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M is« Mary Cook of Glenwood is
visiting her winter, Mrs. J. D.
Dr. Powers of Lyons spent a
few hours here Monday.
Mr Kd. Harrell of Longpond
spent the dav here Sunday.
Senator M. H. Calhoun and
family left Sunday for Atlanta.
The ordinance of baptism will
be administered at Bear Creek
church next Saturday morning at
11 o'clock.
Miss Cleo Hall of Alley spent
Friday here with triends.
Miss Ina Burch has returned
from a two week’s visit with
friends and relatives mi Vidalia
and Lyons.
An Improved clipper at Hick’s
Stanles, Mt Vernon.
Miss Imogene McQueen of Vi
dalia spent last Friday here, the
guest of Miss Jennie Thompson.
Misses Mary Currie of Ohttncey
and Jewell Geiger of (jleinvood
spent a part of last week with
t ludr uncle, I >r. J F. Currie.
Miss Irene Baskina was the
gm*st of friends here one day last
Mr John Stamps of Mcßae was
a business visitor here last, Thurs
Mr Fmmit llieks, who is now
located at Beaufort, S. 0., spent
Sunday here with Ins parents,
Dr. and M rs. ( lhas. 11 irks, tie;
was accompanied by Mr. Reeves.
Mr. Kd. Rogers of Macon spent
a few days here this week.
Rev. Chas. Montgomery tilled
his regular appointment at Krick
Miss Willie Ron Coehruti has
ret urned home from a few week's
visit up in Middle and North
Mr. Herbert Bailey came up
from Vidalia Sunday to spend a
lew days with relatives.
Mr Duncan Mcßae of Mcßae
was the guest of relatives here
this week.
Mr. Seward llieks was a busi
ness visiter to Dublin last Satur
'1 r Julian Wooten lias retui'iwil
to lu> home in Cordele, after
spending a lew days here at the
home .if Mr. A J. Burch.
Mrs ( W. Fox spent Saturday
and Sunday here with friends.
Mr. \ Segal spent last Thurs
day in I raida on luisines.
Nl r J Made Johnson was here
on business Monday.
Mr. Lamar Glenn of Milan
spent Sunday at the home of Mr.
J. I'. MeAllister.
Missis Ruby McGalme and
Aliei u Me Rue spent Sunday with
Mis i ami Wright.
Have your horses clipped in the.
correct manner, at Hicks’Stable.
Dr. .1. F. Hall ot Alley left
Monday for Brunswick, where
he will read a paper at the
Eleventh District Medical Asso
ciation, which convened there
this week.
t d Jones ot Lyons spent a few
hours lu re Monday.
Mr. D. M. Williams of Alston
was a business visitor here Mon
ShentV Hester and Clerk Cal
houn attended the County Officer*
Convention in Savannah last
week It the bjys from other
count:.' had any new wrinkles in
hand-shaking our boys probably
caught on.
Judge M. I. O'Brien was here
Friday giving lus triends the glad
If your horse needs a clipping,
have it done in tow best manner at
Hicks' Livery Stables. U
I Mr. John Stanfield, a pmsper-
| ous farmer of Tattnall county,
was here last week visiting his
son and daughter, Mr. Tal Stan-
I I field and Mrs. H V lingers.
! Dr J C. Williams of Sepertou,
* candidate for representative of
j Montgomery made a visit here
I ! last week.
Miss! delle Morris spent a few
I ilavs of last week here with her
J cousin,M is» Addie Burch.
I licks Brot hers are t he ice men,
ami they will supply you on de
mand .
Mr. Frank Forrester of Glen
wood spent a few hours here Sun
! day.
Mr. Geo. Mean of Hazlehurst i
visited friends here Sunday.
Chief Williams of the Helena
police force was here Sunday on
MissOppie Lee Fucpia of Alley
was tiie guest of Mrs. W. I*. Kent
Save half the work of cultiva
tion by using a Spring-Tooth Cul
tivator. W .11 MeQtieen sells them.
Miss Abbie McLeod of Vidalia
was the guest of her cousin, Miss
1 11a Burch, Sunday.
Miss Mary Sallie Henderson of
Sandersville is expected to arrive
Friday, to be the guest of her sis
ter, Mrs. J. K. Hunt.
A small quantity of Karly Am
ber Cane, At) cents a peck at Mt.
Vitinon Drug Co.'s.
Shiloh Items.
! S|hvir| ("li|Ti H|lirtuU IK’C.
Our farmers are having a hard j
j light, t Tying to conquer old G»-n
--; eral Green.
i Mr. Joseph Knight of Vidalia
spent several days of last week
visiting in our community.
Mr. John J’agott of Hazlehurst
is spending taiis week with his:
brother, Henry.
Miss Rosa Joyner spent Wed-1
uesday afternoon with Miss Myra
Messrs. N J. Vaughn and R. C.
Livingston were visitors in Mc-
Rae last Saturday.
Miss Lottie MeKuehern spent
j Saturday with her sister, Miss!
llenretta, at Towns.
The protracted meeting will be
gin at Shiloh church on Wed lies-:
day night b. fore the second Sun- i
day in July.
Mr. C. R. Vaughn of Lumber
City visited his sist.u', Mrs. Jane ;
Lowery, last Wednesday.
MissOlilVe Nash spent last Sun-j
day at the home of Mr. Willie
Miss Gladys Wright is spend
ing a few weeks in 11 a/lellurst, j
guest of her aunt, Mrs. Davis.
Mr \V. H Johnson of Alamo
visited at the home of Mr. W. W. ;
Tompkins last Saturday.
Miss Kavte lloarn spent Thurs
day night with Miss Bessit I’Tomp
Mr. N J. Vaughn of Charlottes
villi- spent Sunday and Monday
with home folks.
Spnnghill Campmoeting will
start on Tuesday night before the
Fifth Sunday in .1 uly.
Our pastor. Brother Willis, has
gone to the Springs t'<>r Ins health,
lb* will be gone for three months,
and while away Brother Jordan
will Is* our preacher.
Tim many friends w ill be grieved 1
t“ b arn of the death of Mr. John
Sears, who died last Thursday
night. He lived about twenty
minutes after he was taken sick.
It leaves a wife and six children
to mourn his departure. The
family have the heart felt sympa
thy of the community in their
sad bereavements.
* KperUl Corn apoiiflence.
i Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Gordon re
i turned from Vidalia Sunday,where
i they were called to the bedside of
their little granddaughter. They
. reoort that she is improving.
, Mrs. X. J. Vaughn and sister,
H Miss Vick, spent a few days re
cently with friends at Hazlehurst.
Mr. John Johnson of M inter
spent a few days last week with
relatives here.
Mr. Jim Hayse of Baxley was
among friends and relatives here
the latter part of last week. He
was accompanied home Saturday
by Mrs. J. W. Gordon, who will
spend a w hile at his home.
Mr. and Mrs. A. T.Gordon spent
a few days recently at the home
of Mr. A. C. Gordon.
Mrs. 1). S. Philips and children
jof Higgst-ui spent last week with
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F.
j Lamp.
Mr. and Mrs. George Anderson
an- all smiles over the arrival of a
I fine baby boy at their home.
We are glad to sav that Mrs.
Irene Conner is improving.
Miss Thitus Gray spent last
week at her uncle’s, Mr. S. A
Johnson, at Vidalia. She was ac
companied home by her cousin,
Miss Gladys Johnson, a charm
ing young lady of that place.
Mrs. Lola Yeomans of Savan
nah is visiting parents, Mrs. W.
F. Gray.
Messrs. C. S. Johnson and Jack
McCarter,John and Clayton Davis
of Alston spent last, Thursday
night with Charlottesville friends.
Among those who attended the
commencement at Douglas from
this place last week were Mr. C. i
R. Moseley and daughter, Miss
Lourame, and Mr. J. W. Moseley!
ami daughter, Miss Lizzie. They j
report a fine time while there.
Mr. Joe Johnson, of Rockledge j
spent last week with his sons, Mr. i
C. H. Johnson of this place and
Mr. C. S. Johnson of Alston.
Mr. J. L. Adams spent Sunday
with friends at Sopi-rton.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Morris spent |
a few clays last week in Sav
Ailcy I’urugmplis.
Special tJoiTcHpomlence
Miss Gertrude Ricks, a charm
ing young lady' of Adrian, was
the guest, of Miss Sulu Truitt last
i week, returning home Sunday.
Dr. J. W. Palmer was in Cor
jdele a few dftys last week.
I 1
Mr. Denton Green way’ of Or-j
! land passed through here Sun
! day.
Miss Sola Truittt visited her,
: her sister, Mrs. C. F. Scliaupp,Jr., i
1 of Savannah Friday.
Miss Estelle Collins of Lyons is I
I visiting friends and relatives here
this week.
Mr. James A. MeNatt was a
j visitor to Savannah last Sunday. !
| Ailey, Route I.
Sin , i:t I C\>ri ■•(•poiirteni-e.
We have been absent from the j
jeolums of tin* Monitor for some j
time, but we w ill join you again |
this week, as this part of thecoun-j
ty should be represented m the
j county paper.
Mr. Duncan McDougald and
Arch Peterson attended services
at Oliarlott.-svile last Saturday.
Rev. Sidney Wood tilled his reg
ular appointment at Hack Branch
Saturday night and Sunday eve
Messrs Baxton and Kemp Wood
of Mcßae spent Saturday and
Sunday at the home of Mr. Frank
Miss Eudel! McDougland spent
Monday with Miss Nemo Ward.
Mr. Raymond Walters of Ash
ford, Ala., is visiting friends and
relatives in this section.
Quite an enjoyable occasion
was the ice cream supper at Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Wool's Monday
nigln. All had a nice time. i
Alamo, Route 1.
Special Corte*pon4enCT.
Messrs. B. J. Guest and Ben-
J nett Massey were visiting at J.W.
* Clark’s Saturday.
Mr. Dock Perdue and sister,
Miss Louise, spent Saturday night
and Sunday at Mr. \Y. A. Hum
Mr. T. J, White and wife spent
i , Saturday with their daughter,!
Mrs. J. W. Clark.
Mr. Ashley Clark and sister,
Miss Eliza, spent Sunday at Mr.
W. A. Humphtey’s.
We are glad to say that Mr. J.
W. Clark is improving, after be
ing ill for a few days.
The ice cream supper at Mr.
Humphrey’s Saturday night was
enjoyed by all present.
Messrs. A. .). and Ellis Grimes |
were in our sect ion one day last !
Mrs. W. A. Humphrey spent i
j Sunday morning with Mrs. Isaac!
(Walker, who is very ill.
M isses Ethel and Pearl Parish
spent a part of last week with
their sister, Mrs. John W. White.
j Special CorreKpomlence.
Mr. Denton Greenway return-|
led home Sunday afternoon from j
! Mt. Vernon, where he has been j
i attending the teacher’s examina
Mr. Willie Wilkes and Miss'
Shellie Thigpen attended services!
at Minter Sunday afternoon.
Among those that were present j
jat the sing at Base Hill Sunday
wore Misses Mattie Dee and Vina
| Lou Rowland of near Adrian.
We regret very much to hear
of the death of Mr. Tom Spivey,
who died June 13. He was laid
to rest in the Red Bluff cemetery.
He leaves a wife and several chil
dren to mourn his loss.
Mr. and Mrs. John Greenway
visited the homo of Mr. W. H.
Tharpe recently.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Tharpe
and Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Hatcher
visited Gillis’ Springs Sunday.
The ones that lead the sing at
Base Hill Sunday were Messrs.
Burl Davis of Soperton, Smith of
Scott, Wilkes and Allen of Rock
ledge, John Spivey of near Ori
anna, Clyde Holmes of near So
Horace Britt and Clyde Holmes
of near Soperton attended servi
ces at Base Hill Sunday last.
Mrs. Snow and daughter, of
I Tarrytown visited his son, W. B.
Snow, of this place Saturday.
Miss Florence Greenway spent
j Monday afternoon with Mrs. W.
B. Snow.
Mr. Wardie Scott, of Adrian
visited Mr. W. B. Greemvay’s
i Messrs. George and Lester Gra
ham of near Red Bln If visited
their sister, Mrs. Attice Green
wav Tuesday last.
Mrs. Pearl Scarborough and
Miss Mandy Scarborough of So
perton visited relatives near this:
place a few days ago.
We are very glad to know that
Mrs. Lizzie Moxley of Tarrytown,
who has been quite sick is slight
ly improving.
Mr. and Mrs. Eunice Thigpen
spent Sunday with the latter "s
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B.
Mr. Denton Greemvav spent |
Sunday in Tarrytown with rela
Hamilton Burcii,
Attorney and Coun
selor at Law,
ricRAE, GA.
Criminal Ijiw and CoUer'ion*, lncln iing Bail ;
i roid roll Cased, a Specialty.
| Low Cut Shoes g
«j (Bought for those who are stylish in dress) j|jj
p We feel proud of our selections of
Spring and Summer Goods, and know
g? that our patrons will appreciate them
jgjj jjjj
Dainty Dress Goods and i
I Gents’ Furnishings |
t| A look through our handsome now fc|
stock will mean a revelation of
rw* OO
pleasure and profit to you pj
and you are invived
to visit us &
I? j|
| L. M. McLemore & Bro. pj
j|j Mount Vernon, Ga. ||
$ Loans of any amount from S3OO to $50,000 on farms in Mont-
v; goniery and adjoining counties. No delays for inspection, sf
si Have lands examined by a man living near you.
| LOANS ON FIVE YEARS TIME, payable in easy installments to p
?§ suit borrower. §
| GEO. H. II Alt IBS |
ij. Merchants Hank Jtuililing JMclvllO, G.l. is
| Mr. T. H. Cockfield is, our author- 1
ized representative in this section, and |
| all orders for Building Material, Paints |
1 and Mantels given him, will have our |
| prompt and careful attention. |
| 138-140 BARNARD ST. - - - SAVANNAH, GA. |
; vvvvvvMiiniifiict urer olwww jg
(*) 0
1 Dressed Lumber §
® ‘3OO %
♦) ©© © ’g
# o©o V{ it
0 GG© Lie. 0
it 00 Q __ 0
*3 Prompt Attention Given All Orders 0
0 0
0 Prices and Quality Guaranteed <*;
I Address all communications to 2S
H. F. SOUTHWELL, Gen. Mgr. f
Mt. V ernon, Ga. <|j
Monitor and Atlanta Weekly Georgian 51.2<3