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Mr. Julian Wooten of Cordele |
sjtent Sunday with friends in
Mt. Vernon.
Mr. 1.. ( I. Avant, one of the
jg-owl citizens of ths West Side,
was llie first, to come in Monday
rn truing and renew his subscrip
tion to the county paper.
Mr. I). N. Mcßae of Glen wood
was in Trie Monitor office a few
days atf *. ll* in a regular patron
of the paper.
The teachers and student laxly!
of the Union Baptist Institute
attended services at. the Bresliy-|
terian church at this place last •
Sakbath morning.
Col. Hal enliven-j
inK things around the court as
usual this week, fie is a jolly I
S< ill ini’ M’hx, Hot f 1»* from one |
quart t*> liv< gallons, Jug**. K>-g*!
mot rock randy Svnip Barrel*, and
(>irl, of ail siz*** in atiiiudrtiicii.
for- ilr cli'up by Palmer Drug
Store, \ l l«*y. <i t
Mr. A. B. Conner of Higgston
was a business visitor here Fri
Miss Kdna Ryals of Stuckey
spent a part of last week here
with her sister, Mrs. H. W.
Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Morris
visited relatives in Reidsville
last week.
Mrs. S. A. Lynn of Uvalda
came up a few days ago to visit
her mother, Mrs. T. B. Aht.
Mr. .las, F. Currie spent.
Thursday and Friday in Macon,
where he went to take his little
son, Langley, for treatment.
Mr. Anson Williams, a well
known citizen of the west hide of
the county, was a caller at this
office yesterday.
Palmer Hum Store ha* Sage and
K''d Pepper to help make yottr
■ SIIS-l ee.
Miss Mildred Kent brought to
this (il’ico a few days ago a spetr
tlid stalk of cam* measuring seven
f vt and eight inches.
Mrs. I>. VV. Folsom was last
week called to Liberty county on
account of the condition of her
mother, who has remained par
alyzed for more than a year.
Her mother, Mt>. Hughes.* is
more than SO years old.
Miss Clyde McArthur of Long
p mil -pent the Sabbath with her
cousin. Miss Belle McAllister.
Col. L. 11. Light foot of Adrian,
one of the oldest attorneys at
tending this court, is here among
his old friends this week.
Contractor George L. Adams
of Mi lien is among friends here
this week. He is rebuilding the
Jenkins county court house at
that |>oint. This, when finished,
will la? one of the most substan
tial houses of justice in the state.
Who is Your Blacksmith?
Dors he repair wagons?
Ask him a question
Next time you have occasion to call on him. Ask him
what wagons come oflenest to his shop for repairs.
“Cheap wagons" make work for him. He will admit it.
Ask him about repairs on the
And he will tell you that the Studebaker is a wagon
seldom seen at his shop.
Isn’t that the kind of a wagon you want on your farm?
If it is, come and see us.
Ailey, Georgia.
Miss Bessie Stuckey sjtent last
Sabbath with relatives in Stuck
Right now is the time to plant
fall oats. If you want a good
yield, 1 tetter use Armour's Ferti
lizers. They bring results in
any crop. If you want the best,
write Chas. H. Smith, agent, at
Mcßae, Ga. He will call and
supply you with the proper stuff
at once.
Mr. J. H. Whalen of the Bruce
section was a caller at this office
Tuesday. He is a good citizen.
As will be seen from their no
tice in this issue. Messrs. J. M.
Brooksher & Son, the stock men,
will be in Mt. Vernon in a few
days with a carload of first-class
stock. Mr. Brooksher is well
known to the jteople of this sec
;t.ion, and his stock always gives
i satisfaction.
Messrs. J. A. Martin and H.
H. Heath of Towns and Frank
Morrison and C. M. Guin of Glen-|
wood were in to see The Monitor;
yesterday morning.
MStanford Brothers are
mut HUmi; a telephone exchange in ]
Mount Vernon. Their outfit is of
the improved style, and the ser
vice will he very efficient. They
already have in operation about
tiv« lim-s in the county, and with
the installation of the exchange
will put on a large number of
’phone* in addition to those al
ready in ns**.
Thu*, Mt. Vernon will for the
li t tiim*, tmj >v telephone faetli
ti ipml to that of the larger
lln - -s. The Stanford I* tie will
J. 1 ties* eonneot with the several
nth lines in the county—the
(ladle 1 1 ix* from Tarrytowu, the
Soperton line, the Horton line
from Mcßae and the Denton line
from Vidalia, ete. The Stanford
line* practically cover the south
on part of the county, with two
duos on the west side of the coutt-
j tv, and with the improved service
will be a splendid success. The
telephone affords a cheap means
of communication, and should be
patronized by the public.
' Mis* .1 eddie Ooektield will have
charge of the exchange, and the
i n w sii v,c<> *.vill go into elf’eet
j til IS Week .
We will be in Mt. Vernon on
or about tin* 25th of tins month
with a car load of tlm best mules
j and mares cv. r brought to that
pl i *c, which we will he aide to
j otter the trade at reasonable prices
and on reasonable terms. This
isti ok ranges in weight from S.'Si
to Ilfs) pounds, from 1 to 7 years
old, all broke.
Respect fully,
.1 M. Brooksher A* Sons.
Mortgage Sale,
Georgia. Montgomery County.
I Inter all.! by virtue of ,t poW< r of
*ale contained in the mortgage ex
ecuted by H. W. Seglel to l . ii.
Wooten, on tin- 2Hh day of Mu . 1 li
no, and recorded in the—♦.file.- of the
( Jerk of Hie Superior t onri of Mont
gomery county in Hook *V". page,
gill, tiie undcrsign.-d will -ell, at
public* sale, at the court lions. in
said county, during the legal hours
of sale, on tin- Ist Tuesday in Decern -
ber, I win, to file highest bidder for
ca«h, the following property, to-wit :
Lot of land Number s.-o-n (7) in
Eleventh tilth) Land District >d
Montgomery county . said .State, con
taining Two 11 limit ed. Two and ()m
Half acre*, more of less, for tin* pm
pose of paying a certain p.'omi--m .
note, bearing date of May the 21 I*.
I'.Sto, and payable on the Ist da.. of
December, 190&, and made and exe
cuted by tin* said H. \V. .S>-g!<*r;
said note t.eing for One Hundred and
Forty-three ill M.noi Dollar . p i'
cipai, stipulating for inteie-t from
maturity t.t the rat.- of a per cent,
ner annum, and 10 per cent attorney -
fees, tin total atnonut due ,m said
note being ♦ l2Hox. principal, p 12 . it-.
interest and $20.5*. I attorney - fees,
with t lie cost of this pi oceedi.i ’, as
provided in -aid mortgage. A con
veyance will be executed to the pur
chaser by the undersigned, a .i
--f.lioti/.ed in the -aid mortgage I'lns
tin: “til day of Xovembei . I‘,do.
<:. H. Wool. ii.
Wooten A Mann, Atiys.
Georgia—Montgomery County
Whereas. Jesse L. Yarltrougli. ad
ministrator of the estate of Moolah
It. Yarbrough, has applied to no- for
leave to sell all of the rea 1 . state **l
said deceased, tills is therefore to
cite all persons concerned to file
their objections, if any they have,
on or before the first Monday in De
cember, next, else the application
will be granted us applied for. This
the 7th day of November. Hilo.
Alex McArthur,
Cit at ion.
j (leoi gia—Montgomery (‘minty.
Whereas, J. A. Livingston, adtnin
istratioruf file estate of Mary I
Livingston, late of -aid county de
ceased, represents to the Court in
his petition, duly filed and entered
on record, that lie has fully adminis
tered said estate according In law
and applies for lei ters of d ismission ;
this is therefore to .it.- all persons
concerned to show cause if any they
can on or by the first Monday in
miter, htlu. why said applica
i tion should not be granted as prayed
for. This ihe7i h day of November.
1910. Alex McArthur,
Administrator’s Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery < 'minty.
i'lidcr and by virtue of an order
granted by the t ours of Ordinary ol
stiid county, will be sold on the first
Tuesday in December. 1910. before
tin* court bouse dom in said comity.
between the legal hours <d -ale. to
tin* highest and best bidder, tin* tol
ly wing described property to-wit:
One half Lor of Land Number
Ifd in tile Sixth Land district of said
county and suit-, and being the
south-east side of said lot. Also 50
acres of Lot of Land No. tsl in the
Sixth land district of said county,
| the stum- beingcut ..if from the north
east of said lot. terms cu b.
L. S. Adam.
A dr. Estate of W. T. K Adams.
~' - - '
Administrator’s Sale.
Georgia -.Montgomery Comfy.
Under and by virtue of ait order
granted by the court of ordinary of
sttid county, will be sold on tin* lirst
Tuesday in December, next, before
the court house door in said county,
to the highest and host bidder for
cash, tlie following property to wit -
Fifty acres of land more or less,
situated and being in 12215* district
(i. M d -aid county and state, and
bounded as followg:Oii the north In
lands of H.-rscbel and Robert Wil
liams. on the »*ast by lands <,| li. and
it Williams and t . Waller and
on Ibe sout (i by lands of \aron Bak
er and on tin* west by lands of \\ .
C. McCrimmon. Sold as the proper
ty of the es'nfe ot Mary Hell.- Fuller
for distribution and payment of debt.
.1. F. (..mart ie,
Adr. Mary Belle Fuller.
Year's Support.
Georgia—Montgomery ('outuy.
Rachel Moseley having made ap
plication for twelve months support
out of the estate of F. Moseley,
and appraisers duly appointed for
valuation and setting apart having
tiled their return, all persons are
hereby required to show cause be
fore rile court of ordinary on the first
1 Monday in December, 1910, why
] said application should not be grant
**.l. This the 7ib day of November,
1910, Alex McArthur. Ordinary.
Sheriff Sale.
I Oe « vU—Montgomery t*.
i Willin’ set 1 before tie- It ";-, . I..*»i in
Mt Vernon ,y. the 1i... Tu, -dvv u> Oee, ,
1910, l»t tween tl**- 1.-val lours ,»t , .o 11.«
login »t bidder f"i cash, certain proper! v, of
wtueii tl..* follow UV I- a complete dt-aovdpi. •>:<
Oiiu_oertain Ho burse power boiler
and one A", horse power engine. and
known as Hi. R. B. Douglas engine
and I toilet. Said property being of
‘ a weighty and cumbersome uatin*■.
will not be exposed for -ale a the
court house, but may b. inspected
by prospective buyer- at tin- mill
site of C. M. Williams on 'hewe-t
side of the county. Sale will beet
feefed in usual mantiei of st.erilf
sale*. Levied on and will in soldns
the property of C. M. Williams to
satisfy and execution issued from
the Miperior court of -tiitl county in
favor of Hunter-lb tin Cc < ■. v-C. M.
Williams. Levy made and retui tied
to me by F. K. Forrester, deputy
sheriff, and written noth service
given a- required by law. i’his the
Ist day of November. I9Jo.
Jas. Hester, Sheriff.
M. B, Calhoun. A tty. for I*l tT.
® §§
£s t£ss*>> '©©^st©'©m©'o':©;:© 7 © v ©©:©) §
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I --v - t% i I
£g We’ve a most interesting puzzle for you to solve—and each |§
S] little girl will he given a most interesting li-tle booklet fully ||
j|? explaining th<* juizzle and telling her how she can make the ||
little Buck's range shown in the picture her little range. §
i I
& 'This interesting puzzle contest will close Nov. 25th.
0 Come now, girls. (*et your puzzle and hook and get busy. §|
If * . §
|| Come at once to the store and learn all about it. ||
1 •., MT. VERNON, GA. I
M 8
Administrator’s Sale.
| (jorgia-—Montgomery County.
1 'iiclt*r and by virtue of an order |
granted ny the eonrt of Ordiiinuy of'i
! said county, will he sold on the first
Tuesday in Deeenitoer, lltlo, between
* the legal hours of sale, to the highest
; and host bidder for cash, before the I
| court house door, the foil nving do- J
i scribed property so-wit . A one half \
j interest in tiStl acres of land, hounded i
las follows: On the north by lands of j
1 \Y. Me A rtliur. on file south j
by lands >1.1.0. M e All isi erf on 1 1 1 * ■ J
i eiisi by lands of .1. .1. Moses and on j
t the west by w.aters of the Oconee ,
river. Also one oilier trad contain-|
j ing ifiM) aeres. and hounded on the
north by lands of t harlolte Mobley,
on the east bv la nils of R. 11. Mob
ley anti on the south and west by
j lands of A. y.. Moses and <'. Morris.
I .Vise eight acres lying in titcTown of
I ( It a i lot te, hot tndta I north by lands of j
| .1.1,. Adams, on the east and south j
by lands of.l. H. Mobley and on the;
west by the (ieorgiii A Florida right.- i
I of -way. Alai twenty town lots in the >
I Toe'll of Charlotte, hounded north by
j lands of .1. L. Adams, on the ea <t tiy I
(ieorgiii A Florida road and on tile,
> south and west by lands of <'barlotie •
j Mobley. Also one Imndred acres of
j l.iild lying on the west side of llle I
j Oconee river, known as lot No. in j
| the Sixth land district of said county, i
land bounded north by lands of Frankj
i Nails and Ihe estate of .1. J . Mobley, j
; Also three acres at Mobley’s Ferry ;
j oil the west side of the (teonee l iver. I
| Terms cash. Sold as the property of;
| the estate of John K. Mobley.
Jt. 11 Mobley.
W illie T. Me \ri bur.
! Admitiist tutors of the Kstate of John >
; K. Mobley.
i ■■ 1 m _
Sheriff Sale.
j Georgia Montgomery (minty.
Will *cl«l before he court- house door in j
| Ml. Vernon on tin* tirst Tuesday in Dee.. ;
I DUO, between the legal hours of sale, to the
j highest bidder fm cash, certain ui••pet ty, of
which the following is a eonipletcAliseriiilifm:
j All that tract- or parcel of land
j lying and being in the S ■>th district
j (\. >l. of saitl comity and state, and
' bounded as follows; On lie north by
: lands of K. N. Youmans. on the ea-t ,
i by lands of K. S. (sibbs, on t In* south
ti\ lauds of K. S. (iibhs and H.'.l.
i (filths mid on (be west by lands of
Anna Peterson, containing Inn acres
i more or less, and being a portion of <
f rhe Hiram (iibhs, Sr., plantation,
the southern boundary being a
branch running cast and west, levied
on and will be sold in the property:
of 11. J.nibbs to satisfy an evecu
tion issued f om tin 1 superior conn
of said county in favor of (tildes Ma
chinery Vo. vs (iibhs & Hibbs. M..J.
•Gibb* security. I’oinfed out for levy,
by plaintiff's attorney, and in the
possi ssioa of R. N N oilmans. W'ir
teii notice of levy given as ncjiiio'd
by law. 1 hi- llie Ist day of Novem
ber, lit in. James Hester.
M. R. Calbmm. Ally, for I‘lffs.
For f‘> lets. you can get six cakes
of Palmolive soap with a oOrts.,
box of Palmolive Cream, Free at t
i Palmer Di ug store.
C ! -'..yV , Service proves they ARE
*. 1 Every HUB SKoe
wX They show quality in every line, and their
4 style is correct in every detail.
i\ " They wear as weil as they look. We sell ** Ihe
pick of the Hock."
/HUB Shoes ‘ HELEN HUNT Dress Shoe, built for Service. $2.50 ■
1 Women } QUEEN ROSALIND,.'" $3.00 I
4 HU3 Shoes RIGHT ROYAL A R°y»l Shoe— Tried and True $3.50 M
f or cs.idr.nj Any HUB Brand SKoe [-For chiidr^^^
I j Glenwood, Georgia.
We have just received our first ear
load of horses and mules, and have them on
sale at our large new stables. This is a bet
ter grade of stock than is usually sold in this
county, and includes some horses of superior
qualities. See them as once.
Mount Vernon, Ga.
- - - I! I! ll.■ ■ 111.—1.1 ■■■'■— .1— ■HlM—■!■■■» I .
Eugene Talmadge, BLACKSMITH - SHOP
Attorney at Law, - All kinds Repair Work. Iron
and Wood. Fine line of B cycle
ML VERNON, GA. * Material on hand. High-Grude
Repair W„rk on Bicycles, Sewing
\I 1> Hi] nnrv Machines, Guns, Revolvers and
* *• 11 x * Clocks. See tne before placing
4 a.a , | j ..... vour work ; I will save you money.
‘U Work promptly and neatly done
Mt. Vernon, . Georgi a . J. SELLERS, : : AILEY, QA