Newspaper Page Text
SHtr iHmUgnmrrg fftmute.
Will Hold A
Late Primary .
The sentiment expressed at the
recent mass meeting held in Mt.
Vernon is in favor of a lute pri
mary this campaign, and it is
possible that it will be held with
the state primary during the mid
dle of next summer, thus making
it more economical.
Just when the state primary
will be hold remains to be seen, as
no official call has been made for
it. The last primary held in this
county for the choice of county
officers was held hi the early pari
of the year, February-20th, and
t his seemed to have given seneral
satisfaction, and it is still believ
ed that it would have appealed
to the majority of the voters and
candidates as well had it been
called for the early part of next
After assembling here or. the
first Monday tlie massmeeting by
regular motion adjourned until
Tuesday after the second Monday
in Julv, at which tinio a date
will be fixed for the primary,
making it rather late in the sum
mer. It is probably that the reg
ular state primary will be called
about this time.
Mr. Emmet Hicks of Jackson
ville is spending the holidays with!
his parents, Dr. and Mrs. Chas.
Hicks. After the holidays he
will assume charge of an ice sac-j
tory in Beaufort, S. C. The trip!
to Mt. Vernon "as made in a gas
oline launch, in company with a j
young companion, the run taking!
about five days, which were filled!
with interest and enjoyment. The!
run from Jacksonville to the |
mouth of the Altamaba was made
by the aid of regular government, 1
charts, which'evinces some skill j
on the part of the young naviga- !
The Mount Vernon Bank has
just issued to most of its regular)
patrons byway of a Christmas
souvenir a solid leather bill book.j
It is not a toy, bat a thing of
value, of which any' man should ,
be proud : and while we return due j
thanks for one ol these splendid)
books, we regret t hat we will prob
ably not- have any practical use
for it. It is a fine thing and the
bank is to be congratulated on it
liberality to its patrons and the
general progressiveness of the in
stitution: The Mount Vernon
Bank is one of the strongest bank
ing houses in South Georgia.
Hearing Mob Uur.bed to Atlanta Jail.
Columbus, Dec 11—Acting on
reports that a crowd of men was
beihg formed to go to Hamilton,
Ga.,to lynch the negro Arch King;
accused of an attempt to assault a)
school girl of this city, the slier-1
iff ordered King sent to Atlanta.
Arrived n\ our New Stables
Monday, Dec. 13th.
Mcßae & Bro.,
Mr. W. M. Outlaw of Soperton
lias made public bis candidacy for
the office of Treasurer of I he coun
ty, subject to the action of the
coming general assembly in tin
matter of anuuiing this office
throughout the stale, which he
says he is in favor of.
: Mr. Outlaw agrees to fill the
! place for the sum of s2bo per year
Jit lie should be favored with it.
| He formerly served the county as
i Tax Receiver and is well known
to the people. He is a good, hon
est man and has many strong
friends in the county. Read his
I card in the count y paper.
So port-on.
Special Correapondeuee.
There will he a Christmas tree
.at the Baptist ohurch Friday
night and an entertainment at the
school house and Methodist church
Wednesday and Thursday' nights.
Miss Mason of Wrightsviile
gave n lecture on foreign missions
at tile Methodist church last Fri
day night.
Mrs. Stephens of Soperton is
I visiting relatives at Dublin this;
Mr. Allen from Tarry town was
here last Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. C. E. Williams has return
ed from Dublin.
J. .1. Muring and wife visited
relatives in Swaiusboro last week; 1
they returned Friday afternoon.
I Frank Spann of Adrian lias
Icome to Soperton to practice tel- !
jegraphy under Mr. Hyman.
Brother Marvell of Dublin
| preached at the Baptist church !
■Snuday morning and night.
Miss Vivian and Andrew Moyej
| visited at Wrightsviile last Satur- ';
| The pupils at school have been
i standing examination last and
!this week.
Two parties were enjoyed very ’
j much by the young people on j
I Wednesday night at the home of,
j Mr. and Mrs. Pritchett and Mr.
Joe Wallace.
' J. J. Muring is going buck to j
| Swaihsboro Wednesday.
Dr. J. R. Watson went f > Tar-1
rytown Wednesday to practice
| Mr. Roberts made a business trip
1 to Tarrytown last week.
j Mrs. Dr. Watson is visiling her
j sisters at Fitzgerald; on return
ing she will visit friends in Atlan-;
t a.
Soperton will have several vis-'
iters during the holidays, there!
will be several entertainments and I
all are expecting a jolly big time.
Frank Stephensovent to Tarry
town this week.
Brother Harwell gave the school
children a talk at t he school house
, Monday mm mug.
Rev. B. I). Bourne will preach
!at tin Methodist church next Sun
jday. —Gray Eyes.
Information of the death of Mr
lames Mitchell of McArthur
. reached this office last week, and
, ibis friends throughout the county
, will deeply regret his death, which
iceut'ed at his home near I.umbel
. City.
His remains were laid away in
' the Shiloh cemetery, and the last
. sad rites were attended by a large
t .lumber of friends. Mr. Mitcliell
was the father of a large family
, which is left to mourn the depart
ure of a loving father, lie was a
Mason in good standing and a
i beloved patriot of the ancient
order. Mr. Mitchell has long been
a citizen of this county, and wa
-1 well known and respected as a
good citizen and safe business
man, and his death will be felt
t hrougliout t he count v,
Eeheuil. S. 1 >.. Dec. 12—David
‘ G. MacKenzie, son of Munio Mac
Keuzie, a close friend of ex-Pres
ident Roosevelt, former president,
d'the National Live Stock Asso-
J . i
eiatmn and one of the wealthiest
icattlemen in the country, was t«»-,
day shot by “ltml” Stephenson,
I formerly employed on the Mata
dor ranch, of which MacKenzie
I was manager.
Stephenson was arrested short ly
! after the shoot ing and later taken ,
j to Selby to prevent threatened vi
) deuce. What led up to the shoot- ;
ng is a mystery and Stephenson
refuses to talk. The two men met
Sin a saloon and without, a word
i Stephenson opened tire, killing
i MacKenzie. 11l feeling existed be
lt ween the two men because of for
| mer difficulties. Stephenson was
1 held on a charge of murder. M - c-
Keii/.ie came here from Trinidad,
jCoI., where lie was well known.
1 Money to loan at fi and 7 per
| cent, on improved farms.
A. B. Hi tciiksox,
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Mr. .1. 15. O’Comier, one of llie
lipn ni i i**u f citizens’of Killin'*', wns
•i business visitor to Ml. Vernon
i Leave orders for largo, stocky
| unwilled Cabbage plunjM with 15.
1,. Sin it h, Mt. Vernon, (la. liMl-t l.
Kv».m if it is It little cool, the
! hoys have the polit jcul pot boil
| mt; a little ah'ive normal, with
'.lie prospect of increasing ternper
at lire he fore I In- primary,
C0<»0 11 igh-1 raile Local Views,
Christmas and New Year Post
; *'ur*ls on display and selling One
| (lent Ka*di a! Palmer Drugstore,
Ito iif»t let the new year ereej)
up on your old subscription ac
'•omit. By keeping it in good
stiape, you perform a eominemla
ole family duty.
Sag*; ami K<-<1 Pepper.
Mt. Vei n' n Drug Co.
Mr. ('. K. Clark of near Towns
i was here yesterday.
Mr. J. 11 Sumner of Kriek was
la recent visitor at this office.
Mr. .J. 11. Nichols of Baxley was
la business visitor'here last week.
11l- is engaged in the growing of
; oabbuge plants tor the market.
Mr. J. T. Srrioipieee of Tarry*
; town, a well known citizen of the
I county, was in to see The Moni
j tor M widay.
Fireworks!—Mt. Wrnon Drug
| Com pa ny.
Mr. VY. P>. Langford is this wed
moving down to his handsome nev
home at Pvalda <>n the Georgia .V
I Florida road. While we regret t<
see them leave Ml. Vernon, man'
*! friends will wish for his prosper
lily in I lie new locution. I’valdi
!is the growing town on the nev
I load about twelve miles south o
. this place, surround'd by a lim
I j seel ion of country, and has al
! ready assumed the proportions o
a town, with storehouses, ginnery
1 blacksmith shops, saw nulls, etc
A recent issue o| the I'avcttc
| villi l Observer contained a Inca
; artidc announcing 11m arrival in
that city ol four young men Iron
Sent laid, who had come to Nortl
Oarolinu to begin life as farmers
apprentices. Positions had I
secured for them on the farms ol
the leading men of the county by
“Mr. Edward Rugley, the wealthy
Scotchman who was recently
j lielV.” I’llese are not, the first
I young Mien id t hillclass who have
! come direct from Scotland to imw
homes mi farms in the eastern
section of North (lardimi. Sever
al such immigrants have already
found homes among our people
| and should < reeeive most lie,art,y
welcome. They urn the kind ol
iin in igru ills the South needs—men
|of character and energy, willing
i to work and who conm prepared t i
I do their part, in the building up of
the country in which they east
their lot,. Against such inmiigra
-1 t ion there cun lie no objection on
j tli - part, of anyone. I'liese are the
same i-lass of men who in the first
instance settled extensive ureas in
thi-, slate und whose descendants
today are among its best citizens.
We welcome the day which sees
their cousins from across the wa
ters —descendants ol tlm same old
stock —coming over to take up
i their iif c work among t.heir kins-
J men of Amerieu.
■ Mr. Alai'k Woolen of Kastman
■ and sister. Miss Annie Wooten *>l
Me line, iii'i, v]s 11 jag relatives her*-.
Mrs. Wooten is convalescing from
a severe illness, anil the visit will
doll bt less belief! I til in .
| Christmas Candies.
M t . Vernon I M ug < '**.
Messrs. A. I*. 11 and
W. A. Peterson w* re at Turn-town
Tuesday on business matters per
taining to tlm school at that
Mr. K. l.i'i* Mellae was in Yiila
liu on business Tuesday.
(Jol. W . li. Kent spent riiesduy
Hi Baxley op legal work. ll*' has
rpnfe an extensive praelice in i.he
courts ol Appling county.
K'-v. C. K. Austin had as a
guest one day lasr. week a brother
from Savannah, who came'out to
spend a day hunting with him.
Ful I I ill" I tol iday < ioods,
Mt. Vernon Drug < >».
Let the county correspondents
continue t * send m the le ws from
their neighborhoods. It is free,
and will be appreciated by all.
Have l|p; letters leach this office
as early ill the week as possinle.
Mr. .las. II Dani>*| of Piiiltoch
county sp"iit a Dart of last week
with his wile and other relatives
lii-re. Mrs. Dunn-1 will remain
with h<-r mother, Mrs. I>. W. Fol
som until after the holidays.
i ' 1
w father .nut Soil Veterans.
\ \ll a lit a. Dec. ll At the so|.
, ilnrs home t here .are two men. Is
1 her and son and bot h are veter
\ ,
ins id the Dili! War. Thu father
1 .lames M. Brown, who is from
;l I'ulib rounl v, is in Ins SSlh year
w ui.d very feeble, though until re
,l eently he was in good lieallh. lie
; has two suns, one an inmate <■!
I the Imuie, aged (i.i and the other
residing in .Vox Inn enmitv, aged
'* Pi Fat her and son served in I lie
'< division of Gi'ii. Lueius .1. Gar
■■ Ire 11 n| Atlanta.
; Couldn't Hay Alimony In Jail.
Savannah, Dee. ll—lsaiah Dnl
i ly s plea that lie had been -irk
and ut her causes had made it im
II ; possible lor him to comply with
11 file court’s order to pay Ins w ife
h ; alimony did not, save him when
.’ arraigned for contempt, lie being
sent to jail to stav fliere until lie
II ] •' J
.raises slll 11.
\ Asod Preacher Hurl on Iticycle.
\ Dublin, Dee. R!—Rev. 11. Wat
s sou, an aged Primitive Rapt Ist
( minister while rnlmg a liicyele
collided with an automobile and
was very paiid ill ly injun-d.
, Itridc Slicks la llushnnd.
Macon, Dec. Id A true bill for
bigamy lias I found against .1.
M . Giiice who it is ebarged has a
1 1
wife in Selma, Ala. Guiee's Ma
h'con wile firmly believes him in
I :
g SUvey Spier is Divorced and Weds Again.
1 Atlanta, Deeember ft
Rv a stroke oi tie pen Mis Ru
t sell .1. Thomas became MissSilvev
- Speer and then Mrs. M. .1. Mr
i K'-lisle all 111 one day. I'lie elope.
" ment of beautiful Silvcy Speer
I with her lather s lumdsome young
i ' ehaif'etir fourteen months ago cre
ated a sensation. Tlmiinis did not
. 1 contest the suit.
Did lie Mcuii In Suicide?
I Atlanta, Dec, Id — I). W. Cham
i : hers h it a Hole lor Ins wife saying
la- would probably ruimilll siii
'eide. Not lung was la-ard from
- him (ill midnight when I,lie plus
. tiring begun falling, I'pnii in
vestigation by I lie puliee lie- lllls
band was tumid just under tie
-1 ru'd engaged in kicking plastering
1 down mi Ins wile's bead.
, Uirls Identify Dud Ncjfrii.
I boinasvi I le, I fee. II Lllei us
' Robinson, negro, was arrested at
Moultrie and brought here and
identified by two young ladies as
i tie- man who entered the home ul
.lack Walker near Merryville. The
negro le-ld the two ymuig Indies
1 11 » a I the point id a pistol.
$ 0
f %
We wish to < *\ 1<* 11 (I to you ;i cor- >
'V dial i ll \ ion 1o visit our store ;ind
0 . ®
0 sec it iii full liolidnv dross, with a (*)
® . *. i
0 Complete Line Holiday Presents
d) 0© ©: :©; ©o'©©©©©©© ©©©© © © © © 0
0 . $
0 \\ (> can furnisli presents for every- 0
(i) 1 . * 0
0 body at prices within the reach of 0
all. ( nine before f iie host and 0
r h prettiest of aid icles have
0 1 0
0 been picked over (*>
0 0
'yJ \Vc arc arc alwayn |»l>*u^f?<l to liavc you vikit our place
(#) '2?
- 0
|> The Palmer Drug Store *;
l eper SiHcumhs to Disease.
Savannah, Dee. II —Sergeant (’.
Mi\, n l<>|)i*r■ who has Menu snt
-1 luring I«*f live nr six yi'iii'H from
r| i In l disease, is ih’iiil ai Kurt Serev
i «'ii. \\ lull’ I>i *inir haired fl'uin »!<•-
r j 11 vi• si'i’N lei' in ilic tinny mi nc
- i'*iilll l ill Ins ilisi’iisi’ hi’ was car
!■ i'ii'il mi I In’ rolls nl' i lie ('mist A r
I iilli'i’y. lie was isolated in a small
r coM Hire set nsitle hy I In’ govern-
I nii’iit . lie was well to do, 111lier
e Mine a small lortniic from Ins I i
- I lief in Texas.
i S
Man Deal In Denlh Willi kiiucks.
Kspanolu, Fin., Dec. lii—The
■ count rv is heine scihil’ei 1 m search
” ol Lem liaker, eharei’il with kill
| i 11 o; .1. H. Todd,a sect iiin liii’ema ii,
11 here. The men engaged m a tight
ami Maker, who was formerly ot‘
• ' Ihtx ley ,< I a., was hea I I: i death.
f._ . .
i The Soul li Inis spread Lro.tdnist
1 over this count rv an invitat ion
"' lor llie farmers who are longing
lor < 'anadian wheat lands to come
I to the warm section and take up
nett,or I’urnis lor less money,Those
who have |he migration lever are
j iiihirnied that there the .’>()(),ooi),-
000 acres of rich land waitin'' for
them in the South, which is made
to include I tklahoina. It, is ad*
milted that some 2011,1 It)(),()(HI
| acres ol tlie land need draining,
j M'ut it is worth I lie eflm i, and I lie
j other aeres are ennui'll anyhow.
I lie Southern [ample intorin their
wandering hi’iilliers that if they
go to the wheat lands of Canada
they will have tn live where I lie
winter is nine months lone, and
II I hey coni’’ t o ! lie Soul h I hey
will live where the winter is miily
t hree months, and of small con
sei|lieiiei* at that as to the cold.
In the variety of possible crops
the Smith lays way over the Cu
nadiuu w le’at seel ion. There is
,no limit in what may lie raised
prolitahly mi the warm seel ion id
this country. There is a decid
ed limit to what, may lie produc
ed in the wild regions of Canada.
There are Letter railroad and riv
er facilities fill’ shipping II 1 " pro
duce ol the South than can ever
he expected in the Canadian
Northwest. I lie land is easier to
work, and I lie possihl" davs ol
rest while the crops are growing
ui’e longer. There is mme ol a
hi aim 111 t lie Sold h I hall 111 t hat
cold place to t lie Hurt h ward.
NO. 36