Newspaper Page Text
Special Correspondence.
(Intended for last week —Delayed.)
Mr. L. A. Hattawav made a
business trip to Sycamore a few
days last week.
Mr. and Mrs. A. \V. Barlow ac
companied by Mrs Nannie Farm
er, visited friends at Cross Roads
last Sunday.
Mr. \V. C. Browning of Glen
wood was in our community last
Among the sick this week is
the infant of Mr. and Mrs. L. is*.
Sterling. We wish for it a speed}
Mr. P. H Clark of the Bruo.
section was here a few days la
week. L
Messrs. Angus and Early M i
ris of near McGregor were visi
toes to the city Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Sims went
up to Ailev Sunday and spent the
dav with friends.
Mr. B. A. Conner, who is en
gaged in the mercantile business'
at Higgston, w'as a visitor in the
city Tuesday.
Mr. R. K. Mosley of Charlottes- ;
vill was in the city Tuesday at- j
tending to business matters.
Mr J. A. Coursey of Ailev,
candidate for representative of
Montgomery county, was in the
city Saturday, mingling with his
many Vidalia friends.
Dr. M. Morrison and Mr. B. S.
Calhoun of Glensvood were busi
ness visitors to the city Wednes
Miss Nannie Sheppard visited
friends in Mt. Vernon Saturday.
Several Lyons boys were in the
city Monday afterno n t<> witn ■ • s
the ball game bow ■i. U B.
I. and the V. C I learns
Mr. and Mrs E D Smith of
near Higgston spent Saturday
in the city, guests of relatives.
Mobley Higgs of Higgston was
in the city Monday.
Mr. E. Willis, who resides out
on route one, went up to Mt. Ver
non Tuesday on business before
the Couuty Commissioners.
Macon, Ga., May 5. —Joseph
M. Napier, of Macon, brother of
Edward Napier, the prominent
farmer who was shot and killed
yesterday bv William Deuson and
a brother at their store near
Milledgeville, declares that the
Deason brothers set upon Edward
Napier and beat him before they
shot him to death on the ground.
The brother, living in Macon.
w T as on the scene yesterday and
charged that nis brother met with
a foul deal at the hands of the
Deasons when he went t<> find .
negro who had been selin -n <•.> -
alleged to have been stolen li in
the Napier farm.
Edward Napier was well known
m Macon.
Washington.—The house judi
ciary committee today, by a ma
jority vote, ordered a favoranie
report ou the resolution calling
on the attorney general for all
the facts in possession of the de
partment of justice about tbe in
vestigation concerning the alleged
violation of the Sherman anti
trust law by Frank P Hayne,
William P. Brown, James A.
Patten and Eugene Scales in form
ing au alleged illegal combination
to advance the price of cotton,
which investigation is now being
conducted under the direction of
the attorney general of the Unit-
States in New York and New
Orleans. ___
Savannah, Ga.—The Oglethorpe
monument, to he er*-ctc.| >. th the
subscription secur 1 f n to
state of Georgia, the city f Sa
vannah, the patriotic societies of
the state und the people ot SaVuij
nah, hae about been completed,
and will be unveiled sometime in
tbe fall in Savannah, the date
not having been set.
I hereby ani:..iiiu‘c- n.v runiUdacy for the j
.Hi -us Ch rk if •! o Stii’i-i ior Court of Mont- |
gome: \ i-ounty. subject to the action of the j
n.tmoi i a'ir ;iriminrv. If elected, I promise to
hschu .■ the iihiirsof tlio office faithfully and |
in a hu-in-—-like manner. Thanking you iu !
a'vauce for your suppo-t, I am
Very respectfully,
M. 1., O’BRIEN.
For Clerk Superior Court
My cun iidhey for re-election to tlie office of I
eik of tie Si;.. rior Court is before the peti
ole of Monte, i . rv. I'lie fact thut 1 have been !
hoi., i■ d with tijo ■ ifllc I'r a repeated term
oss n..; ,1. ra.-t.-.l front my labors and my ear- .
. st itV its to rili ,i in an acceptable maimer,
s[ . 1 sin, in. record will show. I am fa
-I,i nr with the ittitnr duties of the office and
; i 1 atu attain favored with the position it shall
- I! lotvo my host efforts. To this end I ear- -
oiy . li i; ;h>- support of the people of my ;
11iv. iiiity at th coming election.
Verv respectfully,
.). c. CaLUOUN.
For Clerk of Superior Court.
To the V .■s of M utgonu-rv county—l an
• i.'lte.-e mt self'll e itniiilate tor the office of
'h rk of tin Superior Court, subject to the;
Div o-iatte :• m.:n-y. Thanking my friends
, f r tii, e. i'imr..peun lit nlreadv given me, and
I soli.-iti ityour support, mil hoping to have
i lie plea sure of slewing my apin', rial ion, lam
Yours verv c-itlv,
! I'o the P, ..pie of Montgomery County:
j l-'iom I«.iviic" 11 have had a laudable ambi-
I tiou to re. r, -mt the e.unity of my nativity iu
j the Georgia legislature. Yielding to the I
I earnest solid:.itions of fiiemta in every nook’
I~f Monts."in ry county, I hereby announce I
j mys.-ls ;, ■; initiate for the Lower House ol the j
' next .■ ~,-ral As—inbly of Georgia, subject to !
Iln , .in el i Dnmoeratic primary, should j
one li.- held. 1 promise in advance to do my
full duty in e.t-, Imu elected. Thanking one !
and all for your support, I remain
Yours very truly aud loyally,
WM. 15. KENT.
For Representative.
By the solicitation of many friends from iJif
fcreul parts of the county, unexpected to me,
I hereby ,i tiouner rnv candidacy for Repre- j
seutative of Mm.tgon.ery county, subject to J
the Democratic primary. It is my ambition to i
S'Tve mv i-ounty to the good of her people,and j
j if elected, 1 will faithfully discharge my duty |
to the bee of my ability I earnestly solicit
your support. lam Yours to serve,
11. J. RIGHT.
For Representative.
f hereby announce myself a candidate for
lie; >■< S' iative of Montgomery county,subject
to the primary election, arid respectfully .«)-
lieit tin ru port of mv fellow-citizens.
For Representative.
I have decided to represent Montgomery!
j county- in t,he next General Assemby.
! m not hi gging votes, because 1 do not i
think i tin.,' to. to Older to he elected.
Yours for honest dealings,
April 4, IhJO.
X hereby announce myself a candidate for j
1 the office of Sheriff of Montgomery county at
the appro ."iiing general election. I offer my
self subject, to the action of the Democratic J
primary of said county. I have had consider- I
i able experience in the duties of ttie office and
i promise if ole oed to give the peoole a faith- ■
lul, conscientious and efficient administration, j
.Solicitr the support of tiie people gener
, ally. I am Yours truly,
To the People of Montgomery County
M , ca< di lacy for i e-elect ion to the office of ;
Sheriff of Montgomery county is before her
good prop] : and I feel that tiie situation will
warrant me in a-kiug the same cordial sup
port gi • nme in tliis m v lirst term. I trust
lliat ray labors have been found acceptable to ,
the pnidi : 11 d in asking tiie further support
of my't'ell w citizens, I pledge anew my most
. earnesi efforts m tin- discharge ot the duties
of th. miiee. I. an but point to iny record, |
I and ask mat the -am« he considered at the
appi oa.•)i. .!>■• ion Willi further aesurau
! ces of my aprcci , lion, I lu g to remain
Your obedient servant,
For Tax Receiver:
T,, the V ■ of .Montgomery County.
I ie■ 11 i m lidos publicly announcing :
my an , ■ to re-election to the office of
I: o. . r , fax Rciuins, subject to the rules
of tii.- Ex ■>, ive Committee. I enter this
non ,111110 led by any entangling alliance
what, vcr.and I. pi online if elected to discharge
the dmi* of tin otHcu with promptness and
I with equal o - to all ail" special privileges
i , on. ; f p|, ther promise if favored with !
; this f *, for .motiier term to voluntarily,
retire at the expiration of such second term
Yours very truly,
W. Henry Clauk.
For Tax Receiver:
To t|,e V0'...-. ,f Montgomery County:
Vi- i-iing to strong i tilienees in my favor, I
1 hei. by .i.n m ic myself an aspirant for tiie j
office f Tax R- -eiw-r of this county, and f
i earnestly . <k tiie kind consideration ol my !
leilc.v --i';z I feel that my qualifications !
ji-iily;:,, I. I t, and that my labors would
ur y ace- >,iao;< to the people whom ( ask to ,
■ i. , I;, , i led, it will be my desii cto fill j
i Mn pin • t. the In st of my ability, giving it 1 •
my i inn and attention when required. I
Asking ;. . iny request he given considers- |
lion the poll’s, ai -1 111 accord with the rules, ,
; I am Vci v truiv yours,
H. 8. I’KAW.
I or Tax Receiver.
To the Citizens ot Montgomery County:
I hereby anno nice myself a candidate for
the o . ■ I i ip-civer of Montgomery
. county, so ject to the action of the Democrat
ic Ex cniivc mmittce. 1 promise, if elect*
e . t li -i, rge the duties of the office to the
! best ot m ability, and earnestly solicit the '
suppol t of the people*
Yours very truly,
V- i lif--!oiig citizen of .t/ofitgomery couti
iv s,ci . z i lp- i, lerestsof the county and
l- at , "t, I ffei ni'selfa candidate for
: Tix C-,iieetor, suoject to the re
,,r 'mu* or -ten nrimsry election as may be j
]:.- r pro-, i -1. I feel that my long nASooia- I
f mint' will merit ‘
t -c, i if rn** people, an'l to them T
in eon,*! in tiie fulfill*
i at oi t; e ju -j • in ii inb«nt upon tbe office,
if Is- li I he favored with it. and to this end
I mi, -Mv >-* in- support of iny friends and
i fellow citizen*. Respectfully
v\ f. coo lei:.
For Tax Collector:
Having formerly withheld my eaudi lacy for
; public office at tiie instance of friends. 1 am
| now before (lie voters of Montgonici v cottniv
jas a candidate for Tax Collector: and I trust
that this formal annouiieement will have tin
j aprproval of those friends who have already
tender'd their suppiort, together with tic
| support of the people generally. II 1 should
j h.- favored with this important trust. 1 pled.;.-
my best efforts m the discharge of the duties
of the office, feeling that my experience in the
business world and my acquaintance with the
public affairs of the county will merit the favor
of tlio public. 1 am unimoumbred. and the
I legal discharge of the duties of the otli .
| shall be mv guide and motto. Trusting that
| 1 may have opportunity of showing mv appr.
I of support, and placing my Candida
ev subject to such rest, ietions as may lie pro
i fitted for tbe election, I am
. A. J. Grimkk.
For Tux Collector.
Profoundly grateful for the favor shown me
jbv the people of Montgomery county in my
i eieetiuu to the office of Tax Collector, and hav -
ing the consciousness of having devoted my
i best efforts to their service .lining the term. I
again offer for the place. 1 led sure that thr
| voters of the county will still honor the custom
,of an officer tilling two terms, in which bis
work is more effective, and to ibis en.l 1 humb
ly ask the continued favor of the people. My
work as an officer is open to the people and 1
will doit by appreciate the favor of another
term as the servant of the people of my native
! county. Your obedient servant,
For Tax Collector:
To the Voters of Montgomery County:
Yielding to strong influences in my favor, f
hereby announce myself a candidate for Tax'
Collector of this county; and I earnestly a,-1,
i the kind consideration of m.v fellow eitizms.
■ i feel that mv qualifications justify the re
I quest, and that mv labors would prove accept ;
i able to the people whom I ask to serve . t
I elected it will be thy desire to till the office to
best of my ability, giving it my entire time
; aud attention when required. My Candida.-y
is subject to the requirements I Inti may be
j provided for the election of county officers.
Yours verv truiv,
For Tax Collector.
To the Citizens ot Montgomery County:
We, the undersigned, of our own will, and
| without his knowledge,hera«bv announce .1. \\.
; Adams it candidate for the office of Tax Col
lector of Montgomery couuty. subject to the
j rules of the Democratic primary. We do this
| under the Arm conviction tin t, judging front
his past services, lie will make a faithful and
efficient officer if elected; and we bespeak for
him your hearty support.
Very truiv yours,
For Tax Collector.
The voters of Montgomery county are here- ;
' by notified that, I am a candidate, and earn, -i
--! ly ask their support, for the office of Tax Col- j
I lector, subject to such restrictions as may be '
j provided by the Executive Committee regu
! latiiig the election of county officers. The of
fice will have my most earnest attention if I
am favored with it anil your consideration will ;
ibe greatlv appreciated. R<-pecllnllv,
8115LEY J. CLARK. j
For Fax Collector:
1 hereby announce myself a candidate fi
the office of Tax Collector of Montgomery ,
county, subject to the action of tin Detuoen,t
--: ic primary. 1 earnestly solicit the support 1
nf the people generally.
Yonrs very truly,
| I. A. Maictin.
For Tax Collector.
' By this method I desire to fully place my - ;
j self before the voters ol Montgoinery county j
' as a candidate for tbe office of Tax Collectm ;
, and while I am making an earnest effort for
i the place, I desire to elicit the cordial siippm t
|of the people. As a citizen, I deem this one
us the most important offices in the county,
and that it requires the work of a careful,
competent and conscientious man, observing
the law in an impartial manner; and in tin
event of election, Hindi pursue tlii-cnursc with
diligence. In advance I extend thanks for
the support that may be accorded me at tin
j polls, and subjecting ru candidacy to such
! rules as may be provi led by the county gov
(Tiling committee, I am
Yours very respectfully,
T. F. Williams.
For Tax Collector.
I take this method of informing the voteis
of Montgomery county that I am in the race
for the office of fax Collector of this county,
and that I am especially anxious for their sup
j po' tin the coming primary, vly candidacy ns
i subject !<i such rules as may be provided by
; the Executive Committee ii-gulatiiig -in-ii
election. A Htrict business attention niiall lie
given tire office if 1 am favored with it.
Reap, etfullv.
For County Treasurer:
I trust that the next Legislature will an
nul tbe office of County Treasurer, since the
' time is here when it is an unnecessary cx
-1 pense to the tax payers oi the several counth s
It the Legislature at the approaching session
tails to abolish this office, f am a candidate
’ for same in Montgomery county on the follow
i iug conditions:
Ist. 1 propose to give good and sufficient
| blind for the safe handling of the 001111!;.
‘id. Ido not pm pose to take one cent of
commission from .my finds reecivcl nr ffi
!sd. 1 purpose to keep the li asurei’- bool
in conect shape, and when tlm records are
cxsniined, and everything found in eotieet
shape, the County Commissioners can pay ne
Three Hundred Dollars.
Tins will result in a saving of twelve In ,
drtd dollars to the tax payers of the , unity.
The question is now up to the t«x payer* q
the county, as to whether they want opr
a man fifteen or tine.- bundled dollars lor tln
work. Soliciting the support of the people of
the county on tin above conditions, I am
Y'ours very truly.
ruiL Moral.
To the Voter* of Afontgomeiy Comity:
I hereby announce niysslf a* a -ao lidan
for the office of Treasurer of Mooigomery
j comity on the following eonditiona: It tie
| Legislature does not abolish the offe r of tip
[ County Treasurer at tin-next s<- H sio , vhi-
I am iu favor of same being abolished. 1
I will it elected give a satisfactory bond p.
i guarantee the handling of all fund*!
I will keep the Treasurer's hook* iu eon -
-hape, and will a»k for mv serve * aUCoiini v
| Treasurer, only Two Hundred and i iftv Dol
lars, ( tiV). ) per year, 1 realize rhat the oltn
of Treasurer is au unnecessary expense t- in
tax-payers of theeounty, hence off 1 myself a*
a candidate at the amount rnoutinned.
I beleive I am fully competent to hold tie
office, and being a cripple, unable to w
I cart afford to accept the office for a smaller
amount as salaty than anv other man.
I am unable to see all the voters pemomdlv,
but am already know to a great many of yon
and will certainly appreciate your suppurt in
the coming election. cVt
Y'ours very truly, 'i® . j
20 Years
Wi iLI leartTrouble j
‘Mir. Miles’ Heart Rerneih lias \
cured mv of heart disease of \
, over jo '.ears’ standing'. 1 was v
so had that l could not do my v
xvork, and could scarcely draw t
a full Wreath w ithout fainting or s
smutlierimr. The doctor told me (
he e.mid do no more for me; J
i then 1 commenced taking; the (
Ifeart Remedy. T shall never <
forget that night. I slept hotter v
than I had before in months. L >
kept rigiit on getting hi tter, nil-
| til 1 was perfectly well.” i J
l.ogan, lowa.
When the heart action is l
weak, ii fails to pump the hlood 4
j throu.gli the lungs with sufficient j>
, rapidi -x. Then the lungs do not ; c
absorb the proper amount of >
oxygen, all hough they niav be v
taking .in a normal amount of
| air. The result is shortness of |<
j breath, smothering spells, di ffi - ||
cult lireathing. oppressed feeling !>
itl cht t. I )r. ,M iles’.l leart Rem- \
edv strengthens tlie heart nerves |>
and muscles, and in this way I (
increases the circulation. T
Got a bottle from your drug- d
gist. I ake it according to diroe- \
tiotis. and if it does not benefit i
he will return your money. \
lor County Treasurer:
1h« i« I>\ :iiiiiuiii!i • 1 11 r<>ll .i 1 this in* ilium m\ |
• 1 mli<ln< . li»i (Iu . Hit nl I’l i nHuifr t*r MotitK t
nun ry nmiih siihjift t•» flu* itrtioai ol’ tlii* J
I »rm" m 1 fir |i»im:nA. II I ;im laviHcd with <
Mils I» 11: I |\\ i 1 ! tllHrlllM’m Ihi (llllifS 111 III! J
*>*li<* 1 ;t h ih< liw 1« 1111 ii *-a )iti<l iu a rtlriul hiini • 2
iifHs 111 tuiii r I wish l• ■ thitulx tlm fiti/i'iiH of i
tlu rouiiiy !i»r Hu ii ••onhMl h111>(m»i tiu ihu l ist 2
<•;»'»i|»niu* m« iiml I nml that I mu\ hiivi J
thrir Hii)»|)"i't mi uiy cmi mst utlorts tur the <
place. J
\ i ry I’nily, i
VV. Moimuson, Sn. J
i’o the Yntt i nf MfUit loiiu rv (lounty. | |
I huivhy iMiimiiiio' inysiilt a rimliitnt•• Inc (
thuullii-. ut'Houuf) Suliui)! Commissioner, ul l<l ]
in aituoui Gin# mv (Nimti'lacy, I «h sir<* t<» hi>\ (
that,, hiivii»n In ii urtivi lx ami uvdliiHivuh : j
in suliuol wuik m this cuuiity <
h»i u niihilki ot yi.M'H past, I mim lull\ J
••onveiTiMit with tlif* ikm «ts an.l ri ijuin Mmiits i
..I'th<* ciMimioii suliootn. (
I will hiivu no t)Hn r hiisim ss to I'liLcaLju m\ <
| iiin*• Mini ali »*niion, Mini iti solicitiiif*' youi sup <
I port, I pluiltfH nivsi'lf, if ulurtuil. not to mnlu <
ihniluiM >t tin olii.l'M Hocondary rtinHuh-i , <
I a tiou, Ihm to give mv tiun* ami utH'iition i'ull> *
| thereto. Ttuuikiiix yoii in advanco for any t’a- j <
; vors yon niav In atow on mu. Yours truiv.
J. li. At Ml. ;
iTo tin (’it i/< !:s of MonißMuriurv (bounty: ]
1 to:r« h\ ;uuiouiiuc in >sulfa ciimljilatfi for <
flu- ojjir ■ of County S< hoot (’oinml.hsioikt ol , j
1 Moiill'oiiu i v county, Huhjiut to 'Hull i vamimi- j (
-ion. riih h and >•• * ula i urns as may ho pru | J
si iihud hy tin i.u Hoard of U.lnuation ami J t
mu - liool » mi iii - ioiiri. and tin? Saws ; ‘
: joivuiniiij' tin i li i lion of county school com i -
: niirsiotiuis. j
Also -ul 'put to Hiii'li rulo,~, amt ny'iilations | |
a may bo made l»y tin* Kxuuutivu (-Dinmittoo 1
•of Montgomery .-omitv, it said hih's aro uon ; i
i si.- lit with, rhu r. ipiii oim nlh ol tlu* staiu ail I *
\ liiorition. j i
I Dim ;it w'.i\ food foi'and advour.tod tlu , J
oduu -tiou of flu iuusm of tlu* puoph*, for hut j <
in .<• ioolh ml hotter < d iciHioiial advantages. ! J
Jfolootod, I promisi t-o ;jivo mv uiuli\ifh*d i
.itr<*nti«>n to the e -liool affairs of tlu* county
an t Khali put forth every etlort to iniike our
hclioolk hot ter oaoh vein .
In the piiHt I have I mil t lie hearty eo-opera
i lion of tic* people that wore iut< n tod in hot* %
to> schools ami hotter ••durtMion, and I oar t
uosHv solioiu liu ir -upport during this oam j
paiv.ii. Youi‘K voi v truly, j <
A 15. Ih i• hi o\. |
To the Oitiz'ms of Montgomery County: i
I horohv aiinouiu * rnysolf a • audidaio foi J
the office of Count > Sohool ('ominiHHioin-r •»! i
Montooiiu ! \ » ounl \ , Hiiliji fd, to all lawful iuloh /]
, and . nuih {'ovonuiiK Iho oh ot ion. t
I am a. i-olh '« and normal ts aiimd l< aelmrof J
twelve yoai'K oxperionee in novera! ooniitieHof i
Hie State. Tin I raining and experience «111 i!- ]
iflen im for the otli- * . i
1 'and for i nprovi-.d in of tiods in ednoatiou ]
and for Hie In tlor <‘duo:Hion of tlu uiaK« rs. I i
Id'ouii o. il elo-lod. to di ciuii , ill the dirtier J
|of f lu- ofli.-e to thi' I»«j o of mV ability. ! i
Ihanknig' von in advance for tin* nnpport J
that may he art m <b d nu-. I am,
Very mHpoctfuliv. J
(ii;«>. W J’H Ul’lsKlhfi. J
/or lax Col lector:
fn compliance with tin Holi' ita f ioiih of mv j
friendx, I take Hii « method of to |
tin- voters of .doi tg'onieiy county that I am a t J
i ; rid Mate for Hu* odi o of. Holleoloi , r.jh J
«ject to tlu primary. If elected, I promiKo a J
fa Id it I dincha! Ri* of the dutu hos tin* oft ice. \
VoilH r« pectfullv, J
I* 1.. MA.MII.fdN, !
For Suit*—Hrick Ytird \
Eiitiro plimf f'ir -:ilff, iiiflii.ilng |
l.iigiiiff, I’.mh r, Brick M;• x;lliu*|
and trackagff, complnfe for opera-;
it ion. N.-nr Ml V'crnon on the S. j
A. L. Kv. Apply u't once to
1 ll}-tf) Mt. Vernon, Git. ;
Seed Uciinuls.
Wff have l.he genuine North (Jar
olinu Seed l'« inutMa) seven cents
per pound. See us for seed.
M< Ii a i A 1»ko., Mt. \'ernon, Ga
‘-ih Thousand for sale, prices from
SoO upward.
For eiita'ogiiff, prices, etc., write
J. C. TIIOB.NiH ’ lIG, Uelella, Ga. ,
Attv at Law,
hit. Vernon, Georgia.
Monuments, Tombstones
I i
a i
Wo desire to inform tlie* people of
11 1 is station tliiit we have opened a
first-class marhle business in Yida
lin. Wo are prepared to f urnish
on short notion anvtltimr in the lino
V> - ‘
of Monuments, 'Tomlist oii(‘s, Orna- ;
mental 1 run Fencing, etc.
I >('si<*iis tin' latest ami most oorroot
and tasty. Prices aro right, and
| work \>ill give satisfaction.
I Yidalia, («a.
- ■■ : ; j
IJnlm II Until, i, Win. K. I’t ai.T, Krmik tinUey.
ji Colton factors Naval Stores
Upland Cotton, Florodora,
| Allen Silk & Other Fxtra Staples,
Sea-Island Cotton & Naval Stores.
! (Jim ol J lit:’ Faioo-n F.ioloni"o Oonnorns in tin* South. Knell
Commodity handled in a Sepnrutn I )<• | >.a i t incut.
Sir id ost All mi lion to Fadi.
\ Nitrate of Soda and Other Fertilizers,
Upland and Sea-Island Baling,
: Ties and Twine.
I.ilmrai Ad vani'cs madn on O Money I .on lied
to Col lon ami Naval Stores Xhippoi'K on Approved Security.
; lao HayStivot, Ba.-a. SAVANNAH GA.
I'l'lm iiitivuls ai nl ilcpiii't iil'l'H puhl inlii'ii onl yan
inloimat ion, and aro not gun rant nod.
| Schedule effective January od, IfMM).
IF v. Mr. VFItNON am, tiiajn.s oaii.v.
IO:2i-. a. in. For llnlnna, Ahhevilb*, (Jordele,
A mnriciiH, (Joluiiiliiim,
X: '2 p in. Montgomery, unit all point** west. ]
F: IT a. in For Lyonn, (JollihH, Havamiali, ]
| 1 p. m. and all pointa cast, j
F'.r further information, rnaorvat.iuiiM, rat,oh, oto., moo your 1
5 neareat Seaboard Ticket Agent, or write ‘
IF 11. STANSICU., A. U. I*. A., j
t Savannah, .... ... Gkohoja. ;
' # * % # % * * *** * # * 4f * *
# *
| Spring Millinery \
* —'-Til'll” "" 1 - ''T 1 *
* #
$ Tlio gil ls and ladies should see it at 4fr
■sj< &
once and make selections Idr Faster &
# #
| MRS. J. L. ADAMS, Mt. Vernon %
3* *