Newspaper Page Text
It is generally understood that
Lext week Gov. Brown’s announ
cement of his candidacy for re
election will be forthcoming. It
is said he will base his announce
ment upon his record during the
last year as Governor, and will
put the matter up to the people,
going before them when necessary
through newspapers cards as he
did m the campaign ot 1908, but ;
remaining in his office for the i
transaction of official business.
If Judge R. B. Russell of the
state Court of Appeals should de
cide to enter the race, his an
nouncement will oe forthcoming
about the same time.
What the purpose of Hon. L.
L. Middlebrooks of Newton is,
none of the politicians seem to
know, as he has not been 9eun or
heard from since the publication
of his announcement several days
It is well-known that Hoke j
Smith element generally would
not have chosen Hon.H. H. Berry |
of Gainesville, a9 the standard
bearer of the Smith policies, if
they had had anything to do with
it. And yet Mr. Perry is one of
the most earnest, honest and sin
cere advocates of those policies m
the state. Every word he utters
is founded in a belief as solid as!
a rock. But Mr. Perry is .lot a
sufficiently forceful or magnetic |
campaigner to appeal to them.
Many of the schools of the coun
ty have during the pa3t three or
tour weeks celebrated their clos
ing exercises, with more or less
ceremony, but among the real en
joyable affairs was the closing ex
ercises of the Sadie school, which
has been taught by Miss Charlotte
Exercises wjire held May 19th,
in the form of a picnic, which
was largely attended and enjoy
ed by all present. Among the ex
ercises of the day was an address
by County School Commissioner
A. B. Hutcheson. The Sadie
school is one of the best in the
county, and always has a compe
tent teacher. Miss Sharpe is to
be congratulated on the success of
the schorl, while the patrons are
to be congratulated on their choice
of a teacher.
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Address all communications to Jgl
H. F. SOUTHWELL, Gen. Mgr. J
P Mt. Vernon, Ga. jg
' Lewisburg, W. Va., May 26.
! “Wild cat evangelism” was de
! nounced to-day at the closiug ses
sion of the fiftieth general assem
| bly of the Southern Presbyterian
j Church. The denunciation was
| uttered by Dr. Charles R. Nesbitt
|of Nashville, Tenn.. chairman of
the assembly’s Committee on
j Evangelization, when he was call-!
led upon to report on that work.
“What is needed” said he,
| “is a sane evangelism. There is
a great deal of evangelism to-day
that is answerable to no church
It is n wild oat evangelism. It is;
doing more to prejudice this arm '
nf the service than any two things
I at work m this land.”
Before adjourning to meet next
! spring at Louisville, Ky., a mini-1
ber of reports were acted upon.
The attitude of the church to-I
i ward women came up in the hurry
for adjournment. The query was
I from the Lafayette Church of New
Orleans, La., as to whether the
church still objected to women
addressing mixed assemblies of
! men and women,
j “There has been no change in
the settled policy of our denomi
nation m tins matter,” was the
reply the assembly made.
The bothersome question of fix
ing the organization of women’s!
missionary unions of presbyteries ]
on a constitutional basis was re
i ferred to an ad interim committee
to report at the next assembly.
j Special Correspondence.
There will be services here every
first Sunday afternoon at 4
o’clock. Every body come out
and be with us.
Mrs. F. C. Adams and children
ispent Sunday with her brother,
Mr. O. P. Moseley.
Mr. A. C. Gordon and family
land Messrs. Dan and Fred Gor-!
1 ; don spent Saturday and Sunday
i with friends and relatives in Jeff;
. Davis county.
Mrs. C. Morris spent a few days'
of last week with her sister, Mrs.
1 ; J. I«a Adams, of this place.
Miss Lena Miucey, a charming
young lady of near Cedar Cross-,
ling, spent lust Tuesday night
with Miss Louranie Moseley.
Mr. C. H. Johnson of this place
spent u few hours with his broth-
Jer, Mr. C. S. Johnson, at Alston
, 1 last Thursday.
; Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Vaughn
• were pleasant visitors at the home
1 of Mr C. P. Moseley Sunday af
ternoon. —Fuss and Fun.
Cordele, Ga., May 80.—Quite a j
sensation was created in Cordele
to-day when it was rumored that
a dead body was concealed in the
bottom of a coal car which was |
received here from Empire, Ala., ,
by the Atlanta Birmingham and
Atlantic Railway and consigned
to \V. M. Legg at Albany.
Hundreds of persons viewed the
car afar off because the stench
from the bodv was so great that
no one would venture near it. The
car was transferred, to the Sea
board Air Line tracks and this
railroad refused to receive it and
set it back on the A. B. and A.
track on account of the stench.
The negroes working for the
railroad refused to unload the car
even at the peril of their jobs,and
the car was then taken to the
country and set on a side track
five miles east of Cordele.
The people who have seen the
overalls through a crevice in the
bottom of the car maintain that
it is the dead body of a man as
they can see plainly the clothing.
A theory advanced is that a
man was murdered at the mines!
and his body placed in the bottom
of the car and the coal was lead
ed on the body.
Mr. Archie Miller and daughter
of Lothair were in the city Salur
Mr. B. I). Brantley of Black
shear, vvlio is chairman of the
| Layman's Missionary Movement
of the Savannah Presbytery,
preached two able sermons here
Mr. John C. Adams, who is
erecting a modern home for Hon.
Neil Gillis at Gillis Spring, came j
in and spent Sunday with his fain J
, ily here.
Mr. J. Herman McColskey was!
a visitor to Mt. Vernon Monday !
, Mr. and Mrs. Jeff J. McArthur;
j of Elza visited in the city Sunday
guests at the home of Mr. M. 11.
Misses Nezzie Newton and lino
gene McQueen spent Saturday and
Sunday in Mt. Vernon, where
they went to attend the closing
exercises of the Union Baptist In
Mr. Algerine llraddy, one of
Montgomery county’s prominent
farmers, was in the city on busi- j
ness Saturday.
M isses Avret of Cluxton spent ,
last Friday in the city, guests of'
Mrs. S. P. Darby.
Messrs. W. L. Wilson and Win.
B. Kent, two Mt. Vernon attor-1
oeys, passed through our city'
Monday en route to Sopertun.
Prof. J. R. Auld of Ericg was
in the city Monday. Prof Auld
iis a candidate for County School
i Commissioner of Montgomery j
icounty, and has many supporters'
in that section of Montgomery ad
joining Toombs.
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Calhoun of
I'valda visited friends here Tues
Mrs. W. J. Poe attended com
mencement exercises at the U. B
l. Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Sharpe of
near Uvalda were here trading
Messrs. Geo. J,. Peterson and
! John W. Mclntyre of near Petros I
were transacting business here'
| Wednesday.
Mr. Felix Williamson of Long-!
Pond was a business visitor to our
city yesterday.
Chloro-Naphtholeuni and Daisy!
Fly Killers. 15 cents. Mt. Ver
uon Drug Company.
Mr. J. .1. Moses of the lower;
section of tin* county was in Mt. \
Vernon Tuesday in the interest
of the new banking organization!
} for tlie town of Uvalda. she i
capital for the new batik will he
made up by Montgomery county
business men, the greater number
of whom reside near the new town.
A number from this place have
taken stock in the new enterprise,
iiud it proposed to organize nt once
for business.
The new bank will tie the sixth
in Montgomery county,and it w ill
,be located in a choice section,
from which it should draw a nicej
business. Success to the new vou
t ure,
Brunswiek, (Ja., May 81.—The
session of the Glynn superior
court which convenes on the first
.Monday in June w ill unquestion
ably he one of the most interest
ing in the history of south Geor
i gia, owing to the fact that a mim
! bei of very important cases troin
I other counties in the state will
I be tried in Brunswick,
i Among these are cases which
are of general interest,. Rx-Sh«r
ltf W. B. hyena, are to be tried |
(for the murder of Fleming Smith. |
1 which occurred at, Jesup, Wayne
county, over two years ago. These
men have once been tried and con
victed and sentenced to life un
j prisonmont, tiut svere granted a
new trial by the supreme court
|on the ground that one of the
i jurors was related to some one in
| Wrested m the case. The lirst
j trial occurred at Jesup and the j
case was called again a few weeks I
ago, but after exhausting the jury
! box, only seven jurors could be
I secured, and a charge of venue fol
lowed, the cases being trims ferr
ied to the city.
Another case of great, interest
is what, is known as the now turn
ons Way cross bank cases in which
a number of the best known bnsi-:
I ness men of Wuycross, who were i
connected with a defuut. bunk, j
ure to he tried on a criminal !
charge. These cases were like-1
wise transferred from Waycrossi
to this city. The bankers are rep- i
j resented by an array of aMe coun
sel. headed oy Congressman W.|
|G. Brantley, of t his city, while
Judge A. D. Gale, of Brunswick,
assisted by several others, are
prosecuting the cases
In the Lyons case at least a doz
en attorneys will appear either
j for the defendants or the state.
For Lyons and ins son, John R.
j Cooper, of Macon; H. I). D.
i Twiggs, ot Savannah; W. W.
i Bennett, of .Jesup and several 1
others will appear, while for the
stut.e Solicitor Thomas will have
associated with him Colonel John
W. Bennett, of Waycross; Colo- i
; uel R. E. Dart of Brunswick and l
i others.
Flat Cri‘((k.
H|u-i ml Cone*pot,cl„n<-,'.
Miss Esh.c Rico, a charming]
i young lady of near Uvalda, spent
last wt*ek with Miss Sweetie Smith I
liev. and Mrs. M. A. Rico vts- (
ited their daughter, Mrs. S. D
Smith, last week.
Mr Harvev Smith rind Miss Lila
Moore attended services at Oak
Ridge Sunday.
! M iss Sweetie Smith and brother
| attended services at Oak Ridge
Miss Sula Truitt a rut Mr. Elie
Perry attended services at Oak
Ridge Sunday.
Messrs. Jarvis and Neal Rico
visited at the home of Mr. Harvey
I Smith Saturday and Sunday.
The infant son of Mr. and Mrs.
S. 1). Smith i« quite ill Hi this
(writing. VVe hope for him a
Upeedy recovery.
Mr. \V. J/. Perrv called at thej
home of Mr. Smith Sunday at- 1
teruoon. |
Jackson, Ga .May 27 —The dis
barment proceedings in the case
: of Cutis and Haygood, attorneys
jof Fitzgerald, which have been
'going on in the United States
Court, sitting at Indian Springs
are closed.
A decree was taken disbarring
Rldredge Cutts, and J . W. Hay
good from practice in the state
and federal courts, unless the
pending suits in which t ile South
ern Realty and Investment Com
pany figures are dismissed within
the next sixty days. It appears
that the above named company is
si corporation chartered under l
the laws of South Dakota and do-j
mg business in Georgia. It was
held that the corporat ion was a
mere sham. It was stated that,
proceedings have been instituted
to dissolve the corporation. The
case was hard fought by both
sides and owing to the prominence
of the attorneys bus attracted at
tent ion.
The gist of Judge Speer’s rul
ing ih that, no doubt both Hay
good and Cutts wore originally
sincere hi their confidence ot the
legality of the eompuny, but that
when they instituted suit in its
name after the supreme court, had
pronounced the concern a mere
sham they placed themselves in
j bud faith and liable to disbar
inient. If within the next sixty
ilavs they withdraw all suits and
“call off” the Southern Realty
and Investment Company as an
active agent in the courts, let ting
it die as it were, a natural death,
thereby showing their good faith
in the matter, till will be well
with them. If they push present
j suits to recover for the company
u 1 really characterized as u sham,
then they convict ac
cording to the ruling of Judge
Speer of acting in bud faith, and
will necessairly fie disbarred.
Maeon,(la ,May 80. —The board
of visitors of the Academy for the
; blind will convene here tomorrow
| for the annuul inspection of the
I institution and will tie in session
possibly two days. All the mem
i tiers of the board, which is ap
| pointed yearly by the the Gover
nor, are in attendance. The fol
lowing compose the board: J. W.
Overstreet 'if Sylvunia, chairman;
Dr. J. W Lee of Atlanta, Prof
VV. L. Peacock of Macon, W. K
Chandler of Hlairsvilie, Albert. C
Sweat of Nashville, George Glenn
i Dalton, Ge ; rge T. Abney of Co
lumbus, V. \j Staunton of Way
; cross, if. K. Hargis of Cass Sta
/ ' \
• Have Your ’•
. • J ll Natural Complexion j
11l '' Nature intruded everyone to Have a II
WM perfect complexion. li
I y Palmolive is Nature’s own aid to the akin. Jj
,U/ The soothing, healing palin and olive II
/y ’tfT /\ y oils °f w hich '• '* composed bring back if
• , l/i lit I delicucy, softness, beauty to face and hands. I
I\\, V <~-) Baby, mother, father—every member J
Qfln, t j \' — j, of the family will appreciate it. I
S' ‘ uses of the toilet. in
A single cake A ill prove it to you. y
Mount Vernon Drug Company
M ount Vernon, (*a.
The entertainment given bv
the members of the Young Peo
ple’s Missionary Society in the
Masonic hall Tuesday evening whs
a very brilliant event, to be num
bered among the most pleasant
yet given by the society. It whs
purely u social affair, and was en
joyed to the utmost by those
present. Refreshments of a dain
ty nature added to the delight of
the evening.
Those present were Mrs. H C.
Brew ton, Mrs. Dame; Misses Ru
by Mason, Marie Sutton, Camille
I Adams, Sadie McQueen, Ktheleen
1 Folsom. Jeddie Cock field, Matsie
j Browton, Ruby MeGahee, Minnie
i Abt, Anna Morrison, Mattie Mc-
Bride, Myrtle Burch, Alleen Mc-
Rae, Bessie Stocky, lna Burch,
Lucy Brewton ; and Messrs, Arpad
Hicks, Tim Cock field, Curtis
Coleuiun, Robert Cock field. Henry
Fountain, Mark McLenmre, Jim
V. McAllister, Herschel Morri
son, Ch,trios Dtirloo, Lewis Burch,
Charlie Beugimt, Thomas Mcßae,
Fred McAllister, John A. Morris.
Alamo, Route I.
HpMClttt Coin ‘HJM MhIpIKML
Mr. J. A. Barlow of near Glen
wood was visiting at J. W.Clark s
one day last week.
I’he singing convention at Lit
tle Rock Sunday was enjoyed by
all present.
Mrs. J. IC. Clark and .Vlrs. J. A.
Carroll spent Sunday with Mrs
J. W. Clark.
Mr. J. T. White spent Sunday
with J . W. Clark.
Mr. Ill) llurresou and family
were visitors at J. W K Clark’s
The nice rain that fell lust week
was welcomed by the furmers of
of t his section.
| Mr .J. \V. K Clark had the
] misfortune of losing a tine mule
Sunday last.
Crops are looking very tine in
our suction of tin- woods.
We ale clad to see Miss Lizzie
McMillan out again after a few
weeks illness.
| The sing at Mr. R. N. Clark’s
| Sunday afternoon was enjoyed by
all present.
! We are sorry to learn of the »11 -
I ness of Mr. Ed MeMillian. We
i wish for him a speedy recovery.
Wedding bells will ring in our
woods again soon. Happy Sam
| Tanglefoot, 80 cents a box.
Mt. Vernon Drug Co.
NO. 5