The Montgomery monitor. (Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County, Ga.) 1886-current, June 23, 1910, Image 3

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N*ed of Watchful Care During an At*
tack of the Disease.
Bronchitis is the name given to
any inflammation of tiie mncou*
membrane of the Dronehial tubes, i
In a fairly healthy adult an attack
of acute bronchitis is not a very ter- j
rifving thing, although it is moat
distressing and disagreeable.
It is as if an unusually severe
cold and cough, instead of confin
ing itself to the head and throat,
wandered on down the chest. The
irritation of the tubes results in a
constant cough and sense of breath
lessness. The Temperature rises,
the patient feels sick, the more so
that the incessant coughing does
not result in the throwing off of j
any secretion to speak of.
In a dav or two the inflammation
in the tubes subsides, the tempera
ture goes .down, there is less and
less sense of oppression, and the se
cretion gradually becomes freer.
From this point there is gradual re
covery, as from an ordinary bad
On the other band, in the very
old or the very young or with those
whose powers of resistance are less
ened from any cause whatever
bronchitis is a dangerous disease.
It has a tendency to run from the
acute into the chronic form, in
which the sufferer may be perfectly
well during the summer months or
while in a warm climate, but at the
least chill or exposure must expect
and will get bis inevitable attack of
bronchitis with symptoms persisting
until the return of warm weather.
The moral of this is that it is
most essential to give proper treat
ment during the acute stage. The
need of watchful care during a
bronchial attack will be the more
appreciated when it is understood
that such an attack may be the be
ginning, sign and warning of a tu
berculous trouble and, furthermore,
that whooping cough and measles
sometimes begin that way.
In any case, whether the attack
be simple bronchitis or a warning of
some other trouble, the first rule
should be “straight to bed.’’ In
fact, this good old fashioned rule at
the onset of anv type of so called
“cold” cannot be bettered.
A wise secondary rule is to stay
in bed till the temperature has been
normal for a day or two. If this
were observed relapses would be
fewer and convalescences shortened
Never mind how mild the trouble
E remises to be, a physician should
e at once summoned not only be
cause he alone is competent to rec
ognize danger signals, but also be
cause there are many alleviations
in his power of the numerous pain
ful and distressing symptoms ill'
this disorder. —Youth’s Companion
The bean that we eat in some
form nearly every day, that almost
everybody likes, is comparatively
new as an edible. Our common ev
eryday bean is a native of South
America and was introduced into
Europe, whence it came to this
country during the sixteenth cen
tury and now is represented by
over 150 cultivated varieties. The
big broad bean is the bean of his
tory, and its origin is so remote
that it is doubtful. It is probably
a native of southwestern Asia and
northeastern Europe. The broad
but not thick lima bean, called by
some folks “butter bean,” is a pole
variety that came from South
America. Soy beans, little pealikc
beans, with hairy plants, are na
tives of China and Japan and an
as old, as cultivated vegetables, as
anything else in those long time
countries. —Exchange.
Dishonest Croupier*.
Each roulette table in Monte
Carlo has a chief, an underchief
and seven croupiers. The roulette
croupiers are ordered to kepp their
hands spread out open upon the ta
ble between the turns. This is de
signed not only to give confidence
to the players’ but to protect the
bank against its own employees.
Once it was found that a croupier
who seemed inordinately fond of
snuff had a spring bottom snuffbox.
Every now and then he would set
it down on a gold piece, and when
he took it up the gold piece was in
side. Another croupier was dis
covered to have a sort of funnel un
der his collar, which ran down tc
a money belt. Every now and luen
he would scratch his neck, and ev
ery time he did so the bank lost 20
francs. __
Meg and Dorothy were both six,
but Meg was a month the older.
Recently v erv serious difficulties
arose between the little ladies over
an extremely important matter.
Meg was finally beard to put an end
to the unfortunate controversy in
these crushing words:
“Well, I don't care if your doll is
bigger than mine, Dorothy Brown.
I'rn sixer than you are. anyhow.”
Woman’s Home Companion.
| Sheriffs ale.
! Georgia— Montgomery County.
Will l>o «ohl before the court house door n
j Wonut Vernon on the First Tuesday in July. |
! lout, between the legal hours of sale, to the ;
highest bidder for cash, certain property, of
which the following is a complete deaciiption: |
The southeast one-half of Lot of I
! Land Number Four Hundred and j
Ninety-one in the Seventh Land dis- j
rriet of said Montgomery county and j
I state of Georgia, the saitl tract eon-;
i taining one hundred and one and j
I one-fourth acres more or less. Said ,
| property levied on and will be sold
as the property of c. H. Wooten to ■
satisfy an execution issued from the j
city court of Mcßae in favor of the
Mcßae Grocery co. against .?. A.
Wooten & Sou. J. A . Wooten and o. j
If. Wootci,. Property pointed out
for levy by attorney for plaintiff” and
written notice of levy given as re-1
quired by law. This the Sth day of
.tune, 1910. .ras. Hester,
Max L. Mcßae, Sheriff.
Ally, for Riffs.
Road Notice.
Georgia—Montgomery ('omity:
To all whom it may concern: Take
notice that T. M. Moses and others
have applied for an order seeking I lie j
establishment of a new road which!
has been laid out ami marked con
formably to law by commissioners
duly appointed and a report thereof
made by them on oath, said road
commencing at the Yerly Ray Ford
and running in the direction of the
home of T. M. Moses, along the
land line of Mrs. E. J Jenkins, to
rite head of Crooked (,'reek.on the
Springhill road. Now, if no good
cause be shown to tlie contrary by
persons interested in this matter, the
older will be granted by t he Hoard of
Commissioners of Roads & Revenues
of said county til (lie court house on
1 1■ day of July. 191(1. This the Tlh
day of June, 1910. .1. F. Sikks,
Finn. Co. Coins.
Petition for Incorporation.
i leorgin■— Montgomery County.
I’n the Superior Court of said county: The
petition ofti. !■', Weaver, W. A. /livers, II W
divers, A. W. Harlow, C. P. l'.nnis, .1. /’. <lei
;er, 1 F. Cut i ie, .1. .1. Mriiiii lev, W. K Wright,
I’. I£. Itarnliill, \V. A. Smith, S. H. Peek, K
S. Fortlie and sueh other persons as are now
if may hereafter become shareholder*, all of
said state anil county, respectfully shows:
Ist. That they desire lor themselves, their
associates and successors to lie incorporated
iud made a body politic under thohiunic and
it'le of Farmer’s Union Gin Co npany for the
period of twenty years.
2nd. That the principal office of said coin
lauy shall be in the town of Glen wood in said
late and county, but petitioners desire tin
iglit to establish branch offices elsewhere in
said state whenever the holders of the utajori
ty of the stock may so determine.
3rd. The object of said corporation is pe
•iitiiary gain to itself and its shareholders.
4th. The business to be carried on by said
•orporation is that of operating u ginnery or
ioneries in the Town of Glen wood and such
other places as may hereafter he determined.
sih. The capital stock of said corporation'
shall be 450(H) with the privilege of increasing
lie same to thifsum of 4151100 by a majority
ote of the stockholders. Ten per cent, of the
■ mount of capital to be employed by them
has been actually paid it.
6th. Petitioners desire the right to site anil
ie sued, to plead and be impleaded, to have
ind use a common seal, to make all necessary
ay-laws and regulations, and to do all other
liihgs that may be necessary for the success
nil carrying on of said business, including the
iglit to buy, hold, and sell real estate and
personal property suitable to the purposes of
i lie corporation, and to execute notes and
bonds as evidence of indebtedness incurred,
ir which may be incurred, in the conduct of
the affairs of the corporation and to secure the
same by mortgage, security-deed, or other
form of lien, miner existing laws.
7th. Tlu-y desire for said it.corporation the
lower and authority to apply for and accept
intendments to its charter of either form or
.nbstanie by a vote of a majority of its stock
nitstunbiiig at the time. They also ask au
liority for said incorporation to wind up it
,(fairs, liquidate and discontinue its business
d any time it may determine to do so by a
vote of two-thirds of its stock outstanding at
lie time.
Btli. They desire for the said inoorpnra
ion the l ight of renewal when and as provid
'd by the laws of Georgia, and that it have
dl siich other rights, powers, privileges, and
immunities as are incident to like incornora.-
• ions or permissible under the laws of Geor
Wherefore, petitioners pray to be incorpo
atod under the name and style aforesaid with
he powers, privileges and immunities here
in set forth, and as are now, or may hereafter
be allowed a enrpmatioo ot similar character
under the laws of Georgia,
f, B. Geiger, Petitioners Attorney.
Filed in office this the 6th day offline, 1910.
J. C. Calhoun,
Clerk Superior Court JAmtgoinery County
Georgia—Montgomery County:
I, J. C. Calhoun, Clerk of the Superior
Court of said county, do hereby certify that
the foregoing is a true and correct copy of
rhe application for charter of G. F. Weaver,
■t. al. as tiie same appears on file in this office.
Vitness my official signature and the seal of
-aid court. This the 6th day ot June. 1910.
J. (1 Calhoun,
Clerk Superior Court Montgomery Co.
Tax Receiver’s Notice
Third and Last Round.
I will bn at the following places
on the dittos named below, for the
purpose of receiving state and
county tax returns for the year
Erick Friday, June B
Alamo, Monday, Oth
j (jrlenwood Tuesday, 7
i Landshurg, Wednesday, 8
J. E. Ilornes, res., Thur. 9, 10 to 1
Lothair, Friday, 10, 9 to 1
| Orland, 10th B to 5 j). in
! Soperton, Saturday, 11th
Tarrytown, Monday, lßth
Kibbee, Tuesday, 14th
Higgston, Wednesday, 15th, 9 to
Bud Sharpe’s, 15th, at night
Longpoud, Thursday, 10th, 9to 1
Uyalda, 10th, B to 5 p. m
McArthur, Friday., 17th
Springhill (campground) 17 night
| J. A. Browning’s Sat’day 18 8 a in
Springhill (club house) 18 10 to 2
j Mt. Vernon, Monday, 20th
Books will close on June 21. Ail i
returns sent by mail must reach
this office* by June 25th.
Yours very truly,
lw. Henry Clark, R. T. R. M. C.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery Countv .
Will tie soM bet,.re the court house door in
i Mt. Vernon on the first Tuesday in July, j
, 1910, between the legal hours of sale, to the
highest bidder for cash, certain property, of
j which the following is a complete description : i
One hundred and fifty acres ol
i land, more nr less, situated in lot of
j land number three hundred and fifty
i six (Hot!) in ihe Tenth (HI) land dis-j
111 ict of Montgomery county, Gem - -;
girt, and being all of said lot except
i tifty-one acres sold off of the north- 1
! west side of said lot. Said tract of
] land being levied unou and will he 1
sold as the property of. B. J . Guest
! to satisfy two li. fas. issued from the
j Oily Court of Mount Vernon in favor
of The Mount Vernon Hank against
j T. C. Johnson and A. M. Johnson, !
I principals, and B. J. Guest as ett-1
j dorser. Property pointed out fori
j levy l»y plaintiff in fi. fa., being in j
I the possession of defendant in li. fa..
li. J. Guest, and written notice given
las required by law. This the (Hit day
of June, 1910. Jas. Hester, Sheriff.
M. B. Calhoun, A tty. for PUT.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia Montgomery County.
Will he sold before the court house door in
; Mt. Vernon on the tlrst Tuesday in July,
1910, between the leiral hours of sale, to the
highest bidder for cash, ctrt&in property, of
which the following is a complete uiHoription:
All that certain tract id land lying,
situated and being in 1 he 1343rd. Dis
trict G. M. Montgomery county,
Georgia, containing Eighty Seven
and three quarter (S7 ;i t ) acres, more
or less, and bounded on tin* north by
lands of L. A. Nabh; on the east by
lands of L. A. Nabh and James Me- j
Natf* on tin* south by lands of Mrs.
W. E. Fountain; and on the west In
lands of \V. \V. Cooper. Said trad j
of laud being levied upon and will ]
he sold as the properly of L. A. Nab It
t.o satisfy three justice court, fi. fas.
issued from the justice Cotirl of the 1
HtlJrd. Dist rict G. M. of said count;
in favor of Home Fertilised'& Chem
ical Company against L. A. Nabh;
aud also one add i I iona I fi. fa. issued
from said Jusliee Court in favor of
Home Fertilizer «te Chemical Com
pany against W. G. Cooper and I
M. Cooper, principals, and 1,. A.
Nabh, as endorser. Properly point
ed out for levy by plaintiff m li. las.,
being in possession of L. A Nabh
and written notice of levy given as
required bylaw. Levy made by E.
YV. Armfield, constable, and returned
to me. This the’(ill) day of June,
1910. James ilfislcl', Sheriff M. C.
M. B. Calhoun. Ally, for PUT.
Commissioners’ Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery (Nmnty.
Glider and by virtue of an order of
tlie Superior Court of said comity,
will he sold by the undersigned com
missioners, duly appointed by the
court for such purpose, at the court
house in said county at public outcry,
within the legal hours of sale, on the
first, Tuesday in July next, 1910, to
Ihe highest bidder for cash, certain
property, of which the following is a
full and complete description to wit:
All that certain t ract of land contain
ing six hundred acres more nr less,
being in t lie 12215 t I list. G. M . of sa id
county of Montgomery and bounded
on the west by Messrs Creek, east
by lands of H. J. Miller, north by
lands of A. S. Dukes, Polly Ann Bar
wick and Will Key, and on the south
by lands of A lien Lott, the same be
ing known as the “Messer Place ”
Saitl property will be sold for the
purpose of partition and distribution
according to the decree granted by
the said court in the case of George
I, Miller e( al against John J. M diet
<*t al, the same being a suit for parti
tion. cancellation, etc., in the Super
ior court in said county ol Montgom
ery. Deeds will he made to the pur
chaser by the undersigned as com
inissiouers aforesaid, the right to re
ject, any and all bids being reserved.
This 7l h day of J urn*, 1910.
J. <J. McAllister, S. B. Morris,
J. G. ('a Ihoun,
Graham & Graham, Aliys, for I'llTs
Mortgage Sale.
State of Georgia- Montgomery Comity.
Under and by virtue (d ike nower of sale in
i mortgage executed by Jodi Collins and Lau
ra. Colluri, dated fit It day of Marcli, lfiilll, and
recorded in office of tint clerk of the Siifnh'ior
Court of Montgomery County, in book It at
folios 337-338-339. on the 26th day of June.
1891, the undersigned will sell at pnblir sale
at the court house door in said county of
Montgomery, during the legal hours of sale
to the highest bidder for cash, on the Ist
Tuesday in July, 1910, the following described
property, to-wit:
<>tie hundred acres of land, more or less,
■utuated, lying and being in Die 12215 t district
G. M. ot said county of Montgomery, said
state of Georgia, bounded north by lands ol
Joseph Williams; east by Mrs. John Kersey:
.until by J. K. Be.'kwortii and west by 11. A
Uosely, known as the place whereon the said I
Josh and Laura Collins lived at the date of
said mortgage, together with all improvements
thereon, for the purpose ol paying a certain
promissory note foi #205.26, executed and de- 1
iivered to W, and T. I. Pritchett on the Bth
lay of March, 1890, stipulating for interest
irorn date at the rate of eight per cent, per]
mnnin, and ten percent, attorney’s fees, the
lotal amount dm- on said note now being Six
Hundred and Fifty Hollars, principal and in
crest, the said interest being computed up
1 o the Ist Tuesday in July, 1910. and the fur
] her hiiin of #05.00 attorney’s fees, the said VV.
j mil T. J. Pritchett having incurred said at
:orney’s fees as part of tiie expense referred
j to and having also incurred the further ex
| tense 0f>75.011 in advertising previous sales
o.d other expenses incurred in Die collections
if said debt, and for such further sum as may
be necessary to pay tin- the taxes thereon now
due, together with the costs of this proeeed
: og as provided in said mortgage. A deed to
Die purchaser will be made by tue undersigu
d. 1 bis J line 7, 1910.
VV. J - T. J. Pritchett.
Fur Sale—Carload of dressed
humher, on L’. B. I. Hill. Apply
so J. D. Rabun, Mt. Vernon, Ga.
—1 »
Stoves, Ranges, New Home
Sewing Machines, McCormick
Mowing ami Binding Machinery,
ire among my specialties.—W. Jf.
At tv at Law,
hi t. Vernon, Georgia.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia- Montgomery County.
Will hi sold before the court house door in
Monut Y'ernon on the first Tuesday in July,
1910, between the legal hours ot sale, to the
highest bidder for cash, certain property, ot
which the following is a complete description:
Tha certain lot or parcel of land
situated in the IGSiitJi District G. M.
and in the Town of Soperton, said
] comity and state anil bounded north
by R. J. Williams, east by Mrs. Nel
lie Roach, south by Oak street anil
west by l\ H. Jones, and being 90
feet front on Oak street and extend- ,
tug hack i fit I feet in a northerly di
rection, and being oblong in shape.
Said property levied on as tin* prop
erty ol ( . H. Peterson tosal isfy tliree
i executions issued from the {superior
j court of said county towit : One in
favor of Hamilton Brown Shoe Co.
I vs V. H. Peterson; one in favor of
John Silvey A- Company vs C. H.
IVierson; and one in favor of Ridley,
Williamson-Spain Co. against C. H.
Peterson; said property being in the
possession of defendant in li fa, and j
I lining tin* property conveyed by Geo. !
M. ( ourson let'. 11. I’eterson by deed 1
! dated Dee. 10, 1908. This the hih day j
jot June, 1910. Jas. Hester,
W M. Lewis. Sheriff.
A tty. for Bills.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia— Montgomery County.
Will he before the eiuii't house door in
M». Vernon on the first Tuesday in July,
1910, between the legal hours of sale, to the
highest bidder for rash, certain property, of
which the following is a complete diseription:
Fifty acres of Lot of Land No. 300
j io tin* Eleventh land district of said !
j county, lo In* cut. off the eastern side !
iol said lot a long 1 lie old I > 11 1 1 1 i o pub
i lie road and being in the possession i
of \\'. L. Currie. Levied on as ihe
j property of W. L. Currie to satisfy
| an exec niton issued by I). M . Cnr lie,
lax collector, against \V. L. Currie!
! for stale ami county faxes for the 1
year 1909. Properly pointed out for
levy by W. L. Wilson, county attor
ney, and written nol ice given ar re
quired by law. This Ihe 7fh day of
.1 line, I9ID. J as. 11 ester,
Sheri IT.
Sheri(T Sale.
Guenon Montgomery County:
Will lie sold before the court house door ill
Mt. Y'ernon on the first Tuesday m July,
1910. between the legal hours of sale, to lie
highest bidder for cash, certain properly, of
which the following is n complete description:
Ail thal react or parcel of land ly
ing and being in tiie Dili District of i
said comity known and distinguished j
in I lie plan of said district; as Ninety- j
live (95) acres in a square in The i
north corner of lot of land number {
Two Hundred and Thirty-two (232),
except sixteen (Id) acres sold and
cutoff on Ihe west corner of said
tract to Henry Stephens. Said tract
of land being levied upon and will
he sold as the property of Back Jack
soil lo satisfy an execution issued
from I lie ( tty Gourt of Mount Y’orn- j
on in favor of M. I). Burch and
against I lie said Back Jackson. YY’ril
len notice of levy given as required
by law. This the 2dth day of May,
191(1. James Hester, Sheriff M. C.
Yl. B. Calhoun, Ally, for BUT.
Sheriff Sit 10.
Georgia—Montgomery ( kraut y.
Will ho sold before the court house door in
Mt. Vernon cm Ihe first Tikisiliiv in July,
1910, between Die legal liomv of sale, lo the
highest and best bidder Tor cash, certain prop
erly, of which tin* following is a complete de
A one third (',) undivided interest
in al! that certain tract or parcel of
laud lying and being in the county
of Montgomery and Stale of Georgia,
which certain tract or parcel of land
may he better known as lot, number
Two hundred and six (260) in the
Sixth (6) land district of originally
YY’ilkinrton now Montgomery county,
Georgia, containing Two Hundred
anil Twnanil One-half (202 1 .,) acres
of land. Said one third undivided
interest in said trad of land being
levied upon as the property of John
YY - . Adams to satisfy two li fas. is
sued from the City Gourt of Mount
Y'ernon. each in favor of Frank Ai j
Company and against, the said John
YY’. Adams. YY'riten notice of levy
given as required by law. This the
2(51 h (lay of May, 191(1.
James liesler. Sheriff' VI. O.
,Yl. B. Calhoun. Atty. for Bill's.
Sheriff Sale.
GEOItGI V Montgomery County;
Will be sold before the court house door in i
Mount Vernon on the first'Tuesday in July,
1910, between the legal hours of sale, to the j
highest bidder lor rush, certain property, ol
which the following is a complete description: 1
All li in Ii v ided one-t hi l'l cent h (1-13)1
interest iii tlini tract of land situated
in flic 1537, District. G. M. of said!
] county and bounded as follows:!
j North by lands of Marion Phillips;!
jon tiie east by lands of H. I). Mose
ley and lands belonging to I lie estate I
of Toney Moseley; and on tin* south ,
and west by lands belonging to tlici
estate of A. J. YY'ill iauisou, and con i
] taing two bundled and thirty-five]
! acres, more or less; said undivided i
] one-thirteenth interest of said tract j
, being ihe distributive share of Jose- j
phinc Dixon in tlie estate of Marge-,
rest Moseley; and being levied upon ]
as the property of said Josephine ]
j Dixon to satisfy an execution issued
from the 1343rd District (». M. of
said county against said Josephine;
Dixon and in favor of Geo. N. Math
ews and by said Malltews transl'err-1
oil to YY'illie T. McArthur. Levy i
j made and returned to trie by 1.. D.!
i Mon is, constable, This the Ist, day j
of J une. 1910.
James Hester, Sheriff.
.Yl. B. Calhoun, Atty. for Willie T.
(Jeorgia—Montgomery County :
Joe J. McAllister, one of the exec
! utors of the will anif testament of A.
L. Adams, deceased, late ol said
, i county, having filed his petition to
: he allowed t,o resign bis trust, this is
i therefore to cite Mrs. Sophie Wooten
Mrs. Minnie Woolen and Miss Eliza
■ McAllister, they being the next of j
! kin of said testator to show cause
, before #iie court of Ordinary for said
county on the (irst Monday in July
nexc 19U). why an order allowing
, such resignat ion should not he grant
ed. This file tit 1 1 day of June, 1910.
| Alex McArthur, Ordinary. 1
Mr. T. 11. ( oekheld is our author- I
» . . . |
# ized representative in this section, and §
| all orders far Building Material, Paints h
| and Mantels given him, will have our |
j prompt ami careful attention. |
r , . .. :; ,; ; # |
► Five Strong Pointers 3
► © © co © © © © © © © © ©:•© © © © © ©; 3
► «
► Some of the immortalized poets oould r s hat *S (ji(‘llius
► take .1 scrap of paper and write ’ 4
t on it a poem worth untold sums of money 3J
► I! icki'foller or Carnegie could write Capital 3
► a low words on a shoot ol pap»T »
t and its valuation may represent millions i
► A mechai.K. may take material Thai J S Skill 3
► worth $»>.(»() and convert* 11> into n
£ watidi springs or delicate mechanism worth SI,OOO
► A man can earn a thousand dollars ry | jj S Foolish 3
► and put. it in ins pocket and iosh n
£ it, or in a trunk and let a thief steal it. Or, lend it. to a 4
|£ friend and never see it. again’
► l»ut wlkui a man, woman, hoy or girl earns any amount of 3
1 ► money and will «a
t Deposit in Ml. Vernon Bank «
t THIS Shows Good Sense 5
i ► <
£ Money left with liank is abundantly safeguarded, and proves
£ profitable, aside Irom the Inisiness standing that, it utVords.
1 ► •
■t"©. '' at^Jret
f $** ViCC proves they ARt^
/^CrnV .|'J. ~\ livery HUB Shoe
They show quality in ev* f y Inn , and their
* I hey w. i well at* they loot. Wo .oil •• Tit. IptfWPftj
nun m,<„» MhLtN lIUNT t),... si. imiurnr s.-.i... $2.50 J
1 w.;l„ /QUELN ROSALIND. A “te; s t, l ;» iU - $3.00 I
!IUIi ► > 1 1< »»:'! \ RIGHT ROYAL, a '<«■>« I Sln >r ~’\ ri*»J anti I rue $3.50 /
V Men ( CNAk’ACILR, T || t . 'i'l'jMClf UK SKILL $5.00 J
r,„ ca.,i,ir„, | Any HUB Brand Shoe | t", ChiiJi^^f
ry (den wood, Georgia.
I |
1 Men’s All Wool I
i 1 Suits i
I ' I
I $
Sf R
& , n
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Neat Mixtures Gray and Brown
gjj Light, Medium and Dark Shades
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i savannah, <;a. |