Newspaper Page Text
“Cochran, H>-c. ,4. —-bdii.
Harvard, u who
/ hliul and fatally injur' d Will i>.
Booth tw<» lnilcit from tin* plan*
Inti* Wednesday afternoon, wa*
captured live -milee from Imre bv
enraged citizen* that night at Pi
o’clock and lynched. Hi* hody
wa* riddled with bullet*.
(tooth i* a wall known bimine»t»
man of llawkm»ville und wa* hi
route to Cochran m an autoino
tnl« when the ahooting occurred.
He dr ,ve up behind Harvard who
wan in front of linn in a wagon.
Harvard charged that Booth *
machine frightened hi* mule*, lie
drew a pistol after a f> w word*
and fired upon limit It, three allot»
taking effect., liootli returned
tlm fire and it. win leurned'alter
tin- negro wa* captured that he
curried two bullet*, but neither
*t rue k|\ it a l|J-pot * and li<‘ "ii*ilv
limde|hi* *••*■11 pe, fniiml
inn him three miles frnni tin*
place where the *hootmg ncelire*l.
liootli w’iia brought to tbi* place
immediately utter tlm ahooting.
Snrgi'oii* gave out the aluluinont
that there wa* little hop** for hi*
recovery, lb ha* a wife and *e\-
*• ral children.J j
from Ilnwkinsvtlle in
nutomobilenjand carrying Jtrack
lioiiml*, went imiiiediut<dv to tin*
ni'iuic of the shooting, Imt a party
of enraged citizen* wa* quickly;
fornu'd and l railed the negro on
liorachnek 1,0 hi* hiding place. II"
mliowc*! light, but wna aullering *<>
Hcverely from the «• lV»**;t*• <d In* in- ;
jurie* until h<- could oiler hut lit- 1
lie l'e*i*l Mle'e. ||e freely admitted
the shooting and it i* *tuted ju*ti
te*d lii* aid ion hy the fact tliul
Hootir* uuto in dole Inghteni'd hi
liftinbridge, tin , Dec. I —A. P
Oliver, th>‘ former hanker of t.’li
max, today wa* found guilty nl
bigamy in Decatur Superior Court ,
and was sentenced by Judge F.unfc
Park to servo lour year* in the
penitent iniy.
The charge against the now In
iuoiis prisoner came of In* mar
riage to Mi** KoHehuil I l .nglish ot
Climax, whom lie wedded within
a tew week* after lie started on
In* meteoric career in thi* county.
It wa* asserted that ho already
had a wife, whom lie married
while she was attending an art
school m Atlanta in IfKUi.
Strangely enough, it wa* not
upon any of the charges that were
brought iignin*t Oliver because of
his operations in banking and
lumber ami building industries in
flit* section of tlie state that sen
tence against him was pronounc
ed, though thi* part of Ins career
here wa* more largely stressed.
Thus far the grand jury Ini* fail
mi to tind a single indictment
against him for any of hi* opera
tion* in the business life ot the
little community that In* startled
almost « year ig iby In* announ
cement that lie wa* a millionaire,
and meant to “build up South
The principal witness against
Oliver to-day wa* Mr*. >l. T
Hodge* of Atlanta, a sister ot the
woman who, it •* said, was Ins
licit wife. Mrs. Oliver No. I did
not appear in the court room dur
ing the trial but In-r story was
told by the sister. Tin* latter
stated that Oliver was known as
L. Charles Harding in Atlanta
and that her sist-r was married to
bun under that name.
Oliver’s defense was that he ha*
a i win brother and that »t was
this brother Mr*. Oliver N> l
wedded. Tlie jurv was out but a
•bolt time after lieing given the
C.a*e. It was staled today that
Mrs. Harding or Oliver bus al
ready obtained a divorce. “
Oliver will tight for hi* freedom
and will appeal from the verdict.
Another splendid lot of M*n s
ami Boys’ Clothing received this
seek. See it earlv.
\V II Mcijneen,
Mi. Vs men, v a 1
* « i -.
He Hat Troubles* of Hi« Own In Hi*
Composing Room.
If the typ.-ctler* <>f the western
•.vorhl have their trouble* tbc\ are
,i* nothing compared with those of
1 1**- .la pa lie coiiijKi-ing room.
The .lupane-e. like their breth
ren. the < liiiK -e. cmplo. u written
l.ingnugo wluit might he called a
literary dialed that i* quite dif
ferent from the colloquial longue.
In other word*, tlno do not. a- we,
twite a* they speak. This proceed
mg requires the printing ot their
journal* m two language-, the "Isa
iia ami the square characters -erv
mg a* a key to the oilier. Tbe-e
-on.ire character* are modeled on
Cliliicsc ideograph". « jumble nl
geometric figures. ero-~e>, etc., pre
enluig a picturesque z.igzug effei t.
There arc 1 1,000 to 5.000 of tlie*»
iileograpli* in everyday u*e. The
ompo-itor must therefore lie some
tiling of n cellular, in the oriental
eii e. to he able to recognize the
character' al sight. In order to
.M ilitate In- task as lunch a* po
ilile the arrangement, of his work
room i* oin,-thing like (hi*:
The compositor seal- hirn-elf at
i little table, Upon which are spread
nrtv ‘rii'ii Kami elm raider*. A
he i e cives copy he cut* it into ,
mull -lip-, handing each *1 rip to a
buy. This buy marches along the !
room until he has finally been able
to collect from a number of ca*e*
arranged in files down the room the
ditVeient ideographs desired. About
-IX or sex on hoys Hie thus employed
111 the uverilge dapaue-e composing
room running hither and thither.
As they go their round in search
of the ideograph* they keep up a
dirgelike chant, which would cor
tainlv lie very trying to the nerve"
of juiv but an oriental.
When the hoys have collided all
their ideographs they place them
before the compositor, who then
lias recourse to a pair of goggle* in
older to decipher the character*.
li"h out the corresponding type* in \
the kilna character and linully *el
up the whole foi proving The
proof* are sung aloud hv one reader
to another, thus adding to the con
fusion of .weird sound* til read v ;
lenuimg m the room. New ork
SteArnthip Tipping.
As a ship near.* land after a trip
across the Atlantic inexperienced y
traveler" are always in a ferment in
regard to the proper tip to give
their various steward*. Os course
one may give wliut one chooses and
no matter how small the amount
will never he questioned by the re
cipient, though Ins looks may mean !
much. 1 may say, however, that it
i* customary to give the table >teu
aid about s.t, Your bedroom slew
aid should receive not les* than
the steward that pohshes vour boot
of a morning $1 and your hath
steward In the larger boats, in
which there are lift* that run he
l weeu she K and \ dei ks. saving you
the climb of five tliglds of stairs. ;
should your cabin happen on 11 J
deck, it i* now customary to give
a "pourboire” to the hoys who oper
ate the curs. It is advisable, hv the
way, to engage a position lor your
deck chair and indicate the time at
which you de*ire to take your morn
ing tub at the time when you en
gage your pa-sage. llentlemen"*
,1 oiirual.
A Sailor Superstition.
“It's funny," remarked an old
skipper on the water front, “how an
i tent *ujH*r*ti|ions ( ling to the men ;
who go tii "in. Take, for instnnee.
ihat *hnrk'* tin nailed to the tip ot
the Hying jihboom of that vvimljam
mer. There's hardly anv id' the peo
ple who conic down to the dock* on
a Sunday afternoon that don't look
and wonder at it But few know
what it means to seafaring men.
It's « superstition as old as the art
of sailing and one in which all sea
liven believe. They llimk it take*
Ibe ginger out of heavy seas when
llm ship is shoving her nose under, ,
and they also Udieve that so long
;i" tlm shark’s fin holds tlie ve-sei
wdl never lie in a collision. It i a .
mascot w huh brings all good, Im
s di-s adding speed to the ship. A
sailor would as leave see the masts
go by the hoard as to see the shark'*
tin |o*t otT the jiliboom.” San
Francisco t'all.
Plenty of Reason.
While governor of Tennessee
Senator I‘oliert 1., lav lor was once
' apjiroaehed hv an old negro woman
i who a-ked a pardon for her hus
batnl. sent to the jKoiitentiary for
dealing a hog.
“How long has he been in jail?’ 1
Was a-Ked.
••Doin’ on two years now,’* came
the answer; “but, law. he ain’t no
* good to them and wa’n't uo *-.•• ,*f to
no nohow, an’ 1 speck they’ll l„
, glad to get rid o’ him.”
' \\ hv do you want to get liijtt out
I if be was of no use to you?”
“To tod the truth, guv ’tier, a*
done *<ruaT thort o’ meat."
TIIK MONTGO.MKfiY .Mo.MTnt:— Til IT.-PA Y. H<’ - 1 |! * Vl °-
*»'»?* '/* 'J*"! <* *£*'' ‘S*‘J\ 'J * g* ittPITV-fc'-
• -•-•-a * •. m •-% • * •-» » s • m * - ?' T ? ' ."
Ah si 11 fi'-l# »•* J< <*|fl/TTi l»f j'l'HH IV i olllt
fy mill iisiviii'4 ilm* ititi*M j*s« *«r lit** ••miiny »*»»J
«f !»• ;»i t, I «fft*-I rnirti lfi* caiiili-bitt' f«»i
On- * .flirt* nf 7 tx folii n* ilm* »•
HU D’ikfiin of mu It (ilTliihi v i'll A'lioii a** lusty I »*«T ppmhlml. I f**< ! fliat »*»> Ioi»k str--**MT t- ,
ti<»n willi Um alUirn oi»* will ►
litr ‘tli|rft>tl't of 111** | moi|i|<■, .ilt«I l«» thrill I
pjr |o # - my <-arfii‘*t ♦ imli .» viil m in tin- tulfiil- 1
in* HI 4»| flu illftir-v iiH'iimlM'lit ii|»»4ii lit** «*Hi *•. (
ts | Im- J;imm* (I vvitli |t ami In thi'- i »i‘l
1 i j» 111 • .* l lv i-k llm* i*iipjH»rt 4if in\ fii«*n«l> 4*u»<i ■
4’|f i/.4‘lHf, * fill 1 v
];. K coni l l.\
I Imt* i»y uitit"Uin < mv «'Mii4li<h<(‘v for Hu* ; *
4»f|l«*< nt (‘l< I k <»f tlm S H|»» I i"l (’'Mill "I Alt Mil- {
<*44||tify, KllitjtTl I• > lh»* at-lititi < »f Hi* ( (
I h niM«*rai it* |>r*lit;ii y. If 4*h.H*t< »l, I |*»«*»n■ i"
lln* tlir » faithfully Hlid (
iii a I it»" ii ♦ 4;h*4 -lik** maiii»<*f. I'iist nkitiK . Vo '* * n (
,n l\ tilD * f.*ivilli Muippo-1, lam
V i \ 1 4 |" 4 |fully
Al f.. O 15111 KN. *
i ok ki:I»k»:SI-;nta i tvt; ;
J'*i tin I*. i>|tli* "f <‘4»nnt>: .
1 mil 1 1« ivIiimhI | iia\ i i l.i ii'lal'W* Hiiiiii
limi in ii |iiem nt lit* i*i*(iiaty iif" Im\ iiHlivjty Ih (
III! (i.iiiyill 1.1 ■yiw|;|| im. V K*lf I i Ilf; f»» Oil f
I 4‘aii.t i*t H«»liiitainnih «»f lik ii'lbim • \« »y «i*M.k ,
«.f ri i-MHiitv. I I*4 1 1 hy aiimmiti 4* '
( my. 44 |f a 4*aii*li«l:tt« fur tin I.MiM j H mi- i*l tip ! (
lii*\ t 4h‘iii i;i i Assi'iiihly «*1 (h-iHj'ia. h> ;
i flu* M4*ti"ii 4 f f ,i Ih.‘ ll Mii*i‘iiiii* jiiim.uv. klmMil#!
i Ml4* hi Ili-M. I |H»MI»iH4* in Milvailii* to «1«» lll.N ! !
i fllil illltV 111 4'MHi* I Hill 4*|i"l’t**il. TllttllkillK "H* ' (
uni ail f*r yi*iii Ht|fip«»rt. I n inain
V*Mirs vi*ry frilly ami li»yaily.
VVM. I; Ml N I <
- - (
I Ok *lll kit I :
riMti hy :iiiiimijh< < ill\HC*lf a iMniliilatr f«M |
ih#* i*Hir4* •»! Slhm ill m| c#unity at
(In iippiM ii liiag f'i*Hi ial 4*li 4*tion. I ofT«*i* my
•41 It Hllhj4*rl to Ml#* 111‘tioil of 11 1 4* Dl-IIIOITUtp i
1 |M 'unary «»f naiil MintV. I liava roiisjih r
.»l>|«• 4-vim iit ih** 1 iii tin* fluti« <»f tin* oli'nand |
IMi'im-i if i'll*»*t4*4l Im iv 4; tlm pn»p|i u faitl
lui, i Miirti ii-otioii-aiul i llifinit ailiuiiiist i al mil.
1 Hohinhitin* t4ii|ip«M t of tin* J)4*m|ili; K‘’*" i -
till. 1 am Ymii x 1 r illy,
N.,v IV liAMPf. MOHUI’m»N
l llk SMI kll !■:
I’m ti l4 * propli* m| MiMtt'»4inu*rv i’onnty
\| ,I I ill 114 |;t4*V l"l I I **||*' t mil t-ll 111 **• lift!« *4 nf |
Slu-iilt-.I i y iminily ix bidmi* ln:r j j
• mm.l iit**iiih ; anil I f‘*■» 1 that tin* situation util 1 j
variant in** iii finkiux tlm xmiiii: riniiial sup-1
|mi'l ;;i\4*ii lilt* in Hiix my lir*st ti ini. I tin* '
tHit! luv lahoiß Imvr h**rn loiuml ai;«'i‘i>tul>U.* t j
Hit i uhli. ii tl in asking llm ftirthrr fui|ipon
m| my t«-j|. *w 4*iii/4;i»x, I j»l♦ • 1 1 1» •* uimiv mv ui" *
i‘unmat t ttui trt in tlm ilixrharoo «»f the ilufit
.1 tin nt'ii-4*. II an hut j unit f• ► mv rword,
.ml axk tHal fin Mine hi* imuibulihtml at tin i t
i j»lm• »ai - liio“ 4h i 114 mi \\ ith fin llmr a man
udk 4*l my ajm * 4 ialimi, 1 h. .*, toi ituaiii
Y«»m oheilirnt stt-rvant,
J \>ll s lirsTKK;
I or Couiily Treasurer :
I trs’iHt that Urn n»’-U I.‘• icl.Ttiiii* will an
mil tlm «>f t’oiintv Ti'H"4iii« i. MH4T* ih*
time ik In i*** whim it »*4 an umm<-xaiy 4-\-
I*t-us4 to tl»r* ta\ |i.i\4 i* ot tin si x mil 4*inulli< s. | j
II tin* I a • i *l.ll Hi'! »it 11m ap|M'».nhnt'4 stscDMi !
fails I i ah-*lish this ollh-e, I am a t‘;iinliiliil*
foi sauii m v i-ouuiy "ii tin* follow
in# iMiiiihthms:
Ist. I |Hi*poHP t" «iv»* you4«l ami Siirth i. nt
1 1 Mid for ihn. safi* I tit it< 11 1 ut< 4*l tin- «*4 tu it ty
I ’.M. | i|m not i>i)ii>M->r t<» tilk«* "lie 4*# i itt
■‘ i|iiniisrt4»n from any Inn Is la-n ivi-d 4»r »iis
ltd. 1 |>ur j*"S4i so l%4*4*j» tim rr' iisiiri-r s hooks i
ill i-Mii.-. t »Jta|i4*, and \vh**u th< a r«-<*«inU ut«-
4-\;iinii»4-d. and i v4-i \ Ihiti,v? foiihd iii eoin rt
shu|*4*. tin ('iMiuty < (iiiiiniapiiiimi's i'aii pay m-
I hiei* 11 uiidt i'il I tolltti s.
Ihts will it suli in a saving of tavlxi* liiiti
• lrt*d thdial - t*» lit* tax payers .-I tlm ••tilllity.
I’hf «|O4 >ti«‘U is low up t»» tin* taK jiay4*i - 4»|
! the (’imntyas. t«» wluVhrr tli*«v xvant to pay
i unto llftt'i'ii of tliii*» iiiimlr «1 iVoliais I#*l* ihr
xv#M k. Smlj. tu . * tlmsiippiM tof iia* propl** nf
Ihi'CvHintx mi tli«* iihinr voiiditions. I alii
\ mih s v» i x 1 1 uly .
Pllll. M.UAL.
“PAGE Fence
Won’t Rust.”
—, —r— —| —! —•—>—•—' r-* rjr
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J i__g , . . . . . . . . • •* -
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In hiixinu lcnciiii;
• *
it is nothing short ol*
oeononiY to list* tin*
best. Tlm Piiiiv is tln*
* A
best to in* found on
tlu* market. (’omos ;
in standard sizi's, and |
always in stock. If:
• •
reliable li’iaxls, pronipl :
deiiMTV,“and general •
• k * # #
salisfaelion in feneina :
v »
is wanletl, sch‘ me at j
otw e for IT. | -aa
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Branch office. fEtf* F 8t- Wa«blßgton. D. C-
■ Mi>» Maggie Langford visited iu
Aliev this licet,