Newspaper Page Text
Farmers Should
Own Their Farms.
Fnion (' l lv, (id., Oct. I.—Pres
ident <'harlea S. Barrptt preuehes
the sound doctrine of the farmer
owning the acres he tills in a
statement j iint issued to the tneia
bers of the Fanners Futon.
He declares that one of tin*
greatest evils in America today in
feudalism in the country—the
condition which makes so many
farmers mere tenants of the land
from which they wring a living,
lie warns farmers to buy now,
because farm lauds are rapidly
advai ring in value, and in a lew
years ownership will he n sure en
ough luxury.
His statement is as follows:
“ I'o the Officers and Members of
the Farmers i'nion:
“One of tile greatest <•\1 1 is
America is facing today is feudal-;
i- in in the country district —in
oilier words, that condition which
makes millions of farmers ten
ants upon tie- land from which i
tln-y mlist earn a living.
•‘Americans have fought to the;
last ditch for their homes. It i
a humorous axiom t hat no man I
ever stood m I In- Inst ditch for Ins i
hoarding house, and it is certain
that no farmer is going to dis
charge Ins duty, in times of peace]
or war, if the roof that shelters!
him is the property of anot her i
man and the acres that teed him |
are simply rented for a year or a
term ot years.
“The entire nation is more or
1,-ss wrestling with the problems
of tenancy, lint it is probable tlie
Southern states are called upon
to face ii m its most aggravated
“ I know of not one, but scores
of i list aliens in which Southern
far is actually rejected propos
als I>v which they might easily
have acquired their own farms.
They prcferied instead to lent;
the laud upon either a system ol
‘cropping’ or of money payments
which in a few years would aggre
gate more than the entire cost ol
the place.
“Such a policy, and it is pursu
ed in the South to a ruinous ex j
tent, leads nowhere save to des I
poudeuc) or utdtffereul pfoipwt*
“So that one thing the Farmers
I'lUon has endeavored to oticour- j
age, has been personal ownership
ol the farm by its members
against that vicious system ol i
‘cropping’ l>v which the tenant is]
little better than slave to the land]
“The man who does not own I
his farm is likely to be almost ]
constantly in debt to Ins landlord. ]
From one year’s end to another
his obligations are perpetual ami
self renewing. He inust consult
Ins landlord regarding what crops
and how much of each crop he j
shall cultivate. Often he is tin- 1
der debt for the very necessities]
ol life, and in a few cases 1 have I
know n his type to drag out a hand j
to in-mth existence.
“1 sound this warning now. so]
far as regards the South, as well
as every other section of the na
tion, that at the galloping rate
land- are enhancing owning your
ow n tat m a tew years hence will
be a luxury. Today only acer
tain amount of'enterprise, self-de
nial and thrift is essential. The
process is open la the humblest
• and poorest farmer in America
“Hand m hand with home own
ing should g > the policy »d scion
tilic and diversified fanning.
“During the panic of 1007 1
know several w is- farmers in the
immediate neighborhood of my
hone- who raised on their places
every product necessary to the
sustenance of man and beast.
“These men weathered the
roughest part of the panic almost
m ignorance <d the existence ot
such a thing. They would not, in
fact , have known of the existence
of a panic had it not bean for the
straightened circumstances of
their s- wide-awake friends,
many of whom had to borrow
money with which to buy food
brought from outside the state,
when that food should have been
raised upon their ow n acres.
“We are not yet immune to
panic- in this country. The visi
tation of IttiiT will sooner or later
be repeated.
“If you raise your own food
supplies as well as for your cattle
and stock you will not feel the
pinch of panic.
“In this connection it is hardly
necessary for me to say that diver
sified agriculture means you shall
make cotton largely a surplus
“ The fanner who ‘single shots’
]on cotton is putting all his eggs in
basket He is paying tribute
t o t lie Western cattle and grain
dealer out of Ins cotton money for
the supplies with which to raise
his cotton crop.
“Jl«-is mortgaging his main
] money er >p before the latter
g<jfis in the ground—and that is
i tin- worst economic fallacy that
could be perpetuated.
“I know that it. will require
self sacrifiee for a time, the deny
ing one's self ot small luxuries,
both to own one’s own farm and
perhaps to practice diversified
j agriculture. The game is worth
: tin- caudle.
“< diaries S. Barrett.”
Nashville, Tenn. — Our Holt”
is tn be the g' at sacrificed on the
altars of I’att* rsonian Democracy.
The convention of regulars, the
1 “harmony convention,” assetn
! bled today, will most certainly
j nominate tin* present I oiled
State- senator for governor against
t lie earn!idut.e of the I miependent-
Republican fusion tats, Ben \\ .
Senator Bob Taylor lias been
twixt bis Satanic majesty and the
in for many weeks past.. He
o n ried from Washington when
dreaded Kepubllean alliance
. ned probable, declaring he
i w ~j<l stump the state for Putter
! soi, or whoever might be “it.’’
But Patterson withdrew from the
race, and when Senator Bob
] reached Tennessee he found him
self in a state divided. Suddenly
remembering his lecture engage*
] ments in Texas, he abandoned his
! purposed stump expenditon and
has not been so active for tie* reg
| übus as had been expected. But
! now he finds himself theatamiard
j bearer of tie* “harmony’’ contin
gent. It is tie* first known in
stance of a Fnited Stati's senator
, running for governor, but In* has
a good thing at that If le* fails
of eli cl em In* still has liis seat in
tin* senate —so how much does
Senator Bob desire the guberua
i tonal chair?
Today's convention has dele
gates from every one of tie* 9t>
counties in Tennessee, and they
are all for “Fiddler Boh,” present
United States senator and three
times governor of this state.
I'avlor will h.* nominated by
acclamation to replace Malcolm
K. Patterson, present governor,
I whose retirement was forced af
ter having been nominated for a
t bird term.
SlientT Salt.
j i}«mij»i* - limit £o!tit>r>’ County,
Will In mii«l l*« fun* tin t'oiut house door in
M \ rifii •*!' tin thst PiisiUy in \ov ,
i 11110, lulw.iii tin h i;al Inputs ot stilt*, to tilt*
i hull* st l»id»i f«*r tii-sli. port nit) |‘ii»|»»ity, of j
which tin ft»U<twinti »> .a pomploto dine liption: ,
I'hiri.v aero-of land moreoi le--on
a-i conn : ol Lot ot land No. 6
In the l-’.l.v eiitli land di-t riot of -aid |
'enmity and -tale, being woodland
and having a good tpuimit.v of lim
her on it li- tor -awmill purposes
S,ii,| hunt levied on a- lbe property
ot li A >1 sic I lo satisfy an exeou
ion i--uod from the t'ity I’ouri of
Mi Vfinon in favor of j. M. Ford
iiam A to. \ s M. V Segb-r, Mary
Segb-i claimant. Written notice of
! levy given as required by law. This
Ihe (llida.v ofOciober, HUO.
• .las. Hester. Slief.
L. t . t interwood. Ally for PUT.
Georgia Montgomerv County.
Whereas, W. K Mosley, ad
min strater ot the estated of 11
A Joyce. Sr., late of said county, j
deceased, represents t*< the court
in lt:s petition, duly tiled and en
tered oiTi'cord, that he has fully
administered said estate accord
ing to law, and applies tor letters
of dismission Tilts is therefore
to ette all persons concernod. to
show cause if any they have on or
about the tirst Monday in Novem
ber, n-\t. why said application
should not be granted as prayed
tor. This the :>d day of October,
lUIO. AK x McArthur, Ordinary.'
Georgia—Montgomery 0* u ty.
To all whom it may concern:
Take notice that A. T. Wright
and others have applied for an
j order seeking the establishment
jof a new road which has bc*-n
laid «ut and marked comformubly
to law by commissioners duly ap
pointed, and a report ther* »f
made by them on oath, -ai<l road
beginning at a point on the pub
lie road between the home of .J.
T. Jordan and 11. .1 Purser on th
Dublin and Bell’s Ferre road and
running to the stei*| bridge mi the
little Or'inulgee river near Lum
ber CltV, Hu., oil by the holm i)f
AI »e T Wright, following the
land lilies of W. T Adams and
Lizzie Wool'-n and a'-rms tii
] lands of Mrs. E. J. Jenkins, pass
ing lands of Gabriel Clements and
Bill Branham and onward to the
said steel bridge. Now if no good
cause be shown to tin- contrary,
the order will le* granted by tie-
Board of Commissioners of R ads
«fc Revenues on the Ist day of N >-
vember, l'.llO, establishing sai*l
road as applied for. This tie
It li day *>f t h-tober, 1910.
.1. F. Sikes,
Sheriff Sale.
Okorgik Mont-mmifi’v (*»>u«ity:
Will be m»I(I b«*l«»n* the court hoitß< <1 u ill
Ml. V«tiioii on tin* first I’liestlav in >v.,
11110* between tlie hour: of citle. h> the
highest bidder for <• t <h, * « rtain pn»pertv, ol
which the following h a complete dt--< i iptioit:
Onw house and lot of land in
the town of Soperton, Ga., and in
the ldstith district G. M. of said
county and state, containing two
] acres more or less, and bounded
as follows: On the north .by
] Tiger street , on the east, by land
of G. 11. Williams, on the soft'Mi
bv Oak street. and - n the 'vest by
; Allmoml street. Levied on and
will tie sold as the property >1
James Herndon to satisfy a
mortgage execution issued from
the superior court < f said county
]in favor of J. C. Williams vs
| James Herndon. Property pointed
out for levy by plaintiff in !i la.
and written notice of levy given
as required by law This the nth
day ol O -toll"r, 1 ‘JIV).
.1 a mas I L ster, Sln-ril l .
A C. riuff dd, At ty. for Pill.
Yon will liml a full supply of
genuine Jeorgia Seed Rye at
Me Rue it Br.i.’s, Mt. Vernon, Ga.
oit nt ion.
Georgia—Montgomer County.
J. F. Crmnartie, administrator
of the estate ot Mary Bello Fuller,
deceased, has applied to me for
leave to sell tin- real estate of said
deceased, this is there! uv to no
tify all concerned to file their ob
jections, if anv they have, on or
before the first Monday in Novem
ber, next, else leave will then be
granted said applicant as applied
tor. This the fid day of October.
PJIO. Ak x McArthur, Ordinary
Cltat ion.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Willie T. McArthur and IF II
Mobley, administrat. >rs ot the
estate of J. F. Mobley, late of
said count v deceased, having
made application to the under
signed lor leave to sell all tin
lands of said deceased, this is to
notify all persona concerned that
said application will be heard at
my ollice on the first .Mnnuav in
November, 1010. This the fid
day of October, 1910.
Alex McArthur, Ordinary.
Sheriff Sale.
GKOfldl \ Montgomery County;
v\ ill b«* s»>Ul lu foiv tin* court house door ii»
Mount V er imil on tin i > lu< it\ in N-«\ .
15110, between the lentil hours sil«% to tin
hitfhext bidder lor rush, cert.tin properly, ol
wnieli the following i* a cnmpl. h >.-riptioi :
The north vv st half of lot of
land number two hundred and
thirty-four in the Tenth ( 10) land
district of said county and stale,
and containing one hundred and
one fourth acres more of less
Said property levied on and will
be sold as the property t F A.
Mcßae to satisfy an e\ -ueio.i is
sued from the Cuv Court d’ M■-
Rae in favor of John V -: tl vs F.
A Mcßae, F. C M-R i a I John
F. Mcßae. Written n tic** of
levy given defendant a- required
bylaw. This tin nth duv oi Oc
tober, 1910. Jas. Hester,
Georgia—Montgomery C unity.
Whereas, A. B. W » ker has
made application to the under
signed for the gu:*rd;.n -i ip of
Edward Walker Livingston. min
or of Marv K. I.iviog-t • ate ot
said county, deceas <t, this is t,>
cite all pers *iis concerned to tilo
their objections if anv they have
on or before ‘the first Mondav in
November, n* xt. ; --rs
guardianship will grant d a
prayed t'*>r. l’his the ;id .lav t
Octobe, 1910. Alex McArthur,
O ruinay.'
It’s Easy to
/' /V ONE
p Qy' ***l \J OF THESE
j -y-/ r LITTLE
“I use Dr. Miles’ Anti-Pain
Pills for Neuralgia, LaGrippe
and all pains. 1 don’t intend
lo be without them, for ] find
ready relief in them for every
thing I use them for.”
120 \V. 6th St., Davenport, la.
All Pain
"In my family Dr. Miles'
Anti-Pain Pills are used for
headache, colic and other
pains, amt always give relief
at once.”
R. D. No. 3, Dunn. N. C.
Sold by druggists everywhere, who
ar ■ authorized to return price of first
package If they fail to benefit.
MIL ES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart. Ind.
White Hickory
W agons.
(’all on Me Hue &
Bro. lor The Cele
brated White Hicko
ry Wagons. Von
should make it a point
to investigate this
wagon before buying.
They have a record
in this county for long
and successful service.
1 h' 1 John Flannery Co., Savan
nah, are the ret lon men who se
cure the right prices fir cotton
shipped to them. You are sure
<<f good returns if they handle
vmr staple this season. * *
Farms For Sale.
Five flood Firms it. Montgomery
aml Toombs Counties. Prices Rea
sonable. A. Ij. LAN I Ell,
Real Estate Agent,
<)- 1A 1 Mt. Vernon, Ga.
For Sale—House.
Seven-room House and four acres
of land,v with bam, etc. House
comparatively new and painted.
Apply at Monitor office or write
T. E. Rogers,
f)U! poplar St., Macon, Ga.
On Improved Farms in
Montgomery County at a Small
Rate of Interest.
J. K. Hall, Soperton.
o'lThotivimi for sale, prices from
830 upward.
For catalogue, prices, etc., write!
J. C. THORXi'.L’RG, Helena. Ga.
A. L. Lanier,
Attorney at Law,
Will Practice in all the Courts of
the State.
v. 1\ MOOUF
Painter lV Decorator
If vour hettse needs a coat of paint,
send for me. and have the job done
r Hit. and at low st figures.
Hamilton Burch,
Attorney and Coun
selor at Law,
.IcRAE. viA.
C:.miwa: Law m«i! Coliw*'»•**!>, Had f
ivMid rot! a
| Low Cut Shoes |
t~& (bought for- tlx - who are stvli.-h in dress)
n ' . &
We feel proud of our selections of fej
Spring and Summer (mods, and know p
that our patrons will appreciate them
i Dainty Dress Goods and ||
| Gents’ Furnishings j|
22 A look through our handsome new
p stock will mean a revelation of p
pleasure and profit to you pj
and you are invived
£§ to visit us ||
I 1
| L. M. McLemore & Bro. i
g 0
Mount Vernon, Ga.
I |
I Mr. T. H. Cockfield is our author- 1
| ized representative in tills section, and |
I all orders foj* Building Material, Paints |
| and Mantels given him, will have our |
I prompt and careful attention. a
I—■ —1
| 188-MO BARNARD ST. - - - SAVANNAH, GA. |
«, -
«%I%%tiWWU%I>WU>V'iA-4VWt L «4- iVWVWVVW
» 5
These arrivals and departures published unly as |i
| information, and arc not guaranteed. j[
| Schedule Effective January 3d, 1909. i:
I- Lv. Mt. VERNON all trains daily. . ,
10:28 a. m For Helena, Abbeville, Cordele, ;
Aiix rieus, Columbus, ;
s :22 p. m. Montgomery, and all points west. ]j
b:47 a. in. For Lyons, Collins, Savannah, j!
•l:f>8 p. in. and all points east. I
For further information, reservations, rates, etc., see your ;j
nearest Sealloarij Ticket Agent, or write e'
R. 11. STANSELL, A. G. I*. A., j|
Savannah, Georgia. ||
| Jnlui H. Hie ter, Win. K. Pearce, Frank C. lluiley. $
j Cotton Factors Naval Stores |
experienced Factors ii
I Upland Cotton, Sea-Island Cotton
Florodora, Allen Silk and Other j>
Extra Staples. Naval Stores. ij
One of • lie Largest K • tojage Concerns in the South. Each jj
Commodity handled'in a Separate Department. !j
Strict -st Attention to Each. j;
Nitrate of Soda and Other Fertilizers, jj
Upland and Sea-Island Bagging,
Ties and Twine. |
(Lilieral Advaiu-' s mad** on Coi -ignments. Money Loaned ;[
to Cotton and Naval Stores Shippers on Approved Security. j
126 Bav Street, East. SAVANNAH GA. ;