The Montgomery monitor. (Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County, Ga.) 1886-current, May 05, 1910, Image 1
VOL. XXV. Parker Not a Candidate. During the past few months reports have been sent our to the effect that Judge Thomas A. Par ker of Waycross would enter the j race against Congressman ' Wm. G. Brantley of the Eleventh Dis trict for congressional honors. From the following report sent out from Waycross it is definitely understood that Judge Parker will not be a candidate for Con gress, but instead is a candidate for re-election to the judgeship of the (new) Waycross Circuit: Waycross, Ga , April 80. —In view of the persistency of the re ports concerning Judge T. A Parker’s attitude on a congres sional race in the Eleventh dis trict, and in response to a direct question of whether he wouold make the race, he replied in the j negative. It has been known for some time that very strong pressure was being brought to bear upon him in order to get him to become a candidate, and that, after lirst de clining to consider the matter, bv requests of his friends he toon it i under advisement before making I any announcement, and his an nouncement ' to-day is a disap pointment to his friends through out the district, although it is un-i derstood that he has always stated 1 to his personal and political friends that, personally, he would prefer not to make the race. When seen to-day Judge Parker stated: “I regret to disappoint my j friends and fellow citizens who have urged me to make the race - for Congress. 1 deeply appreciate their promises of support and in fluence, and it is gratifying to | me to know that I haye their con fidence and esteem. I shall con- j tmue to endeavor to merit same. I would like very much to respond 1 to the call of my fellow citizens. ! but after due consideration 1 do ; not feel that I can permit the use of my name as & candidate for Congress at this time. “Then, too, as an additional j reason, the people realizing that the large circuit over which I presided for seven years was over taxing my strength and endurance, they, through their representa tives, divided the circuit so as to make it possible for me to con tinue in the office of judge of the Superior Court Now that the circuit is divided, and believing that no office in the gift of the people is more honorable or af fords greater or more opportuni ties for accomplishing good, and feeling that I can better serve the i interests of the people, for the j present, in the capacity which I am now serving them, I have; reached the conclusion that I will j agaiu stand for renomination as j judge of the Waycross Circuit. ’’ CONFEDERATE VETERAN FOR REPRESENTATIVE. The voters of Montgomery will have an opportunity of showing honor to a veteran of the Lost Cause in the candidacy of Rev. T. B. Winham for the Legisla ture, as seen by his card in this issue. Mr. Winham is well and favor able known to the people of thi aud adjoining counties as a God fearing and upright citizen, stand ing for right and progress, and t for the welfare of his sounty and people. It is needless to say that i Mr. Winham, if elected to this place of honor, would serve the county in an honorable and cap able manner. He is a veteran of the Gray, and during the bloody! sixties fought as only a Southern , soldier fought. He has <-ver main tained a keen interest in the at-1 fairs of his county and her people, and is anxious to serve in tin capacity of representative. His home is on the west side of the count}’, and he will claim a larg* following. A small quantity of Early Am ber Cane, 50 cents a peck at Mt. Vernon Drug Qo.'a. Uli? Mmtfymttm? ittmutm*. FOR NEW SCHOOL HOUSE. i'he patrons of the Crooked Run neighborhood are anxious to have a new school building, and | quite a number wmre here before the board of education yesterday j m behalf of T.he enterprise, among ' whom we note Messrs. G. W. Sammons, W. .). Fowler, E. S. Durden, Joe Davis, J. F. Holton, Willie Gay and Isaac Brooks. It. is very probable that a new- build ing will be erected at this point, BRYANT H. RYALS DEAD. Mr. B. H. Ryals died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. John R. Adams, in Montgomery eoun i ty Tuesday morning after an i 11- : ness of a few days with la grippe. I His body was buried at the Clem ! ients grave yard yesterday after noon. Rev. Eugene Sikes holding the services. Quite a large crowd was present. Mr. Ryals wus a half brother of Mr. A. L. Rvals, i of this place, and is survived by ! three children: Mrs. J. R. Adams, and Messrs. Lon and Curl Ryals. He was a member of the Prim ! Hive Baptist Church, and had all the qualities that go to make a .conscientious and faithful ad herent to that church’s doctrine, i ■ His Life was a simple, honest , and useful one, and his record was above repoach. He was a veteran of the Con j federate army, and gave four years of valiant service to that ; cause. His end came peacefully ; and he was ready for the change. —Telfair Enterprise. Lumber City, Route 2 Speckil Correspondence. Ashley Clements was a visitor S iii this section last Sunday. J. T. Wright and wife visited ; Bascom Pittman last Lord’s day. i Glad to state that the sick folks J of this community are improving. Messrs. Clem Wood and G. P. Turner visited at McSwain’s last Sunday. I Misses Sadie Cox, Mattie Lou Wright and Pauline Turner visit ed at the home of H, J. Allgood i Sunday afternoon. A. J. Cox and wife visited J. R. | Turner Sunday last. There were a number of visit ors at divine service at Sardis on last Lord’s day. Miss Do vie Cox is at home again from Alamo, after a visit to her brother, J. B. Coleman. There will be a picnic at Oak Blufl next Saturday. Everybody body is cordially invited to attend and bring a well-filled basket. J. A. Turner visited at the home tof J. 1). Browning last Sabbath. Preaching every first Saturday and Sunday at Sardis at 8 p. rn. The ghost of winter in the form of Jack Frost paid us a visit, last week and damaged the crops cou j siderablv. Miss Mary Had after a pleas | ant visit here left Tuesday lust for ; her home at Stuckey. R F. and C. M. Jordan yisited Mr. Burnette last Sunday. —Blue Jay. Citation. ! Georgia—Montgomery < ounty: To All Whom it May Concern: i Jacob A. Browning,a resident of this stale. having in due form applied to | the undersigned lor the , guardian ship of the person and property of Willie Arthur Smith, Lory H. Smith jand Janies Willett Smith, minor rtsildren of Fi. L. and L. f. Smith, l of said county; said applicant biting i tii e paternal grandfather of said I children and having them in charge iti pan. Notice is hereby given Unit i; application of Jacob A. Brown i ing will be heard at the next term of |i he ( otirr of Ordinary of said coun ; t . on the first Monday in June, 1910. ! Witness my hand and official signa , toie, tljis the 2d day of May, 1910. Alex McArthur. Ordinary M. (.'. Win. H. Kent. Attorney for Jacob i A. Browning. MT. VERNON. GEORGIA, THURSDAY. MAY 5, 1010. MARRIED IN VIDALIA TUESDAY AFTERNOON. 1 i An event of interest to many friends m this county was the marriage of Mr. Jeff McArthur of Tattnall county and Miss Ethel Davis of Vidaliu, tit the home ot the bride last Thursday after noon. The ceremony uniting these prominent young people 1 was read by Rev. Chas. Mont gomery of tile Mt. Vernon Prebv terian church. Mr McArthur and bride left immediately for a trip to Florida, and they ale now at home in Elza, Tattnall comity, where Mr. McArthur is is > usi- I 1 ness. Mr McArthur is a native of | this county, a member of one of its most prominent families, while the bride is a daughter cf Mr. M. 11. Davis, a former citi zen of Tattnall county. Tins happy marriage is the culmina tion of a long friendship between ; the young folks, and they have j many friends to extend congrat ulations and best wishes for n long, happy and prosperous life. 1 | . Damon Society Rlr. 'Y.'Y.ll.* 1* i’tX's "*s*r<*.. ' S. *• .11.t1.c. • . Le’».. i The Damon Literary Society met in the Chapel Saturday •after uoon, It being the tune for elect ion of officers, the following wore appointed : President —Edgar Ryeroft.. Vice-P reside n t —Chalmers Chapman. Secretary and Treasurer —Net n Mae Lane. Censor —Denton G reenway. Corresponding Seer el a rv— Ethleen Folsom. We next proceeded with the pro gram, as follows: Piano Solo—Anna Morrison. Debate—“ Resolved, That Slav -s | Were the Direct Cause of the i Civil War.’’ Aid : Marvin Flan ders, AI lee 11 James, T.-rry Parker. Neg.: Denton Greenwav, Bessie | Leach, Gradv Nichols. The judges j rendered tneir decision in favor of the affirmative. After practicing our songs and yells, we adjourned. —E. 1 Sheriff Sale. | Geokoi A — Montgomery (lotiul . : Will be sold on till* first T'a.--d:iy in June, next, before tbe court In in Mt. Vernon, Ga., between die !,-■ ful hours of sale, to the highest hid ; der for cash, the following proper! to-wit: One hundred ami <-iglt and one-fourth acres. of land iie> or lews in tlt e Seventh lan I District; of said count;.’ and known its Lot. No. 495. and In-in.: hi the I (tooth District, (4. M.. of said i county. Said property levied on as the property of N. B. (otitis. Jt., to j satisfy an execution issued from do ! City Court of Mt. Vernon,in fa' o of tlic Mt. Vernon Bank, against N B. Gibbs. Sr.. N. B. Gibbs, dr., princi pals, and K B. Mcßryde. endorser. Said property in pos-ession of N. B. Ginbs, Jr. James )i< ,er, sin-: ill. May 4, 1910, W. M. Lewis, Attorney. UNION SINGING CONVENTION. The Lition Singing Convention will be held with Little L ck Church on the sth Sunday in May. No public table will be but go prepared to r -main entire day. J. F. McDaniel. Secy. CHILD HAD ARM BROKEN. Mr. and Mrs. E. Ad amsund chil dren visited in Mt. Vernon la-t Sabbath, guests of Mr. T. J. | Thompson and family, in the afternoon, while playing about the place, little Thomas It, the five-year-old son f ,f Mr. Adams, fell and broke an arm. Dr. Hunt was called in to set L >• broken member, and the little fellow is doing all r ght. For Representative. I arn a paiHlblati' lor tb> i)» utn>l A tm!/, fr #ii) Montgomery unfy, ami ir th< . ■ will favor mt wjth fin* not;<*i, i |»J» my beat » fiort toward tlioir kvi vice, m tUb ful; j KeiiHi; ot a roH'-ntati<#f tb< . 'sib- , jcfltiog rnv Candida > to tb<- action of »hv pri mary, and tht* kind coiinideiatioii of the public, lam Vout> v* rv nuiv j i. k. WISH AM. | TATTNALL ZEBRAS ARE . GiVEN ADDITIONAL STRIPES. R .dsville, Ua., May I.—The • strike of thirty long term cun I silts m thu county camps near I tier.' has ended and their threat • to die lie tore returning to work i - proved baseless. t welve able-bodied guards arm • ed with whips gave the* thirty - men a sound whipping and before -the laslus had ceased to fall upon ' the hacks of the prisoners the I i strike spirit oozed away. Supervisin’ Tuggle, sent here by i the state Prison Commission, | • - ipermtended the job and it. was I | Well done. I’he wholesale punishment was! administered to-day and after it , . had ended t hirty men went, to | their labor with alacrity. They : ■ have promised not to rebel again, j Charlottesville. i j , j Special (\iricM|Mindt!licc>. timet a large crowd attended 1 i services here Sunday afternoon. Miss Bertha Moseley of Frick spent Sunday with home folks' ; near her. I We regret very much to note • the serious illness of Dr. .). 10.1 ' ’ Mobley. Hope to report his re covery soon. Mr. A. C. Gordon and family are visiting relatives in Jeff Davis for a few days. v Misses Lizzie and Km nut Mor ris spent Saturday night with) ! their brother, Mr. C. Morris. Mrs. Itett McArthur of Mo-i Gregor is at the bedside of her I lather, Dr. J. K. Mobley. Miss Algie Moseley is spending '■a few days with her brother and I sister at Douglas. Mrs. Alice Mmcey and little I daughters spent lust Tuesday J t night at the home of Mr. J. J!. ; , Conner. Mrs. Sarah Ann Hendrix from i Bulloch county spent a lew days recently with her cousin, Mrs. .1. it. Conner. Messrs. <l*, lllld .1, W. Mose ley made a nusinesg trip to llazle hurat. one day last week. Nb ssrs. Dan and l l 'red Gordon and Kills Moseley attended the j birthday dinner given at. the home of Mr. Joe Horton Monday, j over in Jeff Davis comity. Mr. Durden of Cobtown was among friends here one day last: |week. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Perry of Vidalia are visitors at the home of S] r. M . H. Godwin. ' Mr. J. L. Durden of Denton was mingling among friends here Sunday. Mr. C. S. Johnson of Alston 1 'was among friends and relative i here Sunday. Come again Mr. Johnson, us we are glad to have you with us. —Kush and Fun. Executors’ Sale. (j kuki :i a M out ginnery (a unity : CuiO-r and h.v tile authority coll i rained in Mo- will of the late A. K. (.’lark of said county, «i< ceased, will sold before tile court, house door in said county, on the (irsr Tuesday in June. Between the legal hours of -ale. to I he- highest bidder for cash, the following properly : Two lots of land. Nos. 202 and 20Si in the Sixth Laud District of said county, con taining too acres, more or less, nlar of same to be exhibited on day of -ale. bounded north and north-east by lands of Mrs. M Thompson, east and -oath-east by Oconee riyei- and on south and souili-west by lands of J. li- 'Geiger and R .Morrison, Sold 1 for distribution and benefit to eied itOJ t . \V. < I.AKK, / J. VV. Mokklko.v, Sk. | Kv-outoi* Will ol A. F. < lark. Money! Money! Long Terto Loans negotiated on Improved Farm Lunds and also on City or Town Real Estate in Montgomery County at a low rate 1 U,l " 1 " lt - W ’. M. Lewis, Mt. Vernon, (in. SECONO QUARTERLY CONFERENCE. The second quarterly conference lor Mount Vernon Charge will be held in Mt. Vernon on Friday, May 18. This conference was advertised for May 28, but our. presiding elder, has found it necessary to make the change to tin' R>. Let all of our olliciai members note this change, get ready for the conference and ut ! tend its sessions. H. (’ Brew ton, IV C. MEETING OF PYTHIAN ( LITERARY SOCIETY. i The Pythian Literary Society I was called t o order last, Sat unlay jin the Freshman class-room by | |t he president. There being no t business to attend to, we proceed-1 l ed with the program, as follows: j Recitation —Rita Mae (hitler. Jokes—Brantley (>'Quinn. I’unlomime Delia Kennedy,, Kelley Mann, Arthur l pshaw, Brantley Mitch and Leroy Cow-, j art. I lelmte —“ Resolved, That Prizes Should lie Given in Public ! Schools.” All’.: Ibrsehel Mr- 1 : ALister, Sue Burnett, “Pol.” 'Fuqua. N'eg.: Kdwm I’imlor, (line Calhoun, Kdna Rogers. The ; decision of the judges was render ed in favor of the aliirmativc. I Conversation—Ralph 1 lerrmg ton, Frank Johnson and Law rence Thompson. The program was very much en joyed by all. Miss Hannah Bright '< was crowned a loyal Pythian. -M. I Save hull the work <>f cultiva tion by using a Spring-Tooth Cul tivator. VV .11. sells thorn. Bethel Items. •Special (!nih h)»i»ii<U*im'i*. 'The farmers iu our section are busy preparing the soil and plant- 1 11 . g their crops. 'The freeze on Monday night, April 2f>, did considerable damage to young crops and gardens, hut, Iwe ledieve with suitable seasons : gardens are not totally ruined. Mr. and F .1. 'Turner spent last Saturday night and Sunday at Ihe home of R. L. Avery, Messrs. J. VV. 'Turner, M. M. Day and Fulis Padgett made a business trip to Dublin last Fri <>»>'• Little Alberta Simpson spent. Gust, Saturday night and Sunday, j with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and ,\l re. (i. VV . < turret t. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Coney and family are visiting friends and relatives near Dublin. We are glad to note that, the people in the Cross Roads section have their beautiful house of worship completed. ’They also have a fine Sabbath school. Mr. and Mrs. G. VV'. Garrett and litt|e daughter, Irene, spent last. Saturday and Sunday with i home folks hi Laurens county. We regret to learn of the sad death of Mr. I'e-n Sanders, a na tive of VVilkerson county, who died on April flfch at the homo of Mr. M. M Day, at the age of 22 years. He was a bright and in telligent young man and was lik ed by all who knew him. He was a member of the Baptist church and lived a christam life. His death was caused by typhoid pneumonia. All was done for him that loving hands and skilled physicians could do, but alas! the grim monster of death claimed him as his own. His remains ( were laid forest in Bemilali o ne-- , tery in the presence of a few rel atives and a lost of sorrowing friends. Services were conducted by Rev. T. B. VV'inhum. We ex tend our tenderest sympathy to t jtho bereaved family. —G.,t Well-Known Man Sustains Injury. His friends throughout the ; county will be pained to learn of the serious accident w Inch be fell Mr. Peter Gal breath of Glen wood last Friday afternoon, and from which lie is suffering. Mr. Gal breath was riding horse, hack and driving an unruly yearling, and in a race wit it the | cow, his saddle girth broke and he whs thrown violently against* a t ree, Striking on his left shoulder, resulting in a compound fracture. His collar hone was broken and he ! sustained other in juries. He was at once taken home and placed under the care of a phy sician, and at this time is resting very well. Mr. Galhreath is ad i vancitig in years and it is feared I that lie will be permanently in jured by the accident. Mr. Gul hreath is one of the best-known men in the county and his mis fortune is regretted by many. Citation. (t comn a .Montgomery County: The appraisers appointed upon the application of Mrs. Margnsei M. j Ityals, for valuation and sct.ti.ig , apart. » twelve months support out of ihe estate of f’. ( - . Kyats, late of said courtly, deceased, having tiled their ret leu, all persons are hereby re quired to show (anise before the t 'oiii t ot Ordinary of said county, on ' the Hast Monday m June, 1910, why said application sriould not he grant ed. riils. the ild day of May, 1910. Alex McArthur. Ordinary. Ltd Bluff*. Spitrlill (lon tftipoiidft iiOft. Mr. To be Bush and wife visited the latter’s parents Sunday. G. L Johnson and faintly visit ed Charles Davis Sunday lust. VV. 11. Smith and wile made a business trip to Soperton Monday lasi. John McLendon visited Lamar Da vis of near <rooked RunSunda v. M. R. Davis and wife visited their daughter, Mrs. Chap 'Thig pen, near Min ter, last Sunday. It. W. Gone and daughter, Miss Eunice, were in Soperton on last, Thursday. A. K. Davis and family visited relatives lit l/>vett last week. Boas Gillis and wife visited Jim. Davis, Sr., Saturday. Clarence Berwick is spending seeveral weeks with his sister,Mrs. Bertie Davis, of Orlaud. George Berwick, our efficient mail carrier, is back ut his post of duty, after being at the bedside of his sister, Mrs. Whirling, of Har rison. VV. 11. Dukes ut tended the quar terly meeting Saturday at <)mnna. Boss Gillis and family visited the latter’s sister, Mrs. I*. G. Da vis, lust Lord’s day. Sabbath school next Lord’s day at II o’clock. You are expected to be in attendance. James Kicks and wife visited the latter’s sister, Mrs. Lula Holmes, near Soperton Sunday. Lofton Brantley spent Sunday at VV. X. Reid’s. Walter McLendon made a bus iness trip to Dublin Tuesday. Charles Davis and wife were \ is it.ors to Soperton Saturday. Miss Sallie O’Brien sp<*nt last Lord’s day with her (laughter, Mrs. Mary Gillis. FI lie Branch and family visit ed his father, James Branch, of Gopher Slide Sunday. H. C. Davis was in Dublin on business Thursday. 11. C. Davis, census enumera tor, was iu this section Tuesday, taking census. —E. 0. NO. 1