Newspaper Page Text
z: A Proclamation,
Georgia—By Joseph M. Brown,
,^jGoveruor 4 ofjsaidjjState :] j
official information
has-been received at this depart
ment that on the 15th day of May,
1910, in the county of Montgom
ery, Andrew McKinnon, did in the
county of Montgomery, shoot and
murder Emmett Farmer and es
caped and is now fugitive from
I have thought proper, there
fore, to issue this my Proclama
tion, hereby offering a reward of
Two Hundred (*200.00) Dollars
for the apprehension and delivery
of said Andrew McKinnon with ev
idence sufficient to convict, to tin
Sheriff of Montgomery county and
And I do, moreover, charge and
required all officers in this State,
Civil and Military, to be vigilant
in endeavoring to apprehend the ;
said Andrew McKinnon in order
that he may be brought to trial
for the offense with which lie
stands charged.
Given under my hand and seal
of the State, this the 25th day of
May, 1910. Joseph M. Brown,
By the Governor. Governor.
Philip Cook, See’y of State.
With but few or no exceptions
every county in Georgia is put
ting forth some effort in behalf of
good roads. All are not using the
same methods and means, but the j
ultimate result will be a perfected
system of roadways in years to i
come. The Savannah News, us
ing Bulloch county as a subject,
has the following comment in fa
vor of good roads:
There are few counties in the i
state as progressive as Bulloch
county. That this is so is shown
by the sentiment in favor of good
roads which prevails Jhere. In
our dispatches yesterday it was
stated that the County Commis
sioners were seriously considering
the advisability of taking the
necessary steps to have bonds is
sued to the amount of .SIOO,OOO
for the construction of roads.
At present, the county has very
good roads —that is, many of her
roads have been hardened and the
other roads are in a tolerably fair
condition. What is wanted, how
ever, is that all the roads shall be
put in first-class condition, and it
is assumed that the foregoing
amount will be sufficient for that
We don’t know- whether or not
the people would vote bonds to
the amount of SIOO,OOO for road
building, but we are of the opin
ion they would, simply because
they regard good roads from a
business point ol' view. Their ex
perience teaches them that, money
wisely and economically spent on
roads is a good investment. All :
of the people are benefited. Some
get their benefit in one way and
some in another. One man has a
motor car or a carriage and pair
of fine horses and another has
products which he wants to get
to market at the least possible
cost. It is evident that there is
but little satisfaction m a motor
car where the roads are bail and j
that bad roads greatly increase
the cost of hauling commodities
to or from market.
Bonds to the amount of SIOO,-
000 would put an annual charge j
on the county of about *5.000.
Divided among all the people in
proportion to their wealth that
would be an almost inappreciable
burden. But the burden would
be nothing at. all in comparison
with the benefits, pecuniary and
otherw'se, that would come from
good roads.
We don’t know whether or not
tfie proposition to issue bonds
w ill be submitted to the taxpayers,
but if it should be they ought to i
give it very careful consideration
and deal with it wholly from a
business point of view. If they j
become satisfied thar it would pay
them to issue bonds they should
have no hesitation in authorizing
Invitations are out announc
ing the approaching marriage of
Miss Irma Clyde Walker of this
city to Mr. Luther Albert Mc-
Crary of So pert mi, —the wedding
to take place on the morning of
Tuesday the seventh of June, at
9:80 o’clock, at the Methodist
The ceremony will be perform
ed by Rev. Charlie Moore of this
I city, in his usual impressive man
There will be no attendants,
save the (lower girls,—Little
Misses Kate and l)olIn Walker.
Little Helen Dennis will act as
ring bearer. Messrs. W. L. ,
Thompson and Grady Walker of!
! this city will act. as ushers. The
wedding march will lie played by
Mrs. W. C. Brinson.
Immediately after the marriage 1
•ol' this popular couple they will
j leave for a trip to Atlanta and
Roys ton. On their return bridal j
trip they will be at home to their;
friends at Soperton.
These young people have many
friends in this city and elsewhere
who wish for them many years
of happiness, and. like I’he
Chronicle, extend in advance
hearty eongrat illations.—Wrights-!
ville Chronicle.
The Georgia and Alabama In
dustrial Index published at Co
lumbus, Ga., says m its regular
1 weekly issue:
“The story of Georgia-Alabnma
! for the past week fairly bristles
! with good business news. The
two states are making substantial
progress along all lines and this
fact is illustrated in a great many
; interesting and striking ways.
“At Atlanta, Ga., contracts
were awarded for $100,(KX) of sew
er construction work. The city
engineer at Birmingham, Alu.,
has just completed plans for a
SBOO,OOO drainage system for one
section of that city and bids will
be invited. At Lyons, Ga., near
ly the entire population assembl
ed to see an officer of the Wriglits
ville, Adrian & Lyons Railway
throw the first shovel full <»f dirt
in the const ruction of the new
road, and in their enthusiasm va
rious prominent citizens seized
shovels and contributed a little
free labor toward the enterprise,
“The spirit of progress seems
to have even invaded the realm of
poesy and classics, if one were to
judge solely by the name, for an
Alabama, county, Baldwin, invi
ted and received bids to build a
steel bridge across the river Styx.
“Dalton, Go., voted 125,000 of
j improvement bonds. Sparta, Ga..
Cairo, Ga., Donalsonville, Ga.
and Warrentou, Ga., also voted
bonds. Butler county, Alabama,
will vote on $1(15,000 of bonds for
I road construction, Gwinett, Geor
i gia, will also vote on good road
i bonds, and Tift county, Georgia
has called an election on the is
suance of $55,000 of bonds for the
erection of a new' courthouse. A
company is being organized at La- j
Grange, (fa., to build a $50,(M0
I During a heavy thunder storm
last Sunday afternoon Rev. 1,. 1,.
Barr and wife, of Glennville, were
jon their way to visit relatives in
Toombs county, they stopped at
a vacant house near Shepard’s
Bridge, to get, out of the storm
and hitched the hows to a wire
fence. Mr. Barr had just gone
into the house and was standing on
the porch, about fifteen feet from
the horses, when there was a
blinding Hash of lightning and
the horses fell as if shot, one of
them, however, was able to get
up ui a few minutes the other was
killed instantly.
The only mark on the buggy
was a spoke knocked out of each
of three wheels.
| Mr. Barr secured a horse from
some one living near by and hitch
ed it with the horse that had been
knocked down and drove to R«idß
jviile.—Tattnall Journal, |
Sheriff Sale.
('■ei’raiH—MontK'uncry CmmO .
Will be Hold hot,,re 'hi court house ilnov in
Mt. Vernon on the tii*i I'iuhilhv in June.
19111, between the hnitri* ol sate, t-o tin
liigtUkt bitUler for etn-h, certain property, ol
which the following La complete Ueact iplion :
All that town lot in the Town of
floperion, (ia., ami bounded on the
north b.v Second street, east by Mis.
Darby, south by an alley a ml west In
‘ lands of Dr. Williams, containing
j one-half acre more or less, being the
place where Mis. Darby now resides,
j Levied oil and will be sold as prop
erty of S. A . Sherrod to satisfy an ex
ecution issued from the t’iry Court
of Ml. Vernon in favor of tin* Peoples
Hank of Soperion against W. 11.
( ollins, Mrs. Sudie Sherrod,A. Gillis
and \V. Mishoe, Being in the pos
session of Mrs. Darby ami written
: notice id' levy given as required. This
May 7, 1910. Jus. Hester,
\V. 1.. W ilson, Sheri If.
A try. for PUT.
Sheriff Sale.
! ttEOItOI V -Montgomery County:
Will he Hold before the court house door in
Mount Vernon on the tlrsl Tuemlto in .linn ,
11*1(1, between the 11-gul hours of side, to the
liiglit-sl bidder lor ciodi, cel-tain propi rty. of
which the following is a complete description:
Twenty-five acres of land lying in
the ItitiSt It G. M. disi t ied (I. M. nl said ’
nullity mid bounded as follow-: On
j the north by lands of B. F. Hamil
ton and Lizzie Darby, east by lands
of A. L. Hamilton and on the south
; by lands of W. It. Adams ami W, 1,.
Calhoun, the -time to I*.- cut off tin'
1 northeastern corner adjacent to It.
F. Hamilton. Said property levied
on and will be sold ns the property
!of Ma ry .1. Call oun lo sat is tv an ex
jectirion issued by D. M. Currie, tux
! collector, for state and county taxes
for the year 1909. Levy made mid
returned to me by Geo. I). -Miller,
constable. Property in po-session ol
Mary .1. Callmun ami written notice
!of levy given according to law. This
April . r ), 1910. Jas. Hester.
Sheriff M. C.
A small quantity of Early Am
ber Cane, 50 cents a peck til Mt.
Vernon Drug Co.’s.
Sheriff Sale.
(leorgin—Montgiiirierv County.
Will ho Hold before the court house door in
Mt. Vernon on the tiral TuwMdryv in June.
1910, between the legal lumr> of Hide, 111 till
highest .1 lid bent bidder for cash. eertniii prop
erty, of which the following in a complete lie
script ion:
That certain tract of land contain
ing twenry acres mure or h-ss. lying
in the 12215 t district <!. M. of said
county and state ami hounded on the
north by lands of W.C. MeCrimmnn,
on the east by lands of Augustus
Calhoun and on the south and west
by lands of Mrs. M. A. Wheeler, the
original tract containing ninety acres ,
more or less, and the said twenty
acres to he cut off the western part
of -aid 90 acres. Levied oil and will
be sold as lb*- properly of Mrs. M.
A. Love to satisfy an execution is
sued by I). M. Currie, tax collector,
against Mrs. M. A. Love for stale and
county luxes for the year 1909. Levy
made and returned to m*‘ by Gi-o. I).
Miller, constable, and written notice
of levy given as required h.v I lie law.
I his the ath day of April, TblO.
James Hester,
Sheriff M. C.
Sheriff Sale.
(iKoKtii A- -Montgomery ('minty :
Will he sold on tin- first Tuesday,
in June, next, before Ihe con rl house
in M t. Vernon. Lfa., between i he law
I fill hours of sale, lo the highest, bid
der for cash, the following properly,
i.o-wit: One hundred and eight ami
lone-fourth aeies, of land, more
lor less in Ihe Seventh Laud
District of said comity ami j
known as Lot. No. 49.7, and being in
[the I Booth District, G. M., of said
] county. Said property levied on as
the property of N. It. Gibbs, Jr., to
I satisfy an execution issued from the;
; City Court of Mt. Vernon,in favor of
*he Mt. Vernon Hank, against N. I’,.
Gibbs. Sr., X. H. Gibbs, Jr., princi
pals, and F. 1!. Me.Bryde. endorser.
Said property in possession of N. B.
Gibbs, Jr. James Hester, Sheriff.
May 4, 1910.
W. M. Lewis, Attorney.
Georgia— Montgomery Comity:
To am. W hom it May coxckiix:
Jacob A. Browning,a resident of this
state, having in due form applied to
the undersigned tor the guardian
ship of the person and property of
Willie Arthur Smith, Lory B. Smith
and James Willed Smith, minor
children of B. L. and L. I Smith,
1 of said county ; said applicant being
do: paternal grandfather of said
(children and having them in charge
jin part. Notice is hereby given that
; the application of Jacob A. Brown
ing will lie heard at the next term of
(the Court of Ordinary of said comi
ty on tin- first Monday in June, 1910.
Witness my hand and official signa
ture, this tlie 2d day of May. 1910.
Alex McArthur, Ordinary M. C.
Win. H. Kent Attorney for Jacob
A. Browning.
(I Eoncf a— Montgomery County :
The appraisers appointed upon I he
application of Mrs. Margaset M.
rivals, for valuation and setting
apart a twelve months support out of
Ihe estate of C. ( . Byals, late of'said
county, deceased, having filed their
return, all persons are hereby re
quired to show cause before the
Court of Ordinary of -ni l county, on
; the hist Monday in June, 1910, why
said application mould not be grant
ed. This, tin- 3d day of May. 1910.
Ah-x McArthur, Ordinary.
Money! Money!
Long Term loans negotiated on
j Improved Farm Lands and also on
i City or Town Real Estate in
Montgomery County at a low rate
f interest. \\ L(‘\\ is,
.\ll. Vernon, Ga.
Save half the work of cultiva
tion by using u Spring-Tooth Cul
i tivator. \<4ueeii sells them.
We have the Stock and are making
Prompt Deliveries at Right Prices. gj
Trace Chains ... „ Backhands |g
Wagon Chains Wllilr IliclvOl’Y WjlgOllS Collar Pads fig
Axes .j. . §, . Horse Collars SzSf
simvi'is* Bloiuit baggies ,„„i,» ®
Fpndi s ( IlilttnilDOti,;! ( 'hilled Plows Wheelbarrows Bf
Manure Forks . Garden Hoes
Potato 1 bggers Olivcd (’hilled Plows <; ,ni.n im-w- g;
Cotton lines iv i *i , Posthole Diggers yrq
.in,i. a (.nano 1 listribut«.is g
Rakes Cotton Planters lMmv I ’" ints §8
Plow Eines . Plow Bolts jS
r plow Bridies Planet Jr. Cultivators smgie Trees m
Jm Wagon Harness \i - ■ ii i i ' • Names jrti
| Buggy Harness » IIV I lei <I I (‘IIC 111- Name Smugs |
©,©~o©o.©oo Wire Poultry Fencing woo©ooo 0 ffi
00© ©0 000 0,0 00 00 0 0 p
Or lot 11 s have vour inquiries at any time go
1 McRAE & BRO.f
For high grade pianos and or
gans and other musical instru-!
incuts, call and see or write the
Helena Music Co., Helena, Ga.
Factory Representatives of the
\\ r . W. Kiinhall Co. Everything
! up-to-date and terms to suit the
, buyer Make your home happy
and pleasant with a high grade
Kimball piano, the best in the
world. 5-5-ts.
Notice is hereby given that ul
the approaching session of tile \
1 General Assembly of Georgia, to
lie held during I In* summer of lit
1(4, a bill will he introduced to he;
I entitled An Act to incorporate
the town of Ivaldii in the County!
; of Montgomery, State of Georgia ;
to define the corporate limits ol
said town ; to provide I >r a mayor
and aldermen and other officers of
jsaid town; to prescribe the com-j
pennation of said mayor and ill- |
Ulermen ; to prescribe their powers
* and duties; to confer upon tie
mayor and aldermen of said town
! the power to enact municipal or
dinances and for penalties tor the
violation of the same; and to pro
vide for all matters of municipal
[concern of said town, and for
other purposes.
Cotton Seed Menl.
Ten tons of best grade cotton
seed ne-al on hand. Do not want
to carry it over. A bargain to a
quick buyer. See me at once.
James Kowi.kk,
Snperton, Ga.
Notice to Debtors and Creditors.
All cr*-d i 1 ors of i lie *-sf ah- of Smart
Kohiiisou, lute of Montgomery coun
ty, deceased, are hereby notified to
render in t heir demands to tin* un
dersigned according lo law and all
i persons indebted lo said estate are
l inquired to make immediate pay
ment In me. This. Mar«di Kith. 1910.
It. F. AL BA I-..
Kxeeiiior of tin \Y iil id Smart Itoh
» in si in'. * 3-17-OL
A lot of old papers for sale at
I his office. The very I hing for put -
ting under carpets, mattings,rugs, ;
etc. Ry their use carpets will wear
longer •and the house kept warm
er; also good for papering lumse*.
For Sale.
Second-hand store fixtures, con
sist,mg of show cases, scales, oilj
tank, etc., at a bargain.
J. VV. Balm Kit,
Gd. .J. A. Riddle, Aib-y, Ga.
All kinds Repair Work. Iron,
and Wood. Fine line ol Bicycle 1
Material oil hand. 11igh-Grad*'j
Repair Wok on Bicycles, Sewing
Machine-, Guns, Rcvolv'-rw and I
'Clocks. See in*- before placing j
your work; 1 will save you money.
Work promptly and neatly dint* 3
|! Genuine Eastern Grown |
('J') illso X
>) Early Amber Cane %
% Sorghum |
<£> Beets *
| | |
Keiituekv Wonder Colden :i\ (*}
j & and Dwarf Lima Leans j§!
(f) A Iso Marrow'tut and Telephone Leas ($
| IN LI LK (ahhage Hants |
lintt«r <Jet Your Supply Karly
I |
Qi) lourn truly
; J AS. K. Cl 11 It IK, Mi.u. . g
I regard Dr. King's New Discovery as the grandest medicine of
modern times. One bottle completely cured me of a very bad
cough, which was steadily growing worse under other treatments.
Mt. Vernon Drug Co ; Palmer Drug Store,
Ailev; Rivers Drug Company, Glen wood.
v 7 e? i v /