The Montgomery monitor. (Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County, Ga.) 1886-current, December 09, 1909, Image 5

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What He Looks Like and the Way He
Dresses and Lives.
What is an K.-k:ino like? His
portrait is easily sketched:
person- (rive feet liv •• m. .e-- .n>
average htn-.lit "t : i
feet that of the . . .th .
grayish copperish m
thick lips, deep s. i at-d •, t
eyes like tin- .latent.
faee and fill cheek-. ..
tag forehead ate!
straight hair, which a- to
grow to it- full leu;.' I‘i '1 '
uad feet are remarkably small, the
ini-e is abnormally dat.
The faces of the ehikln n are
generally s*> fat (In.t. the eve- ai
most disappear, and the no~e i
sunken hetwern the cheeks instead
of protruding.
The Eskimos have a happy, care
less, optimistic look about them.
Nordeuskjold usci i to call them
“big children" and stated that
“these unfortunate creatures, who
are deprived of everv comfort, are
conceited and jocular. They are
hospitable, too, and when brought
into contact with Kuropemis they
grow civilized quite rapidly, though
thee retain a number of 11 ir oh!
As regards dress, if is almost .the
same for women as for men —a
close fitting sealskin coat, with n
hood for tile head and* breeches of
the same material.
Needless to m the Eskimos dis
like water as a“. tan in;, agent,*
ami they lack fi - ■ net t. P*i:'.
thev do not consider Karo;- .in a
verv attractive, and tin* iviiuetneut
of civilization are repT-mv to
them. The same Xord.-n . :o 1; 1 *> •<
told a verv amusing -t*”\ on llii
matter. ll** gave a lm'i.c .d u *l>
cologne to all aged is : 1 bid'. 1'»
smell. She alnm-t * u >•,! am
called the scent “dre.sdf.:!:;. s:* - h
jug.” Hut she dwelt in •*> -* • r ';. ’
hut. where the air was “mb :ha
hie,” and lived on food of which one
hesitates to think.
The Eskimos have m> religion
worthy of the name. I lay are e.\
tremelv superstitious. But hov.
could they help being so. surround
ed as they are by truly fantastic
scenery—mysterious caverns and
grottoes, mountains of ice. bathed
in the weird light effects of the arc
tie atmosphere or in the awe in
spiring gloom of the polar night?
The’ Eskimos, however, have
much respect for the ‘‘head of the
family.’’ Funeral.- are a comp fat
ed affair in Greenland, and the
most curious custom in connection
with such ceremonies is 11..• l.mry
ing of a dog’s head—meant to act
as a guide—together with the dead
They live under ten's during tb'
summer and under «rv *v In ; < dur
ing the cold season Th'-* v- « . a
skin canoe called Lay k, a s
ari*l a few dogs.
They marry at an •• - I ’ l v • T‘
bride brings to b * u
clothes, a knife - 1 a i.*■ . 'i .
husband gives her : t
Eskimo etiquette con ti hr !■
to object to marrinm . mid site ::*.
pretend to coin pc • r cm !i r h.i .'.old
two or three times before
down to her derm- and ace ;i ; m
her share of responsibilities.— 1•.
Wlßstlicg and W-eping Tr»-s.
Among the curiosities of tree Me
is the solar or whi-fUng tree of Nn
bia. When the wind.- blow over
this tree it gives out
sounds, playing away to the wilder
ness for ho rs at a time stranre,
weird melodies. Ii is tlie spirit ot
the dead sipgiug among the
branches, the natives say. hut th -
scientific white man -a that tic
sounds are due to o hut ad of small
holes which an insect bore? in the
spines of the branches.
The weeping tree of the* Can an
islands is another arboreal fre,.-;
Tins tree in the driest weather will
rain down showers from its lean",
and the natives gather up the wa
ter from the pool formed at the
foot of the tr i.k ami bed t jju ’■ -
and fresh. The t • ule- ;!,<■ wli
ter from :-■■■'■■ to- ai t!. •
ba*e of the leaves. < iiua.o Jour
Irish Goostrberries.
An 1 rishman or a . !■ - 1 o> n
is rarely at. a lo>- to
good as she get'. '1 e \jl-e H II
toui i't who !’. •ire -i: S 1i ’
found this out to ! o-i.
An old I risliwoFiie o ' > kept. :
fruit stall had smite e- • •
for sale. I ,ie N ankeo. . n, to
have some i' • ! '
took up one of i i.i'tii a i i:
‘■'l ije-e are sma* up ■■ - vo i
grow over Imre. K. An .. ;i • •
1,-tV.- them tV. tee the.-
The woman simvlv !<>,:•■! up ai
him and in a torn- of ]».; •v- h. a
“Sure, sorr, ve ir -t he a -tian-'>'•!
in Ireland and know very little
about the fruit of our country wi. n
ve can’t t. '1 apple- from gooseber
i n wimti omanm»vrsmmam stk».• tsxt* <--jgg'.wsys jraa'i 1 jtnuw'isaitgwmauggaw^iiiwi—agaa—a————
Your Holiday Goods
That is, it you buy at tin* bight Place. \\ e furnish the Light Place, and il is up to tin* wise
buyers ti> take advantage of it — and that at oikt. 1 >uri iii»* our business rotation wit 11 tin* good
]icoph* of Montgomery county wo haw proven oiir abitit\ L> please them -with seasonable goods at
li\ i 11 |L*‘ prices. According to our yearh custom, we hog to announce to holiday shoppers our next,
s ti
Dec. 11 , for Fifteen Days
During this period the public will have opportunity of buying at the following reductions:
The Latest in Men’s Suits, j
Men’s Suits worth $17.50 reduced to $12.50 $
Men’s Suits worth 15.00 reduced to 9.95 j*
Meh'b Suit* worth 12.50 reduced to > '.to *
.Meii b Suits worth 10.00 reduced to 0. Is £
Men’s Pants at Half Price. \
M'-n’s Pants worth $5.50 given uwny for $0 7 s j
Men's P,-nits worth 1.50 given away for 27s j
Mmi's Punts worth <1.25 given away for 1.9 K 4
Mali’s Pants worth 2,50 given away for 1 Ik S
Men’s Punts worth ,1.75 given away for UK |
Hoy’s Knee Punts worth $1.50, SI.OO, 75c, oOe |
cut down to 9Ke, B‘je,, one, <>7e, 2<{o.
Ginghams, Percales, Pleaching \
Gingham# and Chmnbray worth 121,10 c, Ho, Be
r -duced to 90, 7IC, tie, l ie. |
,I’e 11 • , -s ?{fj m. worth 12<:, 10c, reduced to 9n,
(He. |
Cun:brie, Bleaching and Sheeting worth 121,
10c, Be, reduced to SBe, 71c *>p;, sc.
Homespuns and Calicoes.
Sold ut Be, 5Ac, sc. -Ik. Best grade JOc Out- J
mgs for Sic. S
§7.dO Overcoats selling for $
Sp(*eial bargains in blankets 5
and Comforts. \
Pe-ist grade# ami latent colors in di'"#s goods *
from 75e. (iOc, 50c, 35<‘, 25c. reduced to Hie,, j
h'.lc, g:je, IK, I Jo. I
$1.25 Silks reduced to 89c. <
Wv»vwv>v>wwv»wv»,w%\tvww Avmvwmww
Dry Goods Mt. V erilOil, Ga. Clothing
| f l’o disp(*ns(* a greal stock of i
\ Men’s and Ladies’ I’m nish- s
[ iitgs, offer tliein many
\ per cent, below wholesale J
| cost. J
I M i'ii's sli irlsa ml (' mlerweu r worl h$ 1 SI.OO, J
J I ->*■-, doe, redueed to Mir, I If, I*e *, 2-»c, $
J MeiiToOe u ll dervve,-ir Ird 5
! Ties, four iii-hutul and bow, vvu'ih -»0e. doc, *
| 25c l"d lie, ,I I1- '. P.le. 5
{ Suspenders wortli ioc, 5;• , -ir. h • lOc, *
! cut down tu ,;■■■ :d- P.le, tie, je *
I I Oe, se, I 111 ndk"l'ell iel - I '* ! ■ ie. d 1 'd, ■ i
P Black, Tu n uml I* aiicy 1 1 -• 11 1 1: 11 ■ iml |
| ( ’hildrcll’s Jlo-lel . VV< 'I -I I l ''- f*' 5
f *I i ■ i". J
p .Men’s amt Kudu -1. e.-it ber <»1 ■ ale'i Silk i
P Kl bow( i lov vv ■, rl ;, $; 1 -, |
P I'educ.'d Id■ 'I e d'v. I J
f Men’s uml Bad ics' Bells v> <> l ll l . 1 1
| el|l.<l os li t . l bile 2lf. I Be. 4
P Silk Iliuidkerchiefs and MuIlM wo llt joe, i
| 50e, doe given :i . tor lie. b ' 2l c. J
j Badi* s\\ u ists v i u'l-h i:' ,i , < ■' l ■,
j rsil ii (1 to . If. . id, •. || e J
$ Bodies’ Skirts $b oO reduced to '
j s
\ All notions sold at greatly re- j
j duced prices. j
| Lace Curtains, Laces and Km- ;
broideries will sell below ;
i j
: cost.
kVWVViIWV(<VVVWVI'VVVUItVVV\ < ■- N -t. 'i/%,%,‘% % VM/itVAW
Men’s and Ladies’ Slio<*s.
* Bbiek, Tan and Patent Beut-ber of latest styles.
i Men’s Shoes worth $i 50 redueed to $i1.20
Men's and Bndies’ Shoes $! OO reduced to $2 98
Men’s and Badies’ Shoes !{ oO redueed to 2 -IK
v Men’s and Badies’ Shoes d2o reduced to 221
4 Men’s and Bailies’ Shoes 225 reduced to I BN
* Men’s and Budi'V Shoes 2.00 reduced to I. |k
i and Idl
Ext raordimiry Bargains also in Misses, Boys i
5 and Children’s Shoe#,
Men’s Stylish Hats.
J Hals will Im sold at an enormous reduction.
$ Bales), Sty lew and (''dors in Men’s lints.
i Men’s lints worth $b ->0 reduced In $2,12
Men’s lints worth b.oo redueed to 198
$ Men’s Huts worth 2 -»<> redueed to 1.18 ?
S Men’s 11 ulm worth 2.00 redueed to I2d j
| Men h lints worth 1.50 reduced to 98 ‘
* Men’s mid Boy’s t'ups worth .iU'\ 255. sold at,
b9e, 2I e, I9c.
\ ()\< rails \\ or 11 1 $ LOO cut down
\ to 7:5c.
0 . _
J " 111 ' 111 '
; ! , nor in ous Deduct ions in
Youths’, Lons’ and Cliil
# . * ’
l dren’s Suits.
t Luster brown Suits.
j j
0 Voiitl.’s Suits worth $8 OO cut-down to $1 78 >
N'mit It’s Suit- worth (500 cut down to d 15
jP Boy’s Suits worth 150 cut down to 2.75
i Bov’s Suits worth <5 00 »*i»i down to 1,50 }
j Boy’s Suits worth 250 cut. down In 125 |