Newspaper Page Text
Did vou ever think, Mr. Far
mer, that all your planning and
working and making and saving,
your effnrts to raise larger crops
and acquire more money, have
for their on* 1 aim the mak
ing of a hcMei a un-re attract ive,
a cheertuli \ er, a happier home?
asks the Progressive Farmer. For
this, after all, you plow and sow
and reap, that you and your wife
and your children may have a
better place in which to live and
may fil’d in it more of beauty an
brightness and comfort.
There may be some folks who
wish to acquire property for the
mere sake of possession—simply
to have and to hold and feel that
it is theirs; but we do not believe
that many of our readers belong;
to this class We think instead j
that most of you who read tins '
while you fully appreciate our el
forts to help you make more
money realize that if the money
thus made does not contribute to
the comfort and well-being of
those you love it is after ull worth
very little to you.
The home is the great thing,
and a pcor home and a good far
mer do not go together. This is
why we urge each and every one of
you to add to his home just as
much of beauty and convenience
as is possible. It is only justice
to your wife that she have just as
many helps toward making her
work indoors easy and pleasant
as you have in doing your work
on the farm. It is no more than
the absolute right of your chi)
dren to grow up under the most
healthful and inspiring surround
ings which you are able to provide
for them. And it is not more
than you owe yourself that you
make your home a place to which
you are always glad to gn—ut*
attractive to the eye, restful and
comforting to the heart.
This is the sort of home which
we believe every one of our readers
is entitled to, and which all might
have. Os cours- none of you can
have things just as he would; but
W'e believe you will find it a
money-making proposition as well
as a source of the deepest and
truest satisfaction to have your
home painted; to make the
grounds about it. just as attrac
tive as your means and time will
allow; to see that the surround
ings are healthful; to provide
your wife the labor-saving equip
meat she needs and save her just
as much work as possible; to put
in as soon as you can a water sup
ply and a bath room ; to spend a
little for books and pictures and
music and handsome servicable
furniture We believe, let us re
peat, that it will pay you, merely
as a financial proposition, to do
these things; but even if it does
not, you should do them just the
same, for is this not, after all.
what you are trying to make
money for?—Ex.
Atlanta —In a 1 1 111♦ • more than
sixty davs the Georgia railroad
will be operating all its trains by
telephone instead of by telegraph.
It will be the first steam road in
the country to adopt the new
method of dippatching train or
ders over its entire system About
forty-eight other rouds are now us
. ing the telephone for certain sec
tions, but none thus far have in
stalled it for all their lines.
The total mileage represented by
the roads using telephones parti
ally, is a little more than a hund
red and thirty thousand, while the
mileage controlled by the tele
phone dispatches is only about
16,000. Apart from the fact that
the Georgia road’s adoption of the
telephone proves a policy of up
to-date methods, it also carries a
larger and broader significance: ii
means that the South is keeping
pace with the march of progres
and in many hues even surpassing
other sections of the country.
Mcßae, Feb. 19—Ralph An
drews, wH®<* out hunting accident
ally shot off one of his bands. The
wound is quite serious.
As a life-long citizen of .Vbntgomery coun
ty and having th<- interests of the county ami
.], it h art. I iffcr mvstlf a candidate for
Hi- erti •>■ of Tax Collector, subject to the re
sirictj,ms .if such primary election as may he
later provided. I feel tliai luy long associa
tion with the affairs of the countv will merit
the support of the people, and to them I
pledge my earnest endeavors in the fulfill
in' nt ol the duties incumbent upon the office,
if I should be favored with it, nil to this end
I earnestly ask the support of my friends and
fallow citizens. Respectfully
T hereby announce my candidacy for the
office of Clerk of the Superior Court of Mont
gomery oou.ty, subject to the action of the
Democratic primary. If elected, I promise to
hscharge the affairs of the office faithfully and
in a business-like manner- Thanking you iu
a ’vanoe for your suppo t, I am
Very respectfully,
For Clerk Superior Court
M\ candidacy for re-election to the office of
Pie k of the sup- rior Court is before the peo
ple of Montgomery, l’he fact that I have been
honored with the office tor a repeated term
has noi detracted from my labors and my ear
liist eff wts to till it in an acceptable manner,
as I feel sure my record will show. I am fa
miliar with the many duties of the office and
if 1 am again favored with the position it shall
still have mv best efforts. To tlds end I ear
nestly soli it the supp >rt of the people of mv
native county at the coming election.
Vt-rv respectfully.
j. c. Calhoun.
To the People of Montgomery County:
From boyhood 1 have bad a laudable ambi
tion to represent the county of mv nativity in
the Georgia Legislature. Yielding to the
earnest solicitations of friends in every nook
of Montgomery county, I hereby announce
myself a candidate for the Lower House ol the
next General Assembly of Georgia, subject t"
the action ot a Democratic primary, should
one be held. I promise in advance to do my
full duty in case lam elected. Thanking one
and all for your support, 1 remain
Yours very truly and loyally,
T hereby announce myself a candidate for
the office of Sheriff of Montgomery county at
the approaching general election. ” I otter my
self subject to *he action of the Democratic
primal i of said county. I have had consider
able experience in the duties of the office and
pr mine if ele ted to give the people a faith
till, ciiiiseieiitious and Undent administration.
Soliciting the support of the people gener
ally I am Yours truly,
Nov 17, woo uaniel MouuihON.
T the P- "j le "f Montgomery County
i ea ii I in forte-election to tile office of
.Sheriff f i" t uiery county is before her
go "I pc pi ; and I feel that tiie situation will
warrant me in asking the same cordial sup
port givi-n nit- in tins my lirst term. I trust
Unit mi labors have been found acceptable to
tli pnblie; s' diu asking the tiirther support
of mi ti ll ii citizens, I pledge anew mv most
ear -t-S' efforts in the discharge ot the duties
"t the office. I can but point to my record,
and ask mat the same be considered at the
approaching election With further assuran
ces of my apreciation, I beg to remain
Your obedient servant,
For Tax Receiver:
To the Voters of .Montgomery County.
I take this meth >d of publicly announcing
my ■ andidaey for re-election to the oilice of
iti i-i iv. rof Tax Returns, subject to the rules
of tin Executive Committee. I enter this
ra e uutiammelcd by any entangling alliance
w at' ver.aud I pi online if elected to discharge
the duties of the office with promptness anil
niiii equal rights to all an I special privileges
t none; and I further promise if favored with
this office for another term to voluntarily
retire at the expiration of such second term.
Yours very truly,
W. Henry Ci.ark.
For Tax Receiver:
To the Voters of Montgomery County:
Yi' Iding to strong influences in my favor, I
hereby imounco myself an aspirant for the
ofth-e "f Tax Receiver of this county, and I
earnestly ask the kind consideration ot mv
ic l"W citizens. I feel that my qualifications
jus ify tin- rt-qu -t. and that my labors would
prove acce table to the people whom I ask to
s-rve. It elected, it will be my desire to till
the place to the best of mv ability, giving it
mv euiire time and attention when required.
Asking that my request, be given considera
tion at the polls, and in accord with the rules,
I am Very truly vours,
H. 8. Piuvy.
For Tax Collector:
Having formerly withheld my candidacy for
pit lie office at the instance of friends, I am
now before the voters of Montgomery county
as a candidate for Tax Collector; and I trust
that this toi mal announcement will have the
approval of those friends who have already
tender, d their support, together with thi
support of the people generally. If I should
be favored with this important trust, I pledge
mv best efforts in the discharge of ’he duties
of the office, !■ eling that my experience iri the
bu-inesH world and mv acquaintance with the
public affairs nf t he county will merit the favor
>f the public I aru unimeumbred, and the
egal discharge of the duties of the office
shall be mv guide and motto. Trusting that
I may have opportunity of showing mv appre
ciation of support, and placing my candida
cy subject to such rest ictions as may be pro
vided for the election, I am
A. J. Grimes.
For Tax Collector.
By this method I desire to fully place my
self before the voters of Montgomery county
as a candidate for the office of Tax Clollectoi:
and while I am making an earnest effort for
the place, I desire to e icit the cordial support
| -f the people. As a citizen, I deem this one
! it the most important offices in the county ,
and that it requires the work of a careful,
competent and conscientious man, observing
, the law in an impartial manner; and iu the
l event of election, shall pursue this course with
diligence. In ad ance I extend thanks for
I the support that may be accorded me at the
' polls an I subjecting mv candidacy Pi such
■ ules as may be provi led by the county gov
erning committee, I am
Yours very respectfully,
T. F. Williams.
For Tax Collector.
Profoundly graiefnl for tin favor shown me
| ny the people of Montgomery county in my
j election to thi office of Tax Collector, and hav-
I ing be ons i msness or having devoted my
best efforts to tlieir service dating the term, I
again "ffer for the place. I leel sure that the
! voter- of the county wili still honor the custom
j .fan officer tilling two terms, in winch his
work is more effective, and to this end I biunb
!i> ask tin- continued favor of the people. Mv
i ivork as an officer is open to the people and I
j will do iby appreciate the favor of another
i term as tiie servant of tl.epeople of my native
county. Your obedient servant,
1 Li. >l. CURRIE.
* For Tax Collector:
j , To the Voters of Montgomery County:
5 i Yielding to strong inttuenees in my favor, 1
| | hereby announce myself a candidate for Tux
| Collector of tliis county; and 1 earnestly ask
! } the kind consideration of i iy fellow citizens.
p i tool that mv qualilications justify the re
- j quest, umi that mi labor.-, would prove accept
| able to the people whom I ask to serve f
elected it will be mv desire to till th" office I"
best of my ability, giving it uiv entire time
t and attention when required. Mv candidacy
is subject to the requirements that may be
r proi ideil for the election of county officers.
Yonrs vevv truly.
'• .1 M.<\ TKUETT.
1 Fur County Treasurer;
I trust that the next Legislature will an
-1 nul the office of County Treasurer, since the
1 time is here when it is an unnecessary ex
pense to the tax payers of the several counties.
It the Legislature at the approaching session
tails to abolish this office, 1 am a candidal'
for same in Montgomery conniy on the follow
ing conditions.
s Ist. 1 propose to give good and sufficient
. bond for the safe handling of the county
, funds.
, 2d. Ido not purpose to take one cent of
1 commission from any funds received or dis
, bursod.
3d. I purpose to keep the Treasurer's books
in correct shape, and when the records mv
examined, and everything found in innoei
: shape, the County Commissioners can pay me i
Three Hundred Dollars.
l’lns will result in a saving of twelve bun- !
. died dollars to the tax payers of the county .
r she question is now up to the tax payers ot |
the county, as to whether they want to pay j
' a man fifteen or three hundred dollars tor ibis
1 work. Soliciting the support of the people of
the county on the above conditions, 1 am
Yours very truly.
To the Votert of .Montgomery Comity:
I hereby announce my self as a candidate
for the office of Treasurer of Montgomery
county on the following conditions: It the
Legislature does not abolish the office of tin*
Countv Treasurer ill the next session, (while
I am in favor of same being abolished.)
I Will it elected give a satisfactory bond to
, guarantee the handling of all funds.
. I will keep the TYeasurer’s books in correct ,
; shape, and will ask for uiy services as Countv j
. Treasurer, only Two Hundred and Fifty Dol
lars, ($250.) per year, 1 realize that the office ]
, es Treasurer is an niiiieeessary expense t > the
I tax-payers of the county. In-nee offer myself as
a candidate at the amount mentioned,
i l beleive I am fully competent- to hold the
j office, and being a cripple, unable to work
J I can afford to accept the office for a smaller
j amount hk salary than any other man.
I am unable to see all tiie voters personally,
but am already know to a great many of you !
and nill certainly appreciate your support in
the coming election.
Yours very trnly,
To the Voters of Montgomery’ County.
I hereby announce myself a candidate for j
the office of County School Commissioner, and j
in announcing my candidacy, I desire to say
that, having been actively and exeluslvely j
engaged in school work iu tliis comity j
for a number ot years past, I am fully
conversant with the needs and requirements!
of the common schools.
1 will have no other business to engage my
time and attention, anil in soliciting yoiirsup
port, I pledge myself, it elected, not to make
the duties of the office a secondary consider
ation, but to give my time and attention fully
thereto. Thanking you in advance for any fa
-1 vors you may bestow on me. Yours trulv.
J. R. AI'LD.
. To the Citizens of Montgomery County:
1 hereby announce myself it enndiilate for
the office of County Kcliool Commissioner ot i
Montgomery county, subject to sueli examina
tion, rules and regulations as may be pre
scribed by the State Board of Education and
tlie State School Commissioner, and the laws
governing the election of county school com
Also subject to such rules and regulations
' as inav lie made by the Executive Committee
of Montgomery county, if said rules aje con
sistent with the requirements of the stale au
I have always stood for and advocated the
I education of tiie masses of the people, for liet
| ter sc,loots and better educational advantages.
If elected, I promise to give my undivided
attention to the school affairs of the county
and shall put forth every effort to make out
schools better each year.
In the past I have had the hearty co-opera
lion of the people that were interested in bet
ter schools and better education, and 1 ear
nestly solicit tlieir support during this cam
paign. Yours very truly,
A. B. Hi ri:niso.N.
1 { To the Citizens of Montgomery County:
I hereby announce myself a candidate for
the office of County School Commissioner "f
1 Montgomery county, subject to all lawful rules
and regulations governing the election.
I aril a college and normal trained teacher of
j twelve years experience in several enmities ot
j the State. This training and experieneequ i - j
i ifieH me for the office.
I stand fur improved methods iu education
and for thv better education of the masses. 1
promise, if elected, to discharge all the duties
of the office to the best of mv ability.
Thanking you in advance for the support
that may he accorded me, I am.
Very respectfully.
“PAGE Fence
Won’t Rust”
■3IIXXT'I- ! 4 ' 1-1 ~t-"l
:t : page'- * *- : 4' fctf *
itliiiidijj i±ll
In buying Fencing
it is nothing short of
f j economy to use the
i best. The Page is the*
best to be found on
the market. Comes
» :
in standard sizes, and
always in stock. If
reliable goods, prompt
delivery, and general
v satisfaction in fencing
, is wanted, see me at
Ii once for IT.
H 1
t i
Soperton, Ca.
“My mother is a great suf
ferer from rheumatism, and Dr.
Miles’ Anti-Pain Pills is the only
remedy that relieves her.”
Roycelield, N. J.
The pains of rheumatism are
almost invariably relieved with |
Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Tills. They
also overcome that nervous irri
tation which prevents sleep be
cause they soothe the nerves. To !
chronic suffers they are invalu- j
able. \\ hen taken as directed,
they relieve the distress and
j save the weakening influence of |
I pain, which so frequently pros- <
' trates. Many sufferers use them
whenever occasion requires with
the greatest satisfaction, why
not you? 1 hey do not derange
the stomach nor create a habit.
V by not try them? Get a pack
age from your druggist. Take it !
according to directions, and if 1
it does not. benefit he will return
your money.
Wayeross, Gfn., February 18.
—The publication of the opening
of hi,ooo acres in Pierce county
to the Jewish boys is the culmi
nation of a plan known of and
born in this city some months
si nee.
The principal Alien will he in
Wayeross, while the school and
center of the operations will be nt
Hoboken, just 14 miles from this
Grand and t raverse jurors drawn
to serve at the March Timm Supe
rior Court, 1010.
It F Mcßae W T MeQuaig
VV J Underwood G W Coleman
R B Jones W B Butler
W r H Dukes (1 R Sumner
M U Purcell K F Allman
J W Calhoun Peter Johnson
.1 O Johnson Ira Thigpen
P Galbraith .1 G Smdlgrove
.1 J Burkhalter J P Gillis
A< ’ McLennan 011 Jones
.) J Cooper, Sr. I P McAllister
1. B Mela-more J W Clements
G N Martin W F Umphry
J M Fordhain it R’Adams
II A Calhoun I) L Conner
.1 VV Peterson W 11 Smith
D E Mcßae J VV Hightower
M I) Davis A G Patterson
VV W Phillips .11) Mum ford
E L Davis Gordon Moore
.1 11 Hightower 1 I McLemore
1 A T Johnson 1 T Chester
B L Davis C C Holmes
VV M Phillips Neil B Gillis
G VV Palmer VV II Padgett
: F D VVilliainsou N N Barwick
1C P Ward J VV' Bridges
II D Will is M A Bruddy
M II Clements J A Cawley
: Henry bee G J Stanford
C II Peterson Sr. D A Morrison
VV F Elam J B Fordhain
1 J B Gillis 11 S Gruy
Geo J MeEachin J b Morns
John E King J F McDaniel
E G Morton Archie McDaniel
Arch Hughes J M McDonald
b S Adams J VV' Harden
T C McArthur J E Pittman
Isaac Brooks A J Burch
VV J Snow George Beasley j
C B McLeod VV L Webster
li L Hall J II Stroud
Ebenezer Bridges J J llattaway
< ’ DMcCrinrnnon VV' P Calhoun
R b Avery F B Calhoun
G VV' Evans A H Mclntyre
A A Peterson Jr. J VV Nash
VV TMcC’rinimon Tom Morris
T F Williams II VV Warnock
H V' Thompson J G It Fuqua.
J D McCrimmon A J Adams
J E Pope Dennis O’Brien |
VV A Johnson Dan T Rowland
K N Adams Lamar Hoimes
bucien Higgs S Parrish
J R Carr L C Adams
.) E Phillips D A Mcßae
J T Conner Pope N Brown
E D bee VV B Ccx
Isaac Ladson N T Way
J A Hughes P P Hern
Jas. BCannudy C E Holmes
Do You
Your Crops?
DO YOU KNOW just what your cotton and corn
need, and are you furnishing it in such quantities
as required and in such .shape that the
plant can use it ?
Suppose you should put the food for your stock in a
box, nail it up and place it in their trough —would you ex
pect them to thrive and grow fat ?
Hardly! *
j Well, did it ever occur to you that when you use lumpy,
badly mixed fertilizers you are putting this same proposi
tion up to your crops offering them plant food in such
shape that they can’t get to it ?
Fertilizers, to do your crops any good, must dissolve in
the soil waters. These are constantly in motion, rising to
the surface during the day and sinking at night—passing
and repassing the roots of the plant, which absorb the food
contained in the water —and this is the only way in which
the plant can feed.
Therefore, when you buy fertilizer, you should do so
with the idea of furnishing food for your crop and on the
same principle that you should purchase food for your
stock. It should not only contain the necessary Ammonia,
Phosphoric Acid and Potash, but above all else these
should be In soluble form the mechanical condition
, of the fertilizer should be such as to permit the plant to
absorb every particle of it, and the goods should be manu
factured from materials that will not give up their plant
food at one time, but furnish a steady supply throughout
the entire growing season.
This is the fertilizer you should have and can tfet —
, in only one way. It is impossible to produce a goods like
this by the dry-mixing of raw materials, whether you do
this at home with a shovel and a screen or buy it from
someone who has made it the same way —the only differ
ence being in the quantity.
' These materials must be ground to a powder, and it re
quires machinery costing thousands of dollars to do it
properly. They must then he so manipulated that when
complete, you have a compound, each ounce of which is
exactly like every other ounce, and not a mixture, one
part of which would contain too much Ammonia and too
little Potash, while another part would be exactly the
opposite —and all of it contain plant food locked up and
not available.
Remember that the chemical analysis of a fertilizer is no
test of its crop growing qualities. The chemist can pul
verize lumps and by the use of various means search out
the plant food ; your crop can't.
You can take an axe, break open the box and get the
corn ; your mule cun't.
Don’t risk a crop failure !
Insure your peace of mind as well as your crop by using
Animal Ammoniated
Manufactured by
Armour Fertilizer Works
These arrivals and departures published only as
information, and are not guaranteed.
: Schedule Kffeetive January »‘>d, 1909. ||
Ibv. Mt. VERNON all trains daily.
10:28 a. m. For Helena, Abbeville., Cordele,
Anierieus, Columbus, j>
j; 8:22 p. m. Montgomery, aiul all points west.
j; 6:47 a. m. For Lyons, Collins, Savannah,
4:58 p. m. and all points east. ;
For further information, reservations, rates, etc., see your ! j
1 nearest Seaboard Ticket Agent, or write j \
R. H. STANSKLL, A. G. 1\ A., j;
Savannah, ... - ... Georgia, j j
1 1
I Monitor and Atlanta Weekly Georgian 81.25