The Montgomery monitor. (Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County, Ga.) 1886-current, March 10, 1910, Image 1

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    VOL. XXIV.
After the election there will ev- !
idently be no county offices unfill
ed, judging from; the number of
applicants whose cards of an
nouncement appear in this paper.
Each week brings one or two good
citizens to the front with an
abundance of aspiration and the
necessary enthusiasm for a politi
cal bout.
Mr. John A. Martin, a promi-j
nent citizen of the West Side of ,
the county is another candidate
who desires the office of Tax Col
lector and is not afraid to make it
knowu to his friends. He is a man
of splendid bearing and capabili
ty. and if he should be the winner
in the battle of ballots, would
make an efficient officer. Mr.
Martin will claim many votes.
The office of County Treasurer
is again sought by Mr. John W.|
Morrison, Sr. In the last cam- !
paign this clever gentleman made
a strong pull for the place, but re
tired at the end of the campaign
with a good number of votes in
his behalf. Mr. Morrison has long
been associated with the atluirs of j
the county and is well-known as
an upright, honorable citizen. It
is understood that he is out for
this office on a plain business basis
—for what there is in it and for
what good he can do the county asi
an officer having the interest of
the people at heart.
Vidalia, Ga., March O.—A ver-j
diet was reached in the case of!
the State vs. Darby for the killing j
of O. G. Moore at Vidalia last
spring. Mr. Darby was adjudged
guilty of involuntary manslaugh
ter and has been granted a new j
trial. He is out under a fifteen!
thousand dollar bond.
Lumber City, Route 1
Special Correspondence.
Mrs. Sallie Rhiner visited
Wright and wife Sunday.
Willie Hall of Stuckey was a
visitor iu this section Sunday.
Ben Walden of Porterdale is
visiting at A. T. Wright’s home.
Glad to announce that the sick
in this community are improying.
Editor Monitor, we send in
some news this week from this sec
A. J. Cox and wife were busi
ness visitors iu Lumber City Fri
Mr. Cleon Wood has returned ;
from Rebecca, where he has been
visiting his mother.
Dr. J. W. Neal of Scotland was
a visitor in this section recently
on professional business.
The’“Thimble Game” at the j
home of Mr. Cox Thursday j
evening was quite an enjoyable as-!
Dave Lovett and Miss Mattie-
Lou Wright visited Miss Pauline
Turner Saturday. —Blue Jay.
Special Correspondence.
H. D. Tapley visited at Orland
W. F. Manning went over to
Dublin Saturday.
Elbert Hadden visited at Cedar
Grove Sunday.
R. Moseley of Soperton was a
yisitor in this section Sunday.
Spring has come to stay. It is
warm enough for corn to be up.
Mr. John Tapley visited his
mother, Mrs. on Sunday.
Messrs. Grover and Ed Man
ning visited A. C. Halsey Sundav.
Misses Gena Halsey and Lennie
Turner visited Mrs. Clara White i
Chester Merritt and family at
this writing are quite ill. We
hope they may soou be restored.
Rev. Thomas w’ill fill hisi
regular appointmeut next Sunday
at Rosemont. Everybody go out
and give him a good congregation.
The little son of Mrs. Stuffier
was called to rest Saturday. God
is all-wise and doethall things for
the best. Our sympathy goes out
to the grief-stricken mother and
other relatives.
Everybody had a big time at the
log-rolling given by J. K. Simp
sou. That night a happy party of
young people assembled and they
bad a bigger time. Dixie Girl.
iUmttgmttpnj iUmtitor.
From Alamo.
Soeeiat Correspondence.
M isses Alma and Lucile Cle
! mens were home for a few days
visit the first of the month.
Alamo has a new barber shop,
the propritor is Mr. Luther Smith
who moved here recently from
The Sewing Club met with Mrs.
Ayns on Saturday March sth and
■ the following week with Mrs. Sam
| Lee.
Two of our young people, Mr.
I Herman Hurvvily and Miss Polly
(Miller, were married on Monday
March 7th.
Mrs. Sam Lee has gone to Dub-
I lin where she will spend a few
weeks with her sister.
On Monday and Tuesday of this
week, Mr. Barton A. Pilgrim gave
three very interesting lectures on
the Millennium Dawn at the
(home of Mr. McLennan.
The Sunday school is prepair
ing a song and recitation service
for Eeater. It is hoped that all
the children attending the Sunday
school will help in these exercises.
Rev. Brewtou held service in
the church twice on Sunday
March 6th, with a good congrega
tion in attendance.
The ladies’ of the Home Mis
sionary Society had a tine meet
ing at the church on Tuesday af
ternoon.' Only the usual business
was taken up.
Mr. and Mrs. Witliington, who
have been the guests otj Mrs.
j Rogers for the past month, have
j returned to their home in Boston.
I Mr. Withington is much improv
ed in health and they are going
: back to their mothers home lovers
!of Georgia climate, Georgia food 5
I and Georgia people.
j Special Correspondence.
We will organize a Sunday
school at the Seward school-house
‘ next Sunday afternoon at 2:80 p.
m. We hope to see a full at
Rey. J. F. Yancey filled his reg
ular appointment at Smyrna Sun
day morning and here in the af
ternoon to large audiences.
Grover Conner and wife visited
their sister in Toombs county Sat
urday, Mrs. Sallie Anderson.
Dan and Fred Gordon were with
friends in Jeff Davis on Saturday.
Misses Florence and Louranie
| Moseley visited their brother, W.
E. Moseley, near Cedar Crossing
O. C. Miller of Springhill was
absent from his work last week on
account of illness.
Mesdames Nannie Peterson and
! Mary Hughes of Hack Branch vis
j ited their sister, Mrs. Carolina
Conner, last week.
—Fuss and Fun,
Alamo, Route 1.
.Special Correspondence.
Mrs. J. W. Clark spent Thurs
day at Mrs. Walter Clark’s.
Messrs. Watson and Luther
Rowland visited in this section
Mrs. J. W. K. Clark is at the
bedside of her mother, Mrs. Betsy
Harelson, who is very ill.
Mr. Dan Wright of the Mt. Oli
vet section was mingling among
, friends in this community Sunay.
Key. Lee filled his regular
| appointment at Oak Groye Sun
| day, with a large congregation in
; attendance.
Misses Bertha and Clemmie
{Clark spent a part of last week
I with Miss Eliza Clark; the latter
spent Sunday at.J. W. K. Clark’s.
Field Peas for Sale.
Planting Peas in any quantity
from one bushel to five hundred
I bushels. Peas are Running Speck
led, slightly mixed with Un
known. Nice, new, clean stock, in
good bags. Price S2.(JO per bushel
at Teunille, Ga. Iu ordering small
lots send money order, check or
; express order. In large lots we j
will ship order notify. Fanners’
orders solicited. Give shipping
point and postoffice. Our refer
ence: Any bank in Tennille, Ga.
j 3, 10-ts) Tennille, Ga.
. Tax Collector Currie, asks the
paper to say that he will be in ,
, bis office on Mondays and Tues
-1 days of each week of superior j
1 court,!and, those who have not {
done so will have an opportunity;
of registering. This will be about
the lust opportunity. Do not fail I
to see him if you want to get in
good standing for the primary. {
While't lie) primary will not be j
held until later in the summer, it
is necessary to have your name
enrolled on the proper book by I
the close of April.
Mortgage Sale.
State of Georuia—Montgomery
County: Under and by virtue of the
power of sale contained in the mort- ;
gage executed by William Herndon (
to W. and T. .1. Pritchett,on the 171 h
day of January, 1891, and recorded in |
tin' office of the ( lot k of the Superior
Court of said county, in Book “1),”|
at folios 58-59, the undersigned will)
sell at public sale, at the court house :
in said county,during the legal hours j
of sale to the highest hinder for cash j
011 the first Tuesday in April. 1910, |
the following property, to-wit :
Seventy-live acres of land, situate,
lying and being in the 12215 t District j
U. M.,of Montgomery county.bound- '
ed north by lands ot James Branch,
east by William Herndon, sout h by
William Higgs and west by James
Branch, for file purpose of paying
two certain promissory notes hear- j
ing date the 17th day of January,lß9l,
and payable on November 15th there
after, and made and executed by the I
said William Herndon, said notes
j being for S7O each, principal, stipu-I
■ laiing for interest, from date at the
! rate of 8 per cent per annum.with t lie
t following payments entered thereon
i and the entry being signed fix the
] maker: October, Ist, 1891, $73.25.
March Ist, 1892. $lO. February 25th.
1893. $35. March 19th,1893, $13.07. The j
| total amount now due on said note j
being $82.90, principal and interest, j
together with the cost of this pro-j
ceeding, including 10 per cent. nt
lorney’s fees, as provided in said
mortgage. A conveyance will tie ex
edited to the purchaser by the 1111- 1
dersigned, as authorized iu said
mortgage. This, February 28th, 1910. j
W. AND T. J. I’RlTOll ETT. •
J. S. Adams. Attorney for W. and T.,
J. Pritchett.
Willis, the photographer, will
again be in Mt. Vernon for two
weeks, beginning the 11th lust.
See him for photos.
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Young men, you are invited to
inspect the fine lot of Spring
Clothing just opened at W. 11.
A lot of old papers for sale at
this office. The very thing for put
ting under carpets, mattings,rugs,
etc. By their use carpets will wear
longer and the house kept warm
er; also good for papering houses.
Mr. J. R. Summer of Erick
came over on business Monday.
He is one of the most prominent
citizens of the west side of the
county and a man of splendid
1 business ability.
Base Ball Gloves, Buts and all
kinds of Sporting Goods for sale
j by Palmer Drug Store Ailey, Ga.
Justice J. A. Martin of Scot
land was a business visitor to Mt.
Vernon Monday. He is a pleasant
gentleman and an official who
commands the highest respect of
all with whom he is acquainted.
Mrs. J. A. Barlow of Glemvood
snent Tuesday with the family of
Mr. E. W. Armfield.
Mr. J. M. Lowery of the West
Side was among-the visitors here
Monday morning.
No meeting of the Board of Ed
ucation was held last week on ac
count of a lack of quorum, sever
al of the members being detained.
Mrs. J. L. Adams’ Spring Milli
nery Opening will occur March
14th, loth and 10th. Ladies of
I Mt. Vernon and vicinity are in
vited to attend.
Miss Willie Lou Cochran,teach
ing in the Soperton Institute,
I spent Sunday with her parents,
{Colonel and Mrs. A. B. Hutche
Information has been received
here as t*> the death of Miss Liz
zie Rowland, who was accidently
shot by her father last week in an
(effort to shoot some birds near
the place. While the young lady)
! has suffered much, it was hoped
i that her injuries would not prove'
fatal, but on Tuesday she passed !
away. The grief-stricken father
is a well to do citizen and the
j young lady was held in high es-!
| teem by a large circle of friends.
Shiloh Items.
j Special Correspondence
Messrs. John Tompkins and
Rue! Livingston spent Sunday at
Several from this section wore
in Lumber City Saturday.
M isses Rosa Joyner visited the |
Misses Sikes on last Sunday.
Colonel Moye and wife visited j
Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Sikes Sunday.
Mrs. Sallie Mitchell and daugh
t r, were pleasant guests of
j Mrs. N. N. Tompkins Saturday.
Master Percy Sikes, who lias
been extremely ill with pneumo-
I 11111, is very much improved.
We regret, to chronicle that Mr.
J. .1. Vaughn of Jacksonville, Fla.
• died on Sunday last, Feb. 20th.
Only two weeks ago he was up in ;
this section to pay the last tribute |
|to Ins brother, John, who passed
away Feb. I it h.
j Ellie Paul of Towns was in this!
community one day last week.
—Billie. (
At this writing Mr. Shelton
Walters has three sick children.
Miss Pearl Mims visited Miss i
Sadie Vaughn Sunday.
'file sing at Mr. James McDan-i
i iel’s Sunday night, was an occasion 1
lof much pleasure to those in at-1
N. J. Vaughn returned to Char- (
i lottesyille Monday.
I (lube Clements and family vis- 1
j ited his son, Ashley Clements, |
Dee Coney spent Sunday with |
liomefolks in Alamo.
J. VV. Clements visited Mr. 1
Joiner Sunday.
Mesdaines J. T Jordan and A.
.1. Vaughan spent Sunday with
j 1 heir sister, Mrs. Aaron Moses.
Mr. Alex Patterson, a promi
nent young business man of Al
amo, was a caller at this office
Easter Suits, Hats and Spring
Novelties opened up this week and
for sale hy W. 11. McQueen.
No better stationery than can be
j had in this section is turned out
by The Monitor. Get prices and
see samples of the work. If you
need writing paper at all, you
need the best.
Mr. McLendon has been |
quite sick for some days, but is |
now at his place of business.
See our splendid line of spring!
i and summer samples of Gents’
Clothing before ordering your new
suit. L. M. McLernore & Bro.,
Mt. Vernon, Ga.
FOR SALE —Piano bond ap
plying on the payment of first
class Piano, for amount of $175,
good until June Ist. Make me an
1 offer for it. Willie Oliver, Glen
wood. Ga.
See me for bargains in Spring;
.Suits, Fancy Shirts, Oxford Shoes j
and nobby Neckwear. W.JL Mc-
If you are a live young man and
look to your own interests, you
1 will buy your Spring Suits, Hats
and Shoes from W. U. McQueen’s
new stock.
Cashier J. E. Hall of the Bank
of Soperton was a visitor to Mt.
Vernon a few days ago.
The verdict pronounced by those
who have seen the new Spring
Hats shown by Mrs. Adams —
“The Prettiest Ever,”
, Special Correspondence.
Mr. and Mrs. P. Robertson am
happy over the arrival of a ti 11 • >
baby girl.
Mr. James Braswell of near
, Scotland visited relatives here
1 last Monday.
Mrs. 11. S. Smith spent, Satur
, day and Sunday last m Helena
with relatives.
Rev. L. H. Jessup filled his reg
ular appointment at White
■ Spring last. Sunday.
Miss Della Maddox visited at
| the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom
! Kent last Sunday.
We are very sorry to learn of
the illness of Mr. Alex Beasley
; and hope for him a speedy recov
Mrs. L. A. Hattaway and little
j neice Izotto Sterling, visited the
1 former’s sister near Cordele a few
j days this week.
Mr. John O'Qtiinn is on the
! sick list this week. —L.
Mortgage Sale.
State ok Gkokuia Montgomery
County, finder -mil by virtue of the
power of sale in 11 mortgage exeeuted
ity Josh Col 1 ins anil I,aura Collins,
! dated the 8t li day of March, 1890,and
recorded in the office ol the Clerk of
I lie Superior Con ri of Montgomery
county, in Book “D,” at folios 337
1338-339, on the 21!!Ii day of June, 1891.
I lie undersigned will sell at public
sale, at the court lamse dour in said
county ol .Montgomery, during 11 1 • •
{legal hours of sn .10, to the h igliest bld-
Ller for cash, on the first Tuesday in
j April, 1910, the following described
property, to-wit:
One hundred acres of laud,more or
1 less, situate, lying ,-md being iu the
j 12215 t District (J. M., of said county
I of Montgomery and state of Georgia , '
hounded north by lands of Joseph !
j Williams, east hy Mrs. John Kersey, j
| Month hy J. K. Beck worth and west
j hy B. A. Moseley,known as the place j
where the said Collins lived ut tin-;
; date of snid mortgage, together w it h
I all improvements thereon, for the
i purpose of paying a eortain pnnni.s-
I sory note for s2os.2o,executed and de
livered to W. and T. J. I*rilelu-lt, on
Lhe Bth day ot March, 1890, stipulat
ing for interest from unit urity at t in
rate of 8 per cent. per annum and 10
percent, attorney's fees, the total
j amount due on said note now being
I $174.82. principal; $232.02 interest,up
to the first. Tuesday in April, 1910,
(and the furi ln-r sum of $1u.7l altorn
, ny’s fees, tile said W.aud T.J.Pritch
ett having incurred said attorney's
! fees as part of the expense referred
j to iu said power of sale, and for such
'sum ns may he necessary to pay Un
taxes thereon now duo,together with
j the cost ill’ t his proceedings as pro
; vided in said mortgage. A deed to
i tin-purchaser will he made hy the
I undersigned. This, Fein nary 28th,
! 1910. W. AND T. J. I'KIT'CUEIT.
J. ,S Adams, Attorney lor W. and
T. J. ITilcliott.
/•or County Treasurer:
I hereby aim,nine,• through this mi ilium iny
(-aiidiiliiov for the olih-u oft Tcuhiii'ci of Montg
omery outinly, subject to the m-tlou of the
Democratic primary. If I am favored with
this trust 1 will discharge the duties of tin
office as tins law i-eijuin s and in a strict host
miss maimer 1 wish to thank the citizens of
the county for then cordial support iu the last
campaign, and trust that I may again haw
their support iu my earnest efforts for die
Very Truly,
J. VV. doitniMoN, Kit.
Tor Tax Collector:
I hereliy announce myself a candidate for
the office of 'J aX Collector of Montgomery
county, subject to the action of the Democra
tic primary. 1 earnestly solicit the support
of the people generally.
Yours very truly,
J. A. Maiwin.
i Georgia Montgomery County,
j Whereas..!. K. Cronin it ic lias iu
I proper form applied to the under
j signed for loiters of administration
| oil the estate of Mary-Belle Fuller,
'and lids is therefore to cite all par
ties concerned that said application
will be heard afiny office on the first
Monday in April, next . Given under
my hand and official signal lire, l ids, •
tln-7ili day of March, I9IU.
Afi-x McArthur, Ordinary.
Swainsboro, Ga., March 7. —
Mrs. R. E. Rountree died Sutur j
day evening at the home of her
step-granddaughter, Mrs. G. I*.
Edenfield, as the result of a fail
; which she sustained Wednesday
evening in attempting to cross the
| street from Mrs. Edenfield’s home
to Dr. Green Bell’s. At the spot,
where she fell the street is made
lower than the sidewalk, making
an embankment several feet high,
Mrs. Rountree evidently thought
that she had reached a crossing
and stepped off about three feet,
receiving what, at first, seemed
only to be painful bruises on her
face, arm and ankle. A physician
was summoned and she seemed to i
be resting quite well until the j
next morning, when she became!
in a comatose condition, from
j which' she never aroused.
'State News Items.
Fitzgerald, March I—The Fitz
, gerald ami Oeilla Electric railway
broke dirt yesterday and the work
• of building the road will be rush
ed to completion. A large num
ber of ties ordered have reached
the city, ready for delivery.
i Byromville, March o—Tom
I Well of the Drayton community
■! near hero, shot and killed himself
this morning. Ho leaves a moth
er and several children. He was
one of the county’s moat promi
nent citizens.
Grinin, March f> —The, invest i-
Igntion into the sale of intoxicat
ing eiders here has resulted in the
arrest of four of the most promi
nent, merchants of the city, their
bonds being fixed at .SSOO each.
Their cases will be beard Monday
nt the session of the Spalding
! court.
Col. \V. L. Wilson left Monday
morning in response to a telegram
announcing the death of Mrs. I>.
Q. Wilson at her home at Chaulk
or, Ga. Mrs. Wilson was the
wife of Col. Wilson’s brother, Mr.
1) Q. Wilson, and was known to
many friends in this county. Dr.
Wilson passed away last. Septem
ber at the age of eighty.
The Damons held their regular
meeting Saturday afternoon. The
chaplain being absent, the meet
ing was opened with a prayer by
Rufus Hedges. It being the day
for election of officers, the follow
ing were appointed to serve the
following month :
Ernest Rivers, Yice-I’resident.
Louise McArthur, Secretary and
Louise Mann, Corresponding
Denton Green way, Censor.
Several committees made their
reports and different items of bus
iness were discussed. An inter
esting program was rendered:
Reading— Edgar Kycroft.
i Vocal Solo —Elsa Cowart.
Jokes—Charles McAllister.
Debate—“ Resolved, That the
Monroe Doctrine Should be Abol
ished.” Aflirmative: Rrad well
Lanier, Anna Morrison. Nega
tive: Julia and Maggie Peterson.
The judges rendered their decision
in favor of the negative.
Photograph Notice.
I will tie in Mt. Vernon for two
weeks, beginning Monday, 14th
mst,., and reinuin until Saturday,
wbtli inst. See me at the tent on
the court house square. Photo
graphs made in the quickest and
most artistic manner. All work
guaranteed to lie satisfactory.
Have your pictures made the first
week of court.
H. C. WILLIS, Photographer.
Hod Bluff.
special OorrcHpomh-ncH.
At this writing Mrs. W. B.
Smith is quite ill. Mrs Lizzie
• Davis spent Monday with home
folks. R. W. Cone and wife
spent Sunday with D. E. Walker.
Ezra and Vida Davis spent Sun
day with their uncle, Jack Davis.
Mesdames Sallie and James O’Bri
en spent Snnduy at the home of
James Herndon. Marshall Da
vis and wife visited their daughter
Mrs. Chap Thigpen, Sunday.
James Clemmons and family,
who have been visiting the latter’s
parent, Thos. Sterling, have re
turned home at Towns. Chas.
Davis and wife visited the for
mer’s sister, Mrs. Chap Thigpen
Sunday. Win. Smith and
jdaughter, Miss Ola, and Miss Es
j sie Green way spent Sat urday with
I his daughter, Mrs. J. H. Davis.
| John Davis and Miss Maud
! McLemore were married at Vida
jl la at the home of the bride’s pa
j rents on Sunday. We wish the
| happy pair much success W.
H. Smith and J. H. Davis attend
ed justice court at Lothair Satur
day. Sunday-school next Sab
bath at 8 o’clock. Everybody in
vited. Abe Chance was in Kib*
bee Saturday. —Daffodil.
NO. 47