Newspaper Page Text
After having declined in health
for a number of years, Mr. E. I>.
Patillo, a well known citizen of
Ailey, died at that place Wednes
day of last week. Mr. Patillo, a
life-long citizen of this county,
was a son of the late Rev. L. A.
Patillo, whose memory is still
fresh in the minds of our people,
lie wsa about forty-five years of
age, and leaves a wife and two
children, besides other relatives
in the county. Mr. Patillo was
a brother of Mrs. G. B. Allcorn
of Vidalia.
Remains were interred in the
McGregor cemetery south of Mt.
Vernon, the funeral services be
conducted by Rev. J. I). Rabun
of the Baptist church. A portion
of the burial service of the Wood
men of the World, of which he
was a member, was also given at
the grave. Peace to his ashes.
On October 12th and 13th will;
be celebrated the semi-annual
convention of the 'twelfth Divi
sion Georgia Odd Fellows. The;
occasion will be held at Ailey,
and a royal good time is in store
for members of the order and
their friends. All of the lodges
in this division will lie represent
ed in this convention. A pub
lic barbecue will lie , held Wed
nesday, Pith. The Monitor is un
der obligations for a special in
vitation to be present and lvdp
get the big pot out of the little,
Lumber City, Route 2
Special Correspondence.
The concert at the Spring Hill 1
Baptist church Finlay night was;
well attended.
Mrs. ,J. R. Turner, Sr., has re
turned from Atlanta, where she
has been spending several days.
Miss Sadie Cox is visiting her
aunt, Mrs, Lovette, at Charlotte,
this week.
Miss Ava Wright and Mr, C.
L. Wood of Rebecca, Ga., were
married Wednesday afternoon.
Rev. T. B. Windham preformed
the ceremony.
The ice cream supper at Mr.
,loe Clark’s Saturday night was
well attended.
G. P. Turner made a business
trip to Alamo Saturday last.
Miss Minnie Anderson visited
at the home of Mrs. Graham Sun
Miss Etna Bracewell and Vivian
Burkhalter were visitors at Mr.
Odom’s Sunday last.
Mr. John T. Wright and family
are visiting the Beulah section
this week.
Miss Nora Anderson left Mon
day last for Macon and other
Miss Lela MeGahee visited at
the home of Miss Eva Courson
Sunday last.
Mr. timer Graham and Miss
Burnette wore visitors in this
section Sunday afternoon.
Miss Mattie L. Wright and J.
■ A. Turner visited at the home of
J. W. Lovette Sunday last.
Miss Lizzie Sears and Mr. O’Con
er visited in the Alamo section
Saturday and Sunday last.
The Sing at the home of Mr.
C"X Sunday afternoon was enjoy
ed by all.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Whereas, Mrs. Sallie F. Morris
lias made application for guard
ianship of Frank 11. Williams,
minor of Mrs. Wylly \V illiams,
deceased, this is to cite all p*-r
--gotis to file their objections if any
they have within the time allowed
by law, else letters of guardian
ship will be granted as prated
for. This the 3d day of October,
Alex McArthur, Ordinary.
Macon, Ga., October3.—Sheriff
George Robertson leaves tor At
lanta tomorrow morning with re
quisition papers for Henry Craw
ford, a young white man, who
with two others, escaped from
Bibb county jail several weeks
ago by sawing through the outer
iron bars of a window. The young
man was heid here for forgery,
and had lost a brother bv a live
accident. just before escaping.
Sheriff Sohertson has been able
thus far to locate one of the three
young escapes. The other two
with held for shop-lifting at the
W. A. Doody Company dry goods
store in Macon.
Millinery Notice.
The ladies of Mt. Vernon and
vicinity are invited to call and
inspect my line of fall millinery.
I have a beautiful line of trimmed
hats and shapes for ladies and
1 have secured as a trimmer,
Mrs. J. F. Bellune, who is well
known to many of niv customers
ns a trimmer of excellent taste
and who, after spending several
weeks in Atlanta getting all that
is latest and best in styles, is now
ready to give best styles and val
ues in this line.
Mrs. J. L. Adams.
Swift Creek.
Special Cnrrexpmitlenca.
Mr and Mrs. Perry spent Sun
day last, at the home of their
'daughter, Mrs. B. if. Randall.
Mrs. L. L. Hamilton and daugh
ters are spending sometime with
the former’s parents, Mr. and
Mrs. A. Morris.
Miss Vena Palmer spent Sun
day at the home of Mr. J. A.
Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Becktim
were guests at the home of Mr.
A. Morris Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. L. 0. Graham and Miss
Mamie Bockum spent Sunday
very pleasantly with Mrs. P>. 11.
Mrs. Neil Morris and two chil
dren spent Sunday last at the
! home of Mr. J. A. Morris.
Mr. I. M. Morris and little
nephew, Eddie, were welcome
j visitors at the home of Mr. L. C.
I Graham last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. S. J'. Mills spent
j Sunday last at the home of their
son, Mr. C. L. M ills.
Mr. Walter Perry spent Sun
fday afternoon at the home of Mr.
J. A. Morris.
Mr. George Jenkins of Mt.
Vernon was a welcome guest at
the home of his sister, Mrs. M.
E. Palmer last Sunday,
Andrew Hilton attended Sun
day school and singing at Ruth’s
| Chapel last Sunday.
Mr. Lewis Moore and (laugh
; tor, Sonin, spent a few days of
j last week with relatives near
I Lyons.
Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 4. The Unit
ed States circuit court of appeals
; today handed down a decision
affirming the opinion of the lower
;court against A. K. Atkinson vs.
the United States over the seizure
id whisky in Savannah by the
federal authorities.
Atkinson operated a distillery
| near Savannah. In the spring of
1907 revenue officers raided it and
seized seventy-one barrels of
whisky. Atkinson and Jones, the
government gaugers, were arrest
ed, charged with failure to pay
the government tax on the still’s
output. The former was convict
ed and the latter pleaded guilty.
The governmsut confiscated the
whisky and eventually sold it at
auction. It was shown in the
trial that, the operator and the
gtiager were in a conspiracy to
|defraud the government.
The pastor, assisted hy Rev. E. j
!C. Cowan, is conducting revival
services at the Methodist church.
The meeting began Monday night
and will continue through next
week. Services will be held at
13:80 and 7:15 p. m., each day.
I These meetings are held m the
; interest of religion, and for the
i saving of souls. Every one should
feel an interest in a work of this
kind, and all Christians should lie ;
i united in heart and effort fora
'great meeting. Every body is
| cordially invited to attend and
; participate in the services. Don’t |
i wait until near the close before
; Von get interested, Gut come at
once, and come all the time.
Pro. Cowan inis had success
wherever he has held meetings I
land wo neither desire, nor expect
1 this meeting to he an exception
to his successful efforts at other!
points. Let. all take a hand in
the meeting and enjoy the good j
results. H. C. Brewton.
Orland. j
Special OoiTespiimlenee
Mr. \V. B. Greenway made a
business trip to Adrian one day!
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Willie Thigpen
spent Sunday last, with the lat- I
I ter’s sister, Mrs. Ennis Thigpen, I
of near Rockledge.
Mrs. Nannie Williams has re
turned to her home in Rockledge,
after a few day’s visited with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs, Ricks, of
near Rock Hill.
Mr. Eugene Allen of Tarrytown
attended the association at Rock!
Hill Sunday.
Miss Harvie Flanders spent!
Friday with her sister, Mrs. Daisy
Lord. i
Mrs. Hatcher of Toombs eoun- 1
t.y is visiting her son, Mr. Isaac
i Hatcher, at this place
Messrs. Rod us Greenway and
Tom Brantley attended services at
Rock Hill Saturday.
Little Miss Essie May Green-.
I way of Rockledge spent last week
; with home folks near Orianna.
Mrs. W. B. Snow and Miss
Florence Greenway spent last
| Thursday with Mrs. Bill Tharpe.
Mesdames Vesta Tharpe and
Mary Tharpe spent Friday last in
We are glad to know that little
; Miss Troy Spivey, the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. George Spivey, who
j has been quite ill is improving.
Miss Florence Greenway and
brother, Rod us, attended the as
; ciation at Rock Hill Sunday.
Miss Sillu Youngblood has been
visiting her sister, Mrs. John
Ricks of near Rook Hill for the
past few days.
Mr. Herbert Autry, a student
lof the U. B. 1., is visiting his
parents at Rockledge.
Mr. Harry Holmes of Soperton
!is buying cotton for Mr. Rogers
of Dublin.
On September 2H, it being the |
■ occasion of my 08d birthday, my
children, grand-children and
other relatives gave me a very
pleasing dinner and cotton pick
ing, and J am very grateful for
the kindnesses of the day. The ice
lemonade was especially fine on
that day. Among those present
were Mr. Dorsey and family, Mr.
J. F. McDaniel and family and
Mr. N W. Clark. May the bless
ings of this world and the com
forts of this life be upon you,
and Spirit iead you.
Your Father and Grand-Father,
D. E. Green.
Full line State Adopted School
Books, Palmer Drug Store.
Washington, October 2. Lee
MeClung, treasurer of the United
I States, wants to see a sanitary
currency. In his annual report
he recommends that the govern
ment increase its facities for ex
changing worn and dirty bills for
crisp new ones and suggests that
the public might be willing to
share the expense of doing so.
Treasurer MeClung makes a
; radical recommendation that the
national banks bo obliged to de
posit an additional 5 per cent re
demption fund for these nob's
early in January each year in ad
dition to the 5 per cent now re
quired all the year round, llede
j dares that during January, A
pril, May. and June and July,
the regular 5 percent fund is
not enough because of the drains
upon it. Consequently the treas
ury has to advance money for
the banks.
Such advances are taken up
again when the redemptions
lease off. As the notes areobli-i
gat ions of the banks and not the
government, Mr. MeClung roc-1
ommends that the banks be re
quested to deposit more money
to cover them.
The balance of the report is
devoted to a complete review of
the finances of the United States
treasury during the fiscal year,
1910, which closed June 30.
Athens, Ga., Sept.. *lo—
the candidates for congressman
in the Eighth district are hard at,
work canvassing the. counties, and
making speeches at the towns
where they consider the work will
do the most good.
Congressman Howard spoke at
Madison Wednesday and at
Carnesvdle Thursday and will;
speak at numerous towns in the
district between now and the
Colonel Tribble spoke at. Carnes
villo Wednesday night and is also
making a canvass of the district,,
but it is not likely that the two
candidates will engage in a joint
debate, as this was not possible
during the the primary, Mr. Trib
ble refusing to meet Mr. Howard
on the stiimo, stating that he was
presenting his side and not en
gaging in a war of works. j
Hon. Thomas Watson is also
booked to speak at numerous
places in the district, and though
he has refused to take any band
in the race in the Eighth, he is
known to fie bitterly opp ised to
Mr. Howard and the opponents
iof Colonel Tribble are playing
this card strongly. He spoke at
| Greensboro Wednesday night,
assailing Governor-elect Smith
bitterly, and spoke at Covington
'Thursday night Both speeche.-,
were practically reproductions of
his Atlanta speech, when he at
tacked the governor-elect so fi.-rce
i lv.
Millinery Opening.
Mrs. C. W. Fox of Vidalia an
nounces her Millinery Opening
for October 11th and 12th ('Tues
day and Wednesday.) She ex
pands a cordial invitation to all to
attend you are more than wel
come, if only to inspect the new
styles and get her prices,
I>o not forget that her milli
nery parlors are in Vidalia, on
Church street., just below the
Baptist church. Phone 211.
Seed Oats.
I have for sale, the famous Geor
gia Host, Proof and Appier Seed
Oats. Call or write
J. M. D. M< Gkim.ou,
'J-J'JHt Ailey, Ga.
Atlanta, Oct. 3. Adjutant-
General Scott lias received word
that Sergeant. William Marshall
ot Gompunv E, Second United
States infantry, and Sergeant I
William C. Driuiinnm of Com-j
puny F, Second United States
infantry, but non-commissioned
officers of the regular army, will
report to Col. M. J. O’Leary, of
the First. Georgia regiment, and
Col. W alter Harris of the Second
Georgia regiment., respectively,
for service m the National Guard j
of Georgia, as instructors for the
eiilinted un n.
Adjutant-General Scott, states
that, ho is anxious to see every
regiment, have one of these in
structors shortly. A law is now
pending in the national congress
which provides for an increase in
the number of army officers and
should it. be passed all branches of
the National Guard will be sup
pi ied.
Fitzgerald, Ga., October 3.
Willie Porter, the yong man who
was arrested l>y Henry Stewart,
charged with stealing lus dia
mond ring, faced the charge
against, him and was released;
the prosecutor having withdrawn
the wnriant.
The young lady in the case,
Miss Mao Mulligan, a vaudeville
actress, was brought here from
Cordole under a warrant sworn
out. by .Stewart, and, after a brief
examinat ion the case against her
was dismissed and she was re
tained only as a witness.
The contention was t hat young
Porter had given the girl a dia
mond ring that Mr. Stewart loan
ed. It. was proven that Miss
Mulligan never had the ring,
that Mr Porter does not now
possess the ring, and finally, that
Mr. Stewart has undoubtedly
lost, Ins ring. Just, where the
ring is, no one seems to know.
The case was of more than us
ual interest, as the parties involv
ed are of some prominence, and
t he circumstances which preceded
the trouble between the young 1
,ineu were of rather a romantic
and unusual character.
Georgia— Montgomery County.
L S. Adams, administrator of
the estate of W. 'l'. E. Adams,
late of said county deceased, hav
ing made application for leave to
sell all the real estate of said de-|
ceased, this is to notify all per
sons concerned that said appli
cation will be heard at my office
on the first Monday in November,
1910. 'l’liis the 3d day of Octo
ber, 1910
A.ex McArthur, Ordinary.
Before buying Soap and Sta
tionery, see the Palmer Drug
Store, Alley.
> <
+> <
l When Selecting a Bank 3
► 4
The points to consider are these: 4
► •*
£ First. Is it a suit; and sound institution. When J intrust *
► rny money to it can I always count on getting it back when 1 4
£ need it. 4
► 4
£ Second. Is it of sufficient strength to be able to staud by *
+■ 4
► me in case of need. 4
t*. 4
£ Hot li these are important points and not to be overlooked. 4
p- *
* We believe we offer as great a degree of safety as can be found
► in any bank in this section. We make it a point to look to 4
'Z- the int'-resl of our customers. We stand by them in time of 4
► 4
£ need and onr strength enables us to do this at all times. VVe J
► 4
► invite your business. *
t Mt. Vernon, Ga. :
► 4
► 4
The regular election, as held in
Montgomery county yesterday,
j "as a very quiet affair, and but
very few votes were polled. Up
to the hour of going to press this
I morning the ballots had not
been consolidated, but it is safe to
say that more than three hundred
and fifty or four hundred votes
were cast in the county. The Mt.
Vernon precinct polled 84 votes.
At, each precinct in the county
Mr. brown was given a compli
mentary vote, and it said that he
really carried one precinct in the
county, it being understood by
all well informed citizens that
Mr. llrown was not a candidate.
It, is understood that no election
was held in the Longpond dis
trict,, but tins cannot bo confirm
ed this morning. During the
I mst week cries of illegality have
been rife, and a certain disgrun
tled element throughout the coun
ty sought to overthrow the entire
matter. Everything passed off
quietly, and all nominees were
Athens, G;i. October 2. The
grand old Legal pluggor made
the 10G miles from Augusta to
Athens in 5 hours and 27 min
utes, running time, without
missing a lick all the way.
A. 1 1. Higgs, member of the
southern branch ollice of the
company at Atlanta, Leo Sherr
ard, a chauffeur in that com
pany’s employ, and the writer
made the trip.
We left Augusta at 7:30 o’clock
and arrived at Washington at
11:03, Riggs at. the wheel.
We passed through Belleair,
(Irovetown, Campania and Thom
With the exception of a stretch
of 10 miles just, outside of Wash
ington, the roads were good.
For 20 miles out of Augusta
no better roads can be found
We had dinner at the Hotel
Johnson, and left Washington at
12:51 o’clock, arriving in Athens
at 2:59, Sherrard at the wheel.
The roads are bad from Wash
ington to Crawford. From
(’rawford to Athens the road is
splendid, especially in Clark
We leave Athens tomorrow
morning, and will arrive at
Lunkhead at .‘5 p. rri., where a
reception will be given by sever
al cars. We will traverse route
from Athens to Winder, then
via national highway to Atlanta.
Rhode Island Reds.
Thoroughbred fowls. Write or
call. Mrs. J. M. D. McGregor,
9 8 l Alley, Ua.
NO 23.