The Montgomery monitor. (Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County, Ga.) 1886-current, March 17, 1910, Image 6
Stuckey. Hfwo'ifcl c >rrvt>ponuenc«. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hancock of Erick attended the funeral *er- < vices here Saturday. Mr. V. A. Harris of Helena was her*'one day laat week transact-1 mg business. Mrs. Elizebetb Hammock of j Fitzgerald was a pleasant visitor j at Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Hurt’s u few days last week. M. Jenkins and daughter, Hor-1 tense, attended services at Erick last Sunday. Mr. Eddie Sears and wif<- oi! near Bruce were iu our commun ity last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs H. W. Stuckey of Mt. Vernon visited friends and relatives in this section last Sat urday and Sunday. J. E. Young and family of Ma con visited relatives here last week, ret timing Sunday. Services were conducted here Saturday and Sunday by Rev. •! K Kelly. The W. M. I'. will meet on Sat-j urday afternoon before the fourth Sunday, at the home of Mrs. A. \V. Barlow, to sew and pack n box for tli*' widow and orphans that have suffered a great loss. On the night of March th* ; tenth, Mr. John O'Quinn passed 1 away, fie was a good citizen and u consistent church member. T< his beloved ones we would point to the lamb of God, that giv 'th and taketli away; he alone is ahh to sooth their aching hearts non pour upon them the balm of his unbounded love and mercy, and i we tenderly consign them to bis charge, and sve know he will not forsake them. To our renders We will sav, that death deals! right and left, and flowers falls a well as forest. Remember each of us some day must be garnered ; m llis great harvest, then let n not empty handed meet our dear Redomor so, but let us lay at his feet and in his likeness stand com-1 plate. Mr. O’Quinn leaves a de voted wife and live children, a father, mother, brother and sister to mourn bis death. His parents! were wired at Wrightsville. but j much to their sorrow they missed! connection with their train and arrived too late for the funeral ser-? vice. Mr.. O’Quinn was laid to rest Saturday afternoon at the ceme-; tary. Rev. J. R. Kelley conduct-1 «d the funeral service. Dr. W. A. Rivers and A. P. j Stone of Qienwood attended I church here lust Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. ,M. M. Morrison of Glen wood were visitors iu our community Sunday. —L. FARMERS’ UNION MEETING. The Locals of the Montgomery County Farmers’ Union ure re quested to meet with Tavloi Springs Local on Friday befon tne4th Sunday in this mouth, j Let all Locals send delegations. By request of Jas. T. Gkioku, Sec’y Base Ball Gloves, Buts and all kinds of Sporting Goods for sale by Fa later Drug Store Alley, (in. 1 A New Firm l I Wants YOUR Business | I AND WANTS IT BAD | (The Ailey Mercantile Co. lias ;i recently put in a mamotli stock | of liigh-class merchandise, and the | public is invited to call and see it | WE HAVE “THE GOODS" j for your needs—plenty of :| them—and they are open to your inspection and purchase. If you J? want to do safe and economical we are the very people to suit you iB; | AILEY MERCANTILE I | COMPANY I | r ' AILEY, GEORGIA | FOREIGN MISSIONARY SOCIETY. The Ladies’ Foreign Missionary {Sonic ty of the Methodist church h< Id its meeting at the home of Mrs. D. W. Folsom Monday after , me.n. After the usual program, j ' tln- election of officers was held, , wnh the following chosen: Fre-idont, Mrs. I). W. Folsom: Vice-President, Mrs. VV. A. Feter m.ii; Recording Secretary, Mrs. iW. B. Kent; Treasurer, Mrs. ! Win. Bland; Corresponding Sec i ti.rv, Mrs. VV. H. McQueen. The society is a progressive one. and much interest is taken in the work by the ladies. Red Bluff. H|.i ( i.l Cerr..*pontlcnofl. .1 H. Davis and family visited their parents Sunday. It. W. Cone and wife visited at ' Si p"rt.i.ii Sat urday. We had a splendid rain Friday which wus much needed. Mrs. Punnio Foskey visited, ; homefolks on lust Sunday. Mi~- Willie Reid visited Miss, Eunice Gone on Saturday. VV’. H. Smith spent Monday at th** home of “Boss” Gillis. Mr- VV. H Smith visited Mrs. Charles Duvis Thursday last. A. R. Davis and son, Ezra, were visitors to Soperton Saturday. 'L Bertie Davis visited Mrs Rowenu Davis last Wednesday. (’lmrli Duke and wife visited their uncle, Zan Dukes, Sunday. A full attendance is expected at Siiimlii\ —lt ■ ><» l next Sabhath,Bp.m. VV 11. Dukes visited relatives in S ind" -ville and Tenitille lately. Thom i- and Lofton Brantley ,v. re. iii Laureus county Saturday. Miss* - Bessie and Annie Dukes vi-ited Miss Eunice Cone Sunday. II C. Davis and wife visited her parent, recently, Lot Berwick, ! of Soperton. Chap Thigpen and wife spent. I Sunday with the letter’s parents, M R. Davis and wife. The entertainment given by M si - Jennie and Mary Graham wus tin occasion of much pleasure j I to t lies.- participating. Mr. and Mrs. Bee Smith are, r !tupp\ over the arrival of a tinei i little !»>v at their home, who will j | board until he reaches 21. .Linn s O’Brien and wife spent ■simday night with the latter’s pa rents, “Bosh” Gillib. Whistling Rufus. I DISSOLUTION NOTICE. The firm of Anderson iV Cal houn of Tarrytown, Ua., has this day been dissolved by mutual con- sent and 1 ain no longer responsi-1 Lie for obligations contracted by! the firm, 'this, the 18th day of November, IMO'.h ;j 8-4 t) C. 11. CALHOUN, j V. I*. MOORE Paint or & Decorator If your In.iist* needs acoatof paint, j - nd for me, and have the job done 1 right, and at lowest figures. M 1\ VERNON, GA. THE MONTGOMERY MONITOR-—THUDS PA V, MARCH 17, 1010. Soperton ! Special Correspondence. On the 15th of April at the So perton Institute there will be an educational rally. We are expect ing to have ex-Gov. Smith and ! State School Commissioner Found with us to make an address to th*- puhlic in which the students of the Institute will render a short program. Dinner will be served on the ground and everybody is cordially invited. Col. A. B. Hutcheson, county school commissioner, visiteii the Institute a short while Thursday. Misses Leila and Frances Beatty. Frankie Calhoun and Stella Thig pen of Tarrytown were visitors iu 'Soperton Sunday. Mrs. Belle Stephens has return ed from a short visit to Dublin. J We regret very much to sav that j Miss Clyde VV'ulker, our efficient music teacher, will soon leave for her home ou account of illness in , the family. Mr. Win. Waller, president of the Soperton Debating Society, liar i quit school. Bro. Howard filled his reg ular appointment at the Baptist church Sunday. The condition of Mr. and Mrs. Millard Durden’s son, who is ill, remains unchanged. Messrs. Durden and Hoke Mis hoe make regular trips on Sun days to the river. Some attrac tion, sure. Mrs. YV.C. Kutrell yisited at Alamo Sunday. Misses Nellie Johnston and V iv ian Moye spent Saturday night at ! the Pritchett house unci report a jolly time. Mrs. Nellie Roach is ill at her home. Wish her a speedy recovery j Misses Bessie White and Janie j Meadows are on a short visit to Hawkinsville. —School Girl. Rev. Harvill tilled his regular appointment at t he Baptist church last Sunday. Messrs. Gordon Jones, William YVade and Misses Emma Earley and Essie Holmes went to Gillis ! Spring on last Sunday. Miss Mattie Williams, who has i been ill, is able to be out again. Misses Leonora and Siller Frost were guests of the Misses Evans Sunday. Miss Jones, milliner, has returned and her friends will find her at the Soperton Racket Store. Mr. I .awrence Williams was a visitor Sunday, The Epworth League meets at the Methodist church every Tues day night. The people are glad to see the j beautiful spring days. Henry Hutcherson and Miss Lalla Johnson were visitors at di vine service here Sunday night. Miss Iris Williams has returned i from a pleasant, visit to Rockledge. Mrs E. A. Outlaw is at a sani tarium in Sandersville for treat I nient Hope she will soon recover Sunday school next Sabhath at ,8 p. m., at the Baptist church. All j are cordially invited to attend. Mr. “B. A.” has employed two new clerks. Miss Levada Durden; and Willie Walter. We may have a wedding soon. The odor of orange blossoms is m the air Who can it l>e? There have been humorous vis itors in our growing town recently. ; YVe are always glad to see them. Crosby Williams is a popular j voting feßow; at least that is the verdict of the young ladies. Rosebud. Shiloh Items. iq* rial Oorre*poiKtonoe Miss Kate Hearn visited Miss Bessie Tompkins Sunday. Mr. N. J. Vaughn, wife and ,children and Miss Bessie Toiup-j kins and brother. John, were in Lumber City Saturday ; the for mer on Sunday. Mrs. D. T. Rowland visited her daughter, Mrs. Horace Mims, on Thursday atteruoou. Thos. Spivey and wife spent last week with parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Mims. Miss Rosa Joyner spent Satur day night with Nlise Myra Clem ents. J. T. Roland, wife and son vis ited at VV. V. Vaughn’s Suudav. Carl Rvals of Lumber City a Sunday visitor to Alamo. Several young people were visit or 6 at Springhill Sunday school on last Sabbath. The two children of Mr. Shel ton Waters, who have been quite ill are convalescing, glad to note O. J. Clark and wife have returned from a two-weeks visit to their son. Rufus, in Florida. Mrs. J. VV. Dukes and children of Heleua are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Vaughn. Mr. Preston visited iu Lumber City Friday. Dark Eyes , i SOME OF THE GOODS YOU j | ARE WANTING RIGHT NOW g ”■*“■—■—- —————— 8 p We have the Stock and are making g | Prompt Deliveries at Right Prices. 3 Trace Chains „ WTI . __. , _ Backhands & Wagon Chains \\ lllte HlCKOry » agons Collar Pads & a v.. s . Horse Collars g* S Shovels Blount Buggies Currycombs g ‘ p adc ‘ s Chattanooga Chilled Plows wheeiurrows s A Manure Forks . Garden Hoes me Potato Diggers Olived Chilled Plows Garden Plows gjj v 4 Cotton Hoes . • , . Posthole Diggers «j 5 a Guano Distributors E» P .irLi,.k. §5 ;'-'j »«ke* Cotton Planters pl ;’" p " u ; ,! ' % Plow Lines Pl» w Bolt* gi « Plow Bridies Planet Jr. Cultivators single Trees || 3 wire Reid Fencing I « s&s©'©:■©©■©. Wire Poultry Fencing f| ©© ©•© © v ©'o-© &&&&’&&&& g % LOOK OVER OUR BIG STOCK WHEN YOU COME TO TOWN I ss s Or let us have your inquiries at any time fjg 1 McRAE & BRO. | Charlottesville. 1 ■Spteml Correspondence. We regret very much to learn that Miss Bertha Mosley is very ill with pneumonia at Erick and her father, J. W Mosley, has been called to her bedside. Mr. F C. Adams and wife spent Monday with their sister, Mrs. Nelseuia Cook, at Lyons. Mrs M. L. Purcell and Miss Mary Moss spent Friday at' the home of C. F. Gordon. J. R. Conner made a business trip to Huzlehurst Saturday. Mrs. Sallie Anderson spent last week with parents, VV. A. Conner | and wife Milton Mosley and sister, Miss iGussie. were called home Monday j from Douglas on account of the | illness of their sister, Miss Lilli an, and little brother, Horace. Mrs. J. R. Conner and daughter. Miss Abbie, spent Sunday at the home of Ambrose George. Wiley Adams and wife are re joicing over the arrival of a fif teen-pound boy. Miss Lourame Mosley was the guest of Misses Lizzie and Emma Morris Monday. Mrs. J. M. Gordon returned Monday from Dublin, where she j has been visiting her sister, Mrs. j A. L Pridgen. Mr. and Mrs. C. F Gordon vis ited at the home of Albert Smith and wife on last Sabbath. Messrs. C. P. and R. K Mosley were called to the bedside of their niece. Miss Bertha Mosley, who is Very ill at Erick. We organized Sunday-school last Lord’s day at the Seward school house with a large attend ance. Everybody is cordially in vited to come out and be with us each Lord’s day at 2:30 o’clock in tliti afternoon. —Fuss-and-Fixi. . Beulah. Carrot poudouce. No dots appearing from this l neighborhood, we send in a few. Farmers are very busy in this section. J. C. Padgett is erecting a nice bnild ; ng over by the new road Bonnet Frost is also, erecting a new home. Glad to see prosperity. T. O. Martin and \V. W. Frost wore m Dublin on business sever al days ago, the former purchas ing a fine mule. Our community is ca9t in gloom, occasioned by the death of one f our boys, Eddie Bridges, who died Sunday at 11 o’clock, at the home ot Mr. Jake Rogers. Walter Wright’s mule ran away with him Sunday, smashing the buggy wheel, but nothing serious. Edward Evans and wife visited the latter’s sister, Mrs. W. C. Holder, Sunday. Sunday was our regular preach i:■_ d,.y aud a good congregation was present as usual. Mr. Editor, if yon will come to see us. we will give you a plenty of vegetables to e*t. —NaDcv H*ak9. » Mathanna Dots. Special Correspondence. J. A. Hughes and children were Saturday visitors. J A Odom and wife were visit ors at Alston Sunday. Mrs. Friarson is now domiciled in her new home here. After the welcome rains the . farmers are working hard. R. L. Sharpe and wife were pleasant visitors last Sunday. Tom Johnson of Vidalia was up on business on last Wednesday. F B Mcßride and wife spent the day at M Sharpe’s Sunday. Miss Faircloth of Swams is on a visit to her parents here. Jack Morris and Bart Gibbs were visitors to divine service on last Sabbath. F. M. and Mrs. W. H. Sharpe made a flving trip to Lumber City on last Thursday. Dr. Dees of Alston was shaking hands with friends at this place on last Saturday. We noticed the smiling faeps of John Robertson and Charlie Pe terson in ..ur midst recently. Neal Hughes was out driving Sunday afternoon, but he was all alone. Surely he can find a young maiden to share the pleasure with him. —Robin Redbreast. Young men, you are invited to inspect the fine lot of Spring Clothing just opened at W. H. McQueen’s. I WE ARE OFFERING I i I Special Values! I in Men’s Suits 1 | at sls ! I Blacks and Fancies s|> I ORDER NOW g' B. H, LEVY. BRO. & CO, 1 SAVANNAH, GA. | Crossroads. Special Coircipoiidence. Mr. Editor, thi9 section has not been represented in The Monitor • and we send some paragraphs. Thomas and Lofton Brantley were in Dublin Saturday. Mrs Graham gave a de -1 lightful party to the young people on last. Saturday. Eaf McLendon and daughter, Mis 9 Maud, visited in Laurens county on last Saturday. Miss Vonnie Dukes and brother, Clarence, visited Lothair Sunday. H. D. Tapley was in this sec tion Sunday. | Richard Foskey and wife were guests of Thos. Sterling Sunday. John Spivey visited near Red Bluff Sunday. Miss Georgia Foskey was the guest of Miss Mamie ou • I last Sunday. —Georgia Girl. FOR SALE —Piano bond ap plying on the payment of first class Piano, for amount of $175, good until June Ist. Make me an offer for it. Willie Oliver, Glen wood. Ga. A. L. Lanier, Attorney at Law, MT. VERNON, GA. Will Practice in all the Courts of the State.