The Montgomery monitor. (Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County, Ga.) 1886-current, December 09, 1909, Image 6
FOR CULTURED WOMANHOOD IN GEORGIA. The growing devotion to the cause of female higher education i* shown in the effort* now being made to provide largely increased endowment# for three of the lead* ing inetitution* of this character in tiie state, Agnes Scott, \V> •>i'-v --un and Ib-sxie Tift. Kadi of 1 1• <--«* udnnra'il y managed school# is iK-w working zealously to enhtrg* the scope of it# usefulness and equip itself more effectively for tlii higher intelleetuul t ri« in: n « of women hy the creation of a handsome endowment that will relieve it of the financial anxieties of the past, provide it with new buildings an>l modern equipment., and enable it to meet in eyrv wav the demands for colleges t lint are fully on parity with the beat m other sections »f the country The need for an ambitious young woman to leave Georgia to complete Iter education i** being removed by the improvement <>l tile colleges \ve now IlflVl . If I K true that many "I these institu tions are Imt little removed I'mm u high school or academy, but the lour or fiye larger and m n prominent college- hove persis tently advanced their standards until today they rank with ill finer institutions of the North and West If the additional funds they are now seeking are secured there is no question that it will bo so judiciously expended that the three coli-gns referred to will assume h position of much greater importance, draw to theni-'W - a much larger student bodv. and become much greater centres of of future intellectual activity. It was in t fcoi'gtn that the fi Ist college for the education of w men was established. For n hall century the education of voung women has been encouraged as fat as the limited financial ability of the people would permit The years ol pufqrerity that have route upon the state, the rapid advance along other*? lines, undoubtedly permit of its making more ud< quute prevision for tin* mental culture of its daughters M.igm licent progress Inis been made in the past, in the face of ditlh'iilties that required u spirit of unswerv ing stdf sacrifice to overcome, and from it we can judge what would be accomplished if the money w rent hand with which to de velop these institutions as they Mi mid be developed. I'l».* entire state hn« been I d lowing with much interest tin? steps thilt have boon t-ak-n to raise largo endowments tor the three colleges referred to. Suc cess seems almost within their grasp It will certainly b« the fervent hope of every lover of higher education, everyone who i« proud of Georgia and desirous ttial its young women shall have ample opportunity to gratify tlnur intellectual aspirations without leaving Georgia, that the move lie nl-n w midi r wav wil h'i| There can hr no possible invent ment that will be fraught wih greater g cod to the future of the slate than th» «*xp*»tiditun -for the development of these institu tions From cultured woman hood t'.eorgin Inis everything t ■ bop*-. And the products of \grn - Scot!. Wesleviil. Bes-ie I iff. Shorter, I,a tirange and other colleges of the slut**, aiv of the highest type of cultured woman hood — Atnericus I'mies-R' *-rd. r SlieritT Sal* . tit rjin- WeiitK’.nwi' 4 -al* Will be « 111 1- l >re lit.' tsen* h «» ' * is Ml Vi-rtmn eu tie nr.t Tn i»l*> o> .l.muh. mm, bfl* -Il il<e l.'tf tl hours 1 »*l« I l lie ud Im< heater !■•* vs»e, ■ • r»s«e pr, v p-iy. I wl.icn He Mlswiu i- » o?«»|>i«-t.' dm ril'llen All that »r»cl "i lying set? touts m tin •■TiJh itl»li -ill. V *.f sail • <lUt> *t. I » titd Ik>u ii. i »•:. ll.e ueitti h' me I- ’’l nie -■•t* M D r-t* r» Wiitorii Kiwi, li mst lit iaml* m >ht i .uta-tl .S, 1' PeW'i a si •t.nlh !>' i»u Is -.I I. 't l?<sss «iel s- -t te l»l..|« ol \nn.t A Atooase - . «Wt*li‘Hil it, i ret ' U>.'l at'it-t new- or less. al-i ti •'.. la ;t i-tstet. v,i ei -set .It IV 1- 4 l*s, |le, t Hie \ llatHt*! on Mat l 4 4 '. 11*■■ Ksel prou-ro levied tus as I tie (iMj-rh »: 11 L. I’-sell Ut satisfy *n ■ s.falien is-u-ti Irwin the » itv t art i Me Vtraeu in !*' '• -I fat Joint |laiinve t ~ th- -aid t. 1. Pr,«-Il rt,tt«-r*v (vntcsl 'ntt b> drlstdtiil in ft fs UntlM WStMOf levy s»» eu «- r«- ,|.nr«l h\ Us This ti.s sth ,t»> «t Dte-mln i , lAM \ JaM h >- Ht > tXh Khert# Mi.Mt|m*rier> t'mmn, W. M L»»ia, Ally. t<« lags. 3 r r<> Stock liiivcrs: • We r- in Mt. V.-rnon wit h n carload ot ku-t-t lass 11-r-es and Mules—ulus' ot fliem lour and (is- y-nr- old, and some weighing 1 1100 pounds. All well broke to ban ss and -addle. Our prices ’ ,i.rc i ght. and it von will examine r before buying. w<> can save you m i-v. • Very troly, .1. M If rooks her .V Son. Citation » (i-oigia Montgomery County. • N.Kiee i- li-i-tn given tha* < layout r liilli- li« in proper form #|i I ill I 'll 111- so l-llcr- of HCtllllui-- I ' tialion nil II s i--i a* e of Ila V itl I). i fillli- ial- of said f.iuuty decr-HSeil, and Mie i- o cjfe all and singulai i in' e'eilito' amt kindred of said de * ei-a ■ I iii —boa eaa-e il any illey call .tin,, in \ 11 oo la i i. iinof t b»- < on i f of Ordinal lo lie Ij.-ltl on the Ill's Monday in Jnunary, next, why he should not i e-ive leiiei-sof admin i-i if im! a- applied for. This • lie Os h tint ol 11-oemfier. liSS.I. \P \ Me \ Inn Ordinary . For Jcotve lo Sell, , ti-c ll in M• ei' o• .mei 1 * minty. No iee i u r-t.v oi'en dial Ju-.W and .l.i . W Sharpe icuiimluius o! i.lil Slimpo. liav- applied In the or dinal i id comity hn leave to-e|i all ol tie* real --la *• of lin-ii saitl waul foi li«i 1 ilnitioii and the pay - ni.o • ! of d- ia •. and -aid a ppl ica i ion 1 .-. ill In ~ id ic On next legulai i• •i in of dii- court to lie lii Id on the li Vond.ii in January 11f 10. Thi -111 II day ol I>l cembcl lim.l. A te.\ Me,A II lull t till ilia IS . iixeeuti'ix Sale. I Scot Kill Mmi'colliery Comit y. 1 mli i ami 11. \il I lie of an order ilf , lie ('ourl o( O diaal.l ol -aid eitnnl.v rip lie old Mil lie ti I-I I’lle-l lay 111 1 . inn i.• i p.iin. I.etore t lie court liousc | | dee in -aid c-i ill y. liet we.-n (lie I-' of ale. to the highest ’ liiiltli loi e.i , mu acre of laud tli |i 11 loan "I >1 uel, , < ia..eolita ill dig tine too lain -loi elm l ise. ■sttlil il- 1 lie prep, "i t|,< e-’a'e of Henry T. . Si tie 'ii'/ late ol -aid county, dc t'ta-’il P de pmpo e of disliilnt rioit In i ■ fiiis tin- d ii day F day of I n f-|||t>el IlHs.l. Minni' Morison. I \ Ksi.-ife Hea:y I Siuek.'t . fair I cave so Sell. I li. ■ ell \l old eolil'l y I nimt.V. Not I-.- i. In iete. l iteii iliat Mary ! A in , ii- td ill 111 isl . alii X of tile es ia'• • .1 It I' 4 i has applied to lli .1 Hi .ii \ ot -aid eotnpy foi leave lo ell nil oi I." ii.d eJ ale of -aid dec ■ ' in I -aid application will n heai'lal die ne\. regulat 1.-rm of , tlii« court io tie held on trie first Mon d'tv in January 191't This the (till tiny ol I let .'itlher. liKHV A 1 1 ■ \ Me Art tiur. 1) dinary. 1’ o|' L-a ve 'Sell. de.vj'm Mmitiyoniory County. Notice is heri'hy given that 1,. C. 1 M■•l*a ii ie I of X'iciotia, M u rdock and William Meiianieb ha** applied to tile ordinary of said county lor lea ve lo sell till 1 , act es of land knew n a- Col of Land No. IVI in di< Kleveil l l l C.aiel |)i-tricl of -mil con.u v tod aid ipplica fun will tie , j lieurd at ill- next regainl u-rm of the court of ordinary lo lie held on the first Monday in .lumutry. lttlO. This the tirh .It* v ol D.-eeinber, lilofl. Alex Me \ 1 11 1 u i Ordinary. M h i gag** Foreclosure. ' loorgia Mmilgoniery County. I mle, and by \ nine of :i power of .ale I'.iiiniiii.'.i in mortgage executed t>\ M 11. I'lemclils lo Mall Cook t ", ei li, ip ii day oi March. IU<I7. and l ecu , led 111 Ihe ■ I nice ol l lerk Ol , s q„ 'he < oot of Montgomery .my in Kook gS. page |*».-», itie nu ll - 1 - i,* d w ill sell ai public -ale at i In- eou'i iionse iii said county, dur , iti. the leg-il hours of sale, lo the Dig'' --I lo Id r he cash, tin* follow ing |" .per - town: Part of lot of lai d Nunihei F-iglity Seven e.mlniii •mnilig st-v eoly-live ilcies of liilul. and | i - I 10. oi land Nunihei l-'igli- Sicomamiiig I vvi'iiti -five acres making cm tuoidred acre- i:i all tu'uig i,e same land purchase I hy M 11. i I- ueiu from 11. A. l oieman t n iliepii.pM,, oi paying a certain pii,mi-si" v note b.-iring date the II i , da,. o| M iri-i. 11X17. and maturii.g Nov, in ', l-t IH7 and mad.-an ex ee .|,i|| by <' I > M II I'll IllelllS. Saul n• • being- so principal. *in -, inte. - . logeih-i w ith the •e-l ofiiiis pioe-e.llllg il- pro? ille-l in -oi l iuoi ; and I'nin t'.VMlcis I I : ' . i.,.1.1. lo ! lie p rchasei try the mute' Igle d a- II ov tiled 111 s.-iid II'O. Inis !||. *i'll ll.'IV ill f ).- • ml.. *' ■ Hami I on ti n oh. A y . to! Mall cook ilni. . Shentl Sal--. . A* "..-ei M •i.jgonivrv C.-tiuty. AVli .1 - o •' "Ju- ,->.iil h-'llsi li--r 10 111. V. ■ - ih ies* lic - 1.0 m jKcunry, D»l(l, 1” is .- 1 . i- g-1 11 nr- ot -ale. to lli. si I i ,-ie ’ i.l a purpoi t\, ot . ~,, ~I , -;u I.- a Jes.-l ipli-ili: Ail tii i 10-. vii I • containing ikixgSO f. . ia iow'i, o| Sapejion. said coiur y, lie "dod no 'li try lands ol II .lom -a by land' of |{. J W illiam-, o st-.s". soutn by land , 'I .M's. N lie Koach. and on tin w •••'« l.v link st •. .'tt.l till iaijii'ivi i D'a id- icon, -aid property being 4 ..r posse-* oil of C H. |*.-l |'l soil. and ' 0.-i: gb.ii .1 on o' tn- properly ot in i M i•• it-son. d.-teiutani in ti fa.. , uisa isf, an i viv'iii'iti i~s'ted front ,I . - ; to .'.it, J Mont goui. ry . goan ypt lax". ot Hank of Sup e-ion igatt si hen g< Nl. i on.soil. s»;d p.opr ry being tie'igna'ed ill lh.l , wnliin tl la. and ai-o treing • Mil fry phiil. iff. \V l lea notice giv on a- ’—qui!- ,1 by la w to ill* defeu i .mm in Ii fa and m the tenant in p.iss, ,sjo , f c,- hi U'h day «>f IV c*'iid>i’r. In *f*. Janies Hestey. slu t id M . C. iW. 1, \\ dson. Ally for plff. Till' MONTOOvMERY MON.', 01: THri?ST>AV l»l'<*. 0. 10*0. 20 Years ' WithHeartTrcuble f “Dr. .Miles' Heart Remedy ha - cured me of heart <li-< a ■ of over _*o years’ standing-. | a, so bad that f could not da my 1 j work, and could scarcely draw a full breath without fainting or smothering. The doctor told me he could do no more for me; then I commenced taking the Heart Remedy. J shall never forget that night. I slept better i than i had before in months. 1 kept right on getting better, un til l was perfectly well.” MRS. LAURA RUSST'.T.L, Logan, lowa. When the heart action is weak, it fails to pump the blood 1 through the luntr v with sul'mient rapidity. Then the lungs do not absorb the proper amount of oxygen, although they may be taking in a normal amount of air. The result is shortness of breath, smothering spells. d di cult breathing, oppressed ic. mug in chest. Dr. Miles’ Heart Rem edy strengthens the heart nerves and muscles, and in tlii-> way increases the circulation. (let a bottle from your 'Dug i gist, l ake it according to direc tions, and if it docs not beuctit be will return your money. I »r Tax Receiver: T'* tin Vot*‘» hos Mont”r>fn? i > i minty. I thi* mrth nl of publish ai m unr i? £ my ta<-\ f«*»’ rf-cl* etion to tin* ot LI? oi iv«*r of Tux K« ruiuH unbp ot so r|»«- 4 u)«## of rtn KxMeative <’oinmitt«l niici lit « ihr*#» iiiitrflniiiii'li <1 li> hiiv efitfti-kfliiiir aliiaiH c* in >a x • v* r.anrl I piomitn- if* U* t«-.l to iii •< )»mi ;;»• !»»•• of tli#- "tMto- with pi «niiptn -mi'l is 1111 « i|Uhl ritfli» si u, iill sin » H[H ’i 'I pi ivi!* p* * t . iioim :Hid I !'**rt 11• ipi f»min» if lu\ * i»ft »u. f itim » f“i niHtllmi toiin f" vo'mitnriiv r* til** nf fit" < XDinit'on *'f sum w**rti».t» r- rm, Yoni -# v* ry inilv. \V. Hl’.M’.V < lAIIK, Lor Tax Collector. By tliib in* iln»*l l tU viM t*i fully pi;*m.v* 1* lt lirftiM »!*•• \•» *rn «*t Muut4<*ni* f • o candid*te Li.r tin oiii •of Thi ' '«>!! cim *c! u liilt 1 urn making «;» * arm*Nt rt! ti * i flu- place, I l**i*Jl# In i* id! ill** CMl’fljhl MIN • t of tic- )»ro)fl<*. Vw i Citi/ *I», 1 dr«m •Os t!i«- important • sttim lli* <• nr 'v and f lint if inpiii **m tin* '»i U '»l .i •» Foi. ts 'nprirtit mh! council mi 'll* mn.ii, «*l>*crvi. tin- jaw i: an inipniti il manm i: .u»*l i tic KVi'iit of clci f i »u, hli ill pm Htir tlii* cMti ue’-vr h ! dilitfctn'c In ttd.all • 1 * \ bond fii.UiU » : *i tin* “lip port f 1 1., t in iv l**- a ' »r )• d ill* tin | poll*, -i lij • tIUK il' cu otidai v it* •‘licit I mlrs an innv h« piovi l»ol bv iiu con:. % -»v* •roing coimniMr*-. I um Your* v«*iy rcHpfH-tloiiy. i F Wili.i \\is. l or Tax Receiver: T«» tlif \ 4 *tciM <t iMontnonitTy (’minty: Yndiiinu t • nt'Otiy i tl »•.* » » ii n» >r I h*i cby >imou uo? myhclf * hhjjii t* < t•»» tiu* i Ulfikl' 4 »f faX Ilf* •cilCf of lllin CAUli't. :i! ><t I eunirjsily imk ill#- kiml c(»u*»i«lt i a.': *n tn mv ft .low ClUZ#*liM. 1 f#*t»l I IIM I 111> iptjllliCAUOlM jtiHlifv tin r* t|Utel. :in»l that ni> Ld* .iH r.'iulti Oi“(«■ acCcpDMilc t*« the i»»-opU whom I u*k »•> M rv<». It cl# clcrl, il \Y lit In Illy tlrslt.l* lill tin* pin'it t<* tin* beat of ni' ability. Ktvng ii .my ♦•mire lim#- mil Htfcm-o.i wdi#*u rv pi it d. iabing lintl mv r# *jn#-Hr b#- t;iv»*n • mtodvi >■ ten at the poll*, ui d in iic- m’.l with tlu* t ult-w. I am V«o v truly vour**, H. K I'kkvi Land l or Sale. ISI fier-it of hind situated twc> mih'K from Cedar Crossing on Lyons mid t’ediir Cu *siug public roinl. Partly in cultivation, and !iV> ju'i’i's art* tuna iii ». Mill make some of tli 44 L-xt t irms in that s-etion. For t**rnis apply at once , to O. M . Davis, Route No. I Mt. Vernon, Ga Found—Overcoat. One certain overcoat found m o uutv. Owner can gel -aine by Culling it Moiuii.r otH.-e, correct ly d-S 4 *ritnng garment amt paying foi I). it ice. Dec. 11l li. MONEY TO LOAN, Money in loan at ti and i per cent, on improved farms. A. B. llrrcHKsoN, Mr. Ik F t'oop-'i of the upp 4 '!'s. ■ lion ot th>* county was am mg th. many visitots li-re Tuesday H pres-nted at tins ofTi-*-> a -talk J red cane having twv> s-parate itraiciies growing from theorig -4 mal -tiiik. Tins i- very rat- and quite Dover. t Mr W. ('. Reals left a few dav ■ ago f*»r a trip to F.orula. lb- - anticipating a great trip, anil we . . t nisi t hat it will be his lot. rtOtlO High-Grade 1.-> il \ ewa, i. Christm.a- and N-w Yar Rost ; cards on display and -filing One ■ (Vnt Kadi at i'll inter Drug r.*. V:iev. In this issue will 1" seen tiie ’ ’ut-price announc'-m-iit of A Segall. Giv- him a trial f-o -iry goods and furnishing-. He ear ries a goo! stock, and sells go,.,is, {right. Hi- sjscia: sal.* begins Saturday. I 'i&msmmmmmmmmismmmmfmmsmmmmiß B- s K ...iM jl :©;:©®;r@:® ®©s®®s®a ®a® ©a MSlM^S mmmmm |j ; "• m .ao: s s o ssaaass aassa®sss:e.®ssa®H@®sssa® | fi Do not Fail to See our | fe line of American Gen- 1 I p tleman and American & i Lady Shoes, made by | 5 . 1 Hamilton Brown Shoe i $ I fa Co., the Largest Shoe u p I i Makers in the World I m § I : B pra I 6 m W \am ma am mu ess am urn mss aaw ex? act ess sam sb bb esa m» £•; g| P. S. —New Home Sewing Machines are still Leading, S j.y Have you bought one yet? P ? H ij 1 MT. VERNON, GA. | I iOSt. Last Ttr-si'lay evening on Sea- • ! board train No. 72, going east, be- i tween (.;!!•.'it wood ainl Ml. Vernon, I Crn., m pocket-book containing, f 117.00 in curreucy nud |H.OO ini silv r, F.nd"i - please semi to me | at Gleiiwood and receive reward. Klein C. lbum.. Slier; 11 Sale. rWMt uri.i -M ' ti(<»mt*rv ’oumv. ,\ii hi g-Mil -fmoiln- 1-uu‘rt hous#- dear in ft S *-i iioH <*»i tlu lit mi I u—ul.iv m January, j l‘»l », bi't .u c.i «ht» iopal hours »f sale, to Uic ■ i-p ,« i hiddeo fin-oh «h, iu iitiiu property, of » ,v ll >- , *.;» jI':I»>wi: iii eouplui** deaeripUon: j p pairs of s»**«*k S'* 2 l } Yam Kiu stioeii: 11 j > i t.'- »f -lock, N'*. 3d 1 t KuMtf Hraiu B F.»jlei J ’.Am s; A ,-u - '*i Mivick nu'iii.t' 319 T.iU Ct | Bln ; U i)!iii <of >to - k mmin? r 372 Tough Hide- j i •to ;S j ».■ il'm «*( mum k i,um *»*r 329 Guo j Blu.; ♦> paii a <»l ntuok number 334 B >x , f J . . . 9 pauf* of stock nu liber 3t>* Bat. Onß J Bin.; 7 pa\.m o|'diock diiraU'r 381 I'at. Colt; 9 p.or- t* t * k number 334 Vici Cap Bin,. 7 j r-illh * r stork number 3<«i Bat. Coll Bu t : ti i f . i. ut MtiirU number 409 of plain Sham Bob iftli: (* puns •»{ hUh'K mnnboi 435 Fiong. lat Lip B »! ;*<pui . M of Htm-k number 432 of Choc. Yuo. t .r- of ** **h* W number ISO \ «*i -It ii 9 pia.s of -*oeL numbi-r B 3t»l Bat. Colt !;hi.; 1 11 ».i- nf Miink mn»bt*r97 Box Os. lliu.; i * p.ii;«o! -«• « \ li.oiiher 337 V’iri Cap. Blu ; 9 pan- uuni’oT iLVi 1 * Sat. Cap BftU ; ii» i - t»i si »• k Mtnibri 43i Vi t Bat. Bill.; niira oi'ati»rk nnuilu-r 111 Doiur Cap Boiish; s p"t.,rM ■'-jforL mimiM r 147 B'*ng. Bat. Idu ; j; , r .-.i u >o.»»j. an'Vr •!»•* *; f-iu 1 in (life i t n urn- of' ami m flit- of the de bo- :■ ja at *.l'.oi'iifii*. .». K. Kicks. Levied »n rmd m ill bt -old uh the |>> op«rty of tl»t* Mdici ; ! R ,Ik*hs» to>‘iiUiy t»ii ait icuainn in-ned j u . ; *h Superior ootirr of Maid countv in fav t.f i h. :»l moo Sh )♦ i d. vh ,1. K. /ticks. \Y j te< u »»ii •» of levy ;u» n r«*qn!rt*<l l»v v. • i .?h r> ,|tn S’ a* m i*’r 19.»9. K« v o,i ii.<l n iiuui 't ei air >jv A I*. tl -te., Drpu- Jani* s H - sf *r, s|»ei ill’, M. i.. .1- B. i >dhoun. Any. for Biff. SI rit! Snln. . , >, . lH — M- nt-om tv Count v. Will ■ r ant 1 • t • ihe Court !um»e do*»r iu J i». V.-mu t »i» «h - in -t Tuesday ui January. | .31 i Uotwt-en tin* 1» k* d Ik*ui> sale, to me u * mider foi --U. certain pro|wrty. of; h the f • vinpi-to (hiwipliow: ; u: that tract oi parcel of land situate, lying 1 r d -mg in the V. Seventh Uiul district f* »;ou*‘* •. <t» m"tis. itTH c*»ntuin*iig i o', i ♦ -*«<• <dk i ou i.- m ire or lo«s and bound- ; • l i-• o.v ,; ii i (he u »rth by •!»•* lines *»♦*. a • l.iUi-ns .oul Mourgoun-'y Cioioty. ml • i «. >!.■ IV l» d» fil I. Cnn n- i . V. •.« hv ! • !‘l- •( ’j i\ \ 3,1.10' T'lWril. , >atdd-H*r c«t Uitei h»*uig in the north in »p t fI. u So T|\r*v Hnudred Levied on | - f »,• pr * ert.v of W. 1.. Cot i i<‘to satisfy a j .n v _ • . fa. ■ - -in* 1 t uu the. Supviior • • sid oi »> iu favor Tb** Coot rorui ! - S •*d >u( so loolift mn. fa. an * writb :» om4ce i ft* v £iven .if* *•*a»»ire<i by law. ftns thelitli . r»> of .Knuai v. 1909. .1; Mil os He'* er. sitt-5 ill M. 4. j 1> j s. ri,*'v ell. Vitv.fw I‘ltl.-. Kug(*no liilniadgo, Attorney at Law, MT. VLRMOY QA. E M. RACKLEY’ Dentist Orij.- »vnr Mt, Wrnnn Drug C<». | MT. VERMIN, QA. In u i cwj pin & m | ® P* Hi j b-llOa w... g ! ® SAVANNAH, GA. ® ® . 1 V Are now ready to fill MAIL i | ORDERS on NEW I’ALL i f AND WINTER STYLES of | I CLOOIiSNG and I | FURNISHINGS f | . FOR 1 | MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN | ® Write for bulletins describing the new styles in A ® Fall and Winter Garments, and ask us to quote prices on any article you might wish to purchase. fi The OLDEST and BTGGEST Mail | I Order House IN THE SOUTH. I ® p H ESTABLISHED, 1871 || - - "" I Choice Millineiy. % * The kind that pleases 'e J the ladies * aij * ipr The season is now 011 for FALL * those attractive 1 have them in Styles J # —— y 5 Millinery , Notions, Novelties. % i * MRS. J. L. ADAMS, Mt. Vernon J Hfr ff 1* * 4K ♦♦ ♦ *