Newspaper Page Text
Valdosta, Ga., March ft.—Tom
Jackson, a negro, killed his wife
and fatally wounded his mother
in-law at a very late hour last
night. The killing occurred on
South Briggs street near the home
of the women.
Jackson grasped his wife by the
arm and held her while he fired
five bullets into her body. He
then turned upon the older woman
who tried to save her daughter,
and smashed her skull with blows
from the empty pistol. .She died
Jackaon and his wife had been
separated for some time. She
went to u show last night and be
ing afraid to go home by herself
asked a negro man to accompany
her After she reached her home
her husband appeared and killed
Jackson escaped and made his
way out to the Coffee place where
lie slept in a field till daylight
when he was arrested and lodged
in jail.
Ailey, Route I.
1/ 7
H|»ecial (’on rnponclenre.
Mr. Editor, this neighborhood
has not been represented in The
Monitor, as it should be, so send
in some news this week.
Key. I>. F. Sheppard filled his
regular appointment at Hack
Branch Sunday evening.
Messrs. James (lihlis and Walt
er Langford of l valda were visit-!
ora at divine service at Hack
Branch on Sunday last.
Miss Minnie Morris spent, a few
days this week with Mrs. A. H.
Henry Johnson and Miss Ruth
Clapp of Alston attended preach-)
mg at Hack Branch last. Sunday.
Mesdames (*. W. and A. 11. Mc-
Intyre spent. Sunday at. the home
of .1. C. Carpenter, near Mc-
J. W. Mcßride of Helena spent
last Monday night at the home of
Austin Morris.
Miss Vickie Hull of Ailey spent j
lastweek with Miss Estelle Parish.
Charles Garrett of Mathannu
was one of the visitors at the sor-1
vices at Hack Branch Sunday.
Leonard Sharpe nnd wife spent
Sunday at the home of J. W.
Gibbs. —Jackrabbit,
Georgia Montgomery County.
Whereas. L. S. Adams has in due
form applied to the undersigned for
letters of administration on the es
tate of \\ T. K. Adams, this is there
fore to cite all parlies concerned that
said application will lie heard at my
ottlce on tlie (ir«t Monday in April,
nevt. Witness my hand and otlicial
signature, this, the7th day of March,
MHO. Alex McArthur, Ordinary.
A. L. Lanier,
Attorney at Law,
Will Practice in all the Courts of
the St ate.
| Low Cut Shoes j
jgj (Rougnt for those who are mvlish in drees) 8^
I We feel proud of our selections of S;
Spring and Summer Goods, and know j§:
that our patrons will appreciate them <3;
Dainty Dress Goods and Ji
Gents’ Furnishings f
A look through our linndsoine new |;
stock will mean a revelation of
& pleasure and protit to you
and you are im bed
g to visit us |;
| L. ft. McLEMore & Bro. |
gj Mount Vernon, Ga. i|
MA... IK 11. WRIGHT.
God,in His infinite wisdom, saw
1 fit to take from our home our he-'
loved little darling, Maggie . D.;
. Wright, aged two years, one;
month and five days. The Death
Angel bore it away on its snow
white wings on January 22d, 1910. :
It leaves a heart-broken father
and mother, two sisters and ono (
brother, to mourn the loss of oar
precious darling. Oh, that vacant:
place no one can till but little
“Dearest darling,thou hast left u«;!
Here thy loss we deeply feel,
But tis God that hath bereft us,
He can all our sorrows heal.
“Yet again we hope to meet thee,
When the day of life is fled;
Then in heaven with joy to greet
Where no farewell tears are shed.”)
Lovkd Onkb.
The Angel of Death appeared at
tin- home of A. T. Wright Wedn
esday, Kch. 2J>d, und took one of
his loved ones from his home, Jus.
J. Wnght. Mr. Wright led a eou
-istent. Christian life and was be
loved by his fellow-man. We know
( lie is now at rest in that beautiful
1 home above, where there will he
no partings or sorrows. To the
grief-stricken relatives we tender
' our heartfelt sympathy. Fhiewd.
Hpcrial Coi rfHiMtndence.
W. B. Greenway was in Dublin
on business one day last week.
Dr. ('. L. New of Norristown
was in this community Sunday.
A good number of people attend
ed divine service at Rockledgej
j Sunday.
Mrs. Kulford of Longpond
iH visiting her son, Harris Fulford,
I and wife.
Missis Florence and Ellen
Green way attended services ut
Koekludge Sunday.
Mrs. Fannie Tharpe and Miss
Ellen Greenway visited Mrs. Y’oe
tn Tharpe Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Greenway of
.near I rianiia made a pleasant
| visit to t heir parents, W. B.
Greenwuv and wife, Sunday.
Wm. Tharpe and wife and Ow
en Tharpe and Kodus Greenway
I attended the meeting at I’my
[Grove Friday and Saturday and
report, a nice tune.
Mr. Henry Thigpen of near
Adrian and Miss Addle Lee
Holmes of near Adrian were hap
pily married Sunday. We join
with a number of others in wish
ing the young couple a successful
voyage through life.
Mrs. Graham of Red Bluff
visited her daughter, Mrs. Alice
Graham Sunday. —Red Wing.
The firm of Anderson A - Cal
houn of Tarrvtown, Ga., has this
day been dissolved by mutual con
sent and I am no longer responsi
ble for obligations contracted bv'
tin* tirm. This, the 18th day of
: November, 1909.
18-8-It) C. H. CALHOUN.
Spwitl Correspondence.
Dr Hall will be with us one day
I next week.
The school pins are expected in
a few days.
J. J. Gill is has returned to Ma
con to resume his studies.
Eugene Allen of Tarry town
spent Sunday with friends.
Mrs. Belle Stephens is on a visit
I to her brother at Dublin.
W. C. Futrell left last week to
• visit relatives in South Carolina J
Hoke Mi shoe and Emmet Dur
den visited in the country Sunday.
Miss Cochran spent the
week-end with bomefolks in Mt.
! Vernon.
Thurmond Holmes and wife
were guests at “The Drummers’
Home” Sunday.
Rev. Bourne tilled his regular
appointment at the Methodist
church Sunday.
Misses Vivian Moye and Ruth
Mishoe visited relatives and
friends Sunday.
After the rains and cold weath
er, we Soperton folks are basking
in the balmy spring breezes.
Dr. A. C. Williams met with an
accident Sunday morning. Two
large goats ran away with him.
A missionary institute will be
held at the Methodist church from
Wednesday to Thursday evening.
Misses Myrtice and YVilhelmina
Stephens are spending awhile with
their uncle while their mother is
in Dublin.
Miss Blanche Mishoe spent the I
night with Miss Johnson at
the home of Mrs. \Y\ C. Futrell,
last Friday.
There will be a play at the
school-house next Friday night in 1
honor of the K. I’.’s. It is enti- 1
tied “Damon and Pythias.'’
Several friends were very pleas
antly entertained at the home of
Mrs. John Pipkins last Thursday
evening. —School Girl.
Special Correspondence.
Lester Calhoun of Tnrrytown
was in this community a few days
T. Hooks and wife of Tarry
town were visitors in this couimu
inty Sunday.
A large and attentive audience
were in attendance at divine ser
vice Sunday.
Crosby Williams of Soperton
was a visitor Sunday. Come again.
You are always welcome.
A party of young people as
sembled at the home of A. Brady
Sunday afternoon and a very
pleasant time was had.
Misses Christine and Belle King j
after an extended visit to to their
I aunt, Mrs. Gordon Moore,have re
turned to their home in Ailey.
James Truitt and sister, Miss
Sula, of Ailey, attended divine
service here Sunday. Other visit
ors were S. Smith, wife and sis
ter of near Mt. Vernon.
No weekly contributions have
appeared in the Monitor in some
time. We wish join the ranks of
correspondents and send in some
news this week from this commit
i nity. —Rainbow.
Georgia—Montgomery County:
Whereas, J. B. Geiger has made
application in due form for leave to
sell all the lands of the estate of E. ,
R. Morrison, late of said county, de
ceased, and this i- to cite all parties
concerned that said application will
be heard at my office on the first ,
Monday in April, next. Given under
my hand and official signature, this,
the 7th day of March, 1910.
Alex McArthur, Ordinary.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
To all whom it may concern. J.W.
Todd, having made application in
due form of law to be appointed per
manent administrator upon the es- 1
tafeof Joe Moseley, notice is here
by eiven that said application will
be heard at the regular term of the
court of Ordinary for said county, to
be held on the first Monday in Apr..
19U). Witness my hand and official
signature, this March 7th. 1910.
Alex McArthur, Ordinary M. C-. Ga.
On Improved Farms in
Montgomery Couutv at a Small
Rate of Interest.
J. E. Hall, Soperton.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will bo wild before the court house door in !
Mt. Vernon on the first Tuesday in April, |
1910, between the legal boor,. of tale, to the i
highest and bent bidder for cash. certain prop
erty. of which the following is a complete de
Thirty (30) acres of land, more or
10-s. on' the east corner of Lot of
Land No. 6 in the Eleventh Land,
District of said county and being de-'
scribed as woodland, and having a
quantity of timber on it fit for saw
mill purposes. Said property being
in fit* possession of H.W. Seglerand
levied on as tin- property of H. W.
Segler, to satisfy an execution issued
from the Superior court of said coun
ty in fa vor of .1. M. Ford ham <fe <’o.,j
vs. H \V Segle/, being the property I
embodied in a mortgage note upon !
which said fi fa was issued. Written i
j notice of levy given as required !
l,v law. This the Ist day of March,'
1910. James Hester. Sheriff.
L C. Underwood. Attv. for Pltfs
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court house door in
Mount Vernon on the first Tuesday in April,
11)10, bet n-eii the legal hours of sale, to the
highest bidder for cash, certain property, of
which the following is a complete description:
One hundred and fifty acres of land
carved Horn the eastern part of that
tract of land situate, lying and being
in the 1343 d District, (i. M., of said
county and state,and bounded as fol
lows: On the north by lands of Thos.
Original), on the east by lands of F.
Lee Mcßae, on the south by lands of
the McMillan estate and on the west
by tiu waters of the Oconee river.
Levied on and will be sold as the
property of A. B. Conner, to satisfy
l an execution issued from the City
court of Mt. Vernon in favor of Men
dal, Berman <fe Co., vs. A. B. Conner.
Property pointed out by attorney for
plaintiff and written notice given as
required by law. This, the 9th day
of March, MHO.
James Hester, Sheriff M. C., Oa.
L. C. Underwood, A tty. for Plffs.
Sheriff Sale,
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court house floor n
Mount Vernon on the First Tuesday in April,
1910, between the legal hours of sale, to the
highest bidder for cash, certain property, of
which the following is a complete description:
One certain tract or parcel of land
situate and being in said county and
state, and bounded as follows: On
the north by lands of Harmon Willis,
on the east by lands of Sarah Young
blood, on the south by lands of Mary
Wing and on the west by lands of ii.
\V. Willis, containing fifty acres,
more or less, and levied on as the
property of ft. VV. satisfy an
execution issued from the Superior
! court of said county, in favor of the
I Bank of Soperton vs. R. W. Willis,
j principal, and H, D. Phillips endors
er. Property pointed out by attorney
I for plaintiffs and written notice of
levy given as reduired by law. This, j
th« 26th day of February, 1910.
James Hester, Sheriff.
VV. L. Wilson, Attorney for Bank of
Sheriff Sale.
GEO RGIA—M on t gotn cry County:
Will be sold before the court house door in
Mount Vernon on the r rst Tuesday in April,
1910, between the legal hours of sale, to the
highest bidder lor cash, certain property, of
wnich the following is a complete description:
Two hundred acres of land, more
or less, situate, lying and being in
file 1386th (4. M. disi rict, of said coun
ty and state, and bounded on the
ninth by lands of John Wing, on the
east by lands of Marion Phillips, on
the south by lands of Joe Wilkerson
and on the west by lands of John
Phillips. Levied on and will be sold
as the property of Jerry Phillips, to
satisfy an execution issued from the
Superior court of said county in fa
vor of 1). H. Phillips, Trans., vs. Jer
j r.v Phillips. Property pointed out by
attorney for plaintiff and written no
tice of levy given according to law.
This, the 26th day of February. 1910-
James Hester. Sheriff
W. L. Wilson, A tty. for Plaintiff.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia— Montgomery County
Will he sold before the court l ouse door in
Mt. Vernon on the first Tuesday in April,
1910, between the legal hours of sale, to the
highest bidder for cash, certain property, of
which the following is a complete description :
One certain tract of land situate, lying and
being in the 12215 t district G. M. of said coun
tv and slate, and bounded as follows: On the
i orth-east by lands of .V. ~ Barwick, on the
south h lauds of Katy Davis and on the west
by lands of J. D. Miller, said property levied
oil and will be sold as the property of Eliza
beth Collins to satisfy an execution issued by
P. M. Currie, tax collector, vs Elizabeth Col
lins, for state and county taxes for the year
1999. Loyv made anu returned to me bv C.
T. Braddv Property pointed out by Serin:a
Burton and advertised as described in tifa.
This the Ist day of March, 1910.
James Hester, Sheriff.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will he sold before the court house door in
Mount Vernon on the first Tuesday in April,
1910, between the legal hours of sale, to the
highest bidder for cash, certain property, of
w hich the following is a complete description:
A certain one acre lot in the Town of Soper
ton, Ga., containing a house thereon, and
bounded as follows: On the north by lands of
Matney > ewart. on the east! by lands ot Ben- i
Jamin Gillis, on the south by lands of Lee .
Tump and on the west by lauds of J. W.Hutehe- !
sod. Levied on and will be sold hs the pro-j
pet ty of Johanna Swutney to satisfy an execu
' tiou issued by D. M. Cnrrie. tax collector, vs '
Joltauna Switmey, lot state and county taxes
for the year 19t>9. Levy made and returned
to me by O. T. Braddv. constable, and written
notice of levy given as required bylaw. This
the Ist day of March. 1910.
■Times Hester, Sheriff.
Sheriff Sale.
’ Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court house door in ,
Mt. Vernon on the first Tuesday in April.
1919, between the legal hours of sale, to the
highest bidder for cash, eertaiu property, of 1
which the following is a complete diseription:
One hundred acres of land, the same being
aj> rt of Lot No. Sixty in the 1600th district
l! M. of said countv and state, and known as j
the Woo Mcllae place, and bounded as fol- j
lows. On the west by lauds of Jake Browning,
on the south bv lands of VV. B Kent, ou the j
east by Alligator Creek and on the north by
lands of brack Woodard. Said property levied
, u and will lie sold as tue property of J. M.
and .Matilda Mcßae to satisfy an execution is
sued from the justice court ol the ltkOtli dis- .
1 met G. M. of said county and state iu favor of i
D»a» A Wtllcox v, J M. and .VatiUia Mcßae.
Levy made .-ltd returned to me by VV. L. Me- |
Vlillan constable, and written notice of levy
I given in terms ot the law. This the Ist day ;
lof March. i9lO. James Hester
Wooten £ Mann, Attys. for Plff*. I
I Genuine Eastern Grown |j
—PEW uiw ■■ii.wwpwpiß—— §
White Dent Corn ||
Yellow Dent Corn g
also H
Early Amber Cane §
Sorghum $
Beets p
I Kentucky Wonder Golden Wax gl
and Dwarf Lima Beans
Also Marrowfat and Telephone Peas la
IN BULK Cabbage Plants 1
Better Get Your Supply Early ccw
Yours truly
JAS. F. CURRIE, Mgr. ||
J Spring Millinery §
# £
* . &
* The girls and ladies should see it at
* once and make selections for Easter £
4 #■
* &
% MRS. J. L. ADAMS, Mt. Vernon J
00 dat firstTlmiceV. fSk
Service proves they ARE
I shows character
| \ in fit and finish J lllPy/
k H They show quality in every line, and their
style is correct in every detail.
A « They wear as well as they look. We sell ** The
hub Shoes HELEN HUNT, Dr « s ® sho«, bunt for s«mce, $2.50 J
\ Women } QUEEN ROSALIND, A " $3.00 1
I HUB Shoe. RIGHT ROYAL A Royal Shoe- Tried .ndTru. $3 50 K
\ „ r :: j CHARACTER. Tnt fflSfSw $3.00 J
For Any HUB Brand Shoe \ Ckiidr. n f
f y Glenwood, Georgia.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
John A. Morrison has in due form !
applied to the undersigned to be ap- :
pointed guardian of the person and ]
property of Mrs. Charity Morrison, ;
1 and this is to cite all persons con- 1
j cerned to be at my ottice and show
cause, if any they can, why said ap
! plication should not be granted. Giv
en under my hand and seal, tnis, the
7th day of March. 1910.
Alex McArthur, Ordinary.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court house door in
M*. Vernon no the first Tuesday in April,
j 1910, between the legal hours of sale, to the ,
, highest bidder for cash, certain property, of
which the following is a complete discription:
One certain tract of land lying and being in
the IrflMd district G. M. of said county and
stst»-. and being in the City of Mount Vernon,
containing two acres more or less. Bounded
on the west by llie Louisville public road, on
' the east by lands of A. 14. Hutchrson, on the
south by lands of S. J. Elliott and on the west
by Uatlroad avenue, and being the place on
which VV. E. Fountain now reside* and iu his
; possession at the date of this levy. Levied
!on and will be sold as the propel ty of W. E.
Fountain to satisfy an execution issued from
• the City Conn of Mount Vernon in tavor of
Hie Home Fertilizer A Chemical Co., v-. W.
E. Fountain. Property pointed oat by plain
tiff. and written notice of levy given as re-
I mured by law. This th 3d day ol March, 1910.
Sheriff il. C.
I J. B. Geiger, At torney fur Plff.
Sheriff Sale.
; Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court house door in
Mount Vernon on the first Tuesday in April,
i 1910, between the legal hours of sale, to the
highest bidder for cash, certain property, of
which the following is a complete description:
The north west half of Lot of Land Number
! two hundred ami thirty-four (234) in the
Tenth land district of said county, containing
one hundred and o e and one fourth acres
more or less. Naid land levied on and will be
i sold as the property of John Vestal to satisfy
|an execution issued front the City Court if
Mcßae in favor of E. A. Mcßae, F.” C. Mcltae
and John F. ' clCae vs. John Vestal. Proper
ty pointed out for levy by plaintiff’s attorney,
and written Dotice of levy given as required
by law. This the 9th day of March. litiO.
James Hesteu,
Hamilton Burch, Attorney for Plff.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will be solo before the court house door in
Mount Vernon on the first Tuesday in April,
1910, between the lecal hours of sale, to toe
highest bidder for cash, certain property, of
which the following is a complete description:
One certain bay mare of medium size and
1 about eleven years old Levied on and will
|be sold as the property of C. 'I. Williams to
i satisfy a mortgage execution issued from the
i Superior con l l d sain county in tavor of the
! Home Fertilizer A hemical Co. vs C. .V.
(Williams. Levy made and returned to me by
iT. J. hester, deputy, and defendant notib d
of levy in writiug. This the Ist day of Vlarch,
i 1910. James H.steb,
Sheriff M. C. Ga.
jJ, B Geiger, Attorney for Plff