Newspaper Page Text
Toombs County Man Badly Hurt
While Defending His Wife.
For seriously wounding a pronii- 1
nent citizen of Toombs county in
a hand-to-hand tight in the dark, j
after having attempted a heinous
crime upon the lady of the house,
Will Wilkerson met his death at
the hands of an enraged party of
citizens Tuesday afternoon at a
poinr. near the line of Montgomery
and Toombs county on the Geor
gia & Florida road.
Report says that the negro en
tered the home of Mr. Colley
Mann about one o’clock Tuesday
morning, supposing Mr. Mann
absent in Lyons, where lie was j
attending court, for the purpose
of assault and robbery. Fortu-|
nately, Mr. Mann was excused
from court, and at a late hour re
turned home, unknown to the lie
gro fiend, who had evidently plan
ned his crime. On finding li is
way to the room, the negro rob
bed a pair of pants containing'
ten or twelve dollars, and after ’
some preparation, and taking hisj
knife, attempted the assault..
Mrs. Mann’s screams aroused her
husband, sleeping in another i
room adjoining, who at once'
grappled with the negro, with the j
result that he was painfully cut. ;
A little son was called to bring a
gun, and as the little fellow ap
proached with the weapon the I
brute released his hold upon Mr. j
Maun and tied. The boy fired,
but only slightly wounded the ue-j
The Pythians met Saturday!
evening in the usual place and
called to order by the president.]
It being the evening to elect of
ficers, the following were chosen :
Ben Segall—President.
Mattie Lou OlifF —Vice-Pres-
,Mary Coleman —Secretary.
Gordon Withermgton—Censor.
Brantley Biitch —Corresponding
There being no further business,
the program was then carried out,
as follows: j
Duet—Brantley Blitch and Kate
Prophecy—Margaret Ingraham.
Debate—“ Resolved, That Im
migration Should he Further Re
stricted.” Affirmative: M ary
Coleman, Heudley Horne, Annie-.
Lou McAllister. Negative: Clif
ford Dukes, Don Kennedy, Mat
tie Lou OlifT.
Trio —Jennie Mosfeley, Margaret
Ingraham, Mary Coleman.,
There being no further business,
we adjourned, to meet again Sat
urday, March sth. B.
The Damons held a most inter
esting meeting Saturday afternoon !
in Freshman Room. After roll !
call and reading of minutes, vari
ous discussions followed and usual
business transacted.
Two new members, Mr. Denton
Green wav and Mr. Rogers, after
taking the pledge, were unani
mously received. The time being :
short after business was over, only
the latter part of the program was j
Debate —‘‘Resolved, That Im
migration Has Been Beneficial to.
the United States.” Affirmative:
Ernest Courson, Janie Brunson, j
Negative: Terry Parker, Camille 1
Adams. The decision was a tie.
E. F.
For Tax Receiver.
To the Citizens of Montgomery Co-.nty:
I hereby announce myself a candidate for
the office of Tax iteceiver of Montgomery j
county, aubject to the action of the Democrat- !
ic Executive Committee. I promise, if elect- i
e-t, to discharge the duties of the office to the
best of my ability, and earnestly solicit the
aupport of the people.
Yours very truly,
01 iMnmtur.
The entire neighborhood was at
once aroused and search made for
] the fiend, his idefitity being
known by his clothing which was
left m the room. It being sup
posed that he would proceed to
the railroad, parties wtJre posted
at all points. A woodsman for
C. \V. Brazell, who was familiar
with the negro, saw him in the i
woods while passing on the train, ]
which was being searched. The j
train was at once stopped and a
I posse organized. In the mean
time the news had spread to
Lyons and Yidalig, from which
points parties in automobiles,
j and with the Toombs county
track dogs, hurried to the scene.!
When found, Wilkerson, armed
with an army rifle, fired a num
ber.of shots at the posse, mem
bers of which shot him to death, j
The capture of this negro brute j
' was one of the swiftest on record,
| and illustrates the importance ot
| every county being supplied with
I trained dogs.
Mr. Mann is a son of Hon.;
Henry Mann, and is a prominent
(citizen. He is painfully wound
ied, but will recover.
Judge Alex McArthur of this
place is an uncle of the wounded
( man, and left yesterday for his
| Home. Reports reaching here
I yesterday were to the effect that
: Mr. Mann had died, but this is
| thought to be erroneous, and to
j the contrary he is thought to be
I doing well, with fair chances of
j recovery.
Mathanna Dots.
Special Correspondence.
Mrs. Mary J. Hughes was visit
ing in our community last week.
Miss Etta Gibbs and little niece
Lotta, were guests of Mr. Sharpe
several days the past week.
Mr. Frierson is spending a few !
days with his wife in Reidsville. j
W. J. Price was a business vis- !
itor to Mathanna last week.
Misses Ethel Hill and Alma
Gibbs were Saturday visitors.
Matthew and Ovid Sharpe were
in Vidalia Saturday.
Misses Emma and Zell Mcßride
; passed through Saturday.
* N. L. Williams and Miss Mag
gie Blocker of Vidalia were Sun
day visitors.
We were glad to see the pleas
ant faces of Messrs. Arch Hughes!
j and Everett Burch in town Friday,
i Pejier Johnson of Longpond was
m our midst, transacting business
last week.
Quite an enjoyable occasion was
the fruit supper at Mr. Matthew
I Sharpe’s on Friday night and all
had a pleasant time.
—Robin Redbreast.
! Special CorreHpondence.
section of the county
I has no correspondent iu the col- ]
urnnsof The Monitor, we send
some news items.
The long drought has been brok- ]
on by ruin, maybe too much of it.
| Hillie Gilder visited at the
home of Mrs. M. E. Beck one af
.ternoon last week.
Dr. John McNeal of Mcßae, ae
; companied by I. A. Johnson,spent |
] a short time in this vicinity one
; afternoon last week
Lee Thompson and R. K. Beck
1 passed through Grimesville Suu-
I day.
Sam Johnson was in this neigh
borhood oue day recently selling
S. R. Johnson, who has been
quite sick, is improving fast, we
are glad to chronicle.
Mr. Newt Lamb and Miss Sallie
Stephens were united in the holy
, bonds of wedlock at the home of
Mr. Lamb on Sunday last. We
wish the young couple happiness
and prosperity through life.
R. K. Beck and wife yisited
Mrs. Mary Gillis Sunday.
—Sweetpeas. j
Vidalia, Ga„ Feb. 27.-Mr. A.
’ I/. Gillis, of Gillis Spring, was in
the city today to confer with
Messrs. Powell and Sneed in re
ference to the trolley line that
will be built from this place to
the Gillis Spring in Emanuel
county. The spring is eight miles
from here and the road is to he
built to this point on account of
the number of trunK lines that
can be tapped here.
The water power for the road
will be secured from the Pen hoo
poe river, which lias a good fall
at the Gillis Spring end of the
road, and power will be furnished
I to plants in Vidalia from the pow
er plant of the road. Some foreign
capital will be used, having been
interested through Messrs. Powell
and Sneed.
The grand jury, which is in
sion at, Lyons this week, has re
i commended that the ordinary
1 have the county fconvicts work the
town streets the same as the coun
ty roads, and as the convicts are
! now working near Vidalia the
! streets here will receive attention
Supt. ,J. B. Johnson, of the con
vict camp, has now about 85 men,
some from the county, but the
majority from the state, and has!
been doing much good road build-1
ing with his force. Work will he
commenced here this week and
continue until the roads are in
first-class order.
This session of the superior
court will add several members
to the road gang.
For Tax Collector.
Tho voters of Montgomery comity are lirrc
l»j notified that I am a candidate, an,l caniost
ly ask their support, for the office ol Tax Col
lector, subject to such restrietions as may he
provided by the Executive Committee regu
lating the election of county ollicers. The of
fice will have my most earnest attention if I
ant favorod with it and yonrconsult ration will
he greatly appreciation, licspoeffiillv,
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Mr. R. 1). Beatty of the Tarry
town section was a pleasasit caller
at this office Tuesday.
Read the new cards of announce
ment in this issue. Polities are
now reaching the boiling heat,
and some interesting races gre on
among Montgomery county candi
Mr. J. L. Morrison, Hr., of
Glenwood was in to see The Mon
itor Tuesday.
Mr. T. M. Corbin of Route 2 was
a recent business visitor to The
Monitor office, He is a good
lion. W. A. Wooten of Mcßae
dropped over Tuesday on legal
Col. C. C. Curry of Vidalia was
a business visitor to Mt. Vernon
I Tuesday. He recently moved
from Abbeville to Vidalia, and is
a successful lawyer.
The new soring hats may be
! found at Mrs. Adams's. They are
I stylish and the price is reason
Mrs. F. Lee Mcßae raturned
Monday from a visit to friends
and relatives in South West Geor
Dr. and Mrs. E. New of Dublin
arrived yesterday and will spend
some time with relatives in Mt.
Mr. T. J. Rountree of Abbeville
who has been in Mt. Vernon about
a month, as representative of the I
Southern Supply Company, left I
Tuesday for Soperton. Mr. ■
Rountree is an all-’ronnd good !
man, and by his pleasant man-j
ners and happy disposition,)
made a number of warm friends ’
here, who, while they regret to!
i see him leave, wish him unbound-j
led success wherever he goes.
, A recent issue of tho Baltimore
American says:
“It was hard to he merry in
1 the South in tho day’s immediate-:
1 ly following Gen. Gen. Lee’s sur- ]
render,” says Mr Henry Y. Good
, year, of Milledgeville, Ga., at the !
( Belvrode.
“Every one was heartbroken
over tho failure of the cause. Tliej
1 man who tin! the great feat of;
waking a miserable people out of
their dejection was that wonder
ful humorist, of mv own state, the
immortal Bill Arp, who in real
life was Judge Charles Smith, of
Rome, Ga. lb* it was who got
the South to indulge in the first
good hearty laugh after Appomal
tax and with that laugh much of
the depression was shaken »(T.
“It came -about through one
of Arp’s quaint literary conceits.
Alluding to prevailing philosophy
that there would have to be a
complete shakeup, a regeneration ]
and making over again of all that j
was Southern, the writer said that I
t it was even rumored that all the :
little folks horn in tlui defeated |
section during tho war would have ]
to lit* born over again. As to this]
In* did not profess to have accurate
knowledge, but, in the meantime
advised all the good women of his
beloved South to remain calm
and serene.’.’
Mt. Vernon, Ga.,
March I, 11)10.
| T'n the Voters :
Many of my friends have ex
pressed the desire that I make
the race for Tax Collector of
our county ami somo of them
have placed my candidacy before
you. 1 appreciate what my friends
do for me and think I would dot
them an injustice to decline.
Now, should 1 lie honored with
the office for one term only, I
pledge an honest, clean official
record. I thank you in udvuncefor]
your help. Yours very truly,
x James VV. Adams.
A nice and appropriate linn of
jewelry on display at my millin
ery parlors. Mas. J. L. Adams.
Do not wait until the ground
becomes to dry before beginning
your garden.
Despite the inclement weather,
a number were here Tuesday to
attend sherd]' sales.
Miss Mattie Mcßride bus re
turned from W l llacooehoe, where
she has been teaching music.
Many friends are delighted at her
Miss Sadie MeQueen is rapidly
recovering from a severe illness.
Jf you fail to see The Monitor
for your stationery, you are the
loser. No better work can be
found in this section, as most |
business men will agree. This
accounts for our rapidly increas
ing patronage. Samples and
prices cheerfully submitted.
Mr. C. H. Johnson, a protni- '
nent young merchant of Long
pond was a business visitor to
this place yesterday. Mr. John
son contemplates moving his busi
ness to the new road.
Mrs. A. B. Hutcheson and little (
daughter, Carrol, have returned
i from an extended visit among rel
atives in Milledgeville.
See pur splendid line of spring
• and summer samples of Gents’
Clothing before ordering your new
! suit. L. M. McLemore <Si. Bro^
! Mt. Vernon, Ga.
Dr. 11. K. Harris, one of the j
•most prominent physicians in the
! state, came down from Atlanta
} 7
j one day last week to see his es
t teemed friend, Dr. Charles Hicks,
'of this place. Dr. Harris sp*-ak«
j very encouragingly of Dr. H icks’
I condition. 1
Ueidsville, Feb. 21 -\V. J. Wid
incamp, who is accused of murder
ing R, W. Moore in the Altamalia
j swamp near Tillman’s terrv,about
four years ago, lias been captured
jin Oregon. The crime is one of the
most hrutal Tattnall county has
ever known. After a true hill was
found against him, Widineamp
Hod, going to Tampa, Fla., thence
jto Oregon. The sherill' will soon
; go to that state and bring his pris
| oner back to justice.
This week will he seen a nutn-
I ber of new letters from sections of
the county not formerly represent
ed in the county paper. All are
welcome. Correspondents must
sign their names, as it. is out. id'
I order to send in a piece of matter
j without informing the paper j
where it, comes Irom. The paper
is not supposed to publish every
thing sent to this ofliee. if yon
j write a piece good enough for pub
i Mention, is is good enough to sign
your name to. , Write good, solid
matter, of interest to the people
of your section, and kindly leave
oil' too many insignificant, jokes.
11 is important t hat mat ter should
ho written on one side of the
paper only.
Special (’oi reKponilnneo,
Mr. Editor, wo have been ab
sent from the columns of Tile j
Monitor for sortie time. hut. wo I
join you again this week with
some 1 it.t h> dots, as this part, of the
county should lie represented in i
t he enmity paper.
Our people, prior to the rains,
have been very busy with farming
operations, and indications point
to large acreage planted t his year.
The school at this place is pro
gressing very nicely, under the
j efficient managemento! Miss Until
A large congregation was in at
tendance at, divine service Sunday.
There will be preaching at Als
ton every fourth Sunday m the
morning, and on Saturday before
in the evening, by Ivey. I’hurr.
Everyone is cordially invited to|
attend these services.
Miss Beatrice Sharpe of Vidal la
spent the latter part of last week !
with her brother, Dr. IT, C. j
Mr. J. 11. Drew, the section
foreman, spent Sunday in Vidalia.
Several spent the day very
pleasantly at the home of W. A,
McNutt, Sunday.
Our little town, Alston, is build
ing up. Among thoso who are;
erecting now bouses are; Dr. and j
.1. M. Dees, \V. A. McNutt and
English Morse, and mere build
ings soon to go up. We want more
good people to locate here and
j help develop the town and coun
i try.
(J. W. Sharpe visited J. A. Gal
braith Sunday.
Glad to state that, Mrs. Lizzie
Galbraith, who has been ill, is im
It’s been mighty cold weather
lately for tin- season. The farmers
have wanted warm weather and
and they got a-plenty of it, so !
now, Mr. Farmer, it’s up to you;
“go down and get it,straight from !
the shoulder.’’ —Johnnutl.
Oklahoma City, Okla , Feb. 28.
—As the result of a bullet wound
in the head, received when he at
tacked the guard who was taking
him to the insane asylum, Albert
11. Beall, an insurance agent of
this city, is a patient in a local
hospital, his sanity apparently re
Jn a maniacal raize Beall had
closed with his guard, and in the
ensuing struggle the madman was
shot, the bullet cutting a deep
furrow along the side of his head.
He dropped like a log, his head
striking the floor with great force. .
He was unconscious when picked
! »P*
i When revised later, Beall was
unable to remember the events of
j the hours preceding, and since the
j shooting has exhibited no symp
toms of insanity. The attending
! physicians have been asked to ob
serve him closely, and if he ap-
I pears to he sound mind he will
| be released from custody. |
The season for political entries
is not half closed and each week
sees some new man out in the field
for political honors. In this is
sue will be f'ohnd the cards of two
good men.
Mr. John G. Morris, who is well
known throughout, the county, is
again before the voters as a can
didate for tho office of Tax Re
ceiver. Mr. Morris will make a
spocuii effort to win this time. In
the last, campaign he received a
very good vote and is considered a
good, agfe citizen, competent and
trustworthy. Mr. Morns is before
you, gentlemen.
Still nnot,her man enters tins
| week, in tin* person of Mr. Sibley
jJ . Clark of the southern part ot
| the county, who asks the office of
I Tux Collector. While there are a
| number of aspirants for this of
fice, Mr. Clark thinks there is
room enough for another runner,
j and says he is the man fora long
j race, and a clean one. He is
young and energetic, and, if elect
ed, would giye good service as a
county officer.
Tarrytown Items.
Sprciiil Gommpoixk nee.
W/o were glad to see so many out
at Sunday-school, Sunday. All
should come so we will have a
j nourishing Sabbath school. M.
j 10. Burns from Kibbee and sover
lal from Soperton were in attend
Rev. Ben Fritter preached a fine
sermon Sunday night to a large
and appeciative audience.
Mr. Frank Stephens and Miss
Addie Simmons, and Eugene AIJ
len and Miss Stella Thigpen at
tended divine service at Zaidee
Sunday. •
Miss Bessie Ricks returned from
Vidalia Sunday, where hlic had
been visiting her sister, Mrs. F.
M. Simmons,
Her friends will be glad to
know that Miss Myrtice Calhoun
was able to return home from the
| sanitarium at Vidalia.
At this writing Mrs. M. A.
I Wheeler is very ill. We hope she
! may soon be restored to health.
C. W. Graham and Capt. G.
Warwick spent Sunday at the
home of Algerine Bruekly.
J. L. Lowery and wife visited
I homefolks here Sunday.
| C. W. Beck worth and 11. S.Cal-
I houn spent Sunday at the home
jof Mr. and Mrs. .J. A. Boekworth.
Our school is flourishing. Wo
have from fib to fit) pupils in reg
ular attendance. .
T. I looks and wife spent. Sunday
at her father’s near Zaidee.
Messrs. Tom Kelly and Claud
Warnock attended divine service
at this place on last Sunday.
—Blue Eyes.
Special CDiTCHporidcnco.
Well, Mr. Editor, here is a new
correspondent from this section of
the county.
Quite a large crowd attended
the sing at W. T. Kmcheus Sun
| day afternoon.
! Next Sunday a Sunday-school
! will be organized at Sardis. We
would like to seea full attendance
of voting people out to assist in
I the good cause.
'There is a great deal of sickness
in this community at this writing,
and the dread disease, pneumonia
is on the rampage.
R<-v. 'IV B. Winlmrn left Monday
| on a business trip to Washington,
D. C. On his return tie will prob
ably spend several days in Atlanta.
Messrs. J. R. Adams, J. W.
Green and J. F. McDaniel have
each placed a telephone in their
home. —Young America.
The firm of Anderson A Cal
houn of Tarrytown, Ga., has this
day been dissolved by mutual con
sent and I am no longer responsi
ble for obligations contracted by
1 the firm. This, the 18th day of
November, 1901).
,1141-41) C. H. CALHOUN,
NO. 46