m» hook - t >*n .fn- SIMPLIFIED teaturisi of the OLIVER. S The Oliver Typewriter Company, 1 Chicago, HUuois# | k. s