Newspaper Page Text
'• lK&l
C s t
Notice i' tie it-
Gillis ha* in - • a
plied to me for ,• 1 m > ’ .;, mi
tuition on the e* i e of I*-, id I)
Gillie, late of eaicj cm, ... d - a-cd
and this 1* to cite all id *. guhu
the creditors and kindred of ■■ i id de
ceased to show cause if any thee can
at the next regular term of the t oiif i
of Ordinary to he held on tile firs:
Monday in January, next, why he
should not receive letters of admin
istration as applied for. This the Uih
day of December. 1909.
Alex MoAr hnr. Ordinary.
See onr famous Corliss, Coon &
Co.’s All-Linen Collars. The vcrv
best material in the latest styles
W. 11. .McQueen.
For Leave to Sell.
Georgia—Montgomery Count y.
No ice is hereb.t given rl.a Jos.YV.
and das. \V. Sharpe, guardians of
Lift Sharpe, have applied to the 01
mjinnry of said county foi leave to sell
rail of the real estate of their saiil
■iid for distribution and the pin
(Hut of debts, and said application
heard at the next rcgulai
t&is court to lie !)*•!•! on the
in -la.ii.a lulu. Tin
my Kxccutiix mi,..
HPeorgia— Mmirf".
f Undcr a rut in. vi
the ('ourl of i> s 1 '■
will be sold on : '>■■■ b t
January. Utl", b«- f ■
door in -aid co up .
legal hours of sale h
bidder foreash. on*- ■*" ■ - •
the Town of Stuckey. (}., . ... '
one certain storehouse. > d a
property of the esni'e tv i. • !
Stuckey. late of aid • d*
ceased, for the p',« p■ . , : i . ."i!-
lion among heirs. I .its tin ah
day of Doceinbei. HMD.
Miimie Morrisoti.
Ex. Estate Henry ']’. Stuckey.
For Leave To Sell.
Oeorgin—Montgomery County.
Notice is hereby given that Mary
A. Dennis, administratrix of the es-
Itnteof.l. B. l’urvi , has applied to
the ordinary of said county for leave
to soil all of the real estate of -au;
deceased, and said . ; ;• cate n will
be heard I 1 'he n- : • ■■ • ~
this court to be h< . n Mun- •
■day In .umiar> .1' ■ kth
S ‘ .» 4 u,•ember. IS..'-).
ilex Mo At dm:. Ordinary.
For Leave »•> Sell.
Mump miu- i ounty.
■ka i* hereb. gi-.t li that L. ('
by(jlf c ® a Q., guardi til iif Victoria.
■» Murdm !itui y, hij ., c • Jami l
has „.. ,i f . iU •
f®"*/ * leave to ci in ; 4 t .-t <••••. o;'
land knn., | jo! ~« lsf |
li the Eh e!1 tn Laud Li*.i ict of s.iul
. county, at - tt id . 1,-a ion will be
heard a' ti. I)( . x: ~. . of the
oomt ofor4 m) v , t )t . I*, •rj 0l) 1i,,.
first Mood*;,, i ‘ t , Tui
the tfui day . i ,
A thiti". Ordinary.
Mortgn,,. Forcei-sore.
Georgia—Mon, >r. , < i.nty, ’
Lndcrand byyit'ueof a power of
sale coritaineo i oiortg’. .'executed ,
by M li. < leasts to Matt. Cook
( 0.. on the t-Ph t v of M itch. Hnr *
and recorded in t . office ... ( let *of
the Superior Co; n „f Mon tannery '
county, in Hook 'Ji>;r •• lti”> t l *’* un
tieisigned Will welt ~ publi. -ale at .
the court house Ip Aj.i t . /U m v, dur- j
Ingthe legal hours*) r 0 the 1
hig'test bidder «:i 'msl,. -lie follow- '
W i, ; Part of lot of |
Jaiici Kijrhiy >vf*n com rain- ;
taiimig _45 Vt!l ,tfive "• e- of land i
part of lot of land .N amber Eigli- I
ty Six. con tuning t went . -live acre- |
making on, luuidred acres in all,
being the same land purchased by j
M B. Clements from li. A. coleman |
for ihe purpose of paying a certain!
promissory note bearing date the 14:
day of Marcn, 15)07, mid maturieg,
November Ist, 14)07, and made an ex !
ecuuon by the said M. B. Ci< men: .
Said note being for $214.41 principal.;
f 39.85. interest, together wi.h 1 lie j
cost of rliis proceeding as provide ' ,
in said mortgage, and conveyance-j
w ill be made io the p ;rciia-er by t v :
undersigned as provided in stiid;
mortgage. This the ri n triv of iae
cellibet, HMD. >i;,in:l ui Bu eh. .
A' t\. for M . ' .ok &C . I
Sliend Sue
* J
Gem Kit ->!■ so .. . t a
Will be H :,i «:f
Mt. V-i n e- tie
*lO, tier Wee i l I- . . • j
Sliest b! Hler f T ,-.s ~ ,
flk-tl tile f in r ■ «.
that t.. a,i to <•
*- fefct in I *
county ■ te> ,
c. II Jones, e ' ■ y • H
Williams. O - re t s<> . i\ ii
of MIS- N 1 1 Koaell 11
\ve-l l)V * )a i.
meats thereon, said _>.•<. • belts:
the possession of c. I- He - , a.
being levied on a- ’ • *-r
Geo M i oiirsoii. - t il n .
■so sati-f . an ex* J c dii a i -sued I
the Superior court of M- ntgotii'-t;.
county in fat tir of die !; •as ,u
erton ugaiiist eo'ge M I mi - 1
said property bei, g designate I in tin
within fl. fa anti also heitig pointeO
4 h.vjd ainritf. Wri: en muict giv-
Mil iretl by ia'.v to the defen
*v <4 .:'fa and o he •*.» • ti;
pft. <msi nt This h> - o ! . of De
cember. liMS). .ia, •'
Sheriff A. C. ,
W, t- Wllaan A tty for pi/!. I
Tins weather demands u new
jnv ii.'tiaT. Do not tail to see t liosh
.j hc j!'- showing—t ha J is, those we
. I are s,‘.uig and selliagfast. Cheap,
. J, all the quality necea-
I sai’v tor \vle tiiid wear
\V . LI. IMcQueoi:.
Rl'L’i MSI.
\ \
i tato of tlemgitt-Mui»k ninry Cuiititv.
In tie* SniH)ii.,r Court,'\ eiutui Te.i ill, 19i'tl
»l U. tittalies, As»iki"‘v, ' lam-s,
VH \
(i. It. ilisb'\
■ I T being representot to t|\ Xmirt Uy die
' edition es M. I*. flni;h,-.s as 1 1,, iis-ign.uc ot
Jani.-n UeNatt, dial b> ,e ,-l 01 *o<
ilimd tie I‘Jili Uiiv of Ocfobar. !JO, b It
; liislii c nve\,;U to tin- saut .tallies .Uiymt a
lot Ot 1-ltlii nltuale, llioK Hilo Im io,- u Ita
: 1313 d disti 1,3 (t. VI. of '■ ion ■ CO’III
IMI tlif* B* 'iitli >»<le of' tin* sriect i u t» 4,
Ailev tii Mt V».i»n»n via liii-ti-; h\*u
, ruu, fl-iliiilif; Hai l BIM-rf lOv'J t’cei ami 1 iitniii v!
( t*aok 210 feel, bouii loii fill lliu vvt sf i>y
Jof iVu r iohnuon, iio*'ii i*> :ti>.'Vt» uamo !'
rtre«*t: uii»l ot* the *. ist ami by iumi, t
. J. McNutt, for t.tie jmrpoM.- 01 a«'Curi<iK the
‘ paymefit of two ct rtdin m»i h by flic
•aid ‘ i U. l>i p* .0 1 lie »*iiyl icNaU, l foj
:2. r » «lue Jan. 1, iVOO, aid one tor *VS neon
file l*t Jav of »>ctob. i, 1906, both for uiu num
'of SIOO. vvliieh sanl iiol« t% are liowMueauO]
i i if< oialen d that- the O. I*. IMhliv tltr
i)av uiti) ibis Conn by lliu 1 <lay of m\ i '
tcMto ilie piini ipa), iniererti nii (inwun;
- »id iioii'H. or hUjW cause, if .my lie b; s to t it
-00 bran ovihai mOclaulf there d forecloHUiv
ot* to the said M. I*, tl as-si^iD'C
. »> aioiibaid of naid uiortyu re, aod rhe equity
, ,*f t vuUnuptioo of the said O i». filthy tlu reun
. be so. * ver barred, and tiiat - .1 vice of tbi» rule
'»• pcffecied on said (V fi. ti:r>b\ according to
! t .tay.
November s ih, iou9.
J. H. M vm IN.
d. N. C. O. J C.
.V tniy eo|)y <•!' the miuiiteN of this conn
J. r. « albonn i lerk,
1 . lit 1• . A**.“i lie;, lot W. I*, llil^iich,
Shhf.lT Balo
' ■ j - • ■' * v■ J
• 1 • •: io. D«re rfi * it.: house door irr l
’ 1 i ”' "i‘ f • •'"H» yV 111 JoiiliHr yJ\
I J‘do, L. t-A'-Ci Auj le/d iiOme f «ai-q to Mid
‘ r e- hi ■ * ‘ i h i, e-: t'. - ,»erly i|S' :
f whir ‘V» * .• t- * ('■.■>■. )ic'e fiencrijiiioii r
9f' o«N -[ • U • \ l/ ft Vahi Kiu shoes; SI '
i • ‘ N i ’.'.V ' • rain M, Eyelet
; y. 3 d » .-* -• s .avnhp Bl'J Tui. -f.
; l ‘ ; •11 ’ s o Mo k mim 01 'jn .d) Hide,
: d of **'■ u ■ n M 29 nn :
h.*r 1 ’•» ;6 Mil. jof rOfci, iu b'-r 334 Box j
f H-bi . ? i. i *• k). en.nio r 3tU Pat. f oil 1
. hln ■ |MirH '1 sf't.'.'i timber JMI Jb«t. \) ■
}r 1 - * '• iniij' l ! 3fH V i ao tyo; 7 •
: . ' , • . ' t imUi 370 : :it Coil Rut ; 6
’it i !>i' nd | i ib9 of plain .Vlmiji Pol
- tab; » » a f , • >*k iinmom i.».j lion*j P&i.
‘y ■’’ * iijf, • hoc a 'imhrr 132 • ; Oli-mj
'be: i L-atn'or -is * Vici w- lt
it'a ; cU uinofcr H 361 P«f. Coif
1 • (•: A *' * I d? B'-x ' f. !'.:•! : ;
lO }> • n ul Hovk fimin r - i Vi i Cfcp. Blu ; 9
Drtira of idotfk jumhei v i>iU. Cap. Hals ;
10 of sti'ok iiuobei 4 . Vl.O Rat. Bhi.;|
H> | rtia of Ktid k nnnbcr il l D"ti\ • I’olikli,
S l»i* i*B ot HU/cli i»u iidvi 14 7 Iv•* * x. I'ai Bln
I • ■•.: »! • • '•'!:• »»i Hut
'■*l c • 1 -'U- of and in the }am*' ►»» m ; tec de*
!le:!-.«lin atl leloneni, J. R. ti S *> f led
t -•’»«' :i ’ » • ' tHi
:it >;4, *bv H conrl W raid .bv jin fa.*-1
-i f* ; F Fli»i>t) Hh f )< '•). A’U'kA. ,
st .iiti•••- of Uv v •, i v.-n .«)/req aired by,
w. ti.ihrh- J 2 da* of .1 o
.i * 1 *.l ro'unied so nieb* V. u , i4ent« > r ) Utpil* 1
Jii' U»_« f -yfiheiifl, M. C. j
.!■ IS Calhoun, Any. for rtf'
Sheriff .Salt#. j 1
1 too t* via ry'-’oun! 1 .
‘A iii be Hoh) ..1 . bu com ( house door in
I It. Vbiimn on tli ft*i Tuesday in January, I
1 i9io, hetween hour« of sale U» the 1
; highest, aud m*' ; uiddor for cash, oertiiie
nroproi v <.l i»e'* tli lollowing in a complet* l ;
j des' i ijAion*. ,
* AU that oi a ,<* ing and b**it.g in the
I ‘ w 7"> ii • isuiifi lj. . ■' aai county and «t;tre 1
! , <( ‘*i 1 ii 'up ' "* '■ f i' : *■' north bv hiiidfl of tin [
j «-afa *• li f ‘ Ki, p. ifj urn an<i Wll born Branch. \
■: «t lv. AndH of she eat vie of vl 4 f) Pet^raoti,
! •.>>» }i ,R fimda of .1. til Dees mid went b»
I ’Hi i dae A MorrinOn; containing oat ,
[ ; n* if d (hid) ner<*x more 01 le«a, .md lnd/A;
f , ; 4 . if.t <3a cm* veved hv said .VI I). iVeinoii tut 1
; ;'.v he, Cano w Dattiel on ay 24th, 19f‘f> ;
f sjiid prfnojity levied on as the pi»>|)ertv »>f i
.L. P- a»U 10 satisfy an < xeiuithui ir*«med from
o «i4v City Coriri ot dt. Vernon iii lav o of The j
• »din i’ianiuiiy C". ag-tmbt the «;*s■ 1 rl. Ij. ;
C .ff. S| Property pointed nut tb deh ndani
in li fa. A'lit ten I. nine of levy given an »e
--jflircd b> law. This tim >?n d«v ot ' econluo, :
iUUd. T.VMEh llh> J’EH,
stier; if Montgomery Couoiy.
•-V. M. Lewi/t, Vtfy. fm PH IN
For Years
‘I keep I)r. Mile*’
Pills on hand al! the time, and
would not think of taking a
journey without them, no mat* j
ter now short a distance I am
going. I have a sister that has 1
had terrible headaches for years,
and I coax'd tier to try them
and they helped her so much,
she now keeps; them by her all !
the time. From my own exper- ;
ience 1 cannot praise 'them
63 High :st., Penaco.ik, N. li.
M.iny persons have headache'
afur any little excitement or ex
ertion. They cannot _ attend .
church, lectures, entertainments,
or ride on trains without suffer- ;
ing. Those vrh suffer in this
way should try Dr. .’.liles’ Anti-
Pain Pills. They give almost i
ir art rr-ipf without leaving J
an - d sagrecable after-effects, as (
hey do not derange the stomach - i
or bov-.eis; just a pleasurable i
sense of relief follows th ( -ir use. ;
Get a package from your dihig- j
gmt. 'Take it according to direc
tions, and if it does not beneiit ’
he Will. return your money.
I i
Will pay 70 ceuta per luisiit-l lor
100 bustuds corn and 80 c>- 11 Is (icr
biundred for 1,000 pounds of f.*d
: tior. Also want to buy two niulfH.
1 .\ddresa at once,
12-28 ts) Kiiibec. (la.
"\\ hat e the matter with lliu
whole con 1 iy? is tli 11-. an-wored
liy uK 1 -as editor :
'• \\ • 1 ovs aw a v a-lies to ini\
1 p': we raise ilogy anil buy bog*: 1
grow weed -a mi buy vce'cLubies !
: :id broom* ‘ we calcli lisli with
:i fonr-dollar rod; we tnold «ch*)ol J
, 1. macs and send our eli ildreti away
Iron 1 home to be educated, stud at
1 Ist we send mil' boys out %\ltll a
t -rty dollar gun and nincb* i ii-d"|-
lar dog to bunt a ten-vent, game.”
Sheriff Sale.
Co-in Ki- tt' ntßoinvn 1 on my.
Will !))• h«)kl ll«'bn'r l||< iMMirt l»ni«Mf d'*or 11
Ml. Vt'lliull »tl thlf ti**Mt y'lUrtd/lV 111 J'lltUJil V,
1 ‘II* b"lw« *ll t lx* !• mcl IldUl V t»| rtitlv, lu till*
i t|»livsi bitlil i !•*» hbli, ctMiVm property, of
v <mMi (I ■ tollnwin- is it cuirt,/. i.t* vl< sciipii'.ii:
' t )\ 11.. t rriic “i p'HD lot •*-! Hiuutc, lying:
. j.t li' iiix to llic Hu veiitli iund tiintnev of'
ry cMiuUv, Oooiv.iu, ami coulainiuM .
j g acres inoreoi uad bunud- ;
» l/ n „ Jim a. On i fio north b> tin- Inn s ln*-
1 /. ••!, j ~v-• mi's and M<ui:jp.)|in r> r cmiuty, on
’/n t. I : afti HO'ilh uv lauils ol \V. L I'aii it?'
J K.I (Ml ill*- I».V land* «d M:uy .lillin Tow. 11. j
J tit) l‘ t “d bc»i»K iu ffcc northern
ts of hot So. I'hre© Hundred Lnrtnd on ,
j.'o th* pro tv iv o? A\ , B. Ouuiii to rfuUaty a i
Mii.tri a'o. li. Ya. if/'H'd from the Hupruor
' ‘ mrt oi Ho id county Ibe Cont inental
'mu r .mpanv ■- •W L (M 1 *- i'vopurty point
. ait it;. ■ I .until? It. !i. In. T“’ "'itt.-t. IHtlic
of levs given an u-qmiod by 1>^ V * thn 6lb
«.;ty ui January, l'.H/'J. >
--i it ti S. Chappell, A tty, for HflY v
Sage and Rod Popper.
Mt. Vernon Drug Co. '
Land For Bale. !
184 acre* of land situated' two;
miles from Cedar Crossing on
Lyons and Cedar Crossing public
road. Tartly in cultivation, and
IJo acres are tunable. W ill make
some of tile best farms in the* (
section. For terms apply at. 01F"
*’ ! M Davis
Route No. 1 Mt. \e, 1(OI) Oa
6UOO Migh-Qi'ude Local Views,
Ohrist,mas and New Year Post
cards on display and soiling One
Cent Each at Palmer Drug Store,
Alley. ‘
Christmas Candies.
Mt. Vernon Drug Co.
To Stock Buyers:
We are in Mt. Vernon with a
carload of Kirst-Class Horses and
Muies—most ol them four and
five years old, and some weighing i
HOO pounds. All well broke to
harness and saddle. Onr prices,
me right, and if you will examine
before buying, we can s.ivo you
money. Very truly,
.1. M . Rrooksher A Son.
'PAGE Fence
Won y t Rust.”
■ l t—j-'-’ * ■*--) 71 . L-3f
yr I , :
In buying Fencing
it is nothing short of
economy to use the
best. The Page is the
:cst to be found on
lie market. Comes
in standard sizes, and
always in stock. If
reliable goods, prompt
delivery, and general
satisfaction in fencing
is wanted, see me at
once for IT.
Soperton, (7a.
■ww©'- “ w..
Dec. Jf>—Judge How
ard Van Kpps. well known jurist,
autiiorj.ind soldier fell,dead , on a
t am MtJLakejOlt v. Kla., at the
; age of tij. For eight years Judge
\mt Kpps Was judge of the city
! court of Atlanta and wm for hint
.•ell ait > ti t'epli t atton in I hill
capacity; lie won a far more ex
tensive reputat ion, however, as tin
i aut lior and coinpiler of law books,
j being t lie aut I). if ol Van Kpps Di
, eesl to * lie Miprcun* court decis
ions amlo| ot lew works. He was
jnlsu pro in i iti-u t in chu-oli work.
(Jood middling cot ton was qimt
ed ui) the Savaiinah market yes
terday at liflveii and iime
sixteenih cents.
Cu/fce tor Americans Cost iftI.OIW.WM) in IMO'l.
Washington, D. ('.—Every
American who takes his cup of
c*otf e may like to know that in
tile ten mouths of 1 'Job he lias
led pod to use up just f(V1,000,000
worth—B If),000,000 pounds, and
that night-tenths of it came from
, 8 mill America And of all that.
Brazil furnishes more than 000,-
000,000 pounds.
including eotfeo, u!l previous
records for fjouth American mi
ports will be passed tiiis year by j
40 per cent, according to tint cal
culations of the bureau of stat is
tics of the department of com
me roc and labor. The total value
all tin- imports will let more
~1,1111 $200,000,000.
In rotiirn, our exports to South
will probably equal, if
tIV'Y do not exceed the high murk
ado in 1007, when they touched
Ftrewbrfcs!—Mt. Vernon Dreg
• - \f;;
For Sale.
1 am offering for sale a good j'
farm mure and two colts. Sire old:
coifs SB,OOO German coach stalli
on. Attractive prices on tins stock
it sold tit once. Apply to
Mt. Vernon, Ga
There is not it single living
' who knows nil London, wlio hn
ini'ii through every ► or into
every oi'-nCDiii square iiml termon
Tills Hti-rns n hiirrl .saving mid il i«-
! iti" which visitors from abroad or
the colonif s find it. hitrd lo he
in‘V’l*, l.tit nevertheless if iihsio
Intf'ly iiml iiu'oiitrovorf itily ini'*.
Let anyone lnkM u limp of l.on*
• ion iiml t ry to min i; in n il ink nil
the streets which In''■•■in honestly
say ii<' hns v.“iti'd mnl ho will liavo
to eoufes* that hr* knows but littlo
of the met ropfdiß of t.ho world and ■
thattho rod murkt-il streets are,
hot ns nothing compared with)
tin iso which hi' tins iiml to leave j
untouched Loudon < Mobn.
wawtr ro LOAN.
Money to Imiii at. (5 nod 7 per 1
cent. on unproved tunin'.
Coon meat looks and tnshe
something like gun.**u f >wl, being
dork and tough unless fixed up
right. A coon is more dainty and ;
precise than a possum about what
In eats. A possum, like a hog.wil ;
eat anything, any sort of carcass
Many old Southern darkies hold to
the belief that they must have m
least one mess of coon meat a win- j
ter to keep off old-faahioned negro
It isn’t enough to hope for tin j
best. Jn these days of cooipet/. j
tion yon must tight for it.—John i
A. Hevdler.
They toll of a girl in St. /Lims
who thought she was marrying n
real count, but found later j hut lie |
was only a good cook. What u\
; narrow escape!
. g
I We have ™
| no schemes I
1 I
(t) to promote £
;is they can consist- Os
1 «" LOW 1... |
■ 1 .. ; ■ f «
Quality and Service %
|J Considered |j
® i
(V) .IAS. K. Cl RUIK, MiiU. ■ (*)
Monuments, Tombstones
- people of
tliis sec* tion that we have opened a f
(! first-class ijimrbJcy business in Vida
lia. Wi* are prepared to furnish
on short notice anything in the line \
of Monuments, Tombstones, Orna- |
mental I run I'cueing, etc.
Designs tin* latest and most correct |
and tasty, Prices are ri<*lit, and |
work n> ill give satisfaction.
jj V idalia, (ja. |
ll ~ »
t \W- , .W.W.V.SWAP,V.*
in Croup, Whooping; Bronchitis, La Grippe,
Qimis y, Hoarseness, Hemorrhage of the Lungs,
Weakness of the Lungs, Asthma and
all diseases of
Eleven years ago Dr. King's New Discovery permanently cured
JS me of a severe and dangerous throat and lung trouble, and' r 've
I been a well man ever since. -G. O. t Uiyd, Merchant, Kershaw, SC. j
Mt. Vernon Drug (’o : Palmer Drug Store,
Ailey: Rivers Drug Company, Gleiiwood.
*. •
* ,* A I