Newspaper Page Text
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Mms Addin Burch is spending;
the week at the home of heruncl*v
Mr John G. Morn*, of near her«-. i
Mr. Charles Beugnot and son,
Will, spent th<* day in Uvalda
Mr. W. Fred Me A ihet-er and
sister, Miss Belle, visited home
loiks at Lougpond last Sabbath.
Hicks Brothers are tin- i<:<* men, j
and they " ill supply you on de-j
Dr. Curtis Coleman ran down
to Jacksonville on business Fri
day last.
Miss N«ttt Mu*- bans is visiting
ln*r sister, Mis* I). 1, Conner,
since the close of the U B. Insti
tute, of which slit* has been a stu- j
M iss Willie I,' u Cochran is at-;
tending the commencement oxer- j
risen of the Georgia Normal Jt In-'
dustrial College ut M illedgevill'-
this week .
It your horse needs a clipping,'
have it done in toe best, manner at ;
Hicks’ Livery Stables. ts l
Col. Will Stallings of Soper-,
ton was a business visitor here
For Sale —Carload of dressed
lumber, on F. B 1 Hill. Apply
loJ. J) Itabun, Mt. Vernon, (In.
After being ill fur sometime,!
Miss Urania M -Rae has lieen ta-!
ken to Atlanta for treatment.
Lewis Burch visited friends in
Lyons Friday of last week.
Mr. .1 \\ Bunt,well, represent- ,
ing the Savannah Morning News,
stopped over a few hours Tuesday, j
Jesse and Billie Kr.ght have re-1
turned from Blackshear, where i
the are students in the Presby- j
teriul Institute at that place.
Mr. C. S. Johnson, a progress
ive merchant of Alston, paused j
through here Tuesday en route to
High-grade cheese and butter to!
bo kept on ice during t he summer. >
M. K. Fountain, Mt Vernon, Ga
Miss Ruby MeQahoe attended
services out at Oak Grove last.,
Sabbat h
Rev. II C. Brew ton is attend- !
mg the cominencemont exercises
of the W'aycroes public schools
this week, lie has a son who will
graduate there this week.
Mrs. Dame of Homerviile is
visiting her parents. Rev. atui
Mrs II C. Brew ton.
Have your horses clipped in the
correct manner, at Hicks’ Stable.
Rev K F. Morgan, presiding
elder of the Mcßae district, held
a conference at Lougpond last |
Thursday, preaching in Mt. Ver
non in the evening.
I Quarterly Report of 'Town Council.
Stilt-m-nt >f tli! r*«. .‘i|»t~ mid <lisliursin' > Mt! i >f the r>'»i) 1
# of Ms Verooo, for t h«- ftrat quart* begin mg Jumurv l at, ;!
1910, and ending March the HUt, 1910. j!
j | RECEIPTS. j;
Amuiuit received fr on the Council id 1900 $ 0089 ||
<; Street T ax ,v h of tirst quarter 88 2ft jj
!| Fine* and forfeiture* 81 AO !>
1! For picture lieenne 1* oO ]!
! | 1 uip unding lv>g* 1.76 ;!
Total $220 89
! | Paid MaraliaPa salary I 00.00 ij
!' Marshal's cost in two caaea 200 ;[
] | Caleb Hamilton for one \ 22.60 j
|| W K Crawford for plowing ICO !
! .1 \V Hughe.- for repair on Uat Depot oSO ;!
Heard Orooerj Co . for meal and hull* 28.00
P Freight on meal and hull* 286 P
I i 0. F Cooper for hriek work s Ck) ;!
1/ewis Aht one day a work .ei ]j
< For hm<* and cement 2 ;*0 o
!! For brick 82.90 ;!
j! For stamp* 16 j!
P J. E. Mcßae, coat in cnee* a» clerk 560 ;;
P Balance on hand April Ist 49.88 !jj
| ; Total # 220 89 '
Done by order of Mavor and Council May 20th, 1910.
J. E. Mcßae. Clerk.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A Mason were j
in Savannah yesterday.
Mi-- Lvra Thompson is visiting
friends in Vidalia this week.
Rev. and Mrs. H.U. Fentress,
jof Wilcox county visited relatives
in this county last week. Mr.
Fentress was one of the tirst reg
iiliu Methodist preachers in this
county. This was many years
' ago, when he had the entire coun
ty as a field of lohor, and he :s
pleasantly remembered by many
The political waters have been
troubled in Montgomery during
the past week, but With w hat re- *
suits it cannot vet be determin- I
i ed.
Miss Lida Pritchett of Dublin
is visiting her friend, Miss Flor
ence Adams, smith of Mt. Vernon.
Miss Mamie Migg* visited in
V alalia Tuesday.
Misses Lizzie and Kmuia Mor
ins of Charlottesville spent yes-'
terduv with the family of their
; brother, Mr. S. B. Morris, of this
Col. Eugene Taltnadge was in
Uvulda on business Tuesday.
Mr. Willie T. McArthur of Me |
' CJrcoir was a business visitor here
j yesterday.
Sj.«-finl Torn
Mr. Austin Hurst is at home to j
spend a few days with friends
and relatives, lb* will go back to
N’ormant.own in a few days.
The Union Meeting wai quite a
success. Many old noquaintences
wer* with us during the three
| days.
Mr. Herschel Browning is again
in our midst.
Miss Mary Stuckey left Mon
day to attend commencement in
Me Rae
i Miss Beulah Bailey of Frick
; spent a few days of last week
verv pleasantly ut the home of
Mr. M Jenkins.
Mr Julian llattnway returned
• to Sycamore Monday, after spend
ing a few days with relatives and
fi le ids here. lie was accompani
ed by Ins brother, Kminett.
Messrs. Richard Rockett, Sea
born Smith and —Carpenter from
Vululia came over to the Union
Meet mg
Miss Delle Flam left Saturday;
t o spend a few days in Mcßae, !
the guest of her sister.
Mrs L ChuvoiiH and littD son, !
William, spent last week w‘ith rel
atives here. |
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Stuckey
spent a few day* w ith home tolks
! last wi*ck.
Ailey Paragraphs. I
Several of the young folks from I
Alley were pleasant visitors in Vi-|
I dalia Sunday afternoon Ail re
port a nice 1 1 me.
James, the liitie son of Mr and
Mrs. T. A. Petorson, is quite sick
lat this writing. We hope for an ,
! early recovery.
Mrs. B L. Strickland and ohil-j
dren are spending some time in !
South Georgia, visiting relatives.
Misses Ala Peterson and Liia
Riddle are visiting relatives in
Vidalia this week.
Mrs. M. L. Skipper, our excel
lent post mistress,spent a few days
of last week in Uvalda and Als
ton, the guest of relatives.
Miss Mamie Conner is visiting
in Forsyth this week.
Mr. A. F Mclntyre, of near
Alley spent Sunday in Macon,the
guest of his best girl.
Miss .Jesse Mae Peterson has re
turned home from Gainesville,
where she has been attending Bre
Miss Lillian Clifton of Cedar
! Crossing is visiting on College
Hill, the guest of of the Misses
Mr. Fred Way of Higgston was
in Ailey Monday on business.
Mr. H. P. VVillbanks has pur
chased a nice runabout, I guess
this means a ride for some of the
Mrs J. W. Palmer spent Sun
day and Monday in Vidalia.
Mrs. K. T. Ecßride spent Mon- j
! day and Tuesday in Mcßae.
B. L. Strickland Esq. spent
last week in Valdosta, Atlanta,
and Athens. He went to Athens
jto attend the meeting of the
I. O. 0. F.
\V>- are sorry to learn at this
writing that the little daughter
of Mr. and Mrs D M. Currie is
quite sick.
M iss Cleo Hall is on an exten- i
d*-d visit in Manatee, Fla., and
other points of interest.
Miss Ala Peterson is visiting in
Vidalia this week.
Mr. Jenkins and family of Vi
dal ia spent one day of last week
with Dr. and Mrs J W. Palmer.
Mr. K L. Conrson of Glenwood
spent part of last week w ith Mr.
Julian Peterson.
i School being closed, Mr. Earl
McArthur has returned to his
home at Long Pond.
Mr. George Mcßride of Lyons
spent Sunday with home tolks
at the Ailey Hotel.
Mrs. J. \V. Palmer, Miss Lila
|and Hoke Riddle have been at
tending the commencement exer
cises at V. C. 1.
Messrs. Burch and Pollett at
tended the commencement at
Lyons last week.
Mr. Ben Palmer of Collins has
been spending a few days with
his brother. Dr. J. W. Palmer.
Mr. Jegse Sawyer has ac
cepted a positiou with the rail
road as agent at Higgston.
Miss Velma McArthur, who
has been tbe guest of Miss Mag-*
gte Peterson, returned to her
home at Longpouil a few days ago.
Mrs. Fuqua visited in Vidalia |
a few days ago, the guest of Mrs. •
M D. Burch.
Quite a crowd of young men from j
AiUv attended the commence-!
ment . xercises at Vidalia Sunday. !
Mis* Graham of Mcßae, who
ha 4 * been visiting at the home of
lion. W.J. Peterson, returned to
her home a few days ago.
We regret very much to hear
that Rev. Pack and family are
going t<> leave us. They will make
their home in Atlanta.
Mr. Ijewis Roberson made a I
business trip to Dublin a Gw days j
Mr. B. A. Snooks has been)
spending a tew days with Mr. i
and Mr*. J. M. D McGregor.
Mr. Wheeler Mann is visiting
hi. nephew. Mr Ray Coursev
j Miss Fannie McGabee, a very
charming young lady of Higgston,
is the guest of her sister, Mrs. C.
j 11. Frizzell.
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. I Niter.- ii
spent Sunday at the home of Mr.
John McArthur of Lougpond.
Mrs. B L. Strickland and chil
dren are visiting in Brinson, Ga .
the guest of Mrs. Strickland -
Mr J. G. R. Fuqua visited rela
tive). in Lougpond last week.
i Mr. Willie Peterson attended a
picnic at Ily I wild a few days ago.
Mr. Chas. Frizzell spent, last
Friday in Uvalda.
Miss Sula Truitt attended com
mencement in Lyons last week.
Among those who attended ser
vice at Oak Ridge Sunday were
Messrs. Shell is Hamilton. James
Truitt and sister, Misa Suiu.
Mr. Eason Collins of Savannah i
passed through here a few days
ago en route to New Orleans.
Red Bluff.
Special Correspondence.
Charlie Davis and wife visited
at the home of their parents Sun
Miss Bessie Barwick of So*
perton visited Miss Lilliau Miller
A. R. Davis is visiting relatives
at Lovett this week.
.Mr. Crew and Miss Mary Hut
elienson of Crooked Run attended,
the sing at this place Sunday.
Mr. James Fowler of Soperton
was a visitor to this place Sunday.
Miss Mamie O’Brien spent Sun
day w ith Miss Annie Reid.
Mr. K W. Cone made a busi
ness trip to Dublin Saturday las’, i
Chap Thigpen and wife of near
; Minter spent Saturday night with
his brother, Charlie Davis.
Mrs. A. R. Davis and son, Al
; bert, were called to attend the tu
! neral of her uncle, Mr. Johnnie
Dawson, who died (he 19th of
May He was laid to rest in Hick
ory Nut cemetery.
Miss Lervenia Tapley spent
last* week with her cousin, Mrs.
Mrs. R. W. Cone and daughter
were visitors at Soperton Thurs
Mr. H. 0. Davis and wife visit
ed their sister, Mrs. Nevada
Thigpen, Sunday.
Miss Annie Dukes of near Lo
thair is spending several days
with her sister, Mrs. Charlie Me-
Crimmon, on account of the ill
ness of Mr. McCrimmon.
M. R. Davis and wife made a
business trip to Soperton Thurs
Mr. Rhodus Greenway of Or- j
land was a pleasant visitor to this .
community Sunday afternoon.
Misses Eunice Cone and Willie
Reid attended the School closing
at Reseinont Wednesday.
Mrs. Bertie Davis and son. Mo
nroe, visited her parents. Mr. Lott
Barwick of Soperton, Thursday.
Messrs. Lee and John McLen- ,
don attended the school closing
at Crooked Run Wednesday.
Mr. Tilman Chester and fami-!
jiy of Rock ledge spent Saturday;
jaud Sunday with Mrs. Chester’s
i sister, Mrs. W. N. Held.
The sing Conducted by Mr.
i Burld Davis was enjoyed by all
J. H. Davis and w ife were vis
itorx to Soperton recently.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Foskey
visited their sister. Miss Noinie
Sterling, last week.
Mr. Lamar Davis was a visitor
to this place Sunday.
On Improved Farms in
Montgomery County at a Small
Rate of Interest.
J. E. Hall, Soperton.
t Five Strong Pointers 1
\ ;s;® 0' o:®..©; ©; ®.® ®: .0 : ? c © 3
J S"in< t the immortalized pc- ts co- '•! r j ’ ' (jrOllillS
> t.ikt' a ncrap of p:>per and v: • 1 * <
£ i-it it a pueni worth untold sim - 4
> r That’s Capital 3
*. ii »h« w ids mi a slider f ; i• r *' A 4
£ u ;. d its valuation may r , i j
t A mRChn u n l* JT*- V , uke ni!,! ! is Skill f
> \v< rtli $o 00 and convert it 4
* watch springs or delimit-- nn- -i ? i 0)0 j
> A man can ,am a thousand d 0 tj> Foolish «
> and put it in hm poekei an t -• 4
£ it, or in a trunk and lot at f»t . Or, Indit to a
£ friend and never aee it 2
> *
► But when a man, woman, hoy • any amount of «
■> money and \v 11 <
% Deposit in Mt. Yen eon Bank 4
l THIS Shows Good Sense \
.*■ 4
% M v left with bank is abundan A•• -d ml proves 4
£ p li aide, aside from the 11 1: —ii -- t it affords. 4
> 4
v. # & 4 /: " . v/
a t H % frx " m
i "1/ L# f.w2«£ '■ «
d V\£ ••• - ; VJ
good at dv: F.v... Nw /*®|g|
Scrvkc . c:L.y A. jw
dV-x 7
\ 'o Every HUD ikcc'
%) Aow. character
m nt and l
% They show quality in eve-y li . oir / v
'-a i “91 *ty!o Is correct i.» every doted.
* • The/ wear as wall aa they look. V.'o e- li ‘ - iio
pick o. the flock.'* ■
BvJ 1 > Shoes \ Y j f'J ITv.*!l t Drci ' 1 ’ for Service, $2.50 I
*£» J QUEEN ROSALIND, • .. $3.00 I
hu::>« j right ROYAL, a ; inti True M
v. For Cl n J EiCnt Shoe [
/ Glenwo 1, Georgia.
-• ■--- ■
1 Men’s All Woo! j
I Suits I
ff g
1 8
f-3 v ~| \ r ,.'.,... ■. < •••'•' Tr-' v-®' w t'V
| sls and $lB . |
■I , i
Neat Mixtures Gray a •brown
y Light, Medium ar.J j . m Shades
SA' NAn, GA. p
sii A-- .
. . . lery |
# *
& The s>iris and ladies sliou.d see it at &
once and make selection for Easter £
* MRS. J. L. ADAMS, Mt. Vernon *
# A