Newspaper Page Text
1 — * -
try I’link TaX COLLECTOR 1 •.._
triotrirf ... , „
nc ut H nigofTf**ty .
f h®y th** of th* wnort- m >'
#c<!or*"' r C * off** Bjvm if* <•»:>.ti<: f
I o of TV* ColiNrtor. msojn t to the re
cti* <il *uch primxrv [ei' ftion s« m . I <
,' rt>rovj li»d, I f«-*• I *b*i m*- 1 if; *-
Ijulth lk« tMn of sh« mimt* will «o« r. i ‘
~ »l*port of III* people ami t > tin rr. 1
my earn*** ,-n'i< in th* ■
m<m <tf thu daiit , «Ti*itmail>«i>t tijwro the ..fsi •
ts J Ik? f«>oi«.l with It, ,nd io ti>:- <
l aniwllf itk the loppott of my fritti'J' a
f'jiKjw oitizoii?*. lieriK'O'.fitiiT
I’.'. V. COO EE
I iiercby jannoaoco mv caii*li'l*ev so. H t
of clerk of tho .VijjM’ilur Com* of
gotnerjr county, *ub|ecl to tin action f it>
Itr-mocrktic primary. If *lect*<l, I iminiim t
dittriiai *;<■ ihe affair* of tli« <>oi< • faithful" a:
in a btialtiaaa-likc.manner Tl>aukiiii( yon n •
advauur for join aupcm f, I am
Very rrepictlully,
To the People of Montgomery Count;.
Prom boyhood I have had a laudable a*r!.i
lion to repnaent tho county of my nativity i
the Oeorria I"K!»l»tnru. Yichlinv, to H
ear Iff l aolicitaltona of fiioiidlin every aeo 1 J
of Montftoimiry county, I hereby aimin''
myaelf a candidate for thu Lower Kotma oi tin i
neat Oenernl AaeemWy of Oaorgia, aid ji
tho action of a Dninocralic inimary, at.on:
one be held. I protniae in advan . to <lo nr.
fail d o in earn- lam elect* d. T'hankio.f ci.
and alll r yonr Hupport, 1 remain
Youra vein truly and loyally,
W.U. ii HI NT.
I hereby announce myanlf a eandidat' fni
the oltiei ot Kb' i iff of Montgomery county *< j
thu approaching general election. I offer no.
*e'f aiiliject to the action of tlm Daruoeratii '
prunai vof arid county. I lure hud con*i<l< i j
able experience in the duties of the ofli " i j
preniUe ifeledcdto give the pt-'iph a frei'll- j
101, conacieultoua mid i ffu :i< lit adminmtratioti ]
ttolicltn g the a i|rpoit of the people gLum J
ally, l am Youra truly,
To the People of Montgomery Oonntj
My candidacy fo* 10-olcction to the office
Hhariff of Montgomery countr la buhue he
good poopT ; and I fee! that the rtltttatlon tv 1
warrant mu in aaMuc the I»ra* cordial an)
port given me tu thl* m» drat term. I trio !
that m> labor* hare been f und ac -eptal.h t 1
the'-; *t.d in aakiog the further amipoi i
•if my (tdlow citlKuua, I phvlge anew rut mo- 1
cat-tie*( effort* ill thu dlnt-bargc of the ilutn . j
of ih" oid.-e, Ir an tint point to uiy rt emd i
and avk that the >*ni« in oou*idi red at till
approaching election With fitrtll.n- aaaurun
cm ui uiy apraelatioii, l beg to rv niai-i
Youi obudient aervunt,
attMffk'f" -**- '
To *ho Vetera of Montgomery Coaiit'
I mho thl* method of publicly Miuimnch ,
my eamiidacy for re-cdection to the othee o
11. e«lvor of Tax Return*, autijeot to the idle l
of the Klioutive Committee I enter tin
race tintramnioUd by any entangling allium.'- j
whatever,and l ptomfac if elected to di*ch*rg. }
th« dalle* of the affine with prompt**'’** ;
with eijual right* to all and apccial Uliviity,
I. nolle; and 1 further promise if fav. red wit, (
tl,i* < Cl--* for another teiin to roiuntaiil.
retire a; the • miration of »nch M-cond term.
XOUra very irnlv,
\V. HrjiKi Cl.iß*.
For Tax Receiver:
To the Voter* of Montgomery t'ouutj :
Ylt (ding to strong ti.lluoi.n-* in my favor, 1
hereby uniioatioe niy*elf an aspirnnt for t'o ■
office of Tax Receiver of thi* oatttity, and Ij
eariieatly ask the kind enimnler«r I it mi •
follow citileus. I find that mv ijuahbe iilon. !
J-IHlify the i tpii -t, and that my htbui* O'nnli
pr vv a<-ce|itabie to the peoplu vvliotn I h-*h t ■
a.-rve. It elm ed, it will bo mv doolie to hi I
t>n pine, to the bent d mv ability, givo,;- i
mv entire tune and attention when n.pur. d ■
A'ling that mv request be given eotn td. t i [
tt,.ii at tile puli*, at dln tioeurU with the ruli*
1 aut Vui v truly joure,
H. H. PsjtVY.
For Tax Culkclnr:
Having fortncrly withheld my candidacy t. r
jm! lit -Hiee at the illstanee id ft leii l*. in
uow beltu'e die veter* r.f Vnntgone.r.v enunt,
aa a candidate for lax Collector; a id I liu-l
that th<» Rnnlal animuoccturnt will ha\otn»
appioval of those fnemt* win. h*v< ah-e;t.i.
tender'd their oippoit. togethei nidi t
•upitort of the people geuerxUy. If I *1 ‘lt -
In- (avoie l with thm luijHH-railt trust, 1 pie i |
mv best effort* m the vuwdtarge of *lic int > ■
ot the ottiee, f eling that mv exp none m tin
kndiha- w .idd xnd my anquamtan e with tti
public affitr* of the county nil merit the n > t
ot the nublie lam titiimvurohr.Hl, and il
legal dlM'ha>ge of the dolin' •>! the lift'-
ahall be t|tv guide and motto. Tin* tig that
1 may have opportunity of (bowing in. apn.
•lathei of run-ort, and plaemtr tnv .-v. ru-i.a
ev Miliiect to inch re*t totto-i* ** May be pt - • j
tided tor the Hu turn l .<ui
. A. J. Cr.tßE* j
For Tax Collector.
Ity'thia method I detirr to fully plsce to -
aelf befnre the vat -r* “1 VU tilg roerv entloty j
a* a candidate f-.r tbp'offv.v nf T*x ('ol',K , -.i.t j
an t wnlle I am making »u earnest ’
Mm place, I d»Hr* tr. * fell tin m.idtalauppo,
of titv p.s'pl,.. A* a Cttia-U, I d«etu thi - on*
of the mu*: import nt ofli.,* tr. the eoinuv
11 - and that H ntjiilt** the w irk nf t. .-svef.d
t, c'Wtpetejiv and ooiiaclmttoua ruan. üb-* iv: |
lb" taw nt a-t intpat’ial msnt. r; and i .
V or. nt of alec:inti, ah tlpoaieini gnu w*t
I'l di.tgvivw In ad »nc. I ext nod thank* 1 (
the *upiw rt that may bt a.'v»*rrse*l me a* ti. i
Nn AictU au.i subjecting re. nl.e tr. *u .
Yu lea •« may tm jrovt led by the cour.'v gov
r;g rvnjwiitt.e, ]am
Your* wry napectfoUv,
. * I' K vfin ’astir,
*•* \ ' . :
• Mn. the UnittMi States during 190; :
4 jfehAfo were* 70 Ivnchinp*. thv hi; -
* Wvart tv.mtbor r».cv>vriit»d tnuce JiK)4—
1 ,V l »>0 Iteg O S I’wVlv
•fditt l s ly.vr t-o answer tor lynch
HTritorv Thf'sut*
■ Texas, Floritift, L »ti
jg.tkfhvh CsrdMn# Arkannif
, , pitnbKttgQig4fl pt TM> laaowri attv.
Wes* V’.iitamc ‘>k m
Fcr Cuudlj? Trca-uecr:
I it ih# L' jfif'UtKH will i
> }V. ts • ' Tr< Miiit** the ,
' .a ;ft.'ji *i u mu
. * !,«• ifkX j* tr<*(*fth» hHtTfcl conutien. 1
It rit - 1*» •ltiT»!'4) *»t tf.*- 4; .
‘ riit- t » - it, #» I atffii n
»r e „ ; i »nf;rrv 4*k*m; <*n the follow- ,
1 ! J -I,# ' . ('ivr goo<l an«l
i . e handling of tit* c'nutty
» fun'lli,
»e to fak** ot)f> ''♦•nt of
it ft* i.* »;»y fnnJft rewiv-d or di*- 1
-j • - ff' (n«* Tr*a**ur#r'n I'ooku
> . '1 Alien Hie r#** ortii* aft
t . f v • , • f itind in corrtßt
] ' s O* !**. ' moil Hi'iiitr# <*<m p«y mv
hre' MolUr*.
* i* • ; *ri «i paring of tW4»lv#i imu
r f » payffi * of th#* t>*>niity.
> 'ijwnp It* ttif fax of
t * t a Jut Iter Ui*-v Witut to par i
: *! s ‘I re♦ hniidred dollars for thin
... rli- Ruppoi t of the peopld of
r .it fruity s >#.* ?>*'• »f!x»ve for.flihuiN, I am
Your* verj Irolv,
__ j *
* »•' * r . M County:
I « » - a>? & randifljite
i t:» . I of MoritK r uru}r>
i ' eonditioim: If th«
f. * . c llrlll thf* offie« of the
* ’ r m» tb" next Ht HMion, (wtiii^
! tam ; - !.'i > <>f * «ie being aboliNbed.)
I i i" a t*atii*i«etoiy iiond to
;j, i. r n . i *-, i: >. I'Ubt# *»f all f»ind»».
; i»MMiivei'H book* 4 in <oorr«ct
-ii ; i. foi my xorvjeeH m Couiatv ’
I . . li n:»4i rd ami Fifty Doi- !
■ $ w r.r, 1 r*Miix*; that the offiu* >
f • . ii* ceAgvry espenne to the
tv i* • i» . r-tnnv, hence offr myself uh
i *iiff* ■ t. Mint m* itif»ne<l.
I t r »• )inr. *?>'iit to hold the .
f* t r »pple t unable tt> wi»tk. I
«i i thu olfi •• fra Mrnaiiei
m - : >iP v .hii t tan anv other mao.
« . til the voter* p«’r*or allv,
• * n*A t'» a f* r**Ht niHiiy of yon
ij'pv < y<>ui Hupt*ui tiu
ih coaihiK tttettois.
, \ our* very ti illy,
v. Vi .irTLAW*
, Aii' i nier'i-v'ilv.'ij t!i<
1 1-1 •.i ;■ :, n ptt brick and
i.- ■ :r iV" him I'v.-rv «u*
! •• •• • it •ii--' ip 'p.ul him K* ti
i* - i vrit.-r in Mr'k’* N'h- i
H it. ii M • t>titlv.
: r ; tv'T were
;pj i ! old man ’.'"tit to sot
li -.a :11 :tu.| Kiiiri to hnn
‘• X :.»• in if«* fnv< r I via|» lo
i*i:* i* von :trn tiuj*h<!<i 1
in n >•)nday morn-'
A -ituiiiin to thr* con*
a F ' , 4 *ve pntver
j J>nillUne.(t IIP would
/ 1 i" «-, rmon riuuditv iiaru
••it? the tntniutcr forgot all about
•Mi : • iho had made to sh» t
i. , to announce about but
j: i. it 1d to tin* cottgroga*
‘•.vli \ u .idles who have babieff t
i ' i" • ptiZ'd brimj them tin** at'*'
ternoou for baptism.”
l ln old printer who was hard of
• hearii.g. thuiKing that thu mini*-j
!ii.i was announcing hi* prayer t
I '-ook, got up and said :
V . ■ d nil you lad*es who i
j fav:ioy. *ittt a-t vim white ,
i i - s for 50 cents and black ones
for 'JS cents.”
i il that is being said
In! tu !,■■• 1 1 -r h price paid for the'
Ipr 'iil i 'p ot cotton, if the|
• .mvci i: -it tievvn and figure for
t lew maiut s, he will find that!
crop !)..* m l brought such a
pi niter nil. With bacon stdl*'
ui-: fur Id o ut«; flour «nd other!
-:.• v: ■m* it, pi uport ion ; corn and J
"•iv .i; . civ as high ; farm labor
i. 1 mii.'-c i sting tw ice what they
j .t• i vt-u; - ago, not to mention
• ill" •* ill the VH lie of It iff
f.rm in mi : lu* c rower is rx<c«tv!iJgi
s • ii d wnh ten yearn ago,
il tii - - : per pound, net for
■ n c- ' . a.though the ware*
j!i - .; ■" m y rend 14. lu
‘ p'lii.u* ti all outers, the titan
j who Ii- r; c niotit y v>lT hi* cot
i ton O"0 who bnsraiaod hi*
| pt% \i ' rt .;t Is.'.me ami only so
hi* ovn family]
j 'onid c d*"' ixt.d gather. Fonr
c tug, i> 4 ( it doesn't
] out i*o
Tn.- • i i.<» w ,%• the Tiftoo ira
l V V , Slit ,•« • "T- and it
I ,ook> i much that way to ua
Th 1 d so Cn tn den, N.
"» day- itgo'n unu j *hc> left at
i'*{«• vd sl.-100.1 Already 822
h is- i*’ fto claim their
t. sr j. ti • -i? fli-crs have em
ploye .Il v ra Now, if yon
■» just take a
, t . i ■ ,*«• of paper and uiak
,a - i'll:! n .-I trout each heir
.v „ 1 n-t v li-.e time the lawyers
..T- pa : 1., d tt»e court costs w»i
HIE MOM'CfOMEK” v.dbl-.. n :;8.-L>AV. DEC. bO, \ e ,*t>
ITh■. . zis Over! |
jS A' an ir lie,' on I * - - .-t, time* are prosper- »
M on* and tic".. ' c t i ever, we note with ft
M p.lil Mi. *• • lull's that aTO j«!
w b. rj 1,. ..-tied more &;
new • . •; •. I tban ®
ev .-r '.e s; ( me Zg
p Let This s ; r Invitation p
H to open a*! ii'T'Mn r b- -. . never before done
>« ho. We tv. - ti will appreciate k
fig it, \v!. -ti h.. i i us a while 15 j
Ct enough mm:, •to swing it, call on ns. We g* r
eip you out. We ;mw making loans fit
due in the fuTl of 1910 «
Till 'Si. VcRNON BANK 1
Mt. V ernon, Oa. Jv
mic r ..:. •. ,m
mmmmzz r.:: mmmmmi
I Tor BEST L % Ship Yovr I
K r” -
g■ > p
I? r r [ : fTri|i
§ I ; u lli
« a k ... a*r J J2l erv
FLi p
i 8 ■ sava: *na;i, ca. g!
1 | Til ISTY .. . experience | ; i
g in sHUn ?; c g 1
HICr liE : I prices V, *laran- |
§ teefl
LIBERAL ; es on consign- «
g mens g
ALL busiru • I tons given g.
g proni; alh.-at ion
TV *•> V V W‘W ’Nk' -U- ■. . _ ~,-; v iyritrVy^VVVS t r V y^VVVS
| Patrick i:: Company <
l VAX "v,.r A ,;!l', .V. ■ ■ -rytown, Ga. $
l Staple ai*c* u m./icy Groceries
> Dry Goc ~ - .vkens, <
5 Fruits, Pr: -32 <
ft <
> Fresh and IL K ’ ‘;k at Fair Prices j;
► A Trial Is Solicited <
ft . . A <
k.j£k. jiw jALjftk jOa t ■ ■ .-rV •*. •. &. Jk. A
AK k i S
Now On Si til? it aur I\t w Stables
McR Bro.,
lAN WVAL<Bpr jnW |l
lii an many a heatthy, robust
f£\ man or wonia< have fallen victims to disease in ag
some form. True, you may he enjoying a splm.'- 0
W did income from yo<r work; possibly yon may have canital
sP invested, hut in cue- of sudden death, your income ceases,
tj; and without ynuTcare and attention yourestate may’ become
0 bankrupt. F.erv man needs life insurance —and needs it
■ NOW—lor protection of those dependent upon him. mr
?S While dt-ftj jaritr it, —nutting it off from day to day—death aa
may iute.'veue, and the innocent and helpless mane to suffer.
1 Tbe State Mutual Life |
I Insurance Company |
% Os Rome, Ga. 0
LAWSON E. BROWN, Special Agent
0 During 1908 the surplus ol this great and growing 0
0 concern increised 26S per cent During this same
(*) period its gain in assets amounted to 55 per cent. 0
It Over §40,000,000 of insurance in force g
?k Last Annual Statement December 31st, 1908:
Not Assetn - - - $ 1,981.811 -*OB
Not riurpluH - - ■ • 201.269.50 p
C. R. POP TER, President y
(J. Homo Office, Rome, Ga.
Lawson E. Brown, Special Agent
I ;j|
i Capital Stock, §15,000.00
Surplus and undivided jjj
| Total resources over §100,000.00 |L
’{ Geu ral Banting Business Conducted. Accounts Solicited, jjl
Interest on Time Deposits
t ■ }f
IN. L.Gillis, M B. Gillie. J. B. O’Conner, W- C. ? trin ’
W D Martin, M. H Newsom. A. J. Williams* }
N. L. Giliis President. J. B. O’Conner, Vice-P a ‘^ Hl,t *
‘5 J. E. Hall, Cashier.
| John It. Hunter, Wiu. K. Pi»»ree. jfrank C. B*ttey. 1;
j Cotton Factors NavH Stores |
exp.,iuenckd i pactors I:
| Upland Cotton, Florodora, * i
l|| Allen Silk<& Other Extra Stapled*jL
Sea-Island Cotton A Naval Stores, j;
~ i ■ ],
j! Oue of the Largest Factorage Concerns in the South. Each |>
Commodity handled in a Separate Department
Strictest Attention to Each.
I Nitrate of Soda and Other Fertilizers, ji
' i 1
Upland and Sea-Island Bagging,
j! Ties and Twine. !’
I.ih«ral Advances made on Consignments. Money Lohned l|
I to Cotton and Naval Stores Shippers on Approved Security.
£ l?b Bay Street, East. SAVANNA*-’ GA. |
'5 Loan* of anv amount from SBOO to $50,000 on farms in Mont- ft
■ **J M
!5 gomerv and adjoining counti'-e. No delays for inspection. 5
Have lands examined by a man living near you
| LOANS ON FIVE YEARS TIME, payable in easy installments to J
suit borrower.
J Merchants Bank Building Mcßae, Ga. |