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th*- I'oniM v*t ?
Me*-rs lhraui and L*«t‘*r l’**t•• r
-9->n and Her*ch*l Lynn «p*-nt Sun
day how with friend* and rela
Mi«a*** Huliy MeGuhee and Ad
tile Bun'll Mpeut Tue*day night in
Ailev, th*- gu*-*t* of friend*
Mr. Paul (Inwart of Lyotia -|x nt
Sunday here with friend*. He
cama up in a Hudson “2<>' auto.
MisaJeddie ('ockfi'drl limh re
turned home from Erick, whore
ih« ha* be*»u visiting frioud* and
Col Itowo Ilickn ot Dublin *p«nt
Monday here on business.
Kroao Dip for fiie*. lire, nntoa,
etc, Mt. \ ornou IMug < In.
Mr. I!. A Snead. traveling
•aleeman. spent Saturday after
noon and Sunday with hia sister,
Miaa Carry Hollo Slioail, at tho
1. B. I.
Mr. I II (’.ok field haa accept
od a poaition with Kavaunugh of
Savannah ua traveling aaloainun
Try u* on Cb 1 hltig, lints and
Shoe*.— W. II Moi^uoon,
Mra. A. I. Morriann i* vtaiting
hor daughter, Mra. 1C M. Kuaaoll,
at (toi I la.
Col. .1. B. ( ioigor spent Thur*-
day in Savannah. •
Sorghum Sood, now soiling at,
Idoonta a pock bv tho Mount
Vornnn Drug Co.
Von will in od too during tho
summer, and nood it promptly.
Tell your wants to lin ks Broth
er*. tho ice men.
Have your horses clipped in the
correct manner, at Hicks’ Stable.
Miss Matsio Brewton arrived
yesterday from Wtiyrrrm* to be at
h >iiio with her parent*, Key. and
Mis. H C. Brewton.
Mr. (’. K Clark of Towns was
n visitor at this olliew Ttiewduv
At the coming acaaioit of the
General Assembly an act will be j
pa»«ed incorporating the town of
Cvaldn in this county. This
promise* to become a flourishing
town. Already considerably bus !
moss i“ being done there, and it
is being filled up with progressive
Hon. Douglas S. McArthur ol j
the west side of the count V was a ,
bu*m-ss visitor hero Tuesday.
Mrs Joe Lips it/ of lilennvilhC
i* visiting the tamily of her broth-j
or, Mr. \. Segnll. She is accom
panied bv throe bright children.:
The Palmer Drug Store has a
few more gold standard watches {
tor sab- at coat, pin- 10 per cent. |
Dr. J \V. Palmer ot Alley has
recently purchased a swift and
graceful little machine, the Hup
mobile. While Micks Brothers >t
tins place have put in an auto
mobile to connect ion with their
livery -tables. Several* other
machines will probable be u-*<d
in Mt. Vernon and Alley in a few
months JDr. Kivers of Glonwood
is alsi> the proud possessor of a
new auto
The commencement exercises of
the 1 in ui Baptist Institute begin
Friday, 20th, and continue
through Monday morning follow
Messrs. Charlie tiarbutt of Lyons
and George Mathews, Jr., of Vi
dalia came up in a handsome new
JButck Tuesday.
Dr, K. M. Hack ley returned
home Sunday from a few days
visit in Atlanta
Shepard’s Fly Guard for sale
ai M t A • rnon Drug Co.
Mm. (.’ha* Hn'ks spent last,
w.s-k at the home of Mr. K. M
Several of the young men of
this pluce attended set vice* in
Ailev Sunday morning.
Mr. A. M. Moseley of near
Cedar Crossing was a business
visit' r here Saturday
Palmer Drug Store has a full
line of Keuche’s Ball Hoods. A
guarantee with each article.
li your horse needs a clipping,
have it done in too l>ost manner at
Hicks’ Livery Stables. tl
For high grade pianos and or
gans and other musical instru
ment*, cull and see or write til*
Helena Music Co., Helena, Ga.
Factory Representatives of the
AV. AV Kimball Co. Everything
up-to-date and terms to suit the
buyer Make your home happy
and pleasant with ii high grade
• Kimball piano, the best in the
w i >rld. .i--)-11.
Save half the work of cultiva
tion by using u Spring-Tooth Cul
tivator. W.H McQueen Hells them.
A small quantity of Karly Am
ber (’line, .SI cents a peck at Mt.
Vernon Drug (’<>.
Mr. \\ . K. Crawford of Alamo
was hero one day last week on
I business.
| (Jo). J B. (iejger and family
attended a fish fry at Piney
Wood's Lake one day !»•-*( week.
Mr J<di 11 Slumps of Mo Kuo
was hero nif business Saturday.
Itev ('lias. Montgomery filled
lus regular upjxdtmoot in Mcßae
The fishermen are still pulling
Carp <mt of the river. Mr. VV.
L. D Rack ley caught two tine
1 one* last Sat ui'day.
Mr. J. Wade Johnson of A'idalin
was in Town on Thursday.
Miss AA’illio Lou Cochran, who
ha- boon teaching school at Soper
t<n liis'iiute, in at home for tin
\neat ion.
Col. Lewis went up to l>i|blin
one day last week on business.
Mr. M. Roberson of \ idalitt
was in town Friday.
Cols. Calhoun, Lewis and AA'il
xoli alt tended court at Glenwood
| Mr, .1 A. McMillan and fam
ily have returned to their home
in Bartow, after a visit of several
(lavs at the home of Mr. S. Sai
ler of near here.
(.’»!. Kent transacted business
m 1. ithiur Saturday.
Cross Hoads.
1 Spfotnl (\*rvr
AA'o are having soma rainy
w<<ather at this writing.
Mr. and Mrs. I’. J. Turner
.spent last Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs McNeill.
Mrs. M B. Barnhill spent the
I latter part ot lust week with her
mother, Mrs. Mary K Massey.
Mr. and Mrs. ,1 Roberson call
ed on their sister, Mrs. J. 11.
Wynn, last Sunday.
Mr. M M Day and family
.-|x<nt Sunday with his sister.
Mrs B J Dixon.
\A <> regret to learn that Prof.
L Chavous was called to Dublin
tot he bedside of Ins sister and
nephew last week, s > there wasn't
auy school here Friday. AA'e are
glad to learn he is back again
Mr. J L. Shinli deter and wife
-ys-nt last tirst Sunday with their
mother and father, Mr. and Mrs.
R J. Deaauii.
Mr. Blount Simpson and sister
-pent the tirst Sunday at AA'hilc
Mr. Bright's home was brigh
ten.! by a little baby giri May nth.
Mr. II m*r Go»s, wife and baby
s|s'nt last Sunday afternoon w ith
Ills uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs.
•John (loss. —Blue eyes
An examination f*r applicants
for the otlice of Countv Sob <o]
Conituiaaimier w 11 he he held on
tile Both da\ of June. next. This
May 9. 1910. A. B. Hutcheson.
c. s. c.
Swamsboro, Ga., May B.
< longresHman C. G. Edwards has
introduced a bill in congress axk
-1 ing that the secretary of agricul
ture he directed to establish an
tgricultiira! and live stock ex
perimental station for the purpose
of experimenting with the produc
tion of all agricultural crops,
stock breeding, etc., m the county
|of Emanuel a! a cost not to ex
ceed #75,000.
ll th's bill is passed it will
mean a great deal for Emanuel
county in the wav of encouraging
and educating the farmers who
ure beginning to awake to the
pcssi bill ties of our soil.
The 2d Quarterly Conference <<f
tbe Mt. Vernon Circuit will be
held at the Methodist church in
Mt. Vernon Friday, Dith inst.
Breaching by Rev. E F. Morgan,
the presiding eider, at 11 a. m.,
; and conference in the afternoon
All invited and earnestly request
ed to attend these services. It is
hoped that all otlieial members
will take due notice and be ready
w ith a good report.
H. C. Brkwton. P. C.
I Hids Wanted.
Bids are wanted bv tin. Board
|of Educat ion by or before Wed
nesday, June Ist, 1910, tor the
| building school houses at Austin
and ( valda.
Plans for the school house to
be built at Austin inav be seen by
Calling on \\ A. Peterson, Mt.
Vernon or on .las. W. Sharpe,
Austin, (111. Plans, etc., for the
house to be built at Fvitlda may
be seen by calling on J. J. Moses
at I valda, Ha.
A B. Hutcheson, C. S. C.
4124 Montgomery Co., Ga.
( hsu lottcsvillc.
S*M riftl roil«*HjKHl<W*t»f«*.
AA'e sympathize very much with
the grief stricken friends and rel
atives of J. E. Mobley, who died
at his home near here Monday
morning His remains were
laid to rest in tin* Dead River
cemetery on Tuesday uft.eruoon.
May God be with the grief strick
en ones in their trouble.
I'h** Seward post office opened
at Charlottsville M unlay, May U.
AA'e are sorry to say that Mrs.
|t\ F. Gordon is among those on
our sick list this week.
Mrs. J. L. Adams spent Satur
day night with her parents, Mr.
and -Mrs. C. P Moseley.
Miss Annie l.**e Gordon is visit
ing her sister, Mrs. M. I. Purcell,'
at Vida ini.
Mr. Houston Lamp of Ad ruin
is visiting hi* parents, Mr. and
Mr*. Frank Lamp, near here.
Prof. D. J. Blalock made a bus-'
mess trip to Vidalia and Lyons
lust Saturday.
Messrs. Dan and Fred Gordon'
and Ellis Moseley attended Sun
day school at Oak Dais Sunday
Mr. Don MoOolsliv of Vulalia
was among friends h**re Monday.
Alls* L'Uiranie Mos-dey spent
last \AVdiiesdav night with her
sister, Mrs. Mary Morns.
AA’e are sorry to say that Mr.
Blld Denton and sister. Mrs. A\'j.
lev Adams, were called Vo the
bedside <>f their mother, Mrs.
Denton near Mt. A'erno.n, who is
seriously ill.
Mrs. Murv Morris is among
I those on our sick list this week.
Miss Pearl K'-m spent last
AVednesday night with Mes
Florence Moseley.
Little Miss Bonnie Minaev is
the guest of Miss A hbie C wilier
for a few days.
Mrs. Ambrose George and Mrs.
John McDaniel of L vald.i speut ;
Alondav afternoon at the home of
Air. J. R Conner.
Mr. (trover Conner and wife
-pent Saturday mgbt with their
parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. P Mose
ley . —Fuss and Fun.
Thomasville, Ga.,M:ty 7.—That
< Tbomasville is to have a federal
* building soon seems assured a c
. the poatoffice appropriation bill
i carrying an amendment of $-'>().-
- 000 tor a public building at
* Tbomasville has already passed
- the Senate. Postmaster Dismuk*
, has just returned from Washing
ton and thinks there is no doubt
* about getting the building. It
.vas through the efforts of Sem<-
i | tor Clay and Representative Rod
-1 dewberry that the appropriation
* was made.
> '
* The Palmer Drug Store has a
complete assortment of the
"Lucky Curve” Parker’s Fouut
. (wider present conditions,the in
i quiry is pertinent; What, is the
use of our present primary sys
tem ?
Originally, the primary was in
tended to concentrate the strength
of the people on one candidate,
* giving the other party or parties
* no chance to take advantage of a
■ division in the Democratic vote.
But as the time passed, party
j lines were gradually obliterated,
until now Democrats, Populists,
j Republicans and members of all
other parties, indiscriminately.
' participate in the primaries call
ed by (he Democratic party, in
th** nomination of candieates for
'Congressmen, Governor and state
ami county officers, court judges, i
’ solicitors, etc.
From a party primary, the in
stitution was re-christened the j
“white’’ primary, the sole pur
, pose being, ostensibly, to elinu
, nate the negro vote. /
If, under the amended consti
tution the negro is disfranchised, j
then there can be no good rea
son advanced for the perpetuity
of the primary.
It is expensive, burdensome,
and serves no good purpose svhioh
cannot also he obtained in the
general election.
If there is danger of another
: party taking advantage of a di
. vision of the Democratic vote to
put in the man of its choice, that
party can now accomplish the
sain** end by participation in the
white primary.
As the primary no longer serves i
any good purpose, why not do j
away with it and let the general .
elections settle all our differences? ;
Why maintain un expensive in
convenience which is no longer a j
necessity?—Tifton Gazette.
Ailev Paragraphs.
Bju*oial C orn'HpondtMHDM
Rev. J. I). Rabun filled his reg
ular appointment here Sunday.
Among those who attended the ;
•contest in Mcßae last Friday,
were Mrs. J. AY. Palmer and Miss
Lila Riddle.
i Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Schaupp,
of Jr., Savannah, visited relatives j
h-r- lust Sunday.
Mr. Luther Outler visited home
folks here a few day* ago.
Mis* Mamie Conner spent last i
Saturday and Sunday with parent
al Coliege Hill. —Rain-bow.
A tribute to the memory of Mis*.
" Luxe Rowland, who depart
ed this life March 7. 1810, and
was laid to r-*st in the McCrim
( mon cemetery March Bth.
She left a father, mother, three
sisters and two brothers to mourn
the !op.- of a good daughter and a
sweet sister, and her place can
never he filled. She was 21 years
of age. D<-ar sister, tbuu hast
left us, and we will see thv sweet
face on earth no more: but we
ted that the Blessed Savior called
thee to a happier home above.
Thou hast paid the debt that we
| will all have to pay rand we hope
to greet you in the happv home
above. May our Savior so guide
ns on earth that we may approach
*he eud with that faith which will
entitle us to a rest with thee.
A Loved Out*.
Have Your " |
J:f Natural Complexion j
it! ■/ ) ’^p—,
Nature intended everyone to have a
perfect complexion.
>.£ y Palmolive is Nature’s own aid to the skin.
The soothing, healing palm and olive
V.V ''' / A ( oils of which it is composed bring back
wJ mrt delicacy, softness, beauty to face and hands. /1
r .. j Baby, mother, fathei —every member
\ -T'd of the family will appreciate it.
A / \ Vv\ o•• , ? It’s the one perfect soap for all the H
4',■!_Hv A * uses of the toilet Jjj
~-~T A single cake will prove it to you. r
Mount Vernon Drug Company,
Mount Vernon, Ga.
Mu in, Ga . May B.—Wesleyan
K i1 t liege was today order
ed clc* •), probably for the term,
by lb it Vmaworth. Several
das number of the stu
dent-; h; came sick and physicians
this m -a stated that two of
the girls had typhoid and that
three more showed symptoms of
| having contracted the disease.
It is xp<>-ted that most of the
students, the majority of them
: being n >n-r< .adeuts, will leave for
j their homes tomorrow.
There are approximately 3()0
j young ladies at the institution
j and they come from nearly every j
; state in the union.
_ |
0 ’ >h holeum and Daisy
Fly Killers, 15 cents. Mt. Ver-j
non Drug Company.
AGMiio, Route I.
Special Correspondence.
Mrs. -arah Parish and Mrs.
Marv Ja ■ Clements spent Tues
day last with Mrs. J. W. White.
Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Patton
were ph asant callers at Mr. J. W.
I Clark’s Monday last.
Messrs B J. Guest and E. FT
Jones \v< visiting in our com
munity Monday afternoon of last
Mrs. .T A. Carroll and Mrs. J.
E. Clark ,\ . the welcome guests
of M rs. J . V. . Clark Tuesday last.
Mr. J. Frank Clark is on tlie
: sick Its: id this writting. We
wish f ir him a ■ peedy recovery.
i Mr. W !'i ■ Johns was at J. W.
Clark’s Saturday afternoon on
I business.
The ;i 1 • was held Friday
night at Onk (trove. We had
som- v-rv in!, resting speeches,
but they <-i aed the affirmative
five points ahead.
Mr. J W. Clark was a business
visit >v .: M f(;i' Saturday last.
Mr. \ a! ' Clark was in Mt. |
Vernon n day last week on bus
. mess.
M ?-rs J. r., Carless White and
J- bn M r \ve re the welcome!
gu-’s;- < : J. W. 'Clark Sunday.
Mr. A-h v (Turk spent Sun-,
lay n. ~ it Mr. Humphrey's.
Miss s Maagie and Dollie
Whit- ■ i Sunday afternoon at ,
J.'W. Clark's.
Mrs. F. R. Gilder was in our
sect. '-, or- nv last week. We -
welcome her back again.
Priv - :n • was enjoyed by
■i pi - at |t Mrs. White’s Sun-’
Mr. Austin Howell and wife
were v.siting among frieuds in
our i the lust of the week.
Crops are joking fine in our*
seeftoo after the nice rain.
—Bust Bet
Perry, Ga., May 7. —Houston
superior court will convene Mon
i day, May 9, being an. adjourned
term fkr trying criminal cases.
There are 38 criminal cases on
the docket, of which number
eleven are set for Monday, among
which are three for murder, five
for other felonies and three mis
demeanors; sixteen set for Tues
day, among which are one for
murder, four for other felonies
and eleven for misdemeanors;
eleven for Wednesday, among
which are two for felonies and
nine for misdemeanors.
! Tanglefoot, 35 cents a box.
Mt. Vernon Drug Co.
Sheriff Sale.
GeorgiH—Montgomery Count v.
Will he Hold before f lie court louse door in
Mt. Version on the first Tuesdsiy in June,
19X0, between the legal hour- of sale, to the
highest bidder for cash, certain property, of
which the following is a complete description :
All that, town lot in the Town of
Soperton. Ga.. and bounded on the
north by Second street, east by Mrs.
Darby, south by an alley and west by
lands' of Dr. Williams, containing
one-half acre more or less, being the
place where Mrs Darby now resides.
Levied on and will be sold as the
property of A. Gillis to satisfy an ex
ecution issued from the City Court
of Mt. Vernon in favor ofithe Peoples
Bank of Soperton against W. H.
Collins, Mrs. Sudie Sherrod.A. Gillis
and \V. Mishoe Being in the pos
session of Mrs. Darby and written
notice of levy given as required. This
May 7, 1910. Jas. Hester,
W.*M. Lewis. Sheriff.
A tty. for Plff.
Sheriff Sulp.
GEO KG lA—Von t gome ry Conn tv:
Will be sold before the court house door in
Mount Vernon on the • rst I’ue-day in June,
1910, between the legal bourn of enle, to the
bigbent bidder lor chbli, cert -in property, of
wnieh the following in a complete description:
Twenty-five acres of land lying in
i the 1668th G. M. district G. M. of said
' county and bounded as follows: On
the north by lands of B. F. Hamil
ton and Lizzie Darby, east by lands
of A. L. Hamilton and on the south
bv lands of W. R. Adams and \V. L.
Calhoun, the same to be cut off the
northeastern corner adjacent to B.
F. Hamilton. Said property levied
on and will be sold us the property
of Mary J. Calhoun to satisfy an ex
ecution issued by D. M. Currie, tax
collector, for stare and county taxes
i for the year 1909. Levy made and
returned to me by Geo. D. Miller,
'constable. Property in possession of
j Mary .1. Calhoun and written notice
jof levy given according to law. This
j April s, 1910. Jas. Hester,
Sheriff M. C.
Sheriff Sale.
i Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will bo sold before the court house door in
Mt. Ve non on the flint Thuniliv in June,
1910, between theleKrl houit of i>a!e, to the
; highest and bent bidder for cash, certain prop
erty. of which the i» & complete de
| script ion:
That certain tract of land contain
ing twenty acres more or less, lying
in the 12215 t district G. M. of said
county and state and bounded on the
I north'by lands of W.C. MeCrimmon,
'on the east by lands of Augustus
I Calhoun and on the south and west
by lands of Mrs. M. A. Wheeler, the
original tract containing ninety acres
: more or less, and the said twenty
acres to be cut off the western part
of said 90 acres. Levied on and will
-be sold a- the property ol Mrs. M.
A. Love to satisfy an execution is.
sued by D. M Currie, tax collector,
against Mrs. M. A. Love for si ate and
county taxes for the year 1909. Levy
! made and returned to me by Geo. D.
. Miller, constable, and written nonce
of levy given as required by the law.
1 his the sth day of April J9LO.
Jame- Hester.
Sheriff M. C.