Newspaper Page Text
The Montgomery Monitor.
Odd Fellow
The convention of the Odd Fel
lows of the Twelfth Division of
Georgia is in session in Ailey.
and will probably adjourn this
The meeting opened yesterday
morning at 10:30 with a welcome
address by Mayor T. A. Peter
son. Response was made by Rev.
J. D. Rabun in behalf of the or
der. This was followed by ad
dresses by Rev. J. R. Kelley of
Wrightsville and Judge W. W.
Shepard of Savannah.
At the noon hour a public bar
becue was spread to the delight
of all present.
Today the members of the or
der are engaged with work and
business. The visitors are be
ing royally entertained by the ;
good people of Ailey, and a large 1
number of visitors are present.
A more complete account of the
meeting will be given in next
Mr. T. D. Booth of Fitzgerald,
representing the Fraternal Life
and Accident Association, is
present,' and has secured a larg
er number for the insurance de
partment, Dr. J. F. Hall having
already examined about 100
members for the insurance.
Albany, Ga., Oct. 9.—William;
E. Myers, general manager of the ;
Albany Grocery Company and one |
of the most prominent business;
men of this city, was killed 4
miles south of Albany, at Blue :
Springs, through the accidental
discharge of his shotgun.
Myers and Tha i Huckabee, a
traveling salesman of the Albany I
Grocery Company, had been
squirrel hunting, and stopped in
a store at Blue Spring when a
heavy rain came up. They were
traveling in an Myers I
driving. When they were ready :
to resume their trip, Myers took
a seat in the machine, and Huck
abee started to crank off the ma
chine. Myers’ gun lay across the;
seat, and it was discharged just |
as the engine began to move, the
whole load entering his left j
The machine was rushed to the
city as fast as possible, but Myers
died as he was being taken out
at his apartments.
He was one of the most popu
lar business men in Albany, and
interested in a number of enter
prises. He is survived by one
child and a number of brothers
and sisters.
I will be at the lollowuig place
on the days mentioned below :
Landsberg, Oct., 17. 8 to 9 a m.
Glenwood, 17, lU:80to 12:30.
Alamo, 17. 4 to 5:80 p. m.
Krick, IS. 8:30 to 10 a m.
Springhill, (Club House,) IS, 1
to 2:30 p. m.
McArthur, 19 8 to 10 a. m.
•J. M. Browning’s, 19 12 noon.
Mt. Vernon, home at night of 19.
Alston, 20, 10 to 12 a. in
Higgaton. 20, 1 to 5 p. in.
Kibbee, 21, 7:30 to 8:80 a. m.
Tarrvtown. 21. 10 to 11 a. m.
Soperton, 21, 1 to 3p. m.
Orland, 22 <S to 9:80 a in,
Lothair, 22, 1J to 2 p m.
1). M. CI’RRIK,
T. C., M. Co:
Tom Watson
Speaks Here.
A letter from Thomas E Wat
son to one of our citizens savs
that Mr. Watson will speak in
Mt. Vernon Tuesday, lsth inst.,
to which the public is invited.
We are not ad vised as to the sub
ject he will use, but suffice it to
say that it will be something rich
and raev, and will draw a large
crowd. Address will lie at lOo’lock
in the in ruing of tine lsth, prop
ably at the court house.
Full lineof state-arlopted school
books at the Mt. Vernon Drug Co. |
Let everybody in Montgomery,
Emanual and all the adjoining
! counties be on hand at Ited Bluff
! church, near Rockledge, Ga., the
; third Sunday in October, 1910.
We will have with us some qf the
best singers South Georgia can
produce, also one of the best mu
sician, Prof. J. E. Free berg, of
Chicago. Every body come and
bring well lilied baskets. Let’s
make tins day the greatest Sing
ers’ Day South East Georgia has
ever had. J. M. Spivey,
Dr. J. W. Palmer is this week
attending the ninth annual ses
sion of the Association of Sea
board Airline Railway Surgeons,
in session in Birmingham. Dr.
Palmer has been secretary and
treasurer of this sssociation since
its organization, and is one of
its most popular members. He
will doubtless return about to
morrow, Friday.
Card of Thanks.
I wish to thank the voters of
Montgomery county for the sup
port they gave my son. A. B.
Hutcheson, in the recent primary
and the general election for the
office of County School Commis
sioner of Montgomery county. 1
Assuring you that your favors I
are properly appreciated, I am
Yours very truly,
Chas. H. Hutcheson,
Soperton, Ga.
Special Corn spondence.
Miss Ad*di Giilis visited the
home of Mr. Hardy Butler last
Miss Gladys Giilis returned I
home last week after a visit with
her brother.
Miss Sudie Barlow is visiting
relatives in Liberty county this
There will be religious services
at Lundsburg next Sabbath, and j
all are invited to attend.
Death Os A
Prominent Man.
His many friends throughout;
the county will be pained to learn ,
of the death of Mr. Cuyler P. |
Moseley, which sad event occurr
ed at his home near Charlotte on
Friday, 7th inst., after an illness j
of several months. Mr. Moseley
was an upright, Christian gentle- i
man, and his death results in a
distinct loss to the county.
He was about fifty-four of age
and a lifelong citizen of this
county. Remains were laid to
rest in the family cemetery, the,
service being conducted by Rev.
J. F. Yancey of the Methodist
church, of which Mr. Moseley
had been a member for over 30
years. Deceased was a charter
member of Milligan Creek Lodge,
Odd Fellows, and members of
this order also conducted a ritu
alistic service at the grave. Mr.
Moseley leaves a devoted wife
and ten children,, beside other
relatives, the children being W.
E., V/. T., P. M. and J. E., and
Misses Louranie and Florence
Moseley, and Mesdames J. A. and
G. C. Conner, Clayton Morris and
J. L. Adams.
His many friends in this coun
ty will lie interested to learn that
Mr. W. W. Pope has purchased a
farm in Liberty county, and mov
ed with Ins family to the historic
neighorhood of Taylor’s Creek.
W hile Mr. Pope goes to one of
the grand st old counties in Geor
gia, likewise he is leaving one of
the best in the state. Makes us a
little homesick to hear of a .Mont
gniner county man moving to
Liberty. We commend him to
the good citizens of the old county.
Our fall millinery is now in.
W'- have never carried a more
complete line, and were never in
better position to supply high
grade millinery at such prices.
E. T. Mcßride, Ailey, Ga.
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Remember the first attraction
jof the season wilj. lit 1 held at the
Union Baptist Institute on the
evening of the 21st. Do not fail
to attend.
Hon. G T. Mason of Lyons,
with his daughter, Miss Lucile,
is visiting relatives here this
week. Judge Mason is recuperat
ing from the effects of a severe
illness, and his many friends in
! Montgomery will be glad to learn
! of his recovery.
Prof. Hendricks, conductor of
the Teachers 1 nstitute, in session
here this week, has methods most
pleasing to the teachers in at
i tendance, and an enjoyable and
profitable week is being spent by
Before buying Soap and Sta
tionery, see the Palmer Drug
Store, Alley.
Rev. Clias. Montgomery is con
ducting a revival meeting ut Vi
dalia this week.
Georgia Seed Rve and White
, and Yellow Onion Sets for early
I planting, at M. JO. Lor.vrAix’s.
Dr. J. R. Burdett, of Tennille
spent Tuesday night hero with
his friend, Dr Clias. Hicks.
line of the best. Mount Vernon
Drug Co.
Messers. J. A. Ramsey and F.
A. Blocker of the Edna section
j were visitors to Mt. Vernon one
day lust week. Both are good
| citizens.
Mr. T. M. Corbin of Route No. j
2 was a business visitor here Mon-1
day morning.
Col. \V. M. Lewis and family
spent part of last week in Augusta,
where they went, for treatment
for the children. j
Dr. J. M. C. McAllister of
Rochelle visited relatives here one
j day last week.
See Palmer Drug Store and get
your share of the bargains to be
had there.
The Parker “Lucky Curve’’
Fountain Pen is the only one that
will not leak. Buy one at Palmer I
Drug Store and get a year’s ;
guarantee against leakage and
Miss Stella Morris has returned j
home after visiting friends, and !
relatives at Reidsville and Willa
M'ss. Addie Burch is teaching
music near Towns.
Mrs. F. P. Grille li of Athens
is visiting her daughter, Mrs. M.
B. Calhoun, and is accompanied
jby her sister, Mrs. Jackson, also
of Athens.
Clerk J. C. Calhoun spent Sun
day in Savannah, where Mrs.
Calhoun has been for some time.
Mr. H. H. Williams left a few
days ago for Milieu, where he will
be employed with Mr. Geo. L.
Adams, who is building the Jen
kins county court house at that]
Mrs. Margaret Ryals of Stuckey
visited her daughter, Mrs. Homer'
Stuckey, in Mount V ernon Mon-j
Judge J. B, Geiger and Mr. R
Morrison have returned from a
hunting trip to Liberty county. 1
This week’s paper is slightly de
layed on account of an accident
to a piece of machinery in the of
fice. Patrons of the office, whose
work had been promised this week
w ill understand the delay.
Mr. J. W. Lowery of the Bruce
section wa- a business visitor
here yesterday.
Many from here attended the
Odd Fellow celebration in Alley
| yesterday.
The contractor, Mr. W. T.
- O'Neal, lias finished the handsome
; home of Rev. .1. D. Rahim, who
1 has just moved m. Mr. O'Neal is
jn good workman, and Mr. Rabun
is to be congratulated on having
; secured his services in the work.
Full line State Adopted School
Books, Palmer Drug Store.
An abundance of old papers,
suitable for laying under carpets
and matting, may he had at this
office by calling at i nee.
Mr. M. M Williamson of Oak
Park, Ga., a former citizen of t his
county, was here on business
Monday, Mr. Williamson is a
successful man and a good citizen.
Wo have the latest Ladies’ Omit
Suits, prices $7 to $27. Also Neck
wear and Hair Goods, in the latest
effects. J. 11. Hudson, Alley.
Miss Mamie Everett of Ten
nille is attending the Touchers
Institute here this week, and is
the guest of Miss Belle McAllister.
Red Bluff.
Special ConcHpondciice.
Our section was visited by a
heavy rain Friday afternoon.
.Mis. W. N. Reid spent the week
end with her sister, Mrs. Lula
Chester, of near Rock ledge,
Mr. R. W. Cone was in Dublin
on business Saturday. -
Mr. Henry Hutcheson of Turkey
Creek spent Saturday night, with
his neice, Mrs. Bertie Davis, of |
Miss Eunice Cone was the
charming guest of her sister, Mrs. '
Lizzie Davis, 'Tuesday afternoon, i
Mrs. Mol lie Giilis and little;
daughter, Geneva, were visitors to!
Orland Friday afternoon.
Mrs. Lizzie Davis spent Satur-j
day with her mother, Mrs R. W.,
Misses Willie and Annie Reid
visited Miss Eunice Cone Satur
day afternoon.
Mr. Charlie Davis was in So
perton on business Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Chap 'Thigpen
spent Saturday night with the
latter’s brother, Mr. 11. C. I),i\h
of Orland.
Mr. W. N. Reid was a visitor
to Dublin Sat unlay.
Mrs. A. R. Davis and children i
spent Sunday afternoon at the
home of her brother, Mr. Jack
Mr. and Mrs. -W. B Smith vis
ited at the home of the home o! i
the latter’s sister, Mrs James
O’Brien Sunday.
Mr. James D. Myers lias return
ed to his home at Lovett, after a
week’s visit, to relatives at this;
place. •
Misses Mamie and Etta O’Brien
visited at the home of Mr. It. W. j
Cone Sunday afternoon.
Mr. Boss Giilis .visited Mr.
Jack Davis Sunday last.
Messrs. Sonnie and Kara Davis
visited at the home of R. W.
Cone Sunday afternoon.
Mr. Andrew Barber and wife
spent Sunday with his sister, M rs.
Ci L. J dinson.
Messrs. C. L. Johnson and
Charlie Davis were visitor to Mr.
T. Loyd’s Saturday afternoon.
Mr. Rodus Green way was a vis
itor to this section Sunday after
Messrs. Tom Brantley and Tom
O’Rrieir were callers at the Ironic |
of Mr. W. N. Reid Sunday.
Mrs. Daisy Lord and Miss Car
rie Reynolds visited at the home j
of R. W. Cone Wednesday.
The Union Singing Convention
will meet, with the church at
Alamo mi ihe fifth Sunday in
October at ten o’clock A. M.
All are invited to attend, and a
.special invitation to all leaders
ot song. Remember the setting
I of a public table has been discon
tinued, Gut. come prepared to
stay all day.
.1. F. McDaniel, Secy
Kpr ial OolTPdpntHlfiU’O
i Mr. and Mrs. George Spivey
visited the latter’s parents, Mr.
and Mrs. VV. B. Greetnvay.
Miss Elenan Green way is vis
iting her sister, Mrs. Ennis Thig
pen, of near Rock ledge.
Mr. Rodus Greenway attended
services at Pleasant Hill Sunday.
Mrs. At tier Greenway spent
one day last week with her moth
er, Mrs. Charlie Graham.
W. B. Greenway made a bus
iness trip to Dublin Friday.
Messrs. Tom Beall and Cleve
land Pritchett, of Dublin visited
at the home of W. B. Greenwa.v
: Sunday.
Mr. Hutcheson is visiting his
relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Davis of this place.
Mr. Bill New of near Soperton
spent Sunday at the home of W.
B. Greenway.
Mrs. Tom Fulford and daugh
ter, Mrs. Alice Carroll, are spend
ing a few days with friends aid
relative near Orland.
Mr. Bill Tharpe and wife at
tended the association at Silver
Leaf Sunday.
Mrs. John Greenway of near
Orianna spent Friday afternoon
at the home of Mr. Bill Tharpe.
Misses Jennie and Shellie Thig
pen spent one day last week in
We are very glad to say that
we have been having some fine
rains in our community for the
past few days.
Sued Oats.
I have for sale, the famous Geor
gia Rust, Proof and Appier Seed
Oats. Call or write
J . M . D. McGhkuou,
9228 b Alley, Git.
Sheriff Sale.
Oeorjfia - y County.
Will In’ ho i| before t,he court bonne door in
M*. Vermin on the Hint Tuesday in Nov ,
|!M(I, In tHcrii the |e«#l lioiiik of Hiilr, to the
bi'ldei for cash, oertaio |iro|n rty, of
which th<' following is a complete di»c ri|itlon:
'Thirty acres of land more or less on
the east corner of Lot of land No. *i
in I lie Eleventh laud district 'if said
county and stale, being woodland
a,al hnvintr a good (puiniity of lim
ber on it fit for sawmill purposes.
Said land levie-l on as the property
of H. W. . egjer to satisfy an execu
tion issued from the, < by Pourl of
\i Vi ion in favor of J. .VI. Kuril
bum <V <a. Vi 11. \V. Scgler, Mary
Heeler eluimant. Written notice of
I- , y eivi ii as required by law. This
(lie i h day of October, 1910.
.1 a- . I luster, Shes.
1,. ( . I nilerwood. Ally for I'lfT.
Expert Knowledge in
Wagon Building <—t
fCan Le gained only by experience and experiment. ...
What may seem excellent in theory may prove worthle- ■in fact |
The Studcbakers have been building wagons so long — nearly *
60 years—that they are able to eliminate guesswork. j|
They hnou) what is die best material and which method of con- j';
struction is best.
Their long experience makes guesswork unnecessary in a
Let us show you how well it is built
Alley, Georgia.
Teachers Institute
In Session.
The annual Teachers Institute
|of Montgomery county is in ses
j sion here this week at the court
house. Prof. Walter B. Hend
ricks of Douglas, a teacher of
| wide experience and recognized
ability, has in charge the mana
gement of the convention.
Mr. Hendricks is one among
It he most able teachers in the
state, having devoted practically
all his life to the profession. He
is a school man, thoroughly ac
quainted with schools and school
problems, having taught in rural
! schools, high schools and colleges.
Mr. Hutcheson should be ap
plauded for securing the services
of such an able instructor.
A well arranged program is l>e
ing rendered 1 each day by the
teachers, all of whom seem to l>e
thoroughly interested in the ex
ercises. The program is not
carried out on the old style lec
ture plan, usually observed in
institute work, but is conducted
like* a real school, the expert be
ing the teacher and the teachers
the pupils.
We feel sure that the teachers
will have been much better pre
pared for the coming year’s work
by having attended the Institute.
There are about forty teachers
in attendance. Many could not
attend on account of having al
ready begun their school work.
Since the entire institute work
is conducted for the betterment
of our schools, and in the inter
est of both patrons and pupils,
the public is cordially invited by
the County School Commissioner
and the ent ire body to attend
each session during the week.
Millinery Opening.
Mrs. C. W. Fox of Vidalia an
nounces her Millinery Opening
for October 11th and 12th (Tues
day and Wednesday.) She ex
tends a cordial invitation to all to
attend you are more than wel
come, if only to inspect the new
styles and get her prices.
Do not forget that her milli
nery parlors are in Vidalia, on
Church street, just below the
Baptist church. Phone 211.
Entertainment at
U. B. Institute.
The first entertainment of the
season at the II B. 1., being the
regular Lyceum Course, will he
held on the evening of October
21. This is one of the same series
ot splendid entertainments which
have been appearing at the In
stitute for a number of years, and
which have proved so satisfactory
to the management and pleasing
to the public.
'l'liis number will fie given by a
ladies quartet, and promises to
be a most charming event. They
will give u program pleasing to
all, and the public should attend
by all means. October 21, at 8
NO 24.