Newspaper Page Text
Os all the condimeuts known
to modern 'cookery,salt is the
mo9t necessary and universally
used, says a writer in the Nation
al Food Magazine. But indis
pensable’as 9alt injthe kitchen, it
is equally useful in the sick room,
laundry and forgeueral household
purposes: in fact,‘from garret to
cellar, so to speak, is an
ever-ready and resourceful adjunct
to good house-keeping.
A weak solution of salt and
warm good remedy for
colds in the head, sore throat or
tender gums, used either as a
spray, gargle or mouth wash; it is
also a good and cheap dentifrice
For bleeding of the lungs it is
very efficacious, a large table
spoonful in a glass of cold water
“to be taken freely.”
For intestinal disturbances salt ;
is an excellent addition to the j
enema, as it both cleanses and
acts as a tonic.
A tablespoonful of salt in a
glass of hot water, sipped on an
empty stomach, is a cure for con
To break the acidity in cran
berries add a pinch of salt.
Some claim that a pinch of salt
added to boiled coffee improves
its aroma.
Hot salt bags relieye neuralgia,
earache and toothache,and clothes
wrung out of salt water should be
applied to all sprains and strain
ed muscles. Salt water foot baths,
hot or coid, are helpful for swol
len or tired feet, and children
with weak backs and ankles
should have a; gentle salt water
rub once a day.
Every well-equipped laundry
should have a jar of salt among
its assets. Immerse all handker
chiefs and bloody clothes in cold
salt-water before washing; it eli
minates all unpleasant features
and stains. Put a little salt in
the starch to give it gloss. Salt
added to the water in which color
ed clothes are washed holds the
color. If salt is put in the rins
ing water, clothes do not freeze so
readily when hung out in winter.
Salt on a piece of paper makes
a good polish for flat-irons.
To remove rust-spots wet with
vinegar, cover with salt and ex
pose to the sun ; repeat until the
stains are drawn out. Salt with
vinegar is good to clean brass,
bottles and stained cruets. Al
ways add salt to the water kept in
Coarse salt moistened with am
monia is spread on the carpet be
fore sweeping will both clean it
and restore its colors.
Use salt-water to wash matting,
and put salt, in water to wash win
dows in winter to prevent them
from becoming frosty.
If food has been spilled in the
oven cover with salt at once to
prevent unpleasant odor. When
the fire is low a little salt, strewn
over embers often revives it. Salt
is used to thaw frozen water pipes,
and if sprinkled on the door-steps
and outer stairs when covered
with ice they are easily keptcleau.
In the tall strew salt on the flow
er beds after the bulbs and flow
ers are taken up, this destroyes
the seeds and roots of the crop of
weeds, during the winter salt dis
integrates and when the beds are
dug up it has some value as a i
By this list you will see the im
portance of this simple mineral
and the necessity of always keep
ing the salt cellar well filled.—Ex-
A wisely conducted newspaper
is like a banquet says an exchange.
Everything is served with a view
to variety. Help yourself to
what you want and do
not condemn the entire spread
because pickles and onions
may be included. If you do not
relish them, somebody else may
find them palatable. Be generous
and broad enough to select grace
fully such reading matter from pa- :
pers as will be agreeable to your
mental taste. You as an individ
ual, are not compelled to swallow |
everything. We do not all think
alike on every subject and it is a
good thing, ”as it make 3 more
variety —and variety is the spice j
of existence.
I hereby amiounce iuv candidacy for the
office of Clerk of the Superior Court of Mont
gomery county, subject to the action of the
Democratic primary. If elected, I promise to
discharge the atTairaof the office faithfully and
in a business-like manner. Thanking you in
J advance for your support, I am
Very respectfully,
.M.' L. O'BRIEN.
For Clerk Superior Court
M v candidacy for re-election to the office of I
Clerk of the .superior Court is before the poo- |
pie of Montgomery. The fact that l have been
, honored with the office for a repeated term
I has not detracted from my labors and my ear- i
u st efforts to till ii in an acceptable manlier,
,as I teel sure mv record will show. I am fa
' miliar with the many duties of the office and
if 1 am again favored with the position it shall
slill have mv best efforts. To this end 1 ear- I
neatly solicit the support, of the people of my
| county at the coming election.
Verv respectfully,
To the People of Montgomery County:
From boyhood 1 have had a laudable ambi
tion to represent tin- county of my nativity in
: the Georgia Legislature. Yielding to the
j earnest solicitations of friends in every nook
of Montgomery county, I hereby announce
myself a candidate for the Lower House ol the
next General Assembly of Georgia, subject to
the action ot a Democratic primary, should j
one be held. I promise in advance to do my
full duty in case lam elected. Thanking one j
and all for your support, 1 remain
Yours verv truly and lovallv,
I hereby announce myself a candidate for
the office of Sheriff of Montgomery county at
the approaching general election. I offer my
self subject to the action of the Democratic
primary of said county. 1 Have bad consider
able experience in the duties of the office and
promise if elected to giro the people a faith
ful, conscientious and efficient administration.
Soliciting the support .g' tiie people getter
alb . 1 am Yours tnilv,
Nov 17, 1909. DANIEL MORRISON.
To the People of Montgomery County
My candidacy for ie-election to the office of
Sheriff of Montgomery county is befote her
good people; and I feel that the situation will
warrant nte in asking the same cordial sup
port given me in this my Hist term. I trust
that m.v labors have been found acceptable to
the public; ai d in asking the further support
of my fellow citizens, I pledge anew my most
earnest efforts in the discharge of the duties
of the office. I can but point to my record,
and ask that the same be considered at the
approaching election. With further assuran
ces of my apreciation, I beg to remain
Your obedient servant.,
For Tax Receiver:
To the Voters of Montgomery County.
I take this method of publicly announcing
lily candidacy for re-election to the office of
Receiver of Tjax Returns, subject to the titles
of the Executive Committee. I enter this |
race untrammeled by any entangling alliance j
whatever,and I promise if elected to discharge I
the duties of the office with promptness and j
with equal rights to all and special privileges j
to none; and I further promise if favored with j
this office for another' term to voluntarily
retire at the expiration of such second term. !
Yours very truly,
W. Henby Class, j
For Tax Receiver:
To the Voters of Montgomery County:
Yielding to strong influences in my favor, I |
hereby announce myself an aspirant for the
office of Tax Receiver of this county, and I j
earnestly ask the kind consideration of my ]
follow citizens. I feel that my qualifications
justify the request, and that my labels would
prove acceptable to the people whom I ask to j
s-rve. It elected, it will he my desire to fill .
the place to the best of nty ability, giving it j
my entire time and attention when required. .
Asking ttiat mv request, be given cousidera- i
tion at the polls, and in accord with the rules,
I am Very truly yours,
11. S. Pf.avx.
For Tax Receiver.
To the Citizens of Montgomery County:
I hereby announce myself a candidate for
the office of Tax Receiver of Montgomery
county, subject to the action of the Democrat
ic Executive Committee. I promise, if elect
ed, to discharge the duties of the office to the
! best of mv ability, and earnestly solicit the
I support of the people.
Yours very truly,
As a life-long citizen of Montgomery coun
ty and having the interests of the county and j
people at heart, I offer ntvseifa candidate for !
the office of 7'tx Collector, subject to the re- j
strictions of such primary election as may be
later provided. I feel that my long associa- j
tion with the affairs of the cotintv will merit
i the support of the people, and to them I 1
! pledge my earnest endeavors in the fulfill
ment of the duties incumbent upon the office,
; if I should be favored with it, and to this end
| I earnestly ask the support of my friends and
fellow citizens. Respectfully
ii. F. COOPER.
For Tax Collector:
Having formerly withheld my candidacy for
j public office at the instance of friends. I am
. now before the voters of Montgomery county
; as a candidate for Tax Collector; and I trust
j that this fotntal announcement will have the
I approval of those friends who have already
j tendered their support, together with the
j support of the people generally. If I should
! Ire favored with tins important trust, 1 pledge j
my nest efforts in the discharge of the duties i
of the office, feeling ttiat toy experience in the '
I business world and my acquaintance with the
I public affairs of the county will merit the favor
of the public. I am unimeumbred, and the
legal discharge of the duties of the office
-hall be my guide and motto. Trusting that
1 may have opportunity of showing my appre
. ciation of support, and placing my candida
cy subject to such restriction* as may be pro
vided for the election, I am
A. .f. Chimes.
s For Tax Collector.
By this method I desire to fully place my
self befitre the voters of Montgomery county
as a candidate fur the office of Tax Collector;
and while I arn making an earnest effort for
j the place, I desire to e.ictt the cordial support
of tire people. As a citizen, I deem this one j
of the roost important offices in the county, i
i and that it requires the work of a eareftil. •
, competent and conscientious matt, observing
. tire law in an impartial manner; and irt the |
I event of election, shall puisne this course with !
diligence In advance I extend thanks for ‘
the support that may be accorded me at the I
polls, an I subjecting vA candidacy to such
r ules as may be provi by the county gov- .
1 ermeg committee, I am
j Yours very respectfully,
• T. F. Williams.
For Tax Collector.
Profoundly grateful for the favor shown me
by tin* people of Montgomery county in my
election to the office of Tax i’ollerttor, and hav
ing the consciousness of having devoted mv -
beat efforts to their service dining the term, I
again offer for the place. I loel sure that the
voters of tile county will still honor the custom
of an officer tilling two terms, in which his
work is more effective, mid to this end I humb
ly ask the continued favor of the people. M.v
work as an officer is open to the people and l
will douby appreciate tin* favor of another
term as the servant of the people of my natixe
county. Your obedient servant.
| I>. M. CURRIE.
For Tax Collector:
To the Yotera of Montgomery County:
Yielding to strong influences in my favor, I
hereby announce myself a candidate for Tux
! Collector of thia county; and I earnestly ark
the kind consideration of mv fellow eiti/.ena. !
J I teel that my qualifications justify the re
quest, and that mv labora would prove accept
able to the peoph whom 1 ask to nerve .f
! elected it will he my till the office to
| heat of my ability, giving it my entire time j
and attention when required. Sly candidacy*
irt subject to the requirement* that may be
provided for tin* election of county officers.
Yours verv trulv,
\J M.V. TRY I. IT.
For Tax Collector.
To the Citizens ot Montgomery County:
j Wo, the undersigned, of our own will, and
without his knowledge,hereby announce I \N.
Adams a candidate for the office <»t Tax Col
lector of Montgomery county. subject 1o the
j rnlc*a of the Democratic primary. We do this
| under the firm conviction that, judging from
! his ,:ust services, he will make u faithful and
! efficient officer if elected; and we bespeak for
| him your hearty support.
* Very trulv yours,
For Tax Collector.
The voters <»f Montgomery county are here
by notified that I am a candidate, and earnest
ly HHk their support, for the office of lax Col
lector, subject, to sin'll restrictions as may IV
provided by the Executive Committee regu
lating the election of county officers. The of
fice will have m.v most earnest attention if 1
am favored wit h it and your consideration will
be greatly appreciated. Respectfully,
For County Treasurer:
I trust that the next Legislature will an
nul the office of County Treasurer, since the
time is here when it is an unnecessary ex
pense to the tax payet Hos the several counties.
If the Legislature at tin* approaching session
| tails to abolish this office, I am a candidate
for same in Montgomery county on the follow
ing conditions:
Ist. 1 propose to give good and sufficient
bond for the safe handling of the county
2d. Ido not puipoHo to fake one cent of
commission from any funds received or dis
3d. J purpose to keep the Treasurer's hooka
in correct shape, and when the records are
examined, and everything found m correct
shape, the County Commissioners can pay me
Three Hundred Dollars.
Tins will result in a saving of twelve hun
dred dollars to the tax payers «>f the county.
■ The question is now up to the tax payors of
the o<unity, as to whether they want to pay
a man fifteen or thr<- ■ hundred dollars tor this
work. Soliciting the support of the people of
the County on the above conditions, 1 am
Yours verv trulv,
, To the Voter? of Montgomery County:
I hereby announce myself a* a candidate
| for the office ofVTreamiror of Moutgoinerv j
* county on the following conditions: It the
Legislature docs not abolish the office of the
| County Treasurer at the next session, (while
I am in favor of same being abolished.)
1 will if elected give a satisfactory bond to
guarantee the handling of all funds.
I will keep the VVeasui'er’s hooks in correct
' shape, and will ask for mv services as (lountv *
i 'Treasurer, only Two Hundred and Eifty !)oi- .
lars, (*250.) per year, I realize that the office
of Treasurer is an unnecessary expense P» the
tax-payers of the county, lienee otter myself as
a candidate at the amount mentioned.
1 beleive I am fully competent to hold the
office, and being a cripple, unable to work
I can afford to accept the office for » smaller
amount as salary than any other man.
J arn unable to see ail tiie voters personally, .
but am already know to a great many of you
and will certainly appreciate your support iri
the coming election.
Yours very truly,
To the Voters of Montgomery County.
1 hereby amioiHice jnysell a candidate for
the office of Comity School Commissioner, and
in announcing my candidacy, I desire to sn>
that, having been actively and exclusively
engaged in school woi k in this county
for a number ot years past, I am fully
conversant with the needs and requirements
j of the common schools.
I will have no other business to engage my
i time and attention, and in soliciting vour sup
port, 1 pledge myself, it elected, not to main
| the duties of tin* office a secondaiy consider
ation, but to give my time and attention fully
i thereto. Thanking you in advance for any fa
vors you may bestow on me*. Yours truly,
J. R. A I LL.
To tin Citizens of Montgomery (’oilntv:
I hereby announce mvself a candidate for
the office of County School ComiriLsiotier of
Montgomery county, subject to such examina
tion, rules and regulations as may he pro
scribed by the tStaie Hoard of Education and
the State*School Commissioner, and the* laws
governing the election of county school com
Also subject to such rules and regulations
as may he* made by the Executive Committee
j «»f Montgomery .-minty, if said rules are cori
| distent with the requirements of the state au
1 have always stood for and advocated the
’ education of the masses of the people, for bet
ter scaools and better educational advantages.
If elected, 1 promise to give my undivided
attention to the school affairs of the county
and shall put forth every effort to make our
schools better each year.
In the past 1 have had the hearty co-opera
tion of the people that were interested in bet
ter schools and better education, and i ear
nestly solicit their support during this cam
paign. Yours very truly,
A. H. Ht p hehon.
To the Citizens of Montgomery County:
I hereby announce myself * r,< fidida te f,.,
fbe office of County School Coniriiissioiier i
! Montgomery county, subject to all lawful rules
1 and regulation* governing the election.
I am a college anil normal trairieil teacher of
I twelvrf years experience in several comities of
I the State. Tins training and experience qua
I lie- me for lie office. |
I stand for improved methods in education
and for tiie lte.tter education of the I |
| promise, if elected, to discharge ail ti.e duties
; of tie- office to the hes. of iuv ability. <
Thanking yon in advance for the support
that may he ac'orded me, I am,
Very respect fuliv,
Uto. W. TiIBELKEIs. 1
What is helieved to be the larg
est land deal that has ever taken
place in the state of Georgia was
consummated recently when
twenty-two cooperations and
tirms m the states of Georgia and
i Floridn*signod*deeds for the trans
fer of Ho,ooo acres of land in
Decatur county, Georgia, and
Gadsden county, Florida, to the
American Tobacco Company of
The American Sumatra Tobac
co Company was incorporated in
Atlanta several weeks ago with a
capital of $7,000,000, and of this
amount $1,000,000 of prefered
| stock has been contracted for, all
of which has been sold in New
York, Chicago and Boston.
For some months the tobacco
growers of southern Georgia and
northwest Florida have been
working on the formation of the
American Sumatra Tobacco Cotn
; puny with Abraham Cohn as the
| prime mover. Colin is one of the
largest tobacco growers in the
world, and bis share in the new I
j company is said to be worth ijsl,-j
700,000. The eight largest stock-j
holders in the American Sumatra j
j Tobacco Company are as follows : |
A. Colin A Co., Krause A' McFar-i
land Co., Florida Tobacco Co., i
•Scbrocdor A Arguinbau C 0. ,(
Liehcnsteiu Tobacco (’<>., Taussig
it Co., Wilson Tobacco Co., and |
j the Wcdelcs Tobacco Co.—Daw-j
son Nows.
Waycross, Ga , March B—ApplicationB—Appli
cation for bail for W. B. Lyons
and bis son, Archie Byens, con
fined in the Chatham county jail
at Savannah, has been denied by
Judge C. B. Conyers ofthe Brun- |
swick circuit.
The former sheriff and depnty
sherilf >f Wayne county, awaiting
a new trial granted by t he supreme
court, will have to remain in jail
until such a time as the trial is
sot. The gmieral opinion still is,
that the next trial will be at
Brunsw iek.
(List of Grand and Traverse
Jurors published for past month.)
J D McCriminon A J Adams
J E pope Dennis O’Brien
W A Johnson Dun T Howland
K N Adams Lamar Holmes I
Lucien Higgs S Parrish
J It Carr L C Adams
J K Phillips D A Mcßae
J T Conner Pope N Brown
K D Lee W B Cox
Isaac Ladson N T Way
J A Hughes P P Hern
Jas. BCunnady C 10 Holmes
A tty at Law,
Mt. Vernon, Georgia.
“PAGE Fence
Won’t Rust.”
ap-m-m :
*r 4 t- ——r iii —f it ii r I
j -prtt: ; ; • |j[
-ti i i i :- 1 lit' t i t
iLLLLiixLu ajJM
In buying Fencing
it is nothing short of
economy to use the
best. The Page is the
best to be found on
the market. Conies
in standard sizes, and
always in stock. If
reliable goods, prompt
delivery, and general
satisfaction in fencing
is wanted, set* me at
once for IT.
Soperton, Ga.
[2£ 2E2QS srsrarsn: apg srarsr
here Is more
i a Fertilizer |
lan Analyses |
The mere mixing of N
naterials to obtain analy- f
is requires no special
mowledge. The value
•f a fertilizer lies in the
ource from which the
ilant food is obtained.
Each ingredient in r
loyster goods is selected I
/ith a view of supplying
he plant from sprouting
mtil harvest. The plant
5 not overfed at one
ime and starved at an
il her. Tvventy -fi v e
ears experience goes with
very bag.
1 by reliable dealers throughout LI
the South. Q
S. Royster Guano Co. U
> i
I Patrick & Company j
I ! VAN ' Tarrytown, Ga. «
> Staple and Fancy Groceries <
> 4
► Dry Goods, Notions, <
► . - i
► Fruits, Produce <
> . i
► Fresh and Ucliablc Goods at Fair Prices J
► A Trial is Solicited J
kkAA Ai
I WK auk offering |
| Special Values |
1 * n Men’s Suits |
| at sls |
| Blacks and Fancies 1
I B. H. LEVY, BRO, & CO, 1
The Montgomery Monitor and the Savannah
Semi-Weekly News, one year, 81.75.|j