The Montgomery monitor. (Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County, Ga.) 1886-current, March 17, 1910, Image 5
TO CELEBRATE FOUNDATION OF GORDON INSTITUTE, Barnesville, Ga., March 13— Founders’ day will be observed by ' the faculty and students of Gor don Institute and the people of this city on Friday, March 25th, and the committees in charge of the day’s exercises ire making ex tensive preparations f<• r another successful celebration ot the event. This movement was inaugurated last year to honor the memory of Chas. E. Lambdin, the founder of Gordon Institute, und it met with so much approval and the occa sion was such a success, that it will be an annual event in the life of the school and community. Among the notable features this year will be addresses by Hon. Chas. Murphey Candler of Deca tur and Prof. C. B. Gibson of Co lumbus, both of whom will be heard with appreciation by the large audieuce which will gather in the auditorium of the institu tion at 10:30 o’clock, when the principal exercises of the occasion will be held. In the afternoon at the athletic park a game of ball between Gordon and Mercer will afford plenty of excitement and the program will conclude in the evening with a reception at the Carnegie library. THE M’LENDON DECISION The decision in the case of S. G. McLendon, former chairman of the railroad commission who was suspended from office by former Governor Hoke Smith, will prob ably be handed down by the su preme court sometime this week. While there is no way of deter mining the date on which the court will render its decision, it is Btated that a number ot other de cisions will be handed down this week and it is generally believed that the McLendon opinion will be among this number. Mr. McLendon won his case in the superior court of Chatham county and it is generally believed that the opinion of the lower court will be sustained. The case has been in the hands of the supreme court seyeral months. TURTLES MENACE A LINER. Galveston, March 12. —The Mallory liner Brazos, from New York, had a narrow escape from destruction by a school of mon ster turtles, many of them weigh ing nearly a thousand pounds. The vessel was steaming down the Florida coast when the sea ap peared live with turtles. The ves sel was held to her course, but striking the army of armored foes was forced to slowdown and final ly change its course. In attempting to drive through the mass of hardshells the bow of the Brazos cut into several of the biggest of the turtles,and they re mained fast on the hull of the vessel. Sailors had to be let down to cut away the bodies. Many deep indentions were left in the hull of the vessel. “FACTS IS FACTS." One hundred and forty bales of; cotton sold here recently for 14A cents per pound. But, Mr. Far m er, have you assurance that the price will be above 9or 10 cents next fall? Supposing it is 15 cents, will it pay to buy meat, meal and mule feed? Corn’s a dollar a bushel, meat sells for sls a hun dred and mule feed brings twice as much as it will cost you to raise it. We are not trying to tell you how to run your own business — “but facts is facts.” —Twiggs County Citizen. EXCESSIVE JOY KILLED HER. South Norwaik, Conn. —“Killed by excessive joy” is the coroner’s verdict in the case of Mrs. Mary Hendriek, who dropped dead here. She had just received $5,000 in cash for some property. As the bills were counted out to her, her face flushed and she sank to the floor. The coroner decided todav that excessive joy had stopped the action of her heart. TEN MILLIONS IN GOLD UNCOVERED ON STREET. New York, March 12. —The un usual spectacle of 1.350 bars of shining gold, each valued at sß,* ; 000 or a total of $10,300,000 be ing removed without covering and in broad daylight from the assay j office to the sub-treasury, attract ed an enormous crowd in Wall street yesterday afternoon. So such open display of wealth lias been witnessed in this city for years, for it is customary in re ; moving gold bullion to put it in j sacks or chests. However, as the sub-treasury adjoins the assay office, this precaution was deemed | unnecessary yesterday, but to ! guard against accidents two po licemen guarded the brief passage between the two buildings, while half a dozen detectives mingled with the crowd. The transfer was made under the personal supervision of “Hon est John” the well known truck man, who handles most of the gold for Wall street and the banks. Assistant United States Treas urer George A. Terry explained the removal as being due to com j ing repairs to ihe assay office. DEFENDS HUSBAND FROM ATTACK OF DRUNKARD. Macon, Ga., March 13.—J. S. .Smith is at the Macon hospital suffering from a dangerous wound inflicted by Mrs. W. H. Johnson, who used a shot gun in defending her husband and herself against an infuriated attack made by Smith, who was said to be drunk. Smith and bis tamily occupied \ a portion of a residence at Crump’s Park with the Johnsons. Smith was said to have badly abused his wife and children,when Johnson undertook to quell the disturbance. Johnson, already, suffering from a broken arm, was assailed by Smith and badly hurt, j Mrs. Johnson, who was next in Smith’s path of fury, grabbed her husband’s shot-gun and al most tore tile back of Smith’s head off The fact of the load glancing may save Smith’s life, SMOTHERED TO DEATH IN HOTEL FOLDING BED. Walnut Ridge, Ark., March 11. j —The body of Joseph J. Justin, travelling salesman for a St. Louis, Mo., coffee firm, with a residence at 2717 Dixon street thut city was found in a closed folding bed in a local hotel here early today. The bed in some manner had closed upon Justin after he retired last night and he was smothered to death. GERMS ON PAPER MONEY. Washington, March 22. —Germs —92,000,000 of them, of mani fold variety—were found on a one-dollar bill microscopically examined at the request of Re presentative Wiley, of New Jer sey, according to his statement today before the committee |on banking and currency, in sup ; port of this bill to provide clean J currency by burning all paper money returned to the treasury, i Among the many disease germs < found were smallpox, scarlet fe jver, typhoid, tuberculosis and | diptheria. No germs were found on metal j money. The dollar bills of con stant circulation have the most bacteria about them, and it was . found that the larger the denom | ination of the bill the fewer germs i it contained. AN ALL-ROUND CLERGYMAN. Notice—The undersigned, who has settled himself at Johnstown, will attend regularly to all minis terial duties, as baptisms, marri ages, funerals, etc. Further, he will give lessons on the piano ■ forte, and in the evenings in Ger- 1 man language. Also, he has to sell an excellent piano cheap. H : Veith.-4J ohns to w n (Penn.) i Tribune. THE MONTGOMERY MONITOR—THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 1910 ANNOUNCEMENTSI ®OgXgXS>@&®<gK*X3E><S><S>®tiK«XsX*XS><g><©QsXSXg>®® \ FOR CLERK SUPERIOR COURT: T lu'irliy I’rtiuli.liu’y Mr Oie 'office of I'lvik of tlio Nupci i.r I'uiirt ..I V.m»- xomery county, Hubject t.• tlu- irii iiot lln* Drill. Ida tic primary. If rlooint, I] ■> ..mis. t.. •liachai KC the atVairauf tln* offl.■>• faith fully .uni in a bui<iiH Srt-likr manner. l'Miukimi you in | advance for yfmr tmppo-t, I mu Very rrsiiirifullv, m i .o nnii N. For Clerk Superior Court My candidacy for re-election to (lie ortice of Clerk of the Superior Court is before the peo ple of Montgomery. The fact thilt l have been , honored with the office fir a repeated term : has not detracted from my labms and mv ear lost efforts to till ii in an are. pluble matin.-i. as I (eel sure my record will allow. 1 am fa miliar with tin- many .lutiea of the oilh-e mi l I if 1 am again favored with the position it shall still have my beat efforts. To this end 1 enr , neatly aolieit the support of the people of my native county at the coming election. Veto reapeollnllv, j. o. cauioun. FOR REPRESENTATIVE : To tfie People »»f Montgomery CNmnty: From boyhood 1 have lutd a laudable amhi- ! tion to represent tin* county of tn\ nativity ui j : the Georgia Legislature. Yielding to Go* j earnest solicitations of friends in every nook j iof Montgomery county, l herein announce myself a candidate for the Lower House oi tin* . next General Assembly of Georgia, subject to ! I the action ot a Demon otic primary, aliotild \ one be hold. I promise in advance to do my full duty in cane lam elected. t hanking one and alitor your suoport, 1 i< main Yours mm v trnlv and loyally, W JVI. is. KENT. FOR SHERIFF: Thereby announce myself a candidate for j the oilier of'Slierill'of Montcmiu i \ com tv its \ the apoupafiiiug general election. 1 otter mv self sul>pu*t to Gie action of the Democratic primary of Haul eountv. 1 mm* had consider- \ able experience in tin* duties of the other and promise if elected lo give 1 1»• • peoub* a fait li tul, conscientious and efficient administration. Soliciting the support of tin* people gener ally, I am Yours truly, Nov 17, 1909. DANIEL MOUKISON. FOR SHERIFF: To the People of Montgomery (<ount\ My candidacy for l e-elect ion to tin- other of Sheriff of Montgomery county is be foie her; good people; and I feel that the situation will , warrant me in asking the same cordial sup | port given me in this my first term. I trusi ! that inv labors have been found acceptable to the public; at d in asking the further support ! of mv fellow citizens, I pledge anew m v most j earnest efforts in the discharge of the duties of the office. I ran hut point to my record, and ask that the same in* considered at tin* approaching election. With furl Her assuran ces of my apreeiation, I beg to remain Your obedient servant. JAMES' HEfSTLIi-. For Tax Receiver: ! To the Voters of Montgomery fount v. I take this method of publicls announcing j my candidacy for re-election to the office of j Receiver of Tax Returns, subject t«* tin* mien |of the Executive l!oliiiiilil> • 1 elitel this j race utitramineled by any entangling allium** ; i whatever,and I piomisc if * lect-ed t" discharge ! the duties of the office with promptness mid 1 ! with equal rights to all an i spe< iul privileges | to none; and 1 further promis* if fav red with i i 1 1 1 in • Hire for another term to voluuturih j retire at the expiration of such second term. Yours very truly, W. H KNKY ( ’lark. | For Tax Receiver: 1 To the Voters of Montgomery County: Voiding to Ktrong influences in ni> favor. 1 I hereby minounee myself an aspirant for the office of Tax Receiver of this county, und 1 j earnestly ask the kind consideration of my i fellow citizens. I feel that my analitic itions justify the reqm t, and that my lahois would prove acceptable to the people whom 1 ask to serve. It elected) it will be my dc -it *-to till tlie place to the best of mv ability, giving i» mv entire time and attention when required. Asking that mv request be given - <>n>uh » • tion at the polls, and in accord with the rules. I am Very trnlv vnurs, 11. S. IV.AW. For Tax Receiver. To the Citizens of Montgomery County: 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Tax Keceivcr of Montgomery county, subject to the action of the Democrat ic Executive Committee. I promise, if eh <t ed, to discharge the duties of the office to Die best of my ability, and earnestly soli* it tin* support of the people* Yours very truly, JOHN G. MO Kills. FOR TAX COLLECTOR. As a life-long citizen <*f d/outgom< rv coun ty and having the interests of the county and , people at heart, 1 offer rnvsclf a candidate for the office of 7’tx Collector, sunject to flu* re- i strictioys of siicli primary election as may he mater provided, f feel that my long associa tion with Mu* affairs of flu- eountv will merit tile support of the people, and to them 1 pledge iny earnest endeavors in the fulfill ment of the duties incumbent upon the office, if I should be favored with it. .md to tin - end I earnestly ask tin* support of m> friends and fellow citizens. ll* rpeetfullv 11. F. COOI'EK. ! For Tax Collector: Having formerly withheld mv candidacy t i public office at the instance of friends. lain* now before the voters of Afontgoim rv county as a candidate for Tax Collector; and 1 tiust that this formal announcement will have the approval of those friends who have already tender'd their support, together with in© support of the people generally. It 1 should he favored with this important trust 1 pledge my best efforts in the discharge of the duties of the office, f< cling that my experience in the business world and rnv acquaintance with the public affairs of the county w ill merit the favor of the public. J am nniiriciiuibred. and tin legal dlscliatge of the duties of the office j shall be rnv guide ami motto. Trusting that ‘ 1 may have opportunity of showing in, appre ciation of support, ami placing my candida- I cy subject to such rest fiction a as may he pro vided for the » lection, 1 tm Respectfully, A.J. Grimkm. j For Tax Collector. IJy this method I desire to fully place my self before the voters of Montgomery county j us a candidate for the office of lax iTo!lector: j and while I arn making *a earnest effort for' | the place, I desire to elicit the cordial support ,of the people. Asa citizen, I deem tin- one ot the most important offices in the county, , and that it requires the work of a careful, competent and conscientious man, ob.-erving , I the law in an impartial manner; ami in the i event of election, shall pm sue thi* count© w ii li I diligence. In advance I extend thank* for the support that may be accorded me at tin* polls, and subjecting mv candidacy to snch rules as may be provided by the county gov* ©ruing committee, I am i Yours very respectfully. * X. F, Williams. l or Tax Collector. i Profoundly gt:it»*hil for the favor shown mo | l*v Ilu* } « "j»h of Montgomery county in my j « i« rtin,, to tli< office of Tux Collector, and |mv- j iug *lo • oiisoiouHueas of «levote<l mv I st «ttbrfs to tlitdi st*i vic*»* dm ing tlm t»-nu, I * orti'i* for tin* place. 1 •«*«•! sure that the J v-'tHMil the county will Htill honor tin* custom I |of hi Hirer filling; two h ints, m which his j work i' more < ftbctivt, and to this end 1 luunb- I !ly ask the continued fuvoi* of the pt-opht. My * work a.s .hi otlierr is open to the people and I i will doiihv uppifciati the favor of another | term as tin i van! of the people of my native • count v. Totir obedient servant. 1). M. CUIiIUE. l or Tax Collector: To th. Vot. is of Montgomery County: Yielding to strong inllutuie* s in tny favor, I le lehv .itinoiiiict* myself a eainlidato for Tax I’olhctoi of this county; and 1 eurnestly ank the kind consideration of r.iy fellow citizens, i feel that m\ ipiniillcatiotiH justify the re i qiu si, ami that niv labors wouhl prove accept aide to the peoplt whom I ask to Mel’Ve if elected it will lie nil d< sire to till tin* otllce to j In st of mv ability, giving it mv entire time j and attention when rcijc.ired. Mv candidacy j is suliiect to the ivottu cniotitß that may be. j provid'd foi tlieelectiou of county officers. Yours very ti ul\. .1 M. (\ TKUKTT. For Tax Collector. To the I'iti/.ons ot Moiitgomerv County: - We, the undersigned of our own wtil, and I ; without his Unowh dge.hi rebv announce .1. W . Adams :i candidate for the otllce of Tax Col lector of Montgomery county, subject to the i lib sos the 1 >emm*iatic primary . We do* this uinh r the linn conviction tin t, judging from ■ his imt services, lie will make a faithful and ; t hin, ut nihcei if elected; and we hospeak lor ( him Mini hearty support. Verv truh nnus, MANY Pit I ENDS. For lax Collector. Tin* infers of Montgomery comity are hrn - by mitilied that I am a caudid.ite, and earnest 1> ask their support, for the olfice ot Tux t’ol lector, subject to such restrictions us limy b. provided by the Executive Oommitteo regu lating the election of county <dVu*ers. The of fice* will have my most earnest attention if I am favored with it and > our consideration will be greiitli appi eclated. Ite>peetfllllv, J. sIIiLKY (JLAKK For la\ Collector: I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Tax Collector of Montgomery c 'iiuty, subject to the action of the hemocrut ic primary. I earnestly solicit the support <»f the people generally. Yours very truly, I. A. Maiiiin lor County Treasurer: f trust that the next Legislature will an nul the office of Countv Treasurer, since tin time ih here when it is ail unnecessary ex pense to the tax payersol tin-several counties. It the Legislature at tin- approaching session tails to abolish Ibis office, 1 mi) a emididal** lor same iu Montgomery eoumy on thefollow | mg conditions. Id. I propose to give good and sufficient bond for the safe bundling of the county fluids. ’2d. Ido not pm pose to take one cent of eomniissinn from any funds received or dis i bur Bed. ;id. J purpose to keep the Pi ' usurer’s books 1 in correct shape, and when the records are I examined, and everything found in correct I shape, the County f ominissioners can pay me 1 I itree Hundred Dollars. I liis will result in a saving of twelve hun dred dollars to the tax payers of the county. Die question is :iow up to the tux payers of ; ■the county, as to whether they want to pay a man fifteen or three* hundred dollars for Mils work. Soliciting the support of the people of the county on the above conditions, I am Yours very trillv. I’ll IL McKAE. FOR COUNTY TREASURER: To thi Voter* of Montgomery County: I hereby announce myself as a candidate foi Mu* office of Measurer of Montgomery .-oiinti on tin- following eonditions: If the L'-gisiatuie does not abolish the office of the i oiintv 'l'ri-i,surer at the next session, (while I am iii tavm of same being abolished.) J will it elected give a satisfactory bond to ' guarantee the handling of all funds. I will keep tin l\ easiirer’s books in correct hnpe, and will ask for my services as (Joillitv Tre.nui er. onli Two Hundred and I*'if tv D«»i ,;i i t t’200.) per vein , I realize, that the office of freHsurer is an uniiecesHary expense t'J the j tax-payers of the county, hence offer myself as I a /-andidateut the amount mentioned. I l>e|i*i\e 1 am fully competent to hold tin* office, and being a cripple, unuble to work I lam afford to accept flie office fora smaller .mould as salary than any oilier man. I am unable to see ail the voters personally, but am already know to a great many of you and will certainly appreciate your support in the coming « ieefion. Yours verv truly, W. >L OUTLAW. For County Treasurer: I hereby announce through flits medium my candidaci for the office of 1 reasiirerof Montg omery county, subject to the action of the j I>omo<-ra.tic primary. If I am favored with; his trust 1 will discharge the duties of the j office its the liw i.-quin «* and in a strict busi- . ness mannei I wish to thank the citizens of •he eouiiti for tlu ir cordial support in the last ampaign, and trust that I may again liav< In n support in my earnest efforts for the ; dace. Very 'Truly, J. VV. MonniHOjf, Hh. i - FOR COUNTY SCHOOL COMMISSIONER. tli« V<ttorH of Montgomery County. I hi icb> *iinoniKH nroclt a candi(Ut« IWI tin nftici- of County Helmut <Joiuniih»ionor, ami | ;in uiiiioiiiti'iiiK my odinliilaoy, i <«; to *«y 1 that, liavii It.-.'it ttcdvrlv and exoltiHivtly ongaged in writ,ml woik in tbia uouilty for a iiuinln i of yt-ara jtaat. 1 am fully ooiivi iaant witji the nmala and ri <juiiuwirjina i of tin’ common achoolw. [ I will have no otlmr ItuniitctHM to utigag” tny titnu and att-niiou, aim in aoli' iting .voui'hhii ftort, I |<ii ilg*’ niyaolf, il elnutud. not to nmkr r |ifc dutii Rot the ettnx a HAcondary (gmaidnr atiou, but to giVi- my tim.- and attention fully | thereto. Thanking you in advance for any fa- , VOIm you may bratowon mo. Yonra tiulv. J. K. AI Lie FOR COUNTY SCHOOL COMMISSIONER. ; To tin- Citizen* of llontgofiiory County: i hurotiy announce iiiyaolf a candidate for . tbe office of Comity Hiffiiml Montgomery county, aubject to all lawful rate* and ."gulationa governing the election. i am a college and normal trained teacher of twelve year a experience in Ht-veral counfit-rt of j the mate Tin* It lining ami experieucetjii ll j itje» iu< for the office. I ataieJ for improved method* in education and for the hotter education of the ma*»en. X promiae, if elected, to diachaige all the dutii * of the office to the he* of my ability. Thanking you in advance for the mipport j that may be accorded me, I am, Very reeneci fully, (Jlo W. TUBELKEL. I | THE GREATEST CURE | FOR COUGHS"" COLDS 1 DR. KING'S NEW DISCOVERY GUARANTEED CURE FOR | Hsing Cough, Bronchitis, La Grippe, 'y seness, Hemorrhage of the Lungs, is of the Lungs, Asthma and all diseases of OAT, LUNGS AND CHEST ENTS PNEUMONIA 1 Dr. King’s New Discovery permanently cured id dangerous throat and lung trouble, and I’ve t iter since. -G. 0. Floyd, Merchant, Kershaw, S. C. |l AND SI.OO |j SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY ■WmmmiWTmli 100 Bushels Corn Per Acre You can build up your farm to produce 100 bushels of corn per acre, and even a bigger yield by systematic rotation, careful seed selection and good plowing with good implements, proper cultivation, and By Using Y^irginia-Carolina Fertilizers liberally. Accept no substitute. If your dealer is out of these fertilizers, write us and we will tell you where to get them. Write for a free copy of our 1910 Farmers’ Year Book or Almanac. It will tell you lIOW to get a big yield of corn. SAI.KS OFFICES 1 Richmond, Va. Atlanta, C, a. Mall ui thil Coupon Norfolk, Va. Savannah, (ia. ~ " —————j c’olur»»l,ia. fi. C’. ViKiiMA ( amoi ina ( iiimu ai, MUMHnnMHBBM company Durham, N C I’lrair m-iml me a copy of your 1910 Winston Sulrm, N. < . farmers' Year Book fret of cost. Charleston, S. ( . I XT I Hi/IT?S »Mkl Baltimore, Mil. —r N ‘ m ' cninnibm, g«. KMi kliiiaCtii oliiiaa Town A,fc MgKcticmk.rl JSSSH Memphis, I enu. lOfffnfTM i' Si .a r SUrcYcpcrt, La, J I OK COUNTY SCHOOL COMMISStONLK. To tilt* Liii/.f?!:H of Montgomery <Jointty: I h.-n-by 11,11 inriiiicc hi\h»'U h cainbdat I'or I lie* offiiu- of County Nr. bool (JommLMoii'T ot Montgoinury cottniy, Hiibjrrt to nurh rxaiiiina tion, nib h and rngiilutioiiM hh may bw pr« tin* Stair Jioanl ot Ednriitioii ainl the State Nrliool Com 'iiirtaion«*i, and tin* liiw* govrrning tbr rlrrtioil of roiinti nrliool 4*olll- , miPHiotiriH. Alhm Hiibjrd to mirli riib'H and irgulatioim 1 hk may be made by tin Lvonitivo (Joiiiiiuttr-n of Montgomery .-minty, ifn.iid nil» K an* run- Hintent with tbr rrijiiii I imutt •. ot tbr Kbit • mi tlioritirH. I have alwav'H ntoml for and iidvorjiled tin* education of the mas«eH ol Mo- peoplr, for bet ter hi*.iuolh tot better eduriilfoniil a lvaotagrH. Jf elected, I promirtr-to give my undivided attention to tbe nrliool aff.iiin of tin- eouuty j nod nliall put forth every effort, to make our ; mclioolh better ear’ll your. In the pawt I have bad tlo* lienrty co-opera tion of the pronto that were intrrcHtnd in bet- i tei hi'lioolh ainl better rrbiratioil, ami I ear neHtlv HOln-ii Mc*ir nupporf during this rum paigu. Yoiii k ver . 1 nils , A. H. Ht"ir 11 CHON. CONFEDERATE COIN OFFERED FOR SALE. New York, March i! —A’ wilvcr half dollar of the Confederate Staten, believed to he the only ex tant metallic coin of the Lost Cause, was offered for sale at pub lic auction in this city today h.v its owner, Kdgar Adams, of Brooklyn. The coin was struck at the New Orleans mint soon after the beginning of the war. For a time it was in the posses-! sion of President, Jefferson Davis, from whom it is said to have been stolen at the time of his arrest. Subsequently it changed hands I several times and for the past ! twenty-eight years it has rested in a safety deposit vault in this | city. The design on the obverse of the coin is exactly like t hat of the . Cm ted States halt dollar ol IHOI, and as a matter of fact one of the regular obverse dies was used in making the com. The reverse de sign is distinctly original and em blematic of the Confederacy. Nu mismatic experts estimate the: present value of the' coin at five thousand dollars. See our splendid line of spring; and summer samples of (Tents ; Clothing before ordering your new suit. L. M. McLemore <fe Hro., Mt. Vernon, Gu. Field IVas for Sale. J'lanting I’cus in any quantity from one bushel to five hundred bushels. Peas ure 111111111111; Speck led, slightly mixed with I 11- ] known. Nice, new, clean stock, in good bags. Price S2.(X) per bushel at Tennille, (fa. In ordering small : lots Hend money order, check or ; express order. In large lots we | will ship order notify. Farmers’ I orders solicited, (five shipping | point and postofUce. Our refer ence : Any hank in PenniHe, Ga. ILA IN KS <V CO., 10-t s) Tennille, (la. M. IS. CA LUO UN, A tty at Law, Mt. Vernon, Georgia. “PAGE Fence Won’t Rust.” 11 T j i i ~j- l } : pace ; • ; pit I ji.j it i H -l;;: : 3 illi . a a l —L r tw In buying Fencing it is nothing short of economy to use the •/ best. The Page is the best to be found on tin? market. Comes in standard sizes, and always in stock. If * ndiable goods, prompt delivery, and general satisfaction in fencing is wanted, see me at once for IT. JAMES FOWLER, Soperton, Ga.