Newspaper Page Text
“Poor Pat Sheedy,” said a
aportiug editor, according to the
Philadelphia Ledger, “used to en
tertain me, when I visited his art
shop, with gambling tales.
“There was one tale abont a
sandwich,ithat. I rather liked. It
seems, according to this tale, that
a barkeeper in Tombstone, or
Dead Cat, or some such town con
nived with three sharpers, and
help anj’ tenderfoot that ever ven
tured to sit in a little poker game
among that crew !
“One night the tenderest ten
derfoot imaginable, after a half
dozen drinks in the saloon, agreed
to take a hand in a dollar-limit
“Things went along in the usual
way for a while; then an amazing
senes of nods and winks began to
pass about. The bartender had
signaled that the tenderfoot had
four kings on the draw. There
were more nods and winks, and
betting began.
“In the midst of the betting a
waiter brought sandwiches and
whiskey in order to distract the
tenderfoot, and while the poor
dupe was tossing off his drink the
sharper next to him slipped a
sixth card into his hand, thus,
of course, vlllifving it.
“The unconscious tenderfoot
took up a huge sandwich, lot oil
a large mouthful, and began to
bet again. Right and left, of
course, they raised him. He ate
on, and bet, away calmly. An
enormous sum lay on the table.
“Then, suddenly, the bartender
resumed hie nods and winks. He
was terribly excited. Something
wus wrong. The sharpers, a little
anxfitis, called the tenderfoot.
“The tenderfoot finished flu
last bite of his sandwich, took a
long drink of whiskey,;and laid
down his original live cards. Then,
in silence, he gathered in his vast
pile of winnings, and with a cool
nod took his leave.
“ ‘What the dickens did he do
with that sixth card?’ the sharper
“ ‘Didn’t you "see? A l)idn’t you
see?' cried the bartender, danc
, mg up and down with rage. “He
ate it with lus sandwich!’”
What is perhaps the most cu
rious hook in the world is posses
sed bv Prince de Lign. 'l'his work
is neither printed nor manuscript,
the text being formed of letters
cut in vellum and pasted on blue
paper. Notwithstanding this ex-j
traordinary method of presenting 1
the text, the book is as easy of
perusal as if printed in the boldest
type. All the characters shown
are cut with marvellous dexterity
and precision. I his unique vol
ume bears the title “The Hook of i
All Passions of Our Lord Jesus
Christ, w ith Characters Not Com
posed of Any Materials.” It is.
said t hat Rudolph 11 offered no I
less than 11,000 ducats for this
wonderful product nf the book
maker’s art, but the offer was re
A man who could never tell a
story joined a story-tellers’ club ;
that thought it had a corner on
the humor of the universe, says
the New York Press. The man
got along very well so long as he
didn’t have to say anything, but
there came a time when he was*
put on the programme for a hu
morous story, and then his wife
coached him for a week before
hand oh one of her own funniest
stories. When he came home,
from the storytelling contest sin*
asked him how things went. He
said “Pretty well.”
“All the other tellows told some,
mighty good ones.” Then he
gave a synopsis of the good ones
the other fellows had told. “Darn
ed clever, those chaps are,” he
said. “1 don’t know what they
would think of me if they knew
1 had learned my story from a
woman. They don’t think much
of a woman’s sense of humor.”
“You needn't let that worry
you, dear." she said, sweetly. “1
have heard the other fellows’
wives tell their old stories at card
parties for the last tive years. ’’ i
A scholarly, fatherly, content
ed-looking old gentleman is Thos.
Gurlield of Hudsonville, Mich. He
is the only brother of President
James A. Garfield. At the age of
87 he is well and happy. He has
resided on the same farm near
Hmlsonyille for more than forty
years and has not left home over#
dozen times since he moved there.
He is unknown outside his im
mediate neighborhood, does not
seek publicity and likes to be call
ed a plain farmer. He never went
to Washington, although he was
invit< d by his brother to make his
home at the Capital City.
He never hud the advantage of
an education. He carried hie
brot her to school on his shoulder
when the snow was too deep for
the future president to walk and
worked from daylight till dark in
order to earn money to support hie
mother, sister and brother He
took care of James till he got
through with school and then got
his lifejnsiired,.which carried him
through college.
“My duty was to stay at home
and run the farm,” declares Mr.
Garfield, “and I did it. James was
a politician k from the time he was
a little fellow. He was a natural
orator and had the best memory
of an v man I eyer knew. He could
listen'to a discourse and repeat it,
and once we heard him working
out a sum in algebra in his sleep.
When lie got up in the morning
he w rote it. out.”—From Leslie's.
Senator Hob Taylor of Tennes
see delivered a speech the other
day in the senate in which he de
fended the'action of Virginia in
placing -i statue of General Lee in
Statuary Hall at the capitol and
told of tin* South’s contempt for
the bloody shirt wavers, his re
marks being provoked by the re
cent criticism of Senator Hey burn
jol Idaho.
“Men who wore the Grey,” de
clared Senator Taylor, “are proud
to honor men'who wore the Hlue
and met them on the Held of bat
tle to tight out n problem that be
gan when the republic was born.
Hut they have supreme contempt
for cowards w ho fight those battles
now and make attacks on the
graveyards of the South, and on!
the monuments and statues of
iheroic dead.”
Indianapolis, Ind., —The sll
mark for live hogs was reached in
the local market.
Chicago, March 10.—The price
of live hogs in the stock yards
hero is rapidly approaching the
civil wartimes level, a fresh ad
vance carrying the figures up to
#lO 00 a hundred weight. In 1865
the price soared to $12.85, which
is the highest point ever touched
in the history of the market.
Cleveland, March 10. —The
price of live hogs made a new high
record here today with a jump of
25e from yesterday’s price. Sales
were made at $10.75 per hundred
Fort Worth, Texas, March 10.
Hogs sold here today at $10.15
per hundredweight, breaking all
previous southwestern records.
Atlanta, March 10—The mark
et price today for butcher pigs, as
I they are known on the local mark
et, was $0 to $0,50 per hundred
weight on their feet, aud supply
Two reasons are ascribed by
French scientists for the Hoods
that nearly overwhelmed Pant.
One is the w holesale cutting down
of trees in the Ardennes, the Vos
ges. Burgundy and along the af
fluents of the Seine. The other
is the comet visitations. The
theory of the noted astronomer,
M. Deslandres. is that the catho
dic rays of the stui, penetratiug
the gaseous tails of comets, are,
turned into X-rays, notorious
condensers of vapors. He holds
that w hen the tail of a comet be
comes entangled in the earth’s
atmosphere serious lloods may
i result.
Mortgage Sale.
HtaTK ok Okokoia —Montgomery
County, Under and by virtue of Hie
power of sai<* in a mortgage executed
by Josh Collins and Laura Collins,
dated the Bth day of March, 189p,and
recorded in tin* office of the Clerk of
the Superior Court of Montgomery!
county, in Hook “D,” at folios 387-
888-839, on t.h**|2Bth day of June, 1891.
Ih<-undersigned will soli at public I
sale, at the court house door in said :
county of Montgomery, during the !
i legal hours of sale,to the highest bid
der for cash, on the first Tuesday in
April, 1910. the following described
property, to-wit:
One hundred acres of land,more or
less, situate, lying and being in the
12215 t District (». M., of said county
of Montgomery and slate of Georgia.
! bounded north by lands of Joseph
I Williams, east by Mrs. John Kersey.
! south by J. K. Beekworth and west
. by B. A. Moseley.known as the place
| where the said Collins lived at the
! date of said mortgage, together with
all improvements thereon, for the
, purpose of paying a certain prom is-,
1 sory note for s2of>.26,executed and de
livered to W. and T. J. Pritchett, on
, tile Hth day of March, 1890, stipulat
: ing for interest front maturity at the
! rate of 8 per cent, per annum and 10
percent, attorney’s fees, the total
amount due on said note now being
$174.82, principal; $232.02 interest.up
to the first Tuesday in April, 1910,
and the further sum of $40.74 attorn
| ay’s fees, the said W.and T..l.Pritch
ett having incurred said attorney’s
fees as part of the expense referred
to in said power of sale, auditor such
sum as may be necessary to pay the
taxes thereon now due,together with
the cost of this proceedings as pro-:
Tided in said mortgage. A deed to !
the purchaser will be made by the
undersigned. This, February 28th,
1910. VV. and T. .1 Pkitche.t.
J. 8- Adams, Attorney for W. and
T. J. Pritchett.
Mortgage Sale.
Htatk of (iKoKorA—Montgomery j
County: Under and by virtue of the j
, power of sale contained in the mort
gage executed by William Herndon
to W. and T. J. Pritchett,on the 17th
, day of January, 1891,and recorded in
tile office of t he < Jerk of the Superior
Court of said county, in Hook “D,“
jat folios 68-69, the undersigned will
. sell at public sale, at the court house j
! in said county .during the legal hours to 4 the highest hinder for cash
lon the first Tuesday in April, 1910,1
i the following property, to-wit:
Seventy-five acres of land, situate,
; lying and being in the 12215 t District '■
i <j. M.,of Montgomery county .bound
jed north by lands ot James Branch,
east by William Herndon, south by j
I William Higgs and west by James
Branch,for the purpose of paying
two certain promissory notes bear
ing date t he 17t h day of January,lß9l,
and payable on November 16th there
' after, arid made and executed by the
j said William Herndon, said notes!
being for S7O each, principal, stipu- '
! luting for interest from date at the j
rate of H per cent per annum,with the
following payments entered thereon
and the entry being signed by the
maker: October, Ist, 1891, $73.25.
March Ist, 189*2, $lO. February 25th, j
1893, SB6. March 19th,1893, $13.07. The
total nmoiNjt now due on said note
being $82.90, principal and interest,
together with tile cost of this pro
ceeding, including 10 per cent., at
torney's fees, as provided in said
mortgage. A conveyance will he ex
ecuted to the purchaser by the un
dersigned, as authorized in said
j mortgage. This, February 28th, 1910.
W. and T. J. Pritchett.
J. S. Adams. Attorney for W. and T.
J. Pritchett.
Easter Suite, Hats and Spying,
I Novelties opened up this week and !
for sale by W. H. McQueen.
! Georgia—Montgomery County.
Whereas, J. F. Cromartie has in
proper form applied to the under
signed for letters of udhiinistration
|on the estate of Mary-Belle Fuller,
land this is therefore to cite all par
ities concerned that said application
! will he heard at my office on the first
Monday in April, next . Given under
| my hand and official signature, this,
' ; the 7th day of March, 1910.
Alex McArthur, Ordinary.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Whereas, L. S. Adams has in due
form applied to the undersigned for
! letters of administration on the es*
'! tate of W. T. E. Adams, this is there
• fore to cite all parties concerned that
j said application will he heard at my
l office on the first Monday in April,
next. Witness iny hand and official
signature, this, the 7th clay of March,
1910, Alex McArthur. Ordinary.
Georgia—Montgomery County:
Whereas, J. H. Geiger has made'
application in due form for leave to j
sell all the lands of the estate of E.
R. Morrison, lute of said county, de
ceased, ami this is to olt-e all parties
concerned that said application will
be heard at my office on the first
Monday in April, next. Given under
my hand and official signature, this,
the 7th day of March, 1910.
Alex McArthur, Ordinary.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
To all whom it may concern. J.W.
Todd, having made application in
due form of law to he appointed per
manent administrator upon the es- 1
tate of Joe Moseley, notice is here
by given that said application will
be heard at tt-e regular term of the
court of Ordinary for said county, to
be held on the first Monday in Apr..
1910. Witness my hand ami official
signature, this March 7th. 1910.
Alex McArthur, Ordinary M. C., Ga.
On Improved Farms in
Montgomery County at a Small
Rate of Interest.
J. E. Hall, Soperton.
** Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomerv County.
Will ho sold before the court house door in
Mt. Vernon on the find Tuesday in April,
1!»10, between the legal hourt of Htle, to the
highest and beat bidder for cash. certain prop
erty. of which the following ia a complete de
: script ion:
Thirty (30) acres of land, more or
less, on the east corner of Lot of
Land No. 6 in the Eleventh Land:
District, of said county, and beinjr de- '
scribed as wixxlland, and having: a j
quantity of timber on it fit for saw- !
mill purposes. Said property being:
in the possession of H.W. Seglerand I
levied on as the property of H. VY.
Seller, to satisfy an execution issued
from the Superior court of said coun
! ty in favor of J. M. Fordham & Co.,
vs. H. \V Seller, being: the property
embodied in a note upon
which said fl fa was issued. Written
notice of levy given as required
by law. This the Ist day of March,
1910. .James Hester. Sheriff.
L C. Underwood, Atty. for Plffs
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will he sold before the court house door in
Mount Vernon on the Hist Tuesday in April,
19X0, between the legal hours of sale, to the
highest bidder for cash, certain property, of
which the following is a complete description:
One hundred and fifty acres of land
carved trom the eastern part of that
tract of land situate, lying and being
in the 1343 d District, (4. M.. of said
county and state.and bounded as fol
lows: On the north by lands of Thos.
Hrigman, on the east by lands of F.
Lee Me Kite, on the south by lands of
the McMiilan estate and or. the west
by th>- waters of the Oconee river.
Levied on and will be sold as the
property of A. B. Conner, to satisfy
lan execution issued from the City
court, of Mt. Vernon in favor of Men
dal. Berman &Co.. vs. A. B. Conner.
Property pointed"out by attorney for
plaintiff and written notice given as
required by law. This, the ttth day
of March, 1910.
.lames Hester, Sheriff M. C., Ga.
L. C. Underwood, Atty. for Plffs.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia —Montgomery County.
Will be mid before the court house door n
Mouut Vernon on the First Tuesday in April, !
1910, between the legal hours of sale, to the j
highest bidder for cash, certain property, of \
which the following is a complete description: ;
One certain tract or parcel of land j
situate and being in said county and '
state, and bounded as follows: On
: the north by lands of Harmon Willis,
on tlie enst by lands of Sarah Young
blood, on the south by lands of Mary ]
j Wing and on the west by lands of R. j
W. Willis, containing fifty acres, j
more or less, and levied on as, the
property of R. W. Willis,to satisfy an
execution issued from the Superior
court of said county, in favor of the
Bank of Koperton vs. R. W. Willis,
principal, and H. D. Phillips endors
er. Property pointed out; by attorney
' for plaintiffs and written notice of
levy given as reduired'by law. This,
the 26th;day of February, 1910.
James Hester, Sheriff.
W. L. Wilson, Attorney for Bank of
| Soper ton.
Sheriff Sale.
GEORGlA—Montgomery County:
Will be Hold before the court house door in
Mount Vernon on the i rst Tuesday in April, I
1910, between the legal hours of hale, to the
highest bidder lor cash, certain property, of
which the following is a complete description:
Two hundred acres of land, more
or less, situate, lying and being in
the 1386th G. M. district of said coun-
Ity and state, and bounded on the
noith by lands of John Wing, on the
east by lands of Marion Phillips, on
the south by lands of Joe Wilkerson
j and on the west, by lands of John
Phillips. Levied on and will be sold
as the property of Jerry Phillips, to
satisfy an exeiution issued from the
Superior court, of said county in fa
vor of I>. H. Phillips, Trans., vs. Jer
ry Phillips'. Property pointed out by
attorney for plaintiff and written no
tice of levy given according to law.
This, the ‘itltli day of February. 1910.
James Hester. Sheriff
W. L. Wilson, Atty. for Plaintiff.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will he sold before the court Louse door in
'lt. Vernon on the first Tuesday in April,
1910, between the legal hours of sale, to the
highest bidder for cash, certain property, of
which the following is a complete description :
One certain tract of land situate, lying and
, being in the 12215 t district G. M. of said coun
ty and slate, and bounded as follows: On the
north-east by lands of M. Berwick, on the
south b lands of Katy Davis and Oh the west
I by lands of J. D. Miller. Said property levied
on and will be sold as the property of Eliza
beth Collins to satisfy an execution issued by
0. M. Currie, tax collector, vs Elizabeth Col
lins, for state and county taxes for the year
19'K). Levy made aou returned to me bv C.
r. Braddy Property pointed out bv Scrima
Burton and advertised as described in ti fa.
This the Ist day of March, 1910.
Jakes H rater. Sheriff.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court house door in
Mount Vernon on the first Tuesday in April,
1910. between the legal hours of sale, to the
highest bidder for cash, certain property, of
which the following is s complete description: I I
A certain one aere lot in the Town of Hopei- j
ton, ti» , containing a hojsc thereon, and , i
bounded as follows: On the north by lands ot ‘
Mamey .V ewart on the east by lands of Ben- | 1
jaiittu Giliis, on the south bv lands of L-e 1
ricupandon the west bv laud* of J. W.Hutehe- i
son. Levied on and will be sold as the pro- <
pet ty of Johanua Hwinner to satisfy an execu- ,
tion issued by D. M. Cu rie, tax collector, vs
Julianna Swiftttey, lor state and county taxes ‘
for the year 1909. Levy made and returned J
to me by O. T. Braddv, constable, and written
notice of levy given as required by law. This
the Ist day of March, 1910.
James Hester, Sheriff,
Sheriff Sale. <
Georgia—Montgomery County. i
Will be sold before 'he court house door in ' j
Mt. Vernon on the first Tuesday in April, j
1910, between the legal hours of sale, to the I ,
highest bidder for cash, certaiu property, of
which the following is a complete diseripiion:
One hundred acres of land, the same being ‘;
a p.irt of Lot No. Sixty in the 1600th district j (
G. M. of said count v and state, and known ns ,
the .Wose Mcliae place, and bounded as fol- ,
lows: On the west by lauds of Jake Browning, ' ,
on the south bv lands of W. B. Kent, on the
east by Alligator Creek and on the north by j ,
lauds of Lrai k Woodard. Said property levied .
,hi and will be sold as toe property of J. M. * J
and Matilda .Mcßae to satisfy an execution is- j
sued from the justice court ot the 1600th dts- j ,
trier G. M. of said county and state iu favor of n
Dva-A Wtilcox vs J. M. and -Matilda Mcßae, j
Lcvt ma.le sttd returned to me by W. L. Me- ,
I Miltan, constable, and written notice of levy
! given m terms ot the law. This the Ist day
I of March, 1910. James Hester
Wooten A Matin, Atty*. for Flflk. J
| Low Cut Shoes |
S (Bought for thosn who are stylish in dress) jei
ijj We feel proud of our selections of &
Spring and Summer Goods, and know §|
that our patrons will appreciate them ||
j| Dainty Dress Goods and
1 Gents’ Furnishings j|
I A look through our handsome new ||
stock will mean a revelation, of
pleasure and profit to you
and you are invived §2
' to visit us H
L. M. McLemore & Bro. |
Mount Vernon, Ga. |j
* *
l Spring Millinery §
* *
* . *
* The girls and ladies should see it at &
* &
* once and make selections for Easter #
* *
3) i 1 ■— ■" ' "
% MRS. J. L. ADAMS, Mt. Vernon %
* &
:y ARE
hoe, built for Service. $2.50 I
Sr,*s£ , " J - $3.00 I
l Shoe —Tried and True $3.50 /
& M H AD o E r SKILL $5.00 J
ind Shoe f For Children M
10NG /
>od, Georgia.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
John A. Morrison has in due form
applied to the undersigned to be ap
pointed guardian of the person and !
property of Mrs. charity Morrison,
and this is to cite all persons con
cerned to be at my office and show
cause, if any they can, why said ap
plication should not be granted. Giv
en under my hand and seal, tnis, the
7th day of Slarch. 1910.
Alex McArthur, Ordinary.
Sheriff Sale.
Georg l * Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court houee door in
M'. Wmoo on the first Tuesday in April, !
1910, betweeu the legal hours ot sale, to the .
highest bidder for cash, certain property, of j
which the following is a complete discription: j
One certain tract of land lying and being in
the 1343 d district G. M. of .’said county and .
state, and being in the City ot Mount Vernon. 1
containing two acres more or less. Bounded
on the west by the Louisville public road, on j
the east by lands of A. B. Hutcheson, on the
south by lands of H. J. Elliott and on the west
by ltatlroad avenue, and being the place on
which W. E. F untain now re.-ides and in his
possession a: the date of this levy. Levied
on and will be sold as the propel ty of W. E.
Fountain to satisfy an execution issued from
the City Cour of Mount Vernon in tavor of
The Home Fertilizer A Chemical Co., v-. W.
E. Fountain. Property pointed out by plain- j
tiff, and written notice of levy giveu as re
quired by law. This th 3d day ol March, 1910.
Sheriff M. C. I
J. B. Geiger, At torn ay for PUT. j
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court house door in
Moniit Veruon on the first Tuesday in April,
: 1910, betweeu the legal hours of sale, to the
highest bidder for cash, certain property, of
which the followiug is a complete description:
• The north west half ot fair of Land Number
I two hundred and thirty-four (2d4> iu the
Tenth land district of said county, containing
• one hundred and o -,e and one fourth acres
more or leg-. .Said land levied on and will he
, gold as tile property of John Vestal to satisfy
an execution issued from the City Court of
Mcßae in favor of E. A. Mcßae. F. C. deUie
and John F. cltae vg. John Vestal. Proper
ty pointed out for levy bv plaintiff’s attorney,
and writteu notice of levy given as required
by law. This the 9th day of 'larch. 1910,
Jakes Hi.steu,
] Hamilton Burch, Attorney for PUT.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will be solo before the court bouse door in
Mount Vernon on the firs’ Tuesday in April,
1910, between tbe legal hours of sa>, to t ie
1 highest bidder for cash, certain propeity, of
which the following is a complete description:
One certain bay msre of medium size aiul
abont eleven years old Levied on and will
be sold as the property of C. >l. Williams to
satisfy a mortgage execution issued fr on tl e
Superior co u t J said «mu ty in tavor of the
Home Fertilizei A hemical Co. vs C. M.
Williams. Levy made and returned to me bv
I T. J. Hester, deputv. and defeudaui notified
l of levy in writing. Tins the Ist da\ of March,
1910.' Jakes Ulster,
■•sheriff M. C. Ga.
■ J, B. Geiger, Attorney for Plff.