The Montgomery monitor. (Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County, Ga.) 1886-current, February 24, 1910, Image 6
TWO NEW TOWNS IN SOUTH GEORGIA. Valdosta, Gn., February 10. — As an instance of the rapid de velopment of this section the in terest manifested in the opening of the* territory through which the Valdosta, Moultrie and West ern railroad passes, is exceeding anything of the kind ever wit nessed in southern Georgia. Two new towns have sprung up on the line between this city and .Moul trie, with a rapidity and boom rivalling that of some of the west- , ern towns in the gold days. The lirst of these towns is Cutes, 0 miles west, of here and the oth er Berlin, 27 miles from Valdosta. The latter town is owned by the railroad company, and it is pre paring to have an auction sale of residence and business lots on the 22d instant. The section round . each of these now towns is ex- j 1 remely prolific, but is undevel oped. The land tor miles stir- ; rounding Berlin, are regarded as probably the finest soil in the country for certain kinds of crops. ' In fact, the entire line of road i traverses an unusually rich sec-; turn, passing through Lowndes. Brooks and Colquitt counties. Inquiries received from people in i middle and North Georgia, as j well us in other parts of the conn-1 try, indicate t hat there will lie a j regular hegira to the new terri- | lory during this year, and t.ho prospect for the rapid growth ot the tow ns is regarded as unusual ly bright. Shiloh Items. Mp. ( UI <;<ilTI'.|IOIIlll lll , <* N. J. Vaughn was in T .wns last Wednesday. Kllis Grille s of Qlenwood visit ed .1. (’. Mims last week. Kelley Sears visited at the homo of Ashley Clements Sunday. Lee Coney visited at the home of W. W. Tompkins Tuesday. James Farmer and brother yis- j ited at Springhill last Sunday. Messrs. N. A. Johnson and J. C. B\als visited at Alamo Sunday. Misses Argora and Kva Courson were in our midst a few days ago. Preston Mitchell was a pleasant j visitor at the Tompkins home Sun- i day last.. Farmers in this section are going down after it in proper style tilling tie' land. W. W. Tompkins and C. (’. Bvals made a living to Lum ber City Wednesday. Mrs. Addie Sears and little son, Dolmas, spent lust week with her sister, Mrs. Ivey Mims. J. W. Dukes, wife and children were called to the bedside of .Mrs. j Dukes' Brother, who died the lltli inst. J, W. Clements and sister. Miss Myra, visited Miss Olive Nash re cently. At this writing the latter is quite sick. J. F. Vaughn of Jacksonville, Fla., was called to the bedside of his brother, John, who died on Monday, Feb. 1 Uh. Miss Bessie Tompkins spent Tuesday night las* with the fam ily of J. J. Vaughn. She had as visitors Wednesday Misses Victor ia and Sadie Vaughn. The siug at the home of Kev. Wmhum Sunday was largely at tended and all hail a pleasant time. —Billie. EDUCATION IN GEORGIA COSTS GREAT SUM. \tlanta, Feb. 18—About SL -250,u00 annually for education in Georgia! According to the report being compiled m the otlice of State School Commissioner Jere M. Pound from intoriuatiou sent m by the commissioners of the 110 enmities in t his state, it is esti mated that fully f 2.000.000 will he credited to education over anil above the annual appropriation i f 12,250,000. ’ Those reports from the county school commissioners show money devoted to educational purposes, that has never been recorded or credited to the state. This money comes from incidental fees, tui tion, bequests, local taxation,mu nicipal uid and from various other sou roes. One county—Forsyth-—for in stance, show - an increase of * 1 ,0i)0 over and above the state's appro priation. This is one of the small er counties in the state, the amounts reported from other larg er counties being correspondingly larger in proportion. When the reports have l**en compiled it is estimated that the state will find that at leasts2,ooo,oooannually is being spent for educational pur poses for which this state has nev er received credit. I A RURAL CARRIER HURT IN RUNAWAY. Last Friday, shortly after leav ing for his day's drive, Mr. John U . McCullough, carrier of Route No. 1, was badly hurt in a run away accident. On this occasion Mr. McCullough was driving a mule to his covered mail wagon, which was overturned, giving him a -cvre jostling. He sustained, among slight, injuries, a broken rib, but, is able to be out on the street-. Mr. .1. A. Mcßride, as -■.b*i Ante, has carried this route for several days. Mr. McCullough is an efficient carrier, and his in jury is to be regretted by many friend*. REVENUE OFFICERS MAKE RAID. Dalton, Bn., Feb 18—The! bigge-t, haul yet made by revenue i ilieer- in this section was that of !>■ puty Collector Spence and Rovnue Officer Camp, who, this we*-k discovered a still four miles , <*ast of Ram hurst, in Murray '■ount y, 500 gallons of the finished product, and I,(XK) gallons of beer being found. The st.ill was own il by Bill Flood, who told the ; officers that the whiskey alone would have brought him some thing like f7OO. The whisky, which was in bar rels, was carted to the L. it N. railroad and shipped to Atlanta, an ox team being pressed into ser vice. During the journey of four miles the team was stalled. The day before this stdl was found a still owned by Ab Flood, on Fort mount,uui, was destroyed. UNCLE SAM MOVES ON “NIGHT RIDERS.” Cineiirtiati, February 17. —The Hist blow struck by the In ited Si :iles against, alleged “night riders” was delivered today, when, a federal grand jury at Covington, i Ky., returned indictments against I tw, lve men of Dry Ridge, Ky., ' for conspiracy in restraint of j trade. One of the men indicted is John S. Steers, a member of tin* state legislature. The indictments charge that j the defendants conspired to pre \ *siit. VV. T. Osborne from shipping j four hogsheads of tobacco froruj Dry Ridge to Cincinnati. They I ire charged with having intimidat-1 od by threats of violence both. t)a-j borne and the station agent at j Dry Ridge. Ilie federal government will; prosecute the cases as arising tin-, der interstate commerce. I | There is more 1 I to a Fertilizer i 3 than Analyses | M The mere mixing of F* materials to obtain analy- I" sis requires no special knowledge. The value of a fertilizer lies in the source from which the plant food is obtained. Each ingredient in Royster goods is selected with a view of supplying the plant from sprouting ) until harvest. The plant Boverf ed at one d starved at an- Tw’enty - f i v e >erience goes w ith g. * [ ible dealers throughout L the South. yster Guano Co. ORFOLK, VA. R THE MONTGOMERY MONITOR— V. FEB. 21. 1010 NEW AUTOMOBILE FOR LIVERY BUSINESS. The Hicks Livery Stables of this place have ordered and will soon have in service a splendid automobile, to be used in con nection with their teams. Tin shows some enterprise on the part of the young men owning this bu siness, and will be the first ma chine owned by Mt. Vernon par ties. However, before another year, the town can probably claim a number ot machines. % Mathanna Dots. Special Coi renpondiDce. Bart Gibbs was here Saturday. •J. A. Hughes was in our midst last week. Matthew Sharpe visited at Aus tin last week. Mr. H. A. Coleman was here on business last. week. F. M. Sharpe was in Longpond Saturday on business. Mrs. J. A. Gal breath has be<-u on the sick list the past week. Miss Charlotte Sharpe made pleasant visit to Miss Eula Sharp Sunday. Samuel Peebles mid wife of Higgston are visiting at the hone of H. A. Garrett. Mrs. Frierson and little son vis ited in this section last week, en route to lieidsville. We are glad to see several new buildings going up: it is an evi dence of prosperity in this section. Julius Odom is running the dray in our town now. He drives two bays, the horned kind, and good horses they are too. It is fashionable for our young people to go out walking on Sun day afternoons and quite a crowd were out on last Sabbath. This section of the county has not been represented through the columns of The Monitor, so we i send in some dots tins week. —Robin Redbreast. A UNIQUE SUIT. A Los Angeles woman is suing the street car company for dam ages and to recover SI,OOO in cash which she says she lost. Slie was a passenger on one of the cars of the defendant. In j alighting from the high steps —too ilngh, she says—the car caught, her j (stocking and ripped it, and the j SI,OOO fell out of its safe recepta !cle and rolled into a sewer trap. For the humiliation of the ripped j ! stocking she wants SI,OOO. and for I the cash lost she wants, of course, I 100 cents on the dollar.—Ex. •Sheriff Sale. i ij’i'i -ria—Montgomery (Vjuaty. • \y n i i. •'. tlio o.iirt born* door in • Mi it V’ uMi ou the tirnt Tuenduy tu March, ' • jo, i *n <. i the lirgal liuUl'n Ot Kale, to tile i,,i. -t l,s ul. r for ca.nh, certain property, of ; . _ , • . in; i- to .it aeriptioo: j One c'-rtaiii saw mill and fixtures ; eon,pi* i■■ including one twenty-five j lioim- iwwi.-f bo i lei and one twenty) {;ti[||,t (Hiivcf miller. .Said machinery ; led fixtures located at 'ln- mill site ; two mils north of Erick, Ga., and ) li<-iii" i.i tli*- jiossosrt *- in ol and opera- ; ii 1,. I i.i Williams. Said prop-j i-rty icvii il oil as tin- property of Flora L. j'aco to satisfy an execution j • > . I irom tin City t ourtof .Vie Kae , in ho -r of til*- First National Bank - H aid Flora L. Pace, j la-vv in.- :e and returned to me by T. | J. f ie-o r, deputy, and notice given) uefi . .Liu in terms of tile law. Til its : the till day oi February, 1910* J.ititi-.s rii -lit. Sheriff. ROAD NOTICE. Georgia—Montgomery County. 1 i All Whom it May Concern: Take notice that F. C Adams and I others have applied for an order se.-kmg tie - establishment ot a new road which Inis been laid out and marked conformably to Jaw by . iinmiHsiotiers duly appointed,and a report thereof made by them on ; oath, said road commencing at the Mt. Vernon and Uellm Kerry road near the town oi Charlottesville, ; and running in the direction of tie- old Ridge road onward to the home place ot ii. L. Hail in the :270th District. Now, if no good ! cans'.- be shown to tile contrary by persons interested in tins matter, the order will be granted by the Board oi Commissioner of Roads and Revenues of said county, at the court house of said county on the first day of March, 11)10, es-j tablishing said road as applied j for. This, the first day of Feb- j I ruary, 1010. J. F. bIKES, Chinn. Co. Corns. Sheriff bale. i Georgia—Montgomery County. Wi.l Ik sum tollK* tin; court house iloor in Mo \onion on tin lit.•: luesday in March, lillli, In.uvt i n the li-gal iiouiH of sale, to the ni.dli. .iiiildcr for, certain property, of umen tin following is a complete inscription: That coi'faiii pared of lain! situated J : mid b- dig in the l.'Ood district G. M. ul said county and state and bounded on the- north by lands of D. E. and F. Lei- Mcßae, and oil the east, south and s\ si oy lands of If. It. and j. A. McMillan, and containing thirty-two ; acres mon- or less. Said property levied on as the property oi Vv. K, v.’oopi r to satisfy an execution issued I from the Justice’s court of the lit-tod | j district V. M. of said county in favor lof The Mt. Vernon Bank vs Win. t ooper, principal, N. A. Adams, J. L. Adams, \V. R. Cooper and K. G. Garner, endorsers; said property be ing in tin- possession of the defend ! ant, W. Iv. Cooper. and written no- I lie givi nns required oy law. This ' | the ml day of Feb., lit in. , Janies Hester, Sheriff. | W. M. Lewis, Aty, for Pi If. i Sheriff Sale. | Ocorgin Montgomery County. Will in milu bciore the court house door in i Mount Vcruou on the first Tuesday in J/areh, | llllu, lictwiooi ilie legal hours of sain, to tue ; highi St tiiilih r for cadi, certain property, of waioh the following is u complete description: One certain red mule about twelve | years old and about fourteen hands | logh ; one certain black mule eight Dears old, sixteen hands high, and unim-u Mike; and one mouse colored muli about seven years old and four ften hands high. Said property lev i led on as :he property ol N. B Gibbs, 1 Sr., and N . B. Gibbs, Jr., to satisfy an execution issued from the City Court in Mt. Vernon in favor of The | Mount. Vernon Bank against the said \. B. Gibbs. Sr., and N r . B. Gibbs, i Jr., principals, and I*\ B. Mcßride, ! endorser; said property being in the possession of the defendants m (i fa, and written notice ot levy given as required by law. Levy made and re -1 turned to me by T. J. Hester, depu ;ty sheriff. Tins the 2d day of Feb., 1910. James Hester, Sheriff. W. M. Lewis, Pill's Attorney. ROAD NOTICE. (ieorgia—Montgomery County: To all whom it may concern: Take not it-. . that A. M. Moses, \V. J Whit luek. M. A. Rice, er al have ap plied toy an order seeking the dis j eont inuaitce of that portion of the | public toad in the 275th district be ' ginning the home place of Miss Liz/.i. .Morris and running thence to a point where it intersects the pub : lie toad between Boll's Kerry and the | honn- place of Or. J. H. Mobley, iu l tersecting said road about one-fourth i |of a mile from sttid ferry. Now, if j jno good cause be shown to tne eon-! j irary l»y persons interested in this matter, tin- order will be granted by tile Board of Commissioners of , Roads and R> venui s of said county : on the litst day of March, 1910, dis : continuing said public road as an-j plh d for. This, tin- litst day of Feb ruary, 1910. J. F. SIKES, Clmi. Co. Coins. Road Notice. : Georgia—Montgomery County. T . ail whom it may concern: Take • notice-, tine 0. S. Williamson and others have applied for an order seeking tin establishment of a new ! road which lias been laid out and .marked conformably to law by com-; ; missione. s duly appointed and a re- 1 port tin roof made by them on oath, said toad commencing at the head of; Morrison lane and running in the di- ! reetton of tli • home of L. Sharpeand onward to Alston, on the Georgia Florida railway, in said county.: Now. if no good cause be shown to | the contrary' bv persons interested in ■ this matte r, the order will be grant ed )>, fin- Commissioners of Roads! and Revenues of said county, at the j ! court bouse of said county on the Isr day of March, 19it), establishing said , I road as applied for. Thi- the first day of February. 1910. J. F. Sikks. Chair. Co. Coins. | i '&m&sssm a © ®®®®.©:@ ®©:e.®:®s A WORD 1 0 Os announcement is in order © just now—not a political card, but || 0 a simple business proposition, in which YOU will be concerned. S 0 m Q It is more or less than § the fact that we have opened up one of the most complete stocks of 0 general merchanqise in the county, g and it is now ready for your in- g spection—that is, purchase. ©j Everything new and of standard || quality, bought at lowest figures © and to be sold in like manner. § ;V ; ; 0 You are cordially invited to || make our store your buying place, pi 0 * 0 | L. M. McLemore & Bro. | | MT. VERNON, GA. J s s: ©-s ;®;:©;:© © © © s © © © WMi ©::©. s © e ©as © ©; ■ .... M .... -■ ■■■ ' ' ♦ t Reductions in Millinery. % i— ' & All Eelt Shapes and Winter * . *■ Trimmings to he sold at 4^ * ' *■ # Great Reductions to make # & # Room for Spring Stock. & * % MRS. J. L. ADAMS, Mt. Vernon % 1 pr y -ayr yyyy yyyyr y i S» <1 [ Patrick & Company ] r ANH Pf.“; Tarrytown, Ga. j l Staple and Fancy Groceries \ > 4{ > Dry Goods, Notions, < > Fruits, Produce < e i > Fresh and Reliable Goods at Fair Prices < > A Trial is Solicited < | WE ARE OFFERING 1 Special Values! I in Men’s Suits 1 I at sls | I Blacks and Fancies | I ORDER NOW | 3, H. LEVY. BilO. & CO, I SAYAN XAII, GA. |