The Montgomery monitor. (Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County, Ga.) 1886-current, May 05, 1910, Image 4

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“Thfltv is on** lj'Misr- in the Mid*
dl» W.-si when* a simple but ef
fc-tivc tire-litriitinij system is in
stalled, " says Charles 11. Harnes
in Woman’s flout** Companion for
M itv “The house has a basement 1
rtlld three ll Oor *. < »ll t lie
third floor four tin pails filled j
with water are pla< - e<f incoiiHpieu- [
ously in posit ions known to every |
member of the household. I here 1
is a water-pipe to that door and;
to it i hose is eonneetod. Jvvpri ,
room < an he reaeheil by this hose
Should a lire break out (her
would lie four pailfuls of water*
ready |i throw against t while tie
faneet was b"ing turiesl oil t
make tin* lto»« etTeet.ive. Tli" sairn 1
idea prevails on the second floor,
the water paila In-tug located in
the closets and under window
-eats. ()n the ground lloor tliei'
are more pails and more hose.
“ The family also maiutaiiiH a
spasmodic lire drill which, while
it is not of a helter-skelter nature.
would prove none the less effect :
ive. In ord"r to test it. the tin- j
believing uncle built a smudge in j
a coal bucket down in the hnse-j
inent just lief,,re dinner one even- j
mg and awaited results. They
were not long in coining. Some-J
body smelled smoko and the next
instant all hands were tracing it.
When it was finally located in the
basement the head of the house
was plunging into it with t he first
floor hose, tie- (wo daughters won
on hand with puileful of water;
the son was poking the outdoor
hose through a window, while the
mother luul a line start, at getting
the tile depart imuit on the tele
phone. Had that alarm been a
real one, the five would have had j
no chance at all.
“This house Inis no fiie-cscapes
’in outside walls; there are stout
ropes on each ot the two upper
lloois that are long enough to
roach I ram a window tot he ground
The one on the t bird lloor is in t lie
room of a servant, who is the only
occupant of that lloor. Should a
tire break out and sle- be cut ot’
from escape byway of the stairs.
sh< would not have to wait llcui
rival of t lie department with lad
The President has appointed
tbneruor Hughes ot New York t «.
the vacancy <>n the supreme court
bench caused by the death ot Mr
.1 list ic,, Miller. The nomination
will give vers general satisfaction
While tb,v. Hughes doesn't have
the reputation of being a great
lawyer, h« is a man of high char
acfei - and first-class ability. It
doesn't follow that because hi
hasn't achieved a oomrtrv-svidc
;t lawyer he will not
make a great judge, lie is a com
putatively young man yet, but
while In was at the New York bar
he was classed among its leading
members, lie knows nil the law
necessary for a justice of the su
preme court. What he doesn’t
know the law vers who have cases
before that tribunal will tell him. 1
What is needed in a supreme court
justice, in tact in auv judge, is the!
ability to interpret the law cor
rect I v and render decisions which
will have the approval ut common
sens,,. The decisions which strike
the general public as being right
are the ones which stand the test
of time and become precedents.
Governor Hughes came into na
tion-wide notice in count'd ton
v ith the famous life insurance in
vestigation. llis integrity as well
as his ability made him tin pros
ecutor in that investigation. So.
good was the impression that in*
made and so great was his success
that he was olios, n governor of
.New York.
It is said that because he is m
I* tor man, he* hesitated to accept
the justiceship. But a place out
the supreme court bench is a life
position—ai least a retirement
pension is provided—ami he ought
t , lie able to carry enough lit,* in- !
anranee to afford a eomptenov
for his lain by.
I'her** is m, doubt that the sen-j
ate w ill promptly confirm tiu* |
nomination. —Savannah N, w s
“ 11 »»—. ..—.H.. i.i 11. l
§ . p.
& y
1 li,i, li* an,i-.i1,,> inv eumliilacy for U s
.ft ■ ~M'b-rk ->f On, s,i|»<ai«r Court „f Merit
: i , ■ III’ r, snbj •<-! to tie- action of He
t>,-ii,<,,-t h< ><- |»rim*ry. Jf ,-li-cu*,l, I pr„iiiis<- »«
1 ilinetim tin- allair.ef Him office faithfully amt
( 111 l.iisin, Ilk, inni.ii, v- Thanking yell in
j a-imnec f,>r ymir 1 am
V'-ry r,-|>, i-lfull)',
M. t.. O'BIiIF.N.
I or Clerk Superior Court
Vlv *‘;l nrti'htr, t" r r<- election te tie- office es
Cl.-lt I lie .Sii|,en--r I'eiirl is before tile |»|-e.
~.. ~i' M..iit. ene > The last UnO I lute lioen
1 hem ,e,l Will, lie bill,-,- I -r a r,-|,eate,l ti-nn
.ne i|, •nn-fi-.l stem nit label s ami my far-
I- ,1 elf .Its te fill ll 111 an »,rf|,tal,lfi manlier,
,t- I let I sure- nil reeel,l will sl»,,w. I am I-,
| mill ,i Will, the mail' Unties es tie- office Mini
if 1 Hill again 11l - I re,l will, tin position it shall
.nil lias, Hi I--I « (Toils, le this i nill- iir-
tlv —.,11* it lie -llpp-nt of the people of 111%
iiHtiu- - uiily mi tie coming election,
Ver v resiii-rtfully,
.1. i . (At. Hot N.
I nr Clerk of Superior Court.
Telle V■ t. I ll MoiilkolOl iv count y I .111
HI 111 V-• II • aiclnlatc lor tin offiee es
* I'll rk of lie fsiipi riel I 'euil. subject to the
I),-in..-rale piimaiv. Thanking my friemls
tot lie- .-i»<--mngcm.-iil alreailv given me. mill
I -elicitjim omr siipnert. Imping to have
1 i|,e p|, ,-n*. --f slewing my »|i|>i ciatioii, I Ain
Yours verv truly,
I). 15 (ill VII AM
fe tlife I’mph-of Montgomery County:
1 I tem 1.-., It,mhl I him- hall ~ I.,tillable amlh
i Hen h. i,-pii sent lie cennty of in, nativity in
lie lent e 111 l.ei'lsllllure. Yiohlnig ", the
, 11,. -1 -oil- '"I hull-lain every 11‘sll,
Menu "ne i, county. I liereli.v announce
|l ~ . iiolirb," I n ill, IsiW'er Ileus, nl lie,
111 VI Ml 111 r.,1 \ 1-nililv el rghi, subject til
lie .uli "ii of i llein-n min- p, mini v . slieuhl
I,. 11l hi. I |ile|illßi ill el, inn eto lie IIIV
full ilui yin mi-i lam eh eU-il. I hanking one
uuil nil f ‘I % .in -impel I. I remain
Vein vi iv truly ami loynll.v.
WM. I! lit.Vl'.
l or Representative.
IP lie .li. I many fibml* limn ilif
h|. el parfs --I He . oiint.v. um-xpi -'leii to me,
| ie iih, ~ ii -uiii i my r.iinllilacv ter Ih-pr,-
seohill,,- el Vlei,l.iiei-t \ I iniul.v. sulijcef to
lie i i primary. I' i* mv ambition to
si i, i- m, -nil IV 1,1 tie-C’.i'l el ln-l people,ami
if ell cletl, I will faithfully ill- bulge IIIV ' IlltV
. 11l lie ln«l el HIV ihllil, I eHlllestlv sell, it
vein'-'il.pei I I kill A "ill s t>i si eve.
If. .1. Iv Kllf'l .
/ or Reprvsentative.
I lien 1., niieiiM i-myself a cHmlhlntc for
11, resell IHI I, I es VItIIIIgOIIU'I , CIIIIHI V.Hllhjl.Cl
I ill, piiiiiHi, electl-ni. all.l i. -pect'iill.v an
tn-it tli, su pert of in,>,.
W. .1. I'KT I list S.
/ or Representative.
I ha. , ,1. . ell-1 lii lepn-s. nl Miilil«oinciy
4*. illflt V 111 the lu-\t (id.CM,I \-sCmh\.
I inn in*l I" vi;nc.: vuh s. liccaiis*- I iln nel
think I him 11l * 1 1". Ic, In la elect ml.
Veiir- Ini honesl it,>tiling*,
.1. V. COI ItSKA
April I, I'.llu.
KIR SHI Kil l’:
1 li'Tcbv aiiin.tiiiee my sell a eatntiilnh- f*.i
■ tile elite, es Siu-111l 111 VI. .111 tp 'lll. IV eeill't, 1,1
Iln llpp,-ee-ililm In I ill cle,'U"ll. left'crniv
-elt snlijed 1.. Me- act let, .if tin- i leiiieci'Hl-n- j
i i iinni v ~| -uj.l e-nnilv. I iniv, liaileeiisulin
iil.le i-vneri.-nce iii lie .In lii -es tin- offiev ami
pi --nilsc ll clcch-,1 ". pile lie- pceplc a ftiilli
l ill, -en -- u nt i • *ii- 11 • I alii, - i ell I inlniinisUHlieii.
SelieiUd', llu -supp.iit el t in- people gclu-i -
.ili,. 1 ant A Mill * ll uly,
l'-> lb. I'l epic es Moi.l-_o.iin i, ('.unity
M. e.t ■it 11, 1.1- , tel I C-cleCt illtl le ill- office el
sln l ltlef V1,»i 11 emu i y ennui, is tu-tnic It. i
I pe,, 111< all.l I feel tlllll tile sit IU, I Kill Mill
aaiiinl me in ,1.1,111- Iln siuni conlial sup
pel I oi„ nno in tins my- lit st lei m. I trust
1 lit,V m, label's have 11, ell feuiul Keeeptallle In i
(le pill'll ..ii,l 111 asklli,; the liirlller snppol I !
,-i m, f,.! .-in,-in I pn-ilgc anew nAy iimst
', antes! ell,U I* 111 ill, lli-ehargi- 111 the illllns
e| 111, e id 1 rail lull | Kill le mv rei er l,
ami ask Unit the same he cnusiilci etl al lie
apphiHeliing eleciieii Willi furllier .issuram
-vs as m, api e,-ml uni. I hrg In remain
Velll lib, llldll Sel V mil,
.1 amr.s b-
I or lav Receiver:
■ Te Hi, Vet, i s >,l Muni em, n County.
I Ink, this m,-Hi nl el pul,ln ly announcing
my ■ aiiili-la,', lei I, -cl, ,'tieii to the ollh-e ol
lb cciv, I ot lav 11, Uli'iis. sillij, el to theiulag
~f iln l.v- i-iiliv, i 'oiiiinitt,-, I elili-i this
vaee null a iiiineh it by an, entangling alliance
»luii, ,ei ,aiel I pi,mu-, 11, Its t,sl to iliselnuge
Hit-duties ~i tie olHc, with ptsunptiiess and
with . ,pial imills le ill an I apt dal privileges
to lien, ,el I I'l, ilo t- promise if fa,or, d with
!iln - lie- lor amitln-r tenn to voluntarily
Mill, al lb, e\|,irali,m ,f Mieli .ais-ond term
Vein > v, ry frnlv,
AV. Hi su, Ci.mik.
l or Tav Wccei>cT:
; T " tin V »t, i > ~t t\mht\:
\i htinu i • iitthuoicrs in m> favor. 1
iJutiby fnHtiiiiu't' oiVMoif «n ns|>ira*»l tor tin i
tflVni nl Th\ UiMwist r ,ts tliu ooiinlv, noil I;
'ciinoii'.iivlt tli* kind ooomaU tHtion ot my
h.l »w iM/* i 1 f««t tliHt m\ !
1 jiiHtify tin amt that my noiiM !
-*»v »\ X vi t A |»t.4i«lr !(» iln* whom 1 ;o*k r«> j
- i\x. It 1 1» «t« !, it will to mv tl« Mi» to till
; fin |*l at a to t- o' !•* >t >t mv ahitiTv. it
m\ -mui tint*- ami ntt«’t»ti«»n wiu-u rrquiiA ih
.\nlviliK l oat mv ia,|Ua**T 1»a :'IVaU OOllhlih ih- ‘
\ tiOtl rtf lh» i?A. M «t 111 UA’ATUaI With thf ruh’H, !
lam \ a i \ truly y ours,
11. S, Pka\v.
I or Tux Receiver.
l o th«‘ rit . ans of r> Comity:
1 !»♦ r« h\ aoiioUMt . mv'wlf a v’an.littan fi>i
Iht a 'iii i * fax ii». »-i v«*i t>f |
< a Mint y. hUt’JT , t to th» a * i n a t tiu* I H umerAt•
!a l \aa uuva t'nmuutto . I piomiMA . eUM t
a* i, ItMlisehm *!»• vlllti* ► of theoflto* to tiu
t»c**t ot inv ah.htv. ami eanu stlv tiu .
«»l tin
Vo*U" wry tml\\
A" a »*h-l*uic A*m/A n l/ imvuu- !
tv an*l the totei • of th« munty mid
At lo .il t, I . rt.'t mVM’lf R A «inll«ifttf
*he ofti •» o! Tax v',»llCA*t«»r. >n»»)‘vt to the re
iiHtH mw f such priinurv iliviiou ,ip niav lu j
j Inter pi 'Vi- « «l. I fA*«*l tiiMt mv tone asM*eig-I
tt«m With tlf attain* »f the count« Will merit '
fh* of the people, ami to them l
, p’e lc;« «ny mrnmt i iokAavnrs in the tultill* .
; lU'-m of *i»* times incumbent uimtq the .
jif l #h‘ uM l*a f*von*<l with it. an*l to this « tni
1 «ifi»A’i«{|v *f»k 11 *« Mipp'H a4 my fttcmls am)
j , itl/A ««V. lies | ♦ vtfullv
i>. r. coorut.
f*«r Tax Colletlor:
Having formerly 'ithlo bl ri»v - hm»I» ■. f -
ptihli< offiee h* the ii»**niie« of fri« n l- i
HOW l/efoie ih«* v<»*< i s of Montgomery e r;
:is a cti'i<llUat« foi lax ( 'ollcetoi : oiei I trust
! thit lliis formal Atitioijnr* me«i* will h f -
* MpprovaJ of tho>e * xvli • I».* \ * in
tc»lfl< l */l Their MfiplMXt. TOyeTlo r W i *:i ••
| »ltm>ort of the p#top|e CjeiJf*! hIIv. Jf 1 H,|» 1l;
be favored with this iiipKirtan* fin- I j
j til V -of »he «i *it s
■ of the <»*ti« e, feeling' mv exp* i iefn e
Im-iiK ss world xml mv a, *|»ininiKo c sidt fh*
! plllilie adairs of The eoutlt > will mml f Ilf j 1 v
of The public. J Hfii urinm nin! red, a-.*l ii
! - (»i!i
; ahall be fur tfttide arid motto. 1 rusting Ut .’
I may have opportunity *.f ttltoa iog iu\ appi
’ elation of HMpport, Hinl my ramlrto
,cv Midijfyt Much reM*t ieTiona a** may hi pi
| v ided his the elect ion I tie
A. .f. (»l;I Mi H.
lor lax Colletlor.
IVofoimdlv grateful f*«i : tie favor alio vn c -
|h\ the people of MoiilO 'irierv . « 1 11 » ty I•.
cieeti/iii to ?h# oftiee o t lux <-olb*a*tor. i i
if»K (he eoiiHcioilhln sM ot lia'., < t • e ;
1 bent eff«»i Ts to tlii ii v if" dill i !■• ' ■ rin •
! jiyain olf».*r f«*r The pin*'. ( j anre that thr
1 v«.lets Ail tli* county will still honor tic i
:of an officer lilliiikf two t< rue*, in whi
work i* more i.'fTeetiv i. and to thin end I Immi
Iv jimlv tlie coiitmue'l I'ma i «*t the pehpi
! w*nk jo* an offieer i* open to tin- peopl* n«l l
w ill dotibv apf»reciaT» The lav#»r of another
t* I ill MM the Mei vjllil of the people ol my n.i Ii
count v . Voiir ole dien! -♦•rvant,
I). SI. Cl Mill',
lor lax Collector:
To tin Vote I’m of .Montgomery County
Viel*llUK h» strong influence* in my *n f
hereby iiiimitince myself a hn i *•,
( UYllector of fbin r uttil y; aml I »»arn#-tiv ask
Tlo kind i*<Mlm|<litm ftoii of n.v fellow eit j/* ii
-1 feel Ilia* mv <|il&lltic.ifloiirf jnsfirv the j*
• jiiero, ami tiiMt mv lahoi’M would prov< < •
al >h to the peoph w ln*m I ;i*l: to -civ f
• leeted it will he m.v desire to fill tli* fti < to
beaf of inv ability, it my ontir* finn
and att’ iitioh when i. «| n*«l. Mv * an< ll f .*• y
in niibjeet to the reoiureinentM that may *
provided for lb#' ele<*fion of county oil; t is.
Youi'm very tiulv,
J M.r.TKt i:i I
J or Tax Collector.
To the (’iii/*dm of Coni;’
\Yr, the •»f«mr own w li. itnl
without hi-» knowledge,hei♦ lu announc* J M.
, AdauiK a candidate for tlo* olli. e «>f lav Coj
i tec tor of Montufonieiv county, subject • tin
rules of the I >omo« t atic primai v. VV* do < ; -
1 iii id* i' tlo* fit m t*oi»v irtioii tint. ju«U'n»K b'oiu
his , *ih« M ivietn. In- will make a faithful ami
. then nt **flicei if elected: and we bespeak for
him your hem fv,siipp*ii t.
V* i v f rulv vours,
Inr lax Collector.
Tin- v.iti-ls id Mi.iilgetin-r, t-tuititv in.- tisr
hv notified that I am aeandidafe, and > inn>
Iv ask (heir Nuppm t. for the otliee of Tax c.»l
, h elm , *ii|hj«-et to such r* Mti ietiom* as ma> h*
i*r*iv iiliml hv flu-Kx* ••uliv e Committ* n ;:u
--l.itiiiK the eleetioii »»f eountV otti' «*IM. I’iie
ti«-• ■ will have my iu**mi «*aiTu st attention f I
am f:iv«»red with if and vourronaidei it.ion will
h«- o|'eatl\ appieeiated. lb mmctfulh .
hJIibKY .1. ( I.AUK.
tor lux Collector:
I hen hy anmuinee mvst If a cunlidatc t i
tin* office of Tax Collevdor of M'*utgiiiiii-i v
eoitlitV, sllhjeet so the action of t be ,1 oim-mI at -
ie primary. I earnestly solicit tin- support
of the people generally.
• Yours very truly.
1. A. Martin.
I or lax Collector.
Itv this method 1 desire to fully place mv
nelf before tlie vo!.im<*l Montj'oim ry eounl \
as a oiudidate for the ott» eol lax C’olleet*u ;
mid while I am making an carneht eflort for
the place, l di'sire to edelt tin* cordial siipj ■ u t
«»f the people. Asa eili/.en, I deem fll in on*
of the most important others m the countv,
.and that it leqiiirea the work *»f a careful,
k'Ofiipeleiit ami «*oilseieiltioiiA limn, oI»-at n in’;
t|o* law hi an impartial mauoci. am) in tbe
• vent of elect ion, shall purHiie tliiseoiirae with
' tlilijreiiA'e In advance I extend thanks !«*i
the support that limy In- itccord*'d file a-t tlo
i polls, ami rtubjrcfing mv ciiuilidacy t»* such
| rtiloN as may In- jnovt led hv the coiiiiiv m*v
! i-rniiiK eoiumitti *, I am
5 Yours va i v r*‘M| • ctfullv,
i'. I \Y 11.1.1 VMM,
bor lax Collector.
I ta)\« this method **f th* v< it• •»-
of Moiii*'oim i v county that lam m th* ra*
tor tin* othce of fax ( , *»llect*U‘ of this county,
and that lam especially anxious tor tlteii sup
|M»it in thr nuniiu primaiv. My c.imlidacv is
subject to aucli rules as may lo orovnlcd l»y
the KxeciUive t’oimnitte*
• lection. A strict husim ss aUention slinil > *
p;ix»t» tile oflici it 1 am favored with it.
Heap# cttiillv.
I>. I'. WAKNtH’K.
lor Countv Treasurer:
1 tu,*t that tin in*\t I.• “islaturc will c*
mil the office of (’oiiHtv Tnasuier, since th,
tlllle Is hell ll it l" .*‘i I iii-c, - -I V X
prlise lo the tax payers nt tin s* v cral cotiutii s.
If the l.rjjislatnie it Hi* appnmclnner s*'S'!" •
t ills to abolish this othce, I am .a caiubd-i •
t«»r same in i v coumv «»n the follow
nits conditions:
i Ist. I propose t*» i»ix* i;«>*id and sufficient
j homl f**r the sati* hau of the coringv j
Jal. I ilt* not pm pose to tdk. on*- cent >!
j c*mimission from any tun N rect ivevi >u di
.’l*l. I purpose to keep til*' I'l usurer's h* "ks
I ill mrivct shape, and when tlo records a •
j examined, ;n»*l evcrviliinK toiind in cone
shafs . the fount) i ommisMuiit * > can pay no
’1 hi * e Hundrcd Oollai s.
rins will ia suit in a saving of twelve liuu
• died Alollars to tin tax |»ayets of the «*onnt>
I The question i> :»a»w up to the t.i\<|v«ycr>
tin county, as to w|u tto-i 11*«*v want :>< pa\
a man tiftVeu or tlu< * liumlr*d d« llats i T! 11 -
w ik. Sohctlinm the snppol t■ f the prop! !
! the county oil thi almv* coiHhtnuis, 1 am
Yours vci v tridv
I'l lIL McUA F..
lo the N oterr ol v fountv:
IliAiA’hv announce tnv*.f»it a- .» A*and»dat*
fi t tin other «»f Ii aahih. r ot .s o inr: v
• county «»n the following c*mdmoiis. It j*
l >*islatllre dtw»s not MtMthsh tin oft! < of Mi
f*vnutv Tit.isiirer at th ;*«\t ► ssn*o,
1 am in favm i»f sunn beiim ah !ism ,l
l Will It elected ci\« a saMsf.,i >\\ ond t
| guarantts* tin handling ot all tu: d
-1 will keep tin 7Yeasiire»'s Us -ks in cor",'
I shap«, and wdt ask t'**i mv servn • s foiuitv
TIN-asurei. oidv Two Hno,h.d ai d i lfty l>
* lai -. : per year. I r» ali/e that tht ■ Wn
of rrcaatirt r -s an unm-ees.-.o y . xpctise t Ih
tax-pa'« rs A>t the county. lietua ,‘h i
; .a « audldate at tb« ans*tmi uiH)ls<»to'd.
II heleive I am full) eompto nt \o hold tt
«»ttice, and beiii|? a cripple. im.» I* r * w uk.}
I can aftord to a*v« pt the idlii *■ for a smaller
aiAiomd a.** salaiy than ativ uthvi man.
I am unable t*> s# * ail the voters p• ! *•* eaSlv.
I but am sir»HAi> know to a rjrcat many as you
and will certainly uppin iati y in support i
; tlie vHcning t ic* tkai.
Yours verv tiulv,
\Y k Ol CLAW
“I suff' : <1 so with Nervous
Pro: ration that I thought there
wo- :,o u -<• trying to get well. A
f; i. :i<] r<" <enin'MKled Dr. .Miles’
K -rviji'-. and although skeptical
a* ', I "Hi found myself re
covering, and am to-day well.”
' M ; S D. I. J( >XRS,
5800 Broadways Cleveland, O.
yI ■: ’ 1 '< l-u >s is of nervous
origin. Its the nerves that
n tin in-art force the blood
t;. '1 \ t ins, the lungs
take in oxygen, the stomach di
gust i- •• "1. tb liver secrete bile
and tin i : <b).-ys filler the blood, j
If .. - f i1 >e organs are weak,
it is tin; fault of the nerves
throiu:'i .Ci they get their
-tr-'s : i. Dr. .Miles’ Nervine is
a .< for the nerves. It
soo; 1 irritation and assists
in lie i "ration of nerve force.
Then : "c you can hardly miss
it if you take Dr. Miles’ Nervine j
when sick. Get a bottle from
\ oiu druggist. Take it all ac
cording to directions, and if it
docs not benefit he will return
your money,
/-or Counts Treasurer:
I h t i»‘. through thtft inedi 1110 my j
, l»<i.. . f<l iiu -ffiefc of Treasurer of Mmitg
oiu iv cohiim, MibjfCt to the action of tin* '.
Jh ni ■ r t tji* primary. If lam favored with
: 11i. inip.i | • I diHcimrgi‘ the dutieß of the i
.1 1 1 11 -1 . a iMjnirt n ami in anti ict busi- !
m-M Mia 1: m r I wish t.» thank the citizens of j
! iii. -*(<11111% for iln ir cordial Mipt-ort in the la«t
c:<mpaiirn, and trust that I tnay again have
j t)i. n- ■ 1 i*}• ut in my eaiin*st etl’orts for the |
Very Truly,
W. Morkismm, Sr.
;Y» tin Voters «»i Montgomery County,
1 |n*»**h\ .'iiii-hiik’u mysftll a candidate for!
| fh* ‘dh •! < arty Tsehool CommiMboner, and j
in ,0. / n»y eandidltey, I h Hire to *\y j
thuh !*.♦* i* : i-hi actively and exclunively |
| ni!gac',r<l in school work in thin county
foj a '.Miiuhcr <tf y- aiM past, 1 ai.n fully j
nun er-ai»t wiih the needs and r« tju*. «nieuta :
f of the common school*.
I ivii l have no other ImsiiieHß to engage my j
' time and ;*o.*oiimi, and m soliciting youranp- I
p-u t, 1 pltdiv myself, if elected, not to make
1 do* duto > t tin* office a secondary consider- •
at om, hoi to give my time and attention fully j
flier* t- I Htikim ’Mi in advance for any fa
.«-i- vou in.l vbf gtow on me. Your* trulv,
.1 a. auld.
r-» tin < 11i/■ •■h of Montgomery County:
1 hereto • 1 ! mult*- myself a candidate for
the offic •■! Comity School Commissioner of ;
M-mtg »ioei v C'*nnty. subject t«» such ex&mitta- ,
?i<»o. *■ ;i* ;i.n*l recninfiou.s an may he* pre* {
scribed '• tin* staie Hoard of Education and j
»m si ,r* - i t.Commissioner, and the law*
govern., the election of county achooi com
lairsuuiei h.
Also subject to miicli rules and regulation? ,
a* m.»v 1,, 11,ele i>y the Executive Committee
. t v! \ t-om'ity. if naid rule* are eon- ,
si.stent with .ho r» *pur< menta of the state an- >
: f lU’li! ies.
1 ha»v i'v - >tood for and advocated the . j
edi;»‘ii 1 i-»M IMe enis-e* of tlie people, for hot.- j i
1. >■ . is e. 1 1 •••H. red national advantage*. ; ]
Jr fleeted, I promise to give yiy undivided j 1
.itr- iti -ii in 1 s. h*""’ iftdirs of the county '
• slid hd . 1 . • 1 • i iv * dint to make our 4
In tlr pist 1 h-ive hid the hearty co-opera- j
titMl if Me |.< it- Mint were interested in bet- * «
tei sell Mils .1 ‘id In-iD r education, and I oar- 4
o'Mi, - 0 • j)p.*l: during this cam-j ]
pau o. Yours vert truly', ; 1
A B. H nvHicsoN. ;
I*, tin Cit * -of Montgomery County:
llniv 1-\ a 1'!!-.«i lee myself a candidate for j
the «>!ii et v eimy >eli-»ol Commissi .tier *-f \ 1
M 'litgfiie \ ■ ii'Urv, subject to all la whil rules |
aie 1 • : .i!<’. M-- governing lint « h ctioti. i
I dii ,i colb - and normal trained teacher of J
i tv.* \»• \. ;. • 'Mil 1 ien.< in sevira! cminticH of i
M. a ' ->D Mm* * and e\pei ieuce qua - ]
itie> in* t " lhe office. • 1
) ; tn-i 11 ..pi -v. d methods in education J
iind lor to ■ heft, r education of til* in.mess. I '
pi -•ini-c, if eb-cted. t*’ discharge ait the duties 1 ]
, of th* f.Uee hi tin bi s of mv ability.
i'hai.Mo t \ .ii in advance for the support \ pi in i*c aei .od ii me. I am.
Vtiv respectfullv. ]
<iKu. W. THHI LKI.L. ]
/hr Tax Collector:
1 * o«: : ;m« -e with tin* H*Uieita f iont* »*f my j
fn. - lie l 1 10 this method of 4unoiuiciug to <
th* v.'.’ i »f Al>'» tg -nn iy county that lam a J
-■tied. b«i t! th*. »M Tax Collector, sub- i
j- : , u;wv. It elected, I promise a J
faithtui .■• !.;■»' f of the duties *»t the Tittivv. 1
Yours respect full v, '
1.1. HAMILTON. 1
Lor Sale—Brick Y ard j
h:.t;n .♦lmiil f<»r <hlh, molu-ling ,!
i gilt.*; H11:r, Briek Miichiues ]
:iud ; mu-', complett? for opera-;
t ut. \ .tr M* Vt*rnon on tlie S. j
A. I, fi\. Apf>lv at once to
1 lot 0 Mt. Vernon, Ga
Seed Peanuts.
\Y' i> iv th»‘ U'M.niti- North Car
olina S<" 1 f*.‘,uiuts at seven cents
p. r |>. ui :ni. S<»*< us for seed.
M Kvk A” Hko., Mt. N'ernou, Ga
;>. 1 Th.iusat d for sale, prices from :
s;K) upward.
For cat»l«>jue, prices, etc., write
J . C 1 Hi' 1' Ni l RG, Helena. Ga.
At tv at Law,
Mt. Vernon, Georgia.
| Monuments, Tombstones
We desire to inform tlie people of i|;
this section that we have opened a :
first-class marble business in Yida- |
lia. We are prepared to furnish |
on short notice anything in tlie line ||
of Monuments, Tombstones, Orna- |
| me ntal Iron Fencing, etc. |
I Designs the latest and most correct |
and tasty. Prices are right, and |
work will give satisfaction. |
Yidalia, Ga. I
;! Jnhu H. Hunter, Wm. K. Pearce. Frank C. Battey. ' ’
I; Cotton Factors Naval Stores |!
I Upland Cotton, Florodora,
Allen Silk & Other Extra Staples, ji
j Sea Island Cotton & Naval Stores, ji
i ii
| One of the Largest Factorage Concerns in the South. Each j!
Commodity handled in a Separate Department-
Strictest Attention to Each.
5 Nitrate of Soda and Other Fertilizers, ji
Upland and Sea-Island Bagging,
Ties and Twine.
!! Liberal Advances made on Consignments. Money Loaned ]l
to Cotton and Naval Stores Shippers on Approved Security.
126 Bay Street, East. SAVANNAH GA. j j
These arrivals and departures published only as ||
information, and are not guaranteed. ;
t Schedule Fffective January 3d, 1909.
'* I.v. Mr. VERNON all trains daily. i
a. m. For Helena, Abbeville, Cordele,
5 Americus, Columbus,
:_2 p. m. Montgomery, and all points west.
-Ml7 a. in. For Lyons, Collins, Savannah,
4:58 p. in. and all points east.
For further information, reservations, rates, etc., see your j
nearest Seaboard Ticket Agent, or write
R. H. STANSELL, A. G. V. A.,
Savannah, Georgia.
»«vwt»ww»>w %%»%%%%%#
* J
i Spring Millinery j
# »
# The girls and ladies should see it at «
# i
once and make selections for Easter «
# i
| MRS. J. L. ADAMS, Mt. Vernon