The Montgomery monitor. (Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County, Ga.) 1886-current, March 17, 1910, Image 1
VOL. XXIV. Montgomery Convict System. Possibly those who are not ac quainted with the convict system as now used in Georgia are skepti cal as to its success fromfa finan cial viewpoint. While all coun ties using convicts on their pub lic roads do so under the rules laid dowu by the state Prison Commission, each county has its individual system, so to speak ; and some of the counties get more benefit from their convicts and those apportioned by the state, than others. Montgomery county is using, her full share of convicts on the public roads of the county, and it will not be a great while before the public will realize the economy of this form of labor. To get the system fully organized in this county, as well as others, some money had to be spent in equip ment. At present the equipment of the county force is very com plete, and m thorough working order, as may be seen by any one taking the time to inspect it. It has been fully demonstrated by those in charge of the work that convict labor is more economical than free labor on the public roads, inasmuch as it can ut, all times be depended on to perform the work required, since the force is always organized uud on duty ; whereas, free labor is an uncer tain quantity. Our county is now working, un der the supervision of County I Superintendent J. B. Adamson, fifteen felony and nine misdemean or convicts, and hus in applica-' tion tor its pro rata share of state convicts at the division next month, which will give it extra! force. Every feature of the work is systematized and well regulated and kept up to the standard re quired by the state. From time to time the county has bought im- 1 proved road making machinery J and implements, and has recently installed a portable blacksmith shop, in which repairs are made when necessary. An ample supply of tents make the camp comfort able and clean. Each man is provided w r ith an individual not and bedding, from the most dan-j gerous criminal up to the guards,! and the comfort of the cauip is carefully looked after aud no lr regularities allowed. A complete record of every ex penditure and all consumption of supplies is daily kept, and each prisoner is given the required ! amount of food, all ot which is \ weighed out to him from a kitchen fitted up in a complete manner for serving the supplies The health of the men is looked after by County Physician J. E. Hunt, and regular visits are made to the camp. The stock, and thiscoun-; ty has some of the best stock to be found in the state, is carefully housed uuder a large water-proof tent at night and during bad (Genuine Eastern Grown YELLOW DENT CORN |j[ WHITE DENT CORN f also jl Early Amber Cane \ \ Sorghum I Beets 0 Kentucky Wonder Golden Wax 0 and Dwarf Lima Beans Also Marrowfat and Telephone Peas 0 IN BULK Cabbage Plants | Better Get Your Supply Early Y' Yours truly MOUNT VERNON DRUG CO. j JAS. F. CURRIE, Mgb. Utye JBonfcjntttery ffamtnr. weather when it impossible to work it. Everthieg is moving along nice ly at the camp, which is now locat ed about a mile out on the Mt. Vernon and Longpond public road. This read had never re ceived the attention of the con vict force, and the work now being done is a marvel. The portion being worked is transformed into almost a turnpike, the hills being cut down and the cuts being filled and graded. In time to come uli of the roads of the county will be given such treatment. It requires a great deal of time to put the roads in good shape, but the coun ty authorities are working at it’ with a vim; and the day is not far distant when Montgomery county roads will compare with the nest of them. Superintendent Adamson is a hard worker. and has the interest 1 , lof the county at heart. His force is well organized and some good work is being done on the public’ roads of the county under his, direction. Taxing it as a whole, the convict system as used in this county is a success, even though j it may be censured bv some. The •* # public should inquire into the; situation before blaming the offi cials for neglecting certain parts 1 of the public roads. All will be worked in time. The public road system of this county is no play thing, and its management re quires time and some expense; yet. .t is safe tosav that ultimate ly good results will be found. DR. COPELAND THE NEXT ATTRACTION. Dr. Olio J Copeland will deliv-' er one of his masterful lectures at the U B. Institute Auditorium on April Ist, at 8 o’clock p. m. Dr. Copeland is a man of rare ability. If you fail to hear his lecture, von will be a great loser, i The price of the lecture is BOcents | for adults and 25 cents for school children. We are trying to give | the community the advantage of the best talent on the market and beg that everyone will attend the attractions and make them a great uplift to this section. Besides to furnish these enter jtainmeuts, we run a serious risk (each year of losing money in our school work. We try to furnish such talent as to more than repay you for the time and money you spend in attending them. Come and hear Dr Copeland on the evening of April Ist. Yours truly, J. C. Brewton. I —. ■ - Seed Peanuts. ; We have the genuine North Car olina Seed Peanuts at seven cents per pound. See us for seed. Mcßae & Bho., Mt. Vernon, Ga. See me for bargains in Spring Suits, Fancy Shirts, Oxford Shoes and nobby Neckwear. W.H. Mc- Queen, ... ■———— MT. VERNON, GEORGIA. THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 19:0. | LOCAL.-PERSONAL, § U ©; 1 ©©v©;©-©;©©>-©-©©; :©•:© EMW.©:■:©;■.©■©.©©: © The auditing committee ap pointed by the last grand jury to inspect the books of the county officers are engaged in their work here this week. The committee is composed of Messrs. Jus. T Geiger, E. J. Wells and S. B. Morris. Novelty talks from J. H. Hud son, Alley, Gu. If it’s new, we show it. Miss Ethel Smith of Reidsville lis visiting her sister, Mrs. 11. F | Southwell, who is convalescing 1 from a recent illness. Mrs. Robert F. Mcßae and sis ter, Miss Lucy McAllister, have returned from Hawkinsville.where i they visited the family of then brother, Mr. W. C. McAllister. Mr. J. 11. Daniel came up from • Bulloch county Sunday to visit j his family here. Judge Alex McArthur has been quite ill for the several days past. The prettiest of pretty things shown in oiir stock of high-grade millinery, not excelled by any. The newest things in Pattern Hats. Shapes and Flowers. Ladies cordially invited to call and in spect same. J. H. Hudson, Alley, Ga. Mrs. William Bland was called jto Dublin last Friday on account j of the sudden illness of her sister, Mrs. E. New. Mr. Brewton, whose headquarters are in Fort Valley, spent the Sabbath with his fat her, Rev. H. C. Biewton. Mr. Brew ton is representing a well known Atlanta house, and in the future will have this section in Ins ter ritory. The shingle mill of Mr. C. 11. Wooten, of near Scotland, was burned lust week, resulting in a complete loss. The latest in Hair Goods, Novel ties and Ladies Ready-to-VVear Waists and Skirts. Prices reason able. .1. H. Hudson, Ailey, Ga. 1 HOW A FARMER SAVES HiS MEAT. As an illustration of what may be doue in the way of preserving meats, Mr. J. T. Walker id Route Four sends to this office u splen did piece of pork, taken from Ins supply of year before last (and which we hove used to an advant age, lot it is very seldom that out patrons residing in the country send anything in the way of edi bles to this office.) Mr. Walker never loses his meats, and takes a pride m pre serving it Many of our farmers raise enough polk to satisfy then needs, but a great many of them failtosaveii during the warm season. By exercising the proper care, and using some system of preserving it, but little meat has to be thrown away. The pork sent to this office,; though more than a year old, was 1 perfectly preserved, and of splen | did flavor. Mr. Walker would { probaiy furnish his receipt to j those asking for it ; or, if he de j sires, it will he published in the | county paper in time for next season. As stated some time ago, w<- had only one small pork 00 the premises this year, and 1 lie ineat sent in by Mr. Walker was duly appreciated. CARD OF THANKS. The girls of the Busy Bee (dub wish to thapk everyone for tle-ir kind assistance and the interest shown in their efforts to get up a box for the Thorn well Orphamig* at Clinton, S. C. Everyone wa so kind to help us and we certain ly appreciate their kindness. A large box is packed and will go forward this week. Busy Bek Cm m Notice to Debtors and Creditors All creditors of the estate of Smart Robinson, late of Montgomery coun ty, deceased, are hereby notified to render in their demands to the un dersigned according to law and all persons indebted to said estate un requited to make immediate pay ment to me. This, March 10th. 1910. R. F McRAE. Executor of the Will of ,-Smart Rob inson. 3-n-tjt Hr. Charley Mcßae of Rochelle 1 > was here a few days this week on - i account of the cohtinued illness of ! . Mrs. Claud Wright. •,\ , _ . Superior court opens here Mon day morning for a two weeks ses sion. When you come to Mt. Ver* ! non, drop m and see The Mon - dor. V isitors alw-uys welcome. All this talk about Halley’s comet reminds us of some promis-J .: es we have bad thrust upon ns 1 about tlie payment of ti little sub ■ jsenption money—it is hal'd to sec | it yet. Tile Palmer Drug Store at Ailey ' , j has a full line of Elgin Watches t hat are off ered for the next thirty . days at the moving price of just 20 i ! per cent. above cost. 'Die watch' is the standard of the world. Tlie Alley Mercantile Company! is t he style of a new firm at Alley, \ with Mr. W. P. Wilbanks as gen-: eral manager. This firm has one of tlie finest and most complete stocks in the county, and is now 1 open for a large business. They invite a share of your putronage. Look for them in the A. A. Peter son old stand and give them a call In this issue will he seen the an nouncement of Mr. E. T. Mcßride, the Ailey merchant, who has just j placed a large stock of new and ! fashionable millinery. “Miss Em.” McNutt, so well-known to the ladies as a milliner, will have charge of this department and she will expect to supply many of her i former patrons. i Hon. WalterS. Coleman of Ce dartown was a genial visitor to Mt. Vernon yesterday. Mr. Cole man was for fourteen years the I able president of the Georgia I Weekly Press Association; and i while lie is still one of the editors l and owners of the Cedartown Standard, he has acquired other 1 interests, in behalf of which he is |ont he mud a great deal. Mr, I Cob-man is one of the best-known | newspaper men in the state and : has a number of friends in Mt. ' Vernon. MILLINERY OPENING AND A MUSICAL CONCERT, Mrs. C. W. Fox, the Vidulin! milliner, has issued invitations t>> 1 her millinery opening, tomorrow evening, 18th. Those responding w ill be given a rear treat in music | and comic amt classic selections. 1 among which will be heard tin* Vidalia Concert Band. This will be an occasion of un usual interest to the ladies, while the gentlemen are also invited ; Tin* ladies will on this occasion have ODpprtuuity of seeing tin new hats shown by Mrs. Fox, and those who have not yet visited her millinery parlors are cordially in vited to attend the opening and j concert. This is to be a combina tion of art. and music, and if you I connot attend thq special open | iug, Mrs. Fox will be glad to se» I you uny time. | Alamo, Route I. Special Con egpomlcpce. Mrs. B. J. Guest is quite ill. Thus. Parrish was in this sec tion Saturday. J. H. Parrish was in Dublin Friday transacting business. J. VV White and wife visited | the former’s parents Sunday. Miss Sullie Tompkins and Mrs. Blankenship visited Mrs. .1 F. Clark on last Wednesday. J. W. Clark bad as visitors Sat urday, Thos. Jones and H. G. Clark ot near Dublin; on Sunday, J. E Clark and wife and J. A., Carroll. On Sunday the former visited Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Guest. J. W. Clark was a business visit or at Erick Saturday; on Thurs day Ivey Amason and W. H. Gil-j 1 der made a business call on him. —Bluebird. Furry Notice. This is to inform the public j generally that Lemmon's Ferry, near Mt. Vernon, will be operated : *ach night during the two weeks of Superior Court. By order of the Board of County Commission ers. Wm. Blast*, Clerk. , PROCEEDINGS OF DAMON LITERARY SOCIETY. The members of the Damon Lit erary Society held a nmst interest ing meeting Saturday afternoon, !in Freshman class-room. After ! transacting tin* usual business, an J interesting program was delight , fullv rendered : Reading—“ I tn* Song of tin* ' Chattahoochhee,“ given by Miss Annie Ingraham, was highly ap preciated. Mr. Ry ley Kyt h* next enter!ain ! ml us by reading some very clever j jokes on various members. Then followed a debate; ‘‘Re ceived, That the United States Will Fall.” Affirmative: -1 hen Folsom, Rufus Hodges Viola McLenmre Negative; Hilburn Williams, Minnie Wells. Allen | James. The affirmative won. i*. i . I State News Items. - Gainesville, March 12—R. Q I’hompson, who killed John Mu j son on Tuesday, has been given a ! commitmoot trial on the charge ot | voluntary manslaughter. A large crowd was at the trial. Satidersville, March ll—Solo moil Brantley, charged with tour dor, and Church Scott, alleged murderer, both colored, fought in tin* jail with pocket knives and Scott’s throat was cut from ear to ; ear. ! Savannah, March II A war rant. has been issued for tin* arrest ot James M Doyle, formerly tell er ot tin- Hibernia bank, and (iov. Brown has been requested to offer 1 a suitable reward for his capture. He is charged w ith the embezzle ment of SIO,OOO from the bank.' A woman figures in t he case. - - Macon, Mafic 1 1 12 —L. S. Bran non, collector tor the Macon Tele-, graph, committed suicide this morning. He was 28 years old and ! had lor ti years been a valued i*m-i ploye of tin* paper, ll is claimed! something was wrong with Ins no- | counts. Ruth’s ('lmpel. 1 special OorrcHpoiKb'iicc. Rev. Pharr filled his regular I j appointment here Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. N. O Cooper | made a business trip to Soperton j Monday. Miss Willie Hilton visited Miss I j At ha Cooper Saturday afternoon, i Quite a number of our young! folks attended services at Pigeon Spring Sunday. .1. K. Adams and daugbt'-r, Miss Cmnie, attended services at J Mt. Pisgah Sunday. The entertainment given by Mr. j Don Palmer, was enjoyed by ail present. Mrs. (’. B. Warnnck visited! Turrytown Saturduv and Sunday. Lily-of-tlie- Valley. 1 NEW MILLINERY I .# y aypr jyr - >yjr +yp «y» '■ypi pgr *yp ||: This Department Managed i|j by Popular Milliner >| $• The public will be interested to know 0 €> that wo are adding to our already § % large stock a Complete and Modern §j 'S' Line of Millinery, Trimmings, etc. & and that this department will lx* 0 presided over by Miss M. K. MeNatt, s? whos(* taste and ability are known to 0 the ladies of this section. She asks g the ladies to call and inspect the* 0 new goods. "While every piece of <p the stock is new and attractive, it is 0 to he sold at the lowest, best figures || I E. T. McBRIDE I I AILKY, GA. 1 Telfair Gets Next Senator. Ah decided lit the Senatorial • I Convention held in Mcliae last Wednesday, Telfair county will furnish the next senator of the j Fifteenth District, composed of I the counties of Telfair, Hen Hill, Irwin, Dodge and Montgomery. I nder the rotation plan, which j has been in effect for a number of 'I years, it was thought that the j honor should goto Dodge the com ing term, hut the order of things was suddenly altered at the con vention and Telfair is now olaiui i ing the honor. Dodge county hud | two regularly announced candi dates for the place, w hile since the j convention Telfair has one in the person of Col. W. S. Mann. Kv jery county m the district has fur nished a senator since Dodge, and yet, this county, under the new plan, will not have the honor until 1917. The convent ion virtually re-ar ranged the (situation, so that , the following will he the order of the selection of the senator: Telfair, Hen Hill, Ir w in, Dodge, Montgomery. Montgomery county was repre sented in the convention by Mr. James T. Geiger of (llenwood, while Hon. M. H. Calhoun of this place was also present to take part in the iTVeeting. Montgomery county was m favor ol the claims ]of 1 bulge county. While the sit- I nation is rather jumbled at pres ent, it is hoped that it is definite ,lv fixed, and that there shall lie no further misunderstanding. The | gentlemen announced fro m Dodge, Oupt. Wyley Williams and j Col. Hal Huberts, will probably j w it lid raw. I We have taken no part in the | discussion,which has been in prog ress for sometime on the part of \ the papers in the various counties |of the district, and now that the matter is sett led, onr advice is not ! necessary: however, we have thought, for some time that, while j favoring the rotation system, all lof the counties should he allowed Ito vote in primaries or regular I elections, on the candidate or can didates furnished by the county | whose time it may lie to have the I honor. j; # i Millinery Opening. Wo trust that our many friends land patrons will accept our invi tation to be present at our niusi jcal concert Friday evening, March IM. with which will be celebrated our ningniffceiit millinery open ing. livery effort will be made to bave you entertained. You will appreciate the music and se lections, arid you will have ample opportunity of seeing the new styles on display. Mas. C. W. Fox, Vidalia, Ga. | Church Street. NO. 48