Newspaper Page Text
Gov. Brown
Ou Saturday last,'following the
meeting of the State Executive
Committee, Governor Joseph M.
Brown made announcement of
his candidacy for re-election to
the Governorship. His platform
will be about what it was during
his race in 1908 Governor
Brown’s statement regarding his
candidacy is as follows:
“I have considered it improper
to make any declaration affecting
a candidacy for Governor until at
least after the State Executive
Committee had met and named
the day and made other arrange
ments for the primary election.
“Now that the committee hasj
met and done its work, J consider I
that the people have the right to |
expect a declaration of my inten
“I, therefore, say I will be a
candidate for re-election to the
office of Governor in the primary
which has been ordered bv the
State Evocative Committee of the
Democratic party, to be held Aug. i
2iJ, next.
“At this time I will only say
that 1 have appreciated beyond j
measure the great honor the citi-j
zens of Georgia have conferred!
upon me and have endeavored to |
the best of my ability to be Gov-j
ernor of all the people, impar-i
tially and honestly and in accor- j
dance with the constitution and
the laws, without regard to class, j
clique, locality or faction.
“I shall continue so to lie, and
if re-elected the same policy shall
be my aim throughout another
Judge 11. J. Eight of Soperton, i
one of the candidates for Repre-1
sentative, was among the visitors
here Tuesday, mingling among j
his friends. Mr. Eight feels very
keenly the report published to the
effect that he would retire from
the race. This report, he says, is
absolutely false, and appears to ■
have been circulated as a means
of doing him injury. Mr. Eight
is still in the race for representa
tive of the county, and desires to
have it understood that he has
not retired from the field. He is
a clever gentleman, and deserves
tlie favor of his friends.
Special Correspondence.
Miss Alma Stuckey is at home
to spend vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. Willie McQuaig
spent last Monday very pleasant
ly at the home of Mr. Hugh j
Mr. Buren Hart was carried to
Savannah last, Tuesday to under- !
go an operation. We hope he
can return home in a few days
much improved. We extend our
sympathy to the bereaved ones at
home during his absence.
Miss Helva Stuckey will leave
Wednesday night tor Monroe, ,
Ala. where she will spent the
summer with relatives.
Several of our young folks at-1
tended sendees at Alamo Sunday
last. Among those were Misses!
Carrie, Vinna and Josie McDaniel j
and Mr. Yellan Barlow and John
Mr. Leon Elkins was in our
comunity Sunday afternoon.
Miss Millye Sears of Alamo
spent a few days last week very
pleasantly as the guest of her !
cousin, Miss Carrie McDaniel.
Mr, Rav Morris and Taylor
Stuckey of Glenwood were outj
driving in our midst Sundav af
Miss Sears from Bruch was ini
our midst Sunday afternoon.
Slu' ittmttiimitmj #Untitm\
To the Voters of Montgomery
1 have been urged to permit the
use of my name as a candidate to
succeed myself as the Representa
tive in' the General Assembly
from Montgomery County’ in the
election, the date for which will
soon, bo set by the Democratic
Executive Committee.
1 have been somewhat reticent
in deciding for the reason that
my duties as the Representative
of the County at the present time
will preclude my making an active
or an aggressive campaign. lam
, sure this will militate against, me
j only to a certain extent; for the
; intelligent voters of Montgomery
j County, and this 1 am indeed glad
to say, constitutes a large major
ity, need no personal solicitation.
I feel deeply the honor that the
people of the County have done
me in electing me as their Rep
resentative, and I have striven
ito conscientiously give you my
j very best service, and while it has
| been a great financial sacrifice
! which I have made, 1 feel that I
! have been justified therein by the
honor that is attached to the office.
My friends have been persistent,
j in their efforts to have me enter j
j the race for re-election, and my !
. purpose m writing this card is
that 1 will appreciate an express
i ion from my friends in different
sections of the County as to the
advisability of my offering for re
election. A candid statement,
from you, whether favorable or
unfavorable will be appreciated
and your decision in the matter
will he mine.
Assuring the people of this
County that my only inclination
is to serve them, if they desire
' me to, and renewing my express
! ions of gratitude for what they
i have done me, I am,
Douglas S. McArthur.
(jlenwoori, I.
■ Hpocial CoircHpomlcnce.
The sing atJMr. Sampson Dix
on’s Sunday afternoon was en-i
joyed by all present.
Messrs. Frank and Brooks El-j
ton were pleasant visitors at the
home of Mr. Dixon’s Sunday al
ter noon.
Mr. John L. Lowery of near
Shiloh was a pleasant caller at
Mr. J. A. Lowery’s last Sabbath.
Messrs. Douglas S. McArthur
and \V. M. Tompkins were pleas
ant visitors at the home of Mr. B.
R. Benton’s Sunday afternoon.
Mr. N. W. Clark visited at the
home of Mr. Willie Clark Sunday
j Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Benton vis
| ited at the home of Mr. Clark last
j Sabbat li.
Master Rosby Sears received a
painful wound in his leg one
day last, week.
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Wooten
j visited W. T. Clark’s Saturday
1 and Sunday.
Mr. Jim Lowery is on the sick
i list at this writing. We hope him
a speedy recovery.
Quite a large crowd from this
! section attended services at Sardis
i Sunday last.—Night Telegram.
Savannah, Ga., June 7. —In a
special to The Savannah Dress
; from Washington Charles G. Ed
j wards, congressman from the
First Georgia district, denounces
i as untrue the sensational publish
ed by Thomas E. Watson in The
I JefTersonial. The charges alleged
! moral misconduct and neglect of
I church duties by the congressman.
Towns, Ga., No. 1, June 11,1010.
The Montgomery Monitor:
If 1 am the first to one to send
in a corn silk, then 1 am to get
the Montgomery Monitor a year,
land Oblige, 'l'. L. Purvis.
Our needs are many, Mis true;
but we cannot use this little corn
silk to an advantage. We are not
yet accustomed to smoking this
form of weed, and it would he
i rather out. of date for a false mus
tache. Therefore, we can only
thank this good friend for his
thoughtfulness and generosity,
and casually state that our period
of existence on corn silks, cotton
blooms, chips and whetstones is
past. Our business, like any oth
er, is run for what there is in it,
as well as for the profit of the
public. We are glad to mention
the first fruits of any industrious,
farmer, but do not propose to pin
| a dollar bill on every boquet we
may hand out.
John Earley Register, son of
Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Register, de
parted this life the "id day of May.
He was (5 yours, 4 months and li!
; days old.
He suffered only ten days, and
all that loving hands and medical
skill could do was done.
Sweet and lovely little Johnie,
We have laid him down t,o rest ;
We have placed a pure white rose
bud On his silent peaceful breast.
Two little eyes in slumber
closed, ll<>\\ our heart’s heeding,
none but, God knows; One little
voice that prattled in love Now is
singing with the angels above.
Our darling is gone and we are
left The lohh of him to mourn;
Though may we hope to meet with
him With Christ before God’s
t,h rone.
We shall miss the little darling,
But we never shall forget That,
when Christ has called us home to
heaven We shall meet, our darling
God has called him homo im
j mortal, Never more to droop or
j die, Ever more to be an Angel
In Christ’s Eindotn live and bye.
God in his wisdom has recalled
The boon his love has given—
Though the body slumbers, The
! soul is safe in heaven.
| Father, mother, there is com
fort In God’s promises so sweet;
Grasp them and with hope look
j toward Little Johnie soon to meet .
By his aunts,
J ulict to and J da.
I - ■ ■■■■—
Sheriff Sale.
! Gear'd* Mnntgnau-ry County.
Will lie sold betnre iln* c,»iirt linnse ilnnr in
! Ml. Viiriinu mi Uii- flriit Tat-wlny in .Inly,
! 1!I10, between I In' legal Ilnurs of wile, tn tile
i highest I,i(tiler fnr rash, certain property, nf
, j which the following in a complete iliaeriplion:
All ttint certain I raet of land lying,
situated and In-ingin tin- I.’ll.’lid. I)is
trict (J. M. Montgomery county,
■Heorgia, eiiiiiaining Eighty Seven
and three quarter (K!% ) acres, more
nr less, and hounded <>ii t In- nort It by
lands ul 1., A. Nabli; on tin: east by
j lands of L. A. Nalih and Jaines Me
.Naif-on the south by lands of Mrs.
\V\ K. Fountain: and on tin- west by
! lands of W. \V. Cooper, Said tract
|of land being levied upon and will
be sold as tin- property of 1,. A. Nabb
to satisfy three justice court fi. fas.
issued from the justice court of the
I IH4.'srd. District (i. M. of said county j
in favor of Home Fertilizer & ( Jiem
ieai Company against 1,. A. Xabb;
and also one additional fi. fa. issued
from said Justice Court in favor of
Home Fertilizer Chemical Com
pany against W. (i. Cooper and I
M. Cooper, principals, and L. A.
I Nabb, as endorser. Property point
led out for levy by plaintiff in li. tas.,
| being in possession of 1,. A. Nabb
and written notice of levy given as
required by law. Devy made by K.
W. Arinlield, constable, and returned
!‘ to me. This the fith day of June,
19IU. James Hester, Sberilf M. C.
M . li. Calhoun, A tty. for PI If.
| " T - - ■ ■■ 1J
i Miss Hannah Bright, entertain
•i ed quite a number of young
■ lriends at her borne Tuesday eve
ning. It was a happy party that
; shared the pleasure of the evening
j with her.
This will inform mv friends I
1 " .
and supporters that I have with- j
drawn from the race for Repre
sentative of Montgomery county. |
With appreciation of the interest !
manifested my friends and sup-;
porters, 1 am,
Yours very truly,
J. A Coil racy.
The I’mon Singing Convention
convened with the Little Lock j
Church on last Sunday at 10
o'clock a. m.
The Convention was called to j
order by t he President, and prayer
ottered by C. M. Williams, and
then went into executive session j
and elected X. C. Wilkes, I'resi-j
dent ; C. M. Williams, Yice-Pres-;
blent ; and J. F. McDaniel, Sec
retary for t he ensuing year.
The following committee on
program wore appointed: It. 1!.
i larrellson, Anson Williams and
(5. A. Lurch. The committee re
ported the following leaders pres
ent, and that each one read a les
son of 15 minutes each; Prof.
W. T. Smith, R. It. Hurrellson,
<!. A. Murid), Willie Clark, Prof.
.1. C. Lendormiin, C. M. Williams
and 11. J. Faulk. We sang until
12 o’clock, adjourned for dinner,
met back at I and sang until
late in t he afternoon.
We adjourned to meet with
Sardis church on the sth Sunday
in July. This was one of the best
sessions of the convention ever
held. While there was no public
table set there was a plenty of
dinner on the ground and no one i
went away hungry. Much credit
is due the good people of the Lit
tle Hock community in the man
ner they entertained the Conven
tion. J. F. McDaniel, Sec’y.
For Representative.
I lieriliy mi mm iii'i) myself n nun In In I c fur |
| 11 <-| i i.ihi'i 1 1 ii i ivo of l/outgomoiy comity In llic j
I next Gemini AHHiniilily of Georgia, Hlllijcct to
J I lie action of a Democratic crim.iry.
Commissioners’ Sale.
j(i corgi a. Montgomery ('mini t v.
I'inter and by virtue of an order of
! the Superior Court of said county,
will lie sold by the undersigned com
inissionors, duly appointed by llic
Icourt for such purpose, at (lie court
house in sa id comity hi public mil cry,
wit bin (lie legal hours of sale, on I lie
first Tuesday in July next, MHO, to j
the highest; bidder for cash, certain
properly, of which the following is u
lull and complete description to wii :
All that cert ain t met of la ud cun tabl
ing six hundred acres more or less.
; being in llic 1221 si I )isl. (i. M.ofsa id
county of Montgomery anil hounded
outlie west by Messrs Creek, east
by lands of H. J. Miller, north by
lands of A S. Dukes, Polly Ann Mar
wick and Will Key, and on i lie soul h
by lauds of Allen f.oft, the same be
ing known as the “Messer Place ”
Said property will be sold for the
purpose of part.ition and disiribution
according to (be decrei granted by
the said I'oilli in the case of (b-orge
M. Miller ct a I against John .1. Millet
ei at, flu* same being a sail for parti
tion. cancellation, etc., in the Super
ior court in said county <>l Montgom
ery, Deeds will be made to fbe pur
chaser by the undersigned as com
j lnissioners aforesaid, the rigid to re
ject any and all bids being reserved.
'l'b is fill day of J line, MHO.
.1.(1. McAllister, S. It. Morris,
J . (< alboiin,
< ■iiinniissioiiers.
I (irahain <fe Graham, Ailvs. for Mills
Mortgage Sale.
; Slate us Georgia Moot.goiueiy Bounty.
Mfiiler anil i*y virtue of tin- nuwi r of Kali* in
a mortgage exi-enleil l»y .lu-li I'ulluir tool
ra Collin*, (lateil Slli ilay us Mare!,, IHIIO, anil
hi'umli-iI in oliiro us (lie clerk nt ll.e Sniu riur
Court of Montgomery County, in book I i at
folios oil (lie id, da.v us June,
IHIU, tile mnli Tuignefl will sell at pulrlir sale
•ii l,lie eum t liunse dour m said cumitv us
Muntgonn ry, during the legal Inmrs of sale:
lu the liigjiest hiiidiT fur cash, on the Ist r
Tuesday in .filly, I'JIO, the fulluwing deserihed ]
property, to-wit:
One biludreil hi res of land, mure or less,
situated, lying anil Icing in .lie J l'l ]Ht distru I
G. 11. ni said county of Montgomery, saul
slate of Georgia, hounded iiurtli hv lands nl
•Joseph Willi.inis; east hv Mis. ,/nlm Keraev ;
hi Ii i hy J. K. iJekwoilii and west hv 15. A v, known as the place whereon the said
lush and hauls Collins lived at tilt, dale of
said mortgage, together with all improvement*
thereon, fur the | impose ol paying a certain
promissory note foi IZOo.Zfi, executed and de
livered to vV. and T. I. Piilehett on tl.e Stli
day nt >lhh:li, infill, stipulating fur interest
Irntn date at the rate of eight, per cent, pel
annum, and ten pereenl. attorney's fees, tin
total amount due on said note now being Mix
Hundred and fifty hollars, principal and ill
iciest, the said iuteiest being computed up
in tie Ist Tuesday in .filly, MIIO, and tl.e for
thi r Slim of MS.IIII attorney 's fees, tin said W. i
and T Pritchett having incurred said at- ,
tornev s fees as part of the expense referred ,
to and having also incurred tl.e further ex ofs73.O'i in advertising previous sales
ami oilier expenses incurred in the collection 1
' of said debt, and for such further sum a- may
he necessary to pay the the taxes thereon now
due, together with the costs of this proceed
j ingas provided in said morlgage. A deed to
the pui. liasci will be made by toe undersign- '
cd. 1 ins June 7, MHO.
j tV. hT. J. Pritchett. '
At, ;l mass meet ing held ill Soper- ]
j ton a few days ago, and attended
i by a large number of citizens from
that section of the county, Dr. J.
j Carlton Williams of that place
J was nominated as a candidate for
the Legislature. Dr. Williams
accepted, and has made public
Ins intention of making a canvass
: for the honor, as will be seen by j
| a formal card in tins issue.
Dr. Williams is one of the lead
ing citizens of the northern part i
jof the county, and lias numbers
of strong friends throughout this
section. He is strongly endorsed
Iby his fellow townsmen, and is,
i held in high esteem by a large \
acquaintance, lie is a successful
I physician and a gentleman of
ability and honor. Read his card.
lii Mcinnriani.
fi 8
V y)
Mrs. Rossie (Jcrtrudo Unmet I
Hart was born in Washington
county Aug. t'», INTO; joined the
baptist church and was baptized
by Rev. T. J. Holmes on the sec
ond Sunday in Sept.., lS'.tl ; was
married to IT F. Hart Dec. 10,
I sill ; died at her home in St uck
ey, Ua., May R 5, 11110.
The saying, “Death loves a
shining mark,” is truly verified
in the case of Sister Hart. To
know her was to love her.
She loved her Saviour and Ills
church ; and when she failed to be
at, a meeting of His people, it, was
not for the lack of interest, but
when not, from providential
causes, it, was because of her wil
| lingnoss to sacrifice licrown pleus
j ure in order to make it possible
for loved ones to enjoy what, she
regarded as the sweetest, of priv
She met the many and very se- !
vore trials of life with resigna
tion and Christian fortitude. The |
Haute sweet, modest,, uncomplain
ing disposition which she man
ifested in the sunshine was hers
in the shadows.
When, about six years ago,
they moved from Washington j
county to Montgomery, and her
husband proposed t hat, I,hey buy a
farm, she bravely told him to go
ahead, and she would stand by
him; that she would work hard
and make any sacrifice in order to
help him pay for it. She lived to
see it, paid for.
When her husband was put in<
| the hospital and under the sur-j
geou’s knife she bravely took
charge of the farm, and had it as
successfully carried on as be could
have done. When lie returned
weak, broken down in health, and
dscouragod, she never allowed her
Cheerfulness to diminish, but was j
I a veritable ray of sunshine, cheer
ing and comforting him, and as
suring linn that “lb-yond the,
clouds the sun is still shining.” I
Truly u good woman lias gone
to her reward.
She leaves a husband and eight l
children besides n host of friends ;
to mourn her loss.
J. D. Rabun.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia-—Montgomery Guuntv
Will l,<-holil Ix-fui'c tin court hoiixe door in |
Ml. Vernon on tin Hint Tiundav ill July,
MHO, liclvo'cn tin- legal hour. us *ale, to the
higlieMt bidder for cmdi, certain properly, of
which the following i. a complete (lean iption :
One hundred and fifty acres of
land, mere or less, situated in let of
land number three Inn.tired and fifty I
six I dot", i in flic Tenth (Mp land dis- i
trici of Montgomery county, l»eor
gia. and being all of said lot except
fifty-one acres sold oft of ibe north
west side of said lot. Said tract of
land being levied main and will be
sold ns tlie property of H. J . Ouest
to satisfy two fi. fas. issued from the
City Court, of Mount Vernon in favor
of The Mould Vernon Dank against
T. ('.Johnson and A. M. Johnson,!
principals, and B. J. Guest as en
dorser. Property pointed out for
levy by plaintiff In li. fa , being in
the possession of defendant, in li. fa.,
B. J. finest,, and written notice given
a- required Ity law. This the fill) day
nl June, 1910. Jas. Hester. HlierifT.
M. 15. Calhoun, Atty, for PUL
We will begin u meeting at the
Methodist church m Mt. Vernon
Thursday night 9th inst.,and con
tinue through next week.We want
this meeting to result in much
spiritual good to the entire town
and community. To attain this
result, we must, have the attend
ance and co-operation of the peo
ple. We hope therefore that our
people will make special effort to
attend the services, and contri
bute all possible to the success of
the meeting. People of the oth
|er churches, and those who mav
not he uttiluitive with any other
church in town are cordially in
vited to come and help with their
I presence and prayer. Let, us do
our part mid expect the Lord to
give us a gracious revival. Ser
vices every night this week. Two
services daily next week.
11. C. Brewtoii.
Notice is hereby given that,
at the approaching session of the
(Joneral Assembly of Georgia, to
lie held during t lie summer of 1910,
a bill will be introduced to lie eti
jt it led An Act to Incorporate the
Town of Alston in the County of
Montgomery, State of (ieorgiu ;to
define the corporate limits of said
town; to provide for a mayor and
aldermen and other officers of
said town; to prescribe the com
pensation of said mayor and al
derman; to prescribe their powers
and duties; to confer upon the
mayor and aldermen ol suit! town
the power to enact municipal or
dinances for Haiti town; and to
provide for the enforcement <>l
said ordinances and for penalties
for the violat ion of the same; and
|to provide for all matters of mu
nicipal concern of said town, and
for other purposes.
Petition for Incorporation.
(leoi-Rhi .Montßomery Co tin tv.
lu tlic Superior Coilrl oi said county: The
petition of <i. I’. Weaver, \V. A. /fivers, II W
hi vein, A. W. Harlow, <\ IV Kutiis, .1. /. <ici
;er, I I'. < in rlu, I. I • l»: nht|ev, W. k Wright,
IV ii. Ihuuhill, \V. A. Smith, S. 11. Ihck, K.
H* l ot the ami such other persons an ar** now
or may hen ill'll r li'comf alum hohieis. all •
j sai<| state and county, reaped lully shows:
I at. I hat they desire tor themselves, their
associates and successo' s to l»e incorporated
ami made a hotly politic, under tin* name and
Mt,\|e nt Karima’k Union tiiu Co upauy for the
period of two ii tv yearn.
2nd. That the principal office of Maid com
pany hIi.iII liti in the town of tilcowood in aaid
hlate and count,v, hut petitioners desire the
right to establish hraneii offh«'M • Ifewhei f in
said hlate wlmnevor the holders of the majori
ty of the stock may ho determine,
j did. The ohjeel of said eol'Ool'atioii is pe
, ciiniary Rain to itHclf and its Hlinreiioldcra.
4th. The hiiHitieHH t » lie carried on hy said
[ corporation is flint of npcratiiJß a Rinnrry •»!*
j RtiinerieH in Ho lowii of tdetiwood and mikli
1 other places as mav hereafter be detennined.
d.h. The capital stock of said corporation
shidl be 00 with the privilege of iocirusniß
j the same t(» the sum of tld(>oo hy a majoiity
I vote of the stockholder*. 7'eti per cent, of the
ainoiitit of capital to he employed hy them
inis been actually paid it.
lith. Ih titioiiers desire the to sit** and
he sued, to plead and he impleaded, to have
and use a common seal, to make all necessary
by-laws and regulations, ami to do all other
things that may he mcessary for the siteeesa
lul carrying oil of hiisiiiess, ineliidniß the
! lißht to Iniv, hold, and sell real estate and
personal property suitable to the pin*pos< s »f
| the corporation, and t<> execute notes and
hotidii as evidence nt indebtedness incurred,
or which may he incurred, in the conduct of
the altaiis of the corporation and to secure the
| same by s< curitv-deed, or other
■ form of lien, miner existioß laws
7th. They desire for said it.corporal ion the
' power and authority to apply for and accept
amendments to its chapter of either form or
substance by a vote of a nisjmtv of Its stock
| oiitstamtiiiß at the time. They also ask au
thority for shiil incorporation to wind up if
/iflairs, Ihpiiuate ami dise*uitinue its husiness
at any tinu* it may determine to do so by a
vote of two-thirds of its stock outXtandiiiß at
the time.
Bth. They desire for the said incorpora
tion the of renewal when ami as provid
ed by the laws of tieorßia, and that it ba\e
all Hitch other rights, powers, pi ivih-Res, and
I imuitinilies as are inenhuif to like mcornoia
! ti«ms or permissible under the laws of fjeor
Wherefore, petitiomis pray to he mcoi p'»-
iated under the name and style aforesaid wi ti
the powers, privileges and iinumtuties here
in set forth, and as are now, or may hereafter
he allowed a eorpot at ion of similar character
under the laws ofOeoißia.
| 11. (it ij<er, Petitioners Attorney.
Filed in office this the <»th day of .June, 1910.
.1. i '. CalhoUli,
Clerk Superior Court d/ontßomery County'.
Ceorßia Montßouiery (’ounty:
I, .j. C. Calhoun, Clerk of the Hupeii »r
Court i»f said comity, do hereby certify that
the forcßoiiiß i« a true and correct copy of
the application for charter of O. F. Weaver
nt. al. as the same appears on file ill this office.
Witness my official sißfiatttre and the seal of
; said court. This the Oth day of Jniie. 1910.
J. C Calhoun,
Clerk Hnperior Court Montifoniei y Co.
Miss Ozie Johnson, u visit
of suvcriil wenks with lier sister,
Mrs. T. J. Thompson, has return
ed to her home in Milieu.
NO. 6