Newspaper Page Text
Atlanta, May 21. —Georgia’s
state Democratic Executive Com
mute will meet in Atlanta Sat
urday, .1 une 4, at 12 o’clock noon,
the call, which is brief, having
been issued to-day by Chairman
Hewlett A. Hall of Newnan. Tne
call, mailed to each member to
day, is as follows:
“To the members of the Demo
cratic State Executive Commit
tee of Georgia:
“A meeting of the Democratic
State Executive Committee will
be held in Atlanta, Saturday,
June 4,1910,in the Kimball House
at 12 o’clock noon. A full attend
ance is urged.
“H. A. Hall,
“Benjamin M, Blackburn,
This means the state guberna- j
tonal campaign will lie opened
up now m just a little more than ;
two weeks. Also that the cam
paign, what there is of it, will lie
decidedly short.
Inasmuch as the state primary i
will have to be called for about
the middle of August, it means a
campaign of not more than ten
weeks at the outside.
Georgians generally will wel
come this fact.
The committee will name a
date for the state primary and
another for the state convention,
which will have to lie held within
ten days or two weeks after the
primary so as to give the Secre- j
tary of State time to get printed
lists of candidates to the various
county seats thirty days before
the state election.
It will also lay down the rules j
for voting in the primary. It is
generally understood it. will be a
white primary in which every
qualified white voter who agrees
to abide the nominations will be
permitted to participate.
Washington, May 15.—When
the wrock of the battleship Maine
is raised from the mud at the bot
tom of Havana harbor it is
thought to be the purpose of the
United States government to in
vite Spain to send expert en
gineers to be present at, the exam
ination of the hull, provided it is
found that the Spanish govern
ment desires or will accept such
an invitation.
It is probable also that it will
be intimated to to other naval
powers that this government
would be glad to have them send
representative experts. It ts
doubted by many if the condition
of the hulk, after this lapse of
years, would show whether or not
the battle-ship was destroyed by
an exterior or interior explosion,
but other experts say t hat the ac
tion of the water will not have
seriously affected the wreck.
While the Spanish government
has made no official representa
tions as to a desire to be
sented when the Maine is raised,
it is understood that it has been
officially intimated that Spain
would be gratified if such an in
vitation were extended.
Spain has always contended
that the Maine was destroyed by j
an internal explosion. If a Span
ish engiueer is invited to inspect
the wreck, the other oayal powers
will also be invited. If the at
tempt to raise the Maine is suc
cesftil a part of the metal will be
given for the erectiou of a nation
al monument to the survivors of
the historic vessel at New York.
Atlanta, May 21.—Chairman
G. R. Hutchens of the state Pri-j
son commission to-day announc-i
ed he would lie in the race to suc
ceed himself. So far Mr. Hutch
ens has no opposition. Some
time ago R.E. Davidson of Greene
was talking of making the race
for prison commissioner,but whe
ther he will remains to be devel-j
Chairman Hutchens' was ap
pointed to the commission by
Gov. Brown upon the death of
Chairman Joseph S. Turner.
Atlanta, May 20.—Judge Dick
Russell, candidate for governor, I
will announce about June first, or :
soon after the call has been issued
for the meeting of the state De
mocratic committee to set the
j date for the convention.
Judge Russell is now in Canada,
and he is expected to return home
about J une first .
Ex-Governor lloke Smith being
positively out of the race for
j governor it is equally positive 1
! that Judge Russell will make it.
His formal announcement, al
i ready forecasted, on the contin
gency that Mr. Smith would not
run, is a matter now of only a few
On last Friday the Taylor
I Springs School came to a close
with exercises appropriate to the
occasion. Extensive preparations
had previously been made and
j everything was carried out in a
very orderly manner, reflecting
credit upon the community and
j honor to the school.
Fully four hundred people were
assembled as auditors and specta
tors and conducted themselyes ns
ladies and gentlemen always do.
The exercises began at ten
o’clock and lasted until five in
the atterdoon. Rev. Reese Griffin
spoke at eleven o’clock. His sub
ject, Tile Making of a School, was
ably handled and showed much
study and research. No doubt
this was the finest, educational ad
dress our community has heard
and many were the favorable
comments heard relative thereto.
Dinner was spread at, twelve
o’clock and such a sumptuous
feast it was 1 Like Brother Rab
bit, said, “i would like to have
it have one like it every Friday
in the year. To say the least, we
had plenty to eat.
Col. A. B. Hutcheson, efficient.
County School Commissioner,
delivered a noble speech and plea
in behalf of the schools of Mont
gomery county. His speech was
weli received and inspired ns all
| to greater and nobler efforts.
Prof. Geo. W. Threlkel address
ed the audience at three o’clock.
His speech was well received.
The students acquitted them
selves in a very creditable man
ner and the teachers have nothing |
but praise and honor to say of ;
We are under many obligations
to Mr. Will Hilton of Vulalia and
Mr. Luther McCullough of Glen
ville for their excellent singing
upon this occasion. Both these
gentlemen are singers by nature
and men of whom any communi
ty may justly feel proud of.
With lasting gratitude to the
people of Taylor Springs commun
ity 1 shall ever cherish in my
heart the many kindnesses I re
ceived at their hands.
Very truly,
A. S. Howell.
Chloro-Naphtholeum and Daisy
Fly Killers, 15 cents. Mt. Ver
non Drug Company.
Jefferson City, Mo , May 20.
There is a panic on among tin
seven hundred anil fifty negro
convicts at the penitentiary 1
through fear that Dr. B. C. Hyde,
recently convicted of the murder
of Colonel Thomas H. Swope,will
soon be an inmate of the prison*
They believe Dr. Hyde is a most
wonderful man, who can admin- j
i ister poison in such a secretive
way as to produce death without
I causing any suspicion to rest up
| on himself.
These convict negroes believe
that if Dr. Hyde reaches the pri
son he will be assigned to the
I hospital, anil could easily kill
them off with some subtle poison
and the world be none the wis<-r
j thereof. Already they are saying
; that, no matter how sick they
may become, nothing can induce
I them to enter the hospital if Dr.
I Hyde is there,.
State of Georgia, )
Montgomery County. \
I hereby give notice that under
and by virture of the authority
j vested in me as Justice of the
Pence of the 275th G. M. District
|of said county, by the laws of
Georgia, 1 will change the place of
holding thy Justice Court of said
275th district from the place where
; it is now held to the town of Als
j ton on the Georgia it Florida
j railroad in said county. Said
j court house will tie located on Lot
Five in Block Nine, fronting
Broad street, according to the
; plan of said town. The first court
will lie held at, said now court
ground on tho 25th day of June,
1910. This, the 21st day ol'April,
1910. W. 11. Bhaui-k, J. P.
Stoves, Ranges, New Home;
Sewing Machines, McCormick
Mowing and Rinding Machinery,
are among my specialties.—W. 11.
Mcl|u Off 11 •
Sheriff' Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will be mild before iln- com l lomwe door io ;
M>. Vernon on tin; find Ttlorulnv in June. !
l!U(l. liotworn iln j local lioms nl sale, to tin
Inghent ladder for i-asli, certain property, of
which tin- following is a complete ilim-ription:
A one-third undivided interest in
and to all tluil tract or parcel of land
situate, lying and being in the Igtilst
district, (!. M., of said county and |
stale, and bounded according lo the j
description in a survey made by 11.
K. Higgs, county surveyor, April 11.
1K95. tty taints of Walter Dukes, Joe
Miller, tieidy Miller and Thigpen
and others, said tract of land being
in t lie disl ribut ion slut re of Mrs. Klin
R. Dukes, under the will of Thomas j
N. Miller, and containing JtMi acres. I
more or less. Said one-third inter-:
esl in said trael of land being levied
upon as the property of It. A. Dukes,
under a. superior court li fa in favor I
of i Diiiter-Keiiii »V Co., vs. It. A. I
Dukes. Written notice of levy given j
as required by la w. This, the l.'illi
day of April, Ibid.
James Hester, Sheriff' M, (!.
M. M. Calhoun, Ally, for PUT.
Sheriff' Sale.
Genre in-—Mini t ginnery County.
Will he mihl before the court house floor in
Monut Vernon on the first. Tuewlfty in June,
lit 10. between the legal hours 'of sale, to the
highest bidder for cash, nertain properly, of
which the following is a complete description:
All that tract or parcel of land sit
uated and being in said county and
state, and containing 100 acres, more
or less, bounded as follows: On the
north by lands of J. I). Miller, on he
east, by hinds of Charley .MeCi mi
llion, or his wile, oil file south by
lands of J. I>. Miller and the west by
lands of Mary Higgs, and hotter
known as part of i he Tom M iller old
place, and being in the TJ2lsf dis
trict, <■. M. Levied on and will lie
sold as the property of J. D. Miller,
to satisfy a mortgage exeeution is
sued from the Superior Courl of said
county in favor of Laurens Ranking:
l 'it. vs J . 1). Miller. Property in tlie
! possession of said Miller, pointed out
| for levy by attorney for plainti lf-.,
j and written not lee of levy given ae
eording to law. This, the l.'illi day
of April, 1910.
James Hester, Sheriff M.C.
M. R. Calhoun. Ally, for Pill’s.
Sheriff Salo.
Groimm— Montgomery <'minty:
Will be koM la-lore the court, house door in
Mt. Vernon on the tirat Tuesday in .lime.
1910, between the legal hour of sale, to tie
highest bidder for eaali, certain property, of
which the following in u complete- description:
That certain parcel of laud situated
and being in the i:;4:id District, (i.
M., of said comity and state, and
bounded on the north by lands of D.
K. and F. Lee Mcltae, and on the
east, south and west by lands of D.
It. and J. A. McMillan, and contain
ing thirty-two acres, more or less.
Said property levied on as the prop
erty of W. K. Cooper, to satisfy ail
execution issued from the Justice's
Court of Hie lol.'fil district, (i. .VI , of
said county, in favor of The Mt. Vei
iioii Rank vs. Win Cooper, princi
pal, N. A Adams, J. R. Adams, W. :
K. Cooper and lx. <l. (lurncr, coders
ers. Said property being in the pos- j
session of the defendant, VV. lx.
Cooper, and written notice given as
required by la w. This, the lid day of
May, Utlij. James Hester, Shf.
\V. M. Lewis, Ally, for Pill'.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia- Montgomery County.
1 Will he solil l>ctori- ilit- court house door in
Mt. Vernon on the lira! Tm-mlay in June,
; 1910, between iln- legal hours of gale, to the
l highest bbbb r sor ■ cimh, e.rtiin property, ot
which tho following is a complete iilseription:
One hundred acres of land situai
ed, lying and being in the legist lbs
trie!, O. M., of said county and stale,
being carved out of the northern part \
of that tract of laud owned by J. |>
Milh-i, arid bounded on the north,
north-east and east by lands belong
ing to the estate of Mrs. Kiln 11. !
Dukes, on the south by other lands
of J. D. Miller and on the wesi by
lands of Mrs. M. K. Wilkes, said par
cel of land known as a part of the
Thomas .N . Miller lauds. Revied on
as the property of J. I). Miller, to!
satisfy an execution issued from tie-j
City Court of Mt. Vernon in favor of
H. H. Smith vs J. I). Miller. Prop
erty pointed out for levy by plaint-;
i ilf’g attorney and written notice of
levy given as required by law. This,
the 19th day of April. 1910.
James Hester, Sheriff.
M. B. Calhoun, Attorney for PUT.
An linprpved clipper at Hicks’*
Stabled, ill. Veruou.
Tax Kocoivor’s Not iee!
Second Round.
1 will be at the following places |
on the dates named helow, for the
purpose of receiving state and
county tax returns for the year i
i 1910:
Erick Friday. May (5.
Alamo, Monday, 9th 9 to 12 rn
Stuckey, 9t h i! to 5 p. in.
Glenwood Tuesday 10th 9 to 12 in. j
Lamlslmrg 10th to 5 p.
.). \V. Morrison’s 10th at night, j
Mt. Vernon, Wedsy 11th, H) to I.
Ailey 1 I til 2 to l p.
Lothair Thursday 12th 10 to L.
(b land 12th 3 to 5 p.
Soperton, Friday, 13th.
Tarry town Saturday Mill 10 to 1.
K i hhee 1 It h 3 to 5
Higgston Monday 10th 10 to 12.
McGregor Hit li 2 to I p.
F. R. Mcßride’s Kith at night.
! Longpond Tuesday I7lh 9 to 12.
; Charlottesville 17th 2:30 to I.
McArthur Wedsy. lKtli 10 t.o I.
R. It. Renton’s istli at night.
Springhill (eluh house) Thursday j
19Mi 10 to 12.
C. 11. Wooten’s farm 19th 2 to 1.1
Please meet, me prompt ly and 1
avoid t he rush at the last.
Yours very truly,
W. llfvuv Clark, R. 'l'. R. M. C.
A. L. I junior,
Attorney nt Law,
I Will Practice in nil the Courts of i
the Si ate.
V. I*. MOO ILK !
Painter vV Decorator
1 f your house needs n coat of paint, |
i send for me, and have t he job done
right., and at. lowest figures.
On Improved Farms in
Montgomery County at a Small
Rate of Intercst.
,). V. Hall, Soperton.
14 *
<s■ I “7 C Th o 1909 Subscription Off® r- (t I *yr
VI •* 3 Th® Be«t Offer Made for the IMew Year 3
■ ■ AND
Montgomery Monitor
I together with the superb FREE OFFERS of PARIS MODES, a woman’s
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of farm wisdom, worth its weight in gold. All for only . . . 01. I J
The Tri-Week I y Con stitution
brightest, and biggest Southern Newspaper. p Hnl IT f H ypqr
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or The Weekly Constitution once a week, with each of the above (except that
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1 The Tri-Weekly Constitution presents at one sweeping view the whole area of events. The
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the departments of harm and Farmers, Woman’s Kingdom, Great Agricultural South, Fann
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appeal directly to those addressed.
The Weekly Constitution contains all these special features and the difference between it
and The Tri-Weekly is that the one is issued once a week (qn Monday only) and the ■!
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If you want the Constitution alone, without any clubbing offers, you can get the Tri-Weekly j
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A club of 40 or 50 or more will keep an R. F. D. route above the minimum average required
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. (1) Talks From Farmers to farmers, a symposium of Southern farm knowledge that J
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(j) The Southern Ruralist, one of the bes’t agricultural papers in the south. It is a i
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a monthly feast for the busy woman who reads as she works, who relaxes from one task and I
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our ore: anr proposition
Remember, our paper one year, and THE TRI-WEEKLY CONSTITUTION, Mon- j
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Weekly Constitution is substituted for the Tri Weekly) for only Jjs l 40
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; Dilution to 3
, MONTGOMERY MONITOR, Mount Vernon, Ga. . I
1 Low Cut Shoes §
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53 and you an* in\ ived 53
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Mount Vornon, fin. jj^
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Loans of any amount from SISOO to on farms in Mont- '£
14 ~ , ;*
V* goinery and adjoining counties. No delays for inspect ion. 4
Have lands examined by a man living near you.
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(;i:o. 11. h a itkis
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Mefehalits Rank Building Me Kao, (jia. p
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Tin* Montgomery Monitor and the Savannah
Semi-Weekly N(*ws, oik* year, $1.75.