Newspaper Page Text
W * . ** V • < • * 7 - ‘ - i
£Tlti> ifimttantmr ilUmitmv
February 2,1. 1910.
The Board of Education of
Montgomery county met to-day in
regular session, with Daniel Pope,
M. Jenkins and W. A. Peterson
present. In the absence of T. A.
Peterson, president of the Board,
M. Jenkins was elected president
pro tem.
The minutes of last meetiny
were read and approved. A. VV.
Harris came before the Board,
stating that the attendance in
Love colored school was very large
and asked the Board to raise tile
appropriation sufficient to employ
an assistant teacher. There being
no funds out of which to pay this
appropriation, it was refused.
Charles Williams et al appear
ed before the Board, asking that,
instead cf having the wagon oper
ated from their community to Un
ion school for the purpose of con
veying the pupils from that com
munity to said Union school, that
they be granted a school ut the
Camp Ground, near the farm of
the said Charles Williams. This
school was granted on condition
that a house, furniture, etc., be
furnished without cost to the
Capt. A. C. McLennan-of Ala
mo asked the Board to establish a
school on lot of land No. 85, in
the Eleventh Land District. Hon
M. Jenkins was appointed to in- 1
vestlgate the matter and report to,
the Board.
There being nothing else before
the Board, they adjourned until
the next regular meeting, to be
held on the first Wednesday in
A. B. Hutcheson, C. S. C.
M. Jenkins, Pres. Pro. Tem.
The society 7 was called to order
and the usual business transacted.
The chaplain, Mr. Miller, being
absent, the meeting was opened bv
prayer, by Marvin Flanders.
The following program was t hen
nicely rendered:
Prophecy—Elza Cowart.
Jokes —Hoy Rountree.
D e b a t e—“ Resolved, That
Charles the Great Was a Greatm
General than Caisar ” Affirma
tive: Edgar Rycroft. Negative:
Dona Seckinger, and Marvin
Flanders as extempore speaker.
The affirmative was granted, a re
buttal and tbe judges decided in
his favor.
After hearing the program for
next meeting read, we adjourned.
E. F.
More than four hundred thou
sand childred in Georgia never go
to Sunday-school. More than u;
million grown folks in Georgia j
never go to Sunday-schoirt. But ,
more than a million children and
grown folks in Georgia do go to’
Sunday-school, and they consti
tute the biggest single orgai.iz-i-j
tion in the State. Their repr
sentatives will meet in convent!
at Madison, Ga., March 22 24
The railroads will giv* special j
rates, and plans have b-en made
to entertain u lug delegation.
There are several thousand
schools in the State, and every
one is entitled to one or more
delegates. The program will in
clude not only the best local Sun
day-school workers of the differ
ent denominations in Georgia, blit'
also some of the prominent lead
ers from tho international field
and adjaceut States. Write Dr.
Joseph Broughton, President, At
lanta, Ga., for program and rates. |
of old papers for sale at
this office. The very thing for put
ting raider carpets, mattings,rugs,
etc. Jjfy their use carpet 6 will wear
longer and the house kept warm
er; also good for papering houses. (
Pursuant to a bill passed by the i
hist legislature requiring all!
schools in tho state to observe
Georgia Day with appropriate ex-!
ereises, Professor Auld invited ev
ery family in the community toi
come out. and bring dinner, and;
right well they responded.
A nice program, consisting of;
leadings, recitations and songs,
had been prepared, and the splen
did style m which these were ren
dered, showed the careful training |
which the pupils had received.
Col. Eugene Talmadge, the or-1
ator of the day. "in a fine oration |
on George M. Truop, held his au-!
dfence spellbound t’oran hour. His ;
i chaste and beautiful language and j
his fine oratory, have never been i
| equaled in this section, and the;
concourse of citizens gathered here
were literally lifted from their
seats by his wit and humor. May
his shadow never grow less.
then the dinner—such a dinner! !
the ladies of the neighborhood, j
already distinguished for their!
fine dinners, fairly outdid them
selves in the spread on this occu-!
sion and all showed their keen ap-;
preciation thereof by the manner
in which they treated these good
The music was ably led by Miss I
Ida Ladsou, and the singing was!
Wish, Mr. Editor, you could
have been with us. Success to you
and your noble enterprise.
From U. B. Institute
The Board of Trustees met and
had a busy session last Thursday. '
Rabun is improving now,
ami it is thought that she will be
<>ut. real soon.
Dr. J C Brewton made a busi
ness trip to Atlanta last Saturday .
and r turned Monday morning.
Sunday was such a cold day!
■hit neither boys or girls went to j,
ehnivh. much to their sorrow. j.
P> - -ball seems to be a topic of
O' e.' i• r sat ion with the boys, and
with the material at hand, and j
plenty of work and hard practice, (
we should get out. a strong teaui. ,
News reach Mt. Vernon yerter- j
day of the death of Mr. A. J.
Williamson at his home in Vida- :
lia Tuesday. Mr. Williamson i
was a former citizen of this coun
ty, and was well and favorably
known by our people. His re
i mains were laid to rest with
Masonic honors near his old home
in this county ut Kibbee yesChrduy.
i Jackson, Ga., Feb. 11. —Butts ,
county will not be among the
counties working their convicts !
| this year. This was decided here
tins week at a meeting of the 1
jc.'intv commissioners. Requisi
te was made to the prison com
;in .-iiioi for this county’s quota
i of convicts, but. they will be rent
led to another county in return for
'work. An effort was made to
have the convicts used at home
and a bond election was held to
allow the people to vote on funds
: to work the convicts here*, the
I election failed to receive the!!
necessary vote, and not having |
enough money with which to work
the convicts the commissioners
: decided to rent them to another)
county for this year, at least.
Dental Notice.
1 will be in my office in Ailey
Feb. 28d, 24th and 25th, and ask
that my patrons call on me on,
those dates.
Dr. M. D. Cowart,
420 Charlton, West,
, Savannah, Ga.
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Cotton Market.
On the Savannah market yes
terday the staple sold at:
Good middling • 15*.
Middling - - 15.
j Cabbage plants. The Mount
Vernon Drug Co.
j Hon. M. 1!. Calhoun attended
! City Court in Mcßae Monday.
Mr. W. 11. Kelley of Turrytown
j was a visitor here Tuesday morn
j big.
Mr. S. L. Full ford of Glenwood
I was a visitor to this office I'ues
j day.
Mrs. 11. D. Youngblood of Ad
rian visited relatives in Alley last
Misses Snllie and Marie Mo
(Queen, who have been sick are
! improving.
Mr. J. M. Lowery of Glenwood
| Route One was 11 business visitor
i to Mt. Vernon Tuesday.
Mr. B. I>. Wood came to Ml.
j Vernon lastweek, Mrs. re
i turning to Savannah vvith him.
After a visit among relatives at
ITvalda and Willacoocliee, Miss
Stella Morris is again at home.
The Ladies Foreign Missionary
Society met at the Methodist,
parsonage on Monday afternoon.
Rev. 11. C. Brewton went to
Athens lust week to see his Bister
who is ill, but is now improving
Many of the Georgia counties
have already held primaries. This 1
year Montgomery is to try De
late plan.
Mrs J. L. Adams lias a beauti
ful new line of Swiss Emhrodct ie- ;
111 match sets, which are remark
ably low-priced.
For a birthday, anniversary or
wedding gift, nothing could be
more suitable than some of the’
Jewelery now on display at Mrs.
J. L. Adams’.
Mr. W. 11. McArthur of Rout'
No. 2 was here yesterday. 11-
lias been indisposed for some
time, but, is improving and now
able to lie out.
LOST —Two black Sows; mark
ed swallow fork in each ear; mu*
has white spot on shoulder. Re
ward for imformation lemlmc to
recovery, D. C. Currie, Ailey,
On Monday, 7th inst-., Mr Wil
liam Connell, living on Route No.
I, north of this place, had all ot
his fodder, corn and potatoes des- (
troyed by fire, which means a 1
great loss to him, as he is a man j
of moderate means. Mr. Connell
will gladly receive any donation
that may be offered, and will call
for same, if it is not sent to him
through the mails, Route No. 1.
Mt. Vernon, Ga. You may not ;
miss a dollar, and it would be ap
preciated by this man.
Some weeks ago mention was
made of the organization of a new'
Masonic Lodge ut Austin, with a
partial list of the officers only.
The following list of the ofli er
in full is furnished by the secre
tary :
S. VV. Harrell, W. M.; M. .J.
Brantley, 8. VV'.; J. M . Cluxton,
J. VV'.; John 11. McCullough,!
Sec.; H. A. Garrett, Treas.; l). K.
iGreeu, Chaplain, N. C. Gillis,
Tyler; I). S. O’Brien, Sr. Deacon;
J. VV'. Gibbs, Jr. Deacon; J. A. J.
Walker. Sr Steward; G. VV. Har
rell, Jr. Steward.
Jet Dog Collurs, 50 cents ; bead
ed jet stocks, 85 cents, at Mrs. J.
L. Adams’.
Miss Temple AI it is visiting
. 1 friends near Cluxton.
i We welcome this week a aplen
jdid piece of correspondence from
, the new town of bvnlda. Let
- every towp m the county have its
people represented in t hese col-j
, limns each week.
We are headquarters for Seed
Potatoes, Genuine .Texas ami Burt
Seed Gats, Seed Peanuts, Onion
Sets and Corn. Ask for quota-)
tions. 1 he Cassei.s Co.
2, 8-17) Savannah, Ga.
I , !
; Farmers, this will probably lie!
a good crop year, but if you fail
house Armour’s Fertilizrrs you
will be making a great mistake.
It can be bought of the several
agents in Montgomery county.!
If contains all the ingredients
1 make a crop grow and hoar
1 Well.
For some time the Macon Tele
graph has made mention of the!
| several candidates fur local office j.
I .... f
jin Georgia. Montgomery county ;
; can always be counted on to fur- j
: nish her pm rata, and we invite j
,i he attention of tin* Telegraph's 1
political column to the splendid |
tiTay now appearing from Mont-j
. gomery.
By coming in at once, you can j
get The Montgomery Monitor and 1
the Atlanta Weekly Georgian at!
■ #1.25 per year. Same rate to old
subscribers. Get onto this at once.
I’av up vour subscription and have
| idle Georgian sent you also.
In a few days the people of this!
motion will have the opportunity
• f having glasses fitted by an ex
! pert, when A. Iv. Huwkes, the old
At lanta optician, will have one of
his best men at Mcßae <fc Brothers’
, store. You will find Imn there on
the 21th, 25th and 2(Uli of this
month —three days.
If you have defective vision,
or your glasses need changing, j
have the services of an ex- j
pert. A. K. Huwkes was estab- i
lished over thirty years ago and’
does not know what failure is
where skill can do any good. One i
of his representatives will be at j
Mcßae A Bros’., in Alt . Vernon, :
February 24-20. 'They sell the ;
Hawkes glasses and for this occa- !
sion invite the public call and
have lhe services of their expert . \
( ’harlottusvillo.
Sj>< riul (/Oi l * HJiOlHlciK'D.
Mr. J. L Durden of Denton was
in this community Friday visiting
On account of the inclement,
weather last Friday,the tent could
not be taken dow n.
Mr. and Mrs C. F. Gordon are
visiting their daughter, Mrs. J. M.
Davis, near Aluiim.
Rev. .J. F. Yancey preached two!
very instructive and interesting
sermons at tlijs place Sunday. . ,
Miss Georgie Daniels was the
; guest of Misses Florenc** and Lou- 1
ranie Moseley Wednesday.
Dr. Neal of Vidalia was in this
sect ion several days last week vis
iting friends and practicing his
: profession.
Miss Lucret.ia Sellers, who has!
been sp-nding several weeks with j
her aunt, Mrs. A. G. Gordon, re
turned to her home at Gruhum
1 Sunday.
G. J*. Moseley and wife, who
have been visiting in Florida, are
at home,again. They say they had
a very pleasant trip to the “band
of Flowers.” —Fuss-and-Fun.
Have you seen the new Jewelry
at Mrs. J. L. Adams’? Belt, Veil
and Beauty Phis at popular prunes, j
i: From Alamo.
> ! Suc-ial Con e«))tmtliaicu.
Mrs. John W. Clemens is re
. ported us convalescing, after an
! ill ness of three weeks.
Mrs. Bright, accompanied by
her three daughters, spent a few
• days visiting 111 Alamo.
Mr, Britt took a trip to Dublin
' the last of the week, to v isit his
'family and returned to his busi-
I ness 011 Monday, the llt li.
Mrs. Spell and two children
i were east-bound passengers on
Monday, their destination being
Vidalia, where they have gone for
a few days visit.
'The Sewing CJub met with Mrs.
I Spell on Thursday afternoon, Foil.
! 10th. One of the pleasing fea
j tores of the meeting was the read
ling aloud of the verses that were
1 printed in last week’s Monitor.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Witlimg
ten, of Bosron, Mass., are 'tin
guests of Mrs. Rogers. Mr. VVitli
mgton is connected with one of;
the large daily papers in Boston.
Their trip south is simply for rest j
land recreation.
Mrs. ,1. M. Fordham enjoyed a 1
visit, from her sister and daughter. I
Ruth ladies are from near Dublin.
During their stay Mrs. Pierce was
I t he guest of the Sewing Club,when ,
;t hat society met wit h Mrs. Barton:
Fordhanl, on Feb 2d.
„ **
The Annual Dove Shoot, occurr
ed mi 'Thursday, F« ». lOtli, lie-,
j tween tin- Ilnurs of 5 and 9 a in
Tln-re were many from out-of- 1
town, but as your correspondent!
I ciuld not, get a correct list ot all i
1 t lie visitors, will not mention any.'
! Dr, Nelson is reported to have kill- j
i-il thirt y birds and all agree that. |
I was the largest, number shot by j
|nne person. —Subscriber. |
Bainbridge, Ga., February I t
Judge W, G. 1). Tonga died here
I this morning at the age of Ofi
years. Probably no cit izen in tie
.cominn 11 ity was more loved. lb
j led an exemplary life and was a
member of the Episcopal church.
He was a Confederate veteran and
served his country with honor j
Ho had been a court official fori
many years.
He leaves to mourn his loss \Y.
G. 1). Tonga, ol Valdosta; G. G.,
S. I)., L. 11. and It V., of!
Bainbridge; Mrs. Maude Baxter,
; M rs. Anna Winslow, d Haiti more,
his wife and one sister, Mrs,
Rainey, of this city.
j Beaut iful line new embroiih-rus
,iii match sets at Mrs. J. L
! Adams’.
| Drugs are f
I Dangerous! 1
<|) ii; —unless handled by ||
j # 00 i Experienced Druggists 1)
00 ©©, (¥)
® ©0 When your loved ones arc? ®
, 0© © © J 06
sick you want llie Best Doctor
06 .© © 1 00
p il a,,( J thcr Best Drugs
§j © © carry a Complete line of 11
I 11 Standard Pure Drugs 1
0© 0. © - ——*— 00
0© © 0 And if your m»*«li<*iu*-h our 1 ul>«-• I, w« 0©
00 © 0 guarantee that you will have the
0© 00 Carefully aid Accurately < 'onipounded. Insist (j©
0© ©0 in having our label. (j©
@ ©© | 00
Yuldosta, Gil., Fob. 11. Mrs.
\\ . L. Converse, of tills city, re
ceived a letter yesterday from her
duughtcr, Mihh Enlalie, who is
~ going to school' in Pans and who
w as m that city during the groat
Hood. Miss ('Olivers.* writes that
tin- reports from the Hood were
not. exaggerated. Her .School,
i however, is on a high lull and the
lonlv inconvenience guttered was
t "
that they luul no lights. Two
blocjcs from the school, however,
the red waters of the Seine did
destructive work, covering almost
| the entire city.
Miss Converse spoke of the
prompt action of the city officials
in seeing that they were safe and
did not sutler for food or other
things. She said that Senator
Macon’s daughter, Mrs. Carry,
; was a great loser by the Hood as
her aimutsiieiits were tilled with
j water. Mrs. Curry was invited to
the school which Miss Converse
|is attending, to remain there un
it il her future plans are perfected.
Glen wood, Route 2.
Sorcial < oiToMpoiiilrliee.
Mr. Kdirur: Seeing dots from
j ditl'erent sections of the county
'ami none having been written
from this community recently,
if you will allow us a little space,
we will try you one barrel anyway.
W I) Cord made a Hying trip
I to Alamo Friday.
| A large and appreciative and 1-
enee attended divine service at
Snow lull Sunday.
Now t hat the wintry blasts have
reused, our farmers are very busy
! putting lands in preparation for
! the season’s work.
Mr. B. I Lowery has placed a
j new olmnii'ey to his residence,
j which enhanses the appearance of
' the building.
j B. .1. Guest’s friends will he
sorry to know that he is enrolled
1 among the sick and wish him a
speedy recovery.
Key' Avery and brother spent
la pleasant day here Sunday visit
ling friends, who would appreciate
a Visit from them again.
I'rayeriiineting at A. I'. Grimes’
|on Saturday night was largely at
t ended and the audience was much
pleased and bencfitled by the ser
We are glad to make mention
that Mr. Warren Pope, who lias
had a severe* siege of sickness, is
convalescent mid will soon be
mingling with lus friends again.
NO. 45