Newspaper Page Text
• New H iv' j i> 1 ' n S’ 5
udg>- Si-if «ui E t
ratic munuife |'i«r i >v- u i
louuced to-night turn hf will [
iriug suit against. fni in -r P.-si
lent on account of certain stute
nents said to have linen made
i>y Mr. Roosevelt in a spe.-ch in
“Jew Hampshire relative to Judge;
Baldwin’s attitude on labor legis
Mr Baldwin said he bad asked
Jol Roosevelt to retract the atate
nent, and that the latter had
’ailed to do so.
The statement reterred to was
reported to have been made in a
ipeech at' Concord, N. H., by
Mr. Roosevelt and was to the ef
fect that the position taken by
fudge Baldwin on the employers’
liability question was retrogres
“I shall waste no more words
upon Mr. Roosevelt,” said Judge
Baldwin, “but intend, when I
have leisure, to attend to it,
to bring suit on account, of his
making the statement, which I
have no doubt was in fact correct
ly reported
“I should have bee', better
pleased if he hud made a trank
retraction As If refused to do j
this I regard il as mv duty to
tiring him to justice.”
Macon, Ga., Nov. s.—The an
nual state fair came to an end
to-day and the dismantling of
exhibits already is under way.
It was a success from the start.
In point of excellence of exhibits
and attendance it has been al
most a record breaker. The prizes
given for county exhibits were
well won.
The full award of prizes was
as follows: Cobb county, first
prize, $1,200; Gwinnett county,
second prize, $800; Worth county,
third prize, $500; Jones connty,
fourth prize, $200; Bulloch coun
ty, fifth prize, $200; Bibb county,
sixth prize, $200; Carroll county,
seventh prize, $200; Hancock
county eighth prize, $100; Hall
county, ninth prize, $100; Cam
den county, tenth prize, SIOO.
First prize for best individual
agricultural exhibits, E. A. Ries,
Bibb connty, $150; second prize,
R. C. Durden, Bibb county, $75.
Those in charge of the various
county exhibits are the follow
ing: J. Gid Morris, Cobb; T. G.
Chapman, Gwinnett; Mrs. W. W.
Monk, Worth; Dr. J. M. Kiser,
Jones; J. R. Miller, Bulloch; Dr.
E. P. Frazier, Bibb; J. W. Stone,
Carroll; Miss Zoe Brown, Han
cock; M. Q. Whitehead, Hall; T.
M. Godley, Camden.
Franklin, Pa., Oct. 81.—Word
tonight from the home of Joseph
C. Siblev is to the effect- that
neitner the former congressman
nor his wife has more than the
slenderest chance «»f recovery.
Air Sibley blames himself for
Mrs. Sibley's condition, for her
breakdown resulted from the
charg's brought against her hus
band as a candidate for the re
publican congres-ioiial nnini
nin i l l mi ’h * I • **! • 1 b had
uri *lhin n> r 1 ' i
Dr H P Hamm mil wlm is in
churge ol li*»th fill e;,i- s.i\> that
two Weeks ttg" Mis SnMeV bud a
slight chance fur recovery, but
that Hope now has been practically
abandoned Her chief trouble is
mental and she is confined to her
bed. Mr Sibley is able to s ; t up,
but attempts to walk result in
attacks of dizziness from heart
weakness. He eats but little.
An audit of Mr. Sibley’s $42,500
primary election expense is set
for November 14, but it is not
believed he will beable to appear.
On August 22 Mr Sibley and three
Warren county men were arrested
on a charge of conspiracy to de
bauch voters of Warren county.
He is now under $5,000 bail for
trial at the December term of
Macm. Ga., Nov. B.—The Ma-
T graph building was corn
i\ gut d bv tire early this
• v .I g she loss is estimated at
SIOO 000, covered by 80 per oeut
i. .sura net*.
Kiv >i mrl Clay, a printer, was
burn ito d-ath. He had come to
the city from Knoxville, Tenn.,
looking for woork, and, without
sleep, lay down to get some rest
in the rear of thecoinoosing room.
The tire spread with such great
rapidity from the back to the
front of the building that Clay
was forgotten .n the rush for safe
ty by the other employes.
Only about half of the files of
the paper dating back for seventy
five years were saved. C. R. Pen
dleton, editor of the paper, also it
is feared lost a valuable collec
tion of old works on history and
Georgia subject.
The fire as far as can be learn
ed, started from three boys smok
ing cigarettes at the back of the
building, a “butt” dropping into
some paper. The flames leaped
up and spread as though the build
ing were tinder. The efforts of
the firemen were confined chiefly
to Raping the flames from spread
ing to the adjoining buildings,
oleos which is occupied by the
M icon Evening News. Half an
hour after it was seen that the
Telegraph plant was a total loss
the working force was transferred
to the Evening News office and
the regular morning edition was
being gotten out.
Atlanta, Nov. 4.—Councilman
1 Frank A. Hilburu of the First
| ward shot himself to death at his
home, 66 Walker street, this
j afternoon, supposedly with suici
! dal intent.
His wife and daughter, Mrs.
i Walter Burton, and little grand
child, were in the sitting room
when he fired the fatal shot.
Mrs. Burton states that she and
Mrs. Hilburn did not see Mr.
Hilburn shoot himself as neither
j-vvus looking in that direction at
th * ti n" ind that they do not
k io v whether it was accidental,
tl <i;i-il before he reached the
j il' 'Spit SlI
Mr Hilburn had just returned
f ii fishing t rip Shortly after
if (••• I- said to have remarked
uni n > ,is going to clean his
revolver When he took the gun
i.iut : h"i'Hf,ire, nothing was
' thought of it, by Mrs. Hilburn and
her daughter. A year ago Mr.
Hilburn tried to kill himself by
taking poison. His family says
he had not been despondent and
that there was no reason why he
should have wanted to take hie
own life
Mr Hilburn had served in
Council a term before the present
oiif He was a well known Con
federate veteran and a member of
Camp Wulkwr. He was for many
years coroner of Fulton county
and had long been engaged in the
undertaking business.
Atlanta, Nov. 6.—State School
Commisotier M. L. Brittain to
day received a telegram from
G >v -elect Hoke Smith, a member
ot ih P a body Board, which has
he • , iuig a meeting in New
V mooing that the beard
h i-, given this state $9,700 to be
exp. nded ill bettering rural edu
cation in Georgia.
Os this amount $6,000 is avail
aide Jan. 1, 1911, and is to be
used as a general campaign fund
: for rural schools. The balance is
immediately available and 2,700
of it is to be used m paying the
salary of Prof. K H. Powell,state
supervisor ot rural education.
There is given $1,00(1 each for a
supervisor at the Georgia Normal
and Industrial College at Mil
' ledgeville and the State Normal
School at Athens.
The best White Onion Sets, 10
cents per quart at Palmer Drug
I Store, Ailey.
List of J urors.
Grand Jury drawn to serve at the
November Term, 1910.
Isaac Hudson D A Mcßae
T J Thompson W W Pope
L A Hattaway W B Greeway
P H Clark J M Meeks
J R Oarr R W Page
S B Morris ' W L D Rack ley
D W Folsom W J Peterson
S L Fulford A S Dukes
J H Martin J T Langford
J C Patterson G L Adams
Everett McLeod B S Calhoun
Thos Kent David Miller
W H Herndon J B O’Connor
G R Mason S H McMillan
W G McDonald J R Sumner
Traverse Jurors, Ist Week, Drawn
to Seive at the November Term,
J A Clegg J C Mi mbs, Jr
A L Adams tt F Garrett
W D Butler Ashley J Browning
W T McQuaig T W Morris
J R Adams L W Barwick
(J A Holmes H B Folsom
L C Mcßae J A Galbreatli
M B Sanders J T Geiger
J W McDaniel H A Halhoun
B J Guest A J Fowler
NH Sears Jas T Wright
J H Wynn W T Mcßryde
G W Spivey W H H Stephens
G W Coleman J J Cooper, Jr
J B Clark W J Hamilton
S J Hamock VV C Futrell
C W Clark J A Gillis
J T Duffie Jas McNutt
Traverse Jurors, 2d Week, Drawn
to Serve at the November Term,
J A Braswell K J Boyd
J A Wade, Jr Jas W Adams
S J Elliott J H Williamson
W T Bridges M A McMillan
M B Clements A B Johnson
B F Evans, Sr W H McArthur
W H Sharpe B F Conner
DSWarnock F R Glider
J W Sn inner E C McAllister
J W Wardlaw Joel Davis
Hardy Butler A B Clements
Duncan Morris W H Denton
J W K Clark E 11 Clark
W P Padgett Clayton Gritfin
E L Evans B Mathias
E J Turner Bennett Frost
L M McLemore Jerry Johnson
A T Rhodes L II Miller
Talis Jurors, 2d Week, Drawn to
1 Serve at the November, Term
D S Barnhill L B McLetnore
D L Graham C W Browning
J I McKay D O Calhoun
J E Walker J Cook Conner
C M Jordan W J Fowler
DS Williamson J C Pittman
Jas F Currie Peter Johnson
W A Connaway J M D McGregor
N W Clark J L Lowery
W T Wright C S Johnson
J J Elton B R Benton
B R Hartley C P Ennis
Farm for Kent.
One good two-horse farm in high
state of cultivation. Good roomy
barn and dwelling. Two good
mules and one good mare. Also
oue mower and rake, one 6-disk
grain and fertilizer drill, one rid
ing disk cultivator, one riding
spring tooth cultivator—all good
as new. Also one Sterling Fan
ning Mill with attachments for
cleaning aud grading oats, wheat,
rye, barley, corn, peas for plant
ing. (This ia ine implement that,
every farmer ought to use, and
grade all his seed before planting.)
Huggy, wagons and other farm
implements all for sale. See or
write me. F. D. Williamson,
Rt. 8, Uvalda, Ga.
For Sale-Farm Land.
I am offering at private sale 91
acres of good farming lands in
Montgomery county, located in u
good community and conveniently’
near to good school aud church
facilities. A bargain tor the right
man. Call on or write
J. B. Geiger,
922tf Mt. Vernon, Ga.
Money! Money! Term Loans negotiated on
: Improved Farm Lands and also on
City or Town Real Estate in
Montgomery County at a low rate
of interest. \V. J|. Lewis,
Mt. Vernon, Ga.
Petition For Incorporation.
Georgia -Montgomery County:
To the JSunvriot Com t of said County:
The petition ofC. f. Waller, J. J Frost, C.
D. Williams, E. N. Durden, .). F. Holton, I*. P.
Waller, Willie Gay, A. .1. Copeland, David Mil
ler* W. J. Higgs, John A. Johnson, G. T.
Johnson, A It. Johnson, J. I',. Cannady, Les- {
tor Cannady, C. C« Holmea, Georgo Summons,
J. T. Hammond, H. L. Sammons, J. \Y Mitch
ell, C. I. Gillis, J. K. SiniHon, J C. Outlaw,
F. E. Jon ex. A H SannnoiiH, W.F. Humphrey,
W. H. Wood. It. ltraotlcv W. M. Herndon, L.
K. Shepherd, N. It. Smith, 1, Gillis, (1. W.
Summons, .). H. Martin, VV. N. Heed, \V. W.
Dartey, G. E Wall, C. A. Holmes, P. iv. Dick
son, H, M. Foster, J. W. Minton, 11. I*. !
Holmes, M. L. Talon, G. W. N. Smith, W. T.
Coleman, E. it. Purdue, N* Highlander, T. M.
Foster. T. L, New, G. E* Fowl* r, Wiley Gay,
A. E. Hooks, J It Foster, W. V. Durden and
E. It. McGee of said County and State and of
Mouerton, Georgia, respectfully shows:
Ist. That they desire for thcinm lves and
others who may associate with them and
tlieir successors to be inborpomtt d and made
a body politic under the name aud stylo of the
Farmers Supply Company for a period of 20
‘2nd. That the principal oftleeofthia Com- j
panv shall be* in the town of Soperton, Geor
gia, in Montgomery comity, but petitioners
may desire to transact bushes* elsewhere in
said State under rules and regulations made
by the Directors ap«l Stock of said
Company wherever said parties may sec tit mo
to do.
3rd. The object of said Corpoi at ion is pe
cuniary gain t » itseff and its stock holders.
4th. The buathemt to bo tarried on by said
corporation is to be a general mercantile bus
iness, buying and selling all commodities and
things pertaining to mercantile business.
sth. The capital stock of said corporation
shall bo #5,000.00 with the privilege of in
creasing tin’ same at tin su n of 115.000 h\ I
the majority vote ot the stock holdei H. Said
stock to be divided into shares of Five dollars
each, #1,400.00 of the amount ol capital em
ployed by them has actually been paid. Pe
titioners desire the right to h;ivt a subscrip
tion to said capital stock in money or propel
ty or to pay said capital stock in with lawful
currency or property to he taken at a fail
Gtti. Petitioners desire the right to sue and
be sued, to plead and be impleaded, to have
aud use a common seal, to make it 11 necessary
by-laws and regulations and to do all and other ;
tilings that may be necessary for the success
ful carrying on of said business, including the
right to execute notes and hond- as evidence
ot indebtedness, iticuired or which may be in- I
cuned in the conduct of the affairs of the j
corporation, and to secure the same by mort
gage, security, deed or other form of lien,
under existing laws.
7th They desire for said corporation to ap
ply for ami accept amendments, or the au- •
thoritv to apply tuf aud accept amendments
to said charter of either form or substance by
a vote of a majority of its stock out standing
at the time, lin y also ask authority for j
said incorporation to wind up its Affairs,
liquidate and discontinue its business, at any
time it. may determine to do ho by a vote of
two thirds of its slock at the time.
Bth They desire for said incorporation the \
right of renewal when and as provided by the
I laws of Georgia, trial that it have all miicli
other rights, powers, privileges and iminuni- I
ties as are incident to like incorporations or j
permissible under the laws of Georgia.
Wherefore petit loners pray to lie incorporat
ed aider the name and style aforesaid with
the powers, privileges and immunities herein
get forth, and as are now, or may hereafter be,
allowed a corpoi ation ot similar character un
der the laws of Georgia.
L. (J. Underwood, Aity. for Petitioners.
Trespass Notice.
This is to forewarn the public
against trespassing oil the lands
of the undersigned, I»y hunting,
fishing of removing wood or tim
ber therefrom, or m any other
manner trespassing, and parties
so violating this order will he
prosecuted as the law allows.
We, or either of us, further offer
a reward of Ten Dollars for evi-■
deuce sufficient to convict any (
person guilty of trespass a abode
stated. This the 81st day of
October, 1910.
H. J. Gibbs, Il L. Morris,
Jas. Clifton, Respass Youmans.
A. T. Johnson, E. S. Gibbs,
N. B. Gibbs, Sr,
Full Seed Oats.
I have for sale the Famous Ap
pier and Buncroff Seed Oats. See
me at once for seed.
I). S. Williamson,
915tf Uvalda, <la.
lam selling the famous DANE
MOWER, one of the best made.
1 See me at once for prices, terms,
etc. D. S. Williamson,
| 721 Uvalda, Ga.
l .
Money on Hand
We have a good sup
ply of cheap money on
hand at this time and
can close loans very
promptly, either on
farm or city property.
If in need of cash,
come to see or write
us at once.
Southern Loan &
Investment Co.
, Office over Mt. Vernon Drug Co.
t # \
[ Our New Ginnery \
► ◄
£ This is to Inform the Farmers and the* Public 3
£ Generally, That we Have Just Installed 1
► 2
£ We have the Celebrated Liddell Pneumatic Elevator System,
► and we arc prepared to turn out all the cotton brought to 5
our place. It iiTour aim to give satisfaction in our line, and 3
► we invite the patronage of the public. You will find it profit-
► able to visit and inspect our plant. ◄
I 3
E Ilest Prices Paid for Your Cotton Seed. ?
► i
t Bring Us Your Cotton. 3
t We Gin it at Right Prices. J
► ◄
[ J. W, & C. G. THOMPSON, j
► Alston, Georgia. 3
► ◄
•» 4A A4AA A AAA AA A A A AAA. AA.A AA A A UiiAiiAUiAlAUiiAAiAilAii •
.1 olill 11. lliuili i, Win. I\, l’imi<•<-, Frank 0. Ilattny. \
I; Cotton Factors Naval Stores jj
Upland Cotton, Sea-Island Cotton jj
Florodora, Allen Silk and Other
Extra Staples, Naval Stores, jj
I One of tlio Largest Factorage Concerns in the South. Each ;
Commodity liandled in a Separate Department.
Strictest Attention to Each. ;
Nitrate of Soda and Ollier Fertilizers, j
Upland and Sea-Island Ragging,
Ties and Twine. jj
Liberal Advances made on Consignments. Money Loaned
b to Cotton and Naval Stores Shippers on Approved Security.
j; I2h Hay Street, East. SAVANNAH GA. j;
Croup, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, La Grippe,
Quinsy, Hoarseness, Hemorrhage of the Lungs, \
Weakness of the Lungs, Asthma and }
all diseases of
SDr. King’s New Discovery permanently cured
id dangerous throat and lung trouble, and I’ve
ver since.—G. 0. Floyd, Merchant, Kershaw, S. C.
Mt. Vernon Drug (Jo.; Palmer Drug Store,
Ailey; Rivers Drug Company, Glenwood.
I Loans of any amount from $.‘WX> to luO/HX) on farms in Mont- j
;5« goniery and adjoining countios. No delays for inspection, j
i fj Have lands examined J>y a man living near you. \
! loans on five years time, payable in easy installments to S
s! suit borrower. :
| GEO. 11. HARRIS j
5J Merchants Hank Huibbng o\l ( RclC , Gel. j
wax wtetemeiuemtiuemtim