Newspaper Page Text
The Kent Trial in Progress;
Will Consume the Week.
The march term of the Superior
Court, it being the iirst session
since the enactment creating three
terms a year, convened here Mon
day morning, Judge J. H. Martin
presiding, with Solicitor E. I).
Graham representing the State.
After the usual üble charge to the
jury, the civil docket was taken
up. The greater part of Monday
was consumed in the trial of the
case of George N. Mathews vs. the
Mayor and Couneilof the Town of
Higgston, this being a petition for
injunction to prevent the town of
ficials from opening certain streets
through lands formerly owned by
Mathews. The jury brought in a
verdict in favor of Mr. Mathews.
The case of the State vs. \\ r . B.
Kent was‘taken up for trial on
Tuesday morning, Judge Conyers
of the Brunswick Circuit presid
ing, with Judge Martin disquali
fied. This unusual proceeding is
brought in the name of the State,
on the information of the mem
bers of the Mt. Vernon bar, with
the exception of Hon. Marcus
Calhoun, seeking to bar Mr Kent
from the practice of law and t<>
strike his name from the list of at
When the case was called, both
sides announced ready for trial,
and after several hours were spent
in preliminary, a jury was drawn
and the case proceeded with.
Each side has an array of witness
es, among whom are a number of
well-known attorneys. The pro
ceedings charge Colonel Kent with
unprofessional conduct (and other
things too numerous to mention).
While the case lias been pushed
with vigor,up to the time of going
to press yesterday afternoon only
a few witnesses for the State hud
been called and examined.
Unusual interest has been man
ifested in this casesince its incep
tion at the spring term of the
court last year, when its trial wus
set for the first day of last No-
Special Correspondence.
J. E. Tharpe visited his father,
W. H. Tharpe, Friday.
Mrs. J. E. Tharpe has gone to
Soperton, where she is spending
several days visiting relatives.
We are glad to know that the
people of this section who have
been on the sick list are improv
Mr. Rodus Greenway and sis
ters visited Miss Daisy
Tharpe Friday night. Refresh
ments were served and all had a
jolly time.
It gives us pleasure to announce
that the family of Mr. Pete Sker
bor is able to be up once more.
For the past lime months some
member of his family has been ill,
but the good Lord has been merci
ful and restored them to healt h.
Alamo, 110 ate 1.
Special Correspondence.
Mrs. J. A. Carroll visited her
parents recently.
Miss Clemmie C. visited her sis
ter, Mrs. J E. Clark last week,
who has been quite ill.
A number of the young people
attended the singing convention
at Lowerys on last Sabbath.
F. R. Gilder,Harlow Currie and
W. A. Humphrey visited J. YV.
Clark recently; the latter was in
Scotland Saturday.
Divine service will be held at
this place every third Sunday at
11 a. m. There will also he ser
vices the fourth Sunday at 11 a.
m. The public is cordially invit
ed. —Uncle Sam.
Paul E. Tinley, the jeweler, lo
cated in McLemore <fc Bros’, store
on the corner, will be here only a
few days. He is prepared to do
all kinds of fine Jewelry, Watch
and Clock repairing. Call on him
while in town and have your brok
en watches, etc., put in first-class
order. All work guaranteed first
Notice to Debtors and Creditors.
All creditors of the estate of Smart
Robinson, late of Montgomery coun
ty, deceased, are hereby notified to
render in their demands to the un
dersigned according to law and all
persons indebted to said estate art
required to make immediate pay
ment to me. This. March 16th. 1910.
R. F. McRAE,
Executor of the Will of Smart Rob
inson. 3-17-6 t
vember court, it being postponed
at that time on account of a fail
ure to secure a judge for tiie trial.
There have been but few cases of
its nature arising in this state and
its outcome will be watched with
interest. At present the outcome
of the case cannot be determined,
each side being strongly repre
sented and each side claiming the
The State is represented by Es
cliol Graham of Mcßae, who is
leading, E. J. Giles of Lyons, F.
11. Satfold ot Swainsboro and W.
C. Davis of Dublin. Colonel. Kent
is ably represented by Colonel
Anderson of Milieu, L. C. Harrel
of Mcßae, H. B. Wimberly of
Dublin, L. 1> Lightfoot of Adrian
and Jones A Sparks of Lyons and
Vidalia. Colonel Anderson is lead
ing the case at. present for Mr.
Kent. But little time was con
sumed in selecting a jury which,
.vas as follows: L. W. Barwick,
M. D. Davis, J. D. Muniford, J.A.
Spivey, H D. Willis, E. G. Mor
ton. F. Lee Mcßae, A. J. Burch,
S. W. Harrel, Dennis O’Brien, O.
l’>. Brady and Archie McDaniel,
.lust after the trial commenced,
O. B. Braddv was excused on ac
count of sickness, but the trial
proceeded with the eleven men.
From present indications, the
greater part of the week will be
consumed with the case.
Among the visiting attorneys
here this week are Jas. H. Hall,
E. P. Johnston and Chas. Aker
; man of Macon; P. W. Meldrim
and W. C. Hartridge of Savan
nah; E. . Giles, I. H. Corbett,
G. 0. Jones and Wimberlev Brown
of Lyons: Eschol Graham, B. M
Frizille, W. A. Wooten and L. jO
j llarrefl of Mcßae; A. E. Smith
; and L. B. Lightfoot of Adrian;
W. C. Davis, G. B. Davis, H. B.
Wimberly and J. S. Adams of
Dublin; W. J DeLoach and C.
W. Sparks of Vidalia; Frank H.
S a fluid of Swainsboro.
Mr. 11. J. Knight is an an
nounced candidate for Representa
tive of this county, and his card
will be seen in this issue. He as
pires to the office, but is delighted
with the fact that so many of his
friends are anxious for him to I
make the race for the honor. He
; has yielded to their demands, and
will make a canvass for the place.
Mr. Knight is a man of con
! siderable experience in life, and is
regarded as a good citizen, and if
elected to I his honorable position,
would make a conscientious of
Gopher Slide.
j Special Correspondence.
Mr. Editor, we’d like to say,
this very dav, we’ve changed our
i name from Rosemont to Gopher
Slide. Easy matter io change our
' name in this part of the world.
Glad to say the sick are better.
Mrs. M. L. Smith’s little son at
this writing is very ill.
I Our young people are making
great prepartions for Easter.
G M Tapley and sister. Miss
I Luvenia, were at Soperton Sunday.
! Also Eddie Manning.
A party of young people spent
the morning at Bear Hill Bluff
j Sunday. They had a fine trip.
Our Sunday-school is very dull;
nobody won’t go. Come out, you ,
sleepy kids! And help make the
! school a success.
The school is progressing very
nicely, under the efficient man
agement of Misses Janie Meadow r s
j and Maggie Gillis. —Gray Eyes.
i ~ “
From the Columbus Enquirer-Sun.
If every man in the State
doesn’t register it will not be the
fault of the newspapers, which
j have done their duty in calling
attention to the new law and urging
[everyone to qualify himselt for
the exercise of the elective fran
| cbise.
Chufa Seed.
Home-grown and free from peh
bles. SB.OO per bushel; SI.OO per
pack Write M. E. Bray,
3-24-4 t) Jesup, Ga.
In next issue will be given a list
j of the cases disposed of this week.
Mr. T. F. Williams, one of jthe
candidates for the office of Tax
Collector, was in this office this
; week, and in discussing his pros
pects for victory, asks The Moni
tor to state that he will be in the
race until the finish —until the
votes are counted.
Mr. Williams says it has been
j rumored.that he w ill retire from
the race, and he states positively
; that this is not the case.
Shiloh Items.
Special Correspondence
Mrs. Miller visited Mrs. J
D. Mitchell Monday.
Miss Vick Vaughn visited tlie
Misses MoEachern on Thursday.
Mrs. Alice Adams and daughter
were in this community recently.
Mrs. Amanda Pittman is ill.
Ruel Livingston spent Sunday
with'his sister, Mrs N .1 Vaughn.
Gabe Clements and son, Roy.
spent Sunday at Ashley Clement s
W. L. Joyner is our Sumhiy*
school superintendent, and it is
flourishing under his able super
Miss Vick Vaughn was a pleas
ant visitor to Miss Kate Hearn
Mr. Hardy Grimes of Glen
wood left on March 8d for New
Mexico, where he goes in search of
health. We hope he will regain if.
Pat Clark was a visitor to this
section one day last week.
Miss Gladys Wright, visited Miss
Sadie Vaughn recently.
—Dark Eyes.
Charlottesville 1 .
Special Correspondence.
Mrs G P Moseley is very ill at
this writing. Hope she will soon
Don and Fred Gordon spent the
week end with their sister, Mrs .1
M Davis near Alamo.
Mr and Mrs J L Adams spent
the Lord’s day at the home of- Mr
C Morris.
Marriu Gordon of Vidalia is
visit mg relatives here this week.
The ninder shelling given at the
home of C F Gordon last Friday
night, was enjoyed by all ol those
who attended.
C I* and P M Moseley and K C
Adams made a business trip to
Mt,. Vernon last Tuesday.
Miss Maude Gibbs spent one
night last week with Miss Pearl
C Morris and wife spent Sunday
with the latter’s parents.
Lumber is being placed on the
ground at this place to build a
The residence of Grover Con-j
ner will soon be completed.
Willie Watson of near Glen
wood spent tlie week end here.
Mr and Mrs Wash Denton, from
the upper edge of this county,,
spent, a few days here with rela-!
Mrs Griner of Nashville,
Ga,. spent last, week with her
daughter, Mrs J C Lewis, at this
place. —Fuss-and-Fiin.
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Miss Annie Van Geisen Field 1
Sec. of the Home Mission Work,
will be in Mt. Vernon to-day|
(Thursday..) She wishes to meet
all the ladies of the Presbyterian
church and talk to them about,
joining the Presbyterian Union..
Meet her at 8:80 p. 111., at the
Presbyterian church.
Novelty talks from J. H. ilud-j
son, Ailey, Ga. If it’s new, we j
show it.
The prettiest of pretty things'
shown in our stocll of high-grade|
millinery, not excelled by any.'
The newest things in Pattern j
Hats, Shapes and Flowers. Ladies]
cordially invited to call and in
spect same. J. H. Hudson, Alley !
Mr. Curtis Coleman came down]
from Atlunta for a short stay thi
Mrs. P. E. Tinley and children j
of Reidsville are visiting the fam
ily of Mr. S. B. Morris.
The latest in Hair Goods, Novel
ties and Ladies Ready-to-Wear [
Waists and Skirts. Prices reason-!
able. J. H. Hudson, Ailev , Ga.
Young men, you are invited to 1
inspect the fine lot of Spring
Clothing just opened ut W. H
1 ! Mr. S. S. Calhoun of the Kibbee
section called at The Monitor of
*; lice this week and exhibited a sec
■ lion cut from a young oak tree,
■ or rather trees, for it consisted of
i a part of two trees solidly united
1 by another cross branch, making
it in the shape of the letter H,
1 and was almost a perfect figure,
about two feet, lngti and fourteen
inches wide.
Special Correspondence
Mrs. A D. Conaway spent last
week with relatives mi Luurnes
Mrs. W. 11. Howard and little
daughter. Willie May, of Helena,
were tliu pleasant visitors hero for
a few days last, week.
Miss Bessie Stuckey of Mt. Ver
non spent the week end with
honiefol ks.
Miss Doka Maddox wus the guest
of friends in Mt. Vernon last, week.
Mrs C Finer and little daughter,
Hattie, of the Bruce section spent
the week end here with relatives.
Mrs Nannie Lee Tanner and sis
ter, Miss Ophelia Renfroe of Jes
seca, La. .are visiting relatives here.
Mr and Mrs John W. Adams
spent last, Tuesday in Lumber City.
Mrs A W Barlow is visiting rela
tives near Lumpkin this week.
S J Clark of Longpond was in
our community one day last week.
Lew is 81111th and family, of
t!lenwood, visited their parents,
M r and Mrs AI) Conawav, Sunday.
X Smith made a business trip
to Longpond one day last week.
.) W Morrison of near G lenwood
was here last, week on business
Mr ami Mrs W J Hartley of
G len wood were the guest, of (heir
sister, Mis 11 L Jesup last Sunday
Card of Thanks.
I wish to t.liauk the good people
|of this community for their In-lp
and kindness during the illness]
land death of my dear husband,
Mas. Dim,l,a O’Quinn.
The Damons held their regular 1
meeting Saturday afternoon in the j
chapel. The meeting was opened
with prayer by the chaplain. Min-j
utes of last, meeting were read and
adopted. Various items of busi
ness were discussed, after which
the following entertaining pro-
I grain was carried out:
! Bia'io Duet—Lila Riddle and
la Isa Cowart,
j Jokes —B. 11. (fverby.
Piano Solo —Camille Adams.
Debate—“ Resolved, That, Liter
ature is More Beneficial to the
| Student Than History.” All.:
! Whitney McLemore and Dona
Seokinger. Neg. : Roy Rountree
and Louise McArthur.
Biuno Duet—Susie Carnes and
Louise McArthur. The affirms-]
tiye won the debate. K. F.
I Mr. J. D. McCullough visited
] relatives here this week.
The face of Gen. B. W. Mel
drim is a familiar one around the j
court-room this week.
Judge and Mrs. Alex McArthurj
are recovering from a recent ili-j
ness and both will be out in a day j
! or two.
The Palmer Drug Store at Ailey
j has a full line of Elgin Watches!
] that are offered for the next thirty
' days ut the moving price of just2oj
percent, above cost. The watch
I is the standard of the world.
Mr. L. B. Durden, proprietor of
'the Soperton Bottling Works,!
came down Monday to supply tin
local dealers with soft drinks. Ib
is making a high-grade line of I
] drinks and is having a splendid
j run.
Mr. L M. D. Nobles, from the
West Side, wus among the visitors
in this office during the week.
Mr. L A. Huttaway, a promi-i
i nent, citizen of Stuckey, was in to:
-i-ft The Monitor Tuesday.
FOR SALE —Piano bond ap
plying on the payment of first-!
1 class Piano, for amount of sl7o,
good until June Ist. Make me an
(offer for it. Willie Oliver, Gieu
j wood, Ga.
j Special Correspondence.
We regret, to know that Mr Gor
, don James will naive us soon.
Misses Reppie Durden and Wil
h lie May Ivey were in Roekledge
'1 Sunday visiting friends.
Misses Iris Williams and Claud
io Durden were visitors at divine
j service at Tarrytown Sunday.
There will bean oyster supper
at one of the new brick stores on
Thursday night, March 24th Ev
erybody invited.
Messrs. Horace Brit t and Percy
Holmes were visitors here Sunday
night. Gome any old time, boys;
you are always welcome.
1 /tide Frost was a Sunday visitor.
Mrs. John Wilkes visited her
•sister, Mrs. J .C.Williams,Sunday.
—Blue Lyes.
Pupils of t lie 1 nst it ut e will in
a few days begin rehearsing for
After a visit am mg friends in
Soperton, Miss Clyde Walker will
, leave in a few days for her home
in Wrightsville. Many will re
gret lu-r depart lire.
Miss Vivian Move visited fru mis
in Tarrytown Saturday.
Mrs B A Rowe bad as her guest
on last, Sabbat,li Mrs Hightower
of Alamo.
The pupils of the Methodist
Sunday school will engage in an
Easter egg hunt.
Mrs DeHsie Smith visited rela
tives near Lotiiair a few days ago.
The young folks enjoyed a sur
prise party at the home of Mr J T
Doolittle Friday evening.
Mr and Mrs Hubert, Dixon niv
rejoicing over the arrival of a son
I at 1 heir home.
Sabbath school will be held at
the Methodist church every Sun
day afternoon, and all are invited.
—School Girl.
Pur Kcpresentive.
Ily Mip H'lliciHiii«in of imtiiy I'i icimls from <lif
j fomit piiTtH of 1 In* county, uiH'xppcitffl to me,
1 liurohy .iMMMincc 111 v mu<ll(l*o> fur Ut*pi<-
HBiifativp of Moiitjfoiiiury county, mil'jrct to
the Dfinocmlic priminy. It is my Kinhitioii to
: nerve my cont;t,\ to the of her people,and
1 if elected, I will faithfully din liaise my duty
jto rhe hr hi ol mv ability I ciiiuewtlv solicit
! your Hupport. lam Yonm to nerve,
If. .1. KfUIIT.
Special (J u rcHpondeneo.
Mr, Blount, Simpson and moth
er, Mrs Davis, spent Sunday with ■
Mrs Guy Morrison.
Rev II T Wright was in Mt. j
Vernon on business last, Monday.!
Charles Frost and wife yisited
the former’s sister, Mrs Bridge
Price, at Lotiiair Saturday.
G W and wife spent
Sunday with tlm latter’s parents,
Mr and Mrs Lawrence Ryals.
I'c-niiet Frost, visited Rev II T
j Wright on last Lord’s day.
A number of the young people
took in the all-day sing at, Lowery
•Church last Lord's day and had a
pleasant t ime.
James T Wright and wife are
! smiling these days : they have a!
j fine little girl boarder at their
home who will make 11 long visit.
Mesdames WC Holder and Ed
die Evans spent Monday with Mrs
J A Phillips.
i There was a mistake in one of
our items last, week. Walter
Wright’s mule didn't run away
with him; it ran against a tree.
W W Frost and children spent
last Lord's day wit li M rsP B Rvals.
The infant of Mr and Mrs
Dorrniny passed away Thursday
j and was laid to rest, in the White
i Springs cemetery Friday after
] noon. We tender our sympathy j
| to the grief-stricken family.
There must be something doing
down the road for Robert Evans j
I He makes regular trips that way. j
W L Currie and wife spent
Thursday wit h W E Wright and
j family,and made a pleasant visit.
Mrs H T Wright visited her son
A D Wright, near Glen wood the
! latter part of last week.
Our Sunday school is growing,
i That’s right, mothers; send the
i children. The proverb says :“Train j
11]) a child 111 the way he should go!
and when he is old he will not de
part from you.” —Nancy Hanks, i
; * I
Ferry Notice.
This is to inform the public
generally that Lommon’s Ferry, j
near Mt. Vernon, will be operated 1
; each night during the two weeks
of Superior Court. By order of
the Board of County Commission
lers. Wm. Bla>p, Clerk./j
Red Bluff.
Special Correspondence.
Tom Brantley was in our sec
tion recently.
Miss Margie Graham visited
Miss Annie Reid recently.
Mrs. C. L. Johnson spent Mon
day afternoon in Orliind.
Divine services will In* heid at
this place on the 4th Sunday.
Charlie Davis and wife visited
! I lie later’s parents Sunday last.
Miss Kiihioh (\>ne spent Friday
with her sister, Mrs. Clots. Davis.
Dock Davis anil family, spent
Sunday at the homo of M R.
We are glad to know that A. R.
Dnvis, who has been ill, is im
Mesdatnes Liza Davis ami Carrie
I O'Brien visited Mrs. Lester Wil
kes Sunday.
The entertainment given by
Mrs. Graham was enjoyed
by all who attended.
.1 II Davis and wife visited the
latter’s parents, W II Smith, Mon
day afternoon last.
Rod us Green way and H Smith
of Orlund, attended Sunday school
at Rial Blnlf Sunday.
Mesdunieg Bertie Davis and
Vickey Snow visited Boss Gil lis
Wednesday afternoon.
finite a large crowd attended
Sunday school Sunday afternoon.
Welcome them all back again.
Faster is almost here, and we
are glad to see summer so near,
and it is such beautiful weather.
—Rumbling Sam.
Interesting programs have been
prepared for services at the Metho
dist church next Sabbath Both
the morning and evening service
will Ik* conducted by the Young
People’s and the Juvenile Mis
sionary Society, and the occasions
promise pleasure to all present.
Morning service will he held at.
II o’clock and evening at 7:80.
Tile public is invited.
Lumber City, Route 2
Special Corronpoiiclenee.
G. I’. Turner was in Mt. Vernon
last Monday.
.1 T Wright was a recent visitor
to F Louvette.
Shelton Walters recently vis
ited Mr. Cox.
Miss Sadie Cox is very ill with
fever at this writing.
I)r I M Lucas was a profession
al visitor here recently.
Mrs, A. .1 Cox visited Mrs. Ban
co m Meadows last week.
.1 R Turner and wife visited W
L Caraway one day last week.
The sing at .1 F McDaniel’s on
Sunday last was enjoyed by all.
Mr. Joe Cox and wife visited at
j the liomeol Dan KheppurdSuuday.
Miss Paulino Turner was a Sun
| day visitor at Wilbur l.ouvett’s.
Miss Mattie Loti Wright was a
| visitor at the home ot Mr
j Allgood on last Sunday.
Miss A'a Wright and Cleon
Wood visited at the home of Mr
A. J Cox wus in Scotland and
other points Saturday. Blue Jay.
This is to forewarn anyone not
to extend credit to my wife.Desaie
Phillips. She has separated her
self from me and I shall no longer
be responsible for any debts she
-may contract. This, March 28d,
1910. Emjah Phillips. (21-lm
Mobile, Alabama, April 26 28,
1910 Account ot this reunion the
Seaboard Air Line Railway will
sell t ickets at greatly reduced rates
from all points on their line on
April 21th, 25th. 26th and 27th,
1910. The tickets will be limited
for return until May 2d, but can
be deposited in Mobile and pay
ment of 50 cents fee, same will be
extended for return until May 19,
1910. The Seaboard contemplates
operating a special Pullman sleep
er, starting from Savannah atsp.
m. on April 24th, arriving Mobile
1 :15 p. in April 25th. If you are
interested in getting a birth see
your nearest Seaboard agent or
write to R. H. Stanseil, assistant
general passenger agent, Savan
nah, Ga.
NO. 49