The Montgomery monitor. (Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County, Ga.) 1886-current, June 23, 1910, Image 1
t f'fv t fttmttitmnmj iHmtitnr. VOL. XXV. GLENWOOD DOWNS MT. VERNON TEAM. The Olemvood boys rubed it in to the home boys in a game of ball last Thursday afternoon by the score of 9 to 5. In the first inning L. Morrison scored the first run for the visitors. In the second, three up and three down. But ill the third they chalked up six against the home boys, and the fourth and fifth in nings, one in each. The other four innings they failed to get a man over the rubber. It was mighty tuff for the home boy until the last half of the j ninth, when they lit on the curves of “Big” Rivers and swatted out five runs. In the fifth inning Arpad Hicks went behind the bad and Durloo went to left field. In the same | inning there was a man on second and one on third and no one out when Julian Peterson knocked a long drive out to deep left, which was caught by Durloo, then thrown to second and from there to third, making one of the pret tiest triples of the season. The game was rotten up until the fourth inning, when Mt. Vern on made a lew changes in their line-up, and from then on kept the visitors puzzled, GLENWOOD— Ab. R L. Morrison, c 5 2 C. Hartley, 2b \ 5 2 ; L. Peterson, 8b 5 1 A. Paterson, lb 4 1 G. Rivers, p 4 1 B. Morrison, of 4 1 R. Atchison, rs 5 1 A. Johnson, as 3 0 A. Reynolds, If 3 0 Rivers, p 1 0 Total 89 IT | MT. VERNON— Ab. R. A. Hicks, c. 2b 3 1 M. Mcßae, lb 2 0 J. A. Morris, 2b. rs 4 0 H. Fountain, rs 1 0 C. Beugnot, Bb. df 4 1 S. Stamps, ss 4 1 (3 Durloo, c. If 4 1 T. Coouer, p 3 1 H. Morrison, cf 2 0 C. Montgomery, lb 2 0 ! A. Conner, 3b 2 0 , S. Hicks, c 2 0, Total 30 5 Score by innings— R Mt. Vernon 000 000 005—5 Glen wood 100 110 000—9 TO LOCATE AT LYONS. Dr. Curtis Coleman, a recent graduate of the Southern Dental College of Atlanta, left Tuesday for Lyons,where he has flitted up a nice dental parlor, and will en gage in the practice of tuts chosen profession. We commend Dr. Coleman to the good and progressive people of Lyons and hope he will do well. ALMOST A FATAL RUNAWAY. While out riding with his wife and baby last Sunday, near the tracks of the S. A. L. Railway, Mr. Seward V. Hicks had an ex citing time with a pair of ponies lie was driving. Mr. Hicks caught the baby’s head just as it camel near a stump,and received a severe shaking up. Mrs. Hicks reciveed ! several painful cuts and bruises, j Fortunate to escape with no more serious injuries. OFF TO LEGISLATURE. ! Senator M. B. Calhoun, who ably represents this senatorial district, has gone to Atlanta to j to take his place among Georgia law-makers. Mrs. Calhoun and i little Miss Elizabeth went on to j Athens to spend some time with the former’s parents. The present session of the legis lature promises to be a lively one, many matters of statewide impor tance being already up for con sideration. SENSATIONAL POISONING IN EMANUEL COUNTY. A case t hat bids fair to he high-l ly sensational from start to finish, and that has created great excite | ment in Emanuel county, was caused by the death of Fred Flan ders at Covena on June 4th. The relatives of Flanders be came suspicious of foul play af ter his burial, and had his body taken up and sent to Atlanta for analysis. Arsenic was found in the stomach and this, added to j j former rumors, caused the arrest; |of Flanders’wife and Dr. W. J. ; McNaughton. The latter was a boarder in the Flanders home,and left soon after the burial, but was captured in Augusta, and taken 1 !to jail in Savannah, it being evi dent that lynching would follow j his return to Swainsboro. The Flanders family is a large and influential one, and Mrs. Flanders is also highly connected in Emanuel. Much interest has I arisen all over southeast Georgia} over the affair, and the trial w ill | excite still greater interest. THE EDITOR LEAVES FOR HIS VACATION. Editor 11. 15. Folsom and wife are off for ten days for a pleasure trip and a much needed rest. ! Down in the grand old historic j county of Liberty, the place of Ins nativity, where the finest, fish and fried chicken grows, the edi tor will tramp over again the old paths of his boyhood days and meet old friends and acquaintan ces.’ They will include a trip to Cresent on the coast before re turning. PREACHED TO THE ODD FELLOWS. Rev. J. I). Rabun preached to | Odd Fellows of this section lust Sabbath in the afternoon at the courthouse. The preacher fully sustained the reputation he has made here as un interesting and instinctive teacher. The attend [ ance was good but would have I been better if there had not been a misunderstanding as to the hour. UNKNOWN BODY SEEN IN OCONEE RIVER. A great deal of excitement was produced when a dead body was seen floating down the Oconee river last Friday afternoon. On j account of there being no means of rescue at hand the body was allowed to pursue its lonely course. It is reported that the corpse was that of a white man of Dub lin. Although, searching parties went in pursue, but we were un able to learn whether or not they | were successful in their efforts to , secure the body. Stuckey. i Special Com;Hponrienco. Mr. J. L. Morrison and wife visited relatives here Sunday. Mr. Harry Howard from Hel ena came down Sunday a. m. to visit friends here,returning’Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Smith re turned from Savannah Sunday night, where they visited their mother, Mrs. Anderson, who is in the sanitarium there. Quite a large crowd of our! ; young people attended Children’s Day at Landsburg Sunday. They j report a pleasant time. Mr. L. A. Hattaway made a business trip to Savannah Mon day. Little Ruby Hart is ill at this writing. We hope for her an early recovery. Mr. Allen Meaks left Tuesday morning for Macon, leaving his sick ones much improved. Mr. A. W. Barlow and family |and Mr. John Goff’s family spent ! last Sunday at the home of Mr. j I. J. Joyner. MT. VERNON. GEORGIA. THURSDAY. JUNE 23. 1910. TEACHERS GATHER FOR EXAMINATION. On Friday and Saturday last, County School Commissioner Hutcheson had a busy time with the regular examination of teach ers for this county. The questions for the examination embrace a wide range of subjects, and the results quite creditable to those taking the examination. Col. Hutcheson kindly furnishes the following names of those who participated: Misses luiogene and Julia Achorn, Maggie Gillis, Mary Rogers of Lumber City; Gertrude Ricks of Adrian; Florence Kom mer, Addie Burch, Udelle Morris, i ' May me Snow, Vera Merritt of Lumber City: Mattie Baker, Vera Mason, Eva Faircloth and Mamie Beckum; and Messrs. W. W. Brewton, John Perry, Marvin Flander, 11. T. Clark, W. B. lid ton and Denton Green way. j There were about lifteen or | eighteen colored applicants. A SURPRISE PARTY. The surprise party given around at the home of Mrs. J. 1). McCul lough last, Monday night was enjoyed by all. Although, it was rather late m the afternoon before the young people decided to get it, lip, but by eight-thirty they had assem bled on the lawn. Those present were: Misses Anna Morrison, Lucy McAllister,Jeddie Coekfiold, Ruby Mason, Ina Burch, Sadie McQueen, Stella Morris, Ruby McGahee and Addie Burch; Messrs. Herschel, Morrison, Herbert Bailey, Mark McLemore, John A. Morris, Lewis Burch, Tim Cock field, Charlie Beugnot, Curtis Coleman, Arpad Hicks, Will Brewton and Charles i Durloo. NOTICE OF LOCAL LEGISLATION. Notice is hereby given that, (lur ing the present session of the General Assembly of Georgia a bill will be introduced to be en titled, an Act, to amend the char ter of the town of Sopertou so as to provide for the extension of the limits of said town one half mile so as to make limits of said town one mile in each direction from center. To provide also for the estab lishment of system of Public Schools in the town of Sopertou Montgomery County Georgia,and to provide for the maintenance and support of same by local taxation and otherwise to provide for the government of same, to provide for a Board of Educa tion for said Public Schools in said town, to authorize and re quire the County School Com missioner of Montgomery County ;to pay over to the Treasurer of the Board of Education for the use of said Public Schools such part of the state and county funds as may be the pro-rata share of the said town of Sopertou to lie determined by the school census; of said town of Sopertou. Margusrite Montgomery enter tained quite a number of her friends at her home Tuesday af ternoon, in honor of her friend, Veta Ponder, of Live Oak, Fla. Dr. Nelson of Alamo recently returned from Atlanta with a new Buick runabout, which replaces the car of the same make that, was destroyed by fire a few 'lays, ago. Lessie Mae Uackley is visiting in Vidalia this week, the guest of her aunt, Mrs. C. W. Fox. Miss Lyra Thompson is visiting relatives at Loiigpoud this week. Col. Thomas of Tifton was a business visitor here one day this week. HON. J. A. SEARS DEAD. I On Thursday night last, at his home near Bruce, Hon. John A. Soars departed this life, tie died after a very brief illness, though he had not been in good j health for some time. Mr Sears was a native of this county; and, like his father and grandfather before him, was buried beneath its soil. He repre sented Montgomery county in the state legislature six years ago,and was a man universally liked. The remains were laid to rest, in Shiloh cemetery, the Masonic fraternity of which lu* was an hon ored member, paying the last tri bute of respect. Glen wood. Special OmTemiotuleiiee. Miss Rosa bee Davis of Davis boro is visiting her sister, Miss Etta Davis, here. Quite a number of our young men spent Sunday at Savannah and Tybee. The most delightful entertain ment in the history of Gtleuwood was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Rivers last. Kriday eve ning from 8 to 11 o’clock, at which Miss Ruby Rivers the ac complished daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rivers, showed her faultless entertaining demonstrations. The program for the evening was as follows: Music by Miss Jewell Cook, solo by Miss Jennie Browning, recitation by C. C. Hartley, mu sic by Mrs. Dr. Smith, recitation I hw Miss Jewell Hogan, music by Mr. Andrew Johnson, declama tion bv Ernest Courson, instru mental duet by Mr. Johnson and j l)r. Smith, recitation by Miss Agness Hogan. Refreshments ! were served, which again showed Miss Rivers’ competency in pre paring for such occasions. After the period was over a contest was given by Mr. Courson. The con test was to see which couple could I write the best love letter, using i the names of “love songs” only, j Kverybody seemed deeply inter ested and several contested. Twen ty minutes was given in which to compose the letter. After the let ters were finished, Miss Rivers, Dr. and Mrs. Smith, were ap pointed for judges. The letters were read by E. L. Courson, and after a heated discussion between the judges, Miss Agnes Hogan and R. S. Davis were declared win ners. They were then presented with a prize. Those present were Misses Etta Davis, Jewel Cook, Jewel and Agnes Hogan, Jennie Browning, Annie Adams, Mary Salllie Atchinson, Lena Morrison, Dr. and Mrs. Smith, and Messrs. Butler, R. S. Davis, C. C, llarl ley, E 1.. Courson, Taylor Stuck ey, Raymond Hogan, Bennie Mor ris, .Joe Atchison, Chester Brown ing, Andrew Johnson, 11. L. Avery. Miss Sadie Galbreath and G. C. Barnhill left Kriday morning for Saudersyilie, where they go as delegates from the Glenwnod Ep porth League. Glemvood was well represented at Landsburg Sunday, and every j I one heartily congratulate the pen- J pie of that community for cook-! mg such good cake and chicken. We are glad to have with us now Dr. K. M. Butler, who has located here permanently, and we are sure he will prove bene ficial to the social set, and more, beneficial to those who suffer from ! toothache. We have an excellent baseball j spirit and are proud to boast that! we have’nt lost a game this sea- ! son. The boys all enjoyed the game last week at Mt. Vernon, but learned a lesson in the hard | school about rules. I STRAW RIDE AND PICNIC LAST FRIDAY NIGHT, On last Friday night the young people of this city took advantage jof the bright moon anti nice ! weather. Late in the afternoon two separate crowds left m wag ons, one for a moonlight picnic at McMillan’s old mill and the other one for a straw ride. However, the wagons were crow - ed, but that did not debar the pi ensure of the happy couples, who were out for a pleasant time. Those who went on the straw ride were Misses Addie Burch, Lillian Clifton, Hapnali Bright, Camille Adams Udelle Morris, lna Burch; and Messrs. Herschel Morrison, Charlie Beugnot, John A. Morris, Tun Cock field, Lewis Burch, Julian Wooten and Charles Durloo. Mrs. John Mcßae chap eron. Those who attended the moon light, picnic were Misses Matsie Brewton, Jeddie Cocklield, Lucy McAllister, Bessie Stuckey, Belle McAllister, Marie Sutton, Vera and Ruby Mason; and Messrs. Jim A. McAllister, Tom Mcßae, Arpad Hicks and Fred McAllister. Lumber City, Route 2 Special Correfl)><>ii<lt>iiC6. Protracted meeting will begin at Spring Hill on Saturday be fore the third Sunday in July. AH are invited to help in the good work. Hon. J. A. Sears, Sr., was laid to rest at Shiloah cemetery last, Friday. He was hurried with Masonic honors. \ Mr. J. C. Clements of Towns was a visitor m this section Thurs day last. . Miss Sadie and Donie Cox visit ed at the home of Mr, Purser Sun day afternoon. J. W. Lovetto and family visit ed at tin- home of Mr, (). J. Clark Sunday. Mr. Joe Cox and wife visited a the home of Daniel Sliwpheii , Sunday last. Mrs. It. L. Story spent Friday last, in Towns. V. Mrs. John R. Turner visited her parents at Glenwood Sunday. G. P. Turner and Cleon Wood visited at the home of William Allagood a few days ago. Dr. W. A. Rivers and wife were in this community Saturday on business. j[ HaVe Your | ' vlyit?’. Natural Complexion . jjl yi J ' ff Nature intended everyone to have a perfect complexion. j Palmolive is Nature’s own aid to the skin. || l) The soothing, healing palm and olive 11 1 oils ‘ s compos< bring back I j l\ N. r— -j) Baby, mother, father —every member Jr \ '' —)) family will appreciate it. v^c* V /! \v\ - It's the one perfect soap for all the jV uses of the toilet. JjJ frf' ——— A single cake will prove it to you. I Mount Vernon Drug Company Mount Vernon, CjJu. MISSES SUTTON AND ADAMS ENTERTAINS, That the young people of Mt. Vernon were well entertained by Misses Sutton and Adams last Tuesday evening, at the home of Mrs. J. L. Adams, is the general opinion of all who were present. Indeed, it is rumored that cer tain young men were so anxious that the affair be a success, that they assembled in unison, and with one accord, several hours be fore eight o’clock, and invoked the intervention of each and every deity, with whom they are ac quainted, that no disturbances of the weather might occur. It is hoped that such interested, mani fested by t.lie young men, be duly appreciated by the fair sex. Especially noticeable was the grace and dignity with which Misses lua Burch and Marion Adams presided over the punch, which was indeed delightful. A number of contests were suc cessfully carried out. Miss W il lie Lou Cochran is congratulated upon being the winner of the prize. It goes without saying that those attending are unanimous m entertaining • favorable opinion of the success of the entire affair. Those present were: Misses Willie Lou Cochran, Ruby Mumiii, Bessie Stuckey, Lu cy McAllister, Myrtie Burch, Stel la Morris, Inn and Addle Burch; Messrs. Mark McLemore, Arpad Hicks, Tun Cocktield, Charlie Beugnot, Howell McLemore, Fred McAllister, John A. Morris and Charles Durloo. NOTICE OF LOCAL LEGISLATION. Notice is hereby given that at the approaching session of the General Assembly of Georgia, to be held during the summer of 1910, i bill will lie introduced to be mi itled An Act to Incorporate the Town of Alston in the County of vlon tgomery, State of Georgia ;to (■fine the corporate limits of said town; to provide for a mayor and aldermen and other otlicers of said town; to prescribe the com pensation of said mayor and al derman; to prescribe their powers and duties; to confer upon the mayor and aldermen of said town the power to enact municipal or dinances for said town; and to provide for the enforcement of said ordinances and for penalties for the violation i f the same; and to provide for all matters of mu : nicipal conern of said town and | for other purposes. NO. 8