The Montgomery monitor. (Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County, Ga.) 1886-current, June 02, 1910, Image 4

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Thf first week in May there wha
held m St. I, hi- u national meet
ing of two rmri' iiltural aa-ocia-
tions, the Farmers’ Fu ion iiM«i
the Ainerieaii Society of Fruity. I
But it seem- that at Hvm' gath- :
ermgs farmer- <leolin«d to gather. .
When I'resirlent Pa ft spoke the
house was not two tiiirda fu I.
When others spoke file audience
rarely numbered .'Vxi in a hall ae- |
commodatmg 7.< ,1 >0. The lira! j
day there were 175 delegtifea and
t he spci Hid day 275
It ih idle to expect n large gath
ering of practical farmers in the
month of May, when the call o n
the crop i keeps them at home.
May i* a good month for politi
cians to gather ; it is a good month j
for musical festivals and theatri
cal performances :but far
mer* <'an afford to leave their
business at, home and travel a
score of miles or a thousand miles
to lie present lit these meetings.
There was some discussion as to
the benefit a that hail come from
the combination of farmers, from [
tin pooling of tlo ir crops. Some j
words of warning were uttered.
Mr. Campbell ('antrill, Congress
man from tie- S'-venth Kentucky
district, and connected with tie
organ i/at ion of the hurley pools
in that distriet. gave sonie inter
esting informal ion as to tin- con
dition of the tobacco interests at
t Ins t ime.
He said: “Tobacco sold by pool
in Hnih brought on an average of
15 cents a pound. It was com
posed of tin- crops of lOOff and;
l‘.N»7, and in IIXtM tin- fanners in
the pool raised no t.obaaco, "
The cron of M*<)9 is now coming
in, said Mr. ('antrill. and is prac
tically all pledged to the pool.;
“The general idea is that it should
be sold tor Is cents. Clint idea
is wrong." The price, he said,
“must not be advanced but re.
duced. It is too high. Not only
will Kentucky grow too much,but
high prices induce other com- j
imimties to embark in the husi-j
less. Indiana, Ohio, Illinois,
Missouri Tennessee are now grow
ing white hurley tobacco and tiiej
crop is getting beyond control.;
The price cantijtbe held at oven
15 cents," ,
Mr ('antrill is right m the 1
statement that IS cents nr lucent* i
will extend the area of white bur- ,
b y tobacco and lend to a recession 1
in prices that will lie disastrous to
tlie farmers.
In other win- pooling has been |
beneficial. The lui versos turkeys
for the Chicago market had forc« “
ed ihe price down to (1 cents. The
farmers, pooling a whole county,;!
have been aide to bring the price 1
up to I*2 or Iff cents, selling the j
whole to a single buyer and thus -
avoiding the needless duplica- !
Lion of buyers and sellers and the <
expense ol many trips to town on
the one hand and to the country
on the other. 11. one and Farm.
Koine, G a., Mav 27 —While a |
terrible storm was raging Tims
d.»\ at •> o’clock tivo desperate
wtute prisoners escaped from!
Flovd county jail, making in al
twenty-two escapes from the jail
during the past year.
The ring-leader of this last es
enjw* was Claude I‘errm, alias
Echols, who lias escaped tbret
tunes previously from the sunn
jail and who was recaptured a
w.'ek ago after a running fight
with the 'dicers, in which lie was
wounded in one hand. He broke
his handcuffs, sawed thru the
bars and released four other pris
oner*. who broke out of basement
w mdow s
offi ers are searching for all.'
but none has been recanturad.
Stuekev. tia . May 29, 1910.
Hear Editor:
Will you please allow me space
ID your valuable paja'r to thank
the friends and n« gltbors for
their many kindnesses to mvself.
and family during the ia«t illness!
and death of m\ wife. Kspecial-i
3y do 1 want to thank Hrs Kiv.-r
--and Morrison. All that medical
skill and loving hnrids could do
W.ts d lie. I shall ev.-r hold ill
loving remembrance every k.ud
tot and sympathetic word.
Gratefully yours,
B. F. Hart
I )i. i*l. .tmiotid- * mV < 4mli<bu-v for the
i of f jf-rlt of Hm N’uperior llrmrf of M<»nt
gom# ~,ii t\. *s ll i» r • < r to tf <( action of the
Ifen-mcr.iiic pr inarv. If «ducted. I promise Ut i
discharge the HoAifNnf lilt- offi'T fkithfilllj' and
jin h biminesH-Hk*- manner- Thanking you in
I advance for yotir stippot, I am
Verv r» *p# «t fullv.
m t„ oisniF.N.
For Clerk Superior Court
M* jti.fii'K* • f'»r '■ tlie oftir*-,,f
I Clerk "I til' -'|||S.|l .1 < "tirt IS Ex t'ir*' the |>«o*
.1, ..f ■ The. f*rt that I have l» <D
i lioii.'O-l with tii. o(fl< • I.r a repeated tel ol
i no' ,le*i :t.■ r«•<I from mv labors sad niv < sr-
H-t II ~1. to til lit in .111 iM-et-plsble manner, j
IS 1h • I Sill, till r« ford will show 1 am fa
all, ir a itl. tin main- dime* of tin office and
fI am ii/ain favored with the position i'shall ;
1 still liavo niv las, ertorta. fu this • lid ! *-ar* ,
. lestli aolieit the aupport of the people of rliv j
; .ativ. .-. aaly at tin eniaiag elect ion.
Vei l reapectfully.
J. i Otl.llol V
lor Clerk of Superior Court.
To the Vnt. I-of Montgomery caitnn I an
: none, aivsell ,i ealidillate tor ttie office of
| Icik of tin Superioi Court, s.ihjeet to the
lllim. rate- pitman. I'hiinkiiiK lay friends
for tin- eaeotir ai'etaerit slreadv given me. arid ,
■ olienha; ion, sapriart. ar.d hoping to have
the pleasure of sliowinp ray appi l elation, 1 so,
Vours i erv trail.
1). I; (IKAHAM.
i’ll the l'*opb mi \|ontK<»ni<T\ (founty:
Kitun 1.. 1 lit*ve hud a laudable ambi
• ion tM i#s |. i I'Kfn i flu- i‘Minify i*t in v nativity in
Mic (M-niuiii Legislature. Yielding to th#*
Hf I.CSt HMlli-ttMtlnllfr "f fl ICWIf ill I VITV 11‘H.U
ts Molltg 'IHIV .-Millltv I IllliliY HUIIOIUIC#'
env <<ll a candidate foi tin liMWi i I|mi|4«'ol tfo
next IH 111 \-«.|,|l»|\ of < H'Oltf la, tM
fhi< urtiMii Ms OiiiHM iiitii* ptiiiiiiiy, hlioiilH
(.111 111 hi*l«l. I pIMIIIIMI 111 mIVHIHT tM (to mv
full 1 1 1• tv in < a:-. I .in H* i tcd ouo j
and all I"f VMtir ..import. I ri iiniio
Yoiiib v» t > truly aud loyally.
WM. I'.. K I N I'.
I or kcpiesenlHtive.
Mo lici fa»i*hiofin hit% fi it*ii(U from dif*
f.i.nt pn 11 m .if tin enmity mirXpeeted tunic, ;
I 1 1 . 11 hy iiMit'Hiin m v niodldacv for Itoprc
aeiltiitivi m! \|M|itKon»ci V rouuty. nil'jcet t.o
Mo i < nitirritib- pnmtiry. It is mv nnibitiou :.u j
*» r. «• in v eom t \ to flu* Kfood of h**i people.ami
if . lected I will t.iitldully din my duty 1
t« ilo |»« hi of mv ability I * arm*atl\ aolieit j
xmiii Hiipport I ttiii Yoiim to Hei'vo,
It . .1. Kllall 1 .
f'or Representative
I lia v • derided to npns. nl rv ■
•irip.h m ilo ih *t tieiieial Ahhimiiliv.
I m not bi voteH, beeftUH»- I do not J
think I have to, in onbo to b< elected.
Aoiit -t for holM Ht dealing*.
.1 A. CoriCSKY.
April I. UMO.
/or Representative.
I »in t • amlidiite lot the tb neral A-*wemhly
front ry eminty, and it the people
will favor me with ilit* Innior, I pledge mv
bent ( Ihot toward then m rvice. m tin? foil
hciihc of a re| n Hentativ»- «if the people, sub
jecting mv Candida, v tii tin action of th*- pri
,nm" . and .inking tin kind counidei Rti«*u of
tin- public, I am Yoiii* very truly.
I OK Sill Kil l :
1 herchv Htitiotim • in\ h« If a candidate for
th* oilier'of Sheriff of Montgomery county ;it
th. election I otl'er inV- |
hell Hiinject to *ln ucthm *f the />om<>eia«ic
pi limit vof Haul county I have had consider- i
abb t \licijence in the •Into s >d the oltice Slid j
pi iiiifc if elected to x*t\e tin- people a faith- 1
lui, ciiiiaen iitnniH and cftii lent admiiiiMti ation.
Sidioitn g tlie auppoit ot tin- people «etier
al)\ Imn f ours truly,
\ v 17 I’Hf.t. DA NIKI. MOKItISON.
KOK Shi Kll »•:
T«» tin* People of MontKoinei N Knuntv
M. » .indidacv f»n 1 e-ehvtion to t hr* ofMct* of
Sheriff of Moiitnoineia couut> ia Indole hor
Kood peoph and I feel that tin- situation Mill
Mill rant me in asking tin Halite cordial *i\p- j
p.'it nivei» un m tin.** my rtiHi term. I truat |
tfial III) Inh'.iH h:i\ c been found aci*cpt«lhle to
th* i*uhllt ,ai d in ahkiii;: tin further HU|>port
of niy t« ii-o\ eiti/.eoH, I pledge anew my moat
i arm at itVnits in the of tin dutloa
mI th* orb-.* I « mii hut I Mint t*» my ’record,
ami ask UiHt tin name n* coiiHidei«»d at the
app eb*» tn*n. With further AsHurau
it. of ill\ \|»i’relation, l he;* to l« main
N oni obedient sci vaiit,
Hor lax Kccciver:
I’n tin Voter* of Montgomery t’omtty.
I take 1 1n - method of publicly announcing
my catnh lac\ for r» -i U ction to the office of
lb * « iv el <>t fax IteluiUN. subject to the iub*a
of th* KxeetlliVe t’oHHUitt» » I elite! this
1 imc*‘nunanom b d by any alham’C
what* YkT.aud l pi»*nnse if* le* te»l to discharge
| the dttticH id the “Hke with promptn* as and
with * iptH-1 injhth n« all and special pm «
ito non• a*>d l f'ivth* r promia** it favtired with
' tint, th }.»r another term t*» voluntarily j
i retire it Ihe expiration of such aivond term
\ lira v* ry truly,
\V. If b Nlt X l’l. \IIK.
I or Tax kevcivcr
l’o tlo Voters *f Montgomei '. i'utility :
Yn Miik t*> wttonK p riucm cs in my t:i\*>r, I
|p*» oby . nnounc* niNnelt an aspirant tor the
. otfii * ..f lux H* xi'it *»f thin c.mnty, and lj
earnestly >sk tin kind lamsideiatton ot my ,
fellow . i*m n> l feel that mv iiuaHticalioiis j
jsistDx th* r* i]U* -t, *nd that my luboi s would •
pn»\e «»*»** ptahle t«’* tin- p« ople whom l ask to
fix*. It ol*i !• 1, it will U mv than* to till
‘ tb* pis* * !*• ih* h* at .*f my ability. in« it
m\ eiiTir* im* and attention when required.
Askn ; that my Ukptest be tfivrn considera- 1
lion .s» tin polK. ai d in a*v n<l with theruha,
l am V. » v truly yours,
I!* s. Pkavx.
t or Tav Kiiciier.
!’.■ »h- Cih/, tn» of Mon'gom.-i v C>„rn*y:
I herd,* anmnnu c rms.ll a . fu I
be iffi. c o! l-\ li.s'cii ci .'f M.niß.imci y
•suin'' subj.. i !•■ ih< action . t flic Pcrnoctat- 1
u tAiiMiin, i onimiVn-c. 1 promiac. if i
o<i. t. tiin,-lrari{c 110 .Inti, s of ihc office l« *hc
l>«*t Imi ab'iiili an. l vainest!* solicit the i
i sup).o> tof !h. )>c«iptc.
Vour* vnv truly.
J“HN li.,
A- *«>. .ins .nti/. ii . f V intgomcrv roun
ty at. i *i nii; lh« inti t. s’> of tbc onlut,v and ‘
, at h. sir. 1 (for inv-elf » .-amlidalc for
ill. otfi ... T«v Collect.« suoj.-ol t.i the ri - j
i air id mu- >1 -<n-l< prnnari cb.-tion a* mav bf j
lat.-i provi.b-d 1 fed that my lons .»»viv
tioti i \flsiis tHo . uni' mil maiit
th. -upp'iiof th. p..'plc, an A I . them I
pic 1,0 nil . »rn. st . n.i. .n rs in the fulfill- i
in. nt tmi lull. - incumbent men ihc .iffi. v.
if 1 ah.uiM be taxorct with it. ami to thia vn.i
1 . am call* ask Ihc *U) (Mu t ol m> ft iendft ami
ret).‘a liliivui. R<-*{>tv:fuHv
b. F COul tB
(for Tax Collector:
Havim.' formerly withheld n»y cindidacv for
public office at the instance of friends. I am
' now before tlie voters of Montgomery conntv
, s*e a candidate for Tax follector; and I trust
that this formal announcement will have th*
approval of those friends who l«av* already
tender*d th*-ir support, together with the'
Hiipport of the people generally. If I should
be favored with this important trust. I pledg*
my le st efforts in the discharge -»t the duties
j of tlie office, feeling that rp\ experience in tin !
' bp-hie***, world md my acquaintan *• with th*-
i public affair* of the county will merit the favor
of the public. I am utumcuinbr*-d. and the i
l*g«l dlschaigf of the dnties the oftic*-
shall be mv guid* and mott*, Tiusting that
I rns v hav.« opportunity of allowing rav appr*-
«riatiori of support and plftcirur my Candida*
j cy subject to silt h resti ictions a** may h»
vid*-d for th** ejection. I am
lb-spec tfully,
A. 1. finlmis.
Hor Tax Collector.
I‘rofoundlv grateful for the favor shown me
• l»v the people of Montgomery county in nriy
♦ lection to th* office of 'l ax Collector, and hav
ing tlie ctuiHciiMisriess of having devoted my
best efforts t<* their sir vice dining the term, I
again offer for the place. I h-el sure that tbs
voters ot the county will still honor tin* custom
of an officer filling two terms, in which his
work \n mot r * fleet iv# . and to tins end 1 humb
,lx ask the continued favor of the people. M>
work as on offn-er is open to the p«*ople and I
will dou by appieciat* th*t favor «if another
r* iin as the s* rvaut of the people of my native
county. Yoiu obedient servant.
1). >l. CUKHIK.
Hor Tax Collector:
T'i th*- Voters of Montgomery County:
Yielding to strong influences m mv favor, I
hereby announce myself u. candidate foi Tbx
Collector of this county; and I * aruestly ask
the kind eoti-id« iHti*»n *»f ri\ fellow citi/.ens.
I feel that my «|UHJiflcatn»io» justify the n
(|U* .-(, and that mv labors would prove accept
aide to tlie peoph whom I ask »*• serve if
elected if will be my desire t » till the office to
1 bent of mv ability, giving it my entire lime
i and attention when reqt ir**d. Mv candidacy
is subject to the requirements that may be j
provided for the election of county otticeis.
Yours verv tmlv,
J M. ('. TltClM T.
Hor Tax Collector.
To tin- Citizens of Montgomery Countv:
We, tin- und**rsfgtied of our own will, and |
without his knowledge,hereby announce .1. W .
A lain- .i umbdate foi the oflfic#* of Tax Col
-1 h i-Uir *»t Montgomery county. subj**ct to flu*
j rules **f tin- J>em*icratie primary. Wo «J*> this
: under the firm conviction tint, judging from
| his ,:ast service s, he will nmke a faithful and
efficn nt «*flii-ei if elected; and we hesp**ak lor
i him y*»m hearty support.
Verv truly vours,
Hor Tax Collector.
I he voters of Montgomery county are here
i by notified that I am a candidate, and earnest
ly ask their support, for th* office ol Tux Col-
I lector, subject to such restrictions is may be
* provided by th« Kxeeutive Committee n*gn
-1 luting the ele«*tioli of county *tfficeJH. Tlie *>f
th*e will have mv m*»st earnest attention if 1
im favored with it and >our consideration will
he great 1\ appl ecilited. K*-peettuliv,
/ or Tax Collector:
I h**rehy announce myself a candidate foi
the office of Tax Collector *>! Montgomery t
countv, subject to tie* action of tin- Democrat
ic primary. 1 earnestly solicit the support
of tin* people generally.
Your* very truly,
J. A. Mahhn.
Hor Tax Collector.
ID this method l desire to fully place my
self before tin- voters "I Montgomery county
;ih .1 candidate f«.» the office of lax Collector;
and while I am making an earnest effort for
tin- place, 1 desire to e toil th*- cordial support
ol the people. Am h citizen, 1 deem this one
oi the most important offices in the county,
land that it requires the work of a careful,
competent and couseienti*»UM man, observing
the law in an impartial manner: and in th*
ev» nt of election, shall puisne thbcouise with !
diligence In ndv&m * 1 extend thanks for
th*-support that may be accorded meat the.
i polls, and subjecting nr. candidacy to such
| rules as may he provi led by the county gov
erning committee, I :tm
Yours veiy respectfully,
1. F. WtLI.IAMS.
Hor Tax Collector.
I taki this method of informing the votors
of Montgomery county that 1 am in the race
Kir the office of fax C'*db*ctor **l this county,
and that 1 am especially anxious for their snp
|wet in the coining primary. My candidacy is
snbj«*ct to such rules hs may be provided hy
the I'xecutive t’omniittc* n gnlating suoli
electhm. A strict business attention shall be
given tlie office if I am favored with it.
Ri spectfully,
Hor County Treasurer:
l triiiit that th* next Legislature will an
imi th*• "ffice of Countv Tn aioirei, since the
time is here when it is an unnecessary * x
: is-use to tli*' tax pavers ot the several coiinti* s.
If th*- Legudatare at th* approaching
tails t<* abolish this office, lam a t
i rVi Hjuiir m Montgomery coumy »m the follow
I mg conditions.
Ist. 1 piopos*- to give good and sufficient
bond for the safe handling of the county
J l. Ido not pm j to take one cent of
, commission from any funds received or dis
; bnrstsl. #
H»l. I purp>*s*‘ to k* »*p th* rt iasurei *H books
■ in correct shape, and w hen the records are
«>\ainni*-d. and everything found in collect
shape, th* County < oimmsp loners can pay m*
Three Hundred Dollars
Tins will result in a saving of twelve hun- 1
1 tired dollars to th*- tax payers **f the county,
flu* question is iow up t<* th* f »x payers *»1
the i-Miitity. us to whether th**v want t»v pay
a rusn flflt*en »*r three hundred dollars ♦ -r tilts
I work. Soliciting th* support <»f the people *.f
the county on th*- above conditions, l am
) OIU n Vel'V 1 1 IIIv.
J T the Voter* of V«mtgoma*rT County:
I hereby annntituN myself an a candidate
, foi the offici* -*t i rcas’iit-r of Monigoinety
| i-ountv on th** f«>tlowmg *Nondition«: It ih*
1(< gisUturt- does not abolish the office of the
I Countv rrcasnrer at th* n* xt **. ssiou, v while
, 1 am in favoi >*f same b*-ing abolished >
1 will it elected giv* .x satiafactoiv bond t»>
guaraut*« the handling f all binds.
I will keep the Treasurer * in corr *c;
>ltap«, and will a-*k for my servic* sas Couutv
T‘r**asui« r. only Two Hiindt« d and Fifty l>ot
lars. f*/50.> per y«ar. 1 realize that the ffice
! of Treasure r »s an unnixvasary expense to the
t#\-p*ver* of tfit county, henc*' >ff. i uoysi-lf as
; a andidate at the amount mentioned.
I hilwvt* I am fall' competent t*» hold the
•ffi* «*. an l iw-u.g a cripple, unable t-o n A
l tan afford t«* accept tin office for a smaller .
amount as salar y than si y **th«r man.
1 mii unable r m i all the voters poraonalh,
but Mil ait ** lx KH"W t n great many of you
si*d will certainly appreciate y*»ur support in j
! the v-omiog * Iscfioti.
I Y wirs verv tmlv,
For Tax Collector
In i*omj'hauci* with tli* ?*-*ii• • 11 a* it*n* es mv l
friend#, I ink* tin- method *.f »iiiioiun-mg to
tl,t voter* of Mm fir m* t> inunu 'hi f I xni i
.«-for the oftin r'Txx «’<>lle. toi. -ib- j
j.,-i i>, the piiniitiy. If *Te< - te<l, I pinnM-*’ i
i ittlifnl diwhaigi of the iliitwi* of the otliee.
your* reejiertfoUv,
For County Treasurer.
I hereby annoum e through thi- milium mi
candidai i foi the ofti<-e of Treumter ol vino p
■ otro i v county. Htibji-i-t to the a.-tn.o of the
i Detnoera’ic piimaiy. If I mu favored with
'hie tniet I will dmcharf{< the dunce .f tie
oflii-e a* the lew inquiri- and in a »tt ict hu-i 1
new* manner. 1 wi»h to thank tin citizene . f
tni county for their cordial mi|ii> - >i'l in the
! canpaiun. and trnat that I may a«am hav.
; their eupjHirt in tny earrieat cflorta for the
I lilac,..
Very Truly,
.1. W. Mobrison, Sr.
,’o the Voter* of Montgomery fomi'y.
I hereby announce my-ell a candidate sot
i the office of Comity School CominiKaioner. and
Hi announcing my Candida* - ), I deaire to kjv
tiiat. having been actively and escliiaivelv
I enxaifed in achnol woik in tbia i-nunty
•sot a number of yearn pant, I am fully
converaant with the need- and requirements
ot the common achool*.
I will have no other buaineaa to ent*ase my
time and attention, and in aoiiciliuK yonimin
|,oi t, I pledlp mvaelf, it elected, not to make
the dlltie* ot the office a eecondaty cotiHidei -
ation, but to give my time and attention fully
thereto. Thauhing vuu in advance for any fa
rm a you may bentow on me. Yonra ttnlv,
J. if AI'LD.
To tin- ri'i/cua of Montgomery County:
1 hereby announce myself a candidate fm
the office ol County School Comml-aionei ol
Montgomery county, subject to such t xamina
f non, rules and regulations as may be pn
-cubed by the State Hoard of Education and
I tin State School Coni'nisMioner, and tin- law
governing the election of county school com
Also subject to such rules and regulations
ss may lm made by the Executive Committee
i~f Montgomery comity, if said rules art- eon
i sistent with the requirements ot the slate au
t In in ties.
I have always stood for ami advocated the
education of the masses "t the people, for het
lei scmiols and hetter educational advantages
if elected, I promise to give mv undivided
attention to the school affairs of the county
1 and shall put forth every effort to make out
1 schools better each year.
i In the oast 1 have had the hearty co-opera
tion of the people that were interested in bet
id schools ami better education, and I ear
| neatly solicit tli“ir support during this cam
paign. Yonra very truly,
A. li. Httchehon.
To tin* CitizuiH of Montgomery County!
I hereby tttinmince mymdf u candidate for
the orti(*.»* of County School CommiHsioitbr of
Montgomery eountv, subject to all lawful rnics
an<l .fgulatioiirt governing the election.
1 am a college ami normal trained teacher
twelve yearn experience in -event! rountiea ot
tin State. Thin training and experienceqiiti
ifh-H nn tor the office.
1 *tand for improved method* in education !
.and lor tlu hetter education of the muses*. I
promise, if elected, to discharge ail the duties •
j of the office h* tlie heat of iny ahiiitv
Thanking you in advance for the support
tiiat may be accorded me. I am.
Very respectfullv.
Bids Wanted.
Hills tire wanted by tin* Board
of Education l»y <>r before Wed
nesday, .luneGst, 1010, tor the
> building school houses at Austin
afid I valdti.
Plans for the Hchool house to
lie built at Austin may he seen by
calling on W. A. Peterson, Mt.
Vernon or on Jas. W, Sharpe,
Austin, Ga. Plans, etc., for the
bouse to he built at Cvalda may
be seen by calling on J. J. Moses
at Cvalda, Ga.
A. B. Hutcheson, C. S. C. .
*5124 Montgomery Co., Ua.
Field Boas for Sale.
Planting Peas in any quantity
from one bushel to five hundred
bushels. Peas are Running Speck
led, slightly mixed with l’n-|
known. Nice, new, clean stock, in [
good bags. Price $2.00 per bushel
at Tennille, Ga. In ordering small ;
lots s**nd money order, check or
express order. In large lots we
will ship order notify. Farmers’
orders solicited. Give shipping,
point and postoffice. Our refer
ence; Any batik in PenniUe, (fa.
Raises Sl Company,
3, 10-t f ) Tennille, Lia.
For Sale—Brick Yard
Entire plant for sale, including.
Engine, Boiler, Bru-k Machines
and trackage, complete for opera
tion. Near Ml Vernon on the S.
A. L. Kv. Applv at once to
113-ts) Mt. Vernon, Ga.
I . .
Shepard’s Fly Guard for sale
at Mt. Vernon Drug Co.
Seed Peanuts.
We have the genuine North Car
olina Seed Peanuts at seven cents
per pound. See us for seed.
Mcßae A Ban., Mt. Vernon, Ga.
80 Thousand for sale, prices from
S3O upward.
For catalogue, prices, etc - ., write
J. C. THORN BP RG, Helena. Ga.
At tv at Law,
Mt. Vernon, Georgia- 1
1 I
| Monuments, Tombstones
>7 .■ .
We desire to inform the peop
| this section that we have oper
first-class marble business in
lia. Wc are prepared to fm
I on short notice anything in the
of Monuments, Tombstones, C
< mental Iron Fencing, etc.
Designs the latest and most eo
!and tasty. Prices are right,
work will give satisfaction.
| Yidalia, Ga.
= . . ■ ...... ■-
j John H. Hunter, Wm. K. Pearce,
jj Cotton Factors Naval St
| Upland Cotton, Florodora,
Allen Silk A Other Extra Stapl
\ Sea-Island Cotton & Naval S
I One of The Largest Factorage Concerns in the Soutl
* Commodity handled in a Separate Departmeij
i Strictest Attention to Each.
Nitrate of Soda and Other Fertil
Upland and Sea-Island Baggin
Ties and Twine.
Liberal Advances made on Consignments. Monel
;! to Cotton and Naval Stores Shippers on Approved Sej
121] Hay Street, East. SAVANNA
These arrivals and departures published only a
information, and are not guaranteed.
|i Schedule Effective January 3d,
1* Lv. Mr. VERNON all trains daily.
________________ ____________________
]! lo ;2 S a. in. • For Helena, Abbeville, Corded
1’ Amerieus, Columbus,
!• 5:22 p. m. Montgomery, and all poi)
ill *
5 r>:47 a. in. For Lyons, Collins, Savannq
4 :f>B p. m. and all poi
For further information, reservations, rates, etc.,
c nearest Seaboard Ticket Agent, or write
R. H. STANSELL, A. G. P. A.,
!; Savannah, !
| Spring Milline
i The «irls and ladies should see
i once and make selections for E
* MRS. J. L. ADAMS, Mt. Vei
• *********************'