Newspaper Page Text
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Mr. K. H. Carter of mar Tar
ry town paid us a pleasant call
Mr. W. E. Humphrey of near
Vidalta was among the visitors
here Monday. He is a good man.
Those interested iu clever milli
nery will find here tlm smartest
id’ new ideas in Tailored and
Dress Hat Models. We want
vour fill sinews ami will appreciate
it. We assure you of our best
endeavors to please.
J. H. Hud son, Alley.
Hon. W A. Wooten of McKae
was a professional visitor here
Georgia Seed Rye and White
and Yellow Onion Sets for early
planting, at M. 10. Lot m ain’s.
Mr. Jas. W. Bridges, a prom f
incut, young citizen of the Bruce
section, was in Mount Vernon
See Palmer Drug Store and get
your share of the bargains to be
bad there.
Mr. P. 11. Clarke of Bruce sec
tion was in to see The Monitor
Tm-sduy morning.
The best White Onion Sets at
Palmer Drug: Store, 10c quart.
Mr. A. 0. Pitt,mail of Towns
was here on business Tuesday.
He is a good and substantial
You will find a full supply of
genuine Georgia Seed live at
Moßn* A Br.i.’s, Ml. Vernon, Ga.
Baltimore, Mil., Oct. !K—Ray
mond Beefell mid Elmer Wright
of I hiH city were each lielii lit
$1?,000 bail to-day fur u further
hearing fry Justice l.oden on the
charge of the larceny of $590 and
a ring valued at $!?50 from Chun.
M. Nun Allen, u business man
from Kastman, tin.
Mr Van Allen testified that
soon after Ins arrival in Halt i
more last Wednesday he had m
bis possession .flint) in cash and
lit? becaon ft-guest
at the Fountain Hotel, but be;
fore registering there ho left Ins
money m the care of the Balti
more Bargain I louse.
11* said that be met, Wright
\\ ednesduy night in a Baltimore
street saloon. After leaving there
Mr. Van Allen and Wright went
to the Fountain Hotel, where they
nu t BeelVlt.
Thursday morning Mr. Van Al
len said he drew his money from
the Baltimore Bargain House,
and m company with Wright
vvnl out to so.* tin* sight- ot the
city. Kate ni the afternoon they
registered at the Hotel Henhard,
North tin, n street. Both went
to a room toget her.
In the middleof the night Mr.
A an Allen said he discovered that
lus money was missed. He in
formed the hotel porter of the
Mr. Van Allen said that Wright
was o t to the room when lie dis
cover'd Ins loss. Kriilav Mr.
Van Allen notified detective head
quarter- f the rohn, iv, and later
Beelelt and Wright were arrested.
Sheriff Sale.
iH* *h<h\ Vontgtffnory Ovmiity:
Will in Mtlil lu tot. Ui** tHjuri house (I-hu in
T' \. . ! - v<\s{ f<U -mU\ 1U Nn\
U»IH. U ;«<< n Um lejr*U hotp t»f to th«
iucio i itiii' i for vwli, vtttnln *>f
uitß’lt Uic foU'Oviui* H cv»mj»ii t« tl«>onptH»n;
One house ami lot of land in
the town of S perton, Ha., and m
tin* lfStiih district G. M of said
county and state, containing two
acres mow or less, and bounded
as follows: On the north by
T.g* r street, on tlm east by lands
of G. If. Williams, on the south
ov Oak street, and n the west bv
Alhnoud street,. Levied on and
will lie - hi as the property of
Janies ilrndon to satisfy a
mortgage execution issued from
the superior court , f said county
in favor of ,|. C. Williams vs
James Herndon, Property pointed
out for levy by plaintiff in fi fa,
and written notice of levy given
as required by law This the oth
day of October, 11)10.
Janus Hester, Sheriff.
A. C. Salih*ld, Attv, for Pill.
I'ol Will Stallings and Mr. W.
IK M'i-ley of Soperton came down
t on business Tuesday.
Carroll, the little daughter of
Col. and Mrs. A. IK Hutcheson,
has been quite ill for several days.
line of the best. Mount Vernon
Drug Co.
Mr- Pxdlune, slater of Mrs..!. L.
Adams mid little ones arrived
last 'Thursday and will spend
sometime in Mt. Vernon. She
will lie remembered by many
friends us Mis Lula Sutton.
Mr. B. II Hartley of Gleuwood
Rout, 2 was here one day last
The John Flannery Co., of Sa
vannah will take care of all the
eott* *ll you ship to them —and take
ear** of you, too, in the matter of
tin* price. They get the best tile
market affords. ***
KEYS EOEN’D—On road from
Stuckey to Snow-hill church bunch
of keys. Owner can get same hy
[describing to Mrs. P. A. Hart,
Stuckey, (in., and sending 2f>c to
pay cost, of advertising.
Mr .1 M prooksle rof Dalilon
e:*a, th* well known stork man, is
| looking after his interests here
fills week.
'The Parker “Lucky Curve”
Fountain Pen is the only one that
.will not leak. Huy one at Palmer
Drug Store and get a year’s
guarantee against leakage and
Administratrix Sale.
(i ***re i ii - Montgomery County.
linder and by virtue of an order
ted at the regular October,
t ii of the court of ordinary of
hm I county, will be sold before
C "ourt house door in said eoum
tv ■* the first,'Tuesday in Novem
ber, P.tlO, between the legal hours
of sale to the highest and best
bidder for cash the following
property to wit :
'Three certain tracts of land in
tin* Town of Mount, Vernon, (iu.,
One tract bounded on the north
by lands of the Methodist, church
parsonuge property and lauds of
J as, M* \ it) .mkl M . K Currie,
oil tile east by a seventy-loot, Ill
lev. on t he south by Spring st reet
and on the west, hy Railroad ave
nue. One t ract hounded on the
north by lands of McNutt, and
Currie, on the east by lands of
McNutt and Currie, on the south
hv lands of C. D. Loud and on
th*> west by Railroad avenue.
Ami one other lot bounded on
tie north by lands of W. II
Met iu ecu and John (>. Mcßae, 1
on the east by Railroad avenue,!
iui the south By Spring street
and on tie* w*>t by Fulton street.
Sold as the property of tin* estate
of N lv, Beasley, late of said
county deceased, for the purpose
ot distribution. Tills the lid day
of l>ctobi*r, PJIO.
Mrs \\ ('. DeLoach, Adx.,
I’Nt-ate N. 11 Beasley, deceased.
Admmist rater's Sale.
(K*oig:a- - Montgomery County.
Kuder and by virtue of an or
der granted at the regular Oct-o
--bt-r term >f the court of ordinary
of said county, there will be sold
at public outcry on tile lirst Tues
day m November. PJIO, before
the court house door iu said coun
ty to the highest and best bidder
for cash the following described
prop rt y to wit :
Tin *•< lots of land in tin* town
of Nilev, (I a,, described on the.
map t -id town us lots Nos. 19,
'JO ulld 21 It: block No. 25, togeth
er with ill improvements thereon. ,
said U»ts fronting Broad street
w * -t each 50 feet and extending
buck l>o t *t to ail alley. Bound
ed on the north bv lands ot J. W.
Palmer, on the east by an alley,
n tile south by Peterson street
and oil the west by Broad street.
S aid pr 'petty being sold for the
1« netit of heirs and creditors of
tie -tan 'f Carrie .1. McLauriiie.
d d Terms c ish. Tilts the
!5d day of October, PJIO.
W I. Peterson, Adr ,
K.-tate of Carrie J. Mcl.aurine,
lam - ling th famous DANE
MOWER, me of the best made.
S in- at once for prices, terms,
etc. 1) 6. Williamson,
721 L vttlda, Ga. 1
On Sunday afternoon 2d inst.,
at the home of the bride in Al;t
rno, Mr. John It. Swain of Sav
annah and Miss S. Elvira Brown
ing were happily married by ll< v.
H. C. Hrewhon, pastor of the
Methodist church. Th* bride,
postmistress at Alamo, is ad
mired by many friends. Mr.
Swain, traveling for Solomon,
Sheftal&Co., is well known in
the business world. Congratu
lations and best wishes.
Brunswick, Ga., Sept,. 29.
ReV. <K M Spurt line, one of tlm
best kimwn negro ministers in
this section, and for- the past tw*
years state corresponding secre
tary of the Missionary Baptist
Convention, colored died her ■
yesterday as the result of a pistol
wound received near Alapahu
some days ago, and typhoid-mala
ria complications which developed
the first of this week. It is not
known who did the shooting or
the provocation.
(’it ut ion.
Georgia—Mohtgoin ry County.
Whereas, A. B. Walker has
made application to the under
signed for the guardianship of
Edward Walker Livingston, min
or of Mary E Livingston, late of
said county, deceased, this is to
cite all persons concerned to file
their objections if auv they have
on or before the first Monday in
November, next, else letters of
guardianship will be granted as
prayed for. This the lid day of
Octobe, 1910. Ahx McArthur,
Savannah, (hi., is the market
for your cotton. Ship to the
John Kin ne ry Co., colt *ni factors,
and they will sell lor the highest
market prices. Liberal advances
made on snipmonts.
Georgia Montgomery Co tin tv.
Whereas, W. R. Mosley, ad
ministrator of the estate'll of II
A Joyce, Sr., late of said county,
deceased, represents to the court
in his petition, duly tiled and en
tered on record, that, helms fully
administered said estate accord
ing to law, and applies for letters
of dismission 'This is therefore
to cite all persons concerned, to
show cause if any they have on or
about the first Monday in Novem
ber, next, why staid application
should not Ki> granted as prayed
tor. This tin* Bd day of October, j
1910. Alex .McArthur. Ordinary.
Miss M. E. McNutt, tiie sash in*
able milliner in oil urge of the
millinery parlors of E. T. Mc-
Bride, at Alley, is too well known
to the ladies ot this section to
receive anything hut favorable
comment on the beautiful lino of
millinery now on display. See her
at once for your fall hat or tri in -
Georgia—Moutgoiner County.
J. K. Cromartie, administrator
of the estate of Mary Belle Fuller,
deceased, lias applied to m -for
leave to sell Hu* real estate of -aid
deceased, tins is therefore to no
tify all concerned to file tle-ir ob
jections, if any they have, on >r
before the first Monday in N n m
ber, ii"xt. else leave will th n !»■
granted said applicant as uppimd
for. This the bd day of Oct * r.
1910. AT x McArthur, Ordinary.
Sheriff Sale.
Geornia Mi'iCk'-'im-ry County.
Will be W'lcl In tore *ln Court Iwa-e if. rin
Mi. V. rn.m on Un te-t !'«»< -la in V .v.,
linn, I'ctuopu ilo legal linut's of-ale, 1.1 11(0
bidder for oaidi, certain i>( .p. i -of
vduell llu* following I- n t-oniptt..’(. ai-.-m "wilt
()nt> li'indrx'l atel tlfty a> :o !., a
ino.-«‘ or less situated in lot numfiei
three hundred and tlfry -i\ (AVo m i
being all of -aid h>r . \eepr lift;, mm
aert's sold otT lie- non ii west -id of
said lot; and also one handled md
fifty acre- of land more or i -i i
ated in lot nniilt'er three hundred and
tifi \ -i ven (.'Co I and being all -aid
1<»! eX'*ep' lit : V on i ;iv • - -.'ld
north east side of -aid lot. all of -aid
land aggregating flu •■«* Inuuln lac -
and all of it tying a.-d being i >■
'Tenth (loth) land district ol Mont
gomery county, tieorgi t. Sai i *wo
tracts of laud levied on a- • p >-
erty of It. J. Cu* -i lo -atisfy c mi
lowlug executions to wit: fm \ -
out ions issued from th- City (' . r-r
of Mount Vernon of -aid c m . in
favor of The Mount Yenna lla k
and again-t T. ('. Jo-ms n, M.
Johnson and »i. .1 Um-t; al-o me
execution i-sited from >;,e t v,-- '
court of the :fi)drd district H M in
favor of The Moan l \Y: lie k
and against B. J. (>u*.-: and Dan A.
Morrison; said pr.-,. \b . _
po-sessioil of tilt -lid B. .1 '. *: i - " e i
pointed out for levy In* plaintiff in
fi Im. Wrlttei
a- require,l by law. T ii- . a-,
of < >ctol«-r. IU Id.
Jaute- h* *t. si, ;i.
M B. Calhoun a I W M. ; , -
AUy s. f >. Pills.
Pvtliian Notes.
The- Pythian Society on last
Sunrday afternoon was opened
;u;th ivpraver !>)• th* ir chaplain,
Mr. Watson.
Tim-I . * svii.g iffic**rs were elect
■-* i : ibii'Ty Blitcb, president;
H nl; 11 ■ ri! -. vice-jiri-sident; K>-1-
Manii, secretary and treasurer;
'Mary Coleman corresponding sec
i fury: Ola Ctirndl, censor.
Jin president appointed the
it i!* * w ing olli-c-: Julian Walker,
M iry Coleman and Ross Sharpe,
pr gi 'in <•>*; Margaret
Ingrahain. critic; l’**arce Walker,
Th program consisted of; Con
at i ai hy Sue Burnett, 'Onie
('’(l h*. an, A bhie Daughtry, Jessie
md Coiffii** <)‘<piinn, and Mae
Burch. LocJaration _Ky George
! (idpiiiiii. Prophecy by Bessie
II : . J *k‘*s bv Donald Kennedy.
D Kate: Resolved that tin* own
i-rsliipof land should be Jiinitetl,
AHi riM at ivi* : Mary Coleman. Neg
ative; Kate Parker and Knllye
Mann. Leroy Cowart, made an
| itnpr*>mptu talk on the aflirma
i,i\e -id*- Til'* Judges decided in
favor of the affirmative.
All business was attended to,
aft r winch we enjoyed talks from
two ut the visitors present, Misses
Imogene and Julia Achoru.
i ieorgia—Montgomery County.
T , all whom it may concern;
lake notice that A. T. Wright
and others have applied for un
■order - • king the establishment
if a new road which has been
i laid "iff and marked comformably
to law hy com ni issioners duly ap
pointed, and a report thereof
! made by them on oath, said road
: beginning at a point on the pub
lic r*>ad between' the home of J.
• T Jordan and 11. J. Purser on the
Dublin and Bell’s Ferry road and
1 running to the steel bridge on the
! little Ocinulgeo river near Luin
; tier City, Ga.. on by the home of
Abe T Wright, following the
land lines of W. T. Adams and
Lizzie Wooten and across the
lands of Mrs. E. J. Jenkins; pass
| mg lands of Gabriel Clements and
Bill Branham and onward to the
said -te*-l bridge. Now if no good |
cause be shown to the contrary,
j the order will be granted bv the
K iiird of C'lmniissioiiera of Roads
A R.-vi iiue- "ii til * Ist day of No
v ii* r, 1910, establishing said I
road as applied for. This the
ft Ii day of October, 1910.
J. F. Sikes,
I Ge* irgia—Montgomery County.
Willie T. McArthur and If. H.
Mobley, administrat irs ot the
< Stat'* "f J. E. Mobley, late of
-aid comity deceased, having
nude application to the under- 1
-igimd for leave to sell all the I
a:i'!s of -aid deceased, this is to
notify ail persons concerned that
said application will be beard at
my office mi the tirst, Monday ini
November, 1910 This the ffl
day ol October, 1910.
Ai x McArthur, Ordinary.
Sheriff Sale.
- 1 . ‘ iI \ V * \ Conntv:
W ill l-< -iM • f n't tin court house iloor in
V 'iiw Vcin-'H «»u i’d iv i in Nov., j
1 »to, I » *■ *i th* Ipt’ <1 hours of hhlo, to the
biiMtT i**r c.isii, ccrtHin pioportv, of
wm* i tin is ;i cDiuplt^touiso/iptiou:
The north w -t half of lot of
land number two hundred and
thirty t >ur m ill * Tenth (10) land ,
distrn'l *'t -aid county and state. |
ami containing one hundred and!
■ im* f urth acres more of b»ss i
Said pr perty levied on and will j
no sold as th■ • property of E. A. j
M *ll*i* * -ati-fv ail execution is- |
sued fr* ii tin* City Court of Me- |
lla m favor of John Vestal vs E.
A M Ua *. E. C Mcßae and John
K. M*lf a ■ Written notice of
levy given defendant ns required
by law 'Hus the sth day of Oc
tober, I'd Iff. Jas. Hester, ,
SI - r.ff Salt..
Gi-orgia M latgomorv Coßiuv.
(V. i'• - i i !• itic oiiirt luui-o .lo.>r in i
M ( * ~ iii -r l'.u— i o in N,,
Cite, : t\i ,i Ti ■ 1.,-at Iwui- ol sate, to llu*
in-lu-i-t I i It . -1«, ccrt tin property, of
wet. '* 'ii : 1 , • i - .iii|>u-U’ ilis.-ri|ition:
I'tiii't.v ac - <>i land in nv or less on
.1- , .1 ,n: ot land No. ft
ci : i E mil la,ni di-tr : ct of -aid
■ -.: i . i - , .h. mg wood la nd
an 1 tiavinga good quantity of ritn
f •(.: r li ■: -a.vmiil purposes.
Saiii la ..1 1 \ n-d on as tin* property
ot II A to -a'i-fy ail execu
«•’( i—u J from ; lie City (.'ourt of
Mt V- ini in favor of j. M. Kord
ir.-ue A •' v- H. A. Scglct. Mary
S gl.c elaiiaanf,. Written notice of
i> vy _i' a- ptit *J b\ law. This
the iffi day of October. UUO.
.1 a-. H'-ster. Sl;« i.
L. C. I Tide.- e*'OiK A tty. for Pill. •
Motives and Methods
Studebaker motives remain constant
Behind every Studebaker vehicle stands the unchanging pur
pose of the maker to produce the best vehicle that it is possible
lo make for the use for which it is intended. That policy
hasn’t changed a particle since the Studebaker Brothers started
in the little blacksmith shop in 1852. $
Studebaker methods keep pace with the times
Studebaker methods are constantly changing and being im
proved. There isn't an improvement in vehicle building that the
Sludebakers haven’t tested, and if found good, adopted; in fact
many of the most modern and unproved methods of vehicle con
struction have originated in the Studebaker shops.
What does this mean to you?
It means that every Studebaker is an absolutely honest vehicle,
made in the most approved manner, and the best value you can
get for the money.
Ailev, Georgia.
i • h _-c_x
■ 1 I
, mm ,
/! :>i | jl
j An Example of Clothes- IjNsJ
If Making Economy. \\
// The cutting ••lipnrtnwnl i the great Ch>ldman43cckman
// tail ,v :g sh p' in •i ■ a >:nUi is 'an example A specialist H
I j Wo rh ~ ml «l wth r ue'opei iting economies. V\
/ / And this economy is given, you in extra quality at a ||
/ J low f>rice. l A
I jhe n. ill-.-! <■> :>r<T. .lure i as toil ws: . | |
... Tier. . .o' . . .id • a taides over 100 feet long in ti
f, nr t.i iix .irk-ie < (dt..ending <>n the weight of the 1
I ... evenly laid .-■> that there is nut j
ith ■ i . Expert marker then pi -- i
| c< !J . ma;k the t p i iyer far a given uze suit or overcoat. \;
:• /. i which <■ ik iui: -i piece'i! cuttii i? the four or six • j
& i 1 iyer at a e. -te [«.■; ;ti i with a -.peci .1 cu.liag madime.
■ i <» 1 , •" 1 wi 5
| i exoe t rnen, wc ace -mph H exceptionally we/I what would
I require ei.hi. to twelve times as many men by ordinary f;
II " An.l the method issi ts in p ducing letter clothes as ;i
V| weii (u ~if. ia e.. .i. 'J /is sat mj is yours. It cxp. ans V
VI cue of the HI. ;;y m . : why - < s clothes
\\,e git itci ...I. at udi :'veif puce than you aie I
\\ accuilcmed to receive. is
\\ ■ i - dl at 11
L. M. McLemore & Brother,
Mt. Vernon and Uvnlda.
BONAR l?p|
$ <3 •
That ‘ Something" is
- C ' t- - .
Mcßae & Brother, Mt. Vernon, Ga.
The Montgomery Monitor and the Savannah
Semi-Weekly News, one year, Sl.To.
. el x