Newspaper Page Text
An Important Preliminary la the Ad
vice to the Bride.
A Japanese wedding dot's not es
tablish a new house, li only adds
the bride to the family of the
bridegroom. The government gives
oflieial recognition to this custom
by transferring the bride's name on
the register from her own to Iter
husband’s family, so young Orio
does not bring Miss Chrysanthe
mum to his own little dovecot, but
to his father’s house.
At the door of this house the lit
tle bride to he is formally surren
dered by her own family. Before
the actual wedding ceremony takes
phem, however, there is an impoi
taut. preliminary to be observed -
Miss Chrysanthemum must drink
tea with her mother and the wife
of tlie go-between. This lady niiglit
be called a bridesmaid, but the Jap
anese wedding knows no brides
maids in the western serine. There
is, however, a little girl in attend
ance, called a “butterfly,” who has
important duties to fulfill.
While the three women are to
gether the oem-ion ik taken to give
the nervous little bride some final
advice on her couduel in her new
home lmw to humor her husband
ami how to get on the right side J
her mother in law. a personage who
is just as important hi Japan as she
is with us Perhaps, moreover, the
two older women quote from the
Japanese “Creator l.e. lining For
Women,” the revered classic which
lavs down rules for female con
duct. “The great lifelong duty of
a woman i- obedience In her deal
irtgs with her husband both the ex
pressioti of her countenance and
the style of her address should he
courteous, humble and conciliatory,
never peevish and intractable, never
rude and arrogant. Never set thy
self up against thv husband with
harsh features and a boisterous
This seems 1o insure the young
husband getting his own way with
out uii\ bickering or nagging, hut it
mav he that the old hands tell the
voting bride how to bond Orio
even while she seems to obey him
and how to lead him when she up
pears to follow, as is the way of wo
men the world over. Wide World
Long Diltanca Courtahipa.
Sketching one day in Burma, an
English artist noticed a man a lil
tie distance oIT glaring fiercely
straight ahead at him at some oh
jeet lie could not See from It is* post
til.ll. The man sat with the same
fixed glare the whole afternoon and
was at it again next morning. The
artist had the curiosity to ask an
English visitor what it meant. Tin*
reph was, “Oil, he is in love!’’ And
it was explained that this was their
method of courtship. l'lto object
of the man's attentive gaze was a
gnl ina neighboring Im/anr. When
a voting man falls in love he lias to
seat himself at a certain distance
from Ins adored one and wait for
her to do 11 1 «* rest. 11 she looks in
his direction once or twice on the
first or second dnv he is wildlv on
enuraged, and if on the third day
she nods to him and smiles it is
time to go to tlie parents with ref
erenee to the marriage settlements
Micsed Firs.
A hov w ho had been going to one
of the pul die schools in Buffalo left
school to go to work for a small
manufacturer. The hoy was dull,
and :ns -lupiditv annoyed the man
lifa.Hirer greatly. After two weeks
of trial the manufacturer diseharg
ed the bo\ at the end of the week
on Saturday night.
“You’re discharged." (lit 1 manu
facturor said. “Uo and get your
pax and let that be the last of yon.
Yon're discharged."
On Monday morning the manu
facturer was much surprised to see
the box m Ins former place at xvork.
"Here." be shouted, "what are
you doing in this shop!* 1 dis. iarg
ed xou Saturday night.”
“Yes." said the bov, "and don’t
you do it again. When 1 told my
mother sin' I’ckod me.’ Saturday
Evening Post
A Tal« of Rustian Wolves.
A man was telling about an ex
citing experience in Russia. His
sleigh was pursued over the frozen
wastes hx a pack of at least a dozen
famished wolves. Ile arose and shot
the foremost one, and the others
stopped to devour it. But ibex
soon caught up with him, and he
shot another, which was in turn do
retired. 1 is \>a- repeated tint
the last famished w >!f was ale
upon him with yearning jaw
"Sax. partner.’’ broke in one of
the listeners, "according to vour
reckoning, that last famished w<*i
must huxe '.ad the other eleven in
aide of him.”
“Well, come to think it over.”
said the story teller, “maxhe h<
vr.isn'* so darned fnnv«hed. after
all!" — Everybody 'a Magu. me.
| afiNOu::cz- n euts|
I hereby annonne* inv .aiidid&cy for tbe
ft), I- .it ru rt .1 til. Stipci i* r Court of Mon*
t'orncry county, subject to the action of tin
. democratic |>iimar>. If clc. icd, I promise to
j (tischmce the aftsiraof the office faithfully ate I
|in a business-like manner. Thanking you in
| advance for yottr support, I ::f n
Very realieetfully,
For Clerk Superior Court
Mv candidacy for rc-eb-etion to (tie oflice of
I fjlerk of tin .S'lijn-rior Court is before tbe peo
ple of Montiroun rv Tile tact that 1 liavr- treeii
honored aitti (lie ol'tF'e I »r a repeated term
I has not di traded from my labors and my ear- !
Inst efforts to till it in an a*-e«-ptahle manner, |
as I teel sure my record will show. I am fa
miliar with the many diltii sos tin office and
if 1 am ay'iiiii favored xvitli the poaition i* stiatl
still liave mv In t eflorts. To this end I ear- ,
neatly solid! the support of the people of my ]
niitixe i-i Hilly at tin coming eli* non,
Verv r< spei ttllllV,
J. C. HaLHOI'N. )
For Clerk ol Superior Coart.
To tin- Vot< > of Montgomery eountv I an
. nounee inx-* II .i candidate tor the office of
rieikoftli- Superior Court, subject to the
Democratic piimary. Thanking my friends
for tin eneotirai emeiit already given me, and
soluililiK x-nii support, ai.d lioping to have
l t.ln I>l. a -111 eol how jug my appi eiation, lam
Yours verv truly,
l>. li (i UAH AM.
J. the Peopb o| Xlontiioiiii i \ County:
From liny hood I have bud a laudable ambi
’ t.iun to represent the county of nix nativity in
Hie (ieol . lil l.egl.latnrc. Via-liiillK •" ~l,‘
earnest solicitations of frielidi m every nook
of Mnnlp’omcn county, I hereby announce
iiis elf it* foi till Lower House ol the
next t it* in- rn! Assembly of (h orgiii, suhjeet to i
tin lo ll li id a Ileliini ialii- ptiinarv. should
•me 111 held. I nroinim in advan e t>> do my !
full (lulx mi case I ini elect ed I hanking one
iind all toi your support, I remain
Yours very truly and loyally,
I or Representative.
I'.v the solicitation of many friends from dif
ferent parts of the enmity, unexpected tome, \
I lien by .ii.tiouiicc my for Hcpre-
S( Illative of Moutgmiierv comity, subject h» ;
, tin Udiiociatic primary. |( is mv ambition to
serve nix could x hi the go. >.| of hei people,and |
if elected. I will faithfully ills bill e my duty ;
to Ho best of mv ability I eariiestlv solicit
your support lain Yours to serve,
11. .1. Is |( 111 T.
/or Representative.
I am i < atididate lor tile <b nrral Assembly
from Montgomery counts, and it the people
will lasm me with this honor, I pledge my
best i ll<hi tossard tln ir service, in Hie full
sense „r. | reselHntive of the people. Ml h
jei ting ms - indidu. y to the m lion of tin pri
itiars, and a-kiiiK the kind eonsidcratioti of
Ho public, I am Yours very truly,
T. li. WIN HAM.
/ or Representative.
I hereby amtounee myself a eniididati- for ,
llepl eseiital is e ol l/oiitgonn i y enniity In tile
next (ietll l 111 Assembly ol (b ol j-ia. subject to
the action of a Democratic primary.
I hereby announce myself a candidate for
the office of Hliei iff of Montgomery county ai
the appi oaeliiiiK goncnil election. I offer ms -
sell subject to Hie action if tin ilemoniatio
pitmarv of said county. 1 huso bad consider
able evta richer in the duties of the ollleo and
pt. mis, if elected to give tile people a faith- ’
; Ini, eoiiseieiitinns and efficient adniiiiistraliou. |
Soliciting tin-support of the people Holier- <
alls. 1 am Yours ti tily,
N,,s 17, I'.Nf.f. DANIEL MOIUtIKON.
To the I’eople of Montgomery t'ounty
XI. eandidaes for le-eleetion to I lie office ol
Sheriff of Xlmitoomerv comity i- txefoie her
good peopb ; and 1 feet Hint tile situation will
tsoiirant mo in askim: the same cordial *np- (
port cisco mo in ibis my lirsi term. I irusi
tluil nix labors Inis, been found aeceptisb!*' to ,
the puiilic; ,ii d in asking the further support
nt my f« lloss citizens, I pledge anew ms most '
li arui'St efforts in the discharge of the duties j
I of'the office. 1. an but ) mil to ms record,
and ask that the same la considered at the j
approaching i lectioii With further wssttrau- '
i es ol my apreciutloli. 1 log to remain
You! obedient set s ant,
.1 AMI - 11 IS ILL:
For lax Receiver:
To the X ot. I • of Xl.m. collierv t oiilltx .
I take tin- uni Inal ol publicly announcing
my eandtilaey for re-election to the office ot
Itecciferol l'a\ lb nil Us, subject to the rules
of tip. I -centiv, Committee 1 enter this
iace untraiunndi d bv any entangling alliance
ss tiat* x ei .and I ptoinise if i lecled to discharge
tlie duties ot the ofiiei wills proiU|)turss auil
with eiptal rig his tn all and special privilege
ito non sid 1 further promise it favored ssitli
ibis . ffi. . foi anotliei term to voluntarily
retire at the expiration of such second term
X .ills very ti ills .
XV lit -ux Cl.utK.
lor lax Receiver:
1.. the Voters f Motitaoin, l y Comity :
Yielding to strong intlnema s in my favor. I
j ho eby iiiuomico mysell ait aspirant for the
office i t l'av Deceiver of lli-.s county, and I
es i nest lx ask I lii kind coustderatioii oi nix
fellow citizens. I feel that my qualities lions ;
lilstdx tin ft-quest. Htlsi '.lnst my ials i s would j
pi'oxc ace, ptaldc to the txetxplc xvliom 1 ask to .
sMXe will be lIIX desitc to till I
till plae. to the best if my ability. gi'ltlK It
six\ entire tune and attention ssheti rciptired. j
Xskme, that my triples! lie vixen eousidcl'a-
II 11 111 the |X. Ills, and in accord xxitli the rules.
1 am \ ri s Unix- x ours,
11. s l’r .svv.
For Tax Receiver.
To tin Citizens ot Monitor,,, rx County:
I hereby annouttee myself a candidate for
Hie offici ot Fax io reixt! of Moutyoiuel J
county, subject to the a,-‘ion of the 1V moorat
ic I'xecultve Commitlct . 1 promise, tt clt-i t
cit, ti> discharge tile duties of 11st- office to the
l<est >.t my ability, ami earn, stly solicit tin
support of tin- ptsiple.
Yours truly,
k>HN ti. MOUIUs.
As a oft ims! citizen of l/ontt;oinerv coun
ts and has in e the pderests of the i-'uuty atsil
i»ts,pic at heat t, I offer nixst ls a candidate for
the* 'tile, of Fax Collector, an eject to Hie re
st ii ,s ,• • icb primal» election as may be
la r pixxvnit d 1 bs'l that my lonu ass.via
ii li With Co affairs >f the count* Will merit
tin-sltpp rt of th, p, ople. and t>> them I
pledjti my , aru. st <-udeavor» tn the f(drill- I
nil nt ot tie lima S PI.XIU bent m«>u Hie iflict,
if 1 should be tssoit-1 witli it. and to this cod
I caitn stly »-s Hit support tis my fileuds ami j
fsilow ciuatua U«*pw\':fitUy
u, t. s.ud;ui. J
For Tax Collector:
Having formerly withhold my usmlidaoy for
pnbli'* oftic#* at thu inataiu of friuri(ln, Jam
now hfrfor#* the vot»*rH of Mmttj(om#*rY county
hh a raodulato for Tax Collector; 1 trnat
Mi at tlii* formal annouoceintmt will haw- t!«♦•
approval of tlr*«H Iriendn win hav» ah* ad
• tender# d their Hiipi>#»rt, together witii th#'
nnpi*ort <»f the p#-nj»h* generally. If I nhottlri
\n: fav<»r« i! with thin important tru«#t. I pledge
my h<:»»t effortm in the dtaeharge of the duties
. of th# oftit e, h eling that mv exp< i »<*nce in th.
biifiu* Kx world and rnv acquaintance with the
, public affair a of the county will merit the favor
of the public. I am Ufiim< nmbr«*d, and the :
legal dlM'ha.gc of th#- dutieM of th#- office
hIihII be tnv guide and motto. Trusting that i
1 may have opportunity of allowing nay appre- !
elation nf MUpp.rt, and placing my Candida'
j cy auhjeet to Much reHtrirtioim aM may be pru
vnl# <1 for the election, I arn
lor Tax Collector.
Profoundly grateful for the favor shown me'
jbv tin people of Montgomery county in my |
: election to ih» office of Tax Collector, and has- I
ing the eoii-cmtimieHM of having devoted mv i
i beat effortm to tln ir *«*rvfce <lui itig the term, I
iigain offer f<»r the plac* . I bed aure that tli»*
votcrH of the county will Mtill honor the cnatoni
of an officer Hlliiig two termit. in which his
work i* more effective, and to thin end I humb
ly ank tb# I’ontiiiueti favor <»f tbo people. M>
work an an ollicer ia open to the p#*<»ple and 1
will < loti by appreciate »!»#• favor of another
14-rtu an tiie M< i\antof thep#*opl#t of my native
county. Vour ohedieiit servant,
l>. M. CUKIiLE.
l or Tax Collector:
To the Vot#TM of Montgomery County:
Yielding to Htiong it flucm # m in my favor, I
h"rehy annoum # my-*# If a candidate for Tax i
Collccfoi of thin unity; him! i # arneMtlv HMk
the kind eoiiMiderutinii of m.v fellow cifizetiM.
I I# t I tlnii mv (jiialilicatioiia luetifv the re
j <|U< t, and that mv labor#- would prove accept
able to th# peopb whom I ask to aerve if
; idected it ymII he my #l» to till the offic#* tn
heat of my ability, giving it uiv on tire time
and attention when required. My candidacy
ia Miibh'ct t.o tii** requirement* that may be
provided foi the«dertioti of county officers.
Yom> verv truly.
j m.‘'c, Tiu i:rr.
For Tax Collector.
l’o the (’ifi/ens of Montgomery County;
We, the undersigned, of our own will, and
w 1 11 mu t biff, knowledge,lierebv announce .1. \\ .
Adam* a candidate for the office of Ijx Col
lector ot Montgomery county* subject, to the
rub's of the Ih-mociati<* primary. We do this
under the thin conviction that, judging from
hi* .ant merviees. 1 1«* \*iil makes faithful and
ertict* nt otficnr if elected; ami we bespeak for
him your hearty support.
Verv truly vour*,
For Tax Collector.
The voter* <d Yloutgomerv eouuty are here
in inititied that I am a candidate, and «*ameht
1> ask tln ir support, for the office ot Tax Col- j
; lector, subject to Mich rowtrictiouH a* may he ;
provided hv the Kx**cutive Committ»’t* regu
{sting the eU-ction of comity oftict rn. The of
fice will have mv nmst earm st attention if I
! am favored with it ami your consideration will >
! In* greatly appreciated. Kesiiectfully,
HlltUhlY J. CLAfIK.
For lux Collector:
1 hereby announce tiiVht If a candidate f«»r j
the office of Tax Collector of Montgomery
county, subject to the action of the Dtniocrat
ic pi imary. 1 #*arne»tly solicit tli« aupptirl
of t he people generally.
Yours very truly,
J. A. M a unit.
l or Tax Collector.
15v this method I desire to fully plrtCt* my
self before the voters of Montgomery county
, as a candidate for the office of Tax Cojleetoi;
ami whil# I am making an earnest effort for
the place, 1 desire to elicit the cordial nupport
iof the people. Ash citizen, 1 (hem this one
ol the most important ottiees m the county, j
and that it r# ipiires the work of a careful,
competent and conscientious man, observing
the law in an impartial manner; and in the
event of election, shall pursue thUeourse with
diligence In advance 1 extend thanks foi
the support that may be accorded me ut the
polls, and subjecting mv candidacy to such
rules as may lie provi led by the county gov
* erniiig committee, 1 am
Yours vciy respectfully,
T. K. William*.
For Tax Collector.
| 1 take this nedhod ot informing the voters
' *>r Montgomery county that I am in tho race |
t i the offi*’c of l'a\ Collector ot this county,
i and that I am ('specially anxious for their sup
jM»rt in the coming primary. My candidacy is
subject to such rules as may he provided by
the I'xccutive Committee regulating mien
election. A strict business attention shall be
gi \t u the office it l am favored with it.
For County Treasurer :
1 trust that tin next Legislature will an
nul the office of Countv Treasurci, since the
time is here when it Is an umiec. ssary ex
pense to the tax payers ot the several counties.
It the Legislatin'! at the approaching session
tails to abolish this office, l am a candidate
for same in Mont.gonu i v county mi the follow
mg conditions:
l*t. I pn»posc to give good and sufficient
bund for the safe handling ut the county I
j funds.
'MX. I do not purpose to take one cent of
I commission lYoni any funds received or dis
; butsed.
dd. 1 purpose to keen flu* l'r asun r’s books
j tit c«»rrecti shaptg and when the records are
j exaiuiped, and everything found in correct
i shape, the i'ountx t omiuissioners can pay me
Three Hundred lfidlars.
Phis will n suit in a saving of twelve hun
dred dollar** to the tax payers ».f the county.
Th* question is now up t«» tin tax payers ot
tin comity, as t»v win !lo r th# v w tut to pay
a man fifteen or three hun«be«l d liars tor this
w.-rk. soliciting ih* >upp>< t ‘ h# people yd
tin county on the ahov* comliti *t■>. I an*
Yours verv truly,
T** the Voter* of .Voutgomu y Louuty:
l hereby atunnitice mvsclf a candidate
ferthe office of T reasurer *>! Montgomery
iHHinty ou tin* following conditions; If tln tm* does tn*t aiadiah tie office of the
t'..untv Treasurer at the next s 4 hsmh, (while s
I ain it» t»x*»r of saint being abolish* d.l
1 will it electevl give a satisfactory bond b»
guarantet the hindliog of all funds.
I will keep the TYeasui’eTs U in correct
shape•, and will ask tv*i ui> ser\ic#-s as Cnuntv
I'r» asm er. only Two Hundred and Fifty IK»I
--lars, tfiMk) t»cr year. 1 realize that the office
of It*.(surer an unuecessary exptuse to the
tax-ps> ei> of the#*#>unty, hem ** •Tei myself as
a candidate at the amount mentioned.
I beleive 1 am fully compet**»it to hold the
»ftice, amlUii.g a cripph*. utia: le to work.
I cau aflord to accept the offii'e tor a smaller
amount as salary than aov ottiar man.
lam unable to * all the v.c< s personally,
but am already know to a great many of you
ami will certainly appnviate y ir support m
, the coming ele* tiou.
IYoura varx truly,
M.H. ovrukw. »
For Tax Collector:
In compliance with the solicitation* of my j
’ friends, I t ike thi** method *»f announcing to
the voters «#f Mm tg»*in« iv cotility that I am a j
candidate for th#* office of Tax Collector, sub
ject to the primary. If elected, I promise a
! faithful diacharge <>f the duties of the office.
Yours respectfully,
For County Treasurer:
I hereby announce through this medium mv
| candidacy for the office of Treasurer of Montg
omery county, subject to the action of the
Democratic primary. If 1 am favored with
’ids trust I will discharge the duties of th#*
i office as the law requires atid in a strict busi
ness manner. I w ish to thank the citizens of
the county for their cordial support in the last t
campaign, and trust that I may again have
their support in my earnest efforts for the
! plgce.
Very Truly,
J. W. Mo ahi hon, Sr.
.’«» the Voti rn of Montgomery County.
i hereby announce u»y>ell a candidate for
f the office of County School (yommissiouer, and
in announcing my candidacy, 1 desire to say
that, having be# ii actively and < xclusivelv :
i engaged in school work in this county j
I for a number of years past, I am fully I
j conversant with the needs and requirements j
; <»f the common schools.
I will have no other business to engage my :
| time ami atteuliou, and in soliciting your sup- I
jM>rt, I pledge myself, it elected, not to maki*
i the duties of the office a secondary consider
ation, hut to give mv time and attention fully
thereto. Thanking you in advance for any fa
vors you may bestow on me. Yours truly,
J. li. AULD.
To tin Citizens of Montgomery Comity:
I hereby announce myself & candidate for j
the office of County School Commissioner ot
Montgomery county, subject to such examitm- j
lion, rubs and regulations as may* he pro ;
scribed by th#- State Hoard of Education arid j
I tlie State*School Commissioner, and the laws j
i governing the election of county school com
Also subject to such rules and regulations
| as may lie made by the Executive Committee
!of Montgomery eouuty, if said rules are con
sistent with tin requirements of the state ati
t horities*
I have always stood for and advocated tin
education of the masses of Hi#* people, for bet
ter si’tiools ;.nd better educational advantages.
If elected, 1 promise to give my undivided
attention to the school affairs of the county
and shall put forth every effort to make our
schools better each y ear.
In tin* past I have had the hearty co-opera
lion of the people that were interested in bet*
t#*i schools and het»# r education, and 1 ear
nestly solicit th«ir support during this cam
paign. Yours very truly,
A. I>. Hutcheson.
To the Citizen* <»f Montgomery County:
I hereby announce myself a candidate for
the office of County School Commissioner of
Montgomery ' ounty, subject to all lawful rules ;
ami regulations governing the election.
I .mi a college and normal trained teacher of j
twelve years experience in several counties of 1
the State. This training and experiencequal* j
die* me for the oflice.
I stand for improv# d methods in education
and lor the better education of the masess. I j
promise, if elected, b» discharge ill the duties j
of tin’ office to tin* be*! of mv ability.
Thanking you in advance for the support j
| that may he accorded me, 1 am,
Very respectfully,
For Side— Crick Yard
Entire plant, for sale, including!
Engine, Boiler, Brick Machines
' and trackage, complete for opera
tion. Near Mt. Vernon on the S.
A. L. Rv. Apply at once to
118-ts) Mt. Vernon, Ga.
80 Thousand for sale, prices from |
S,‘>o upward.
For catalogue, prices, etc., write j
J. C. THORN Bl’ RG, Helena, Ga. i
Money! Money!
Long Term Loans negotiated on
Improved Farm Lands and also on
City or Town Real Estate in
Montgomery County at a low rate
of interest. Lewis,
Mt. Vernon, Ga.
Notice is hereby given that at
the approaching session of the
General Assembly of Georgia, to
be held during the summer of 19-
10, a bill will be introduced to be
entitled An Act to incorporate
the town of Fvalda in the County
of Montgomery, State of Georgia:
to define the corporate limits of'
said town: to provide for a mayor
and aldermen and other officers of
said town: to prescribe the com
pensation of said mayor and al
dermen : to prescribe their powers
and duties; to confer upon the
mayor and aldermen of said town
the pnwr to enact municipal or
dinances and for penalties for the
violation of the same; and to pro
vide for all matters of municipal
concern of said town, and for
ither purposes.
Bills for building the school
house at Alston were received at
the last meeting of the Board of
Education, but the contractor pre
senting the lowest bid f<»r said
work having withdrawn his bid.
and the matter having been re
opened. new bids will l>e received
until Friday evening, June 17th.
1910. l’ians and specifications']
j can be seen nt the Mt. Vernou
Bank. A. B. Hutcheson,
• C. S. C. M.. C.
Monuments, Tombstones
1 |
We desire to inform the people of §
this section that we have opened a ill
first-class marble business in Aida- $
lia. We are prepared to furnish |
on short notice anything in the line ii:
of Monuments, Tombstones, Orna
mental Iron Fencing, etc.
Designs the latest and most correct I
cs n s>
and tasty. Prices are right, and |
work will give satisfaction. $
I Vidalia, (hi. I
m tWVWVV\\%VWW^WI%W%W^\^V%\\VH^IVVI\VVViVV\\^\V4V\\\Wi%W
J John H. Hunter, Win. K. Pearce, Frank C. liattey. t*
I Cotton Factors Naval Stores i
—■•■■- - —_______—,i
# HANDLERS OF 1 _ clCI ? |
i| Upland Cotton, Florodora, ;
|1 :; Allen Silk A: Other Extra Staples, j
Sea-Island Cotton & Naval Stores, j
One of Um Largest Factorage Concerns in the South. Each ;
Commodity handled in a Separate Department. I
Strictest Attention to Each. !
Nitrate of Soda and Other Fertilizers, i
Upland and Sea-Island Bagging,
Ties and Twine.
I Liberal Advances made on Consignments. Money Loaned ;
to Cotton and Naval Stores Shippers on Approved Security. ]
120 Ray Street, East. SAVANNAH GA. j
These arrivals and departures published only as
information, and are not guaranteed.
i; Schedule Effective January 3d, 1909. i:
ILv. Mt. VERNON ai.l trains daily. j;
10:23 a. m. For Helena, Abbeville, Cordelo,
Americus, Columbus, !j
5:22 p. m. Montgomery, and all points west. j
5:47 a. m. For Lyons, Collins, Savannah, j[
4:58 p. m. and all points east, j!
For further information, reservations, rates, etc.., see your !;
(nearest Seabourd Ticket Agent, or write
It. H. 3TANSELL, A. G. P. A.,
Savannah, .... ... Georgia. j;
*** ** ** ** ****■ ** * # *** *4 *
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| Spring Millinery $
* *
* The girls and ladies should see it at
* ȣ-
i once and make selections for Easter *
* *
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i MRS. J. L. ADAMS, Mt. Vernon t
-* |£
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