Newspaper Page Text
Dr. J. E. Mobley
Died Monday.
After suffering for some time
with h complication of troubles.
Dr*John F. Mol 'lev died at Ills
home in the southern part of the
county Monday morning This
estimable gentlemen was well
known to the people of this coun
ty, where he had spent the greater
part of a long and useful lire.
Dr. Mobley was seventy-two
years of age, and during his early
life, and until recent years, prac
ticed medicine. At tile opening
of the Civil war he was enrolled as
a surgeon, before he had oppor
tunity of completing his medical
course, and served with that va.or
and distinction so characteristic
of the Southern soldier.
This noble citizen, and gentle
man, suffered a stroke of paralysis
several years ago, and since lie
was the victim of a very painful
accident; and these, coupled with
his advancing years, must have
hastened his end. He reared a
family, the surviving children be
ing Mrs. John E. Ryals of Cordele,
Hrs. Henry McArthur, Mrs. Wil
lie McArthur of McGregor, Mrs.
W. P. Calhoun of Uvalda and Dr.
Robert Mobley, his wife having
gone on before many years ago.
Attended by a large concourse
of friends and relatives, the re
mains of this good man were laid
to rest in the Dead River cemetery
Tuesday afternoon. No man in
the county will will be missed
more than this gentleman. He
was of the old school, one of the
first physicians in Montgomery
county, and always commanded
and extensive practice. Many
friends from this place attended
the last sad rites.
U. B. I. to Close
Spring Term.
The spring term of the Union
Baptist Institute will close next
week, and the first of the com
mencement exercises will be held
Friday morning. This term has
been a most successful one, and
the Institute is in a flourishing
condition. Dr. J. C. Brewton,
president of the institution, with
his able faculty', has accomplished
a great deal toward the advance
ment of the school during t he past
year, and their efforts should be
appreciated by the entire section.
The commencement program
is as follows:
Friday, May 20.
10:80 a. m. —Trustees meeting.
8 p. m.—Entertainment by inusre
and expression departments.
To defray expenses, an admis
sion fee of 25c will be asked for
this entertainment.
9 a. m. —Chapel exercises.
10 a. m.—Closing exercises.
8 p. m.—Debate between societies.
11 a. m. —Sermon by Rev. W. C.
Cutts, Canton, Ga.
8 p. m. —Missionary sermon by
Rev. W. L. Cutts.
9 a. m.—Chapel exercises.
10 a. m.—Baccalaureate address
by Rev. S. J. Parrish, Eastman.
Delivery of diplomas.
Award of medals.
Pembroke, Ga., May 5. —
Sheriff Charles E. Butler of Bry
an county, who was arrested yes
terday, charged with accepting
cash in part payment of a bond
and allowing the prisoner to es
cape, was tried before Judge Seu
brook and fined SIOO and costs.
Court adjourned for the term
Place your orders for ice with
Hicks Bros., Mt Vernon.
31 }t iUntttijmtwHj
Candidate l'or^Tax‘Collector.
Withdraws from race
An announcement whi C h will
come as a surprise to bis many
friends and supporters m this
1 county i.s to the effect that Hon.
i Win. J. Peterson has withdrawn
| from the race for representative
of this county. This card is short,
land will be seen in this issue.
Mr. Peterson, in retiring from
the race, does not do so in favor
of any’ one man, but does so as a
matter of choice and convenience,
i He has represented his county in
| the General Assembly, and ap-
I predates the honor bestowed by
i his people. Mr. Peterson is a
: a man of extensive business in
j terests, and probably does not
; feel that the office is desirable
l enough to require a sacrifice of
I time in seeking it.
Mr. Peterson’s retirement still
leaves four men in the field, with
the prospect of other entries in a
few days.
Special Correspondence.
j Mr M B Adams visited his fath
er and brot her in Jell' Davis coun
ty last Friday and Saturday, the
latter being seriously ill.
Miss Marie Braswell of near
Scotland was a pleasant visitor to
friends and relatives here last
Saturday and Sunday.
Mr and Mrs M Jenkins attend
ed services at Erick Sunday last.
Miss Jennie Browning of Glen
wood attended servics here last
Messrs Leon Elkins and Ander
son of Alamo were in our comum
! ty last Sunday afternoon.
Mr und Mrs J H Morrison
spent last Sunday at the home of
Mr J W Morrison.
Olau Barlow made a flying trip
to Mt. Vernon Monday last
Services were conducted here
last Saturday und Sunday by Rev.
Misses Abbie and Mamie Adams
of near here attended services
here last Sunday
Mr and Mrs H \V Stuckey of
Mt. Vernon visited home folks
I last Sunday —I.
Griffin, Ga., May 7. —Director
I Calvin, of the state experiment
station at Griffin, states that the
recent cold weather did not do
much damage to fruits and vege
tables. The cotton m the ground
wue not hurt, and it is Mr. Cal
vin’s belief that a good crop can
yet be made, as the season is
j early, and besides he does not
commence to plant cotton byfore
April 27 any year.
The fruit and vegetable crops
were not damaged at all in this
section. The melon crop was
damaged m this section, and cu
' cumbers do not look any too well;
English peas and new Irish pota
toes are on the market and seem
to be of quality und the quantity
is fair.
Macon, Ma., May 0 —Answer
ing to the call of duly, three nt
Macon’s best firemen met a hor
rible death at an early hoar this
morning, being killed outright,
| and several others injured when
ju tire on the city's new auto en
gine exploded on the way to a tin-
The dead are: Lee Roberts, 0.
iA. McCreary, andJ. K. Bulling*
The injured are: Frank Ham
mock, W. H. Kemp and John
The auto engine was going at
a terrific rate of speed when the
accident occurred und just w hat
caused the tire to burst is a mys
Little did the firemen expect
when they were awakened to an
swer the alarm that it would be
their last run.
The injured men were rushed to
the hospital and the exact nature
of their injury at this hour cun
not be ascertained.
The Red Dragon, or Halley’s
I Comet, lias been seen in this vi
cinity. The writer was tin before
soon (and that’s quite early, yon
know) on the morning of the oth
inst, at 8 by the clock. 1 dis
covered it passing Glenwood,
Ga. This being a flag station, it
; never stopped here. It. was a big
j sight to a skeester that’s not had
the opportunity of seeing any
thing bigger than a goat wagon.
You know it was going north
ward, and hail a big tram behind
jit. They call it the tail, blit I
j call it a trum, to be mannerly
! about it.
Well, the head end of t ie* thing
I looked like a large engine and
(the tail part, of it looked like a
' long train of box cars w ith a tlag
< man hanging on the back end of
it with a lantern in his bands
j waving it ahead. Yes, sir, thut
1 “McCommick stur,” us the icg
ros call it, is a sight to behold.
And what, could 1 have seen had
1 had on my specs. This I saw
with my nuked eyes, and it s
worth all the sleep you lose to see
, it. Get up at 8 o’clock, and if
it’s cloudy, go back to bed. for it
is invisible in cloudy weather:
I but if fair, just, look aboye and
a little north ot the morning star,
i and you can with a close obser
vation almost
See the drivers turning,
See the steam escaping and
Hear the thing running.
Ice in any quantity. Hicks
Bros., Mt Vernon.
The following item forwarded to
this office by the Dress Depart
meat of the Brenau College Con
servatory, Gainesville, Ga. :
Miss Jessie May Peterson, of Ai
‘ ley, has* made a splendid record at
Brenau College. At. tic* summer
school she will finish her literary
work and receive an A. B Liter
ary Degree.
Miss Peterson has been in great
demand when the many oratory
plays were given. Her interpre
tation of the various characters
I assigned her were wonderfully re
During commencement she will
take a prominent part in the fol
lowing program :
Wednesday, May 18, Alumnae
Banquet; Thursday, May 19, Sen
ior Play; Friday and Saturday,
May 20, 21, Grand Music Festival
by Pittsburg Symphony Orches
tra of 40 members; Sunday, May
.22, Sermon by Dr. Geo. H. Eiger
of Mobile, Ala ; Monday, May
28, Class Day; Tuesday May 21.
Baccalaureate Address bv Dr. C.
O. Jones, of Griffin; Tuesday eve
ning, Grand Concert.
Hnzlelmrst, Ga., Mav o—John
ISuple, a negro who was convicted
jot (akme the life of Simon Lee,
'another negro, was executed by
j.Sheriff Ellis today at. 11 o‘ch>ek.
The giilluws was so arranged
that the condemned man hud tin
; eight-loot drop, but this did not
break his neck. The physicians
pronounced him dead in twelve
minutes from strangulation
Religious services were held in
j the sheriff’s office before leaving
j for tin* gallows, in which Suplc
joined freely in tin* singing and
j praying. Hi* went bravely to the
j gal low s, and Ins last words w ere,
■‘l am ready to go.”
Suple was convicted at the Feb
j ruary , 1909, term i f the superior
j court, and the supreme court re
fused to interfere in the verdict.
His alt irneyH, as a last, resort,
.appealed to the prison enmmis-
S sion for commutation of the
(death sentence to life imprison
j ment, but this was denied.
The following is a program of
the Bible Day exercises to be held
at the Turrytown Baptist Church
Sunday night, 15th inst :
I Song, Spied Away, by choir
j 2 Scripture M IS Burns
j 8 Prayer Pastor
4 Song, Wonderful Things in the
Bible 1 See Children
! 5 The Gospel Banner Exercises
Ten Boys
(1 Song, Gospel Banner Choir
I 7 Recitation, A Bible Long Ago
Paul Calhoun
8 Recitation, Whut Have You
Done Today? lola I'sry
1 9 The Bible for the World
Exercises by 12 Girls
10 Song, Gospel Message Chr
II Recitation, Never Had Time
AI ice K itcliens
12 The Light for All the World
Eight Girls
18 Song, Shine for Jesus Chil.
11 Our Bible Work lodey
M K Burns
In Collection
1(5 Song, Here Am I, Send Me
The Pythian Literary Society
; met last Sat urday in the chapel.
Called to order by the president,,
and minutes of last meeting read
and adopted. With no business
to transact. the follow mg progrn m
j was rendered :
Recitation Elsie Everett
Piano Solo Marion Lee
] Recitation Maggie M. Leo
Piano S' do Onm Calhoun
Prophecy Kate Parker
Piano soli) Edna Rogers
Jokes Julian Walker
Current topics .Jim Peterson
Piano solo Margarette Ingraham
The program was interesting
and very enjoyable.
We were pleased to have with us
as visitors Misses Jennie Thomp
son and Dorcas Mcßae and Messrs.
Carl Geiger, Alex Peterson and
j Juralle Calhoun. After the, pro
gram we adjourned in regular or
■ der. M . L.
Dr. Curtis Coleman arrived a
few days ago from Atlanta, where
he has completed a course in den
tistry. Dr. Floyd L. Rack ley al
so finished the course, and now
both are full-fledged D 1). S. Dr.
i Coleman lias not yet decided upon
a location, but is understood that
Dr. Rackley* w ill locate in Kath
leen. Both passed highly credi
table examinations led >r** the
Htal*- Board, and are receiving
the congratulations of many
friends. By wav of wishing them
success, we will say may they ever
' be looking down in the mouth.
; .
Candidate for Tax Collector
Swnipshoro, Ga., May 7. —With!
the Democratic county primary i
off. it IN believed that the crop ot
legislative candidates will now
grow. There have already an-j
noliliee.l for l his office, (’apt- T J .
James, who openly declares fnrj
! cutting the county: U J. Wil-i
lintus, a lawyer; S. J. Tyson, who
I'cpreM'uited the county for one
term very acceptably; James Wal*
jea, a young maii, who is making j
Ins 1 irst venture mlo politics, and
K. S. Yotimans, a prominent j
farmer and a member of the Board
!of Education. It is also rumored
[that both of the incumbents, Neil
Gilliniind P> L Brinson, will be
candidates t.» succeed t hemselves,
and as they are popular as well as
having •‘made good” this term, it ,
will take a strong man to defeat
| either of them, ’['here are ntitner-;
j mis other prospective candidates,!
but as this election will not. be
held until the August primary, I
there is really no need to hurry.
In some sections op the county!
j there m considerable inclination!
to cut the county und make new \
| counties, and it all the territory j
| asked from Emanuel county is
, granted, t here will lie nothing of
jit left, which is one ol I he original j
head right counties, except, the j
; court house and may lie .Swujus-i
boro. Olipt. James IH expecting'
to gel his support from those who|
i desire a slice off the collhty and,
although his race will be stren-j
iioiisly fought by those who op
pose it., some think his chances!
fairly good.
j The main motive moving Gapt.
Jane's and which he has V'*ry
frankly stated is to get. a county
surrounding Adrian, with tliatj
tow nust he count v site, lie has
Worked at t his very iudust nously I
: for u number of years.
The race for senator is also two
sided. William Kaireloth and W.j
N Eight, both well known in
this count v where they have a,
la rge lam iI y connect ion.
licks Brothers are the ice men,
and they will supply you on de-'
Shiloh Items.
.SprfiaJ (>-i i » -Mpomluiif’c
We are having a lot of sickness)
in our community now.
Mrs. Victoria McArthur was a
visitor m Lumber Oily Friday i
Miss Bessie Tompkins spent
Sunday with Miss Kudell Mon'i-i
Miss Vick Vaughn and sister.!
Sadie, and Miss Myra Clements
visited at the home of Mr. <). ,J. i
; Clark Friday afternoon.
Mrs. Bab of Lumber City visit-j
• eil M j-?,. Me Arthur one day last j
i week.
Mr. O. J Clark and It. S.
Story was in M Kc- lasi Friday.)
Mr. N. J Vaughn of Charlotts
ville spent last Sunday with borne i
Mrs. Bill McKuchern of Lumber
City ep.-nt lust .Saturday and
Sunday with tier mother, Mrs. |
I Moses. Dark eyes. j
Proceedings of
Bd. Education.
The Hoard ot Kil uc'ftl ion <>i
Montgomery county n»• *t to-dav.
Present : 'l'. A. Peterson, >1
Jenkins. Daniel Dope ami W A.
Tiie minutes of tin* last regular
meeting were read and approved.
A petition was presented t,h**
lionrd 1• v i‘. 0. Ilobbs and A.
Jones, asking tin* Hoard not to
move tlir seliooi from LnHutir.
j After carefully studying the 1.0-
Ithair school dint net the Hoard
thought it best for tin* school to
, remain at Hot hair for the present.
I pon petition ot J, li. Davis
et al. a school was grunted and
a house will lie bulli on tie* rOHit
| leading from M. 1,. O'Brien's
j place to Soperton on or near the
| John Scott, farm, now owned by
Dr. t>. H. Moye.
Several ol lie* pntronsot (Took*
ied Run school were present ask
ing the Hoard to aid them in
building a new school house in
i Mieir school district Their re
ipiesl was granted on terms and
i conditions agreed to by said pe
titioners and t iie Hoard of Kduea
t toll.
W. A. jJ’otersoii, Daniel Hope
and A. H. Hutcheson were ap
pointed ny tiie Hoard to meet,
with the people of the tWO OOIII*
iminiit ies above to aid in the se
lection of school sites, the draw
ing of plans for buildings, etc.
D. H I'lii 11 ips, S. (\dl ms et.
!al. appeared before the Hoard
asking the* Hoard to re-establish
the Wanock school, located on
the road leading from lliggston
to Zuid'-o, Said request was
gran teed by t.lie Hoard and A. H.
Jluteheson, C. S. (’., was asked to
'meet with the citizens of said
community on Friday, Muytb b,
I for the purpose of locating a site
fora new school house, drawing
plans, etc.
At the requestor A. (J. McLen
nan and others a school was grant
ed to l»e located on lot oi land
1 \o. Sf> in the llth land District,
; A school was grunted the people
Oif l valdu and a school house
will be built during the Summer.
The people of Lundsburg school
| district were present unking the
j Hoard to md them in building a
j school house during the summer.
I’lie Hoard agreed to help them.
(loot rads w l ll be h*t on the first
Saturday in June to build a school
house at I valda and Austin it
satisfactory bids are submitted the
I Board by that. time. Plans and
‘Specification for the school house
to be built at Austin may be seen
by calling on W. A. Peterson,
1 Ml. V ernou or Jus. \V. Sharpe ut
Austin. Plans for the school
house to Is* built at I valda may
be seen by calling on J. J. Moso*.
at Ivalda.
The Hoard adjourned to moot
again on the liist Wednesday in
June, next. T. A. I'etersnn,
A./B. Hutcheson, Pres.
<:. s. c. •
Owing to existing conditions, I
| have decided to withdraw from
'the race for Representative in the
, approaching primary.
Thanking my fellow cit i/.**ns who
j have assured me t heir support, 1
am, Very truly,
\V. J. Peterson.
j ('aril to Public*.
i In my race for (dork of the Su
; perior 1 Court of Montgomery
j County I am not lined up with
any map or candidate, nor set of
* iii• ■ 11 , in thecounty. lam running
my race single-handed and alone,
and 1 shall endeavor to win the
I otliee honorably. 1 shall make a
clean and virtuous race, m which
1 hope to rcth-ct that which I have
; always ptuod for—truth and right.
M. L. <»’ Huik,\.
NO. 2