Newspaper Page Text
State News Items.
Clark9ton,March 10—While out
hunting with three companions
Wm. Dougherty was accidentally
6hot by one of them, the entire
load entering his right shoulder,
from the effects of which he soon
Amencus, March 10—Two men
and a woman, the sister of one of
them, are in jail upon larceny
charges. It is claimed the men
stole a trunk at the Central de
pot and many of the stolen goods
were found in the woman’s posses
Americus, March 10—Thirty
six thousand dollars was the con
sideration paid by the South Car
olina investors for the Rylander-
Burkhalter plantation of 800 acres
near Americus. It is another of
recent land purchases here by
South Carolinians.
Milledgeville, March 10—Miss
Effie Simpson, member of a prom
inent family, aged 20, beautiful
and accomplished, shot herself
through the heart today at her
home. ,She had been teaching
school at Eastman, but resigned
on account of poor health.
Savannah, March 11—When
Colonel and Mrs. G. West Jones
arrived iu the city they had over
$2,000 iu cash and a quantity of
jewelry. An expert burglar enter
ed their apartments ut the fash
ionable De Soto hotel and made
a successful get-awuv with the
money and jewelry.
Cordele, March 10—Wh’le
Judge Whipple and wife were re
turning from Hawkinsville this
morning in an automobile, the
machine struck a dog in the road,
skidding and turning over into a
ditch, throwing them out, pain
fully spraining Mrs. Whipple’s
ankle and demolishing the car.
Vidalia,March 10—Vidalia is to
have auother bank, which makes
three for the town. It is to have
ample financial backing. It will
be established by Mr. Sims of
Richland,who is a prominent cap
italist. The bank’s capital stock
will be $25 000 <>f which it is un
derstood $22 000 •- t ad. been
Alpharetta. March 10—Lust
January T N M z-- a I
farmer. 1 ivi ng two miles fr mln r
shot and v killed Muck Walk ra o
wounded his son, on account >f
the lutter’s ulleg'd iiHenti i - '
Mize’s daughter, was t<>du> »■ • i > ‘i
guilty of murder and > h
recommendation to mercy, as was i
thought. >
Columbus, March 10—The body
of T. C. Cunningham, a well
known young white man who dis
appeared mysteriously on the
night rs Jan. 22d, was discovered
floating down the Chattahoochee
river by u fisherman. When lust
seen young Cunningham had left
a near beer saloon after a diffi
culty with two men,
Augusta, March 10—C. H Kyle
of the United States Department
of Agriculture has leased for five
years a tract of ten acres four
miles of Augusta in Carolina on
the Augusta-Aiken Electric rail
way. The government is to make
experiments and improve the land
—to restore poor land, to show |
that 150 bushels of corn can be
produced on the acre wher* 50
were produced before, and to oth
erwise demonstrate the value to
the planter of scientific farming.
Atlanta, March 11 —Literally
permitting himself to be fLived
alive, young 11- rv Yley.-rs of
Tampa, Fla , has permitted the
surgeons of the Wesley Memorial
hospital to cut off strips of his
flesh to be grafted upon the body
of a little girl named Estelle Wil
liams, who frightfully burned
some three mon'hs ago. Six weeks
ago a skin-grafting operation was
tried, which proved unsuccessful.
In the last operation the skin was
stripped from Mr. Meyers iu thin
layers with razors borrowed from a
barber shop for the purpose.
Jesup.Ga.,March 11—The Dem
ocratic Executive Committee of
Wayne county met yesterday at
10 o’clock for the purpose of reor
ganization and setting a date for
I the primary. It was decided to
hold the county primary upon the
j same date with that of the state,
j The following resolution was m
j troduced and unanimously adopt
ed by the executive committee:
'Whereas, Hon. Wm. G. Brant
ley, our able and distinguished
representative in the national con
gress, will be a candidate before
the people for re-election to suc
ceed himself as congressman from
! the Eleventh Congressional Dis
i trict, of which our county is a por-
I tioti; and,
“Whereas, We recognize in him
one of the foremost statesmen of
our country ami a true disciple of
our Democratic faith; and recog
nizing his character as a man, his
ability as a statesman, the signal
and distinguished service that he
has rendered the Democratic party
in the past, his devotion to the in
terest of his constituency and the
great esteem in which he is held
bv the people generally through
out the United States; therefore,
be it —
“Resolved, That we, the Demo
cratic Executive Committee of
Wayne county, Ga., in regular
session assembled, do most cheer
fully and heartily endorse him.” j
Every portion of the county was!
w’ell represented at the meeting
and the' above resolution was
adopted without a dissenting voice
which shows conclusively the great
popularity of Congressman Brant
ley in this section.
Many a boy misses becoming a
great man, many a girl misses
becoming a great women, by fail-,
mg to take good aim, says a writ
er m St. Nicholas. It’s impor
tant to find out us early as we
can just what we can do, what our
special talent is, and then direct
our utmost energies at that one
The men of single, concent rated
purpose are the ones who accom
plish the hard things of the world.
Years ago a number of school
boys, members of a Philadelphia
school, were taken by their teach
ers to Washington to see Presi
dent Lincoin iu the white house.
When the ceremonies were over
Mr. Lincoin turned to the boys.
“Boys,” he said, a kindly guide
I• . in'; ;ibout his features, “do
n t. ,<• 1 1 .. rs in your school teach
■>u ii -v m load, take aim, and
tiiv? Dn they teach you the im
p ■irtatioe >f hitting the target
i.'Ve, i, me?
111,,ve known some people,”!
tiie president went on, “who had:
‘fine looking guns, but they just I
went out and blazed away with
out much air, and they didn’t j
amount to much. It’s a great
thing to have good guns. Blit
any kind of a gun that hits the j
j mark is better than any other j
kind that doesn’t. An insignifi-i
cant mustard shot that hits the j
target, boys, is better than a
United States army shell that goes I
whizzing away in spuqe and aim-!
lesely explodes.?’
In these words Mr. Lincoln was |
emphasizing, in language the boys J
could understand, the need of!
conceutratedjpurpose for anyone i
who expected really to accomplish j
! something in the world. Conceit- :
: trated purpose is taking careful |
i aim.
New York —Halley’s comet
may now be seen on nights when
! condit ions are favorable with the
; aid of an ordinary field glass, ac
cording to members of the as
tronomical faculty at Columbia
University. The most favorable
time to look for it is between 0:80'
and 7 :30 p. m. with the glass ele
vated somewhat above the point
where th“ sun sets.
The comet is at present in what
the astronomers call the “twilight
region.’’ It is in line with the sun
and its brightness is therefore
| dimmed. It will be visible ali
through April and May, but at its
maximum brilliancy on May 18th.
When the comet is nearest the
earth it will be only about 14,000,-
1000 miles away,
i |
! Atlanta, March 11 Preferring,
• |
• I death rather than the dishonor of;
being branded a thief,even though
he knew lie was innocent, Ira
. Spangler, a professional boxer,
well-known in athletic circles,con
| cealed a bottle of carbolic acid j
! upon his person when tried in the.
| city court for stealing a bicycle.!
(If convicted In' did not, feel that
he could live through the ordeal j
and was prepared to put himself!
out of existence. Ho was vindi
cated of the charge and received
the congratulations of his friends.
Atlanta, March 0. -W. J. Speer,
former state treasurer, has an
nounced as a candidate tor the
office again to succeed the Him.
I J. Pope Brown, who will not stand
for re-election.
This does not come altogether
las a surprise, for several of Mr.
Speer’s friends had before predict
ed the possibility of his making
j the race. His only opponent, so
| far is Ben F. Perry, who some
days ago acknowledged his will
: ingness to make the race.
Atlanta, (la., March G.—True- j
tees of the Presbyterian Hospital !
and Training School here have de
cided to close tin- institution tem
porarily until sufficient funds can j
; be gotten together to put it, on u
running basis. This action was
taken at a joint meeting of the
trustees with the advisory board
and the members of the ladies’
I auxiliary.
The hospital will be closed for
several weeks, but not until the
present senior class of nurses shall
; have received their diplomas. The
: plans for the new hospital have
| beeh completed and it is expected
to reopen on a much larger and
more modern line than that upon
which the institution has been
operated m the past.
Willis, the photographer, will
again be in Mt. Vernon for two
weeks, beginning the 14th lust.
See him for photos.
You I
iest? jj
land when for the II |
r ing a few dollars U |
l fertilizer whose U |
imendation is its U \
t requites no spe- U *
:dge to mix mate- U -
lyses. The value H \
er lies in the ma- U j
d, so as not to U )
over teed the plant at one
time and starve at another. y j
This is why Royster brands U
are so popular. Every in- y ]
gredient has its particular D j
work to do. Twenty-five y j
years experience in making U
goods for Southern crops has Q
enabled us to know what is D j
required. y j
m See that trade mark is on every bag U :
npm u *
y F. S. Royster Guano Co. Q :
Headache j
T , [neuralgia ■
’ o ”1 h»vt used Dr.
of the Little ST SZ' - i
Tablets *“j
one thin* that will ’
and the c " u)n,y * tv * * suf ' j
ferrr the desired \
Pain is " \
Mrv J. P Rrixtdl, >
Gone Tonspah, Nev. 5
25 Doses 25 Cents ;
Your Druggist sells Dr Miles’ Anti-Pain, Pills J
and he is authorized to return the price of ihc llrsi 2
package (only > if 11 falls to benefit you.
A woman is considered the best !
farmer in Ihe state of Missouri |
She is Mrs S. Q. Porter of West, ;
Plains, Howell county. What is 1
most remarkable is that she never |
tlul any farming until she and her j
husband moved West a few years,!
ago- j j
He r husband worked ohm
a railroad and she took up j <
government land and full charge ]
of the farm. With the aid of ;
a hired man she cleared the !
place of brush and she soon learn- !
ed to hitch ahorseand plow a field ;
as well as a man. She has now <
almost three hundred acres under ;
cultivation. She grows wheat, and ;
fruit, especially apples, and raises ;
poultry, horses and cattle. She has j !
succeeding in raising a large vari- !
ety of chielieiis. The Porter fain- !
ily is now said to be worth in the ;
neighborhood of $20,000.
| Monuments, Tombstones
s> - -s;
Wo desire to inform the people of |
this section that we have opened a |
| first-class marble business in Vida- |
Ilia. )\e are prepared to furnish |
on short notiee anything in the line i
w n a
of Monuments, Tombstones, Orna- jj
i mental Iron Fencing, etc.
| . :
\\ Designs the latest and most correct |
and tasty. Prices are right, and |
work will give satisfaction.
Vidalia, (hi. 1
V John 11. Hunter, Wm. K. Peareo, Frank 0. liattey. j
jj Cotton Factors Naval Stores j
il EXPERIENCE!) Pni-tnf-c i
I HANDLERS OK 1 att ° rS ;
Upland Cotton, Florodora, j
Allen Silk & Other Extra Staples, I
Sea-Island Cotton & Naval Stores, j
One of Un* Largest Factorage Concerns in the Each I
Con nix >< 1i t y bundled in n S<* | tnrnt Depart meat.
Strictest Attention to Eucli. |
Nitrate of Soda and Other Fertilizers, I
Upland and Sea-Island Bagging,
Ties and Twine.
Liberal Advances made on Consignments. Money Loaned !
, to Cotton and Naval Stores Shippers on Approved Security.
120 Bay Street, East. • SAVANNAH GA.
|5 Loans of any uinount from M) to $50,000 on farms in Mont- cl
gomcry and adjoining counl ics. No delays for inspection. «J|
Have lands examined by a man living near you.
| LOANS ON FIVE YEARS TIME, payable in easy installments to ;!
j§ suit, borrower. ?
'5 ,
% Merchants Dank I'aildmg McliilP, Gil.
$ 1
| Tlksc arrivals und departures published only as
I information, and art* not guaranteed. ]
Schedule Effective January 11)09. jj
ILv. Mt. VERNON am, trains dairy.
10:28 a. in. For Ibdena, Abbeville, Cordele, j|
Au/erieus, Columbus, j |
8:22 p. m. Montgomery, and all points west. |!
5:47 a. in. For Lyons, Collins, Savannah,
4:55 p. m. und all points east. !j
IFor further information, reservations, rates, etc., see your ;[
nearest Seaboard Ticket Ag<!iit, or write ] j
It. H. STAN SELL, A. (4. P. A., i I
Savannah, .... Georgia. |i
Monitor and Atlanta Weekly Georgian 5i.25
The Montgomery Monitor and the Savannah
Semi-Weekly News, one year, $1.75.