Newspaper Page Text
A Rapid Chang* of Ba*e by the
Who Owned It.
Mon**}' titles ji;-: as loudly in the
renin* of tnturic a? anywhere e
- despised uni n, « i:<■ ii iti• •r< •
is an int iimbraiKvrlten it ip I
thought t<; he worth not more than
$lO, Bi-coines the chief ornament ,
of the household when an expert
pats it is worth not h' p than sl.
000. In ( hieago there is a bus !ios>
man \v!io owns a violin. lie. inher
ited it from hi*- fat her, who was «
musician. liio l.usnc-s man ii*>* s
not play. One ol Ins friends is a
lover of violin music. That friend
often he 1 told the bnsitx *•« man the
violin was a good one and that he
ought to treasure it. The business
man regarded the advice as that of
an enthusiast. One day the argu
ment became so warm the friend
insisted that the tpiestion he settled
at once hv carrying the instrument
to a professor of music who is ad
mittedly an authority oil violins.
"Why, I wouldn't carry that vio- j
lin through the street (or any*
thing," the l.n*- ne-H man said. "Mv j
friends would t ni, I had gone mu- |
so- mad in mv ml age.
"1*1! earr\ it," Ins friend said j
quickly. "I'm i ■>! ashamed to tar j
ry a \ioliii an\where, t'ome along.
They went. The proses.-or was !
at liome. Ihe hack and tlie bellv, i
the nek and the bridge, the tail
piece and 1 1 ,e sounding post all I
!iassed hehoatli his eritieal eye. "I*
oofk all right." the professor said.
From the - .im- <■ dre > the how in.d
ran tlo* hair s-i oral times across
the cake of r<.-ni Then, striking
A on a nearby piano, he proceeded
to tune tin* instrument which for
so nun: year- had been held in so *
light e,-teem hv its ow ner. After I
the violin was in tunc he tested it,
string b\ string, chord bv chord,
nod harmonic bv harmonic, in all
position*. Then he began to piny.
The fullness, the richness and
sweetness of the tone appealed even
to the matter of fact business man.
"If is a genuine old Italian in- ,
strunuiit, aiol I’ll give urn .S!.<I(K)
fur it ." tno professor said. The
busine-s man gasped.
"I'll tell von frankly, it is worth
more than that, hut that is all 1
can atfnrd to pay," the professor
rout limed
"I can't think of selling it,” the
business man replied, with a halt
in Ins speech. "You see, it came to
me from mv father. It is an heir
loom. 1 thank you, however, for
the test von have made and the
good opinion von have expressed.”
The two men started away from !
the homo of the professor, t ■*
business man carrying the violin.
"Let me take it,” his musical
friend said. ou might meet
some one von know.**
"i'll carry it," Ihe business man
retorted. "I don’t care how* many
friends ! meet. And. besides, you
might drop it." Chicago Inter
N»l*on's Only Defeat.
V is n, like all the greatest coin
ninm!er> on sea or land, made his
mistakes and his failures, hut there
is only one instance on record of
his having been actually defeated
in a direct attack. This occurred j
at Santa (Tuy. in the Canary is
lands, on July 'M. IT*J7. The place
was veiv strongly fortified, am!
Ni ison. m the face of a tiro of lift v
guns from the batteries, attempted
to storm the town by bouts. the
attempt was frustrated bv the
strength of the mole and the non
appearance of a land force which
should have co . pi-rated. \ hun
dred and fifty men were killed and |
a hundred wounded on the British
side, and Nelson lost his right arm.
Two Hags were also captured, and
these are si M kept in the Cathedral !
of Santa t ru...
Why Teakvsood Is Durable.
The teak, winch has pn-sed into,
proverb as the best material for \
•hiptniilditig, is superior to all other
woods from the fact that it eon
tains an < -sciitml oil which pro- j
vents spikes and nails driven into
it from posting. This property is
not posse-*e<! hv anv other wood in
the world a ,1 furnishes an explana- .
tion of tlse fact that ships built of j
teak are practically indestructible
Some have !«•. n known to last for,
150 years, and when broken up,
their l tea ms were as sound as when
first put together.
Wh*t Weeping Meant.
Tears are the result of a nervous
storm in the centra! nervous sy*
tern, under whuh there is sueli a
change in the vascular terminals of
the tear secreting glands that the
excretion of water"from the gland*
is profuse. Some excretion is al j
w.ivs in pr gross in order that the ;
surface of tin* eye may* be laved am t
cleared of foreign matters wide! •
mav come in contact with it, but
the controlling center i* at a d:a
M - . i)
i ■ j
’ I h*i*bv aniKMi •,<■* fitv chiklhlhcv for tl r*
it,,<- . f rb*tk of tin- Court <»f Mont
vnnir; . i < ,'tiifv. to th* Motion of the
I>tmi < r ♦.t <• j t imr If ♦*]»•*• f/*d, 1 piorrim- b*
th* ■» flair*of fit** *>ffi<* t* iflifutly
in n l»iii«itM'«* manner- Thanking you in i
a lvau<* for nuppo t, I uni
V< i r* -i** rtfiillv.
For Clerk Superior Court
Mv <-f»*r r* *b ■ ttwi to tb»* office of
- riorlc of tlo .Superior f’onit im hefor** th»- peo
ple of >*otttu'omrrv Tht* fact that I have I»*•#*!*
iionon H nith fio olflc. I>t ;« r#*J»«*Atml trim
t ha* not ih Tract***! from rriy lalmr* anti mv »**r
n< -t * Hurt.« to till ii in mi .*«•*•* ptabb* mannor,
- ( ti'*>l hiin- nr iernii! will *liow. 1 am ln-
Miili u with tlo riisutv -hitn wof tin* oflicf* tto l
if I am HgHih favor***! with tin* ponitjon itidiaU
• fill iiRN* my I- Ht «»ff .rt*. I*'* thin «nd I «*;tr
ilV - In n tlo Ml}.p u t --f tin* p**o|»|#» of mv
! iftjvi hi,tv it tin corning el#*<*tioi».
V« « v i« apt rtfiilly.
.1, t CaMIOI N.
For Clerk of Superior Court.
✓ .
To lll** Voli I H «.f MontK'*t*»''l v «'oui»t > I mll
- oot|t i . in x -i-if ,« • ivi<li<tfkt<- lor tlo oftii-i -»f
< ;)• tk of tin Superior ♦> tl»j«: t to th«
Itcii.-M i to pi loci v, rhiinktiiK iti.v fncn-lrt
j for tin* **i » our.«|.'« un lit hlm-r-Iv jfivnii no-, and
( -"liojtiiog ' .ii -npr»oi t ai«»l hoping to l.n vt?
l to* p|. aaii i < «.f Allowing my appl* iMumi, I J«tO
IVotifH vm fruit,
li. Ii till \ M X,M.
: r<» Om* F. <»p|o of r*»nntv:
I ix.iii h-.vliooil I have liwd -t l.til«Ul>lf‘ ftinhi
tli ill (o |(*,|isiMt I Im* OOllllfy its 111' litttivilv 111
f tin* to orpi i IC k’lislatlll* . Voiding ti, flio
• art ohl molo itittiom. of frtoioU in « vorv nook
nf Montk*»»»m*i v nmiity I lo i« hv aimotinon
in v - .-if O l|<!i<|wro p.| t III* li-.Wi| llollAO Os tiio
! • *1 tii in ial \ —»nl»l.v of tif'orp'ia, ki»l*]• «•! t«*
tlo ioft -o f >t In-mocrafic iititnaiy. should
out* l»o lu«M* I promiAo in K-lvaioo* to do mv
Mill * tut \ <o < t•• I to • ! it -- I
and nil for >oin -uopoi t, I i- iiidin
Votirx vi i \ trillv and loyally.
\VM. li KF'NT.
I or Rcpicsenlativc.
, ' iof mliti ffiondit frntiidif
fu out i ■!!■:»• of f lit- • ouiitv. ii nr xp* tod to no ,
I Im m I,\ ~ . 11« .iiiii . my CHtnlldaov for Ifojiro
ftlitilllVi «»f Mold Monoiv • oiinl.v. Hilijoot to
tin l « uitm ihio* primarv. It is rtiv aiiihition to
Si | \ * ■ 111. Colli tv to tlo L’O I'l of lot }»* O|i|o.;lll<i
r. 10. t. d I Will f.iitl.tiillv fils liaioo m\ duty
to tlo In mi >f ni\ ,il ll f j i \ I - imieMtlv Ht.lii it
voiit anpport I tin Youth to iM'i'vc.
ii. j. KHiiiT.
/ nr Representative
I } i\, iltiidid to!
tT.ipifv in tin n»xt (d ioial AAncmhy.
I tn not to u'&iUK vnti M, hirniiHt I do not
(bud, ilc '• !*•, iii i f«» h< rlcctt d.
V ohm for lioiicml doaiirift'*.
i a. (m i;si;v
April 1.101 o.
/nr Representative.
I fin 1 H.tlidatt foi Ih. hri»l \ 4Mf»mh!y
fl .tn i V roiuit v, and it tlo* poopli
fill tio -i no with tliM iiotioi. I plrdyi 111 n
In nf *tl 1 1 li-ward thoii a»-r\iff. in tin* still
t-eiihr .*1 ti n | lew Hlfttivi of tin proph*. .Vtih
j - tun; U»> • It.'ll 1,0 >to the lirtion of tin- pi; j
oi .r\ and a-Ui|i; thr kind ooiiHidm ttti<'ll <'!’
tlo puhli* 1 am \ -mi - vrv ti ulv.
i. i; \MMi\M.
1 h* t»liv Hnuotiiirr mvMclf a r.noliil.itc I'm
!hr olMi'f of Shot if] of v county ill
I * apjnoai IIIIIK floftion. 1 offer 111 V •
hi If HllOjrrt 1»» * lor tollolt »t tlir i)f t||o» I ilt p*
pniimi vof said counts. I Imvc had console!
al»l« * \ori it-nc< in fin* dittifN of tin- tdlifc and
pi llllHr it rlxvtr I t». gISe tlo proulc H
tul. coiihi o and dDi. h iil hvlttuniHl l a tinn.
Solicitu e the Muppn. t of tin* people ijcio i
alls I .on X mui hti uly,
N.iv 17, l‘top. I> A N 1171. Moll 111 s* >N.
I (Ik Mil Mil I :
I' , tin r. ..|.l. .if Muiit-iniu-i v «miitv
VI . 11. ill, |.l lr • Ifi'l lull !■ tlir lUliil *'f
’ Shi-I |ft ..f V| ( il|l:;:>mrl V t-OHIIIV is Ilft.Hf lift
Jh'OJil- ;<llll I If. I li.r *itllUliol. will
A, tl.f .1. I*l, III.; It..' —: l 111. 'OK IHI I
j.oit -no. no to Mo* m> iii*i iciiii. I trunt
Unit l.n lal.".** 1 1 \li,-fii t0r,...1 a.Vf|> to
tl. i<ubli> : .*. .1 in nskinu l.n* liiritior Mippnri
•>l i.n toll " .-it./, ii- 1 |>t> Ik" ....• « .... .tn'Ht
,si . IVm I* in tin .It*'liai Vs *.l >•"' .Inlion j
■>t tlit «i iff. liiinl'itt | "lilt to ill) ifford. .
i,,1,l link tniil tin- -itin,- In foll-iilfl’fil lit tllr
nji|iuiii'iiin. flfftiiin With funln t .sittmn
t-fs nt III) ,1 i, I I" K I" 11 lnnill
V .nil obcilii Ht si i vnnt.
.1 X.VH.s 111 sIT.r.S
for lav Receiver:
I tin V • itrl snt Miintg-liim I V t’limit) .
i 1 uiXf iln* no tli it "I imlilii l) antioiiuoiitg
ImV iHIiII'IiH) l"l I f-f|i itlnll t" till olllfi "I
Km in i i.t l’.i\ Hi intiis. siil'jn t Hi thi iulfs
ol tin I'vfUtiVi I’nmnilttr. 1 flit,! this
oi,fo Hiitmnoil' toil t>) ntiv fiiiHiiijlim; hllihih'o
wliHti Vft ,amt l )ii iHiiisi if * lortnl to tlisfhariio
i tin lull, - t tin iitlti i \>itli iHiiiiiptni»» ami
W || I < 11111 II:. 1 ' 'II 'l'l s|H . ill (II ivilr^fH
tn non* m - i*l I t'iit In i pt i 'in is, it lav I *‘ii v, 1 1 Ii ‘
tlo- tli. * tut ini'ilii t term to voluntarily
u lii, it tin-. vpitation of i«,ifli Ms tt i tii
\ tils ,1 I) lllll),
VV II I SIH t'l M.K.
lor Tav Receiver:
I’" tin V.itiis if \toiUi;.imfi> ('limit):
Yn lilmu to sf.iiiy H.rtuonofH in hi, favor, I j
iiiii I, I*.HI ii HI) si it .in ispiKiHt tin tin
iftil I.ifl :1 V Ik, i V ,-| t tllis ..Hint'. Mini I
■ ain-stl) **k ’!. I klHil I-lilistll, 11, til'll ol lin |
Itl ,I,'W HI 1 ,/ ll*. lUs I rlint 111) iiiii,liti*'n ttons I
jns' > * ■. i.ipi,-t mil' mi IhI"H *i, unlit i
lll.'ir II .. I.Hi, to l|lf piiiplo IkllHtll I 11*1. to
> i\, It i,il. I. it will la- ni) .1, sir■■ to till
i tin pin tit uln *t -t in, ml,lilt,. ib' in.- it
in, , ii i t' tnl itifolion «lion roijuii * si.
Vskll ... Hint lr) li.pii't In i Vote *oll*l*l. t H
li >li ~t ill, p i* m.t 111 :»ff.H,l with tlie ml,*. ;
I mi Xi i, tl li Iv, tHI rs,
H. s. I‘i .vvv,
lor tav Receiver.
1 tin nti/.-ni, nt Miint|?o«ni) I'u iiit.,:
Itv i» l‘) aniioiinoi tn,** It h,tatf lot i
'in .On . ~* In lifi fivfi nf M int«<iiu,-ry i
*, Hint. **,i* j*. *-i t.. ih. H* ti* oi **t tlif 11, iii"*-i at*
r t MootiVf I'.Hiiniittif I piomisf, it elfft-
I>■ In .inn hul 1.-, tlo ilteli. *of (lie "lino to (Be
I*o*l '•! ill) .it'lll >) . .Mnl iMliifStl, *oln il ttlf
sllppi'i I ,*l Ih, j-I opt, •
Yours veov trill)’.
•i,ut\ ii. xuuaa-.
\k i-.f. * iii. *ii t '/ ntK OB' r, I*ollll
- .lilt IteHIIU till liillii'Ht* ol 110- (OlUIlt) H 'lit
I i*. op!, it li. hi t, I otfor hi, s. If a I' for
•1,. ..Hi.*, oi r,\Cotlfft,*r. *.u«*ji ft to th«* r,*j
. air ii lion* t *n*-|i pniii.,', < Ikcuoii hi* tuh\ U, I
, !»t,i pro,iiii it. I ti-,! that my I"ns „**,-m- ’
tion »tth tin- aftaiv* of the coiiut* will tneril
’ i f Slll'p"l tof till- |*l Il> . »’,lt to till 11, 1
■ t„. my iHinut >ni(H» in the tulfttn
nifii, of Ih* tu'ii s in,*uii,l*onl n|»'ii thr "lllrr,
if 1 ahonlrl I*,' ta,ms I with it *n,t to ihi* «mi
1 Mann t,»k lit, Hupporl In, t. IvlkU amt :
fell*oi vi.i/vi.H Hop**".fuilv
i>. r coorEi;. j
For Tax Collector:
Having f-t tn*■> Iv withh* Id rn*. y f t
puldh* 'ftirr th** itißtatM • •>t frp nd*. ] ,*m
ti#>w before the \otrr* «»f V county
m h candidate f<*r'hi <’ i.h rtor: and I triiAt
# th«t thi* formkl aitiiotioe* im** t vriil have flit*
. approval of tfi >rt w'h - In'•* alrendv
temhrid tb#*»i ttwpport, ton*tUt*r with th»
HupiKfrt of tt;s* peotili- geitor-ally. If I whmild
be favon-d with flii► iinf.Mj tarit ♦» 1Iht.1 ht. I plrdtff
Oi> lo ut in tin *»f »lo* duti* -
j of the f»ftire, f< #*lmp thr*r my r*xper)<*nc6 in tb»
fln ami Id *iiid n» acqiiaititanre with tli*
public .iflair* of tin * *miitv will merit tin fa\ -i
of thr ptihlie. I ain uni memo and th«
h-pai diAi ha. p* of ih* dnti«*A of tfn «.fti«
; aIiaII b* mv |(iiid«* and motto. Trtiitting that
I may have opportunity of MhowinK m> appiv
n.ttiMii «.f *npi*.rt and pin<*iitc my < atididu
r\ wiihjt «*f to -u« h r«**ti ictiouM a- may he pro
vi'hd foi tin • Jretioti. I am
J:* Mperfhilly,
A. ,f. finivtiH.
For lax Collector.
Profotindlv grateful for tlie fa»or tdiown me
t v the people «*f Montx >iii**i v eotmtX in IDV
j election so tht office of Tax < In!lector, and hav-
f h*-»onHciouHiiewA of devoted my
heat effortk to tlieii -eivie** dining tin* tM’tn l
again otter for the place. I led hum* flint the
v.*ter* of ftn countv will atill honor the citHtom
»f an officer tilling two term-, in which hi
work ih unite . fl* ctivi . and to thin end I humb
ly ank ill* continued favor of the people. VI
work a* an officer in open to the people and I
Mtlldoiihy appreeiat* the favoi *»f another
te| 111 MR (lie -' I Vant «*f the pcojije of u»V Hit fJ' e
eoiin!) . Voiu ohedh'ld *e| vat»t.
i>. m. (,ti:imk.
For lax Collector:
1 . Mu X'otefH nf Motifv < 'oiinty:
X n Min" f tl Ktr.mhC n fl-tenceH in my favor, I
I In*ieby announce iny*df b eundidatc for Tax
1 (%dle<*tor■ of thm county; and I »'*arrieMtly urli
the kind coiiAid* IHt (Mil of ri.v fellow eifj/Mtß.
I le«*l that III> ijiialiticati«*i»H justify the n*
<pn i-t. and that mv lahors would prove accept
aide to lln peopl# wluun I a*k f«* nerve if
elected it will be my d« to li 11 the office to
, l»er»t of my ability, tfivnii; it in\ entire nine
and iittention when retinir* d. Mv candidacy
ir-nbitef tt* tlo require-inunt* that may be
[tl'OV lded fo| Ihe eleel I*>ll of COUHt V offiet I'M.
X mil'?* verv trulv,
,J M.' C. TKI’KTT.
For Tax Collector.
To the Citizens of <*ounty:
XX e, the tiiwh i signed of imr own will, ami
without hi* know 1< d}*c,herein aimouin'c-I \\ .
Aiiatin • eandidatf foi tin <>tfi< . <»t lax t’’ 1-
h ctor of county. subject to tin
riil.-e of the hemoetatic primary. We do this
under tin- film conviction thet. from i
fo»H , <iht serviei h. he "ill make a faithful alld
i 1 Hiei, nt mll ieei it e|ei ted; and we bespeak for
him y miii hem fy Miipp*n t.
\ej v truli voiint,
For Tax Collector.
! In voter* of county are here
in n (titled that I am a amlidatc. and earn* sf
|\ ask their *Uppr*rt, It tin* office >t Tax Col
lector, subject to sitcli i chu icti*uiK a* may |>.
ju-itv uied h> tie Executive Committee rexu-
I im- tin election of county officers. The of
fice will IlH'e ill\ llltt*,! earneHt affentinii if I
am fit'Mi'td wir|* it andyoui consul'tat ion will
he un-atlv appreciated. Iteeinclfully,
Sill LEX J. t’LALK.
/or Tax Collector:
I hereby announce myself a c.mdithite for?
the office of lax Collector of Vbuitptwm i \
comity, Mihjtci to vh action of the hemocrat
ir priiiiHiy. 1 earncHtlv a d.cit the *upj»oi!
' I I lie people po ie rnllv.
X our ’* very i ruly,
For lav Collector.
|U thia method 1 d< aite to fully place mv
self Itefoie tin* vot rn ol Xhint^om*^'V county
am a candidate t i tin* office of Tax Collector, _
and while I am inakiti}* an earnest effort foi
the place, lileaiie to csii it the cortha) support
<t| tlie people. \s a Cltl/.eli, 1 deem tilth Oil*
of the itiohf important ottiees in the ouiidy, {
and that it ret|iiireK the work <*t a careful,
competent and conscientious* man, observing
the law in an impartial manlier; ami m the
• Vent ot election, shill! puisne till- course with
diligence In advanc* I extend thanks foi '
ttie support that in i\ In accorded me at the
j polls, ,t ml subject inn in' candid acy to such j
rule* .is mav he prnvi led l>> the coui.iy v;oV
j11 nii’.K committe» .I am
Yours niv respectfully,
i . I . Wtt.l.l IMS,
For Tax Collector.
I take this method of informing the voters
of Moititp.nit t \ enmity that l am m tin rat e
for the office o'f'Tax CoHtctor ot this county,
and that l am t specially anxious tor then sup ,
po» ?in the ennunj* piimaiy . My candidacy is
subject tn such rules as may he provided by
tlo Executive <’ouunittet i«'4iih(tiu^ r sueli
tin ti«m. X strict business anentloll shall he ,
jjisi'ti the office it lam favored with it.
li. sp. etfullx,
I or County Treasurer:
1 trust that the next I.* t;i*l »tui < will an-j
niii tlo office of County Pieasurei, ainee tin
time is here when it is an imiitre-vii.' * x
i * list to the t.ix payersot th* aeveral eolllitieH
If tt»e Eei'iaUtuit at tin- approaching session •
tails to .iholish this office, I am a candidate
1 h i same in Xlonitpunerv couinv on the follow
* inp eomlittons;
Ist. I propose to and surtieient
j h-tud for tin sat« handling o| tin county '
| funds.
Jib 1 do not pmpose to lake one cent of
vtoniiu ms ion from any tun Is received oi dia-j
j Mused.
id. I purpose to Keen tht rt* M»irei V )>«vnks
i m coricci shape, aud when the i*ec«»rda ar,» i
oxsniined. and iVeiylhitif: found in collect
shape, the County i s»mnn»*(*ionet s can pay im
litit-i Hut dr« «i lhillno
I hiA will n suit m a saving «»f twelve bun
»hed dollar* to tin- tax payeis »*t tli*- ctvnnty.
Ih* question is now up to th*- t«x pay* i set i
the county, as te whether th«*v want to pay
a man tifteen or thr*- * hundred dollars hu tints i
’ w *»tk. S».lieitliu* the >upp*i t -t tie p«*<*pb> of
the * u»4t vtm th* ahttx*• « ond»tious. I am
Yout> u iv tmlv.
run, Miii.vK.
To the Voter* of Vt»nt««»ine» y ('«»unty:
I litivbv a nut mi tn* mvseif a- .* iiudidate *
f*>r the «»'ffie« •>! l ieaitti* t of Mot *u nierv
tounty on the t i'oirdiimus. It the
l t Kismtuie doe* not atMuiah the office ot tin
• Count* lr* >su»t r j*t th* n*\t s* *sio,.. anile
lam n tav*u «»f same b nig .»! disiied
I Wilt It elected £|v« A ss!;**<**»‘to| y lsuwl t
guaian'ee tht*iiantiling «<! all funds
I will keep th* /V*'isUnnN -er■♦■*•<•:
snH|*e. and will ask f*»i mv «arvtc*H as Ootiutx
'I return ter. »»id v Two llun«lr*-d and Fifty IV>i
itos, i’ l mu. I realize that th* rtitu
of Treasurer «s ±*\ uiunc*><.t!A • xpen*** t*> the
tax»pa> **rs of the county, hence ofT* i uivself as
a- uUihiUt* at th* amount mentioned.
I hi t* nr I am fully comp*--fenr lo hold tlo j
i offic . aiidl** a cripple, unable b* w*»rk
I can afford to a*v*'p« the db i hu a small**!
amoniit as salary than anv other man.
I am unable to s**c all the vot* t* perwonalix,
but am already know t-. a yrt »t many of you
and will certainly appreciate y**ur aupport ir.
the ctcmiiK »fecttoiu
V*M»ra 'erx tiutv,
j W.H OUTUkXY. 1
I For Tax Collector:
In eompluiiice with the r'llicita'iouß of mv
friends. I tak* this nirtliod < f announcing io
th* voter* of Moi tgom«.»y counfy that ! am a
apdidate for the office r.f Tax ''**lh-cU»r. -
ject to the piiniHi'y. if ♦-lee*ted, 1 promiao a
faithful dincharge of the duties of the office*.
Yours rrnpo tfallv.
For County Treasurer:
I hereby announce through this medium mv
candidacy for the office «*f Trenail ter of Montg
rißi* ry t'otirtty, Huhj«-ct t * tfi* action of the
Democratic primary. If J am favored with
tits trust I will discharge the *inti»- <t the
offii-e At th** Ixu icquir* s and in ;* *fri**f bu*i
lies* muiftier. I wish t*» thank th* citizens
the county for tlicir cordial -ufu*«»rt in th** last
• H'lipaigu. and timt tiiat I may main had
• tnir stipp«»it in mv • ainest »*tt**rts fnr tlie
X’* ry 1 1 uly.
•j. XX. >l*/!;KfMOK, Sr.
V, the Vntera of \lontg*un< ry County.
I hereby announce myself a candidat* foi
tl»** office oft tounty b* , losd < 'omiiUHStioner. and
in annouiieing my caudnfacy. I *h siit t** sav
ill if. having been actively and exclusively
engaged in sclmol woik in this coiinty
lot a numhei of vtitN paat, I am iully
conversant with the needs and requirement*
of the common schoolM.
I will have n»» other biiMincsH lo engage tn\
i ime and at tent ion. and m solicit mg y*mr atip
port. 1 pl* *!ge nivs* ls, it elected. not t<* make
ill*- ditto . of the office a veeondaiy c<nn»t<h*i
atioii, hut to givernv tint** and attention fully
thereto. Thanking you in advance foi any fa
yois you mav b* stow on n*e. Your* truly,
J. il AI LD
To th** I !'>/,..*;h of Montgomery County;
I hcrt'hy atitnmnee myaiflf a *tandidate b r
th office of County S»*lu»**l Ctnnrnlssioio r of
Montgoinerv county, subject to such • xaraitia
lion, rubs and regulation* as may be pm
scribed by tin- .•xtatt* Is*>ar*l of Education and
tin* State School Coiii'iiissi*>nei, and the laws
governing the election of county school coin*
missionei a
Also Huhjecl t»» such rule* and regulation*
as may •»** mad*- by the Executive t’ominitt***
of Montgomery county, it said rub s at •- con
nistt*nt with the* r< *piil-enutlits of the atat* all
tli olltieH.
I have alwuVrt stood foi tnd a Ivocated the
education of the masses *>t th* people, for bet*
tei scitools and h«*tter educational advantages
If elected, I promise to give my undivided
; attention to the school affairs of the county
and shall put forth every effort to make oni
schools hettei eai-li year.
In the past I have had the hearty co-op»*ra
tioii of the people that were interested in bet- ,
ter schools and better education, ami I car
> nestlv Molii*it fl»-*i» support *iunng this cam*
j.nigii. Yours very truly,
A. IL HnvHKS(/N.
To th* Citizens ot Montgomery County;
1 hereby announce myself a candidate f*»t
the office of County School Commissioner T
.Mnntgonierv county, subject to all lawful rule*i
and .egulufions governing the ehetion.
I miii a college and normal trained Teacher of
twelve years * xpeiienee in several counties of
!In* State. This training and expoi ioiice*pib
iticM trie for the office.
I stand for improvtd rm tluKls in edu*‘ati«iu
and sot rh« better e*luca?i*»ti of the uimhcsh. I
promi-e. if e|e«*ted. to discharge ;ill flu dutie*
of tlie office to the bos; of mv ability.
Thanking you in advance for the -mpport
that may be act-orded me, I am,
Y* ry respe*'tliillv,
IJids Wanted.
Ilidx nif wanted l»y tlie Board
of Education !>y nr before Wed
nesday. June Ist, 1010, tor the
Building schoo! liounes at Austin
and I Yiilda.
Plans for the school house to
t.e luult at Austin may lie seen hy
| calling on W. A. Peterson, Mt*.
Vernon or on .1 :s. W. Sharpe,
Austin, da. Plans, etc., for the
house to l.e huilt al I valda may
Be seen By culling on J. J. Moses |
| at 1 valila. Ga.
A. li. llutcheson, C. S. (’.
*”>l2l Montgomery Co., Ga
Fiidd IN‘;is Tor Sale.
Planting Peas in any quantity
from one Bushel to five hundred
Bushels, l’eas are Running Speck
led, slightly mixed with In
kiinwi). Nice, new, clean stock, in
good hags. Price SiMX) per bushel
at Tenmlle, Ga. In ordering small
> lots send money order, check r
’ express order. In large lots we
will ship order notify. Farmers
'orders solicited. Give shipping
point and postoffice. Our refer
ence; Any hank in I'.MiniHe, Ga.
K a inks ,V Comp ax v,
B, lo t Tenmlle, Ga.
For Sale--Brick Yard
Entire plant for sale, including:
Engine, Boiler, Brick Machines
and trackage, complete for opera
tion. N"ar M*. Vernon oil the S.
A . E. Bv. Applv at once to
I l"»-t f) Mt. \ ernon, t .a.
Shepard’s Fly Guard for sale
l at Mt. Vernon Drug Co.
Seed IVanuts.
We have the genuine North Car
olina Seed Peanuts a! seven cents
p* r pound. See as for se.-d.
McßakiV Bko.. Mt. \ ernoit. Ga
JSO Thousand for sale, prices from
s;>o upward.
For catalogue, prices, etc., write
J. C. riIOKNIU BG. Helena, Ga
At tv ut Law,
ML. Vernon, Georgia.’
n -' 1
Monuments, Tombstones
We desire to inform the people of I
this section that we have opened a j
first-class marble business in Vida- f
a ■ • 1
lia. We are prepared to furnish l\
on short notice anything in the line 1
of Monuments, Tombstones, Orna- |
I mental I ron Fencing, etc.
Designs the latest and most correct |
and tasty. Prices are right, and jj
| work will give satisfaction. jj
| Vidalia, Ga.
' J'’lm H. Hunter, Wm. K. Pearce. Frank C. Battey. |
ll Cotton Factors Naval Stores !
experienced ''
HANDLERS OF 1 " ltM g j
I Upland Cotton, Florodora,
Allen Silk & Other Extra Staples, j
Sea-Island Cotton & Naval Stores. I
l ;
|! One of the Largest Factorage Concerns in the South. Each |
Commodity handled in a Separate Department. I
Strictest Attention to Each. '
Nitrate of Soda and Other Fertilizers, j
Upland and Sea-Island Bagging,
jj Ties and Twine.
{Liberal Advances made on Consignments. Money Loaned 1
to Cotton and Naval Stores Shippers on Approved Security.
jj 126 Bay Street, East. SAVANNAH GA. j
These arrivals and departures published only as ;
information, and are not guaranteed. '
:j Schedule Effective January 3d, 1909. j
j| Lv. -Mr. VERNON all trains kailv. j
Pci’s m. For Helena, Abbeville, Cordelo, '
Americus, Columbus, \
18:22 p. m. Montgomery, and all points west, i
5:47 a. m. For Lyons, Collins, Savannah,. ]
4 :53 p. m. and all points east. 1
For further information, reservations, rates, etc., see your j
nearest Seaboard Ticket Agent, or write
R. H. STANSELL, A. (4. I*. A.,
Savannah, .... ... Georgia. 1
♦ #
| Spring Millinery *
# ggggPg"*"Lfgg il ' l ' lTll ' ifi, ' >lß #
* *r
* *-
* The girls and ladies should see it at *■
once and make selections for Easter *
* *
J -
* MRS. J. L. ADAMS, Mt. Vernon %
* #
*********#■** + *•***■******♦**