Newspaper Page Text
To the Worshipful Master, War
dens and Brethren of Tarrv
town Lodge No. 526:
We, your committee, appoint
ed to draft suitable resolutions
upon the life and death of our be
loved Worshipful Master. Bro. C.
B Warnock. beg leave to submit
the following:
On the 7th day of January,
1910, the Great Grand Master of
us all gently announced from the
“Great East” to our worthy and
beloved Master, C. B Warnock,
that so far as his labors here up
on earth were concerned it was
High Twelve, and an ever obedi
ent and true Brother, that he was,
sweetly closed his eyes in an hon
orable death and ascended upon
tho wings of the angels to the!
Great Lodge above, there to pur
pursue his labors among the
craftsman of the Holy Regions.
To say that. Brother Warnock
lived and died is not doing him
justice. He was a true man, a
pure man, a noble man. a dutiful
son, a loving father, a fond hus
band, a warmhearted friend, a
loyal brother and a sincere Ma- !
son. At the time of his death he j
was 32 years, 11 months and 8
old, was a Democrat, candidate
for Tax Collector of the county!
of Montgomery with a very strong
following, had a loving wife and
two sweet little children to mourn
his untimely death, was the be
loved Master of this Lodge and
died in the consequent of a well
spent life and the hope of a glori
ous immortality.
He was the son of G. J. and
Margaret Warnock and theson-nu
law’ of J. R. and Lucinda Adams
and was a beloved member of
Tarrytown Baptist Church.
On the 9th day of January,
1910, he was buried by the mem
bers of this Lodge and by a large
number of his Brethren from dif
ferent parts of the county with
Masonic honors in Tarrytown
Cemetery, where a large concourse
of friends with tear stained eyes
w’ituessed the last rites paid to
this noble, true and good Mason.
He was initiated, passed and rais
ed in Harmony Lodge No. 405 in
1902, and later became Junior
Warden of said Lodge. When
this Lodge was instituted in Tar
rytown he moved his membership
here with us, was a regular at
tendant upon the meetings, fre
quent visitor at the bedside of the
sick, an exemplary Mason and j
loved bv his brethern to such an I
extent that they elected him!
Junior Warden and finally to j
preside in the East.
Brother Warnock was an active
man, full of energy, jovial, good
natured, always had a happy,
smile upon his face, an open
heart and a warm and fraternal
grip for every brother. He was
the kind of Mason to help build
np a Lodge and under his admin
istration and through his assis
tance this Lodge has grown like
a green bay tree in the month of
June. Brother Warnock did not
live solely for himself, his sweet
wife and his dear little children —
“He lived for these who loved him,
For those who loved him ti ne,
For the heavens that shone above him,
And waited his coming too.
For the l ights that needed assistance,
For the wrong that needed resistance,
For a future in the distance,
For the good that he could do.”
He was that much like the
blessed Master. He went about
doing good. He helped in mak
ing others happy and always tried
to spread the sunshine of joy and
peace among his associates.
Whereas, Almighty God has
seen fit to take from us our be
loved Master, our brother and
our firiend, to bereave a loving
wife and two dear little children,
an honored father and mother, !
to fill the eyes of many with
tears of sorrow and to make the
heart of all those who loved him
ache, although realizing that it
is all for the best and that God is
too wise to make a mistake and
too good to be unkind, —know ing
that some “sweet day” we will
understand and praying that the
chains will be reunited in the
Great Grand Lodge above in God’s
own appointed time, therefore,
be it
I Mill mmw
Resolved, That these resolutions !
|he spread upon the minutes of
jour Lodge, that a page of our,
minute book be dedicated to the
mem ry of uur beloved Worship
ful Master, that a copy of these
resolutions be furnished the fami
ly of Brother Warnock, a copv
he published in the Montgomery !
Monitor, the Vidalia Advance j
and the Toombs County Local!
! and that our Lodge be draped in |
mourning m loving remembrance
j ot the noble dead.
Very fraternally submitted,
A. L. Wheeler, j
8. I). Walker,
J. J. Calhoun,. j
Committee. ,
Valdosta, Ga., May 5. —Mr. M.
M. Caswell, a well-known citizen j
jof Valdosta, had an experienced:
this morning that he won’t for-!
get in a long time, and which will j
| probably haunt him in his dreams ;
for several nights. He set a rat !
trap in hjs barn last night, with '
i the hope of capturing some of the j
hordes of rats which infest it, and
arose early this morning to see
i what luck he had had.
Going to the barn before day-1
light, had fairly broken lie picked
up the trap in a careless manner
and carried it out into the yard,
where he sat it down and remark
ed to Mrs. Caswell that he had a
trap full of rats, and awful big
ones, too, judging from the
weight. Later on he went out (
to dispose of the rats, and as he j
stooped down to pick up the trap ‘
he was dumb-founded to see that j
it contained a monster rattle- !
snake, which had crawled into it |
and was unable to get out. The
snake lacked only three inches of
being five feet long and had a
good string ot rattles.
After the snake had been killed
Mr. Caswell set the trap hack in j
the barn, but the next time he 1
goes to it he will see what it con -!
tains before he picks it up.
Reidsville, Ga., May s.—The
Methodist Church here burned i
yesterday and for awhile it wus
thought that the town pump!
would be damaged as it was near
the church. The pump was saved
# |
I by the heroic efforts of the citi- 1
!zens. Steps are being taken to j
j erect a much finer church and a
j committee on building has been |
i appointed. The church was one
| of the finest in the county.
Sheriff Sale.
■ Georgia —Montgomery County:
Will be sold on the first, Tuesday
in June, next, before the court house |
in Mr. Vernon, Ga., between the law
-1 ful hours of sale, to the highest hid- :
der for cash, the following property,
ro-wit: One hundred and eight and
one-fourth acres, of land, more j
:or less in th e Seventh Land
District of said county and 1
known as Lot. No. 495, and being in
the 1600th District, G. M., of said
county. Said property levied on as j
i the property of N. B. Gibbs, Jr., to \
satisfy an execution issued from the
; < dry < ourt of Mt. Vernon,in favor of
the Mr. Vernon Hank, against N. H. j
Gibbs. Sr.. N. B. Gibbs, Jr., princi
pals, and F. B. Mcßryde. endorser, i
i Saul properly in possession of N. B. 1
I Gibbs. Jr. James Hester, Sheriff.
May 4, 1910.
W. M. Lewis, Attorney.
Georgia—Montgomery County:
To Ann Whom it May Concern:
Jacob A. Browning,a resident, of this
state, having in due forth applied to
i the undersigned tor the guardian- !
-nip of the person and property of
Willie Arthur Smith, Lory B. Smith
and James Willett Smith, minor
children of B. L. and L. I. Smith,
iof said county; said applicant being
the paternal grandfather of said
children and having them in charge
in part. Notice is hereby given that
- the application of Jacob A. Brown
ing will hi heard ai the next term of
! the Court of Ordinary of said coun
ty on the first Monday in June, 1910.
Witness my hand and official signa
ture. this the 2d day of May, 1910.
Alex McArthur, Ordinary M. C.
!VV in. B. Kent Attorney for Jacob
A. Browning.
Gkokoia —Montgomery County:
The appraisers appointed upon the
application of Mrs. Margaset M.
K.vals. for valuation and setting
apart a twelve months support out of
tlie e-tate of C. C. ii\als, late of said
county, deceased, having filed their
return, all persons are hereby re
quired to show cause before the
! ourt of Ordinary of said county, on
the fL-t Monday in June, 1910, why
said application snoukl not be grant
ed. This the ;id day of May, 1910.
1 Alex McArthur, Ordinary.
State of Georgia,
Montgomery County. \
1 hereby give notice that under
and by virture of the authority
vested in me as Justice of the
Peace of the 275th G. M. District
jof said county, by the laws of
Georgia, I will change the place of
, holding the Justice Court of said
i 275th district from the place where
it is now held to the town of Als
ton on the Georgia & Florida
railroad in said county. Said
I court house will be located on Lot
j Five in Block Nine, fronting
I Broad street, according to the
! plan of said town. The first court
svill he held at said new court
j ground on the 25th day of June,
| 1910. This, the 21st duv of April,
1910. W. H. SIiAKI'K, J. P.
1-28-It j
Stoves, Ranges, New Home
Sewing Machines, McCormick
Mowing and Binding Machinery,
jure among my specialties.—\V. 11.
i McQueen.
Sheriff Sale.
j Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will be Hold before the eonrt bouse door in
M'. Vernon on the tirst Tnexda) in June
j 1!M<), between the legal hours of sale, to the \
i lushest bidder for easli, certain property, of j
i which lilt following is a complete dneo iplioii: I
A one-third undivided interest in
and to all that, tract or parcel of land
situate, lying and being in the legist
| district, G. M., of said comity and
state, and bounded according to the
description in a survey made by B.
R. Higgs, county surveyor, April li,
1895. by lands of Waiter Dukes, Joe
Miller, Heiily Miller and Thigpen
and others, said tnu tof land being
I in the distribution share of M rs. Klin
; B. Dukes, under the will of Thomas
' N’. Miller, and containing 306 acres,
j more or less. Said one-third inter
jest, in said tracl of land being-levied
upon as the property of It. A. Dukes,
! under a superior court ti fa in favor
of Hunter-Bemi A Go., is. It. A.
Dukes. Written notice of levy given
as required by law . This, the l.'itli!
day of April, 1910.
James Hester, Sheriff M. G.
M. B. Calhoun, Atty. for Biff.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia,—Montgomery County.
Will he Hold before the court, house door in
j Mount Vernon on the tirst Tuesday in June,
I 1910, between the legal horns of sale, to the
! highest, bidder for cash, certain property, of
! which the following is a complete description:
All that tract or parcel of land sit
| uated and being in said county and
j state, and containing 100 acres, more
or less, hounded as follows: <>n ihe
I north by lands of J. I). Miller, on lie
j east by lands of ( barley Met Tim
j moil, or his wife, on the soul It by
, lands of.l. D. Miller and the west by
* lands of Mary Higgs, and heller
known as part of the Tom Miller old ;
j place, and being in the 12215 t «l is- j
jirict,, G. M. Levied on and will he)
j sold as the property of J. I). Miller,
|to satisfy a mortgage execution is-!
j sued from the Superior Court of sai l
j county in favor of Laurens Banking
! Co. vs J. D. Miller. Property in the
| possession of said Miller, pointed out 1
| for levy by attorney for plaintiffs, j
I and written notice of levy given ac
cording to law. This, the lHth duv
of April, 1910.
James Hester, Sheriff M. C.
M. B. Calhoun. Atty. for Bills.
Sheriff Sale.
; Geoboia—Montgomery County:
Will he sold before the conn, house door in
I Mt. Vernon on the first Tuesday in June,
j 1910, between the 11-gul hours of Hide, to the
highest bidder for cash, certain properly of
which the following is a complete description:
That certain parcel of land siiuated
j and being in the Ki4.'sd District, (i.
M., of said county and state, and
hounded on the north hv lands ot I).
E. and F. Lee Mcltae, and on tie
i east, south and west by lands of l>
It. and J. A. McMillan, and confain
j ing thirty-two acres, more or b--.
Said property levied on as the prop
erty of W. K. Cooper, to satisfy an
I execution issued from the Justice’s
I Court of the 1343 d district, (L M . of
said county, in favor of The Mr. Ver
non Bank vs. Wrn Cooper, princi-
I pal, N. A Adams, J. L. Adams, W.
K . Cooper and K <4. Garner, endors
ers, Said property being in Hu* pos
j session of the defendant, W. K.
! Cooper, and written notice given a
required by law. This, the 3d day of
May, 1910. James Hester, Slif.
W. M. Lewis, Atty. for Biff.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia -Montgomery County.
Wifi he sold before die court house ilool in
Mt. Vernon on the first Tuesday in June,
1910, between the legal lienrs of sale, to tic
highest bidder foicash, cit tin property, of
which the following i» a complete iiiseripiioo:
One hundred acres of land situat
ed, lying and being in I lie 1221 si Hi - -
D iet, G. M-. of said county and state,
lining carved out of the northern part
<>l that tract of land owned by J. D
Miller, and hounded <-n tin- north,
north-east and east by lands belong
ing to the estate of Mrs. LI la B.
Dukes, on the south by other land*
of J. I). Miller and on the west b,
I lands of Mrs. M. F. Wilkes, said par-
I eel of land known as a part of tin-
Thomas Miller lands. Levied on
ias the property of J. It. Miller, to
satisfy an execution i-sin-d from tic-
City Court of Mt. Vernon in favor of
H. H. Smith vs J. D. Miller. Prop
erty pointed out for levy by plaint
iffs attorney and written notice of
levy given as required by law. This,
the 19th day of April, laid.
James Hester, Sheriff.
M. B. Calhoun, Attorney for Bltf.
Au Improved clipper at Hicks’
Stables, .Mt. Vernon,
1 •
Tax Receiver's Not ice'
Second Round.
1 will bent the following places
' j on the dates named below, for the
purpose of receiving state and
county tax returns for the year
Erick Friday. May ti.
j Alamo, Monday, Di li 9 to 12 m.
Stuckey, 9th 3 to 5 p, in.
Glen wood Tuesday 10th 9 to 12 in.
j Landsburg 10th 3 to 5 p.
,1. \\ Morrison's 10th at night.
Mt. Vernon, Wed ay. 11th 10 to 1-
j Ailey 11th 2 to I p.
jLothnir Thursday 12th 10 to 1.
Orlami 12th •! to 5 n.
fsopertou, Friday, IBili.
j Tarrytown Saturday lltli 10 to I.
Kibbee 11th li to 5.
Higgston Monday 10th 10 to 12
Met i regor lOt li 2 to I p,
F. li. Mcßride 's 10th at night.
Longpomi 'Tuesday ITlii 9 to 12.
Charlottesville I7ih 2:30 to I.
McArthur Wedsv. 1m li It) to 1.
1L If. Benton’s iMh at night.
Springhill (club house) Thursday ;
19th 10 to 12.
C. A. Wooten's farm 19tli 2 to 1.
I’leasc iin-i l me promptly and
j avoid the rush at the last-.
Yours very truly,
\V. lIEMiA Cl. AUK, li. T. R. M. <\
I iisr-ct Bow dm- It )e. lb. Mount
Vernon llriig (Jo.
i '
A. L. Lanier,
Attorney at Law,
Will Practice in all I In-Courts id j
the Slate. j
j __ I
v. I*. MOOKK [j
Painter I hrorator i
, , I
it your house needs a coat of paint,':
j send for me, and have the job done i
right, and at lowest figures.
On 1 mprovod Farms in
Montgomery County at a Small
Rate of Interest.
J. K. Hail, SojHTton.
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